Another word for taken away


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Synonyms for Taken away. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

Synonyms for Taken away. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Taken away. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for take away, like: carry off, remove, detract, deduct, take from, take out, bear-away, withdraw, carry away, and bring.

Likewise, What are your take away from the lesson?

The take-away is the main point of something, like a lesson or presentation, to learn and remember. An example of the take away is when your boss gives a 20 minute lecture but at the end says « so, basically just remember if you are late you are fired. »

Also, How successful is distance learning?

“Research generally shows that online learning can be as effective as in-person instruction, if you have a good setup,” Gill says. … What’s more, online learning programs that were working before coronavirus might not be as effective without teacher support and the structure of in-person learning.

Secondly, What does take away mean in math?

The process of subtracting something. To take away is to subtract. Math Games for Kids.

Furthermore How do you write a key takeaway example? More Tips for Writing Takeaways

  1. Use Strong Verbs. …
  2. Consider Both Internal and External Actions. …
  3. Avoid “Yes” or “No” Takeaways. …
  4. Use the Most Appropriate Format. …
  5. Use the Most Appropriate Point of View. …
  6. Use the Most Appropriate Length.

What are the disadvantages of distance learning?

Top 10 Disadvantages of Distance Learning

  • Difficulty Staying Motivated. …
  • Difficulty Staying in Contact with Instructors. …
  • Difficulty Interacting with Peers. …
  • Difficulty Staying Connected at All Times. …
  • Difficulty Getting Immediate Feedback. …
  • Difficulty Completing all Courses for a Degree.

What are the pros and cons of distance learning?

5 Pros and Cons for Studying a Distance Learning Degree in 2021

  • Online courses are very flexible. …
  • You can learn and earn. …
  • Forget about geographical boundaries! …
  • Get educated even with a tight budget. …
  • Online courses help you become tech-savvy. …
  • Questioning quality. …
  • Not enough student accountability.

How do I get the best out of distance learning?

10 top tips for remote learning

  1. Have a routine. …
  2. Communicate with your lecturers and classmates. …
  3. Practice mindfulness and be kind to yourself. …
  4. Create a work environment. …
  5. Get out of your pyjamas and have breakfast. …
  6. Make sure you’ve planned your lunch in advance. …
  7. Cancel out distractions. …
  8. Adjusting to online lectures.

What is the number being subtracted called?

Formally, the number being subtracted is known as the subtrahend, while the number it is subtracted from is the minuend. The result is the difference.

What does difference mean in math?

So what does the word ‘difference’ mean in math? Difference is the result of subtracting one number from another. … So, difference is what is left of one number when subtracted from another. In a subtraction equation, there are three parts: The minuend (the number being subtracted from)

How do you use key takeaway in a sentence?

Here are five key takeaways from the double byelection bill: 1. So instead of a tidy bow, here are eight key takeaways from the series. To get the ball rolling, we’ve rounded up five key takeaways from the debate. Tomorrow we’ll share some of the key takeaways from the summit.

What are your key takeaways?

Answer. To cut to the chase, “key takeaway” refers to any learning point or even teaching moment from a real-life experience. It can also come from reading or observation, or attending a seminar or conference, or even from a small talk encounter.

How do you use takeaway in a sentence?

Examples of takeaway in a Sentence

We ordered some Chinese takeaway. She works in a Chinese takeaway. He leads the league in takeaways. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘takeaway.

Is distance degree valid?

“All degrees, diplomas and certificates, including technical education degrees and diplomas awarded through open and distance-learning mode of education by universities established by an Act of Parliament or state legislature, institutions deemed to be universities under Section 3 of the UGC Act and institutions of …

Is distance education Good or bad?

Flexibility: You can earn while you learn! It is the biggest advantage of distance learning. Distance learning gives you the opportunity to focus on other things along with your graduation. If you believe in gathering practical experience while studying, then distance learning is the best option for you.

Who benefits from distance learning?

Distance Learning Teaches Time Management and Other Skills

Students who had otherwise busy schedules now have much more time available to them due to the closing of school activities. Distance learning forces a student to understand the best ways they learn and implement those ways at the best times.

Is distance education equal to regular?

It said the degrees of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) institutions registered under the erstwhile Distance Education Council (DEC) or the commission, in conformity with UGC Notification on Specification of Degrees, should be treated as equivalent to the corresponding awards of the Degree or Diploma or Certificate of …

Why distance learning is not good?

1. Chances of distraction high: With no faculty around for face-to-face interaction and no classmates who can help with constant reminders about pending assignments, the chances of getting distracted and losing track of deadlines are high.

What are the 5 ways of learning?

There are five established learning styles: Visual, auditory, written, kinesthetic and multimodal.

How do you manage distance learning?

Distance Learning Tips

  1. Establish routines and expectations. …
  2. Choose a good place to learn. …
  3. Stay in touch. …
  4. Help students ‘own’ their learning. …
  5. Begin and end the day by checking-in. …
  6. Establish times for quiet and reflection. …
  7. Encourage physical activity and exercise. …
  8. Manage stress and make the most of an unusual situation.

When 1 is subtracted from a number we get its?

When 1 is subtracted from any number, the difference equals the predecessor of the number.

What does Dffer mean?

1a : to be unlike or distinct in nature, form, or characteristics the law of one state differs from that of another. b : to change from time to time or from one instance to another : vary the number of cookies in a box may differ.

What is the difference of 5 and 3?

if we are told to find the difference between 3 and 5, then we usually subtract 3 from 5 ,5-3=2 and thus, we say that the difference is 2.

What are takeaways in writing?

Writing a takeaway is the most practical step in devotional writing. The devotional’s takeaway, also called the “application,“ is the third element in the 3-part structure. The takeaway gives the reader something to “do” – an action step she can take in order to apply the devotional point.

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What is another word for taken away?

59 synonyms found


[ tˈe͡ɪkən ɐwˈe͡ɪ], [ tˈe‍ɪkən ɐwˈe‍ɪ], [ t_ˈeɪ_k_ə_n ɐ_w_ˈeɪ]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    deflected (adjective)

    • diverted.

    diverted (adjective)

    • changed,
    • entertained,
    • Sidetracked,
    • Preempted,
    • Averted,
    • used,
    • amused.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • taken over,
    • rechanneled,
    • rebudgeted,
    • reclassified,
    • redirected,
    • turned aside.
  • n.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • lifeless,
    • Demised,
    • Deleted,
    • sainted,
    • Absconded,
    • Reposing.
  • prep.

    from (preposition)

    • Against.

    Other relevant words: (preposition)

    • in distinction to,
    • out of possession of,
    • From.
  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • deceased,
    • Non-existent,
    • defunct,
    • absent,
    • Martyred,
    • finished,
    • missing,
    • asleep,
    • vanished,
    • sleeping,
    • done for,
    • nonexistent,
    • lacking,
    • late,
    • fallen,
    • no more,
    • away,
    • without life,
    • at rest,
    • Croaked,
    • stillborn,
    • still,
    • departed,
    • gone west,
    • passed on,
    • out of sight,
    • wanting,
    • breathless,
    • bereft of life,
    • released,
    • inanimate,
    • dead,
    • subtracted,
    • dead and gone,
    • gone.

How to use «Taken away» in context?

When it comes to taking someone away, it is a moment that will be remembered for a long time to come. Whether it be for a short or long period of time, the moment when someone is taken away is a very sad one. The person who is taken away is often alone and the feeling of being taken away can be very scary. It can also be a moment that changes the person’s life forever.

There are many reasons someone might be taken away. Sometimes it is because the person is irresponsible or violent. Other times, the person is simply too sick or old to be living on their own.

  • amused
  • averted
  • changed
  • entertained
  • preempted
  • reclassified
  • redirected
  • sidetracked
  • used
  • rebudgeted
  • rechanneled
  • taken over
  • turned aside
  • against
  • in distinction to
  • out of possession of

On this page you’ll find 20 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to taken away, such as: amused, averted, changed, entertained, preempted, and reclassified.

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • amused
    • averted
    • changed
    • entertained
    • preempted
    • rebudgeted
    • rechanneled
    • reclassified
    • redirected
    • sidetracked
    • taken away
    • taken over
    • turned aside
    • used
    • against
    • in distinction to
    • out of possession of
    • taken away

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for take away, like: carry off, detract, remove, deduct, take from, take out, bear-away, bring, cart-off, bear off and carry away.

    What is your take on something?

    Yes it means “what’s your opinion?”. You might also say “what do you think?” “What’s your take on it” is usually used when asking someone what they thought of a situation, as it means”how do you see it from your viewpoint”.

    What does what’s your 10 mean?

    The phrase essentially means, “What is your location?” or “Identify your position,” but is a corrupted phrase from the original “10-20” used by law enforcement to verbally encode their radio transmissions so that non-police listeners would not easily discover police operations, as well as to communicate quicker and …

    How do you use took in a sentence?

    Took sentence example

    1. What took you so long?
    2. She grabbed the coffee cup and took a sip as she stepped around him.
    3. Edward took the paper and thanked the kind minister.
    4. He came up behind her and took the coffee cup from her hands, sitting it on the table.
    5. Alex took them all to dinner to celebrate the birth.

    Have a take on meaning?

    transitive verb. 1a : to begin to perform or deal with : undertake took on new responsibilities. b : to contend with as an opponent took on the neighborhood bully. 2 : engage, hire.

    How do you use take on?

    take something/somebodyon

    1. 1to decide to do something; to agree to be responsible for something or someone I can’t take on any extra work. We’re not taking on any new clients at present.
    2. (of a bus, plane, or ship) to allow someone or something to enter The bus stopped to take on more passengers.

    What is the difference between took and take?

    Recognize the differences in the tenses of these words. Take is a present tense verb, while took is a past tense verb. The present progressive tense is “am taking,” “is taking,” or “are taking.” The future tense is “shall take” or “will take”.

    What mean by took?

    Took is defined as to have taken something. An example of took is to have grabbed three cookies off a plate.

    Is took past or present?

    make verb forms

    Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
    take taking took

    Has have explanation?

    While the verb to have has many different meanings, its primary meaning is “to possess, own, hold for use, or contain.” Have and has indicate possession in the present tense (describing events that are currently happening). Have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they, while has is used with he, she, and it.

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