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Unrecognizable black adventurer providing hand for happy plump male friend with big backpack and rolled rug in woodland in daytime Focused African American traveler lending hand for faceless backpacker next to tree in forest in daytime Top view of mechanical machines providing frame of future building in sandy quarry on sunny day Content girlfriends resting on grassy lawn and feeding pigeons People in a Psychotherapy Session with a Psychologist A Couple in a Psychotherapy Session

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eraser, provides, ornaments provide, island, italy cyberspace, data, wire room, empty, interior internet connection, earth, technology hands, baby, protect

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Synonyms for Provide with. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from

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Synonyms for Provide with. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023.



Автоматический перевод


Перевод по словам

provide  — обеспечивать, предоставлять, предусматривать, давать, снабжать, прокормить
with  — с, вместе с, от, несмотря на, напихать


Insurance can provide you with peace of mind.

Страхование может дать вам душевное спокойствие.

Workers were provided with gloves for protection.

Работникам были розданы защитные перчатки.

He provided America with an image of the good father.

Он предоставил Америке образ хорошего отца.

Let me provide you with some background on this problem.

Позвольте мне предоставить вам некоторые сведения об этой проблеме.

His schooling provided him with extensive book knowledge.

Полученное образование дало ему обширные теоретические знания.

Newspapers have a duty to provide readers with the facts.

Газеты обязаны обеспечивать читателей информацией.

The guide will provide you with information about the area.

В путеводителе вы найдёте информацию об этом регионе.

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Television provides us with a useful window on the world.  

…the widow’s pet cats provided her with her only companionship…  

…his grandfather’s will provided him with an annuity of $5,000 a year to be used for school expenses…  

…pumped water out of the field as part of the land reclamation program designed to provide farmers with more farmland…  

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Synonyms for provide with
pro·vide with

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provide us with — перевод на русский

We can provide you with components and specifications.

Мы можем предоставить вам комплектующие и спецификации.

We can even provide you with some converters.

Мы даже можем предоставить вам несколько конвертеров.

I can provide you with the information that you’re gonna need to save Teal’c.

Я могу предоставить вам информацию, которая вам необходима для спасения Тилка.

Mr Ambassador, I am sure we can provide you with the necessary evidence…

Господин посол, я уверен, что мы сможем предоставить вам все необходимые доказательства

I can refer you to my associate, Gary Mitchell who may be able to provide you with the information.

Направляю вас к своему коллеге Гэри Митчеллу который может предоставить вам необходимую информацию.

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And we are dedicated to providing you with the very best customer service.

Мы призваны обеспечить вам самое наилучшее клиентское обслуживание.

The president has agreed to provide you with a death Certificate and witness protection in exchange For actionable information.

Президент согласилась обеспечить вам свидетельство о смерти и защиту свидетеля в обмен на достоверную информацию.

The government would like to provide you with some help.

Правительство хочет обеспечить вам некоторую поддержку.

Senator, we can provide you with an increased security detail.

Сенатор, мы может обеспечить вам повышенную охрану.

I could never provide you with anything like this.

Я никогда не смог бы обеспечить вам такого.

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I could provide you with many healthy children if that’s your concern, but, quite frankly

Я могу дать тебе много здоровых детей, если тебе это важно. Но, честно, я думаю, что ты беспокоишься о себе.

Weren’t you just saying… that he couldn’t provide you with the things that you needed?

Разве ты не гoвopила, чтo oн не мoжет дать тебе тo, чтo тебе нужнo?

Always dreamed of providing you with anything you ever wanted or needed.

Всегда мечтал дать тебе всё, что ты хотела, в чём нуждалась.

I wish I could provide you with a lead, but poor Mr. Johnson’s body here was so ravaged by fire that he just isn’t talking to me.

Жаль, что я не могу дать тебе никаких улик, но тело бедного мистера Джонсона было так повреждено огнем, что он ничего мне не говорит.

To help you survive against them. The Queen has asked us to provide you with weapons.

Чтобы ты мог одолеть их, королева попросила дать тебе оружие.

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Therefore.. science provides us with concrete evidence.

Следовательно… наука предоставляет нам конкретные факты.

Why is the government not providing us with health insurance?

Почему правительство не предоставляет нам медицинскую страховку?

I’m just merely providing him with options.

Ничего особенного, предоставляю ему право выбора.

Once in a while I provide him with some off-the-record help with the seedier side of art collecting.

Изредка я предоставляю ему некоторую неофициальную помощь с обратной стороны коллекционирования предметов искусства.

Mademoiselle Marie McDermott, she provides you with the alibi and you are no longer the suspect.

Мадемуазель Мари МакДермот предоставляет Вам алиби и Вы больше не подозреваемый.

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Because time slows down close to the speed of light special relativity provides us with a means of going to the stars.

Благодаря тому что время замедляется с приближении к скорости света, специальная теория относительности даёт нам шанс достигнуть звёзд.

It provides us with oxygen and water.

Он дает нам кислород и воду.

So the quantum mechanics itself, without the need for interpretation, provides us with answers or predictions regarding the result of every experiment we can do.

Таким образом, квантовая механика сама, без необходимости в толковании, дает нам ответы или прогнозы в отношении результатов каждого эксперимента который мы можем сделать.

Full cooperation, he provides us with the comprehensive list of all coconspirators spanning the last seven years and he agrees to wear a wire.

Полное сотрудничество, он дает нам подробный список соучастников, охватывающий последние 7 лет, и соглашается носить скрытый микрофон.

And his return to the States provides us with a great opportunity, Thack.

И его возвращение в Штаты дает нам отличный шанс, Сэк.

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They provided him with an isolinear interface to access station systems.

Они снабдили его изолинейным интерфейсом для доступа к системам станции.

Did you provide him with names?

Вы снабдили его именами?

You provided him with enough C4 to blow up half a city block.

Вы снабдили его C4 достаточным чтоб взорвать половину квартала.

Could you provide us with some detail ?

Могли бы Вы снабдить нас некоторыми деталями?

If we’re dealing with a spy from the 1980s, I know someone who can provide us with the kind of pre-digital information we need. Things I can’t find on computers.

Если мы имеем дело со шпионом 80-х, я знаю того, кто может снабдить нас нужной нам неоцифрованной информацией — тем, что мне не найти с помощью компьютера.

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Did you have to provide them with some sort of tribute?

Вы должны были обеспечивать их своего рода данью?

It can still provide us with food and raw materials.

Она все еще может обеспечивать нас едой и материалами.

Providing you with oxygen, feeding you, and, from the sound of it, controlling your nervous system.

Обеспечивали вас кислородом, кормили вас, удаляли отходы и, судя по всему, полностью контролировали вашу нервную систему.

So if you are using software in your business, and you want good support, you have a choice of people to go to for it, you have a choice of businesses… that are in the business of providing you with support.

Так если Вы используете программное обеспечение в вашем бизнесе, и Вы хотите хорошую поддержку, Вы для этого можете обратиться к определенным людям, Вы можете обратиться к определенным организациям… которые занимаются тем, что обеспечивают Вам поддержку.

The factory provided us with uniforms, work-gloves, that kind of thing.

Завод обеспечивал нас униформой, рабочими перчатками, такого рода вещами.

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Without friends who can provide you with information, how long do you think your luck will hold out?

Без друзей, которые могут снабжать тебя информацией, как долго продержится твоя удача, как думаешь?

I stopped providing you with intelligence because I don’t like the way you run your ship.

Я перестала снабжать тебя наводками, потому что мне не нравится твоя манера управлять командой.

They provide you with such good ones.

Вас снабжают качественным продуктом.

Look, you’ve been ordered by the Ministry of Public Security… to assist the F.B.I. And Secret Service in our investigation… to provide us with whatever we need.

Министeрство обязало вас… оказывать помощь нам и ФБР… и снабжать всeм нeобходимым.

Well, you insist that you didn’t provide him with the equipment, he must’ve stolen it.

Вы настаиваете, что не снабжали его оборудованием, значит, он его украл.

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I can provide you with translations.

Я могу помочь вам с переводом.

So I could probably provide you with the names of a few good suspects… but I’m afraid you haven’t put me in a very generous mood.

Так что я мог бы помочь вам с именами подозреваемых… но боюсь, вы исчерпали моё великодушие.

I was hoping your parents might provide us with a few insights.

Я надеюсь, ваши родители помогут нам лучше понять некоторые моменты.

How may I provide you with excellent service today?

Чем сегодня могу вам помочь?

Well, we’ve already gone ahead and contacted the center for disease control and the pasteur institute looking for any insights they can provide us with moving forward, but main thing we want to do now, we want to try and slow her system down

Мы не сидим сложа руки связались с центром по надзору за заболеваниями и Институтом Пастера ищем любые варианты Они могут помочь нам продвинуться вперед, но главное, что мы хотим сделать сейчас замедлить ее систему настолько, чтобы у нее была энергия бороться с вирусом, и это также поможет в борьбе с энцефалитом, если это окажется он.

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And it says he’d rather not provide us with anymore meat until the account’s settled.

…что перестанет поставлять мясо, пока мы не оплатим счета.

Provide you with information on the troublesome brothers and Lucifer -— their plans.

Буду поставлять информацию о докучливых братьях и планах

Because Carp provides him with his weapons.

Потому что Карп поставляет ему свое оружие.

He’s providing me with information on Project Jericho, which is a domestic spying program.

Он поставляет мне информацию о Проекте Иерихон, который является программой по внутреннему шпионажу.

Did they provide you with those rather expensive looking chocolates?

Это они вам поставляют столь дорогого вида конфеты?

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  • предоставить вам
  • обеспечить вам
  • дать тебе
  • предоставляет нам
  • даёт нам
  • снабдили его
  • обеспечивать их своего
  • снабжать тебя
  • помочь вам с
  • поставлять

The verb “provide” works really well as a standalone word. However, some people get confused when including the preposition “with” after it and whether the meaning is directly impacted. Let’s have a look at the differences.

What Is The Difference Between “Provide” And “Provide With”?

Provide should be used when the object of the sentence is the material that is given. You can “provide something.” Provide with should be used when the object of the sentence is the recipient of the thing being given. You can “provide somebody with something”.

What Is The Difference Between "Provide" And "Provide With"?

If you refer to The Cambridge Dictionary, you can see that “provide” means “to give someone something that they need,” which provides us with a fundamental definition that we’ll continue working with throughout the article.

Is It Correct To Say “Provide Me With”?

It is correct to say “provide me with” because we always need to include the recipient as the object of the sentence when using “provide with.” That means “provide somebody with,” where “somebody” is the object (in this case, “somebody” becomes “me”).

Without using the “somebody” as an object, we can’t use provide with in a sentence correctly. Let’s look at a quick example.

  • You provide me with what I need.
  • You provide with what I need.

The first sentence works perfectly and is the grammatically correct way to write it. However, the second sentence makes no sense and should not be written in this way. We’re not showing the reader who is being provided with the thing.

Instead, the reader is left in the dark about the object of the sentence. They’ll be rereading that sentence, trying to figure out what it is you’re trying to say, but they won’t be able to figure it out.

Incidentally, if we removed “with” from the sentence, it would go back to being grammatically correct.

  • You provide what I need.

Here, we have a complete sentence. Without using “with,” the object of the sentence turns into the material given. That means “what I need” is the new object of the sentence, making it perfect in a grammatical sense.

Of course, for that to make more sense, it’s usually clarified what “what I need” means. For example, if it’s a passage of text, we’ll often include what is “needed” in the next sentence.

However, if it’s in speaking, the context is usually given by the two people talking. In this case, if a son said that to his father, the implication is what they “need” is good parenting and things like that.

How Do You Use “Provide” In A Sentence? (Examples)

Now let’s look at some examples of the two phrases in action. We’ll start with the slightly more simple variation where no preposition is required.

Remember, we use “provide” when the object of the sentence is the thing that is given to somebody. We don’t need to use any pronouns to tell who or what is being given.

  1. That’s my father. He provided all the things for this party.
  2. This school provides everything necessary to succeed in life.
  3. He provides all the fundamental parts for you.
  4. They provided the food, and I only had to eat it.
  5. I’m going to provide what’s needed on this list for the party.
  6. I’m providing entertainment to anyone who needs it! I’m a clown!

We included a few variations, using different pronouns to introduce the verb as well as different tenses to see how that effects it. You’ll be pleased to know that “provide” is a regular verb, meaning it has no annoying language rules that might change it from the base form depending on its use.

Whether we use “provide,” “provided,” or “providing,” we’re using the word in the same sense. We never need a preposition like “with” to follow it in any of these cases because the object of the sentence is already clarified.

The object depends on the context, which can make it confusing for some people. However, if you pay close attention to each sentence, you’ll see what they are. For example, in the first one, “all the things” is the object, and we work our way down from there.

Read through the examples we’ve provided above and see if you can pick out all the objects of the sentence that allow us to not use “with” when we’re writing.

How Do You Use “Provide With” In A Sentence? (Examples)

Now let’s see when we would use “provide with” instead. We include “with” when we’re using pronouns. These pronouns are used to refer to a recipient of a gift or the thing that is “provided.”

“Provide with” is used when we use the recipient as the object. That means we need a pronoun like “me” or “you” in-between the two words for it to make sense.

  1. He provides me with all the things I ask for.
  2. I provide you with everything, and I can easily take that away.
  3. You provide her with the things she wants in a man.
  4. We provide them with the money, and they deliver the fun!
  5. I’m providing you with the things you need to make it in life.
  6. You provided me with the tools to help make my dream a reality.

Again, we used as many variations as we could to really give you a clear idea of how we might use “provide with” in a sentence.

There should always be a pronoun between the two words; otherwise, you’ve made an error. If you read a sentence and see “provide with” next to each other, it means you’ve gone wrong somewhere and omitted a vital part!

Quiz: Have You Mastered Provide Vs. Provide With?

Let’s finish with a quiz to see what you’ve learned!

  1. He (A. provides / B. provides me with) everything for the party.
  2. I (A. provide / B. provide me with) the questions they answer in focus groups.
  3. They (A. provide / B. provide me with) a fun time whenever I want it.
  4. We (A. provide / B. provide you with) happiness to all who need it.
  5. We (A. provide / B. provide you with) entertainment when you order it.

Quiz Answers

  1. A
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B

You may also like: Is It “Provide X To Someone” or “Provide X For Someone”?

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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