Another word for some more


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Synonyms for some more
some more

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1. Much употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными (в единственном числе), а many – с исчисляемыми во множественном числе:

I haven’t got much time.
I don’t know many of your friends.

□ Иногда much может употребляться перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе:

There’s not much point in going on.

Many может употребляться после других определителей (the, my, its, his, her и т.п.):

Among the many unknowns after the earthquake is the extent of damage to the foundations of buildings.
The gallery is exhibiting some of his many famous paintings of ships.

2. Much и many могут употребляться как местоимения (если при этом смысл ясен):

You haven’t eaten much.
Did you find any mushrooms? — Not many.

Как правило, это звучит достаточно формально:

There is no guarantee of a full recovery. Much depends on how well she responds to treatment.
The government’s policies have done much to reduce unemployment.
Many (= many people) have argued that she is the finest poet of our generation.
Not once did I see a tiger in the jungle, although I heard many.

Перед другими определителями (the, my, this и т.п.) или местоимениями употребляется much/many of:

You can’t see much of a country in a week.
How much of the house do you want to paint this year?
I won’t pass the exam: I’ve missed too many of my lessons.
How many of you are there?

There’s not much meat left. (не ‘There’s not much of meat left’.)
Many shops open on Sunday mornings. (не ‘many of shops’ )

Of после much/many обычно не употребляется, если нет другого определителя (артикля или личного):

She didn’t eat much breakfast. (не ‘ … much of breakfast’.)
There aren’t many large glasses left. (не ‘ … many of large glasses left’.)

Но much of употребляется перед именами и географическими называниями:

I’ve seen too much of Haward recently.
Not much of Denmark is hilly.

□ Иногда возможно такое употребление:

He’s not much of a success/gentleman.

3. В разговорной речи much и many, как правило употребляются только в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. В утвердительных предложениях они звучат очень формально (особенно much) и вместо них употребляются другие, равнозначные по смыслу, слова и обороты:

He’s got lots of men friends, but he doesn’t know many women. (More natural than ‘He’s got many men friends…’)
Did you buy any clothes? .- Yes, lots. (не ‘Yes, many’)
How much money have you got? — I’ve got plenty. (не ‘I’ve got much’.)

a) a lot of и lots of

Эти выражения употребляются в основном в разговорной речи и могут употребляться с неисчисляемыми существительными и множественным числом исчисляемых (глагол согласуется в числе с существительным, а не с a lot of/lots of):

A lot of time is needed to learn a language.
Lots of patience is needed, too. (не ‘Lots of patience are needed, too’.)
A lot of my friends want to emigrate. (не ‘A lot of my friends wants… ’)
Lots of us think it’s time for an election.

There’s not a lot of meat left. (не ‘There’s not a lot meat left’.)

b) plenty of означает «достаточно» или «больше, чем достаточно»:

Don’t rush. There’s plenty of time.
Plenty of shops take cheques.
There’s no need to worry. We’ve got plenty of money.
Have some more coffee. — No, thank you. I’ve had plenty.

We took lots of food and drink on our walk through the hills/ …plenty of…
Jim doesn’t look well. He’s lost a lot of weight (не ‘plenty of‘)
Plenty of shops open on Sunday mornings. (не ‘Plenty shops’)

4. В более формальном стиле употребляются

a) much и many:

We have much (work) to do/many obstacles to overcome before we can claim that real progress has been achieved.
Much has been written about unemployment.
In the opinion of many economists, …
Much debate has been heard about Thornton’s new book.
There could be many explanations for this.
Much of her fiction describes women in unhappy marriages.

b) a great/good deal of, a large/considerable/substantial amount of и a large/considerable/great/substantial number of

Эти выражения звучат несколько более формально, чем a lot of и lots of:

A great/good deal of и a large amount of употребляются с неисчисляемыми существительными:

Mr. Lucas has spent a great deal of time in the Far East.
A good deal of the exhibition was devoted to her recent work.
I’ve thrown out a large amount of old clothing.
A large amount of the food was inedible/ Much of…

A large number of употребляется с существительными во множественном числе:

A large number of problems still have to be solved. (более естественно, чем
‘A large amount of problems …’ / ‘A great deal of problems …’ )
The book contains a large number of pictures, many in colour/ …many…

c) оборот many a с существительным в единственном числе:

The manager must have spent many a sleepless night worrying about his team selection.
Many a pupil at the school will be pleased that Latin is no longer compulsory.

d) обороты a good/great many:

She has a good/great many friends in New Zealand.

e) обороты far too many/ far too much (со значением «слишком много»)

Far too many students failed the end-of-year math exam.
Far too much time is wasted filling in forms.

□ Выражения с of обычно не употребляются перед такими словами как pounds, или miles:

It cost several pounds. (не ‘It cost a lot of pounds’.)
They lived many miles from the town. (не ‘They lived plenty of miles from
the town

□ Обычно many (а не a lot of/lots) употребляются со словами, обозначающими время (days, minutes, months, weeks, years) и с числами + of (например: thousands of voters, millions of pounds):

We used to spend many hours driving to Melbourne and back.
He was the founder of a company now worth many millions of pounds.

□ Выражения с of могут употребляться как местоимения, если смысл ясен:

How much did it cost? — A lot. (= A lot of money.)
We should be all right for cheese — I’ve bought plenty.
He does not often speak, but when he does he says a great deal.

A lot и a great deal могут употребляться как наречия:

On holiday we walk and swim a lot.
The government seems to change its mind a great deal.

□ Выражения so much/many, as much/many и too much/many звучат вполне естественно в разговорной речи в утвердительных предложениях:

There was so much traffic that it took me an hour to get home.
I play as much tennis as I can.
You make too many mistakes.
She won’t drink this coffee. There’s too much sugar in it.
There was so much sugar in the coffee that she could’t drink it.

Much употребляется как наречие в вопросах и отрицательных предложениях:

Do you work much at weekends? I don’t travel much these days.
She’s much older than her brother.
I don’t drive much faster than you.

Much в формальном стиле может употребляться перед некоторыми глаголами (выражающими удовлетворение и предпочтение) в утвердительных предложениях:

I much appreciate your help.
We much prefer the country to the town.
I didn’t much enjoy the concert.

Very much употребляется как наречие (обычно не ставится перед существительным):

I very much like your new hairstyle.
Thank you very much.
There’s a whole lot of water coming under the door. (before noun) ( не ‘There’s very much water coming … ’ )

Much и many имеют степени сравнения (причем одинаковые):

George did more work/exercises than anyone else.
So he did the most work/ exercises


1. More употребляется как сравнительная степень much и many:

We need more time (не ‘ … more of time’.)
More university students are having to borrow money these days.

2. Если смысл ясен, more можно употреблять в качестве местоимения:

I’d like some more, please.

Перед другими определителями (a, the, my, this и т.п.) и местоимениями употребляется more of:

Three more of the missing climbers have been found.
Could I have some more of that smoked fish?
I don’t think any more of them want to come.

И more of употребляется перед именами и географическими названиями:

It would be nice to see more of Ray and Barbara.
Five hundred years ago, much more of Britain was covered with trees.

3. Употребляются обороты one more/ two more… и т.п..

There’s just one more river to cross.

4. More употребляется (по соответствующим правилам) для образования сравнительной степени прилагательных и наречий):

As you get older you get more tolerant.
Please drive more slowly.

5. More может употребляться как наречие:

I couldn’t agree more.
I hate this job more and more as the years go by.


1. The most употребляется как превосходная степень much и many:

Susan found the most blackberries (больше других).
The most work is often done by the quietest worker.

В разговорной речи the иногда опускается:

Who earns (the) most money in your family?

2. Most (в этом значении без артикля) означает «большинство»:

Most children like ice cream. (не ‘The most children… ’ )
Most cheese is made from cow’s milk.
Most Swiss people understand French. (не ‘Most of Swiss people…’)
Most people want a peaceful life.

Most of употребляется перед именами и географическими названиями:

I’ve read most of Shakespeare.
The Romans conquered most of England.

В этом значении most уже не превосходная степень much/many, а фактически самостоятельный определитель.

The majority of (=most / most of) употребляется обычно с множественным числом:

The majority of criminals are non-violent.

3. Если смысл ясен, most можно употреблять в качестве местоимения:

Some people had difficulty with the lecture, but most understood.

Перед другими определителями (a, the, my, this и т.п.) и местоимениями употребляется most of:

Most of the people here know each other.
Most of my friends live abroad. (не ‘most my friends… ’)
Most of us thought he was wrong.
He’s eaten two pizzas and most of a cold chicken.

4. (The) most употребляется (по соответствующим правилам) для образования превосходной степени прилагательных и наречий:

I wasn’t as clever as the others, but I was the most beautiful.
I work most efficiently in the early morning.

5. (The) most может употребляться как наречие (артикль часто опускается в разговорной речи):

They all talk a lot, but your little girl talks (the) most.
The truth hurts most.

Как наречие most может иметь значение «очень» в формальном стиле:

That is most kind of you.
Thank you for a most interesting afternoon.
The experience was most distressing.

Mostly означает «в большинстве, но не во всех случаях»

Your little girl talks the most. (не ‘…talks mostly’.)
She mostly talks about her friends.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Question: What’s another word for tourism?

What’s another word for «missing»?

What’s another word for «insignificant»?

What’s another word for «love»?

What’s another word for full-time?

What’s another word for «smile»?

JOHN: I’d get to some word, I’d get a sentence and it didn’t work somehow, so I’d say to George, ‘What’s another word for «fly»?’ and he’d suggest something.

ДЖОН: «Я подыскивал какое-нибудь слово, составлял фразу, но она мне не нравилась, и я спрашивал Джорджа:»Как по-другому сказать «муха»?»

What’s another word for two weeks?

Like, what’s another word for «ostentatious»?

Phil, what’s another word for twatted?

I don’t — what’s another word for fate?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 11. Точных совпадений: 11. Затраченное время: 122 мс

As an attribute (как

other side, the other book, another book, the other books.

other + noun
the second of the two= другой,

другие, остальные (из определённого

+ noun
an additional one, a different one = любой

+ nouns=

some additional (days, books, etc) = ещё
2 дня,
2 книги
(another 4 days)

(как местоимение- существительное)


= part of a set, the second of 2 things or people (used with the)

found one ear-ring – do you know where the

= additional to the idem or person already mentioned

there any other
we should speak with?


= additional ones

only know about this book, but there might be others

= people in general, not including yourself

shouldn’t expect others
do you work for you.


= additional amount, one more person or thing

going to have another
of cake.

= different, a different person o thing

you want to exchange this toaster for another


или другим путём, способом

another= each other=


after another=

other day =

other words =

= никто
другой, как

= с другой стороны


1. Supply the appropriate word out of the given in brackets.

The shoes do not fit me. Will you kindly give me (another, the other)
pair? 2. They haven’t met for twenty years, neither of them has
seen even a photo of (another, the other). 3. I read the novels by
O’Henry one after (another, the other). 4. There were many people
on the beach; some were bathing, (others, the others) were basking in
the sun. 5. I met him at the club (other, the other) night. 6. I see
only five copies here. Where are (the other, the others) ones? 7. I
have lost my fountain-pen. I must buy (another, other) one. 8. They
are going to be punished one way or (another, other).

2. Use

Without … word he left the room. 2. It was not a large garden, but
it was long and narrow. John and I walked right to … end of it in
silence. 3. Would you like … cup of tea? 4. Then I read the novels
of William Burroughs one after … . 5. … day I made an epigram. I
hope you’ll like it. 6. Why are you alone? Where are …? 7. The
bar was kept by two very nice girls, one was American and … was
English. 8. … people have told me the same thing. 9. The house on …
side of the river was built of grey stone. 10. He was always somewhat
indifferent to the feelings of … .

3. Complete the sentences choosing
(others), another, the other (the others)

All superiors were important to Mr. Smith, though some were more
important than …. 2. One of his daughters is married to a man who
lives by his pen, … husband is a doctor. 3. “We can do as well as
… people do,” my aunt said. 4. Give me … example to understand
the meaning of this word better. 5. Where are … letters I gave you
yesterday? 6. This is a very interesting novel; give me … one of
the same author. 7. I took this book because there were no … on
this subject. 8. Helen called me … day & said that she was
coming home the following week. 9. I’ve got some files on my desk.
Where are …? 10. I like it here & I’m going to stay for …
few days. 11. I think the first thing to do is to have … talk with
your father. 12. They were going to get punishment one way or ….
13. The bar was kept by 2 very pretty girls. One was Spanish & …
was Italian. 14. Without … word he started up the car. 15. Gerald
Durrell wrote a book called “My Family & … Animals.” 16.
Tell … people to get ready as quick as possible. 17. Some people
prefer a vegetarian diet, while … prefer a meatbased diet. 18. They
looked at one … for a moment. 19. Would anyone like … piece of
cake? 20. What … leisure facilities does the town have? 21. Ask me
some … time, when I am not busy. 22. They gave one … presents
when they met. 23. Could I have … cup of coffee? 24. Just think in
… 3 months it’ll be summer again. 25. We haven’t seen one …
for ages. 26. Are there any … people we should speak to? 27. I’m
not surprised he’s feeling ill-he has eating one ice-cream after ….
28. She gave me one book last week & promised to bring the … on
Tuesday. 29. This pair of shoes is worn out. I must buy …. 30.
Three of us got home by 6, but … didn’t get back until 8 o’clock.
31. This pen is broken; can you lend me …, please? 32. I took one
end of the rope & he held …. 33. Have … cup of tea. 34. Put
it in your … hand. 35. Have you any … book on this subject? 36. I
shall want … example, this one is not enough. 37. I bought 2 books.
I’ve shown you one; now I’ll show you …. 38. Some people like
riding in the bus, … prefer walking. 39. There are some … people
waiting to see you. 40. Six of them are mine, … are John’s. 41. I
can do that some … time. 42. I won’t say … word. 43. There are
many … to choose from. 44. We have no … work, so we can go out &
play. 45. Father put on … suit to go out. 46. This apple is
spoiled. May I have …? 47. The dog saw himself in the water &
thought he saw … dog. 48. Some of them are story-books & …
are picture books. 49. The child was putting one block upon ….

4. Translate the words given in brackets.

The bank is situated on (другой)
side of the river. 2. I don’t like my present job. I must find
job. 3. He pulled on (другую)
glove & said that he was ready to go. 4. Jane stayed for (другой)
moment & then left the room silently. 5. I have no (другие)
friends but you. 6. Some children like milk chocolate, (другие)
children prefer plain chocolate. 7. It was only (ещё
of her disappointments. 8. That may be your opinion, but (другие)
think differently. 9. I don’t want him to be (другим)
than he is. 10. I saw your mother (на
& she told me that you had come.


Пришлось ехать через поле: другой дороги
не было. 2. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, другой
номер этого журнала. 3. Если вам не
нравится этот костюм, я могу вам предложить
другой. 4. Собака ела мясо, но отказывалась
от другой пищи. 5. Они были похожи как
две капли воды, но один был немного выше
другого. 6. В комнату вошли двое. Одного
я никогда не видел, лицо другого показалось
мне знакомым. 7. Это тупой нож, дайте мне
другой. 8. Когда увидишь остальных,
напомни им о нашем уговоре. 9. Другого
пути не было. 10. Нам не пришлось долго
ждать, машины подходили одна за другой.
11. Близнецы так похожи, нельзя отличить
одного от другого. 12. Я не могу найти это
слово. Дай мне другой словарь. 13. Почему
ты один? Где все остальные? 14. Мэри спела
ещё песню, когда дети попросили её. 15. В
вашей группе 10 человек. Пять здесь. Где
другие мальчики? 16. Это совсем другое
дело. 17. Никто не ответил, и я постучал
ещё раз. 18. Холодная вода течёт из одного
крана, а горячая из другого. 19. Некоторые
согласились со мной, другие – с ним. 20.
Я не видел её, так как стоял на другой
стороне улицы.

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