Another word for reason to live

reason to live — перевод на русский

And you’ve got, you know, a million reasons to live. I bet.

И у тебя, я знаю, есть миллион причин жить, могу поспорить.

Misery, sadness, loss of faith, no reason to live.

страдание, печаль, потеря веры, нет причин жить.

Without Squire Oishi, he had no reason to live.

Без службы Оиши у него не было причин жить.

I’ve no more reason to live.

А значит, у меня нет больше причин жить.

Your grandfather called me a ronin — a samurai without a master… ..who has no reason to live.

Твой дед называл меня — ронин самураем без хозяина у которого нет причин жить.

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There’s no good or bad reason to live or to die.

Нет хорошей или плохой причины, чтобы жить или умереть.

But I’ll find a reason to live.

Но я найду повод, чтобы жить.

not have a reason to live?

причины, чтобы жить?

I suddenly found a reason to live.

Я сразу нашёл причину, чтобы жить.

I was ready to die, and I needed a reason to live.

Я была готова умереть. И мне нужна была причина, чтобы жить.

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I’d lose all reason to live.

Тогда потеряется весь смысл жизни.

I gave you a reason to live and you were more than happy to help.

Я дал тебе смысл жизни, а ты был более чем счастлив мне помочь.

He killed himself, Alex, after the church abandoned him… after they took away his reason to live.

Он сам себя убил, Алекс когда его покинула Церковь. Когда у него отняли смысл жизни.

When you go back, you’ll find a reason to live again!

Когда вернёшься обратно, ты снова найдешь смысл жизни!

You’d have no reason to live.

Ты потеряешь смысл жизни.

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Examples of using
Find a reason to live
in a sentence and their translations

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The only way for me


save myself,


breathe and find a reason to live, create myself


world without numbers.

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Единственный путь для моего спасения- Вздохнуть и найти причину жить, Создать для себя мир без чисел.

The whole argument is up for grabs,

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Вся эта дискуссия хаотична, но мне кажется, нельзя найти причину жить если таковой не существует.

Some listeners contend that the song acts as


suicide note written by the song’s protagonist, as


result of his depression,

while others claim that it describes the difficult process of finding a reason to live in spite of depression

and pain and does not have much


do with the storyline of The Downward Spiral.

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Некоторые слушатели считают, что песня представляет собой предсмертную записку, написанную главным героем альбома The Downward Spiral, в то время, как другие утверждают,

что лирика композиции описывает трудный процесс нахождения причины продолжать жить, несмотря на депрессию и душевную боль.

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Мария помогла мне обрести смысл жизни после того, как ты покинул меня.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

смысла жить

нет причин жить

нет причины жить

незачем жить

нет причин, чтобы жить

не было причины жить

Look, I know this planet seems important, but without solving this, there’s no reason to live.

Я понимаю, планета это важно, но если не решим вопрос, смысла жить нет.

I just had no reason to live.

Now he says he has no reason to live.

But even a dangerous hereditary disease is no reason to live life without children.

Но даже опасная наследственная болезнь — не повод прожить жизнь без детей.

A man falls into depression and sees no reason to live any further, however he continues to work as a policeman.

Мужчина впадает в депрессию и не видит смысла жить дальше, однако продолжает работать полицейским.

In other words — and I think you see where this is going — no reason to live.

I have no reason to live.

I have no reason to live.

Still no reason to live your life in one room.

Without that I… I have no reason to live.

Short people got no reason to live

Your grandfather called me a ronin — a samurai without a master… who has no reason to live.

Твой дед называл меня — ронин самураем без хозяина… у которого нет причин жить.

If I can’t play tennis, I have no reason to live.

Если я не смогу играть в теннис, мне незачем жить.

Feeling as if there is no reason to live.

And you have no reason to live.

I have no reason to live.

There’s simply no reason to live way out here for most.

If you feel hopeless or trapped, or think you have no reason to live, get help.

Если вы ощущаете себя потерявшими надежду или загнанными в ловушку, или чувствуете, что у вас нет причин для того, чтобы жить дальше, вам необходима помощь.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 65. Точных совпадений: 65. Затраченное время: 143 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


Most people have thought about killing themselves at some point in their lives. It’s a very normal reaction to unbearable physical or psychological pain or intolerable life circumstances. It’s also a normal response to the news that a celebrity, or someone you know, has suicided. Having thoughts of suicide is nothing to worry about. It’s how you respond to the thoughts that matter.

I have often been asked to give someone one good reason to go on living.  The problem with that question is what one person thinks is a good reason to live will not seem anywhere near good enough to another person.

In 1983 the Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology (Vol 51, No 2) published a study conducted by Linehan, Goodstein, Nielsen & Chiles which contained a list of reasons people gave for continuing to live when they were considering suicide.

Here is the list of reasons people gave in that study.  Some of them may give you food for thought or a reason to live you never thought about before.  I hope so.  Reason number one is the reason I would most encourage you to work towards making your own. 

You may have reasons not listed here; reasons you think might help someone carry on living in the face of despair.  

Please feel free to add your suggestion to the “Reasons To Live Wall“.  I have added one of my own reasons for living that were not included in the above list.

Yes, I have been suicidal.  You can read about my own battle with suicide here.

Reasons To Live When You Are Thinking About Killing Yourself

  • I care enough about myself to live
  • I believe I can find other solutions to my problems
  • I still have many things left to do
  • I have hope that things will improve and the future will be happier
  • I have the courage to face life
  • I want to experience all that life has to offer and there are many experiences I haven’t had yet which I want to have
  • I believe everything has a way of working out for the best
  • I believe I can find a purpose in life, a reason to live
  • I have a love of life
  • No matter how badly I feel I know that it will not last
  • Life is too beautiful and precious to end it
  • I am happy and content with my life
  • I am curious about what will happen in the future
  • I see no reason to hurry death along
  • I believe I can learn to adjust or cope with my problems
  • I believe killing myself would not really accomplish or solve anything
  • I have a desire to live
  • I am too stable to kill myself
  • I have future plans I am looking forward to carrying out
  • I do not believe that things get miserable or hopeless enough that I would rather be dead
  • I do not want to die
  • Life is all we have and is better than nothing
  • I believe I have control over my life and destiny
  • It would hurt my family too much and I would not want them to suffer
  • I would not want my family to feel guilty afterwards
  • I would not want my family to think I was selfish or a coward
  • My family depends on me and needs me
  • I love and enjoy my family too much and could not leave them
  • My family might believe I did not love them
  • I have a responsibility and commitment to my family
  • The effect on my children could be harmful
  • It would not be fair to leave the children for others to take care of
  • I want to watch my children as they grow
  • I am afraid of the actual ‘act’ of killing myself (the pain, blood, violence)
  • I am a coward and do not have the guts to do it
  • I am so inept that my method would not work
  • I am afraid that my method of killing myself would fail
  • I am afraid of the unknown
  • I am afraid of death
  • I could not decide where, when and how to do it
  • Other people would think I am weak and selfish
  • I would not want people to think I did not have control over my life
  • I am concerned about what others would think of me
  • My religious beliefs forbid it
  • I believe only God has the right to end a life
  • I consider it morally wrong
  • I am afraid of going to hell

The real reason is what you get if you go a couple of levels deep. Why do you do go to work? Because I have a job. But why? Because I need to make money. But why? Because we live in a capitalist society where goods and services are exchanged by money and I can get money by helping somebody else achieve their goal.

So how can I describe the first two reasons: superficial, smoke-screen, non-real?

asked Oct 22, 2016 at 15:58

nachocab's user avatar


From Wikipedia:

A proximate cause is an event which is closest to, or immediately responsible for causing, some observed result. This exists in contrast to a higher-level ultimate cause (or distal cause) which is usually thought of as the «real» reason something occurred.

answered Oct 22, 2016 at 16:41

FumbleFingers's user avatar


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If the reason offered is a plausible fake, with bad intent, then you’re talking about a pretext.

pretext: a purpose or motive alleged or an appearance assumed in order to cloak the real intention or state of affairs

If, as the example in your post implies, the reason given is just simpler or easier to understand, then I think you probably can’t outdo superficial reason as describing exactly what you’re talking about.

There is also putative reason, but a putative reason is a pretext.

answered Dec 22, 2016 at 16:58

Chris Sunami's user avatar

Chris SunamiChris Sunami

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I’d like to offer «immediate reason» as a an answer. As in, «The immediate reason I go to work is because I have a job, but the real underlying reason is because we live in a capitalist society».

answered Dec 21, 2016 at 21:48

StevenL's user avatar

Also consider a hollow reason. It’s idiomatic and doesn’t show up in many idiom dictionaries, but there are plenty of decent examples of it.

enter image description here

enter image description here

The research team had a stranger approach someone waiting in line to use a photocopier and asked if they could go before that person with no reason – just simply “ I have five copies to make, can I use the photocopier?’ – 60% of people allowed the person to go ahead. When the stranger made the same request with a reason… ‘because I am in a rush” – compliance jumped to 94%, which may not be surprising to you. Here’s where it got very interesting! The stranger then made the same request but this time used a completely meaningless reason – “may I use the photocopier because I have to make copies”. Despite this hollow reason (everyone was there to make copies after all), the compliance rate was almost the same(93%) ie nearly everyone said ‘yes’.

I suggest that this idiom is better suited to pointing out logically incongruent «reasons» than suggesting duplicity or cunning.

answered Dec 22, 2016 at 5:25

Phil Sweet's user avatar

Phil SweetPhil Sweet

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These reasons which are linked to each other in a chain and finally to the actual reason may be called the (causal) links.



1 A relationship between two things or situations, especially where one affects the other:
‘a commission to investigate a link
between pollution and forest decline’

‘In these circumstances, and without more, it seems to me that the
necessary causal link is sufficiently established.’


1 Relating to or acting as a cause:
‘the causal factors associated with illness’

answered Dec 22, 2016 at 16:26

alwayslearning's user avatar


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How about root reason, which is akin to root cause?

Oxford Dictionaries:

: the
basic cause of something

root: the
basic cause, source, or origin of something

The root reason is more fundamental that proximate reason or distal reason or causal reason. It is the answer to the last why in the chain of whys. And it differs from root cause, as reason and cause mean different things.

answered Dec 22, 2016 at 17:50

Richard Kayser's user avatar

Richard KayserRichard Kayser

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Quotes tagged as «reason-to-live»
Showing 1-17 of 17

Criss Jami

“Find a purpose to serve, not a lifestyle to live.”

Venus in Arms

Natsuki Takaya

“You’re trying to find it. You’re probably trying to find- the reason that you live- all by yourself. Because…because, in reality, there aren’t any people who are born with reasons to live. I think that…that everyone has to find their reason to live. A reason to live. A reason to say that it’s okay to be here. A reason for being. Everyone must find out and then decide. Maybe in a dream, or in a job, or in a person. «The reason» you find might be unclear, uncertain, and unstable. Even though you may lose it, I want to have a reason for as long as I live. I also want one. And then, if it’s possible, I want to find it in somebody’s heart. I want to be able to live for someone. I hope that someday, someone would tell me, ‘You can think of it that way.’ At times I want to give up, but I try my best. That’s why…that’s why it’s okay, for sure, to be shameless. Because if you lead a bold life, someday you might meet someone with whom you’ll want to eat takoyaki together.”

Natsuki Takaya

Rachel Hartman

“But are you finding monastic history a very compelling reason to live?»
«I’m not human,» he said. «I don’t require a reason to live. Living is my default condition.»
I couldn’t help it; I laughed, and teas weleld in my eyes. That answer was quintessentially Orma, distilled to his elemental Orma-ness.”

Rachel Hartman,

Shadow Scale

Criss Jami

“After each of his books, the writer, for a while, feels once again that he can now die happy.”

Criss Jami,


Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

“When you know your role in life, living makes sense because of clarity, and the loads become enjoyable to carry.”

Innocent Mwatsikesimbe,

The Vision

Viet Thanh Nguyen

“If something is worth dying for, then you’ve got a reason to live.”

Viet Thanh Nguyen,

The Sympathizer

“But even a vessel pulsates, beats and pumps in ecstasy and in rage!

I wonder are the way we are because we are trying to protect ourselves from the “monsters” not realizing this fear that we are harboring inside us is turning us into goblins and ghouls ourselves? Not even a heart caged inside of ribs can be protected. Who can really be to blame for your broken heart?

In-turn we find our own vices , our own ways to cope, ways that we petrify our bodies our lives in such a fashion so we can stop and notice the stars sparkling in the sky everything and everyone that embodies love YOUR LOVE… and every spec dancing in our own light, specs we failed to see because of our own faults.”


Girdhar Joshi

“Now you have a new life. A new dawn. A new flower in your basket. A new ray of hope. A new chapter in your book. A new gust of breeze. A new fire in your stomach. A new reason to live.”

Girdhar Joshi,

Some Mistakes Have No Pardon

Michael  Grant

“Astrid found the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it up over his head. She unbuckled his belt and shoved his jeans to the deck. She pushed him, gently but insistently, onto the bed. Then she undressed herself and stood in the faint light, looking down at him as he gazed up at her.
“You’re giving me a reason to live,” he said, half joking.
“I’m just recapturing the mood,” she said, trying to make it sound light and sexy.
“You captured me a long time ago.”
She climbed atop him. “We walk out of this together, Sam. Whatever it takes. You and me.”
“You and me,” he said.
She would not yet let him have her. “Whatever it takes,” she insisted. “Say it.”
“You and me,” he said at last. “Whatever it takes.”
“Swear it.”

Michael Grant,


“Every day is exciting when you don’t live your life based on religion alone”

Sunday Adelaja

“Ogni persona vive per qualcuno.
Le cose felici, quelle tristi, quelle spiacevoli e quelle divertenti…
I ricordi che legano le persone creano ciò che sei e diventano la ragione per cui vivere.”

Muneyuki Kaneshiro

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