Another word for strikes

Need another word that means the same as “strikes”? Find 37 synonyms and 30 related words for “strikes” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Strikes as a Noun
  • Definitions of «Strikes» as a noun
  • Synonyms of «Strikes» as a noun (8 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Strikes» as a noun
  • Strikes as a Verb
  • Definitions of «Strikes» as a verb
  • Synonyms of «Strikes» as a verb (29 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Strikes» as a verb
  • Associations of «Strikes» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Strikes” are: hit, fall, shine, attain, chance on, chance upon, come across, come upon, discover, fall upon, happen upon, light upon, excise, expunge, scratch, come to, affect, impress, move, coin, mint, strickle, walk out, assume, take, take up, collide with, impinge on, run into, bang, smash, smasher, rap, tap, ten-strike, work stoppage

Strikes as a Noun

Definitions of «Strikes» as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “strikes” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A conspicuous success.
  • (baseball) a pitch that the batter swings at and misses, or that the batter hits into foul territory, or that the batter does not swing at but the umpire judges to be in the area over home plate and between the batter’s knees and shoulders.
  • A score in tenpins: knocking down all ten with the first ball.
  • A pitch that the batter swings at and misses, or that the batter hits into foul territory, or that the batter does not swing at but the umpire judges to be in the area over home plate and between the batter’s knees and should.
  • A group’s refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions.
  • A gentle blow.
  • An attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective.

Synonyms of «Strikes» as a noun (8 Words)

bang A conspicuous success.
They got a great bang out of it.
hit A successful and popular person or thing.
He was the director of many big hits.
rap A piece of rap or the words themselves.
He s just been acquitted on a murder rap.
smash An act or sound of something smashing.
The fullback s smash into the defensive line.
smasher A person or device that breaks something up.
Riot police had clashed with window smashers.
tap A small metal plate that attaches to the toe or heel of a shoe as in tap dancing.
Those taps produced hundreds of hours of recordings.
ten-strike A score in tenpins: knocking down all ten with the first ball.
work stoppage A manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force.

Usage Examples of «Strikes» as a noun

  • The strike was scheduled to begin at dawn.
  • This pitcher throws more strikes than balls.
  • He finished with three strikes in the tenth frame.
  • The strike lasted more than a month before it was settled.

Strikes as a Verb

Definitions of «Strikes» as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “strikes” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target.
  • Produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments.
  • Cause to experience suddenly.
  • Find unexpectedly.
  • Produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically.
  • Indicate (a certain time) by striking.
  • Arrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing.
  • Deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon.
  • Disassemble a temporary structure, such as a tent or a theatrical set.
  • Form by stamping, punching, or printing.
  • Stop work in order to press demands.
  • Smooth with a strickle.
  • Pierce with force.
  • Attain.
  • Drive something violently into a location.
  • Hit against; come into sudden contact with.
  • Produce by ignition or a blow.
  • Occupy or take on.
  • Cause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lamp.
  • Have an emotional or cognitive impact upon.
  • Touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly.
  • Affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely.
  • Remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line.

Synonyms of «Strikes» as a verb (29 Words)

affect Make believe with the intent to deceive.
The dampness began to affect my health.
assume Suppose to be the case, without proof.
The gods assume human or animal form in these fables.
attain Succeed in achieving (something that one has worked for.
He attained the rank of Brigadier.
chance on Come upon, as if by accident; meet with.
chance upon Be the case by chance.
coin Make metal into coins.
Coin phrases or words.
collide with Crash together with violent impact.
come across Come to one’s mind; suggest itself.
come to Come to pass arrive as in due course.
come upon Proceed or get along.
discover See for the first time make a discovery.
The story is false so far as I can discover.
excise Levy an excise tax on.
The surgeon excised the tumor.
expunge Remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line.
The kind of man that could expunge an unsatisfactory incident from his memory.
fall Fall from clouds.
Temperatures are going to fall to around four degrees.
fall upon Decrease in size, extent, or range.
happen upon Come into being; become reality.
hit Hit the intended target or goal.
Marius hit him in the mouth.
impinge on Impinge or infringe upon.
impress Impress positively.
They immediately impressed the judges.
light upon Make lighter or brighter.
mint Form by stamping, punching, or printing.
move Cause to move or shift into a new position or place both in a concrete and in an abstract sense.
The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant.
run into Run with the ball; in such sports as football.
scratch Play a record using the scratch technique.
Don t scratch your insect bites.
shine Make a surface shine.
His talent shines.
strickle Level off with a strickle in a measuring container.
Strickle sand.
take Be designed to hold or take.
Take steps.
take up Develop a habit.
walk out Give a base on balls to.

Usage Examples of «Strikes» as a verb

  • Strike an arc.
  • Please strike this remark from the record.
  • Strike `z’ on the keyboard.
  • Strike a bargain.
  • The opponent refused to strike.
  • We must strike the enemy’s oil fields.
  • Strike fire from the flintstone.
  • Strike a medal.
  • Strike a pose.
  • Strike a match.
  • After the show, we’ll have to strike the set and pack up.
  • The pianist strikes a middle C.
  • Strike coins.
  • Strike a balance.

Associations of «Strikes» (30 Words)

admonish Admonish or counsel in terms of someone s behavior.
He admonished the child for his bad behavior.
angrily Stormily or threateningly.
Workers reacted angrily to the announcement.
bang Leap jerk bang.
The shutter was banging in the wind.
belabor To work at or to absurd length.
She was belabored by her fellow students.
chide Censure severely or angrily.
She chided him for not replying to her letters.
clap Show approval of a person or action by clapping.
The big bird clapped its wings.
dab Hit lightly.
A dab of paint.
expostulation An exclamation of protest or remonstrance or reproof.
fumble Feel about uncertainly or blindly.
Have you ever seen him fumble a ball.
hit Hit the intended target or goal.
Few structures can withstand a hit from a speeding car.
incrimination An accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed.
His incrimination was based on my testimony.
knock Knock against with force or violence.
You ll need to knock a hole in the wall.
lambaste Censure severely or angrily.
lightning A flash or discharge of lightning.
A lightning cure for his hangover.
opprobrium Harsh criticism or censure.
The name was a by word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city.
pat Pat or squeeze fondly or playfully especially under the chin.
He patted the bench beside him and I sat down.
rap Strike a hard surface with a series of rapid audible blows especially in order to attract attention.
The label specializes in rap and modern soul.
rebuke An expression of sharp disapproval or criticism.
The judge publicly rebuked the jury.
recrimination An accusation in response to one from someone else.
There are no tears no recriminations.
remonstrate Present and urge reasons in opposition.
He turned angrily to remonstrate with Tommy.
reprimand Address a reprimand to.
Officials were reprimanded for poor work.
reproach In the Roman Catholic Church a set of antiphons and responses for Good Friday representing the reproaches of Christ to his people.
His elegance is a living reproach to our slovenly habits.
reproof Take to task.
She welcomed him with a mild reproof for leaving her alone.
reprove Reprimand (someone.
He was reproved for obscenity.
revile Spread negative information about.
He was now reviled by the party that he had helped to lead.
scold A person who nags or grumbles constantly (typically used of a woman.
He scolded about anything that he thought was wrong.
scolding Rebuking a person harshly.
She d get a scolding from Victoria.
tap A taproom.
Clients from industry seeking to tap Edinburgh s resources of expertise.
upbraid Find fault with (someone); scold.
He was upbraided for his slovenly appearance.
vilify Speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner.
He has been vilified in the press.

What is another word for Strike?

  • continue, take industrial action

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[ stɹˈa͡ɪks], [ stɹˈa‍ɪks], [ s_t_ɹ_ˈaɪ_k_s]

Table of Contents

  • n.

    impulses (noun)

    • motivations,
    • slings,
    • jolts,
    • pushes,
    • pokes,
    • pitches,
    • jerks,
    • bumps,
    • Shots,
    • punches,
    • prods,
    • shoves,
    • impulses,
    • jogs,
    • knocks,
    • nudges.

    offenses (noun)

    • offences,
    • invasions,
    • onslaughts.
  • v.

    attacks (verb)

    • hammers,
    • Charges,
    • invades,
    • lunges,
    • Rapes,
    • slashes,
    • trounces,
    • fights,
    • Violates,
    • scarifies,
    • hits,
    • flays,
    • savages,
    • scorches,
    • combats,
    • raids,
    • assails,
    • lashes,
    • harries,
    • assaults,
    • scathes,
    • thrusts,
    • batters,
    • bombards,
    • barrages,
    • storms,
    • attacks,
    • pounds,
    • Riots.

    motivates (verb)

    • prompts,
    • provokes,
    • energizes,
    • ferments,
    • forces,
    • magnetizes,
    • fires,
    • throws,
    • heaves,
    • stimulates,
    • goads,
    • rams,
    • hastens,
    • moves,
    • triggers,
    • foments,
    • propels,
    • lobs,
    • induces,
    • Drives,
    • flings,
    • impels,
    • catapults,
    • encourages,
    • launches,
    • instigates,
    • motivates,
    • entices,
    • jostles,
    • shoots,
    • inspires,
    • hurls,
    • urges,
    • hurtles.

    obliterates (verb)

    • deletes,
    • edits,
    • expunges,
    • omits,
    • censors,
    • eradicates,
    • cuts,
    • erases,
    • annihilates,
    • obliterates,
    • annuls,
    • eliminates,
    • expurgates,
    • cancels.
  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words:

    • fella,
    • rag,
    • name calling,
    • damp,
    • chap,
    • flail,
    • drudgery,
    • take up,
    • chance on,
    • comminute,
    • all in,
    • time and time again,
    • acts of the apostles,
    • screwball,
    • nail,
    • atomise,
    • round the bend,
    • looney,
    • batty,
    • beaten-up,
    • lash,
    • swot,
    • ticktock,
    • on occasion,
    • chew out,
    • dumbfound,
    • pulverisation,
    • snap off,
    • burst,
    • better,
    • pink,
    • onrush,
    • nerd,
    • exhaust,
    • basting,
    • break dance,
    • outmatch,
    • enamored,
    • overmaster,
    • shell,
    • baffle,
    • fruity,
    • achy,
    • gap,
    • bonkers,
    • dweeb,
    • excel,
    • ache,
    • flea-bitten,
    • erupt,
    • transgress,
    • give way,
    • from time to time,
    • break out,
    • reprimand,
    • prisonbreak,
    • dozens,
    • pick apart,
    • now and again,
    • gain ground,
    • demented,
    • figure out,
    • cracked,
    • meter,
    • pound,
    • outperform,
    • pulverization,
    • get ahead,
    • divulge,
    • jaw,
    • cream,
    • bump,
    • gnarly,
    • welt,
    • eruption,
    • get out,
    • beat out,
    • deliver the goods,
    • cheat on,
    • check,
    • slug,
    • strike hard,
    • plan of attack,
    • mosh,
    • loony,
    • thresh about,
    • dead,
    • come apart,
    • shoot,
    • beat-up,
    • amaze,
    • fault,
    • give out,
    • convulse,
    • balmy,
    • metre,
    • debacle,
    • vex,
    • conk out,
    • work stoppage,
    • let on,
    • piles,
    • clap,
    • loopy,
    • pest,
    • shift,
    • jibe,
    • crackers,
    • whip,
    • surmount,
    • bedraggled,
    • tucker,
    • bankrupt,
    • gravel,
    • barmy,
    • buggy,
    • tumble-down,
    • weakly,
    • tick,
    • kookie,
    • beatnik,
    • bat,
    • beat up,
    • fall in,
    • best,
    • slash,
    • call on the carpet,
    • flap,
    • payoff,
    • cane,
    • prison-breaking,
    • nuts,
    • drudge,
    • develop,
    • ruin,
    • overpower,
    • lashings,
    • loco,
    • issue,
    • recess,
    • split up,
    • shattered,
    • thrash about,
    • unbalanced,
    • labor,
    • crack,
    • breaking,
    • outsmart,
    • bash,
    • infract,
    • happen upon,
    • moil,
    • bring out,
    • acquire,
    • rhythm,
    • whacking,
    • move,
    • clobber,
    • knobbed,
    • of necessity,
    • mash,
    • ratty,
    • brainsick,
    • punch,
    • mad,
    • cadence,
    • break up,
    • nonplus,
    • trump,
    • whelm,
    • assume,
    • takings,
    • intermit,
    • bawl out,
    • gent,
    • bray,
    • knotty,
    • good time,
    • recrudesce,
    • strickle,
    • falling out,
    • darnel,
    • chouse,
    • earn,
    • bewilder,
    • smash,
    • onslaught,
    • set on,
    • bunk,
    • weak,
    • kooky,
    • vaporize,
    • half-baked,
    • feeble,
    • tacking,
    • biff,
    • drown,
    • slaughter,
    • cranch,
    • vanquish,
    • wear,
    • outstrip,
    • collapse,
    • blare,
    • once in a while,
    • fracture,
    • go against,
    • lacing,
    • happy chance,
    • return,
    • breakage,
    • puzzle out,
    • thrashing,
    • split,
    • wear out,
    • scoop,
    • time and again,
    • nuke,
    • moth-eaten,
    • potty,
    • measure,
    • scold,
    • work out,
    • impress,
    • open frame,
    • gadfly,
    • perplex,
    • lad,
    • run into,
    • approach,
    • pillory,
    • assault,
    • expose,
    • derelict,
    • trickster,
    • walloping,
    • micro-cook,
    • travail,
    • scratch,
    • tucker out,
    • toil,
    • over and over,
    • lash out,
    • come to,
    • outwit,
    • pulsation,
    • soft on,
    • severance,
    • knock down,
    • work,
    • overcome,
    • get around,
    • unhinged,
    • garner,
    • rebuke,
    • affect,
    • wild,
    • mystify,
    • interruption,
    • atomize,
    • die,
    • onset,
    • take to task,
    • discredited,
    • broken wind,
    • stupefy,
    • clout,
    • lights-out,
    • tack,
    • collide with,
    • overreach,
    • part,
    • knotted,
    • go,
    • cuss,
    • licking,
    • time out,
    • call down,
    • bust,
    • unwrap,
    • beatniks,
    • outfox,
    • nutcase,
    • solve,
    • overtake,
    • whack,
    • outgo,
    • attain,
    • flack,
    • throb,
    • bang,
    • whang,
    • excise,
    • shine,
    • smitten,
    • afflict,
    • pained,
    • winnings,
    • fail,
    • stand out,
    • tare,
    • ten-strike,
    • chide,
    • let out,
    • lap,
    • loads,
    • pose,
    • flummox,
    • rift,
    • roast,
    • boom,
    • profits,
    • belt,
    • soften,
    • fellow,
    • advance,
    • poke,
    • necessarily,
    • donkeywork,
    • batter,
    • get,
    • ramshackle,
    • break in,
    • lam,
    • rickety,
    • transcend,
    • chicane,
    • break off,
    • light upon,
    • coin,
    • flap down,
    • aggress,
    • bearded darnel,
    • dig,
    • salt lick,
    • wonk,
    • gaga,
    • rafts,
    • scramble,
    • blow,
    • stop,
    • swindle,
    • berate,
    • criticize,
    • cheating,
    • beguiler,
    • pass by,
    • beating,
    • scads,
    • taken with,
    • kick downstairs,
    • discontinue,
    • slews,
    • attempt,
    • tap,
    • pulse,
    • circumvent,
    • ticktack,
    • pass,
    • sick,
    • go past,
    • sweep,
    • softheaded,
    • wads,
    • run-down,
    • tatty,
    • lots,
    • stacks,
    • laid low,
    • weaken,
    • nutty,
    • rig,
    • offend,
    • cuckold,
    • thump,
    • lap up,
    • creaky,
    • break of serve,
    • gobs,
    • give,
    • toss,
    • walk out,
    • impinge on,
    • smasher,
    • woebegone,
    • bushed,
    • puzzle,
    • in love,
    • struck,
    • pull ahead,
    • knocking,
    • round,
    • betray,
    • whacky,
    • outflank,
    • tons,
    • fag,
    • wander,
    • hitter,
    • lather,
    • remonstrate,
    • fire,
    • shaft,
    • dress down,
    • work over,
    • over and over again,
    • give away,
    • take,
    • crucify,
    • slam dance,
    • oodles,
    • stick,
    • break down,
    • reveal,
    • expunge,
    • around the bend,
    • pause,
    • wash up,
    • jockey,
    • musical rhythm,
    • fall upon,
    • cheater,
    • strap,
    • lambaste,
    • deceiver,
    • gain,
    • make headway,
    • barb,
    • broken-down,
    • wacky,
    • have words,
    • criticise,
    • weirdo,
    • breakout,
    • microwave,
    • whipping,
    • drum,
    • succeed,
    • breach,
    • grate,
    • mint,
    • disclose,
    • trouncing,
    • lecture,
    • yield,
    • travel by,
    • bloke,
    • fall apart,
    • basting stitch,
    • crunch,
    • chess,
    • shot,
    • come upon,
    • tone-beginning,
    • relegate,
    • top,
    • interrupt,
    • break-dance,
    • waterfall,
    • dampen,
    • go by,
    • bring home the bacon,
    • good luck,
    • mill,
    • lambast,
    • violate,
    • chew up,
    • go bad,
    • tatterdemalion,
    • disruption,
    • jailbreak,
    • haywire,
    • rap,
    • respite,
    • inevitably,
    • gibe,
    • offended,
    • chance upon,
    • thresh,
    • gaolbreak,
    • discover,
    • rupture,
    • pesterer,
    • suspension,
    • heaps,
    • craunch,
    • cave in,
    • come across,
    • submerge,
    • afflicted,
    • sweep over,
    • quiver,
    • screw,
    • daft,
    • infirm,
    • come through,
    • dotty,
    • flak,
    • slicker,
    • savage,
    • crush,
    • jactitate,
    • flood out,
    • heartbeat,
    • plodding,
    • feller,
    • gust,
    • founder,
    • intermission,
    • disturbed,
    • demote,
    • overstep,
    • separate,
    • chisel,
    • rip off,
    • ping,
    • uncover,
    • labour,
    • fall,
    • beat generation,
    • break away,
    • sapless,
    • deluge,
    • snipe,
    • geological fault,
    • thrum.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • butts,
    • removes,
    • dabs,
    • imparts,
    • goes,
    • infects,
    • falls,
    • conducts,
    • blighter,
    • flushes,
    • beaten,
    • crazy,
    • Plays,
    • engages,
    • proceeds,
    • reaches,
    • Claps,
    • acquires,
    • HEWS,
    • spanks,
    • slaps,
    • infatuated,
    • Studies,
    • Mutinies,
    • assail,
    • concerns,
    • bludgeons,
    • outdo,
    • breaks,
    • Films,
    • sees,
    • rushes,
    • names,
    • ragged,
    • charters,
    • drubbing,
    • catches,
    • dismantles,
    • now and then,
    • HIT,
    • Kicks,
    • reveals,
    • presumes,
    • admits,
    • smashes,
    • decreases,
    • Knockings,
    • asks,
    • pulsate,
    • holds,
    • beater,
    • Tallies,
    • slam,
    • claims,
    • flows,
    • aching,
    • Polishes,
    • battered,
    • thrash,
    • Boots,
    • bruised,
    • fills,
    • shabby,
    • trains,
    • SOCKS,
    • aims,
    • Strokes,
    • shams,
    • Drubber,
    • pecks,
    • clashes,
    • zap,
    • beams,
    • Coins,
    • often enough,
    • stabs,
    • haves,
    • shocks,
    • Keys,
    • surpass,
    • Carries,
    • cuffs,
    • Bears,
    • smooths,
    • crashes,
    • knaps,
    • draws,
    • JABS,
    • leads,
    • exposes,
    • issues,
    • absorbs,
    • thrills,
    • returns,
    • consumes,
    • again and again,
    • acts,
    • shines,
    • tattered,
    • encounters,
    • descends,
    • pertains,
    • raps,
    • occasionally,
    • gnarled,
    • spigots,
    • imprints,
    • notices,
    • knock,
    • runs,
    • relates,
    • damaged,
    • smacks,
    • stricken,
    • arrogates,
    • bangs,
    • picks,
    • Travels,
    • revives,
    • IMPACTS,
    • adopts,
    • sinks,
    • clouts,
    • glistens,
    • SUCKS,
    • starts,
    • Hires,
    • necessitates,
    • trounce,
    • thrashes,
    • Comes,
    • flogs,
    • reads,
    • seizes,
    • impinges,
    • beatings,
    • radiates,
    • cracks,
    • scores,
    • glitters,
    • hangs,
    • blasts,
    • decrepit,
    • demands,
    • blows,
    • excises,
    • packs,
    • declares,
    • displaces,
    • takes,
    • rings,
    • striker,
    • injured,
    • reflects,
    • win,
    • subscribes,
    • deals,
    • overwhelm,
    • PIPS,
    • SCOOPS,
    • whips,
    • Lights,
    • drub,
    • borrows,
    • beats,
    • sounds,
    • break,
    • meets,
    • smite,
    • prints,
    • clubs,
    • buys,
    • discovers,
    • strike,
    • thuds,
    • swipes,
    • settles,
    • eruptions,
    • DONS,
    • buffets,
    • glows,
    • taps,
    • pierces,
    • beat,
    • Murders,
    • slams,
    • sometimes,
    • glints,
    • dilapidated,
    • Chops,
    • attack,
    • pelts,
    • defeats,
    • needs,
    • imbibes,
    • dispatches,
    • touches,
    • leases,
    • involves,
    • whacks,
    • SORBS,
    • thumps,
    • precipitates,
    • grind,
    • impugn,
    • regards,
    • amazes,
    • Affects,
    • Impugner,
    • mints,
    • slays,
    • blames,
    • bashes,
    • hydrants,
    • contracts,
    • bats,
    • belts,
    • cheat,
    • lick,
    • blast,
    • makes,
    • gleams,
    • guides,
    • Boxes,
    • usurps,
    • baste,
    • discloses,
    • finds,
    • Pats,
    • collisions,
    • flog,
    • chimes,
    • at times,
    • Gains,
    • collides,
    • accrues,
    • feigns,
    • smashers,
    • exceed,
    • simulates,
    • attains,
    • resumes,
    • rents,
    • pretends,
    • overheads.

How to use «Strikes» in context?

There have been Strikes throughout history. They have ranged from small walkouts to complete work stoppages. There are many reasons for a strike. Some workers may feel that their union has not been effective in negotiating a satisfactory contract and thus choose to take action. Others may feel that their job is too dangerous or miserable to continue working. Still others may believe that the company’s policies are unfair and refuse to participate in them. Whatever the reason, strikes can have a powerful impact on both the workers involved and the overall economy.

Paraphrases for Strikes:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Forward Entailment

    • Proper noun, plural
    • Proper noun, singular
      attack, attacks.
    • Noun, plural
      actions, attacks, bumps.
    • Verb, 3rd person singular present
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Proper noun, plural
    • Proper noun, singular
    • Noun, plural
    • Verb, 3rd person singular present
  • Independent

    • Proper noun, singular
      brush, cancel, combat, crackdown, curb, fight, fighting, recorded, register, scores, sign, suppress, tackle, tackling, tuesday, Combating, Floods, Records, Wounds, drops, cancels, extends, annuls, sets, criticizes, injures, posts, countering, fights, jolts, signs, rips, rocks, hammers, assails, raps, shoots, combatting.
    • Noun, plural
      acts, aerial, burns, effects, force, innings, iraq, iraqi, marks, needless, odds, operations, scores, sept, tactics, times, troops, Atrocities, Beaches, Buttons, Deficiencies, Fatalities, Injuries, Irregularities, Ones, Opportunities, Penalties, Robberies, Shots, Tests, Combating, Keys, Advertisements, Aggressions, Behaviors, Crimes, Exercises, Missions, Outbreaks, Seizures, Strains, Strokes, Torts, Wounds, cuts, deviations, distortions, errors, faults, mistakes, occurs, disputes, counts, abuses, violations, wrongs, touches, breaches, deals, accidents, chances, demands, notices, episodes, indictments, attempts, exploits, jobs, fires, moves, sentences, cautions, alerts, condemnations, admonitions, warnings, attackers, announcements, advisories, caveats, tries, events, workers, shocks, jolts, rattles, targets, bombers, bells, calls, birds, points, amounts, bits, failures, collisions, rocks, represents, bullets, rockets, busts, experiments, reporters, struggles, processes, punches, rounds, swings, fits, items, tricks, assaults, invasions, offences, onslaughts, infractions, infringements, offenses, outrages, transgressions, repercussions, fouls, bursts, crashes, slaps, shores, battles, sounds, convictions, flicks, launches, throws, encroachments, revolutions, incidents, worlds, sins, setbacks, intrusions, ADS, PROSPECTS, BRICKS, INROADS, PAROS, raiders, varnishes, warplanes, explosions, failings, gunshots, crackdowns, fucks, disclaimers, chimes, misdeeds, salvoes, homers, contraventions, coups, targeting, advices, forays, shutdowns, incursions, unionists, sorties, brushstrokes, airlines, notifications, reminders, shellings, impactors, cyber-attacks, is, behaviours, gunships, wrongdoings, misdemeanours, airraids.
    • Verb, 3rd person singular present
      attained, contrary, coverage, damages, falls, heading, marks, means, preserves, remains, respect, respects, stands, stays, stops, sweep, title, touch, Carries, Chops, Does, Focuses, Gives, Guarantees, Leaves, Lends, Met, N, Violates, Worries, Comes, Gains, Addresses, Affects, Bears, Faces, Institutes, Permits, Plays, Wounds, drops, goes, eliminates, crosses, disposes, diminishes, erodes, achieves, gets, obtains, secures, takes, wins, facilitates, helps, serves, sustains, tends, upholds, continues, experiences, suffers, extends, maintains, exists, occurs, prevails, resides, devastates, hurts, wears, outlines, hampers, impairs, undermines, discovers, reads, realizes, understands, inspires, receives, declines, encroaches, infringes, adheres, attaches, relates, meets, touches, breaches, affirms, stipulates, deals, acknowledges, assures, contends, declares, expresses, states, submits, assumes, believes, concludes, holds, fulfills, observes, yields, allows, lets, enters, adds, enjoys, compromises, contains, coincides, accomplishes, arrives, attains, completes, earns, succeeds, applies, signals, clarifies, describes, explains, assesses, calculates, considers, determines, evaluates, sums, thinks, drafts, blames, assigns, places, refers, sets, raises, criticizes, harms, injures, offends, stabs, afflicts, responds, posts, reacts, conducts, causes, aims, fires, concerns, appears, moves, operates, performs, enforces, generates, makes, produces, provokes, presents, engages, undertakes, pursues, passes, runs, brings, conveys, draws, demonstrates, illustrates, indicates, proves, keeps, retains, finds, fixes, charts, prepares, regulates, administers, directs, governs, leads, manages, cares, confers, informs, suggests, threatens, adopts, contributes, elaborates, offers, reveals, covers, poses, influences, forges, pertains, enables, ensures, insures, tries, confronts, skirts, seals, arouses, jolts, shakes, rattles, implements, intends, proposes, follows, seeks, calls, removes, rips, satisfies, amounts, delivers, sends, implies, collides, represents, amazes, monitors, prohibits, investigates, translates, reflects, turns, argues, protects, encounters, interferes, introduces, envisages, presupposes, depicts, inquires, displays, arises, emerges, embodies, processes, hammers, sweeps, discusses, happens, transpires, swings, formulates, builds, constitutes, articulates, rises, ascertains, asks, assails, combats, invades, says, opens, sounds, becomes, creates, looks, sees, fails, handles, feels, puts, shoots, encompasses, identifies, compiles, involves, writes, recognizes, defines, spends, infects, enacts, specifies, lays, pinpoints, impinges, jeopardizes, lies, POPS, Kicks, tackles, invokes, configures, highlights, preys, incursions, disrupts, pummels, entails, entrenches, affords, derives, imposes, prescribes, seems, is, fulfils, enshrines, focusses, recognises, penalises, realises.
  • Other Related

    • Proper noun, plural
    • Proper noun, singular
      bombardment, counter, striking.
    • Noun, plural
      blows, stoppages, beatings, IMPACTS, offensives, shootings, bombardments, sit-ins.
    • Verb, 3rd person singular present
      bombardment, punches, IMPACTS.

Homophones for Strikes:

  • storage, streak, schistorrhachis, soak through, secateurs, strix, sitotroga, storax, styrax, squeak through, sidetrack, store cheese, satirize, sagittarius, styracaceae, staircase, satiric, scatter rug, starchy, satyric, starch, strachey, see-through, storehouse, Skeeter Hawk, struck, stark, studhorse, Starkey, strake, stroke, stork, strauss, stairs, siderosis, stearic, steerage, satyriasis, sistrurus, see through, sheetrock, stargaze, Scut Work, satureja, side horse, stirk, steerageway, stress, streaky, satirise, Saiga Tatarica.

Word of the Day



Nearby words

  • strikebreakers
  • strikebreaking
  • strikeout
  • striker
  • strikers
  • Strikes
  • ‘s Gravenhage
  • (somewhere) in the middle
  • S
  • s & l
  • s & ls


  • STRIKES synonyms at
  • STRIKES synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    — STRIKES synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of STRIKES
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for STRIKES

How does the verb strike differ from other similar words?

Some common synonyms of strike are affect, impress, influence, sway, and touch. While all these words mean «to produce or have an effect upon,» strike, similar to but weaker than impress, may convey the notion of sudden sharp perception or appreciation.

struck by the solemnity of the occasion

Where would affect be a reasonable alternative to strike?

The meanings of affect and strike largely overlap; however, affect implies the action of a stimulus that can produce a response or reaction.

the sight affected her to tears

When can impress be used instead of strike?

While the synonyms impress and strike are close in meaning, impress stresses the depth and persistence of the effect.

only one of the plans impressed him

When might influence be a better fit than strike?

The words influence and strike are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, influence implies a force that brings about a change (as in nature or behavior).

our beliefs are influenced by our upbringing

In what contexts can sway take the place of strike?

The synonyms sway and strike are sometimes interchangeable, but sway implies the acting of influences that are not resisted or are irresistible, with resulting change in character or course of action.

politicians who are swayed by popular opinion

When is touch a more appropriate choice than strike?

The words touch and strike can be used in similar contexts, but touch may carry a vivid suggestion of close contact and may connote stirring, arousing, or harming.

his emotions were touched by her distress

  • beat
  • collide
  • crash
  • drive
  • force
  • knock
  • pummel
  • punch
  • smack
  • touch
  • bang
  • bash
  • bonk
  • box
  • buffet
  • chastise
  • clash
  • clobber
  • clout
  • conk
  • cuff
  • hammer
  • impel
  • percuss
  • plant
  • pop
  • pound
  • punish
  • slap
  • slug
  • sock
  • swat
  • thrust
  • thump
  • wallop
  • whop
  • boff
  • bump into
  • run into
  • smash into
  • affect
  • carry
  • get
  • hit
  • move
  • reach
  • touch
  • impress
  • influence
  • inspire
  • look
  • register
  • seem
  • sway
  • be plausible
  • come to mind
  • dawn on
  • have semblance
  • occur to
  • arrive at
  • catch
  • reach
  • seize
  • take
  • achieve
  • attain
  • effect
  • encounter
  • uncover
  • unearth
  • chance upon
  • come across
  • come upon
  • dig up
  • happen upon
  • hit upon
  • lay bare
  • light upon
  • open up
  • stumble across
  • turn up
  • afflict
  • attack
  • hit
  • invade
  • try
  • aggress
  • assail
  • assault
  • beset
  • excruciate
  • harrow
  • martyr
  • rack
  • smite
  • storm
  • torment
  • torture
  • wring
  • deal a blow
  • fall upon
  • set upon
  • negotiate
  • stage a walkout
  • strike
  • walk out
  • arbitrate
  • boycott
  • mediate
  • mutiny
  • picket
  • quit
  • resist
  • revolt
  • be on strike
  • go on strike
  • hit the bricks
  • hold out
  • refuse to work
  • sit down
  • sit in
  • slow down
  • stick out
  • tie up

On this page you’ll find 371 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to strike, such as: beat, collide, crash, drive, force, and knock.

    • fail
    • free
    • give
    • let go
    • lose
    • miss
    • misunderstand
    • offer
    • release
    • surrender
    • aid
    • make happy
    • please
    • not touch
    • comply
    • obey

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    TRY USING strike

    See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

    How to use strike in a sentence


    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • appear
    • behave
    • carry
    • carry oneself
    • carry out
    • comport
    • conduct
    • do
    • enact
    • execute
    • exert
    • function
    • give the appearance
    • go about
    • impress as
    • operate
    • perform
    • play part
    • react
    • represent oneself
    • seem
    • serve
    • strike
    • take on
    • agonize
    • annoy
    • beset
    • bother
    • burden
    • crucify
    • distress
    • grieve
    • harass
    • harrow
    • harry
    • irk
    • lacerate
    • martyr
    • oppress
    • pain
    • pester
    • plague
    • press
    • rack
    • smite
    • strike
    • torment
    • torture
    • trouble
    • try
    • vex
    • worry
    • wound
    • agonizes
    • annoys
    • besets
    • bothers
    • burdens
    • crucifies
    • distresses
    • grieves
    • harasses
    • harries
    • harrows
    • irks
    • lacerates
    • martyrs
    • oppresses
    • pains
    • pesters
    • plagues
    • presses
    • racks
    • smites
    • strikes
    • torments
    • tortures
    • tries
    • troubles
    • vexes
    • winds
    • worries
    • assail
    • assault
    • beset
    • charge
    • fight
    • go at
    • have at
    • lunge at
    • quarrel
    • storm
    • strike
    • affect
    • alarm
    • astonish
    • astound
    • bewilder
    • blow away
    • blow one’s mind
    • bowl over
    • daze
    • dumbfound
    • electrify
    • flabbergast
    • impress
    • move
    • perplex
    • put one away
    • shock
    • stagger
    • startle
    • strike
    • stun
    • stupefy
    • touch
    • affects
    • alarms
    • astonishes
    • astounds
    • bewilders
    • blows away
    • blows one’s mind
    • bowls over
    • dazes
    • dumbfounds
    • electrifies
    • flabbergasts
    • impresses
    • moves
    • perplexes
    • puts one away
    • shocks
    • staggers
    • startles
    • strikes
    • stuns
    • stupefies
    • touches

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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