Another word for pass on information

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

передавать информацию

передать информацию

передачи информации

донести информацию

Competent authority means the authorities and organisations authorised by the governments to receive and pass on information reported pursuant to this standard.

Компетентный орган означает администрации и организации, уполномоченные правительствами получать и передавать информацию, сообщаемую в соответствии с этим стандартом.

In addition to basic social integration, your product pages should have social-share buttons so users can pass on information about your products with their friends and followers.

В дополнение к базовой социальной интеграции на страницах вашего продукта должны быть кнопки с общим доступом, чтобы пользователи могли передавать информацию о ваших продуктах вместе со своими друзьями и последователями.

Using barcodes makes it possible to easily, quickly and accurately acquire and pass on information on various goods or objects.

Используя данные элементы можно легко, быстро и точно получить или передать информацию о различной продукции или предметах.

He’s abroad, and I need to access his emails so I can pass on information about his health insurance policy.

Он за границей, а мне нужен доступ к его почте, чтобы я могла передать информацию о его полисе страхования.

State-of-the-art communications equipment is used to pass on information.

Для передачи информации используется самое современное коммуникационное оборудование.

The meetings serve both to pass on information and to stimulate discussion between the participants.

Эти совещания проводятся в целях передачи информации, с одной стороны, и поощрения дискуссий между участниками с другой.

They [relatives] pass on information to their family members in the woods…

They oversee and pass on information and help for humankind’s evolution.

Social media has made it easy to pass on information and insights about employment opportunities.

Социальные сети упростили процесс передачи информации и обмена идеями по поводу возможностей трудоустройства.

This means that the individual cells only pass on information from their sensors if they detect changes to the measured values.

Хитрость заключается в том, что отдельные ячейки передают информацию от своих датчиков только при изменении значений.

Having exhausted all the official means for making a request, I decided to pass on information about our family to human rights organizations overseas.

Исчерпав все формальные средства обращений, я решил передать информацию о нашей семье в зарубежные правозащитные организации.

In the past, humans learned to evolve by way of rituals; to improve their well-being, or to pass on information from one generation to the next.

В прошлом люди учились развиваться через обряды, улучшали здоровье или передавали информацию от поколения к поколению.

These are JavaScript snippets which notify GA when a page is loaded and pass on information about who is viewing it.

Это фрагменты JavaScript, которые уведомляют GA при загрузке страницы и передают информацию о том, кто ее просматривает.

Veselnitskaya said that at their meeting she offered to pass on information pertaining to alleged tax evasion by wealthy Democratic Party donors.

Весельницкая также заявила, что на встрече она предложила передать информацию о вероятном уклонении от налогов богатых доноров Демократической партии.

International officials told us that it had been impossible to maintain confidentiality of their sources — an element considered essential to the success of a criminal investigation — in particular because of their reliance on local interpreters who would often pass on information to the persons being investigated.

Международные должностные лица рассказывали нам, что было невозможно сохранять конфиденциальность своих источников — тот элемент, который считается ключевым для успеха уголовного расследования, — в особенности, из-за использования местных переводчиков, которые зачастую передавали информацию лицам, в отношении которых проводилось расследование.

Toward that end, were I to pass on information that seems, at best, insane or bizarre, I would be doing no one a service.

С этой целью был я, чтобы передать информацию, которая, кажется, в лучшем случае, сумасбродной или странной, так я бы оказал не одну услугу.

Moreover, we may pass on information to authorities, officials and other third parties if we are required to do so by law, and for legitimate business reasons.

Кроме того, мы можем передавать информацию представителям власти, официальным органам и другим третьим лицам, если мы обязаны законом, и по правомочным соображениям бизнеса.

Such meetings were supervised by prison guards, and if any member of a detainee’s family or the detainee tried to pass on information relating to the case, the meeting could be stopped immediately.

Такие свидания проводятся под надзором тюремной охраны, и если кто-либо из членов семьи пытается передать информацию, связанную с делом, свидание может быть прекращено немедленно.

Snowden does not use an iPhone for security considerations, as this phone has programs that can be activated without owner knowledge and can pass on information about the user.

Сноуден не пользуется айфоном по соображениям безопасности, так как этот телефон имеет программы, которые иногда могут активироваться без ведома владельца и передавать информацию о пользователе.

Please note that in certain cases, the Bank is required to pass on information to the public authorities, for example the tax authorities.

Следует обратить внимание, что в некоторых случаях Банк обязан передавать информацию в государственные органы, к примеру, в следственные органы.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 93. Точных совпадений: 93. Затраченное время: 177 мс


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Table of Contents

  1. What does it mean to passed on?
  2. Is it pass on to or pass onto?
  3. What is the meaning of the idiomatic expression to pass on?
  4. How do you use pass on?
  5. Is it hold onto or on to?
  6. What does pass along mean?
  7. What’s another word for telling someone something?
  8. Can I pass on this one meaning?
  9. Will pass on means?
  10. Will pass on the message?
  11. What does pass it on mean?
  12. What is another word for “passed on”?
  13. What is the meaning of passed on?
  14. What does pass on information mean?

What is another word for pass on?

What does it mean to passed on?

Definition of ‘pass on’ You can say that someone passed on to mean that they died, if you want to avoid using the word ‘die’ because you think it might upset or offend people. He passed on at the age of 72. [ VERB PARTICLE] 4.

Is it pass on to or pass onto?

Onto is a preposition, it implies movement, and is more specific that on. On to are two words, and when paired with each other, on acts as a part of a verbal phrase and to acts as a preposition. You can quickly remember the different by saying “up” before on/onto.

expire die
decease perish
croak depart
pass away buy it
conk out demise

What is the meaning of the idiomatic expression to pass on?

to give something to someone, after someone else gave it to you: Some organizations passed on substantially less money to the candidates. If you pass on information, you tell it to someone else after you have heard it: No one passed the news on to me.

How do you use pass on?

to give something to someone else, especially after receiving it or using it yourself Pass the book on to me when you’ve finished with it. I passed your message on to my mother.

Is it hold onto or on to?

With hold on, the on has Fowler’s “independent status”, and there is no sense of movement as there is with driving “onto a beach”. Indeed, the act of holding on to something is precisely to steady oneself and prevent movement! Hold on to is therefore appropriate.

What does pass along mean?

the act of giving or conveying something to another person for additional use: Readership passalong means that three people read every copy of the magazine.

What’s another word for telling someone something?

1 recount, describe, report. 2 impart. 4 speak. 6 bare, betray, disclose, expose, reveal; acknowledge, own, admit, avow, confess.

Can I pass on this one meaning?

Let’s pass on this one – means let’s call this one a ‘pass’ (see above) and move on to the next one. Let’s pass this one – means lets move on to the next one.

Will pass on means?

transitive to give someone something that someone else has given you. When you’ve read this message, please pass it on. pass something on to someone: I’ll pass these clothes on to my nephew when my lads have outgrown them. Synonyms and related words.

Will pass on the message?

to tell someone something that someone else has told you: Did you pass on my message to him? to give something to someone else: Will you pass the book on to Lara when you’ve finished with it?

What does pass it on mean?

Definition of pass it on. : to tell other people something that one has been told. Everyone’s invited to the party.

gap. gorge. passage. passageway. path. ravine. See also synonyms for: passed / passing. Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing. Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing.

What is the meaning of passed on?

pass on (something) 1. To give, transmit, transfer, or deliver something. The noun or pronoun can also be used between “pass” and “on.”. Please pass on the book once you’re finished with it.

What does pass on information mean?

To convey some item of information that one has received or acquired to someone else: Please pass on any important information to me. I passed the news on to the neighbors. 4. To transmit some disease or sickness to someone: The child passed on the cold to the whole family.

What is another word for Pass on?

  • assign, pass possession to

  • ideas, broadcast electronically

  • broadcast electronically, pass responsibility on to another

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Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. pass, hand, reach, pass on, turn over, giveverb

    place into the hands or custody of

    «hand me the spoon, please»; «Turn the files over to me, please»; «He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers»

    run, progress, perish, hit, give way, elapse, dig, feed, go past, make pass, lead, top, roll, put across, go by, flip over, draw, evanesce, bowl over, moot, afford, collapse, occur, die, dedicate, debate, impart, turn over, go, contact, spend, ease up, slide by, get to, hold, fade, hand, gift, render, consider, legislate, happen, egest, tip over, authorise, exceed, fleet, pass away, slip away, drop dead, overstep, relegate, move over, knock over, delve, transcend, gain, make it, authorize, founder, strive, devote, grant, establish, extend to, move on, devolve, cash in one’s chips, kick the bucket, yield, contribute, get through, accomplish, give, fall out, attain, hap, slip by, march on, go on, tump over, sink, eliminate, croak, lapse, present, cave in, pass off, make, fall in, give-up the ghost, strain, return, blow over, apply, take place, generate, get hold of, expire, overhaul, pass around, chip in, throw, advance, go through, reach, open, communicate, submit, come about, choke, break, pop off, go across, cut into, overtake, travel by, arrive at, glide by, turn, deliberate, extend, circulate, reach out, distribute, decease, have, fall, pass, pass by, clear, exit, conk, excrete, buy the farm, pass along, achieve, upset, progress to, snuff it, touch, go along, surpass, guide, flip, overturn, leave, pay, consecrate, commit, sacrifice, kick in

  2. impart, leave, give, pass onverb

    transmit (knowledge or skills)

    «give a secret to the Russians»; «leave your name and address here»; «impart a new skill to the students»

    consecrate, progress, give way, devote, bequeath, chip in, lead, put across, will, carry, have, lend, afford, collapse, hold, founder, leave alone, go away, add, go forth, turn over, ease up, result, hand, gift, circulate, render, move over, return, pay, get out, relegate, entrust, channel, open, transmit, grant, establish, contribute, yield, go out, give, bring, march on, go on, move on, apply, present, make, forget, impart, generate, advance, reach, communicate, submit, convey, allow, bestow, throw, fall in, dedicate, cave in, depart, distribute, pass, pass around, exit, provide, pull up stakes, pass along, feed, break, leave behind, leave, commit, sacrifice, conduct, kick in, allow for

  3. advance, progress, pass on, move on, march on, go onverb

    move forward, also in the metaphorical sense

    «Time marches on»

    throw out, hand, circulate, progress, supercharge, pass off, go along, bring forward, build up, come along, upgrade, get along, win, elevate, kick upstairs, continue, work up, pull ahead, come on, carry on, make headway, advance, fall out, encourage, further, come up, gain, keep, leave, give, promote, happen, boost, go on, gain ground, occur, raise, pass, move on, pass along, get on, come about, proceed, impart, communicate, pass around, put across, distribute, turn over, shape up, reach, relegate, take place, submit, set ahead, march on, hap, get ahead, build

  4. pass onverb

    give to or transfer possession of

    «She passed the family jewels on to her daughter-in-law»

    communicate, pass along, pass around, relegate, go on, put across, reach, give, impart, progress, hand, turn over, march on, advance, pass, leave, move on, circulate, distribute, submit

  5. relegate, pass on, submitverb

    refer to another person for decision or judgment

    «She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues»

    demote, circulate, classify, banish, put forward, impart, kick downstairs, put in, give in, resign, progress, reach, present, communicate, advance, defer, state, subject, bow, reconcile, accede, break, give, go on, pass, render, move on, pass along, take, bar, pass around, put across, distribute, turn over, leave, relegate, bump, posit, march on, submit, hand

  6. circulate, pass around, pass on, distributeverb

    cause be distributed

    «This letter is being circulated among the faculty»

    circulate, shell out, lot, spread, mobilize, dish out, hand out, deal out, allot, progress, reach, communicate, dispense, advance, dole out, disseminate, deal, parcel out, disperse, circularize, administer, give, go on, give out, go around, pass around, pass, move on, pass along, mete out, mobilise, impart, diffuse, broadcast, put across, distribute, turn over, propagate, leave, pass out, relegate, circularise, march on, stagger, submit, hand, circle

  7. communicate, pass on, pass, pass along, put acrossverb

    transmit information

    «Please communicate this message to all employees»; «pass along the good news»

    run, perish, elapse, go past, make pass, progress, top, put across, go by, draw, evanesce, occur, die, slip by, snuff it, impart, turn over, go, spend, slide by, croak, fade, hand, commune, legislate, happen, egest, authorise, exceed, fleet, pass away, slip away, drop dead, overstep, relegate, transcend, make it, authorize, pop off, transmit, devolve, cash in one’s chips, kick the bucket, give, fall out, hap, march on, excrete, go on, sink, eliminate, move on, lapse, pass off, give-up the ghost, intercommunicate, return, blow over, take place, lead, expire, overhaul, advance, go through, reach, communicate, submit, convey, come about, choke, pass by, go across, overtake, glide by, extend, circulate, distribute, decease, fall, pass, pass around, exit, conk, travel by, buy the farm, pass along, clear, go along, surpass, guide, leave

Matched Categories

    • Bequeath
    • Submit
    • Tell
    • Transfer
    • Transmit
    • Travel

How to pronounce pass on?

How to say pass on in sign language?

How to use pass on in a sentence?

  1. Josh Frydenberg:

    A timely boost for households facing cost-of-living pressures, the benefits to the economy from this rate cut will not be insignificant but it is important that the banks hear the message from the Australian people that they should pass on the benefits of these rate cuts to their customers.

  2. Kat Payne:

    We’re going into our fourth month of not paying our mortgage, i was hoping to pass on my retirement savings to you, but it looks like we’re not going to have that. That’s gone — because we’re using it to get by.

  3. Richard Leedham:

    Given their apparent internal knowledge, it seems unlikely that VW will be able to claim any insurance for product recall or for product liability cover, so they won’t be able to pass on their losses, iNVESTOR’S NIGHTMARE.

  4. Shigeru Shimizu:

    Wholesale prices will remain under upward pressure as steady COVID-19 vaccinations continue to support the global economic recovery, more and more companies are being able to pass on higher costs.

  5. Eric Marshall:

    We’re focusing on the companies that regardless of the type of inflation — whether it’s commodities or trade or something else — can pass on those costs because they have some sort of structural advantage.


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Are we missing a good synonym for pass on?

передавать, переходить, передавать дальше, проходить дальше, умереть, скончаться


- проходить дальше

he bowed and passed on — он поклонился и пошёл дальше
pass on, please! — проходите /не останавливайтесь/!

- передавать

read the note and pass it on — прочтите записку и передайте её дальше
to pass on an order [warning] — передавать приказ [предупреждение]
an icy road warning was passed on — по радио передавалось предупреждение о гололёде на дорогах
if you can’t do the job yourself pass it on to someone else — если ты сам не можешь выполнить эту работу, передай её кому-нибудь другому

- переходить к другому вопросу

they had passed on to a new subject — они перешли к другому вопросу

Мои примеры


to pass on / spread / transmit (an) infection — распространять инфекцию  
to pass on in one’s bed — умереть естественной смертью  
pass on — входить в рассмотрение чего-л.  
to pass on the torch — передавать знания /традиции/  
to pass on an order — передавать приказ  
pass on the lamp — передавать традиции; не давать угаснуть; продолжать дело  
pass on please! — не останавливайтесь!; проходите!  
pass on priority — переносить приоритет  
pass on the weather side — обойти с наветренной стороны  
pass on to — перекладывать на  

Примеры с переводом

He wanted me to pass on a message to the police.

Он просил меня передать в полицию сообщение.

Let’s pass on to the urgent business.

Давайте перейдем к срочному вопросу.

I’m afraid I’ll have to pass on that offer of coffee.

К сожалению, мне придётся отказаться от предложенного кофе.

She asked me to pass on her good wishes to all her friends and colleagues.

Она попросила меня передать наилучшие пожелания всем своим друзьям и коллегам.

I’ve one or two useful pieces of information to pass on to you.

Мне нужно передать вам кое-какую полезную информацию.

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