Another word for rather have

What is another word for have rather?

10 synonyms found


[ hav ɹˈɑːðə], [ hav ɹˈɑːðə], [ h_a_v ɹ_ˈɑː_ð_ə]

Table of Contents

  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words:

    • prefer.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • please,
    • see fit,
    • favor,
    • favour,
    • set before,
    • lean toward,
    • incline,
    • choose rather,
    • rather.

How to use «Have rather» in context?

When speaking, it is often tempting to use have rather. However, this tendency is often not helpful. To ensure clear communication, it is better to use the present perfect verb tense when giving a directive. Have already, has already, and will have are all appropriate verb forms to use in place of rather. For example, «Please have your passport ready by Tuesday» would be more effective than «Have you already sent your passport in?

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

лучше бы

предпочли бы


предпочел бы


лучше иметь

предпочла бы

предпочитаю иметь

предпочитаете иметь



He would rather have no picture at all.

И лучше бы него не снимали вообще.

Identify the response you would rather have in that situation.

Выберите тот вариант реакции, который вы предпочли бы в подобном случае.

And honestly, we’d rather have the dog tell us before someone else does.

И, честно говоря, мы предпочли бы, чтобы собака сообщила нам об этом, прежде чем кто-то другой сделает это.

I would rather have pure spiritual information .

I’d much rather have you in charge.

I d rather have you stay here as my secretary.

I’d rather have them outside the wall.

I’d rather have double pneumonia than this.

Но я бы предпочел двустороннюю пневмонию тому, что сейчас.

He’d much rather have pizza.

I would rather have a world without environmental problems than good grades.

Я предпочел бы жить в мире без экологических проблем, чем с ними, но с хорошими оценками».

I’d rather have more local teams.

I think the industry would rather have multiple outlets.

Я думаю, что индустрия очень хотела бы иметь несколько каналов .

I would rather have readers than subscribers.

Это означает, что читателей у нас больше, нежели подписчиков.

Definitely would rather have a medal.

I’d rather have things evolve naturally.

А я предпочитаю, чтобы вещи происходили естественным путем».

She would rather have a more stable finance system.

В то же время они хотели иметь у себя более стабильную денежную систему.

I’d rather have breakfast than dinner.

Know where I’d rather have been…

I think I would rather have the Welch.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат rather have

Результатов: 1981. Точных совпадений: 1981. Затраченное время: 262 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Especially with the snakes charmer in Egypt who rather have a Makudi charmer behavior(Thailand).

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Особенно с змей в Египте Чаровница, который имеет довольно Чаровница поведения Makudi( Таиланд).

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I would love to win the world series of poker main event bracelet but


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Мне очень хотелось бы выиграть мировой серии покера главное событие браслет,


Even animals and plants receive from the person rather have receive, if its radiations luminary.


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Даже животные и растения получают от человека, вернее, должны получать, если излучения его светоносны.






some success

with»girl» songs such as»I would Rather Have a Girlie Than an Automobile»,

so von Tilzer suggested they try another in that vein.

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У Диллона уже было несколько успешных песен о девушках(

например,« I would Rather Have a Girlie Than an Automobile»),

поэтому они решили двигаться в этом же направлении.

If you want to make a remote journey around Lviv,

web camera is the ideal tool for this, rather have a device that accepts video signal and connection to the Internet.


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Если вы хотите совершить удаленное путешествие по Львову, веб- камера-

идеальное средство для этого, достаточно иметь устройство, принимающее видио сигнал и подключение к сети интернет.


The writer William Styron says that his depressive

episode were so terrible that he would rather have a limb amputated than go through one of them.

A psychiatrist, Kay Redfield Jamison, who was also a manic-depressive says that the manic episodes were like skating on the rings of Saturn.

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Сочинитель William Styron говорит что

его упадочный эпизод был настолько ужасен что он довольно имел лимб быть ампутированным чем пойти через одно из их. Психиатор,

Кей Redfield Jamison, который был также manic- depressive говорит что маньяк эпизоды были как кататься на коньках на кольцах Сатурн.

The decision to cancel payment by the state of compensations on foreign

currency deposits in bankrupt banks will rather have a negative effect at the initial stage,

since it will entail the outflow of foreign currency deposits.


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Решение отменить выплаты государством возмещения по вкладам в обанкротившихся банках в

иностранной валюте на начальном этапе будет иметь скорее негативный эффект, поскольку повлечет отток валютных вкладов- на данный момент средства физических лиц в иностранной валюте составляют практически

50% от общей суммы вкладов населения и 20% от всех обязательств банковской системы Украины.


During an investigation of metal from this burial, the researchers discovered adornments of single-stage manufacture and a classical form of items crafted from a complex alloy by means of pressure treatment, which allows to raise the question of the nature of clothing from such such burials whether such clothing is»composite» and

collected over a period of time, or they rather have a ritual nature.


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В ходе исследования металла из этого погребения были выявлены одномоментно изготовленные украшения, а также классические формы изделий, изготовленные из сложного для обработки давлением сплава, что позволяет поставить вопрос о характере убора из подобных захоронений: являются ли такие уборы« сборными»,

собираемыми в течении времени, или они носят скорее ритуальный характер.


SAVIN with two of his friends(Associates- besspridel′šikami), criminal intent, breaking through the doors in the House, got inside my ownership of dwelling house, and in the yard,

still rather have a porch entrance to your home,

the use of physical force, izbyli me with hands and feet, blows to the head and all over my body.

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САВИН с двумя своими друзьями( подельниками- бесспридельшиками), преступными намерениями, взломав входные двери в дом, проникли внутрь принадлежащий мне на праве собственности жилой дом, и во дворе,

еще вернее у крыльца входа в дом,

применением физической силы, избыли меня руками и ногами, нанося удары по голове и по всему телу.

In his»Song of the Pelagian Heresy» he becomes quite strident, describing how the Bishop of Auxerre,»with his stout Episcopal staff/ So thoroughly thwacked and banged/ The heretics all,

both short and tall/ They rather had been hanged.

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В его« Песне о Пелагианской Ереси» он высказывается очень резко в адрес епископа Осерского:« with his stout Episcopal staff/ So thoroughly thwacked and banged/ The heretics all,

both short and tall/ They rather had been hanged». идентификатор BNF:

платформа открытых данных- 2011.

Statement In the last few hours, the civil initiative»My step»


been holding a meeting in the streets of Yerevan, which rather has a form of a rally.

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Заявление В последние несколько часов

гражданская инициатива« Мой шаг» на улицах Еревана проводитсобрание в виде шествия.

In the last few hours, the civil initiative»My step»


been holding a meeting in the streets of Yerevan, which rather has a form of a rally.


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В последние несколько часов

гражданская инициатива« Мой шаг» на улицах Еревана проводитсобрание в виде шествия.


The Supreme Court


noted that approval of the legality and

effectiveness of use of public funds in an audit report rather has positive impact on the reputation and activities of a city or rural municipality.


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Государственный суд отметил, что высказанное в контрольной ведомости одобрение правомерности и

результативности использования публичных денежных средств скорее оказывает положительное влияние на репутацию и деятельность города или волости.


But that those manifestations of vitality on the part of individuals and peoples, in which they seek and satisfy their own purposes, are at the same time the means and instruments of a higher and broader purpose of which they know nothing- which they realize unconsciously-

might be made a matter of question; rather has been questioned….

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Но, что эти проявления жизнеспособности со стороны индивидов и народов, проявления, в которых они ищут и удовлетворяют свои личные цели, являются одновременно и орудиями высшего и более широкого назначения, о котором они ничего не знают- которое они бессознательно ощущают-

могли бы явиться вопросом для обсуждения; или, вернее, уже были обсуждаемы….

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Need another word that means the same as “rather”? Find 24 synonyms and 30 related words for “rather” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Rather as an Adverb
  • Definitions of «Rather» as an adverb
  • Synonyms of «Rather» as an adverb (24 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Rather» as an adverb
  • Associations of «Rather» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Rather” are: preferably, sooner, kinda, quite, instead, by preference, by choice, more willingly, more readily, a little, fairly, slightly, somewhat, relatively, to some degree, to some extent, comparatively, moderately, more precisely, strictly speaking, correctly speaking, more, more truly, quite the opposite

Rather as an Adverb

Definitions of «Rather» as an adverb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “rather” as an adverb can have the following definitions:

  • To a degree (not used with a negative.
  • Used to express a recommended alternative, but without a than clause and used with verbs other than would; instead.
  • Used to suggest that the opposite of a previous statement is the case; on the contrary.
  • To some (great or small) extent.
  • More readily or willingly.
  • Used before verbs so as to make the expression of a feeling or opinion less assertive.
  • Used to indicate one’s preference in a particular matter.
  • More precisely.
  • On the contrary.
  • To a certain or significant extent or degree.
  • Instead of; as opposed to.

Synonyms of «Rather» as an adverb (24 Words)

a little Not much.
by choice So as to pass a given point.
by preference In reserve; not for immediate use.
comparatively In a relative manner; by comparison to something else.
Inflation was comparatively low.
correctly speaking In an accurate manner.
fairly Actually (used to emphasize something surprising or extreme.
I was fairly certain she had nothing to do with the affair.
instead On the contrary.
Walk to work instead of going by car.
kinda To some (great or small) extent.
moderately To a moderately sufficient extent or degree.
Both hotels are moderately priced.
more Moreover.
I like chicken more than turkey.
more precisely Used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs.
more readily Comparative of much; to a greater degree or extent.
more truly Used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs.
more willingly Comparative of much; to a greater degree or extent.
preferably Ideally; if possible.
Clean it well preferably with warm water.
quite To a degree (not used with a negative.
He s quite an attractive man.
quite the opposite To the greatest extent; completely.
relatively In a relative manner; by comparison to something else.
The situation is relatively calm now.
slightly To a small degree; not considerably.
The children argued because one slice of cake was slightly larger than the other.
somewhat To a moderate extent or by a moderate amount; rather.
Matters have improved somewhat since then.
sooner Comparatives of `soon’ or `early.
I d sooner die than give up.
strictly speaking Restricted to something.
to some degree Imprecise but fairly close to correct.
to some extent Imprecise but fairly close to correct.

Usage Examples of «Rather» as an adverb

  • He’s rather an unpleasant man.
  • Would you like some wine or would you rather stick to sherry?
  • This opens up a whole can of worms that should rather be left shut.
  • She’d rather die than cause a scene.
  • He’s rather good at playing the cello.
  • I’d rather be in Philadelphia.
  • I walked, or rather limped, the two miles home.
  • I rather regret that I cannot attend.
  • Rather than disappoint the children, he did two quick tricks before he left.
  • The party was rather nice.
  • She seemed indifferent rather than angry.
  • The knife is rather dull.
  • He didn’t call; rather (or instead), he wrote her a letter.
  • I rather think he wants me to marry him.
  • There is no shortage of basic skills in the workplace. Rather, the problem is poor management.
  • We were rather hoping you might do that for us.
  • It was rather cold.
  • Prospective buyers should meet the seller in person rather.
  • I’d rather you didn’t tell him.
  • She’s been behaving rather strangely.

Associations of «Rather» (30 Words)

about (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct.
About face.
almost Not quite; very nearly.
The baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded.
appreciably To an appreciable extent; considerably.
Profits have grown appreciably over the last four years.
approximately Imprecise but fairly close to correct.
Lasted approximately an hour.
around All around or on all sides.
Maize has been around for a long time.
bit The cutting part of a drill usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or drill press.
A bit of rock caught him in the eye.
comparatively To a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively.
Inflation was comparatively low.
equidistant At equal distances.
The line joins together all points which are equidistant from the two axes.
fairly With justice.
He is fairly clever with computers.
few A quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `a’; a small but indefinite number.
A few more wagons than usual.
instead As a substitute or alternative to; in place of.
She never married preferring instead to remain single.
least Used in names of very small animals and plants e g least shrew.
Didn t care the least bit.
less (usually preceded by `no’) lower in quality.
No less than 50 people attended.
little Used in names of animals and plants that are smaller than related kinds e g little grebe.
What a nasty little situation.
moderately To a moderately sufficient extent or degree.
Both hotels are moderately priced.
much To a great extent; a great deal.
They did not mind much to my surprise.
nearly Very close to; almost.
He nearly fainted.
partially To some extent; in some degree; not wholly.
The work partially fulfills the function of a historical memoir.
perceptibly In a noticeable manner.
possibly By chance.
Could you possibly pour me another cup of tea.
preferably Ideally; if possible.
Clean it well preferably with warm water.
pretty Make pretty or attractive.
A pretty mess.
quite Of an unusually noticeable or exceptional or remarkable kind (not used with a negative.
Dresses quite from Port of Spain.
ravishing Stunningly beautiful.
A ravishing blonde.
reasonably Inexpensively.
Ski wear which looks good and is reasonably priced.
roughly With roughness or violence rough is an informal variant for roughly.
This is a walk of roughly 13 miles.
several Of an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many.
The two levels of government sort out their several responsibilities.
slightly To a small degree or extent.
Slightly built.
some To some extent quite a lot.
We talked for some time.
somewhat To certain extent or degree.
His arguments were somewhat self contradictory.
  • a bit
  • a little
  • comparatively
  • fairly
  • kind of
  • pretty
  • quite
  • relatively
  • slightly
  • somewhat
  • averagely
  • enough
  • in a certain degree
  • more or less
  • passably
  • ratherish
  • reasonably
  • so-so
  • some
  • something
  • sort of
  • to some degree
  • to some extent
  • tolerably
  • considerably
  • noticeably
  • quite
  • somewhat
  • very
  • well
  • a good bit
  • sooner
  • willingly
  • alternately
  • alternatively
  • as a matter of choice
  • by choice
  • by preference
  • first
  • in lieu of
  • in preference
  • just as soon
  • more readily
  • more willingly
  • much sooner

On this page you’ll find 72 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to rather, such as: a bit, a little, comparatively, fairly, kind of, and pretty.

  • little
  • extremely
  • insignificantly
  • violently
  • extremely
  • insignificantly
  • little
  • violently

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING rather

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use rather in a sentence

Truth is a torch, but one of enormous size; so that we slink past it in rather a blinking fashion for fear it should burn us.


It ended on a complaint that she was ‘tired rather and spending my time at full length on a deck-chair in the garden.’


I was rather awed by his imposing appearance, and advanced timidly to the doors, which were of glass, and pulled the bell.


The streets here are rather wide for an Italian city but would be deemed intolerably narrow in America.


He is rather tall and narrow, and wears a long abb’s coat reaching nearly down to his feet.


This will often save the foliage from drying up, a happening which makes the plants rather unsightly.


His nose was hooked and rather large, his eyes were blue, bright as steel, and set a trifle wide.


But he put her gently by, saying, «I would rather be here, good Marda;» and went in and locked the door.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • appreciably
  • far
  • greatly
  • markedly
  • noticeably
  • quite
  • rather
  • remarkably
  • somewhat
  • substantially
  • very much
  • well
  • abundantly
  • acceptably
  • admissibly
  • amply
  • averagely
  • barely
  • commensurately
  • decently
  • fairly
  • moderately
  • passably
  • proportionately
  • rather
  • reasonably
  • satisfactorily
  • so-so
  • sufficiently
  • tolerably
  • before
  • prior
  • rather
  • adequately
  • averagely
  • enough
  • kind of
  • moderately
  • more or less
  • passably
  • pretty well
  • quite
  • rather
  • ratherish
  • reasonably
  • so-so
  • some
  • something
  • sort of
  • tolerably
  • alternately
  • alternative
  • as a substitute
  • in lieu
  • in place of
  • in preference
  • on behalf of
  • on second thought
  • preferably
  • rather
  • rather than
  • moderately
  • rather
  • sort of
  • to some extent

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Table of Contents

  1. How do you use rather in a sentence?
  2. What is the meaning of rather in English?
  3. What does I’d rather mean?
  4. What does I’d rather not mean?
  5. Would prefer I would rather?
  6. What is the use of should?
  7. Where we use shall and should?

What is another word for rather?

How do you use rather in a sentence?

Rather sentence example

  1. No, if one of us has to get snowed in up here, I’d rather it was me.
  2. Thanks, but I’d rather go alone.
  3. I ignored her question rather than lie.
  4. Maybe he’d rather listen than talk.
  5. It’s a subject I’d rather not discuss.
  6. But if you’d rather take them off, go ahead.

What is the meaning of rather in English?

1 : with better reason or more propriety : more properly this you should pity rather than despise— William Shakespeare. 2 : more readily or willingly : preferably I’d rather not go would rather read than watch television —often used interjectionally to express affirmation.

quite fairly
relatively pretty
somewhat moderately
reasonably slightly
comparatively sort of

What does I’d rather mean?

phrase. If you say that you would rather do something or you’d rather do it, you mean that you would prefer to do it. If you say that you would rather not do something, you mean that you do not want to do it. If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather work at home.

What does I’d rather not mean?

“I’d rather not…” means “I don’t want to…” People say “I’d rather not…” to talk about something that they don’t want to do, although they might have to. For example, if you’re shopping for a new car, you can tell the salesperson: I’d rather not go over fifteen thousand.

Would prefer I would rather?

Would rather is followed by the infinitive without to. Would prefer is followed by to + infinitive or a noun. I’d rather have fruit juice. I’d prefer to have fruit juice.

What is the use of should?

Should is an auxiliary verb – a modal auxiliary verb. We use should mainly to: give advice or make recommendations. talk about obligation.

Where we use shall and should?

‘Shall’ is used to express ideas and laws. ‘Should’ is used to express personal opinions and desires, and primarily to give advice. ‘Shall’ can be used when a speaker wishes to convey something that will take place in the future.


  • #1

What is the difference among «to prefer», «to have rather», and «to have sooner»?
I think that the two last ones are more precise. Can you also give details about this and give examples?

Last edited: May 14, 2009


  • #2

To keep them all in the same format it should probably be «to have preferred, «to have rather» and «to have sooner.»

To me, «I’d have preferred» and «I’d have rather» are interchangeable in meaning. I don’t see a difference between the two. «I’d have preferred a night at the opera but Steve had his heart set on a baseball game, so we watched the baseball game.» «I’d have rather gone to the opera, but Steve already had tickets for the ball game so we went there instead.» These have the same general meaning to me.

«I’d have sooner» is sometimes used in a negative sense, describing something unpleasant and expressing a preference for it over something else. «I’d have sooner kissed a pig than to have given Auntie Lola another chance to slobber all over me.» To me it has a slightly different sense to it in that it describes an order of events rather than a simple preference, but it is also used to express a preference.


  • #3

A good explanation, JamesM. Thanks.

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