Another word for speech marks

What is another word for speech marks?

10 synonyms found


[ spˈiːt͡ʃ mˈɑːks], [ spˈiːt‍ʃ mˈɑːks], [ s_p_ˈiː_tʃ m_ˈɑː_k_s]

Table of Contents

  • Other synonyms:


    • brace,
    • bullet point,
    • bad break,
    • bullet,
    • apostrophe,
    • colon,
    • comma,
    • ampersand,
    • bracket.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • quotes.

How to use «Speech marks» in context?

Speech marks, also known as dashes or em dashes, are a common punctuation mark in English. They are often used to indicate a break in thought or a pause in speech.

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for quotation marks?
  2. What is the opposite of a quotation mark?
  3. How do you explain quotation marks?
  4. Are inverted commas the same as quotation marks?
  5. Where do we use inverted commas?
  6. Where do we use single and double inverted commas?
  7. Should I use single or double quotation marks?
  8. What is a single quotation mark called?
  9. Why are single inverted commas used?
  10. What is the purpose of a single quotation mark?
  11. What comes first full stop or inverted commas?
  12. What are the rules for inverted commas?
  13. Does developing countries need inverted commas?
  14. What is the definition of inverted commas?
  15. What is called double inverted comma in Hindi?
  16. Is a full stop a symbol?
  17. Should I use a comma in a sentence?
  18. Can you put a comma after and?
  19. What is ellipsis mean?
  20. What do 3 periods mean in texting?

In English writing, quotation marks or inverted commas, also known informally as quotes, talking marks, speech marks, quote marks, quotemarks or speechmarks, are punctuation marks placed on either side of a word or phrase in order to identify it as a quotation, direct speech or a literal title or name.

What is the opposite of a quotation mark?

However, the semicolon, colon, dash, question mark, and exclamation point fall outside of the quotation marks (unless, of course, the quoted material has internal punctuation of its own). This measurement is commonly known as “dip angle”; dip angle is the angle formed between a normal plane and a vertical.

How do you explain quotation marks?

: one of a pair of punctuation marks ” ” or ‘ ‘ that are used to show the beginning and the end of a quotation, to show that something is a title, to show that a word or phrase is being used in a special way, etc.

Are inverted commas the same as quotation marks?

Inverted commas can be single – ‘x’ – or double – “x”. They are also known as quotation marks, speech marks, or quotes.

Where do we use inverted commas?

Inverted commas are punctuation marks that are used in writing to show where speech or a quotation begins and ends. They are usually written or printed as ‘ ‘ or “ ”. Inverted commas are also sometimes used around the titles of books, plays, or songs, or around a word or phrase that is being discussed.

Where do we use single and double inverted commas?

In British English we use single inverted commas for direct speech and double marks to enclose the quote. Example: Mr Smith said, ‘I think it was Sarah who said “It was a mistake” more than once. ‘ In American English you use single quotation marks when direct speech is quoted within another piece of direct speech.

Should I use single or double quotation marks?

As a general rule, British usage has in the past usually preferred single quotes for ordinary use, but double quotes are now increasingly common; American usage has always preferred double quotes.

What is a single quotation mark called?

Quotation marks are also called inverted commas, speech marks, or quotes. Quotation marks can be used in two styles; single (‘ ‘ or ‘) or double (“ ” or “), and can also appear in two different typefaces; either as so called dumb or straight quotes (‘ or “) or as smart quotes (‘ ‘ or “ ”).

Why are single inverted commas used?

Single inverted commas (in British English) are mainly used to: mark the beginning and end of direct speech (i.e. a speaker’s words written down exactly as they were spoken). EXAMPLE: ‘What time does the lecture begin?’ indicate a technical or otherwise potentially unfamiliar word.

What is the purpose of a single quotation mark?

Single quotation marks are used to indicate quotations inside of other quotations. “Jessie said, ‘Goodbye,’” Ben said. This is Ben talking, so his words go in quotation marks. But because we’re quoting Ben quoting someone else, Jessie, we use single quotation marks to indicate the quote within the quote.

What comes first full stop or inverted commas?

For the relative placing of quotation marks and punctuation, follow Hart’s rules. Thus, if an extract ends with a full stop or question-mark, put the punctuation before the closing inverted commas.

What are the rules for inverted commas?

When you are writing, inverted commas or speech marks go before and after direct speech, surrounding what was said.

  • “I’m hungry,” she complained.
  • If another character replies, use another set of inverted commas.
  • “What’s for tea?” she asked.

Does developing countries need inverted commas?

Use only double inverted. commas, e.g. College students are to be offered year-long work experience positions in “developing” countries under plans to. link the UK’s domestic policies with parts of the nation’s foreign aid budget.

What is the definition of inverted commas?

the symbols “ ” or ‘ ‘ that are put around a word or phrase to show that someone else has written or said it. Examples. He put the entire phrase in inverted commas to show that it wasn’t his.

What is called double inverted comma in Hindi?

Inverted comma meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is अवतरण चिन्ह.English definition of Inverted comma : a punctuation mark used to attribute the enclosed text to someone else.

Is a full stop a symbol?

Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols….This table contains special characters.

Symbol Name of the Symbol Similar glyphs or related concepts
Fleuron Dingbat, Dinkus
. Full stop Interpunct, Period

Should I use a comma in a sentence?

As a rule of thumb, if the phrase is longer than about four words, use the comma. You can also use a comma with a shorter phrase when you want to emphasize it or add a pause for literary effect. But, if there is a chance of misreading the sentence, use the comma: Before eating the family said grace.

Can you put a comma after and?

The word and is a conjunction, and when a conjunction joins two independent clauses, you should use a comma with it. The proper place for the comma is before the conjunction. On Monday we’ll see the Eiffel Tower, and on Tuesday we’ll visit the Louvre.

What is ellipsis mean?

An ellipsis is a set of three periods ( . . . ) indicating an omission. Each period should have a single space on either side, except when adjacent to a quotation mark, in which case there should be no space.

What do 3 periods mean in texting?



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set, image, collection quiz, exam, questionnaire question, question mark, speech bubble mark, marker, hand speech bubble, talking, chat speech bubble, talking, chat

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Synonyms for Speech marks. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

Synonyms for Speech marks. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Speech marks. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

  • 1
    speech marks

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > speech marks

  • 2
    speech marks

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > speech marks

  • 3



    1) речь, говор, диалект, речевая деятельность, манера говорить

    Sometimes gestures are more expressive than speech. — Иногда жесты красноречивее слов.

    Man is the only animal that has the power/faculty of speech. — Человек — единственное живое существо, обладающее даром речи.

    — irritating speech
    — refined speech
    — ordinary speech
    — dialectal speech
    — London speech
    — everyday speech
    — continuous speech
    — cultural speech
    — formal speech
    — affected speech
    — disrespectful speech
    — rasping speech
    — blunt speech
    — flattering speech
    — oral speech
    — gutteral speech
    — human speech
    — direct speech
    — speech habits
    — speech marks
    — speech therapy
    — speech underdevelopment
    — speech abnormality
    — power of speech

    error of speech

    — part of speech
    — fugure of speech
    — stream of speech
    — sounds of speech
    — type of speech
    — by smb’s speech
    — abandon one’s native speech
    — be slow of speech
    — charge one’s speech with commonplace phrases
    — copy smb in speech
    — get used to the speech predominant here
    — imitate other people’s speech
    — improve one’s speech
    — lose one’s power speech
    — recover one’s speech
    — use many quotations in speech
    — be startled beyond speech
    — change direct speech into indirect speech
    — enjoy freedom of speech

    2) речь, выступление, доклад

    It is a smart speech for a five-year old. — Для пятилетнего ребенка, он очень умно говорит.

    Dull speeches are better than dull silences. — Скучные речи лучше томительного молчания.

    Speech is silver, but silence is gold. — Слово — серебро, а молчание — золото

    political speech

    — eloquent speech
    — keynote speech

    congratulatory speech

    — acceptance speech
    — inaugural speech
    — election speech
    — throne speech
    — after dinner speech
    — platform speech
    — holiday speeches
    — five-minute speech
    — touching speech
    — set speech
    — quick flashing speech of challenge
    — maiden speech in Parlament
    — speech about smth
    — speech of great courage
    — speech of welcome
    — speech on the war
    — speech for the prosecution
    — subject of his speech
    — at the end of the speech
    — address a speech to the delegates
    — applaud a speech
    — listen to a speech
    — attack smb in one’s speech
    — be deeply stirred by the speech
    — be good at making speeches
    — begin the speech with an apology
    — break off one’s speech
    — close one’s speech
    — compose a speech
    — deliver a speech from one’s notes
    — drag out draw out one’s speech
    — interrupt a speech
    — record a speech
    — limit smb’s speech to ten minutes
    — make a speech
    — make a speech on smb’s behalf
    — make an impressive and eloquent speech to the demonstators
    — receive the speech warmly
    — report a speech
    — take smb’s speech down in shorthand
    — write a speech

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > speech

  • 4
    Direct speech





    John said, ‘We must go now.’

    ‘Okay,’ replied Martin, ‘I’ll be ready in two minutes.’

    But Mary objected: ‘I can’t go immediately. I have to wait for Jane. She promised to bring me a message from Tom.’

    ‘When should she come?’ asked John. —

    Джон сказал: «Нам надо идти».

    «Хорошо, — ответил Мартин. — Я буду готов через две минуты».

    Но Мэри возразила: «Я не могу идти сейчас. Мне нужно дождаться Джейн. Она обещала принести мне записку от Тома».

    «Когда она должна прийти?» — спросил Джон.

    English-Russian grammar dictionary > Direct speech

  • 5
    Quotation marks

    ‘I have read a book,’ said John, ‘Its title is «Pride and Prejudice».’ — «Я прочитал книжку, — сказал Джон. — Называется «Гордость и предубеждение»».

    In modern English the word ‘publicist’ usually refers to a press agent — В современном английском языке слово «publicist» обычно означает агента по печати и рекламе.

    — Употребление кавычек при прямой речи см. Direct speech

    English-Russian grammar dictionary > Quotation marks

  • 6
    set off

    фраз. гл.

    He set off for work an hour ago. — Он уехал на работу час назад.

    I set off to make the work by myself, but in the end I had to ask for help. — Я думал, что сделаю работу сам, но, в конце концов, мне пришлось попросить о помощи.

    3) уравновешивать; компенсировать; засчитывать

    Some of your debts can be set off by other money owing to you. — Некоторые долги можно покрыть долгами твоих должников.

    4) выделять, оттенять, выгодно подчёркивать

    The frame sets off the picture. — Картина в этой раме выигрывает.

    The black cloth sets off the jewels nicely. — На чёрной ткани эти драгоценные камни смотрятся просто великолепно.

    5) отделять; выделять, отмечать

    Direct speech is set off from the rest of the sentence by speech marks. — Прямая речь отделяется от основного предложения кавычками.

    Terrorists have been setting off bombs in underground trains. — Террористы произвели несколько взрывов в метро.

    7) побуждать ; вызывать

    The politician’s speech set off violence in the crowd. — Речь политика спровоцировала толпу на беспорядки.

    One amusing remark was enough to set the crowd off. — Чтобы завести толпу, хватило одной шутки.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > set off

  • 7
    set off

    1) отправляться (в путь) He set off for work an hour ago. ≈ Он уехал на работу час назад.
    2) намереваться (делать что-л.) I set off to make the work by myself, but in the end I had to ask for help. ≈ Я думал, что сделаю работу сам, но в конце концов мне пришлось попросить о помощи.
    3) уравновешивать;
    засчитывать( денежную сумму) Some of your debts can be set off by other money owing to you. ≈ Некоторые долги можно покрыть долгами твоих должников.
    4) выделять(ся) ;
    оттенять, выгодно подчеркивать the frame sets off the picture ≈ картина в этой раме выигрывает The black cloth sets off the jewels nicely. ≈ На черной ткани бриллианты смотрятся просто прекрасно.
    5) отделять;
    выделять, отмечать Spoken words are set off from the rest of the sentence by speech marks. ≈ Прямая речь отделяется от основного предложения кавычками.
    6) взрывать Terrorists have been setting off bombs in Underground trains. ≈ Террористы произвели нескоклько взырывов в метро.
    7) побуждать( к чему-л., к какому-л. действию) ;
    вызывать( что-л.) to set off laughing ≈ рассмешить The politician’s speech set off violence in the crowd. ≈ Речь этого политика спровоцировала толпу на беспорядки.
    8) разг. ‘завести’ (кого-л.) One amusing remark was enough to set the crowd off. ≈ Чтобы завести толпу, хватило одной шутки.
    отправляться в путь — to * on a journey отправляться в путешествие /в дорогу/ — he * across the fields to the village он направился через поле в деревню — to * for London выехать в Лондон — to * running убежать — the horses * at a great pace лошади понеслись вскачь начинать — the decline of the pound has * a fresh wave of selling падение фунта послужило началом новой волны продажи ценных бумаг побуждать (к чему-л., к какому-л. действию) — to set smb. off on a journey отправить кого-л. в путешествие — the remark * an argument это замечание вызвало спор — the lockout * sympathy strikes by miners локаут вызвал забастовки солидарности среди горняков (разговорное) «завести» (кого-л.) — a word from her would set him off одного ее слова было достаточно, чтобы он завелся — if you can set him off on his pet subject he will go on for hours если вы сумеете навести его на его любимую тему, он будет говорить об этом без конца взрывать — to * a charge взорвать заряд — to * a rocket запустить ракету — to * fireworks пускать фейерверк оттенять, выгодно выделять, подчеркивать — the dress * her figure это платье выгодно подчеркивало ее фигуру — to * one colour with another оттенять один цвет другим — the frame sets off the picture картина выигрывает в этой раме отделять;
    выделять, отмечать — to * a clause by a comma отделить придаточное предложение запятой компенсировать — to * a loss компенсировать потери — to * a gain against a loss компенсировать потерю выигрышем засчитывать (денежную сумму) — you can * this loan against what I owe you вы можете засчитать эту ссуду в (частичное) погашение моего долга украшать, отделывать — a dress * with gold braid платье, отделанное золотой тесьмой (полиграфия) испачкать, испортить (оттиск) (редкое) лестно отзываться, хвалить

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > set off

  • 8
    set off

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > set off

  • 9

    ˈpʌŋktjueɪt гл.
    1) расставлять знаки препинания Be sure to punctuate your sentences with the correct marks. ≈ Внимательно расставь знаки препинания в предложениях.
    2) акцентировать, подчеркивать Syn: accent, accentuate
    3) а) перемежать( чем-л.) б) вмешаться, прервать Mr. Forster’s speech was punctuated throughout with cries of ‘Release the suspects’. ≈ Речь мистера Форстера периодически прерывалась криками: «Отпустить подозреваемых!» Syn: interrupt, cut, break
    ставить знаки препинания подчеркивать, акцентировать;
    оттенять — each word was *d by a blow каждое слово подкреплялось ударом прерывать (речь и т. п.) ;
    перемежать — a speech *d by quotations речь, пересыпанная цитатами — this speech was *d by /with/ cheers его речь прерывалась возгласами одобрения — his career was *d by a series of mishaps в его карьере было немало /много/ срывов — sobs *d her tale рыдания прерывали ее рассказ
    ~ прерывать, перемежать;
    the audience punctuated the speech by outbursts of applause собрание сопровождало речь взрывами аплодисментов
    punctuate подчеркивать, акцентировать ~ прерывать, перемежать;
    the audience punctuated the speech by outbursts of applause собрание сопровождало речь взрывами аплодисментов ~ ставить знаки препинания

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > punctuate

  • 10

    7) Военный термин: Medical Service, Mess Specialist, Mil Spec, Military Secretary, Military Security, Military Service, Military Stone, Mobile Suit, Modular System, Moral Support, main stage , maintenance and service, maintenance service, maintenance squadron, maintenance standard book, maintenance standards, major subject, manufacturing specification, manufacturing standard, master-sergeant, material specification, material support, materiel squadron, materiel support, measuring set, measuring system, medical services, medical staff, medical supplies, medical survey, medium speed, mess sergeant, military science, military specifications, military standard, military survivor, missile site, missile station, missile system, mission simulation, mission simulator, mobile searchlight, mobile system, mobility support

    8) Техника: Metal Spiral, Mid Side, magnetic semiconductor, mass splitting, maximum security, mean-square, medium shot, medium strong, message, microsphere, microspheric, mid-shot, midcourse surveillance, mitigation system, moisture separator, more significant, multispectral scanner, обозначение для судовых радиостанций

    24) Сокращение: Main Station, Malay, Maritime Surveillance, Master of Science, Measurement Systems Inc. , Message Switch, Metallurgical Society, Methyl Salicylate, Military Secretary, Department of , Military Standards , Minesweeper, Missile Support, Mississippi , Mississippi, Montserrat, MultiSpectral, machine steel, magnetostriction, main switch, maintenance and supply, mark sensing, master schedule, meteorological system, minus, most significant, motor ship, military standard , Mental Status, Multiple Sclerosis, Egyptair (IATA airline code), Mad Scientist, Magestorm (game), Maggie Simpson, Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game), Mail Stop, Mail Store, Main Satellite, Main Spring, Main Steam, Maintenance Shelter, Maintenance Shop, Maintenance Standard, Major System, Male Sterile, Mammal Society, Man System (CASI), Management Science, Mandatory Supervision (type of parole), Manganese Steel, Manta Sonica (band), Manual Sweep (Agilent), Manual Switch, Manufacturing Specialist, Manufacturing Strategy, Maple Story (computer game), Mara Salvatrucha (gang), Marge Simpson, Margin of Safety (structural engineering term), Marine Safety, Marine Science Technician, Mariners (Seattle baseball team), Mario Sunshine (video game), Market Segmentation, Market Share, Market Surveillance, Market Survey, Marketing Society, Marking Scheme (examinations), Markov Switching, Marks and Spencer (UK department store), Martin Scorsese (film director), Marus Seru (Everquest), Mass Shareware, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Storage, Massa, Toscana (Italian province), Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank), Master Shake (cartoon character), Master Smith (bladesmithing), Master Sommelier, Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game), Master System (Sega), Master of Sports, Master of Surgery, Masters of Science (less common), Matched Set (philately), Maternal Sire, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Matrix Spike, Maybe So, McLean Symphony (McLean, VA), Measurement Signal, Mechanics Service, Media Server, Medical Service Corps, Medical Student, Medical Surgical, Mediterranean Sea, Medium Shot (cinematography), Medium Steel, Meets Standards (school grading system), Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems), Mega Second (1, 000, 000 seconds), Member States (EU), Memory Store (calculator button), Memory System, Memoserv (IRC Memo Server), Merchant Shipping, Merge Specification, Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating), Message System, Meta Signaling, Metabolic Syndrome, Metal Slug (game), Metal Sonic (gaming character), Meteor Scattering (ham radio), Michael Schumacher (F1 driver), Michael Shanks (actor), Michele Soavi (film director), Michigan Shore Railroad, Michigan Southern Railway, Microprocessor System (AT&T), Microwave Sensor, Microwave Subsystem, Microwave System, Mid-Side (stereo sound recording), Middle School, Midnight Sun (band), Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade), Mildly Susceptible, Milestone, Milieuschadelijkheid (Dutch: environmental harmfulness), Military Shipping, Military Standard/Service/Specification, Milksolids, Millenial Star (LDS Church), Million Samples (sampling rate), Minimal Subtraction, Minimum Stockage, Mint Sheet (of stamps), Mint State (highest quality of coin), Mirage Studios, Mirror Subassembly, MirrorSoft (former game maker), Mirrored System, Missile Squadron, Missile Station (linear measurement reference to key points on a missile), Mission Scanner, Mission Schedule, Mission Specialist, Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida), Missionaries of Our Lady of Lasalette (religious order), Mobile Subscriber, Mobile Suit (Gundam World), Mobility Solutions (Lucent), Mobilization Station, Mode Select, Model Station, Moderately Susceptible, Modern Studies (school subject), Module Signaling, Monitor Station, Monitor Statistica, Monitored Seconds, Monitoring Subsystem, Monitoring System, Mono Stereo, Monopolio Statale, More Stuff (polite form), Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Morphine Sulfate, Mother Ship (game), Motor Saw, Motor Signal, Motorschiff (German: motor vessel), Motorschip (Dutch), Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement), Multi-Spectral, Multidimensional Scaling, Multilateral Staff, Multiple Elastic Scattering, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiplex Section, Munchausen’s Syndrome, Murashige and Skoog (basal medium), Musculo-Skeletal, Music Scholar (Eton College), Music/Speech (broadcasting), MySpace, Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes), Manual Series

    60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Missing

    62) AMEX. Milestone Scientific, Inc.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > MS

  • 11

    7) Военный термин: Medical Service, Mess Specialist, Mil Spec, Military Secretary, Military Security, Military Service, Military Stone, Mobile Suit, Modular System, Moral Support, main stage , maintenance and service, maintenance service, maintenance squadron, maintenance standard book, maintenance standards, major subject, manufacturing specification, manufacturing standard, master-sergeant, material specification, material support, materiel squadron, materiel support, measuring set, measuring system, medical services, medical staff, medical supplies, medical survey, medium speed, mess sergeant, military science, military specifications, military standard, military survivor, missile site, missile station, missile system, mission simulation, mission simulator, mobile searchlight, mobile system, mobility support

    8) Техника: Metal Spiral, Mid Side, magnetic semiconductor, mass splitting, maximum security, mean-square, medium shot, medium strong, message, microsphere, microspheric, mid-shot, midcourse surveillance, mitigation system, moisture separator, more significant, multispectral scanner, обозначение для судовых радиостанций

    24) Сокращение: Main Station, Malay, Maritime Surveillance, Master of Science, Measurement Systems Inc. , Message Switch, Metallurgical Society, Methyl Salicylate, Military Secretary, Department of , Military Standards , Minesweeper, Missile Support, Mississippi , Mississippi, Montserrat, MultiSpectral, machine steel, magnetostriction, main switch, maintenance and supply, mark sensing, master schedule, meteorological system, minus, most significant, motor ship, military standard , Mental Status, Multiple Sclerosis, Egyptair (IATA airline code), Mad Scientist, Magestorm (game), Maggie Simpson, Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game), Mail Stop, Mail Store, Main Satellite, Main Spring, Main Steam, Maintenance Shelter, Maintenance Shop, Maintenance Standard, Major System, Male Sterile, Mammal Society, Man System (CASI), Management Science, Mandatory Supervision (type of parole), Manganese Steel, Manta Sonica (band), Manual Sweep (Agilent), Manual Switch, Manufacturing Specialist, Manufacturing Strategy, Maple Story (computer game), Mara Salvatrucha (gang), Marge Simpson, Margin of Safety (structural engineering term), Marine Safety, Marine Science Technician, Mariners (Seattle baseball team), Mario Sunshine (video game), Market Segmentation, Market Share, Market Surveillance, Market Survey, Marketing Society, Marking Scheme (examinations), Markov Switching, Marks and Spencer (UK department store), Martin Scorsese (film director), Marus Seru (Everquest), Mass Shareware, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Storage, Massa, Toscana (Italian province), Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank), Master Shake (cartoon character), Master Smith (bladesmithing), Master Sommelier, Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game), Master System (Sega), Master of Sports, Master of Surgery, Masters of Science (less common), Matched Set (philately), Maternal Sire, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Matrix Spike, Maybe So, McLean Symphony (McLean, VA), Measurement Signal, Mechanics Service, Media Server, Medical Service Corps, Medical Student, Medical Surgical, Mediterranean Sea, Medium Shot (cinematography), Medium Steel, Meets Standards (school grading system), Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems), Mega Second (1, 000, 000 seconds), Member States (EU), Memory Store (calculator button), Memory System, Memoserv (IRC Memo Server), Merchant Shipping, Merge Specification, Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating), Message System, Meta Signaling, Metabolic Syndrome, Metal Slug (game), Metal Sonic (gaming character), Meteor Scattering (ham radio), Michael Schumacher (F1 driver), Michael Shanks (actor), Michele Soavi (film director), Michigan Shore Railroad, Michigan Southern Railway, Microprocessor System (AT&T), Microwave Sensor, Microwave Subsystem, Microwave System, Mid-Side (stereo sound recording), Middle School, Midnight Sun (band), Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade), Mildly Susceptible, Milestone, Milieuschadelijkheid (Dutch: environmental harmfulness), Military Shipping, Military Standard/Service/Specification, Milksolids, Millenial Star (LDS Church), Million Samples (sampling rate), Minimal Subtraction, Minimum Stockage, Mint Sheet (of stamps), Mint State (highest quality of coin), Mirage Studios, Mirror Subassembly, MirrorSoft (former game maker), Mirrored System, Missile Squadron, Missile Station (linear measurement reference to key points on a missile), Mission Scanner, Mission Schedule, Mission Specialist, Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida), Missionaries of Our Lady of Lasalette (religious order), Mobile Subscriber, Mobile Suit (Gundam World), Mobility Solutions (Lucent), Mobilization Station, Mode Select, Model Station, Moderately Susceptible, Modern Studies (school subject), Module Signaling, Monitor Station, Monitor Statistica, Monitored Seconds, Monitoring Subsystem, Monitoring System, Mono Stereo, Monopolio Statale, More Stuff (polite form), Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Morphine Sulfate, Mother Ship (game), Motor Saw, Motor Signal, Motorschiff (German: motor vessel), Motorschip (Dutch), Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement), Multi-Spectral, Multidimensional Scaling, Multilateral Staff, Multiple Elastic Scattering, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiplex Section, Munchausen’s Syndrome, Murashige and Skoog (basal medium), Musculo-Skeletal, Music Scholar (Eton College), Music/Speech (broadcasting), MySpace, Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes), Manual Series

    60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Missing

    62) AMEX. Milestone Scientific, Inc.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Ms

  • 12

    7) Военный термин: Medical Service, Mess Specialist, Mil Spec, Military Secretary, Military Security, Military Service, Military Stone, Mobile Suit, Modular System, Moral Support, main stage , maintenance and service, maintenance service, maintenance squadron, maintenance standard book, maintenance standards, major subject, manufacturing specification, manufacturing standard, master-sergeant, material specification, material support, materiel squadron, materiel support, measuring set, measuring system, medical services, medical staff, medical supplies, medical survey, medium speed, mess sergeant, military science, military specifications, military standard, military survivor, missile site, missile station, missile system, mission simulation, mission simulator, mobile searchlight, mobile system, mobility support

    8) Техника: Metal Spiral, Mid Side, magnetic semiconductor, mass splitting, maximum security, mean-square, medium shot, medium strong, message, microsphere, microspheric, mid-shot, midcourse surveillance, mitigation system, moisture separator, more significant, multispectral scanner, обозначение для судовых радиостанций

    24) Сокращение: Main Station, Malay, Maritime Surveillance, Master of Science, Measurement Systems Inc. , Message Switch, Metallurgical Society, Methyl Salicylate, Military Secretary, Department of , Military Standards , Minesweeper, Missile Support, Mississippi , Mississippi, Montserrat, MultiSpectral, machine steel, magnetostriction, main switch, maintenance and supply, mark sensing, master schedule, meteorological system, minus, most significant, motor ship, military standard , Mental Status, Multiple Sclerosis, Egyptair (IATA airline code), Mad Scientist, Magestorm (game), Maggie Simpson, Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game), Mail Stop, Mail Store, Main Satellite, Main Spring, Main Steam, Maintenance Shelter, Maintenance Shop, Maintenance Standard, Major System, Male Sterile, Mammal Society, Man System (CASI), Management Science, Mandatory Supervision (type of parole), Manganese Steel, Manta Sonica (band), Manual Sweep (Agilent), Manual Switch, Manufacturing Specialist, Manufacturing Strategy, Maple Story (computer game), Mara Salvatrucha (gang), Marge Simpson, Margin of Safety (structural engineering term), Marine Safety, Marine Science Technician, Mariners (Seattle baseball team), Mario Sunshine (video game), Market Segmentation, Market Share, Market Surveillance, Market Survey, Marketing Society, Marking Scheme (examinations), Markov Switching, Marks and Spencer (UK department store), Martin Scorsese (film director), Marus Seru (Everquest), Mass Shareware, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Storage, Massa, Toscana (Italian province), Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank), Master Shake (cartoon character), Master Smith (bladesmithing), Master Sommelier, Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game), Master System (Sega), Master of Sports, Master of Surgery, Masters of Science (less common), Matched Set (philately), Maternal Sire, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Matrix Spike, Maybe So, McLean Symphony (McLean, VA), Measurement Signal, Mechanics Service, Media Server, Medical Service Corps, Medical Student, Medical Surgical, Mediterranean Sea, Medium Shot (cinematography), Medium Steel, Meets Standards (school grading system), Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems), Mega Second (1, 000, 000 seconds), Member States (EU), Memory Store (calculator button), Memory System, Memoserv (IRC Memo Server), Merchant Shipping, Merge Specification, Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating), Message System, Meta Signaling, Metabolic Syndrome, Metal Slug (game), Metal Sonic (gaming character), Meteor Scattering (ham radio), Michael Schumacher (F1 driver), Michael Shanks (actor), Michele Soavi (film director), Michigan Shore Railroad, Michigan Southern Railway, Microprocessor System (AT&T), Microwave Sensor, Microwave Subsystem, Microwave System, Mid-Side (stereo sound recording), Middle School, Midnight Sun (band), Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade), Mildly Susceptible, Milestone, Milieuschadelijkheid (Dutch: environmental harmfulness), Military Shipping, Military Standard/Service/Specification, Milksolids, Millenial Star (LDS Church), Million Samples (sampling rate), Minimal Subtraction, Minimum Stockage, Mint Sheet (of stamps), Mint State (highest quality of coin), Mirage Studios, Mirror Subassembly, MirrorSoft (former game maker), Mirrored System, Missile Squadron, Missile Station (linear measurement reference to key points on a missile), Mission Scanner, Mission Schedule, Mission Specialist, Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida), Missionaries of Our Lady of Lasalette (religious order), Mobile Subscriber, Mobile Suit (Gundam World), Mobility Solutions (Lucent), Mobilization Station, Mode Select, Model Station, Moderately Susceptible, Modern Studies (school subject), Module Signaling, Monitor Station, Monitor Statistica, Monitored Seconds, Monitoring Subsystem, Monitoring System, Mono Stereo, Monopolio Statale, More Stuff (polite form), Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Morphine Sulfate, Mother Ship (game), Motor Saw, Motor Signal, Motorschiff (German: motor vessel), Motorschip (Dutch), Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement), Multi-Spectral, Multidimensional Scaling, Multilateral Staff, Multiple Elastic Scattering, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiplex Section, Munchausen’s Syndrome, Murashige and Skoog (basal medium), Musculo-Skeletal, Music Scholar (Eton College), Music/Speech (broadcasting), MySpace, Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes), Manual Series

    60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Missing

    62) AMEX. Milestone Scientific, Inc.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > mS

  • 13

    7) Военный термин: Medical Service, Mess Specialist, Mil Spec, Military Secretary, Military Security, Military Service, Military Stone, Mobile Suit, Modular System, Moral Support, main stage , maintenance and service, maintenance service, maintenance squadron, maintenance standard book, maintenance standards, major subject, manufacturing specification, manufacturing standard, master-sergeant, material specification, material support, materiel squadron, materiel support, measuring set, measuring system, medical services, medical staff, medical supplies, medical survey, medium speed, mess sergeant, military science, military specifications, military standard, military survivor, missile site, missile station, missile system, mission simulation, mission simulator, mobile searchlight, mobile system, mobility support

    8) Техника: Metal Spiral, Mid Side, magnetic semiconductor, mass splitting, maximum security, mean-square, medium shot, medium strong, message, microsphere, microspheric, mid-shot, midcourse surveillance, mitigation system, moisture separator, more significant, multispectral scanner, обозначение для судовых радиостанций

    24) Сокращение: Main Station, Malay, Maritime Surveillance, Master of Science, Measurement Systems Inc. , Message Switch, Metallurgical Society, Methyl Salicylate, Military Secretary, Department of , Military Standards , Minesweeper, Missile Support, Mississippi , Mississippi, Montserrat, MultiSpectral, machine steel, magnetostriction, main switch, maintenance and supply, mark sensing, master schedule, meteorological system, minus, most significant, motor ship, military standard , Mental Status, Multiple Sclerosis, Egyptair (IATA airline code), Mad Scientist, Magestorm (game), Maggie Simpson, Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game), Mail Stop, Mail Store, Main Satellite, Main Spring, Main Steam, Maintenance Shelter, Maintenance Shop, Maintenance Standard, Major System, Male Sterile, Mammal Society, Man System (CASI), Management Science, Mandatory Supervision (type of parole), Manganese Steel, Manta Sonica (band), Manual Sweep (Agilent), Manual Switch, Manufacturing Specialist, Manufacturing Strategy, Maple Story (computer game), Mara Salvatrucha (gang), Marge Simpson, Margin of Safety (structural engineering term), Marine Safety, Marine Science Technician, Mariners (Seattle baseball team), Mario Sunshine (video game), Market Segmentation, Market Share, Market Surveillance, Market Survey, Marketing Society, Marking Scheme (examinations), Markov Switching, Marks and Spencer (UK department store), Martin Scorsese (film director), Marus Seru (Everquest), Mass Shareware, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Storage, Massa, Toscana (Italian province), Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank), Master Shake (cartoon character), Master Smith (bladesmithing), Master Sommelier, Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game), Master System (Sega), Master of Sports, Master of Surgery, Masters of Science (less common), Matched Set (philately), Maternal Sire, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Matrix Spike, Maybe So, McLean Symphony (McLean, VA), Measurement Signal, Mechanics Service, Media Server, Medical Service Corps, Medical Student, Medical Surgical, Mediterranean Sea, Medium Shot (cinematography), Medium Steel, Meets Standards (school grading system), Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems), Mega Second (1, 000, 000 seconds), Member States (EU), Memory Store (calculator button), Memory System, Memoserv (IRC Memo Server), Merchant Shipping, Merge Specification, Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating), Message System, Meta Signaling, Metabolic Syndrome, Metal Slug (game), Metal Sonic (gaming character), Meteor Scattering (ham radio), Michael Schumacher (F1 driver), Michael Shanks (actor), Michele Soavi (film director), Michigan Shore Railroad, Michigan Southern Railway, Microprocessor System (AT&T), Microwave Sensor, Microwave Subsystem, Microwave System, Mid-Side (stereo sound recording), Middle School, Midnight Sun (band), Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade), Mildly Susceptible, Milestone, Milieuschadelijkheid (Dutch: environmental harmfulness), Military Shipping, Military Standard/Service/Specification, Milksolids, Millenial Star (LDS Church), Million Samples (sampling rate), Minimal Subtraction, Minimum Stockage, Mint Sheet (of stamps), Mint State (highest quality of coin), Mirage Studios, Mirror Subassembly, MirrorSoft (former game maker), Mirrored System, Missile Squadron, Missile Station (linear measurement reference to key points on a missile), Mission Scanner, Mission Schedule, Mission Specialist, Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida), Missionaries of Our Lady of Lasalette (religious order), Mobile Subscriber, Mobile Suit (Gundam World), Mobility Solutions (Lucent), Mobilization Station, Mode Select, Model Station, Moderately Susceptible, Modern Studies (school subject), Module Signaling, Monitor Station, Monitor Statistica, Monitored Seconds, Monitoring Subsystem, Monitoring System, Mono Stereo, Monopolio Statale, More Stuff (polite form), Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Morphine Sulfate, Mother Ship (game), Motor Saw, Motor Signal, Motorschiff (German: motor vessel), Motorschip (Dutch), Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement), Multi-Spectral, Multidimensional Scaling, Multilateral Staff, Multiple Elastic Scattering, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiplex Section, Munchausen’s Syndrome, Murashige and Skoog (basal medium), Musculo-Skeletal, Music Scholar (Eton College), Music/Speech (broadcasting), MySpace, Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes), Manual Series

    60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Missing

    62) AMEX. Milestone Scientific, Inc.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ms

  • 14



    прош. вр.


    прич. прош. вр.

    got, gotten


    а) получить (в собственность), стать обладателем

    He got a bicycle for his birthday. — На день рождения ему подарили велосипед.


    б) получить, нажить , навлекать на себя

    She got nothing but trouble for her efforts. — За свои старания она нажила себе только одни проблемы.



    He got this book at the library. — Эту книгу он взял в библиотеке.


    Get me a pillow. — Принеси мне подушку.

    Help me to get the washing in, it’s raining. — Помоги мне занести бельё в дом, а то идёт дождь.



    а) купить, приобрести

    I got these jeans for $100. — Я купил эти джинсы за 100 долларов.


    Jim gets through a lot of beer while watching football on television every Saturday. — Джим выпивает изрядное количество пива, пока смотрит футбол по телевизору по субботам.


    а) извлекать, добывать, получать

    He got this information from the Internet. — Он нашёл эту информацию в интернете.

    You can’t get water out of a stone. — Из камня нельзя получить воду.

    б) заработать, получить

    I always get high marks in history. — Я всегда получаю хорошие оценки по истории.

    He got $20 for this work. — Он получил 20 долларов за эту работу.

    в) завоевать, приобрести (в результате военных действий)

    I couldn’t get a day off because I had to write a report. — Мне не разрешили взять отгул, так как я должен был написать отчёт.

    I finally got to work at home. — Наконец-то я смог поработать дома.


    а) приходить; прибывать, достигать

    The snow was so deep that the climbers could not get through to the hut. — Снега было так много, что альпинисты не смогли пробраться к хижине.


    б) добираться, доставать до

    I can’t get at the top branches, can you bring the ladder? — Я не достаю до верхних веток, принеси мне, пожалуйста, лестницу.

    в) разг. иметь в виду

    7) разместиться, занять место, сесть в ; воспользоваться

    She got her plane two minutes before takeoff. — Она поднялась на борт самолёта всего за две минуты до вылета.


    8) застать, дозвониться, суметь установить связь

    I tried to get you, but your phone was busy. — Я пытался связаться с тобой, но телефон был занят.

    I got (through to) him on the telephone at last. — Наконец я дозвонился до него.

    9) заразиться, подхватить инфекцию

    The teacher got chicken pox from the students. — Учитель заразился ветрянкой от учеников.



    а) подвергаться, испытывать на себе

    He got a severe concussion. — Он получил серьёзное (тяжёлое) сотрясение мозга.


    б) получить в качестве наказания, возмездия; схлопотать

    He got six years in prison for tax fraud. — Он получил шесть лет за налоговые махинации.

    You’ll get a spanking when your father comes home. — Когда отец вернётся, получишь взбучку.


    а) понять, осознать; выяснить

    He didn’t get the point of the joke. — Он не понял, в чём шутка.

    It is always difficult to get at the truth. — Выяснять правду всегда нелегко.

    I cannot get at the meaning. — Я не могу понять, что это значит.

    The children didn’t quite get onto what the teacher was saying. — Дети не совсем поняли, что говорил учитель.


    б) дойти до сознания, стать понятным

    Did your speech get over / across to the crowd? — Твоя речь дошла до сознания толпы?

    Though the message was clear, it took long to get it over to the minds of Americans. — Хотя идея была понятна, прошло много времени, пока американцы её восприняли.


    а) выяснить, обнаружить с помощью подсчётов

    I can’t get the total. — Я не могу сосчитать.

    These days, scientists use computers to help them to get out the difficult calculations concerned with space travel. — Теперь учёные используют компьютеры для проведения сложных расчётов, связанных с полётами в космос.

    Sorry, I didn’t get your name. — Простите, я не разобрал, как вас зовут.

    13) выучить наизусть, запомнить

    I’ve got this poem off by heart already. — Я уже выучил это стихотворение наизусть.


    14) порождать, производить, вызывать


    15) приготовить, обеспечить готовность

    I have to go and work, I must get out my next speech. — Мне нужно пойти поработать, надо подготовить моё следующее выступление.

    The children are getting up a play for next week. — Дети готовят постановку к следующей неделе.



    а) передвигаться, перемещаться

    Mother is much better now, thank you, she’s able to get about a bit more. — Маме лучше, спасибо; она может уже немного ходить.

    Using the new bridge to get across will save people a lot of time. — Люди будут пользоваться новым мостом, чтобы перебраться на другую сторону, это сохранит им массу времени.

    This new car gets away faster than any of our former models. — Новая модель стартует быстрее всех остальных.

    There’s enough room for the car to get by. — Автомобиль вполне может здесь проехать.

    I’m sorry I’m late but the telephone rang just as I was about to leave, and I couldn’t get away. — Прошу прощения за опоздание, но я не мог уйти, так как прямо перед моим выходом зазвонил телефон.

    On a clear day, you can see the ships far out to sea, until they get beyond the horizon. — В ясный день корабли видны далеко в море, до тех пор, пока они не скроются за горизонтом.

    The cat climbed the tree, and then couldn’t get down. — Кошка забралась на дерево и не могла слезть.

    Don’t be afraid of the horse, get on! — Не бойся лошади, садись.

    How can we get over? The traffic’s so busy. — Как нам перейти (на другую сторону)? Тут такое сильное движение.

    Put the fence deep into the earth so that the rabbits can’t get under. — Врой забор поглубже в землю, чтобы кролики не смогли под ним пролезть.

    The hill was so steep that the old car had difficulty getting up. — Холм был такой крутой, что старая машина еле-еле взобралась на него.

    The history lessons get up to the year 1642 and then stop. — На уроках истории доходят до 1642 года и на этом останавливаются.

    б) двигать, способствовать продвижению, вести прям. и перен.

    to get smth. away — вытаскивать что-л. (наружу)

    to get smb. beyond smth. — помогать кому-л. в развитии, продвижении дальше, чем что-л.

    Please get the children in, their dinner’s ready. — Зови детей, обед готов.

    It took him just ten minutes to get the car through the traffic. — Всего за десять минут он смог вырулить из сплошного потока машин.

    The captain got his ship into the harbour safely in spite of rough sea. — Капитан благополучно привёл корабль в гавань, несмотря на бурное море.

    Some additional lessons might get you up to the standard demanded by the examiners. — Несколько дополнительных занятий могут помочь тебе подняться до уровня, который требуют экзаменаторы.



    а) вмещаться, помещаться

    Since I gained weight, I can’t get into my best suit. — Так как я располнел, я не могу влезть в свой лучший костюм.

    Get into bed, and I’ll bring you a cup of tea. — Ложись, я принесу тебе чай в постель.

    That grass is newly seeded, please get off! — Газон только что засеяли, пожалуйста, уйдите с него.

    б) класть, помещать, ставить

    This case is too small, I cannot get all my clothes in. — Этот чемодан слишком маленький, я не могу засунуть туда всю мою одежду.

    We shall have to get the tree up by its roots. — Придётся вытащить дерево с корнями.

    I can’t get my head into this hat. — Эта шляпа мне мала.


    а) хватать, брать силой

    The detective got the suspect as he left the restaurant. — Сыщик задержал подозреваемого, когда тот вышел из ресторана.

    The goblins will get you if you don’t watch out. — Будь осторожен, иначе тебя поймают гоблины.


    б) захватывать (эмоционально), производить большое впечатление, изумлять

    This music really gets me. — Мне так нравится эта музыка!

    His sad story really got to me, and I was moved to help him. — Его печальная история тронула меня, и мне захотелось помочь ему.

    в) озадачить, поставить проблему

    It gets me why she suddenly decided to sell the house. — Странно, почему она вдруг решила продать дом.


    а) надоедать, доставать, доканывать

    What got me was his utter lack of initiative. — Его полная безынициативность достала меня.

    His mother at last got across me, making rude remarks in my own home. — Его мать доконала-таки меня своими замечаниями в моем же доме.

    This continuous wet weather is getting me down. — Эта постоянная плохая погода начинает мне надоедать.


    б) ругать , придираться к

    She’s always getting after the children for one thing or another. — Вечно она придирается к детям — то за одно, то за другое.


    She got him on the stomach. — Она ударила его в живот.

    The bullet got him in the leg. — Пуля попала ему в ногу.




    побеждать, одолевать, уничтожать

    прям. и перен.

    The hail got the rose bushes. — Град побил кусты роз.

    The firemen got the fire under in only half an hour. — Пожарные потушили огонь всего за полчаса.




    лишать возможности увеличить счёт




    сбежать, исчезнуть; свалить, смыться

    She yelled at the dog to get. — Чтобы прогнать собаку, она стала на неё кричать.

    23) заниматься бизнесом, делать деньги, работать на прибыль

    He puts all his energy into getting and spending. — Он тратит всю свою энергию на то, чтобы зарабатывать деньги и их тратить.

    24) приступать , приниматься

    I’d like to get at repainting the house as soon as the weather is suitable. — Я хотел бы снова взяться за перекраску дома, когда погода станет приемлемой.

    We finally got round to answering our correspondence. — Мы наконец выкроили время, чтобы ответить на письма.

    I think I’ll be able to get round to this job only next month. — Думаю, до этой работы у меня дойдут руки только в следующем месяце.

    We must get to work at once (on the new building plans). — Надо немедленно приниматься за дело.

    25) проходить через , преодолевать, выдерживать прям. и перен.

    I don’t know how poor people get through these cold winters. — Не знаю, как бедные переживают такие морозы.

    Your suggestion has got by the first stage and will now be examined by the committee. — Ваше предложение было одобрено на первом этапе и теперь будет рассмотрено комитетом.

    It always takes some time to get over the shock of someone’s death. — Когда кто-нибудь умирает, всегда нужно некоторое время, чтобы шок прошёл.

    I can’t get over your news, I would never have thought it possible! — Никак не могу свыкнуться с тем, что ты мне сказал, я думал, что такое невозможно.

    The committee will have to find means to get over the difficulty. — Комитет должен будет изыскать средства преодолеть эти трудности.

    а) убедить , заставить сделать по-своему

    I think I can get round my father to lend us the car. — Я думаю, мне удастся уговорить отца дать нам автомобиль.

    We’ll soon get him round (to our point of view). — Мы скоро его переубедим.

    б) обходить , уклоняться от

    If you are clever, you can sometimes get round the tax laws. — Если ты достаточно хитёр, то иногда можно изловчиться и уклониться от налогов.


    27) разг. подкупать

    The prisoners escaped after getting at the guards to leave the gate open. — Заключённым удалось сбежать — они подкупили охрану и ворота остались незапертыми.


    This book got a bit beyond me. — Эта книга оказалась для меня трудноватой.

    The children tried to build a hut in the garden, but the work got past them and they had to ask their father to help. — Дети хотели построить в саду шалаш, но работа оказалась для них слишком тяжёлой, и они попросили отца помочь им.

    б) иметь трудности с , находить для себя слишком трудным

    Jim’s father got beyond running the business on his own. — Отцу Джима оказалось слишком трудным вести дело самому.

    а) переходить к , начинать

    Let’s get onto the next scene now. — Теперь перейдем к следующей сцене.

    How did we get onto this subject? It has no connection with what we were talking about. — Как мы перешли к этой теме? У неё же ничего общего с тем, о чём мы говорили?

    My neighbour got onto the city council. — Моего соседа избрали в городской совет.



    приставать к , доставать

    She’s been getting onto me for a year to buy her a new coat. — Она уже год выпрашивает у меня купить ей новое пальто.

    I’ve got onto a good idea for improving production. — Мне тут пришла в голову неплохая идея на тему улучшения производства.

    You’ll get into bad habits if you keep borrowing money. — Если ты и дальше будешь брать деньги в долг, это превратится в дурную привычку.

    в) попадать в какое-л. положение, состояние

    Try not to get into a temper. — Старайся не раздражаться.

    The devil has got into this class today. — Сегодня в учеников словно вселился дьявол.

    г) попадать, вовлекаться, оказываться впутанным во

    He got into debts. — Его втянули в долги.

    д) начинать , приступать к

    I must get into training soon; the cricket season starts next month. — Мне пора начать тренировки; крикетный сезон начинается в следующем месяце.

    Michael got into radio when he was only fourteen. — Майкл заинтересовался радио, когда ему было всего четырнадцать.

    31) получить результат какого-л. действия

    He got his arm broken in the fight. — В этой драке ему сломали руку.

    The new director will soon get the firm started. — Новый директор скоро заставит фирму заработать.

    32) вызвать

    He got the children tired and cross. — Он утомил и разозлил детей.


    а) начинать делать

    to get going / moving — начать действовать, взяться за дело

    I have to get working on this or I’ll miss my deadline. — Я должен начать работать над этим, иначе я не уложусь в сроки.

    б) обеспечить начало действия

    It was he who got the factory working. — Именно благодаря ему завод начал работать.


    We’ve got plenty of cash. — У нас много наличности.

    They got a nice house in town. — У них славный домик в городе.

    б) иметь в качестве поручения, обязанности, обязательства

    I have got to leave early. — Мне надо уйти пораньше.

    You’ve got to do the dishes. — Ты должен помыть посуду.

    35) подвергнуться действию со стороны

    She got stung by a bee. — Её ужалила пчела.

    36) заставить, просить, убеждать кого-л. что-л. сделать

    The Opera Guild got the governor to serve as honorary chairman. — Гильдия оперных певцов убедила губернатора стать её почётным председателем.


    37) становиться, делаться

    Moscow gets awfully cold in winter. — В Москве зимой становится очень холодно.

    get better

    — get soaked through
    — get wet through


    — get abreast of smth.
    — get abroad
    — get ahead
    — get along
    — get around
    — get away
    — get back
    — get behind
    — get by
    — get down
    — get in
    — get off
    — get on
    — get out
    — get past
    — get round
    — get through
    — get together
    — get up


    to get up an appetite for smth.— почувствовать вкус к чему-л.

    to get smth. into one’s head — вбить что-л. себе в голову

    to get on one’s feet / legs — вставать, подниматься

    to get smb.’s back up / blood up — разозлить кого-л., вывести из себя

    to get one’s dander up, get one’s monkey up — разозлиться, выйти из себя

    to have got smb. / smth. on one’s nerves — раздражаться из-за кого-л. / чего-л.

    to get the mitten / the sack / walking orders / walking papers — быть уволенным

    to get one’s hand in smth. — набить руку в чём-л., освоиться с чем-л.

    to get a head — захмелеть, иметь тяжелую голову с похмелья

    to get in wrong with smb. — попасть в немилость к кому-л.

    to get rid of smth. / smb — избавиться от чего-л. / кого-л.

    to get hold of smth. — суметь схватить что-л.; суметь достать, приобрести

    to get hold of smb. — разг. застать, перехватить кого-л.

    Get along with you! — Иди ты! Проваливай! Убирайся!; Так я тебе и поверил! Не болтай ерунды!

    to get smth. under control — установить контроль над чем-л.

    get left

    — get lost
    — get even
    — get home
    — get oneself together
    — get a bit on
    — get leg in
    — get smth. all wrong
    — get smth. wrong
    — get the upper hand



    Англо-русский современный словарь > get

  • 15

    [‘pʌŋkʧueɪt], [-tju-]


    Be sure to punctuate your sentences with the correct marks. — Внимательно расставь знаки препинания в предложениях.

    2) акцентировать, подчёркивать



    б) вмешаться, прервать

    Mr. Forster’s speech was punctuated throughout with cries of «Release the suspects». — Речь мистера Форстера периодически прерывалась криками: «Отпустить подозреваемых!»


    Англо-русский современный словарь > punctuate

  • 16

    English-Russian grammar dictionary > Punctuation

  • From novels to news reports, speech marks are used in all sorts of places! In this guide, we take a look at what they are, where they’re used and some handy rules to keep in mind when using them.

    In this blog, jump to:

    • What are speech marks?
    • Where are speech marks used?
    • When do children learn about speech marks?
    • How to use speech marks
    • Speech mark examples
    • How to use speech marks when writing
    • General rules for using speech marks

    What are speech marks?

    Speech marks are special punctuation marks that show the exact words someone has spoken.

    They’re also known as quotation marks and inverted commas, and they always appear in pairs at the beginning and end of what was said.

    This is what they look like: “ ”

    And here’s an example of some speech marks in action:

    “The words that appear between speech marks are the exact words that someone has said,” said the teacher.

    Where are speech marks used?

    You can find speech marks everywhere. They’re common in stories, news articles, poetry and essays. By showing when someone is speaking, speech marks can help make a text more lively and easier to read.

    In a story, speech marks may show which of the characters is speaking. For example, in a children’s book you may read:

    “We always eat in the garden,” said Markus.

    In a news article, speech marks can be used to show a statement made by an expert. For example:

    Economists say that “the increase in production will help the job market to grow”.

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    When do children learn about speech marks?

    Children usually start learning about speech marks around the age of 7.

    Before they learn about speech marks, they’ll first be taught about other forms of punctuation, including full stops, commas, exclamation marks and question marks.

    How to use speech marks

    Being able to tell the difference between direct and indirect speech will help children to effectively use speech marks.

    • Direct speech: shows the exact words that were spoken by a person or character. Speech marks are used at the beginning and end of direct speech to represent what someone has said.
    • Indirect speech: shows what someone said without using their exact words. Speech marks aren’t used in these cases.
    • A reporting clause will let a reader know who said the direct speech and how they said it.

    You should always separate direct speech from the reporting clause by a comma.

    This may sound a little complicated, but if we look at an example it will all be clearer.

    Anne said, “It’s snowing!”

    In this example, ‘Anne said’ is the reporting clause, as it lets us know that it was Anne who spoke. This clause is separated by a comma from Anne’s direct speech, which is represented by the text between the speech marks (“It’s snowing!”).

    If you’re writing a conversation between multiple people, reporting clauses can also help to clarify who’s speaking, and when.

    Speech mark examples

    Let’s take a look at some examples of speech marks in actions. These will help us better understand the different uses of speech marks.

    Example 1

    The teacher said that Anthony’s story was “exceptionally written” and that’s why she read it to the whole class.

    In this example, a fragmented part of the teacher’s statement is quoted. This is why the statement isn’t capitalised and has no punctuation before or within the quotation marks.

    Example 2

    Markus laughed, “Did you see how high I jumped?”

    “I know! It was amazing!” Adriana agreed.

    In this example, two different people are speaking. The reporting clauses (‘Marcus laughed’ and ‘Adriana agreed’) shows us who is speaking. Each speaker is also placed on a new line to help the reader see that a new person has started speaking.

    Example 3

    “It’s amazing,” William exclaimed, “there are bubbles everywhere!”

    In this example, the statement made by William is separated by the reporting clause. This is a fun way of adding some character to your writing when using speech marks.

    Example 4

    “Polar bears are my favourite real animals,” Mario said. He then told us about the mythical animals he likes more than polar bears.

    This is an interesting example because only part of what Mario said is directly written down. The rest is summarised in indirect speech, and this is why there are no speech marks in the second sentence.

    How to use speech marks when writing

    If you’d like to quote a phrase or statement, using speech marks will show the reader that these aren’t your original words.

    Speech marks are also a great way to give emphasis to certain phrases.

    If you’re writing stories, they’ll also help to separate when the different characters are talking. Keep in mind that speech is a faster way of moving a story forward, so be careful about how much you use them!

    General rules for using speech marks

    There are a few helpful rules to keep in mind when using speech marks:

    • Sentences made by different characters or people will need to be in separate lines
    • If you’re using a person’s full statement, the punctuation of the sentence will need to be within the quotation marks. This includes full stops, exclamation marks, and question marks.
    • If a reporting clause is before the speech marks, you’ll need a comma to separate the two. This comma will be before the speech marks.
    • If a reporting clause comes in the middle of two quoted sentence parts, you’ll need a comma at the end of the speech marks in the first part and at the beginning of the speech marks in the second part of the sentence

    Final thoughts

    Using speech marks is relatively easy once you realise that they’re only used to express what someone said. When writing an essay or story, speech marks can also help to make your writing more interesting and even livelier!

    To learn even more about speech marks, why not download the DoodleEnglish app?

    It’s filled with interactive exercises exploring the topic, making it the perfect way to put your learning into practice.

    Best of all, it’s designed to be used for just 10 minutes a day — and you can try it for absolutely free!

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