Another word for stopped

What is another word for stopped?

334 synonyms found


[ stˈɒpt], [ stˈɒpt], [ s_t_ˈɒ_p_t]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    all (adjective)

    • stopped.

    at a halt (adjective)

    • blocked,
    • interrupted.

    ceased (adjective)

    • discontinued,
    • quit,
    • abandoned,
    • ended,
    • Ceased,
    • Culminated,
    • closed,
    • suspended,
    • Paused,
    • halted,
    • broken,
    • Refrained,
    • Stayed.

    closed (adjective)

    • corked,
    • obstructed,
    • choked,
    • hermetic,
    • plugged.

    congested (adjective)

    • more massed,
    • most gorged,
    • up the rafters,
    • more crammed,
    • more jamfull,
    • most choked,
    • more mobbed,
    • over-filled,
    • more overfilled,
    • most crammed,
    • most stuffed-up,
    • most plugged,
    • most massed,
    • more jam-packed,
    • most jam full,
    • most obstructed,
    • more plugged,
    • more occluded,
    • most jam-packed,
    • most occluded,
    • most jam packed,
    • more choked,
    • more gorged,
    • most gridlocked,
    • over flowing,
    • more obstructed,
    • most glutted,
    • more glutted,
    • most mobbed,
    • more stuffed up,
    • most jamfull,
    • more jam-full,
    • chockfull,
    • jam full,
    • more jam full,
    • more gridlocked,
    • jamfull,
    • most stuffed up,
    • over-flowing,
    • most overfilled,
    • up rafters,
    • most jam-full,
    • over-crowded,
    • more jam packed,
    • more stoppered,
    • stuffedup,
    • over filled,
    • more stuffed-up,
    • most stuffedup,
    • over crowded,
    • most stoppered,
    • chock full,
    • up to rafters,
    • more stuffedup.

    finished (adjective)

    • more ceased,
    • more shut,
    • more effectuated,
    • more compassed,
    • most dispatched,
    • most elaborated,
    • more terminated,
    • most terminated,
    • more concluded,
    • more dispatched,
    • more elaborated,
    • dis charged,
    • in past,
    • come an end,
    • over done,
    • most resolved,
    • most compassed,
    • most achieved,
    • re-solved,
    • most concluded,
    • come end,
    • dis-patched,
    • more consummated,
    • most ceased,
    • most consummated,
    • more performed,
    • put in to effect,
    • dis-charged,
    • more effected,
    • most effected,
    • most shut,
    • most performed,
    • more resolved,
    • dis patched,
    • most effectuated,
    • more achieved,
    • come to end.

    interrupted (adjective)

    • intermittent.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • wrapped up,
    • fettered,
    • interfered with,
    • put into effect,
    • at a standstill,
    • reined in,
    • gridlocked,
    • over and done,
    • unfluctuating,
    • Prevented,
    • in the past,
    • terminated,
    • governed,
    • tempered,
    • sewn up,
    • stoppered,
    • finished,
    • overfilled,
    • massed,
    • impeded,
    • stuffed up,
    • come to an end,
    • jam-full,
    • static,
    • standing still,
    • done with,
    • filled,
    • up to the rafters,
    • packed like sardines,
    • congested,
    • stabile,
    • deadlocked,
    • Manacled,
    • encircled,
    • stuffed-up.

    prevented (adjective)

    • pre-vented,
    • most blocked,
    • pre vented,
    • more blocked.

    restricted (adjective)

    • more foiled,
    • more stayed,
    • most hitched,
    • more deterred,
    • more hitched,
    • more manacled,
    • sur-rounded,
    • de creased,
    • re-strained,
    • sur rounded,
    • most bridled,
    • most checked,
    • most repressed,
    • more diminished,
    • most curbed,
    • most shortened,
    • de fined,
    • de-fined,
    • more encircled,
    • more fettered,
    • most foiled,
    • more impeded,
    • most moderated,
    • most chained,
    • more suppressed,
    • most secured,
    • more barred,
    • more narrowed,
    • pre-scribed,
    • most barred,
    • de-creased,
    • more curbed,
    • more tempered,
    • more repressed,
    • more shortened,
    • most impeded,
    • most defined,
    • more bridled,
    • more hampered,
    • most manacled,
    • re-pressed,
    • more decreased,
    • more defined,
    • most encircled,
    • more tethered,
    • most fettered,
    • more secured,
    • re pressed,
    • more checked,
    • most suppressed,
    • more chained,
    • most tempered,
    • most deterred,
    • most tethered,
    • most clogged,
    • most stayed,
    • re strained,
    • more clogged,
    • most diminished,
    • most hampered,
    • most decreased,
    • most narrowed,
    • more moderated.

    static (adjective)

    • more stalled,
    • most stabile,
    • most deadlocked,
    • un moving,
    • most stalled,
    • more format,
    • un-changing,
    • more deadlocked,
    • most unfluctuating,
    • most format,
    • un-varying,
    • at standstill,
    • more unfluctuating,
    • un-moving,
    • more stabile,
    • un fluctuating,
    • un-fluctuating,
    • in-active,
    • un varying,
    • un changing.
  • n.

    • cancelled,
    • cut short.

    nonmoving (noun)

    • nonmoving.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • stopped-up,
    • stopped up.

    stopped (noun)

    • unmoving.
  • v.

    ceased (verb)

    • Desisted,
    • Remitted,
    • broke.

    closed (verb)

    • bolted,
    • joined,
    • latched,
    • sealed,
    • barricaded,
    • fastened,
    • locked,
    • shut,
    • secured.

    ended (verb)

    • passed away,
    • Checkmated,
    • wound up,
    • finalized,
    • winded up,
    • deceased,
    • exited,
    • Died,
    • completed,
    • expired,
    • accomplished,
    • passed on,
    • concluded,
    • capped.

    gave up (verb)

    • surrendered,
    • Withdrew,
    • relinquished,
    • resigned,
    • gave up,
    • given up,
    • withdrawn.

    hindered (verb)

    • delayed,
    • jammed,
    • encumbered,
    • cramped,
    • Hamstrung,
    • fouled,
    • complicated,
    • crippled,
    • Dragged,
    • inhibited,
    • Caught,
    • Hindered,
    • checked,
    • tangled,
    • restricted,
    • constrained,
    • Bunged,
    • mired,
    • constipated,
    • handicapped,
    • countered,
    • restrained,
    • clogged,
    • thwarted,
    • curbed,
    • bottlenecked,
    • Dammed,
    • Hampered,
    • Detained,
    • Entrapped,
    • Snagged,
    • paralyzed,
    • snarled,
    • impaired,
    • Crimped,
    • entangled,
    • Resisted,
    • braked,
    • Deterred,
    • burdened,
    • baffled,
    • barred,
    • frustrated,
    • opposed.

    interrupted (verb)

    • relieved,
    • recessed,
    • Reprieved,
    • postponed.

    plugged (verb)

    • covered,
    • tapped.

    silenced (verb)

    • Throttled.

    stagnated (verb)

    • immobilized,
    • Stagnated,
    • Stilled,
    • Idled,
    • rested,
    • Hibernated.

    stopped (verb)

    • held,
    • Froze,
    • frozen.

How to use «Stopped» in context?

When you stop, what typically happens is your car comes to a complete stop. However, depending on the conditions of the roadway, you may also come to a complete stop by braking.

Paraphrases for Stopped:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Proper noun, singular
    • Verb, past tense
      halted, halts.
    • Verb, past participle
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Verb, past tense
      cessation, plugged.
  • Independent

    • Proper noun, singular
      cease, cessation, stopping, stops, suspend, Stalled, halts, suspends.
    • Verb, past tense
      abandoned, adopted, announced, appointed, attached, barred, blocked, breached, broke, called, cancelled, cast, cease, changed, checked, closed, completed, concluded, confirmed, continued, crossed, decided, decreased, decree, defeated, defined, delayed, demonstrated, departed, deprived, detain, detected, determined, developed, discouraged, discovered, dismissed, disrupted, docked, don, dropped, drove, dumped, expired, exposed, faded, failed, fell, felt, finished, foiled, follow, found, graduated, greater, heard, held, hung, identified, impede, imposed, increased, inhibited, interrupted, jammed, kept, landed, lay, leave, left, let, lf, lost, made, missed, more, moved, ne, opposed, outlawed, over, owed, parked, plus, pointed, prevent, prohibited, promulgated, pulled, raised, rejected, relieved, removed, rescued, reside, retired, rolled, rose, ruled, sat, saved, seized, severed, sliced, spent, split, spotted, stated, stemmed, stripped, struck, supported, suppress, suspended, terminated, timed, topped, turn, turned, Adjourned, Aimed, Allowed, Ambushed, Annulled, Approached, Arrived, Asked, Was, Became, Bequeathed, Berthed, Bisected, Came, Captured, Caused, Ceased, Challenged, Declined, Delivered, Denied, Depended, Deposited, Deterred, Did, Disagreed, Disengaged, Eliminated, Entered, Flew, Forbade, Forming, Foundered, Froze, Gave, Went, Got, Grew, Had, Happened, Hauled, Hindered, Hinged, Intercepted, Issued, Lived, Looked, Meant, Mourned, Objected, Passed, Picked, Picketed, Questioned, Ran, Reached, Refused, Remained, Rendered, Rescinded, Resulted, Searched, Sided, Slept, Slowed, Took, Talked, Terminating, Toured, Vacated, Vetoed, Visited, Walked, Were, Withdrew, Without, Yielded, no., Commented, Preventing, Proceeded, Protested, Staggered, Stagnated, Stalled, Stipulated, Stood, started, Lois, finalized, reacted, circulated, showed, immobilized, AM, GOTTA, kicked, Romero, hard-wired, laid, wound-up, ‘d, ‘m, ‘il, -do.
    • Verb, past participle
      abandoned, accepted, accrued, adapted, added, addressed, adjusted, adopted, advised, affected, anticipated, appointed, approved, arranged, attached, barred, become, blockaded, blocked, booked, breached, broken, called, cancelled, changed, charged, checked, choked, chopped, chosen, cleared, clipped, clogged, closed, come, completed, concerned, concluded, conducted, confined, constrained, contained, continued, continuing, controlled, convicted, crippled, curbed, dead, deadlocked, decided, decreed, deducted, defeated, deferred, defined, delayed, delete, demonstrated, deprived, deserted, designed, destroyed, detected, determined, developed, disabled, discarded, disconnected, discontinued, discouraged, discovered, dismissed, disposed, disqualified, disrupted, dissolved, distracted, divided, done, drawn, dropped, dumped, eased, elaborated, elapsed, embroiled, employed, encouraged, engaged, escaped, excused, exhausted, expected, expired, exposed, extinguished, faced, faded, failed, fallen, felt, figured, finished, fixed, forbidden, forecast, foreseen, forfeited, formed, formulated, forsaken, found, frozen, frustrated, given, grown, handicapped, handled, held, hired, hung, identified, impaired, impeded, imposed, imprisoned, incapacitated, included, increased, inhibited, interrupted, invested, involved, jammed, kept, laced, lapsed, learned, led, left, let, lifted, linked, locked, lost, made, maintained, missed, moved, neglected, netted, not, obliged, observed, obstructed, occluded, offset, opposed, ordered, outlawed, outlined, overcome, owned, paralyzed, parked, permitted, pinned, placed, planned, postponed, prepared, prescribed, prevention, processed, produced, prohibited, projected, proscribed, pulled, raised, reduced, rejected, released, relieved, relinquished, removed, repeated, required, reserved, resolved, restrained, restricted, retired, reversed, rid, ripped, risen, ruled, run, saved, scheduled, sealed, secured, seen, seized, selected, sent, separated, sequestered, settled, severed, shortened, silenced, sliced, specified, spent, split, stabilized, stalemated, stamped, stated, stemmed, stranded, stressed, stunted, supervised, suppressed, surrendered, suspended, sustained, taken, tapped, terminated, thought, thrown, thwarted, trapped, treated, turned, undercut, undone, withdrawn, Abated, Abolished, Aborted, Accounted, Acted, Adhered, Adjourned, Aimed, Allowed, Annulled, Arrived, Asked, Assessed, Attracted, Averted, Avoided, Been, Believed, Brought, Canceled, Capitalized, Captured, Carried, Caused, Ceased, Challenged, Dammed, Dealt, Declined, Deleted, Delivered, Denied, Depended, Derailed, Derogated, Desisted, Devised, Died, Displayed, Drafted, Eliminated, Emerged, Enacted, Encountered, Enshrined, Entered, Eradicated, Evolved, Excluded, Excreted, Exercised, Explained, Fought, Fled, Followed, Forestalled, Gained, Gated, Got, Grounded, Had, Hampered, Harvested, Helped, Hindered, Incarcerated, Inspected, Instituted, Intercepted, Interdicted, Interspersed, Issued, Knocked, Lived, Lodged, Logged, Managed, Materialized, Meant, Met, Nailed, Omitted, Passed, Performed, Picked, Questioned, Reached, Recruited, Refused, Remained, Remedied, Rendered, Renounced, Repealed, Rescinded, Resisted, Resulted, Retrieved, Revoked, Seconded, Shifted, Shown, Slowed, Tackled, Undertaken, Upheld, Waged, Waived, Waylaid, Welded, Worked, Combated, Compiled, Complied, Contributed, Created, Curtailed, Precluded, Predicated, Punctuated, Pushed, Spared, Stalled, Stationed, Stepped, Stilled, Stood, Subjected, Subsided, Suffered, Switched, scrapped, negated, undermined, hijacked, contacted, hailed, finalized, countered, ensured, cleaved, allocated, replaced, braked, mandated, prisoners, immobilized, heckled, eschewed, deactivated, phased, stymied, monitored, laid, paralysed, rearrested, finalised, immobilised, sunsetted.
  • Other Related

    • Proper noun, singular
      stop, suspended, drops.
    • Noun, singular or mass

Homophones for Stopped:

  • step out, sixty-fifth, seedbed, stovepiped, sex activity, St. Baeda, stupid, stop bath, stabbed, stave wood, St. Beda, St. David, set about, stop dead, stupefied, sudafed, sweet potato, shot put, stay put, stupidity, stuffed, St. Bede, stoop to, stub out, stooped, stephead, seedpod.

Word of the Day




  • STOPPED synonyms at
  • STOPPED synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    — STOPPED synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of STOPPED
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for STOPPED

Princeton’s WordNetRate this antonym:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. stopped, stopped-up(a), stopped up(p)adjective

    (of a nose) blocked

    «a stopped (or stopped-up) nose»


PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. List of paraphrases for «stopped»:

    ceased, halted, arrested, intercepted, suspended, interrupted, quit, discontinued, detained, prevented, stalled, halts, detainee, stop, terminated, adopted, cessation, blocked, suspends, ended, stops, orders, halt

How to pronounce stopped?

How to say stopped in sign language?

How to use stopped in a sentence?

  1. Sebastien Windsor:

    This may help us come out of the crisis a bit more quickly. Consumption was stopped and now the weather is taking care of curbing production.

  2. Mitch McConnell:

    In parallel to the gathering for this dangerous agreement, the proxies of Iran in the Middle East are carrying out a wide occupation of Yemen, the Iran-Lausanne-Yemen axis is very dangerous to mankind and needs to be stopped.

  3. George W. Bush, speech, November 19, 1999:

    In the defense of our nation, a president must be a clear-eyed realist. There are limits to the smiles and scowls of diplomacy. Armies and missiles are not stopped by stiff notes of condemnation. They are held in check by strength and purpose and the promise of swift punishment.

  4. Caesar Tavares:

    I knew right away the train hit somebody because it was real loud. The car was rolling. Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Then all of a sudden it stopped.

  5. Anaïs Nin:

    I stopped loving my father a long time ago. What remained was the slavery to a pattern.


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  • հայերեն (Armenian)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


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Synonyms of stopped

  • adjective

  • as in prevented

  • verb

  • as in halted

  • as in stalled

  • as in filled

  • as in ceased

  • as in defeated

  • as in prevented
  • as in halted
  • as in stalled
  • as in filled
  • as in ceased
  • as in defeated

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1 of 2


Definition of stoppednext

as in prevented

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • prevented

  • precluded

  • refused

  • suppressed

  • excluded

  • rejected

  • blocked

  • revoked

  • vetoed

  • repressed

  • impeded

  • shut out

  • hindered

  • ruled out

  • obstructed

  • disallowed

  • disapproved

  • discouraged

  • unsanctioned

  • objectionable

  • improper

  • unsuitable

  • unauthorized

  • inappropriate

  • illicit

  • illegal

  • unlicensed

  • unlawful

  • unseemly

  • ineffable

  • unmentionable

  • illegitimate

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • permitted

  • endorsed

  • permissible

  • allowed

  • authorized

  • acceptable

  • accepted

  • okay

  • approved

  • allowable

  • licensed

  • legitimate

  • appropriate

  • permissive

  • certified

  • tolerable

  • lawful

  • supported

  • bearable

  • sufferable

  • legal

  • accredited

  • sanctioned

  • granted

  • promoted

  • warranted

  • endurable

  • indorsed

  • encouraged

  • commanded

  • condoned

  • ordered

  • required

  • tolerated

  • vouchsafed

  • mandatory

  • suitable

  • countenanced

  • proper

  • accorded

  • OK

  • brooked

  • seemly

  • unobjectionable

See More

  • permitted

  • endorsed

  • permissible

  • allowed

  • authorized

  • acceptable

  • accepted

  • okay

  • approved

  • allowable

  • licensed

  • legitimate

  • appropriate

  • permissive

  • certified

  • tolerable

  • lawful

  • supported

  • bearable

  • sufferable

  • legal

  • accredited

  • sanctioned

  • granted

  • promoted

  • warranted

  • endurable

  • indorsed

  • encouraged

  • commanded

  • condoned

  • ordered

  • required

  • tolerated

  • vouchsafed

  • mandatory

  • suitable

  • countenanced

  • proper

  • accorded

  • OK

  • brooked

  • seemly

  • unobjectionable

See More


2 of 2


past tense of stop


as in halted

to bring (as an action or operation) to an immediate end

the manufacturer will stop selling the toy and will immediately recall all the units that have already been sold

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • halted

  • ceased

  • ended

  • quit

  • quitted

  • concluded

  • finished

  • dropped

  • delayed

  • discontinued

  • suspended

  • called

  • suspended

  • laid off

  • paused

  • broke

  • broke off

  • shut off

  • left off

  • cut off

  • completed

  • knocked off

  • cut out

  • broke up

  • stayed

  • canned

  • gave over

  • blocked

  • ruined

  • checked

  • held

  • had done with

  • impeded

  • hindered

  • arrested

  • deactivated

  • desisted (from)

  • obstructed

  • destroyed

  • put the kibosh on

  • packed (up or in)

  • suppressed

  • scuttled

  • detained

  • killed

  • squelched

  • blockaded

  • stemmed

  • aborted

  • braked

  • held back

  • dammed

  • abolished

  • demolished

  • stamped

  • turned back

  • squashed

  • stunted

  • snuffed

  • dissolved

  • kiboshed

  • staunched

  • clamped down

  • annulled

  • stanched

  • closed (down)

  • reined (in)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • continued

  • proceeded

  • progressed

  • kept up

  • advanced

  • followed through (with)

  • drove

  • ran on

  • stirred

  • propelled

  • carried on

  • impelled

  • actuated

See More

  • continued

  • proceeded

  • progressed

  • kept up

  • advanced

  • followed through (with)

  • drove

  • ran on

  • stirred

  • propelled

  • carried on

  • impelled

  • actuated

See More


as in stalled

to bring (something) to a standstill

traffic was stopped for over an hour by the overturned truck

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • halted

  • stalled

  • caught

  • arrested

  • checked

  • stayed

  • blocked

  • stilled

  • hindered

  • suspended

  • ended

  • impeded

  • drew up

  • held

  • brought up

  • pulled up

  • balked

  • obstructed

  • concluded

  • held up

  • baffled

  • snagged

  • fetched up

  • detained

  • terminated

  • blockaded

  • stemmed

  • discontinued

  • held back

  • clogged

  • dammed

  • called

  • suppressed

  • cut off

  • squelched

  • bottlenecked

  • turned back

  • squashed

  • stunted

  • staunched

  • choked off

  • repressed

  • stanched

  • reined (in)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • continued

  • persisted

  • kept (on)

  • moved

  • proceeded

  • marched

  • progressed

  • kept up

  • pushed

  • advanced

  • went along

  • drove

  • followed through (with)

  • wended

  • spurred

  • fared

  • ran on

  • stirred

  • goaded

  • propelled

  • carried on

  • impelled

  • actuated

  • budged

See More

  • continued

  • persisted

  • kept (on)

  • moved

  • proceeded

  • marched

  • progressed

  • kept up

  • pushed

  • advanced

  • went along

  • drove

  • followed through (with)

  • wended

  • spurred

  • fared

  • ran on

  • stirred

  • goaded

  • propelled

  • carried on

  • impelled

  • actuated

  • budged

See More


as in filled

to close up so that no empty spaces remain

I stopped the mouse hole with plaster

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • filled

  • packed

  • plugged

  • blocked

  • dammed

  • stuffed

  • sealed

  • bunged

  • obstructed

  • jammed

  • choked

  • clogged

  • congested

  • occluded

  • clotted

  • repacked

  • chinked

  • calked

  • caulked

  • closed (off)

  • restuffed

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • excavated

  • shoveled

  • shovelled

  • scooped (out)

  • hollowed (out)

  • excavated

  • shoveled

  • shovelled

  • scooped (out)

  • hollowed (out)


as in ceased

to come to an end

the music stopped but we kept on dancing

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • halted

  • ceased

  • ended

  • concluded

  • expired

  • passed

  • went

  • finished

  • died

  • terminated

  • closed

  • stalled

  • discontinued

  • determined

  • lapsed

  • quit

  • broke off

  • left off

  • paused

  • elapsed

  • quitted

  • broke up

  • let up

  • wound up

  • stayed

  • deadended

  • suspended

  • winked (out)

  • bit the dust

  • winded up

  • knocked off

  • abated

  • laid off (of)

  • cut out

  • gave over

  • refrained (from)

  • broke down

  • desisted (from)

  • wound down

  • packed (up or in)

  • conked (out)

  • petered (out)

  • winded down

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • continued

  • persisted

  • hung on

  • extended

  • prolonged

  • protracted

  • drew out

  • continued

  • persisted

  • hung on

  • extended

  • prolonged

  • protracted

  • drew out

See More


as in defeated

to achieve a victory over

they were eventually stopped by the best team in the league

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • defeated

  • overcame

  • mastered

  • got

  • took

  • beat

  • conquered

  • dispatched

  • succeeded

  • subdued

  • licked

  • surmounted

  • finished

  • trimmed

  • upended

  • bested

  • got around

  • worsted

  • overmatched

  • swept

  • overwhelmed

  • buried

  • did down

  • got the better of

  • triumphed (over)

  • prevailed (over)

  • skunked

  • slaughtered

  • surpassed

  • won (against)

  • scored

  • knocked for a loop

  • upset

  • crushed

  • exceeded

  • whipped

  • bombed

  • excelled

  • annihilated

  • flattened

  • flourished

  • clobbered

  • blew out

  • topped

  • capped

  • thrashed

  • routed

  • broke

  • overbore

  • vanquished

  • pipped

  • smoked

  • excelled

  • creamed

  • blew away

  • trounced

  • nosed out

  • skinned

  • subjugated

  • overpowered

  • transcended

  • eclipsed

  • walloped

  • snowed under

  • knocked over

  • overthrew

  • shellacked

  • outstripped

  • waxed

  • outdid

  • unseated

  • knocked off

  • outdistanced

  • bettered

  • drubbed

  • outshone

  • overtopped

  • outfought

  • outshined

  • edged (out)

  • aced (out)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • lost (to)

  • fell

  • failed

  • collapsed

  • went down

  • gave up

  • went under

  • folded

  • washed out

  • flopped

  • flunked

See More

  • lost (to)

  • fell

  • failed

  • collapsed

  • went down

  • gave up

  • went under

  • folded

  • washed out

  • flopped

  • flunked

See More

Thesaurus Entries Near stopped



stopped (by)

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“Stopped.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.

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Nglish: Translation of stopped for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of stopped for Arabic Speakers

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1. stopped

adjective. [‘ˈstɑːpt’] (of a nose) blocked.


  • obstructed
  • stopped up


  • uncaulked
  • open
  • patent


  • -ed (English)
  • -od (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
  • stop (English)
  • stoppe (Middle English (1100-1500))

Rhymes with Stopped

  • swapped
  • propped
  • plopped
  • flopped
  • dropped
  • cropped
  • co-opt
  • adopt
  • shopped
  • popped
  • mopped
  • lopped
  • hopped
  • copped
  • chopped
  • opt

Sentences with stopped

1. Verb, past participle
Chances are good that the watch is no longer on the correct time since the movement has stopped.

Quotes about stopped

1. Writing stopped being fun when I discovered the difference between good writing and bad and, even more terrifying, the difference between it and true art. And after that, the whip came down.
Truman Capote

2. Peter would probably throw a party if I stopped breathing.»Well,’ he says, ‘I would only go if there was cake.
Veronica Roth, Divergent

3. Art is one thing that can go on mattering once it has stopped hurting.
Elizabeth Bowen

2. stopped-up

adjective. having narrow opening filled.


  • caulked


  • open
  • patent

3. stopped-up

adjective. (of a nose) blocked.


  • obstructed
  • stopped up


  • unclogged
  • clear
  • unimpeded

  • bar
  • block
  • break
  • conclusion
  • pause
  • barricade
  • blockade
  • cease
  • cessation
  • check
  • close
  • closing
  • control
  • cutoff
  • discontinuation
  • ending
  • fence
  • finish
  • freeze
  • hindrance
  • layoff
  • letup
  • lull
  • plug
  • roadblock
  • standstill
  • stay
  • stoppage
  • termination
  • wall
  • blank wall
  • breakoff
  • brick wall
  • desistance
  • grinding halt
  • screeching halt
  • break
  • destination
  • halt
  • stage
  • station
  • stopover
  • depot
  • rest
  • sojourn
  • stay
  • termination
  • terminus
  • break
  • cease
  • close
  • drop
  • end
  • halt
  • hold
  • kill
  • pause
  • put an end to
  • quit
  • stall
  • stand
  • stay
  • conclude
  • desist
  • discontinue
  • finish
  • refrain
  • scrub
  • tarry
  • terminate
  • be over
  • blow off
  • break off
  • call it a day
  • cold turkey
  • come to a standstill
  • cool it
  • cut out
  • cut short
  • draw up
  • hang it up
  • pull up
  • quit cold
  • run its course
  • shut down
  • sign off
  • wind up
  • wrap up
  • arrest
  • avoid
  • bar
  • block
  • break
  • check
  • close
  • disrupt
  • intercept
  • interrupt
  • stall
  • stay
  • stem
  • suspend
  • bottle
  • choke
  • clog
  • congest
  • fill
  • fix
  • forestall
  • frustrate
  • gag
  • hinder
  • hush
  • impede
  • muzzle
  • obstruct
  • occlude
  • plug
  • repress
  • restrain
  • seal
  • silence
  • staunch
  • still
  • stopper
  • choke off
  • cut off
  • put a stop to
  • rein in
  • shut down
  • shut off
  • shut out
  • throw over
  • turn off
  • ward off

On this page you’ll find 404 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to stop, such as: bar, block, break, conclusion, pause, and barricade.

    • advance
    • allow
    • begin
    • commence
    • continue
    • do
    • go
    • initiate
    • release
    • start
    • carry on
    • introduce
    • restart
    • encourage
    • abet
    • advance
    • aid
    • allow
    • cause
    • continue
    • encourage
    • go
    • help
    • let go
    • open
    • permit
    • release
    • assist
    • clear
    • disturb
    • facilitate
    • forward
    • free
    • liberate
    • promote
    • support
    • unblock
    • begin
    • start

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    TRY USING stop

    See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

    How to use stop in a sentence

    «But I can’t stop to argue about it now;» and, saying this, he turned into a side path, and disappeared in the wood.


    At twelve, or fifteen, or sixteen, or twenty it was decided that they should stop learning.



    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • abdicate
    • back out
    • bail out
    • bow out
    • chicken out
    • cop out
    • cut loose
    • desert
    • discard
    • discontinue
    • ditch
    • drop
    • drop out
    • duck
    • dump
    • dust
    • flake out
    • fly the coop
    • give up the ship
    • kiss goodbye
    • leave
    • leg it
    • let go
    • opt out
    • pull out
    • quit
    • run out on
    • screw
    • ship out
    • stop
    • storm out
    • surrender
    • take a powder
    • take a walk
    • throw over
    • vacate
    • walk out on
    • wash hands of
    • withdraw
    • yield
    • anticipate
    • bide
    • expect
    • linger
    • pause
    • remain
    • rest
    • sojourn
    • stay
    • stick around
    • stop
    • tarry
    • wait
    • abjure
    • abnegate
    • avoid
    • cease
    • constrain
    • curb
    • decline
    • deny oneself
    • do without
    • eschew
    • evade
    • fast
    • fence-sit
    • forbear
    • forgo
    • give the go by
    • give up
    • go on the wagon
    • keep from
    • pass
    • pass up
    • quit
    • refrain
    • refuse
    • renounce
    • shun
    • sit on one’s hands
    • sit on the fence
    • sit out
    • spurn
    • starve
    • stop
    • take the cure
    • take the pledge
    • withhold
    • baffle
    • bar
    • beat
    • check
    • circumvent
    • counteract
    • cramp
    • cramp one’s style
    • dash
    • defeat
    • disappoint
    • disconcert
    • foil
    • forestall
    • frustrate
    • hinder
    • obstruct
    • prevent
    • ruin
    • stall
    • stop
    • throw a curve
    • throw monkey wrench in
    • upset the apple cart
    • barricade
    • blank wall
    • block
    • clog
    • deterrent
    • encumbrance
    • fence
    • hindrance
    • hurdle
    • impediment
    • obstacle
    • obstruction
    • pale
    • rail
    • railing
    • restraint
    • road block
    • snag
    • stop
    • stumbling block
    • traverse
    • wall
    • ban
    • boycott
    • circumvent
    • condemn
    • debar
    • deny
    • disallow
    • discountenance
    • discourage
    • eliminate
    • enjoin
    • except
    • exclude
    • exile
    • forbid
    • freeze out
    • frustrate
    • hinder
    • interdict
    • interfere
    • keep out
    • limit
    • obstruct
    • ostracize
    • outlaw
    • override
    • preclude
    • prevent
    • refuse
    • reject
    • restrain
    • rule out
    • segregate
    • shut out
    • stop
    • suspend

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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