Another word for stop time

stop time

1) Техника: время останова

2) Бытовая техника: время остановки

3) Робототехника: время остановки , момент остановки , время останова , момент останова

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «stop time» в других словарях:

  • Stop-Time — published in 1967, is a memoir by American author Frank Conroy, and tells the story of his poor childhood and early adulthood, growing up in New York City and Florida. Focusing on a series of moments from his life, the book combines traditional …   Wikipedia

  • Stop-Time — [ stɔptaɪm], die; [engl. stop time, eigtl. = Haltezeit, aus: stop = das Halten u. time = Zeit; Takt]: rhythmisches Gestaltungsmittel des traditionellen Jazz, das im plötzlichen Abbruch des Beats (1) der Rhythmusgruppe besteht, während ein Solist… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • stop-time — [stäp′tīm΄] n. Jazz a technique or effect in which the rhythm section stops playing for one or more beats each measure, usually for a chorus, while a soloist continues to play * * * …   Universalium

  • stop-time — [stäp′tīm΄] n. Jazz a technique or effect in which the rhythm section stops playing for one or more beats each measure, usually for a chorus, while a soloist continues to play …   English World dictionary

  • Stop-time — In music, stop time is, according to Samuel A. Floyd Jr., a musical device in which the forward flow of the music stops, or seems to stop, suspended in a rhythmic unison, while in some cases an improvising instrumentalist or singer continues solo …   Wikipedia

  • stop time — stabdymo trukmė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. deceleration time; stop time vok. Haltezeit, f; Stoppzeit, f rus. время останова, n; время торможения, n pranc. temps de décélération, m; temps de freinage, m; temps de… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Stop-Time-Technik —   [englisch, stɔptaɪm ], Arrangementseffekt im New Orleans Jazz und Chicago Stil, bei dem die Rhythmusgruppe den fortlaufenden Beat unterbricht und gemeinsam mit den Melodieinstrumenten nur akzentuierte Akkordschläge (meist auf die erste,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Stop-time (disambiguation) — The word stop time has another possible meaning:* Stop time, a musical device * Stop Time , a memoir by American author Frank Conroy …   Wikipedia

  • stop time — англ. [стоп тайм] указание на отсутствие ритмич. аккомп. в джазе букв. остановленное время …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • stop time — n. (in jazz) a rhythmic device whereby a chord or accent is played only on the first beat of every bar or every other bar, typically accompanying a solo …   Useful english dictionary

  • stop — stȍp [b] (I)[/b] m DEFINICIJA 1. u telegrafiji riječ koja se upotrebljava umjesto točke 2. tehn. tipka za zaustavljanje neke dotadašnje radnje na video i audio uređajima, strojevima ili u računalnim programima SINTAGMA stop nalog ekon. nalog za… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

остановить время

останавливать время

время остановки

время окончания

замедлять время

остановка времени

остановить течение времени

время остановок


Nothing in the world can stop time.

I would give anything to stop time.

No other art form can fix and stop time like this.

Ни один другой вид искусства не может так фиксировать и останавливать время, как этот.

Regarding his ability to stop time, I had theorized an unknown dimensional plane…

Учитывая его способность останавливать время, я разработал теорию неизведанной пространственной плоскости…

Nothing can stop time or puberty.

She said I could not stop time.

These are homes where you can stop time.

You cannot stop time or make it go backwards.

He has to deal with the various gangs with the help of a newly acquired power which can stop time.

Ему приходится иметь дело с различными бандами с помощью вновь обретенной власти, которая может остановить время.

Haunted by mysterious beings who stop time and alter reality, he seeks to unravel the riddle of his identity.

Часто посещаемый таинственными существами, которые останавливают время и изменяют действительность, он стремится распутать загадку его идентичности.

Together they were trying to build a machine that would stop time.

Treat yourself to a beautiful memory of your children, stop time with an oil painting.

Подарите себе красивую память о своих детях, остановить время с маслом.

Sounds like you’re saying that these drugs stop time.

You see, the machine uses your power to stop time and to open the portal.

Видишь ли, машина использует твою силу, чтобы остановить время и открыть портал.

It is a shock to see that this woman can even stop time.

What, you mean they stop time?

If you want to stop time, you have 10 seconds.

All you have to do is stop time before I cut off his head.

Imagine if you could stop time… or even reverse it.

Представьте, что смогли остановить время, или даже повернуть вспять.

Your ability to stop time, it’s crucial to his plan.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат stop time

Результатов: 325. Точных совпадений: 325. Затраченное время: 168 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for stop working?
  2. What is it called when you quit?
  3. What is a nice way to say I quit?
  4. What benefits do you lose when you resign?
  5. Can I leave my job due to stress?
  6. Do I get paid if I resign?
  7. Whats a reason for leaving a job?
  8. Can you say you left a job for personal reasons?
  9. What to say when you left a job on bad terms?
  10. How do you explain why you left a job after a short time?
  11. Can you quit a job after 6 months?
  12. Is it OK to quit a job after 1 month?
  13. Can I resign after 1 month?
  14. Is it okay to resign immediately?
  15. Can you just quit a job?
  16. Is a one week notice okay?
  17. What happens if I quit my job without notice?
  18. Can I quit by not showing up?
  19. What happens if I don’t give 2 weeks notice?
  20. Can you get fired for no call no show?
  21. How do you tell your job you’re not coming back?
  22. How do I quit my job if I love my boss?

What is another word for time off?

What is another word for stop working?

What is another word for stop working?

give up work retire
pension leave service
superannuate stop work
exit depart
go pension off
day off downtime
free time furlough
leave leave of absence
leisure respite
sabbatical sick leave

What is it called when you quit?

To resign is to quit or retire from a position. You can also resign yourself to something inevitable, like death — meaning you just accept that it’s going to happen. When people resign, they’re leaving something, like a job or political office. In those cases, resign is a nicer way of saying quit.

What is a nice way to say I quit?

For starters, you may want to refrain from simply saying, “I quit.” When explaining your reason for quitting your previous position, try using the words, “resigned” or “voluntarily separated” instead of “quitting.” The next time you are asked why you left a previous position, you’ll be prepared to craft a well-thought- ……

What benefits do you lose when you resign?

You may entitled to pension and retirement fund benefits after you terminate employment. If you are enrolled in a 401(k), profit sharing or another type of defined contribution plan, your plan may provide for a lump sum distribution of your retirement money when you leave the company.

Can I leave my job due to stress?

If your job is causing you so much stress that it’s starting to affect your health, then it may be time to consider quitting or perhaps even asking for fewer responsibilities. You may need to take a simple break from work if stress is impacting you from outside your job….

Do I get paid if I resign?

Do I get paid my annual leave when I resign? The employer has to compensate the employee for any unpaid yearly leave days that they are entitled to after the notice period expires. The employee should know their rights and the number of days they have to work….

Whats a reason for leaving a job?

Looking for career growth The desire to move to a new level in your career is a common reason for leaving a job. Here’s an example of how someone in this situation might explain why they’re leaving: “I love my role and coworkers, but I’ve come to a point where there are no longer growth opportunities on my team….

Can you say you left a job for personal reasons?

You could be leaving your current position for professional reasons (better job, career growth, flexible schedule, for example) or for personal reasons (leaving the workforce, family circumstances, going back to school, etc.)….

What to say when you left a job on bad terms?

Try to focus on the positive reasons you left your position. For example, explain that you were seeking new challenges, pursuing a different work environment, or looking to take on new responsibilities when you made your decision to leave….

How do you explain why you left a job after a short time?

Best Reasons for Leaving a Job:

  1. Your goals do not line up with company goals any more.
  2. Feeling underpaid.
  3. Better job opportunity.
  4. Personal problems.
  5. Want to take up new challenges at work.
  6. Problem with working hours.
  7. Pursue higher education.
  8. You notice that you are undervalued.

Can you quit a job after 6 months?

If you receive a job offer from another company promising you better pay and a more advanced position, this is a feasible reason for leaving after six months. If you like the company you currently work for, see if they can offer you a similar position and pay, if not, don’t feel guilty about taking another job offer….

Is it OK to quit a job after 1 month?

Leaving a job after a month is a big decision since it’s usually ideal to stay at a job for a year or more. If this job truly isn’t the right fit for you, it’s best to move on sooner rather than later….

Can I resign after 1 month?

Now, onto your current decision. It is not terrible form to leave one job after a few months; just don’t make leaving after a few months a habit. But one short job on your resume isn’t a huge deal, and you can address it upfront with any future interviewers.

When you resign from a position, the normal practice is to give two weeks’ notice to your employer. However, while you should make every effort to notify your supervisor of your resignation as soon as possible, sometimes circumstances require that you leave immediately.

Can you just quit a job?

Can you quit a job without notice? For many U.S. employees, the answer is, “Yes.” But that doesn’t mean that it’s wise to leave in a hurry. Under normal circumstances, it’s best to give the standard notice—but there may be no legal reason why you can’t quit on the spot.

Is a one week notice okay?

Giving one week’s notice is acceptable when leaving almost all positions, although two week’s notice, when possible, is preferable. Providing notice is mostly a matter of custom and a way to maintain positive, professional relationships with a former employer….

What happens if I quit my job without notice?

But while leaving without notice is generally frowned upon, it won’t wreck your career or your life. It can be difficult to ask your employer for a reference down the line if they feel you left them in the lurch. It may also inconvenience your coworkers for a short period of time….

Can I quit by not showing up?

Yes, it’s wrong. Job abandonment is a coward’s move. Even if you don’t plan to give notice, write a letter of resignation and give it to your boss or HR.

What happens if I don’t give 2 weeks notice?

Not Giving a Two Week Notice – Risks and Dangers There aren’t a ton of serious repercussions, assuming you don’t have something in your contract legally requiring it. However, it can leave your employer with a bad impression. You’ll almost certainly never be hired by this employer again, either.

Can you get fired for no call no show?

What Is No Call No Show? The no call no show policy in your employee contract states that if you miss a scheduled shift without notice, you can be fired. Most jobs require employees to give as much notice as possible, or find their own replacement if they cannot show up for work….

How do you tell your job you’re not coming back?

How to tell your boss you’re resigning

  1. Request an in-person meeting.
  2. Outline your reasons for quitting.
  3. Give at least two weeks’ notice.
  4. Offer to facilitate position transition.
  5. Express gratitude.
  6. Provide constructive feedback.
  7. Provide your formal letter of resignation.

How do I quit my job if I love my boss?

How to Quit Your Job When Your Boss is Your Friend

  1. It’s best to be honest even if it will be awkward. Sit down with your friend and explain that you found a new job that you feel is better aligned with your life goals.
  2. Give plenty of notice for your boss to hire a new employee.
  3. Offer to train the new employee.
  4. Do your best until your very last day.

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A Hiro Nakamura from the future, who speaks English and carries a sword stopped time to tell me that I have to save the cheerleader.

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Хиро Накамура из будущего, который говорит по-английски и носит мечь, остановил время, чтобы сказать мне, что я должен спасти девушку из команды поддержки.

I must have

just tried to teleport out while I was drowning, and stopped time, it makes sense.

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Я должно быть пытался телепортироваться, когда тонул и остановил время, в этом есть смысл.

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If you could stop time, what would you do first?

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You can’t stop time with your nose stuck in a dollop of opium.

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He Fly, stop time, paint me a pretty picture.

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for additional stop time for lunch, etc.


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Allows access when maximum stop time of the equipment has lapsed and reaches standstill.


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Разрешает доступ, когда максимальное время останова оборудования прошло и оборудование гарантированно остановилось.


Stopping time whilst teleporting proved to be impossible, even for your father.

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Остановить время в процессе телепортации оказалось невозможным, даже для твоего отца.

The start and the stop time can be simultaneously programmed.


Odin stops time and sends every human on Earth to another dimension.

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Having chosen love, he stops time and


being a mechanism.

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You can stop time, Teleport to any location, Even travel through


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LSB: Device stop time[min],{1÷30} Read only 40037.


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For acceptance Principal reasons for discrepancy between the scheduled and real stopping time.


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You wanna do some circle magic and try and stop time?

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We have to




Keeper before the


Keeper stops time.

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She could move objects with her mind, see the future, and stop time.

Ports are pretty interesting places that stop time.


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Also, there may have been an encounter with somebody who can stop time.

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Results: 30,
Time: 0.0916





Asked by: Aurelie Blick

Score: 4.8/5
(63 votes)

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for waste-time, like: procrastinate, fritter away time, loiter, pass-the-time, dawdle, lollygag, dillydally, idle away time, skive (British), delay and lose time.

How do you say time wasted?


  1. dawdling.
  2. dilly-dallying.
  3. dormancy.
  4. droning.
  5. goof-off time.
  6. hibernation.
  7. idleness.
  8. indolence.

How do you politely say something is a waste of time?

3 Answers. A timesink (or here). Also sometimes, time-drain or even time-waster.

What do you call a person who wastes time?

someone who wastes time. dawdler, drone, laggard, lagger, poke, trailer. someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind. daydreamer, woolgatherer. someone who indulges in idle or absentminded daydreaming.

What is dilly dally?

: to waste time by loitering or delaying : dawdle.

19 related questions found

How do you apologize for wasting someone’s time?

I am sorry for any inconvenience this/we/I may have caused you. I would like to thank you for your time and patience.

What are time wasting activities?

25 Time Wasting Activities You’re Doing Everyday

  • Procrastinating. Procrastinating by making excuses, which in turn makes you dread the task you delay and then makes you feel guilty later on. …
  • Whining. …
  • Unnecessary Chat. …
  • Gossiping. …
  • Pointless Long Waits. …
  • Unproductive Longing At The Fridge. …
  • Doing other People’s Work. …
  • Worrying.

What does wasting someone’s time mean?

1. To procrastinate; to avoid doing something, especially by engaging in some frivolous or diversionary activity. Mark, please stop wasting time and get on with your presentation! … To do or say something that takes up one’s or someone else’s time in a useless or unhelpful manner.

What is a complete waste of time?

: a bad use of time The lecture was a complete waste of time.

Is it Waisting or wasting?

As nouns the difference between wasting and waisting

is that wasting is gradual deterioration or wasting away while waisting is that which goes at the waist (of a person, as on a garment, or of an object).

What’s the difference between waste and waist?

Waste can refer to something that is ruined or no longer needed, the act of using something carelessly, something weakening, or something that is no longer useful. It can be used as a noun, verb, or an adjective. Waist is a noun, and refers to the narrow part of the body between the ribs and the hips.

What are some examples of wasting time?

If you are not sure where and when you are losing time, here are a few common ways you could be wasting your time:

  • Being Disorganized. …
  • Procrastinating. …
  • Reading The News. …
  • Scrolling Through Social Media. …
  • Gossiping. …
  • Worrying. …
  • Checking Email.

What is the biggest time wasters?

  1. 8 Biggest Time Wasters That Kill Your Productivity. The average person spends 118 minutes per day on social media. …
  2. Constantly checking your emails. …
  3. Not automating your social media accounts. …
  4. Bulky to-do-lists. …
  5. Multitasking. …
  6. Being a perfectionist. …
  7. Unnecessary meetings. …
  8. Saying «Yes.»

What wastes the most time?

  • 20 THINGS THAT WASTE TIME. Here is a list of 20 ways you might be wasting time during your day and what you can do about it. …
  • Not planning your meals in advance. …
  • Watching TV out of habit. …
  • Mindless scrolling through social media. …
  • Not having a visual To Do list. …
  • Not planning in advance. …
  • Procrastinating. …
  • Not being organised.

How do you apologize professionally?

Follow these steps to deliver an effective apology to someone you work with:

  1. Apologize soon after the incident. …
  2. Decide how you’ll apologize. …
  3. Address your recipient by name. …
  4. Apologize with sincerity. …
  5. Validate how the other person feels. …
  6. Admit to your responsibility. …
  7. Explain how you’ll correct the mistake. …
  8. Keep your promises.

How do you say sorry for the inconvenience?

4 Better Ways to Express ‘Sorry for the Inconvenience’ in Email

  1. 1 “I understand your frustration.” …
  2. 2 “I realize this is disappointing.” …
  3. 3 “Thanks for your patience.” …
  4. 4 “Let me help.”

How do you apologize to someone you hurt deeply?

How to Apologize When You’ve Hurt Someone

  1. Listen closely before rushing to apologize. …
  2. Prepare your apology in advance when possible. …
  3. Be specific and detailed in your apology. …
  4. Try not to turn your apology into a debate. …
  5. Remember that actions speak louder than (apologetic) words. …
  6. Be patient after you apologize.

What are the top 10 time wasters?

Here are 10 of the biggest workplace time wasters you should watch out for:

  1. Smartphones and other digital devices. …
  2. Multitasking and trying to do too much at once. …
  3. Noisy offices and chatty coworkers. …
  4. Workplace clutter and disarray. …
  5. Unhealthy nutrition and hydration habits. …
  6. Procrastination and a lack of motivation.

What are the biggest time wasters at work?

Joining the crowd: According to employees, here are the top 5 ways they waste time at work: Gossip (42%), Social interaction with Co- Workers (32%), Snacks and Breaks (27%), Meetings (23%), In-Office Noise Distractions (24%).

What are common time wasters for students?

14 Biggest Time Wasters in College (Stop Doing These)

  • Watching random videos on social media.
  • Spending too much time on hobbies.
  • Making yourself look perfect every day.
  • Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights at the club.
  • Sitting around and doing nothing with your friends.
  • Worrying instead of acting.

Is it OK to waste time?

One very good reason wasting time can make you more productive is that it lets your brain rest. When you’re constantly working you never get a chance to switch off. Wasting time doing something that requires very little complex thinking can make you more productive.

What are the effects of wasting time?

Other than that, wasting time on the internet rapidly can cause health issues and other problems due to inactivity; as it leads to weight gain, head aches and backaches, tired eyes, and also is the main reason of laziness and a decline in other activities.

What are the causes of time waste?

8 common time wasters at work

  • 1: Overwhelming emails. The average person sends and receives an estimated 121 business emails each and every day. …
  • 2: Instant message notifications. …
  • 3: Unnecessary meetings. …
  • 4: Multitasking. …
  • 5: Mundane and repetitive tasks. …
  • 1: Social media. …
  • 2: Online shopping. …
  • 3: Personal conversations.

How do you spell waist body?

«Waist» is the part of the body between the ribs and hips. A section of clothing that fits the waist may also be called the «waist» (e.g., The waist on this suit is too tight). Similarly, midsections of airplanes and ships can also be referred to as «waists.»

How do you spell waste on your body?

Waist is a noun that refers to a part of the human body.

  1. Waste is excess material.
  2. Waist is a part of the human body.

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