Another word for red

What is another word for Red?

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What are other names for red?

What is another word for red?

ruby scarlet
cardinal cherry
vermilion wine
carmine cerise
cherry-red claret

What words go with red?


  • flushed, embarrassed, blushing, beetroot, suffused, florid, shamefaced, rubicund She was red with shame.
  • (of hair) chestnut, flaming, reddish, flame-coloured, bay, sandy, foxy, Titian, carroty Her red hair flowed out in the wind.
  • bloodshot, inflamed, red-rimmed He rubbed his red eyes.

What is another word for bright red?

What is another word for bright red?

cherry blooming
cerise claret
crimson blushing
dark red erubescent
incarnadine reddish

What is red antonym?

frigid, mealy, cadaverous, Coldish, nippy, Paled, blanched, uncoloured, chill, waxy, ice-cold, peaky, Coolish, pasty, waxen, cold, Sallowish, achromatic, shivering, icy, pallid, palish, sickly, wan, bloodless, chilled, glacial, ashy, Whey-faced, iced, anemic, snappy, wintry, neutral, livid, freezing, ashen, doughy.

What red symbolizes?

Red is for energy, passion and danger Red is associated with the heat of energy, passion and love. We “see red” when we’re angry and it’s also the color of blood, power and danger, making it a powerful color in branding.

What does Vermilion mean?

1 : a vivid reddish orange. 2 : a bright red pigment consisting of mercuric sulfide broadly : any of various red pigments.

What does Evanesce mean?

intransitive verb. : to dissipate like vapor.

Which Colour is vermilion hue?

Made in France; Conforms to ASTM D4236; Vermilion Hue is a bright orange red colour. The genuine pigment was made from toxic mercuric sulphide and was known to the ancient Greeks and Chinese. It is an opaque colour.

What is vermilion lip?

Vermilion: The red part of the lips (Fig. 1). It is covered with a specialized stratified squamous epithelium, which is in continuity with the oral mucosa of the gingivolabial groove. Confusingly, the vermilion itself is also often referred to as the lips.

What is area above lip called?

Overview. The philtrum is the midline groove in the upper lip that runs from the top of the lip to the nose. The way the philtrum appears is determined genetically.

What is the bottom lip called?

The upper and lower lips are referred to as the “Labium superius oris” and “Labium inferius oris”, respectively. The juncture where the lips meet the surrounding skin of the mouth area is the vermilion border, and the typically reddish area within the borders is called the vermilion zone.

What is your lip line called?

vermilion border

What is the area between your nose and lip called?


What is the line between nose and lips called?

Are lips fat or muscle?

The lips are pliable, mobile, muscular folds that encircle the opening of the oral cavity. They contain the orbicularis oris and superior and inferior labial vessels and nerves.

Can you naturally make your lips bigger?

In a bowl add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a tablespoon of sugar. Mix well and massage this on your lips for about 5-10 minutes, this will increase blood flow to the lips and make them appear fuller. It will also remove flaky skin and hydrate your lips to make them soft and smooth.

Is lip color genetic?

There is natural variation between people in their lip color. A pigment called melanin gives the skin its color. Less melanin creates a lighter skin tone, whereas more melanin means a darker skin tone.

Which muscles connect to lips?

Inferior labial artery and superior labial artery. It is sometimes known as the kissing muscle because it is used to pucker the lips. In human anatomy, the orbicularis oris muscle is a complex of muscles in the lips that encircles the mouth.

Is there muscle in lips?

The lips are composed of the orbicularis oris muscle that surrounds the mouth and is covered externally by skin and internally by mucous membrane. The upper and lower lips are attached to the gingiva by raised folds of mucous membrane called the labial frenula.

How many muscles control the lips?

Six muscles come together at the modiolus: (1) the zygomaticus major, (2) the orbicularis oris (both the superior and inferior muscles), (3) the levator anguli oris, (4) the risorius, (5) the buccinator and (6) the depressor anguli oris.

What nerve controls the upper lip?

The infraorbital branch of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V2) supplies the upper lip.

What happens if the trigeminal nerve is damaged?

Trigeminal nerve injuries not only causes significant neurosensory deficits and facial pain, but can cause significant comorbidities due to changes in eating habits from muscular denervation of masticator muscles or altered sensation of the oral mucosa.

Can trigeminal nerve repair itself?

The good news is that the vast majority of these peripheral trigeminal nerve injuries undergo spontaneous regeneration. However, some injuries may be permanent with varying degrees of sensory impairment ranging from mild numbness (hypoesthesia) to complete anesthesia.

Can you fix nerve damage in face?

There are three basic approaches to facial nerve repair: direct nerve repair, cable nerve grafting or nerve substitution. Direct nerve repair is the preferred option whenever possible and is performed by removing the diseased or affected portion of the nerve, then reconnecting the two nerve ends.

What does facial nerve damage feel like?

Branches of the trigeminal nerve Episodes of severe, shooting or jabbing pain that may feel like an electric shock. Spontaneous attacks of pain or attacks triggered by things such as touching the face, chewing, speaking or brushing teeth. Bouts of pain lasting from a few seconds to several minutes.

What are the signs of nerve damage?

The signs of nerve damage

  • Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.
  • Feeling like you’re wearing a tight glove or sock.
  • Muscle weakness, especially in your arms or legs.
  • Regularly dropping objects that you’re holding.
  • Sharp pains in your hands, arms, legs, or feet.
  • A buzzing sensation that feels like a mild electrical shock.

What are the symptoms of facial nerve damage?

What are symptoms of a facial nerve problem? Facial nerve problems may result in facial muscle paralysis, weakness, or twitching of the face. Dryness of the eye or the mouth, alteration of taste on the affected side, or even excessive tearing or salivation can be seen as well.

What is the most common facial nerve disorder?

The most common cause of facial paralysis is Bell’s palsy, which is thought to be a viral infection of the facial nerve, although the exact cause is not well known. Other causes of facial nerve paralysis include head trauma, parotid tumors, head or neck cancers, infections, brain tumors or stroke.

Can MRI detect facial nerve damage?

Enhancement of the facial and trigeminal nerves and spinal trigeminal tract can be detected on MRI. However, MRI is not usually indicated in the evaluation of this disorder, as the diagnosis is typically clear from the clinical presentation.

How long does facial nerve damage take to heal?

o Most patients should have some recovery within the first 2-4 weeks, however, complete recovery may take up to 6 months. If you have facial paralysis without recovery for more than 6 months you should see a physician immediately.

What are other names for red?

Alex Heath


What are other names for red?

What is another word for red?

ruby scarlet
cardinal cherry
vermilion wine
carmine cerise
cherry-red claret

What words go with red?


  • flushed, embarrassed, blushing, beetroot, suffused, florid, shamefaced, rubicund She was red with shame.
  • (of hair) chestnut, flaming, reddish, flame-coloured, bay, sandy, foxy, Titian, carroty Her red hair flowed out in the wind.
  • bloodshot, inflamed, red-rimmed He rubbed his red eyes.

What is red antonym?

frigid, mealy, cadaverous, Coldish, nippy, Paled, blanched, uncoloured, chill, waxy, ice-cold, peaky, Coolish, pasty, waxen, cold, Sallowish, achromatic, shivering, icy, pallid, palish, sickly, wan, bloodless, chilled, glacial, ashy, Whey-faced, iced, anemic, snappy, wintry, neutral, livid, freezing, ashen, doughy.

What is another word of bright red?

What is another word for bright red?

cherry blooming
cerise claret
crimson blushing
dark red erubescent
incarnadine reddish

What is the meaning of bright red?

Adj. 1. bright-red – of the red of fresh raspberries. raspberry-red. chromatic – being or having or characterized by hue.

What color is close to red?

Scarlet is best described as a very bright red with a hint of orange. It is the closest to pure red of all the tones represented here, and the distinction may not be obvious, but as can be seen from the colour code, there is a small tint of green light incorporated.

What is a pinkish red color called?


Red Green Color Name
204 78 Dark Terra Cotta
152 119 Bazaar
227 38 Alizarin
220 20 Crimson

Is pink the same as red?

Red is a saturated pure color, one of the primary colors. Pink is basically red diluted with white. It is a tint of red, a pastel color. All colors are essentially combinations of basic primary trinity of red, blue, and yellow.

Which color does not exist?

Vidar Øierås, Worked with color print for decades. One popular named color that does not exist in nature is Magenta. This color is placed between blue and red “via the back yard”, and does not have its own wavelength like green does, and does not appear in the visible color spectrum.

What does pink light mean?

The pink angel light ray represents love and peace. Some people believe that the light waves for the seven angel colors vibrate at different electromagnetic energy frequencies in the universe, attracting the angels that have similar kinds of energy.

What does the color light pink mean spiritually?

Spiritual meaning color: pink Pink often represents femininity and romance. It makes us feel accepted and nurtures us. Pink can also be associated with immaturity and lack of confidence.

What does pink stand for?

Color Meaning: Meaning of The Color Pink The color pink is the color of universal love of oneself and of others. Pink represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, and approachability.

What if a house has a pink light?

Pink lights popping up on porches to honor the 6 family members who died in fire.

What does a purple porch light mean?

Another color option you have for your porch light is to turn it purple. This is for domestic violence awareness. The Domestic Violence Task Force sought to raise awareness of domestic violence through its campaign called Purple Light Nights.

What does a red porch light mean 2020?

Traditionally, it means a whore house/prostitution. Some people do it because they think they are supporting firefighters, just as green bulbs became symbolic of support for the military a few years ago. The latest rumor is that anti-gun liberals are shining the red light to oppose guns.

What does a green porch light mean 2020?

Green Porch Light Meaning Veterans Day is honored every November 11th by the US residents. Some may even keep their green lights on all month. In March, the green porch lights typically represent St. Patrick’s Day. Green may also make a reappearance two months later in the month of May for Lyme Disease Awareness.

What does a green front porch light mean?

A green porch light is used to express support and appreciation for U.S. military veterans. These lights are often used on or around November 11 in honor of Veterans Day. They are also commonly seen in May in recognition of Memorial Day.

What does a blue porch light mean 2020?

If you notice a blue light bulb lighting up someone’s porch, this is the meaning: The blue lights convey a message of respect and solidarity for all officers and their families. The blue lights convey a message of respect and solidarity for all officers and their families, according to sheriff’s officials.

What does a green porch light mean drugs?

blue= they’re cooking(crack) yellow=hoe house. green=busy.

What does a red and green porch light mean?

Vessels have the red and green lights indicating port and starboard.

Does a blue porch light mean drugs?

The system is a combination of different colored lights and Morse-code-like flashes. “Red means the police are coming, blue is for cocaine, and green is for weed,” says one Virginia man, a former drug dealer who now buys drugs there. Then we saw a police car come down the street.”

What do green LED lights mean?

A green and solid LED indicates that the battery is charged and that the sensor is switched on, but not connected. A green and blinking LED indicates that the Motion is active and recording a session, but is not connected to your mobile device.

What do the different colors of LED lights mean?

The lower the color temperature, the warmer the light will appear, or the redder it will appear. The higher the temperature, the cooler the light will appear, or the bluer it will look.

Which LED light is best for bruising?

Wounds, bruises, burns and splinters usually cause inflammation and pain in response to biological factors like infection from germs and stress. Red light therapy delivers safe, natural and chemical free concentrated wavelengths of natural light to the skin and cells.

What do purple leds mean?

Also useful (especially with orange) for Halloween, purple lights are also used in October by those trying to raise awareness of the problem of domestic violence. (October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.)

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. red, rednessnoun

    red color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of blood

    red ink, inflammation, bolshy, bolshie, loss, rubor, redness

    neutral, uncolored, uncoloured, bloodless, achromatic

  2. Red, Red Rivernoun

    a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows eastward from Texas along the southern boundary of Oklahoma and through Louisiana

    red ink, bolshie, loss, redness, bolshy

    achromatic, bloodless, neutral, uncolored, uncoloured

  3. Bolshevik, Marxist, red, bolshie, bolshynoun

    emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries

    red ink, bolshie, loss, redness, bolshy

    uncoloured, uncolored, achromatic, neutral, bloodless

  4. loss, red ink, redadjective

    the amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue

    «the company operated at a loss last year»; «the company operated in the red last year»

    passing, exit, deprivation, release, red ink, going, bolshy, personnel casualty, expiration, loss, redness, departure, bolshie

    achromatic, uncoloured, neutral, uncolored, bloodless

  5. red, reddish, ruddy, blood-red, carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, crimson, ruby, ruby-red, scarletadjective

    of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies

    ruby, sanguine, rubicund, flushed, cherry-red, scarlet, reddish, red-faced, violent, blood-red, reddened, florid, carmine, ruddy, crimson, cherry, cerise, ruby-red

    bloodless, neutral, uncoloured, uncolored, achromatic

  6. crimson, red, violentadjective

    characterized by violence or bloodshed

    «writes of crimson deeds and barbaric days»- Andrea Parke; «fann’d by Conquest’s crimson wing»- Thomas Gray; «convulsed with red rage»- Hudson Strode

    ruby, wild, fierce, cherry-red, scarlet, reddish, red-faced, tearing, violent, flushed, blood-red, reddened, trigger-happy, carmine, vehement, cerise, ruddy, crimson, cherry, ruby-red

    achromatic, uncolored, uncoloured, bloodless, neutral

  7. crimson, red, reddened, red-faced, flushedadjective

    (especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion

    «crimson with fury»; «turned red from exertion»; «with puffy reddened eyes»; «red-faced and violent»; «flushed (or crimson) with embarrassment»

    ruby, rosy, ablaze(p), blushing(a), cherry-red, scarlet, reddish, red-faced, violent, flushed, blood-red, reddened, inflamed, carmine, cerise, rose-cheeked, ruddy, crimson, cherry, blushful, ruby-red, rosy-cheeked

    bloodless, achromatic, neutral, uncolored, uncoloured

Matched Categories

    • Texas
    • Chromatic Color
    • Radical
    • River

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. redadjective

    florid, blushing, flushed, ruby, ruddy, rubicund, blowzed, rubescent, auburn (reddish brown)

  2. rednoun

    carmine, crimson, scarlet, cerise, garnet, vermilion

    Associated words:
    rubefacient, rubefaction

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «red»:

    rojo, network, hung, rouge, bluefin, al-ahmar, roux, rojas, khmer, cruz, reds, rosso, tinto, rode, cross, rossa, bureaucratic, al-hamraa, roja, al-hamra, flushed, blue-fin, sockeye, hamra, ahmar, redness, rote, mesodinium, croix, foul, marked, reid, sandpiper, reed, administrative

Suggested Resources

  1. red

    Quotes by red — Explore a large variety of famous quotes made by red on the website.

  2. red

    Song lyrics by red — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by red on the website.

  3. RED

    What does RED stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the RED acronym on the website.

How to pronounce red?

How to say red in sign language?

How to use red in a sentence?

  1. Brenden Aaronson:

    It’s early in the game, I don’t think it should be a red card.

  2. Deadpool:

    WAIT! You may be wondering why the red suit. Well, that’s so bad guys don’t see me bleed.

  3. Berin Szoka:

    Yet broadband deployment remains unnecessarily difficult because of red tape, high fees and poor infrastructure planning at all levels of government, fixing that could bring faster, cheaper broadband to millions of Americans, especially in rural areas.

  4. Kelly Townsend:

    It has to be a common sense, healthy balance of little bit of red tape but not a lot in order to keep people safe.

  5. Stephanie Slater:

    When he was walking down the red carpet and he saw us his face just lit up, he sat two rows in front of us and kept looking back at all of us. There were lots of hugs and smiles.


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Are we missing a good synonym for red?

In this page you can discover 84 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for red, like: ruby, rosy, ruddy, fiery, auburn (reddish brown), cherry, rubescent, crimson, ruby-red, cerise and titian.

Simply so What is a fancy word for color? What is another word for color?

complexion hue
chroma paint
pigmentation wash
chromaticity chromatism
chromism coloration

What is another word of bright red? What is another word for bright red?

cherry blooming
cerise claret
crimson blushing
dark red erubescent
incarnadine reddish

also What shade is scarlet? Scarlet is a bright red color, sometimes with a slightly orange tinge. In the spectrum of visible light, and on the traditional color wheel, it is one-quarter of the way between red and orange, slightly less orange than vermilion.

What is a synonym for crimson?

In this page you can discover 47 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for crimson, like: claret, red, color, rouge, bloody, maroon, scarlet, ruby, rose, cardinal and apple red.

What red is blood red? It’s red because of the red blood cells (hemoglobin). Blood does change color somewhat as oxygen is absorbed and replenished.

What is Ember color?

The hexadecimal color code #f05e1b is a shade of red-orange. In the RGB color model #f05e1b is comprised of 94.12% red, 36.86% green and 10.59% blue. In the HSL color space #f05e1b has a hue of 19° (degrees), 88% saturation and 52% lightness.

What shade of red is blood? The color blood red is a dark shade of the color red meant to resemble the color of human blood (which is composed of oxygenated red erythrocytes, white leukocytes, and yellow blood plasma).

Blood red
Source Thom Poole’s 2017 book Life of Colour
ISCC–NBS descriptor Deep reddish brown
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)

What words describe red?


  • scarlet, vermilion, ruby, ruby red, ruby-coloured, cherry, cherry red, cerise, cardinal, carmine, wine, wine red, wine-coloured, claret, claret red, claret-coloured, blood red.
  • flame, flaming, coral, cochineal, rose, rosy.
  • brick red, maroon, rusty, foxy, rufous.
  • reddish.
  • literary damask, vermeil.

How do you describe blood color? The bright red color of crimson is often considered the color of fresh blood, but blood-red color may also describe a dark maroon shade of red. Depending on how it is used, blood red can carry some of the darker or more sinister symbolism of red, including anger, aggression, death, or a sense of the macabre.

What words are associated with red?


  • cardinal.
  • coral.
  • crimson.
  • flaming.
  • glowing.
  • maroon.
  • rose.
  • wine.

What is dark red called? Maroon is a dark red color. Maroon is derived from French marron (“chestnut”). The first recorded use of Maroon as a color name in English was in 1789.

What color is bright red?

Crimson. Crimson is a strong, bright, deep red color combined with some blue or violet, resulting in a small degree of purple.

What is another word for blood-red?

In this page you can discover 27 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for blood-red, like: crimson, scarlet, red, reddish, ruddy, carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, ruby and ruby-red.

What color is crimson? Crimson is a rich, deep red color, inclining to purple. It originally meant the color of the kermes dye produced from a scale insect, Kermes vermilio, but the name is now sometimes also used as a generic term for slightly bluish-red colors that are between red and rose. It is the national color of Nepal.

Is Amber a color? The color amber is a pure chroma color, located on the color wheel midway between the colors of yellow and orange. … In English, the first recorded use of the term as a color name, rather than a reference to the specific substance, was in 1500.

What is Ash Colour?

The color ash itself is a slightly greenish-grey that is a common color for the powdery minerals, metals and other substances that remain after a fire. Most other ash colors have either a greenish-green or bluish-grey tinge.

What light red means? Light red represents joy, sexuality, passion, sensitivity, and love. Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes feminine qualities and passiveness. Dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath.

What is the brightest red color?

Red (RGB) The color displayed at right, red (RGB), RGB red, or electric red (as opposed to pigment red, shown below) is the brightest possible red that can be reproduced on a computer monitor. This color is an approximation of an orangish red spectral color.

What red symbolizes? Red has a range of symbolic meanings, including life, health, vigor, war, courage, anger, love and religious fervor. The common thread is that all these require passion, and the “life force” that drives passion blood is red.

How many shades of red are there?

There is scarlet and crimson, cerise and magenta, maroon, carmine, claret and burgundy, as well as carnelian and cherry and cardinal red. To say nothing of ruby or garnet or vermilion, and wine-red, rust-red, rufous-red, terracotta-red, etc.

What is the brightest red? Red (RGB) The color displayed at right, red (RGB), RGB red, or electric red (as opposed to pigment red, shown below) is the brightest possible red that can be reproduced on a computer monitor. This color is an approximation of an orangish red spectral color.

What is another word for blood red?

In this page you can discover 27 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for blood-red, like: crimson, scarlet, red, reddish, ruddy, carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, ruby and ruby-red.

What is the perfect Colour of blood? As blood leaves the heart and is oxygen-rich, it is bright red. When the blood returns to the heart, it has less oxygen. It is still red but will be darker. This darker red appears blue because of how light travels through the skin.

What is red slang for?

If you refer to someone as a red or a Red, you disapprove of the fact that they are a communist, a socialist, or have left-wing ideas.

What is another word for red?

391 synonyms found


[ ɹˈɛd], [ ɹˈɛd], [ ɹ_ˈɛ_d]

Related words: red pandas, red panda facts, red panda habitat, red panda endangered, how much do red pandas cost, how to adopt a red panda, how to care for a red panda

Related questions:

  • Why are there so few red pandas?
  • Where do red pandas live?
  • Table of Contents

    • adj.

      flaming (adjective)

      • most flaring,
      • more alight,
      • most alight,
      • more flaring,
      • most aflame,
      • most ignited,
      • more aflame,
      • more ignited.

      flushed (adjective)

      • full blooded,
      • more rutilant,
      • in spired,
      • in-spired,
      • more rutilous,
      • more aroused,
      • most crimson,
      • fullblooded,
      • more crimson,
      • most aroused,
      • most rutilous,
      • most rutilant.

      glowing (adjective)

      • most phosphorescent,
      • more suffused,
      • most aglow,
      • most suffused,
      • more aglow,
      • more phosphorescent.

      hot (adjective)

      • most decalescent,
      • Thermogenic,
      • more thermogenic,
      • feverous,
      • most igneous,
      • like an oven,
      • igneous,
      • calescent,
      • more smoking,
      • sweltrier,
      • more recalescent,
      • de-calescent,
      • recalescent,
      • more igneous,
      • smoking,
      • Searing,
      • in candescent,
      • pyretic,
      • sizzling,
      • like oven,
      • roasting,
      • most parching,
      • most ovenlike,
      • sweltry,
      • decalescent,
      • most smoking,
      • ovenlike,
      • most calescent,
      • most recalescent,
      • sweltriest,
      • more decalescent,
      • more calescent,
      • more feverous,
      • de calescent,
      • most thermogenic,
      • scalding.

      inflamed (adjective)

      • in flamed,
      • most scalded,
      • more scalded,
      • most chafed,
      • more chafed,
      • most blistered,
      • most festering,
      • more blistered,
      • most septic,
      • most infected,
      • more septic,
      • in-flamed,
      • more festered,
      • most festered,
      • more festering,
      • more infected.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • in flames,
      • red-complexioned,
      • deep pink,
      • rubicund,
      • flaming,
      • aflame,
      • ruddy,
      • sanguine,
      • full-blooded,
      • ignited,
      • septic,
      • Peacher,
      • incarnadine,
      • pinkest,
      • not done,
      • pale red,
      • pinker,
      • colour,
      • nearly raw,
      • color,
      • flushed,
      • bronzed,
      • peach,
      • lustrous,
      • scarlet,
      • red hot,
      • REDHOT,
      • healthy,
      • red-faced,
      • rarely done,
      • roseate,
      • bloodshot,
      • rosy,
      • inspired,
      • coral,
      • rutilous,
      • healthy-looking,
      • Aflush,
      • undercooked,
      • aglow,
      • glowing,
      • Rutilant,
      • reddish,
      • half-cooked,
      • blowsy,
      • inflamed,
      • phosphorescent,
      • ruby,
      • half-raw,
      • moderately done,
      • hot,
      • High-colored,
      • blistered,
      • rarest.

      rare (adjective)

      • more half-cooked,
      • halfraw,
      • most half cooked,
      • under-done,
      • most half raw,
      • halfcooked,
      • more halfraw,
      • most half-cooked,
      • more half cooked,
      • most halfraw,
      • under-cooked,
      • under done,
      • more halfcooked,
      • more half-raw,
      • more undercooked,
      • under cooked,
      • most halfcooked,
      • most half-raw,
      • most undercooked,
      • half raw,
      • more half raw,
      • half cooked.

      red (adjective)

      • wine-colored,
      • damask,
      • cinnabar,
      • madder,
      • blushing,
      • poppy,
      • carnation.

      rosy (adjective)

      • most red-faced,
      • more healthy looking,
      • most healthy looking,
      • more incarnadine,
      • more healthy-looking,
      • high colored,
      • most red faced,
      • healthylooking,
      • most incarnadine,
      • more coral,
      • most coral,
      • more highcolored,
      • most red-complexioned,
      • more healthylooking,
      • most healthy-looking,
      • most high-colored,
      • most redcomplexioned,
      • more red-complexioned,
      • redfaced,
      • redcomplexioned,
      • most healthylooking,
      • more red complexioned,
      • most aflush,
      • peachest,
      • more redfaced,
      • more red-faced,
      • more redcomplexioned,
      • rose colored,
      • red complexioned,
      • most redfaced,
      • more red faced,
      • rosecolored,
      • more high-colored,
      • highcolored,
      • most high colored,
      • more aflush,
      • most red complexioned,
      • more high colored,
      • healthy looking,
      • red faced,
      • most highcolored.

      rubicund (adjective)

      • Rubescent.

      ruddy (adjective)

      • most scarlet,
      • rubier,
      • rubiest,
      • most reddish,
      • more scarlet,
      • blowsiest,
      • most bronzed,
      • blowsier,
      • more bronzed,
      • more reddish.
    • n.

      • amethyst,
      • chrome red,
      • avocado,
      • fire engine red,
      • old rose,
      • turkey red,
      • geranium lake,
      • rust,
      • nacarine,
      • terra cotta,
      • rose du Barry,
      • venetian red,
      • far infrared,
      • Morocco red,
      • solferino,
      • claret,
      • infrared,
      • carthamus red,
      • red-gold,
      • bittersweet,
      • alizarin red,
      • Harvard crimson,
      • baby blue,
      • bluish,
      • blue,
      • rose blush,
      • Indian Red,
      • Bengal red,
      • russet,
      • azure,
      • rose de Pompadour,
      • brick red,
      • Nacarat,
      • beet-red,
      • alabaster,
      • candy apple red,
      • Indian ocher,
      • fuchsia,
      • garnet,
      • Congo Red,
      • near infrared,
      • beige,
      • black,
      • amber,
      • aniline red,
      • chinese-red,
      • hyacinth red,
      • aurora red,
      • Tyrian Purple,
      • coral-red,
      • caldron.

      • Flaxen,
      • dark,
      • brunette,
      • fair,
      • auburn,
      • fair-haired,
      • blond.

      • frame,
      • baize,
      • cue ball,
      • bar billiards,
      • billiards,
      • cue,
      • cushion,
      • pool,
      • pocket.

      • the labor movement,
      • the ANC,
      • fellow traveler,
      • the House Un-American Activities Committee,
      • commie,
      • the HUAC,
      • comrade.

      • chardonnay,
      • bordeaux,
      • chablis,
      • brandy,
      • bubbly,
      • burgundy,
      • champagne,
      • cognac,
      • chianti.

      attribute (noun)

      • red,
      • redness.

      blood-red (noun)

      • blood-red.

      bolshevik (noun)

      • bolshevik.

      bolshie (noun)

      • bolshie.

      carmine (noun)

      • carmine.

      cerise (noun)

      • cerise.

      cherry (noun)

      • cherry.

      cherry red (noun)

      • cherry red.

      chromatic (noun)

      • chromatic.

      colored (noun)

      • colored.

      color of blood; shade resembling such a color (noun)

      • magenta,
      • puce,
      • chestnut,
      • crimson,
      • titian,
      • dahlia,
      • blooming,
      • vermilion,
      • wine,
      • brick,
      • geranium,
      • blush,
      • salmon,
      • pink,
      • florid,
      • cardinal,
      • Rufescent,
      • copper,
      • maroon.

      colors (noun)

      • bronze,
      • apricot,
      • blackness,
      • aqua,
      • biscuit,
      • brown,
      • buff,
      • aquamarine.

      coloured (noun)

      • coloured.

      communist (noun)

      • Leninists,
      • Bolshevists,
      • commies,
      • Stalinists,
      • apparatchik,
      • Bolsheviks,
      • com-symp,
      • pinko,
      • Socialists,
      • Bolsheviki,
      • trotskyites,
      • party members.

      in color (noun)

      • in color.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • primary color,
      • communist,
      • rosettes,
      • rose,
      • Primaries,
      • primary pigment,
      • primitive color,
      • rosette.

      primary color (noun)

      • primary pigments,
      • primitive colors,
      • primary-color.

      red (noun)

      • ruby-red,
      • red river,
      • reddened,
      • violent,
      • bloody,
      • colorful.

      rouge (noun)

      • cosmetics,
      • reddener.
    • v.

      Other relevant words: (verb)

      • cooking,
      • rare.
    • Other synonyms:


      • marxist.

      • ripe,
      • deer,
      • henna,
      • elm,
      • fume,
      • grape,
      • pine,
      • willow,
      • sea.

      • radical.

      • flare.

      • rage.


      • potato.


      • rouge.


      • strawberry.


      • communistic.


      • walnut.

      on fire

      • burning.


      • purple.


      • tawny.


      • sorrel.

    How to use «Red» in context?

    Red is the color of the fruit and vegetable known scientifically as Raphanus sativus[1] and horticulturally as Brassica oleracea capitata group varieties. The primary hue of rubies, this color has been associated with love and passion since ancient times. When light hits the surface of any object, it creates a spectrum of energy that is reflected back to our eyes. The shorter wavelengths of a color reflection are called the hue, and the longer wavelengths are called the saturation. In the spectrum of visible light, Red is situated in the red-orange region, just below yellow and just above green.

    Paraphrases for Red:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Independent

      • Adjective
        administrative, dark, erythrocyte, flushed, network, redheaded, redness, rouge, DER, red-haired, red-tape, al-hamraa, blue-fin.
      • Proper noun, singular
        khmer, network, rouge, Redd, Associations, states, outputs.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        lipstick, network, redness, rouge.
      • Interjection
      • Verb, past tense
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
      • Verb, base form
    • Other Related

      • Adjective

    Homophones for Red:

    • rudd, red tide, rarity, redheaded, rat-a-tat-tat, root out, rotted, redo, rot, reed, riata, rota, rotate, retie, rawhide, Rede, raid, rheidae, rodeo, redeye, rutty, reedy, ride out, rat, rotated, ruta, read, red haw, rat-a-tat, redwood, rete, route, ratite, rooted, red-eye, readout, riyadh, reid, ratitae, 3rd, root, ride, red tai, ruth, rod, radio, ride away, reit, Reade, roth, Redd, read-out, ratio, rut, rutted, reheat, rote, rood, raita, rate, rid, radiate, raw data, rowdy, rearward, reata, 43rd, rewrite, rude, rout out, rite, reward, red heat, rat-tat, 33rd, rout, rad, rare earth, 23rd, reread, riot, roadway, ret, reword, red hot, ready-to-eat, redhead, raw wood, ready, red-hot, ruddy, rit., RHD, ratty, road.

    Hypernym for Red:

    • n.

      • attribute
        scarlet, purplish red, purplish-red, cardinal, dark red, sanguine, ruby, turkey red, chrome red, Alizarine Red, cerise, cherry, cherry red, orange red, deep red, vermilion, crimson, carmine.

    Hyponym for Red:

    • n.

      • attribute
        spectral color, chromatic color, Chromatic Colour, Spectral Colour.

    Word of the Day




    • RED synonyms at
    • RED synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
      — RED synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of RED
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for RED

    Red is a pretty popular color and is used over and over again in the English language. Sometimes it gets a little tiring saying red all the time, and one may want to mix things up and use another word to describe something that is red.

    Some may also be surprised to learn that “red” can refer to more than just a color. With that in mind here are some definitions and synonyms for red.

    is a  color at the end of the color spectrum. It is next to orange, and the opposite of violet. Some common things that are red, are blood, rubies, strawberries, and tomatoes.

    • Please add five bright red apples to the grocery list.
    • I am going to the store to purchase a red coat for my sister’s birthday present.

    1. Scarlet

    is a very brilliant or bright red. Red is an eye catching color, but  scarlet red may be the most noticeable color. Scarlet is sometimes associated with a red burn or some other kind of ailment that would cause skin to become red.

    That’s because scarlet can also refer to something that is wicked, so a scarlet red is sometimes described as an angry red. However scarlet isn’t always used in a negative way. It can just mean that something is a very bright color.

    • The bruise on her arm was an angry scarlet color.
    • She was very proud and very excited about her new scarlet shoes.

    2. Crimson

    is a deep rich red color that starts to lean towards purple. Crimson is still very much red, but it is a dark red that starts to get close to purple on the color wheel.  It can refer to the color of an object and it can also be used to discuss someone’s face being red or the color of a bruise.

    • Her dress was a beautiful crimson.
    • When the teacher called on him, his face turned a deep crimson, because he didn’t know the answer.

    3. Ruby

    is both the name of a color and the name of a precious stone. The color of the stone ranges from deep crimson to pale pink. When ruby is used as a color it refers to a deep red. This word is often used to describe someone’s cheeks, especially a child’s.

    • The little boy’s cheeks were ruby red because of the cold.
    • Her nails were ruby red, and they matched her ring perfectly.


    can also refer to the appearance of someone’s face, in particular their cheeks. This word is often used to describe how someone looks when they are reacting to being embarrassed or angry. It can also be used to refer to a healthy glow.

    • Her face was beet red when the note that she had written to her crush was read out loud.
    • It was always easy to tell when he was getting angry because his face would start to get red.

    Here are some other ways to say this.

    4. Flushed

    refers to the pinkish red color that appears on someone’s face. This can be due to strong emotions, illness, excitement, weather or exercise.

    • It was such a hot and humid day that her skin was flushed after being outside for just a few moments.
    • His mom looked worriedly at his warm flushed skin.

    5. Reddish

    refers to something that is only slightly red. This word is also used to describe someone’s appearance, although it can also be used to describe an object. If someone’s skin is reddish, it is usually due to an injury, emotion, illness, or the weather.

    • Her shin was reddish after she made that spectacular tackle.
    • His forearm was reddish from the volleyball hitting it so forcefully.


    can also refer to the way that a person’s eyes look. When someone’s eyes are red, it’s due to some sort of irritation. It could be from lack of sleep, heavy drinking, dry eyes or another irritation.

    • After being up for over a day her eyes were red and in desperate need of sleep.
    • Stop scratching your eyes, you’ll make them red.

    Here’s the most common synonyms for this definition of red.

    6. Bloodshot

    eyes occur when one’s eyes are inflamed. This is usually due to a person being tired. It can also happen when someone has had too much to drink.

    • When she saw that his eyes were bloodshot, she knew he’s been out at the pub all night.
    • Her bloodshot eyes were a sign that it was time for her contacts to come out and for her to go to bed.

    What is another word for the color red? In this page you can discover 84 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for red, like: ruby, rosy, ruddy, fiery, auburn (reddish brown), cherry, rubescent, crimson, ruby-red, cerise and titian.

    Then, What is blackish brown color called?

    Russet. Russet is a dark brown color with a reddish-orange tinge.

    What is a synonym for crimson? In this page you can discover 47 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for crimson, like: claret, red, color, rouge, bloody, maroon, scarlet, ruby, rose, cardinal and apple red.

    Also, What shade of red is blood?

    The bright red color of crimson is often considered the color of fresh blood, but blood-red color may also describe a dark maroon shade of red. Depending on how it is used, blood red can carry some of the darker or more sinister symbolism of red, including anger, aggression, death, or a sense of the macabre.

    What do you name something red?

    20 great color names for red

    • red.
    • cherry.
    • rose.
    • jam.
    • merlot.
    • garnet.
    • crimson.
    • ruby.

    Is chestnut red?

    Chestnut or castaneous is a colour, a medium reddish shade of brown (displayed right), and is named after the nut of the chestnut tree. … Chestnut is also a very dark tan that almost appears brown.

    What is the darkest shade of brown?

    Taupe Brown. Taupe brown is one of the darkest brown colors and also one of the coolest. You can see that there is a significant gray undertone to this dark brown shade, and it is a perfect shade to have as part of a brown color palette.

    What is greenish brown called?

    The color nightingale-brown (greenish brown) (uguisucha) with hexadecimal color code #5c4827 is a medium dark shade of brown.

    What is a synonym for vampire?

    In this page you can discover 39 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for vampire, like: bloodsucker, vamp, dracula, lamia, nosferatu, ghoul, monster, vampires, undead, bat and succubus.

    What’s another name for crimson red?

    What is another word for crimson?

    red ruby
    cherry vermilion
    wine carmine
    cerise cherry-red
    claret rose

    What is the synonym of Golden?

    aureate. auric. auriferous. aurous.

    What does the color scarlet symbolize?

    Scarlet is a bright red color, sometimes with a slightly orange tinge. … According to surveys in Europe and the United States, scarlet and other bright shades of red are the colors most associated with courage, force, passion, heat, and joy.

    What is the color code for Crimson?

    Information about Crimson / #DC143C

    In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights for red, green, and blue), hex #DC143C is made of 86.3% red, 7.8% green and 23.5% blue.

    What’s the difference between scarlet and crimson?

    As nouns the difference between scarlet and crimson

    is that scarlet is a bright red, slightly orange colour while crimson is a deep, slightly bluish red.

    Is Crimson a girl name?

    The name Crimson is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Dark Red Color.

    What are girl names that mean red?

    Girl names that mean red

    • Crimson – English, deep, purplish red color.
    • Rosie – English, red roses.
    • Poppy – English, reddish, orange flowers.
    • Ruby – English, gemstone.
    • Roisin – Irish, little rose.
    • Cherry – English, type of fruit.
    • Autumn – English, the fall season and associated colors.
    • Corsen – Welsh, a reed plant.

    Whats a good name for a redhead?

    Best names for ginger girls

    • Crimson: English name for a strong red colour.
    • Rosie: Association with red roses.
    • Scarlett: Inspired by the colour scarlett red.
    • Poppy: Association with the flowers.
    • Rowan: A Gaelic boy’s name meaning ‘little red one. …
    • Ruby: A ruby gemstone is red.
    • Roisin: Of Irish origin meaning ‘little rose.

    Is Strawberry brown a hair Colour?

    Where strawberry blonde shades tend to lean peachy, stylists appear to be adding rosy, pink-red hues to brown hair to create the strawberry brunette look. Instead of well-defined highlights, it’s more like a wash of juicy color that softly pops with the base color’s natural variations.

    Is auburn brown or red?

    Auburn is a variety of red, often described as reddish-brown. This means it’s a beautiful shade that’s not as full-on as some brighter reds and suits a lot of skin colors and tones.

    Is a Conker a chestnut?

    What is a conker? Conkers are the glossy brown seeds of the horse chestnut tree. They grow in green spiky cases and fall to the ground in autumn – the shells often split on impact to reveal the shiny conker inside.

    What is the name of light brown?

    What is another word for light brown?

    tan beige
    tawny sand
    biscuit ecru
    umber brownish
    buff khaki

    What color is russet brown?

    Russet is a dark brown color with a reddish-orange tinge. As a tertiary color, russet is an equal mix of orange and purple pigments. The first recorded use of russet as a color name in English was in 1562.

    1. red

    adjective. [‘ˈrɛd’] of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies.


    • ruddy
    • crimson
    • reddish
    • cherry
    • carmine
    • blood-red
    • scarlet
    • chromatic
    • cerise
    • ruby
    • cherry-red


    • unhealthy
    • pessimistic
    • loss
    • birth


    • hreddan (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
    • read (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

    Rhymes with Red

    • hilton-head
    • widespread
    • sffed
    • retread
    • overhead
    • overfed
    • misread
    • misled
    • instead
    • biomed
    • unwed
    • unted
    • unsaid
    • unread
    • spread
    • sayed
    • numed
    • imbed
    • embed
    • behead
    • tread
    • thread
    • szwed
    • swed
    • stead
    • sped
    • sledd
    • sled
    • shead
    • schwed

    Sentences with red

    1. Adjective
    Continue adding in red and yellow paint in increments as you approach the correct shade of tan.

    Quotes about red

    1. It’s weird doing red carpets; it’s uncomfortable. But you can have a sense of humor about it.
    Kirsten Dunst

    2. I love dressing up and doing the red carpet every once in a while, but I am very much a jeans kinda girl, so it’s all a little embarrassing for me.
    Kelly Clarkson

    3. Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.
    Samuel Ullman

    2. red-tailed_hawk

    noun. dark brown American hawk species having a reddish-brown tail.


    • redtail
    • Buteo
    • hawk
    • genus Buteo

    3. red-rimmed

    adjective. rimmed with red.

    4. red-faced

    adjective. (especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion.


    • coloured
    • flushed
    • red
    • reddened
    • colored
    • colorful


    • achromatic
    • bloodless
    • colorlessness
    • white

    5. red-bellied_snake

    noun. harmless woodland snake of southeastern United States.


    • Storeria occipitamaculata
    • colubrid snake
    • Storeria
    • genus Storeria

    6. red

    adjective. [‘ˈrɛd’] characterized by violence or bloodshed.


    • crimson
    • violent


    • ordinal
    • unimportant
    • colorlessness


    • hreddan (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
    • read (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

    7. red

    noun. [‘ˈrɛd’] red color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of blood.


    • vermilion
    • purplish red
    • purplish-red
    • cardinal
    • cerise
    • spectral colour
    • cherry red
    • Turkey red
    • ruby
    • alizarine red
    • crimson
    • carmine
    • chromatic colour
    • chromatic color
    • orange red
    • dark red
    • cherry
    • scarlet
    • sanguine
    • spectral color
    • chrome red
    • redness


    • decompression
    • unclasp
    • pull
    • standard


    • hreddan (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
    • read (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

    8. red

    adjective. [‘ˈrɛd’] (especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion.


    • coloured
    • flushed
    • reddened
    • colored
    • red-faced
    • colorful


    • advantage
    • refrain
    • undercharge
    • decompress


    • hreddan (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
    • read (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

    9. Red

    noun. a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows eastward from Texas along the southern boundary of Oklahoma and through Louisiana.


    • Louisiana
    • Lone-Star State
    • Red River
    • OK
    • LA
    • Texas
    • TX
    • Sooner State
    • Oklahoma

    10. red

    noun. [‘ˈrɛd’] emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries.


    • bolshie
    • bolshy
    • Marxist
    • radical


    • negativeness
    • negativity
    • decrease
    • increase


    • hreddan (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
    • read (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

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