Another word for part of you

What is another word for Part of?

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Synonyms for part of

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другое слово для

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Faith is but another word for victory.

She always said Project is just another word for experiment.

Она всегда повторяла, что Проект это всего лишь другое слово для эксперимента.

There is another word for ‘self-discipline’.

Maybe waiting is just another word for letting go.

Key is another word for hotel room.

In other words, it was another word for energy.

Vitality is another word for life force.

Accountability is another word for consequences.

Life is another word for love.

We use another word for describing this unknown space.

Мы используем другое слово для описания этого неведомого пространства.

As if that’s not enough, another word for submarining is haunting.

Как будто этого недостаточно, другое слово для подводного плавания преследует.

Contrast is another word for white level, and these controls will determine how white the brightest parts of the picture appear.

Контраст — это еще одно слово для уровня белого, и эти элементы управления будут определять, насколько белым выглядят самые яркие части изображения.

Coupon is another word for the interest rate paid by a bond.

Купон — это еще одно слово для процентной ставки, выплачиваемой облигацией.

Or perhaps that’s just another word for… destiny.

Ardent is another word for burning, ardent kisses.

Fun is just another word for learning under optimal conditions.

The reason is another word for logical thinking.

Exhaust is another word for the gaseous products of combustion, while soot is basically a solid form of exhaust.

Выхлоп — еще одно слово для газообразных продуктов сгорания, в то время как сажа — в основном твердая форма выхлопа.

Ransomware is another word for this kind of malicious software, one that might be more familiar to you.

Вымогатели-это другое слово для этого вида вредоносного программного обеспечения, которое может быть более привычным для вас.

Reinventing is just another word for evolving.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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another word for — перевод на русский

She always said Project is just another word for experiment.

Она всегда повторяла, что Проект это всего лишь другое слово для эксперимента.

Faith. That’s another word for ignorance, isn’t it?

Вера, это ведь другое слово для незнания, правда?

Do you have another word for these systematic attempts damage and erode the path of life envisaged by the Torah?

У тебя есть другое слово для этих систематических попыток вредить и расшатывать путь жизни, предначертанный Торой?

freedom’s just another word for ?

свобода просто другое слово для?

And centuries ago, scientists invented another word for it.

А несколько столетий назад ученые придумали другое слово.

Показать ещё примеры для «другое слово для»…

Is it not another word for lying?

Разве это не синоним слова «врал»?

Isn’t «bribe» just another word for «love»?

Разве «подкуп» не синоним слова «любовь»?

Speaking of that, do you have another word for fish lover?

Том, ты знаешь синоним слова «рыболов»?

He thinks «poverty» is just another word for «lazy.»

Он думает что бедность, это всего лишь синоним слова «ленивый»

What’s another word for «love»?

Какой синоним к слову «любовь»?

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What is another word for a part of?

What is another word for part of?

included contained
embodied encompassed
entered involved
a part of built in
contained within counted in

What is a single part of the way something is?

Properties. A single part of the way something is. All matter has physical and chemical properties including size, shape, color, and smell. Matter.

What is a small part of something called?

bit. noun. a small piece of something.

What’s another word for involved in something?

What is another word for involved in?

preoccupied concerned
immersed captivated
engrossed infatuated
occupied really into
engaged passionate

What is another word for part of a series?

What is another word for series?

sequence chain
succession cycle
procession progression
set string
train array

What is literary piece?

a literary or journalistic composition, usually short, in prose or verse. a literary selection for recitation: Each child had a chance to recite a piece. a musical composition. one of the parts that, when assembled, form a whole: the pieces of a clock.

What is a particular a small part of something?

The noun form means specific points or details, as in the particulars of a police investigation. The idea of particular referring to details comes from the Latin particula, which means “particle” or “small part,” and in Middle English the word meant something that referred to a single person or thing.

What is a small part?

: a minor role in a theatrical performance.

What is another word for important part?

What is another word for important part?

base basis
primary element key component
nitty-gritty nucleus
crux cornerstone
groundwork beginning

What do you call parts of a whole?

a part or parts of a whole is called fraction.

Are there any synonyms for the word part?

Synonyms for part. 1. component, ingredient, division, sector. Part, piece, portion, segment, section, fraction, fragment refer to something that is less than the whole. Part is the general word: part of a house.

When to use part, portion, or part?

part, portion, and section mean something less than the whole to which it belongs. part is used when something is taken away from the whole or thought of as being separate from the rest. A part of the room is used for storage. portion is used when a whole has been divided into assigned parts.

What is the medical definition of a part?

Medical Definition of part. 1 : one of several or many like units into which something is divided or of which it is composed : a proportional division or ingredient mix the powder with three parts of water.

What do you call the parts of a word?

The Parts of a Word. A reader asks about the terms prefix, root, and suffix, and wonders how to distinguish them in a word. At the most basic level, words are made up of units of meaning called morphemes. A morpheme may be a recognizable word like tree, run, or button that cannot be broken down into smaller meaningful parts.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. partnoun

    chelek, position, portion, component, faction, element, role, parting, party

  2. partnoun

    The dividing line formed by combing the hair in different directions

    The part of his hair was slightly to the left.

    element, faction, component, parting, portion, party, position, chelek, role

  3. partnoun

    The melody played or sung by a particular instrument, voice, or group of instruments or voices, within a polyphonic piece

    The first violin part in this concerto is very challenging.

    component, faction, position, element, chelek, party, parting, role, portion

  4. partnoun

    In the Hebrew lunisolar calendar, a unit of time equivalent to 3⅓ seconds

    portion, party, faction, chelek, role, position, component, parting, element

  5. partnoun

    A section of land; an area of a country or other territory; region

    party, position, element, component, chelek, parting, role, portion, faction

  6. partnoun

    Each of two contrasting sides of an argument, debate etc.; hand.

    parting, component, element, party, portion, chelek, position, role, faction

  7. partnoun

    fractional, partial

    Fred was part owner of the car.

    faction, role, portion, parting, chelek, component, element, party, position

  8. partnoun

    to cut hair with a parting

    The parts of a chainsaw include the chain, engine, and handle.

    party, element, role, parting, position, chelek, faction, component, portion

  9. partnoun

    To divide in two.

    to part the curtains

    role, faction, component, portion, element, position, chelek, party, parting

  10. partnoun

    to be divided in two or separated

    to do one’s part

    party, faction, position, portion, chelek, role, component, element, parting

  11. partnoun

    to divide up; to share

    I want my part of the bounty.

    position, element, parting, portion, chelek, faction, role, component, party

  12. partnoun

    to leave (an IRC channel)

    We all have a part to play.

    party, component, parting, element, chelek, position, portion, role, faction

  13. partnoun

    A unit of relative proportion in a mixture

    The mixture comprises one part sodium hydroxide and ten parts water.

    faction, party, component, portion, position, parting, element, role, chelek

  14. partnoun

    3.5 centiliters of one ingredient in a mixed drink

    faction, portion, chelek, element, position, parting, party, component, role

  15. partnoun

    A section of a document

    Please turn to Part I, Chapter 2.

    chelek, element, component, faction, parting, position, role, party, portion

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. partverb

    Compare synonyms for PART, n.

    Part into shares; part in the middle; part one from another; part among the claimants; part between contestants (archaic); in general, to part from is to relinquish companionship; to part with is to relinquish possession; we part from a person or from something thought of with some sense of companionship; a traveler parts from his friends; he maybe said also to part from his native shore; a man parts with an estate, a horse, a copyright; part with may be applied to a person thought of in any sense as a possession; an employer parts with a clerk or servant; but part with is sometimes used by good writers as meaning simply to separate from.

  2. partnoun

    Part, a substance, quantity, or amount that is the result of the division of something greater, is the general word, including all the others of this group. A fragment is the result of breaking, rending, or disruption of some kind, while a piece may be smoothly or evenly separated and have a certain completeness in itself. A piece is often taken for a sample; a fragment scarcely would be. Division and fraction are always regarded as in connection with the total; divisions may be equal or unequal; a fraction is one of several equal parts into which the whole is supposed to be divided. A portion is a part viewed with reference to some one who is to receive it or some special purpose to which it is to be applied; in a restaurant one portion (i. e., the amount designed for one person) is sometimes, by special order, served to two; a share is a part to which one has or may acquire a right in connection with others; an instalment is one of a series of proportionate payments that are to be continued till the entire claim is discharged; a particle is an exceedingly small part. A component, constituent, ingredient, or element is a part of some compound or mixture; an element is necessary to the existence, as a component or constituent is necessary to the completeness of that which it helps to compose; an ingredient may be foreign or accidental. A subdivision is a division of a division. We speak of a segment of a circle. Compare PARTICLE; PORTION.

    atom, component, constituent, division, element, fraction, fragment, ingredient, instalment, member, particle, piece, portion, section, segment, share, subdivision

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. partnoun

    portion, piece, fragment, fraction, division, member, constituent, element, ingredient, share, lot, concern, interest, participation, side, party, interest, faction, behalf, duty

    whole, completeness, entirety, integrity, totality, mass bulk, body, compound, transaction, affair

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. part, portion, component part, component, constituentnoun

    something determined in relation to something that includes it

    «he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself»; «I read a portion of the manuscript»; «the smaller component is hard to reach»; «the animal constituent of plankton»

    grammatical constituent, fortune, fate, dowery, lot, role, piece, theatrical role, portion, dowry, function, section, constituent, share, character, division, luck, circumstances, destiny, element, helping, dower, contribution, component, factor, region, persona, parcel, component part, percentage, parting, office, serving, ingredient, voice

  2. part, portionnoun

    something less than the whole of a human artifact

    «the rear part of the house»; «glue the two parts together»

    fortune, parting, contribution, lot, serving, division, component, role, dower, constituent, share, function, percentage, portion, section, voice, dowery, fate, parcel, dowry, piece, office, character, theatrical role, circumstances, region, helping, luck, component part, persona, destiny

  3. part, piecenoun

    a portion of a natural object

    «they analyzed the river into three parts»; «he needed a piece of granite»

    small-arm, function, role, piece, theatrical role, portion, objet d’art, slice, bit, section, firearm, constituent, share, composition, character, division, patch, piece of music, contribution, man, component, region, spell, persona, while, component part, percentage, art object, parting, office, opus, voice, musical composition

  4. partnoun

    that which concerns a person with regard to a particular role or situation

    «it requires vigilance on our part»; «they resisted every effort on his part»

    parting, contribution, division, component, role, constituent, share, function, percentage, portion, section, voice, piece, office, character, theatrical role, region, component part, persona

  5. region, partnoun

    the extended spatial location of something

    «the farming regions of France»; «religions in all parts of the world»; «regions of outer space»

    neighborhood, contribution, division, role, parting, component, share, function, portion, percentage, voice, section, realm, area, piece, office, character, theatrical role, region, component part, persona, constituent

  6. function, office, part, rolenoun

    the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group

    «the function of a teacher»; «the government must do its part»; «play its role»

    billet, berth, constituent, place, spot, social occasion, bureau, role, portion, procedure, office staff, function, section, share, post, piece, component, character, subroutine, division, authority, purpose, position, subprogram, power, government agency, theatrical role, agency, mapping, contribution, business office, use, region, single-valued function, persona, routine, social function, parting, percentage, affair, situation, office, component part, mathematical function, occasion, map, federal agency, voice

  7. character, role, theatrical role, part, personanoun

    an actor’s portrayal of someone in a play

    «she played the part of Desdemona»

    graphic symbol, type, role, reference, case, piece, eccentric, fictitious character, theatrical role, portion, fibre, function, grapheme, section, quality, constituent, fictional character, share, character, division, purpose, fiber, contribution, component, use, region, image, persona, component part, percentage, parting, character reference, office, lineament, voice

  8. share, portion, part, percentagenoun

    assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group

    «he wanted his share in cash»

    fortune, fate, dowery, lot, per centum, role, piece, theatrical role, portion, percentage, dowry, function, section, constituent, percent, share, character, division, luck, circumstances, destiny, helping, dower, contribution, component, region, persona, parcel, component part, ploughshare, parting, office, serving, plowshare, pct, voice

  9. part, section, divisionnoun

    one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole

    «the written part of the exam»; «the finance section of the company»; «the BBC’s engineering division»

    naval division, role, piece, theatrical role, portion, air division, incision, function, section, constituent, share, character, division, segment, surgical incision, sectionalization, variance, discussion section, plane section, class, contribution, component, region, persona, component part, partition, parting, percentage, department, sectionalisation, segmentation, office, subdivision, partitioning, voice

  10. part, partingnoun

    a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions

    «his part was right in the middle»

    parting, contribution, farewell, division, component, role, constituent, share, function, percentage, portion, section, voice, piece, office, character, theatrical role, leave, region, leave-taking, component part, persona

  11. part, voicenoun

    the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music

    «he tried to sing the tenor part»

    representative, parting, contribution, vocalisation, division, component, vocalization, role, constituent, share, vocalism, function, percentage, portion, section, voice, articulation, vox, interpreter, spokesperson, piece, office, character, theatrical role, phonation, region, component part, persona

  12. contribution, part, shareverb

    the part played by a person in bringing about a result

    «I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project»; «they all did their share of the work»

    parting, contribution, division, component, role, donation, constituent, share, function, portion, percentage, voice, section, parcel, ploughshare, piece, office, character, theatrical role, plowshare, region, component part, persona

  13. separate, part, splitverb

    go one’s own way; move apart

    «The friends separated after the party»

    tell apart, distinguish, start, classify, cleave, start out, differentiate, rive, split up, fork, tell, break up, divide, come apart, single out, break open, carve up, sort, severalize, split, break, fall apart, severalise, dissever, furcate, depart, assort, set off, class, discriminate, branch, take off, secern, separate, disunite, set forth, burst, sort out, ramify, secernate, set out

  14. separate, part, split up, split, break, break upverb

    discontinue an association or relation; go different ways

    «The business partners broke over a tax question»; «The couple separated after 25 years of marriage»; «My friend and I split up»

    crack, fork, give way, soften, disperse, reveal, cut off, give out, single out, unwrap, fall apart, disassemble, collapse, die, classify, transgress, founder, weaken, fragmentise, calve, fragmentize, bump, discover, snap off, take off, go, ramify, demote, break out, separate, split, sort out, give away, take apart, crack up, damp, smash, interrupt, carve up, offend, distinguish, fracture, relegate, discriminate, bring out, violate, class, divulge, pause, break-dance, let on, recess, get around, rive, wear out, cave in, sort, conk out, tell apart, break away, check, break open, break up, breach, develop, give, split up, branch, secern, decompose, dissolve, assort, better, furcate, fragment, burst, go bad, adjourn, tell, secernate, break off, cleave, disclose, crash, bust, erupt, scatter, dismantle, recrudesce, break apart, break dance, divide, go against, dampen, set forth, severalize, divorce, fall in, disrupt, break in, let out, dissever, severalise, ruin, start, depart, kick downstairs, disunite, differentiate, stop, dispel, break down, infract, set out, fail, come apart, bankrupt, set off, expose, break, crock up, discontinue, start out, intermit, dissipate, sever, get out, pick, resolve, wear

  15. depart, part, start, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take offverb


    «The family took off for Florida»

    cancel, take leave, start, initiate, offset, exposit, set about, go away, get, start out, explode, spark, get going, range, take time off, split up, lift off, incite, commence, expound, get down, take off, break up, bulge, detonate, lay out, divide, instigate, trigger off, activate, vary, array, pull up stakes, trigger, get off the ground, embark on, originate, split, pop out, trip, separate, bulge out, deduct, go, depart, lead off, set off, actuate, diverge, sidetrack, digress, start up, pop, bug out, begin, spark off, touch off, startle, bring out, leave, jump, disunite, blow up, set forth, subtract, break, deviate, protrude, come out, straggle, stir up, take up, quit, set out

  16. separate, divide, partverb

    come apart

    «The two pieces that we had glued separated»

    tell apart, distinguish, start, classify, start out, differentiate, split up, fork, tell, fraction, break up, divide, come apart, single out, carve up, sort, severalize, split, break, fall apart, severalise, dissever, furcate, depart, assort, set off, class, discriminate, branch, take off, secern, separate, disunite, set forth, sort out, ramify, secernate, set out

  17. separate, disunite, divide, partadverb

    force, take, or pull apart

    «He separated the fighting children»; «Moses parted the Red Sea»

    tell apart, distinguish, start, classify, assort, disassociate, start out, differentiate, split up, fork, tell, fraction, break up, divide, come apart, single out, carve up, sort, severalize, split, break, fall apart, severalise, dissever, furcate, depart, dissociate, set off, class, discriminate, branch, take off, secern, separate, divorce, disunite, set forth, sort out, ramify, disjoint, secernate, set out

  18. partially, partly, partadverb

    in part; in some degree; not wholly

    «I felt partly to blame»; «He was partially paralyzed»

    partially, partly

Matched Categories

    • Assets
    • Change
    • Concept
    • Concern
    • Duty
    • Line
    • Location
    • Move
    • Portrayal
    • Thing
    • Tune
    • Unit

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. partnoun

    piece, portion, fraction, section, division, subdivision

  2. partnoun

    member, organ, constituent, element, component, ingredient

  3. partnoun

    share, allotment, lot, dividend

  4. partnoun

    business, charge, duty, office, function

  5. partnoun

    side, party, interest, concern, faction

  6. partverb

    divide, sever, dissever, sunder, dismember, subdivide, break, break in pieces, tear asunder

  7. partverb

    disunite, separate, disjoin, disconnect, detach, dissociate, keep apart, hold apart

  8. partverb

    apportion, allot, share, distribute, parcel out, deal out

  9. partverb

    be broken, be parted, be divided, become separated, go asunder

  10. partverb

    quit each other, take leave, bid farewell

  11. partverb

    depart, go away, set out

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. partnoun

    portion, fraction, division, piece, constituent, installment, element, section, subdivision, quarter, region, district, share, portion, lot, allotment, assignment, duty, participation, function, rôle, character, clause, section, paragraph, chapter, passage, division

  2. partverb

    divide, sever, disunite, dissever, sunder, dissociate, disconnect, detach, separate, intervene, apportion, share, mete out, allot, distribute

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «part»:

    party, portion, framework, share, hand, role, side, component, element, section, proportion, partial, segment, parte, parts, piece, context, partially, partie, parties, aspect, fraction, gone, title, game, chapter, teil, participation, extent, registrant

Suggested Resources

  1. PART

    What does PART stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the PART acronym on the website.

How to pronounce part?

How to say part in sign language?

How to use part in a sentence?

  1. Yang Hai:

    This time, the spotlight will be on policies to further reduce capacity as part of the government’s supply-side reforms, in addition, there’s now less yuan depreciation pressure, which means China can take a more proactive approach to liquidity easing.

  2. College Board:

    These topics are not a required part of the course framework that is formally adopted by states and that defines the exam. This list is a partial one for illustrative purposes and can be refined by states and districts.

  3. Ashley Jones:

    I hope this library in Homewood can show other suburban areas that it is part of their responsibility to engage in antiracism.

  4. Howard Zucker:

    The potential risks are too great, in fact not even fully known, and relying on the limited data presently available would be negligent on my part.

  5. Frederic Brosseau:

    It is the only company targeted by lawsuits that decided not to be part of the settlement fund.

Translations for part

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • deelAfrikaans
  • parteAragonese
  • دور, جزءArabic
  • hissəAzerbaijani
  • часткаBelarusian
  • частBulgarian
  • খন্ডBengali
  • ཆ་ཤསTibetan Standard
  • partCatalan, Valencian
  • část, role, pěšinka, rozdělit, rozejít seCzech
  • delDanish
  • Rolle, Teil, Scheitel, teilen, trennen, scheitelnGerman
  • μέροςGreek
  • parto, hardislimo, rolo, disigiEsperanto
  • parte, carrera, papel, partidura, categoría, pedazo, trozo, porción, raya, retiro, partido, separar, partir, apartar, repartirSpanish
  • roll, osaEstonian
  • lainBasque
  • پاره, بخش, جزءPersian
  • osa, lahko, fraktio, osajoukko, klikki, osasto, jakaus, siipi, rooli, suuntaus, jakaa kahtia, lähteäFinnish
  • partur, luturFaroese
  • partie, organe, rôle, raie, séparerFrench
  • cuidIrish
  • pàirt, cuid, earrann, roinn, cuibhreann, dealaichScottish Gaelic
  • parteGalician
  • תפקיד, שבר, חלק, שביל, חילק, התחלק, נפרדHebrew
  • भाग, हिस्साHindi
  • részHungarian
  • դեր, մասArmenian
  • bagianIndonesian
  • partoIdo
  • partur, hluti, faraIcelandic
  • parte, riga, ruoloItalian
  • 役柄, 役, 一部, 部分, 髪の分け目, 役割Japanese
  • bageanJavanese
  • ნაწილიGeorgian
  • ចំណែក, ផែ្នក, ភាគKhmer
  • ಭಾಗKannada
  • 편, 부분, 일부, 갈라지다, 나누다, 나누어지다, 떠나다Korean
  • parsLatin
  • dalisLithuanian
  • daļaLatvian
  • upoko, wāhanga, wawaoMāori
  • улога, патец, дел, се разделува, разделува, располовуваMacedonian
  • хэсэгMongolian
  • भागMarathi
  • bahagianMalay
  • partiMaltese
  • deelDutch
  • rolle, del, dele, forlate, draNorwegian
  • partOccitan
  • przedziałek, część, rolaPolish
  • categoria, parte, papel, linha, pedaço, repartir, dividir, partirPortuguese
  • partRomansh
  • parteRomanian
  • часть, должность, роль, доля, пробор, расстаться, расставатьсяRussian
  • palte, parteSardinian
  • одсечак, дио, rázdjeljak, улога, komad, deo, odsečak, dio, одсјечак, комад, део, uloga, odsječakSerbo-Croatian
  • časťSlovak
  • delSlovene
  • pjesëAlbanian
  • bena, roll, delSwedish
  • sehemuSwahili
  • భాగముTelugu
  • ส่วนย่อย, ส่วน, ท่อน, ส่วนหนThai
  • parçaTurkish
  • частинаUkrainian
  • حصہUrdu
  • phầnVietnamese
  • dilVolapük
  • טײלYiddish
  • 部分Chinese

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