Another word for one thing at a time


1    affair, article, being, body, circumstance, concept, entity, fact, matter, object, part, portion, something, substance  

2    act, deed, event, eventuality, feat, happening, incident, occurrence, phenomenon, proceeding  

3    apparatus, contrivance, device, gadget, implement, instrument, machine, means, mechanism, tool  

4    aspect, detail, facet, factor, feature, item, particular, point, statement, thought  

5    baggage, belongings, bits and pieces, clobber     (Brit. slang)   clothes, effects, equipment, gear, goods, impedimenta, luggage, odds and ends, paraphernalia, possessions, stuff  

6      (informal)   attitude, bee in one’s bonnet, fetish, fixation, hang-up     (informal)   idée fixe, mania, obsession, phobia, preoccupation, quirk  

near thing     
close shave     (informal)   narrow escape, near miss  

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kill two birds with one stone


to do two things at the same time using the effort needed to do only one

guy time


When men have quality time together, and do «guy» things.

[Slang] related to bro-mance

best (or greatest) thing since sliced bread


Used to express one‘s enthusiasm about a new person, or a new thing such as an idea, plan, invention or innovation

The way she goes on about him!; you’d think he was the greatest thing since sliced bread / Wow! this video game is the best thing since sliced bread!



Zone Time

[Tech.]; Astro. [initialism]. Warning: ZT is not Zulu Time (former US military name for UTC)

a bumpy ride


a difficult time

play to one‘s strengths


to prioritize using one‘s natural abilities and specific skills, especially by pursuing tasks or goals suited to such skills

plus one


partner during an event

E.g.: Tom will be her plus one to the party.

one tough cookie


generally, an endearment expression used to describe someone who, contrary to the appearances, proves to have strength, determination

killing two pigs with one bird


a modern version of the popular saying «killing two birds with one stone» derived from the popular video game «angry birds.»

get one‘s ducks in a row


have everything together; have all things settled/organized

E.g.: Just when I had got all my ducks in a row and I was ready to go, I received a call and had to cancel my trip.



buy one, get one free

It’s a common form of sales promotion. This marketing technique is universally known in the marketing industry by the acronym BOGOF.

zip one‘s lip


stop talking; refrain from saying something


cool one‘s heels


be kept waiting


make it up to (one)


1. To do something to make amends to one for a transgression against them or some disappointment.

[US] I’m so sorry for missing your recital. I promise that I’ll make it up to you somehow.

I know you’re disappointed about missing the movie, but I’ll make it up to you.

a taste of one‘s own medicine


a sample of the unpleasantness that one has been giving other people


bite off more than one can chew


to attempt or take on a task that is way to big and beyond one‘s capability

I wonder if that craftsman will be able to fulfil the three commitments he took on at the same time; in my opinion he bites off more than he can chew!



1. a person who greatly dislikes a specified person or thing 2. [informal] a negative, critical, heinous person and more specifically the one who posts hate-filled comments online

Ex: He was described as a misogynist, homophobic, woman hater / That website has become a particularly vitriolic breeding ground for the haters

have a bumpy ride


have a ​difficult ​time

to go apeshit


to lose one‘s temper

very familiar

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one thing at a time — перевод на русский

One thing at a time, ambassador.

Не все сразу, посол.

One thing at a time, ambassador.

Не всё сразу, посол.

Okay. One thing at a time.

Ок, не все сразу.

One thing at a time.

Не все сразу

One thing at a time.

Не всё сразу.

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Oh now one thing at a time child.

Ох, всему свое время, дитя.

Thanks for the interest, sugar, but one thing at a time!

Мне тоже хочется, малыш, но всему свое время!

I can handle this situation, but only one thing at a time.

Я могу справиться с этой ситуацией, но всему свое время.

One thing at the time first you bring me my passport then we talk about money.

Всему своё время, сначала ты приносишь мне паспорт, а потом поговорим о деньгах.

But… one thing at a time.

Но… всему свое время.

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calm down, one thing at a time.

Успокойтесь, ребята, давайте по порядку.

We’ll have to take one thing at a time.

Будем действовать по порядку.

One thing at a time.

По порядку.

Hey, one thing at a time, man.

Давай по порядку.

Wait… one thing at a time.

Погодите… По порядку!

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Meanwhile, we do the work our way, one thing at a time and deal with whatever comes next.

А тем временем мы будем делать нашу работу по-своему, одно дело за раз. Мы справимся… что бы ни случилось дальше.

Just, one thing at a time.

Только… одно дело за раз.

One thing at a time, Dr. Expendable.

Одно дело за раз, доктор Расточительный.

One thing at a time, eh? Chk.

Одно дело за раз, а?

I can do two things at one time.

Зти два дела могу делать вместе.

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Давай ты будешь делать всё по очереди.

Ok, one thing at a time.

Ok, все по очереди.

Take it easy, one thing at a time…

Спокойно, все по очереди.

All right, you know what, one thing at a time.

Ох, ладно, ты знаешь, давай всё по очереди.

Let’s just take one thing at a time.

— Давай по очереди.

Показать ещё примеры для «всё по очереди»…

— It’s just one thing at a time, honey.

Шаг за шагом, дорогая.

One thing at a time.

Шаг за шагом.

All we can do is fix one thing at a time,

Все, что мы можем — испралвять ситуацию шаг за шагом,

I’m a little good at a lot of things and I’m helping New Yorkers — one thing at a time.

Я немного разбираюсь во многих вещах, и я помогаю ньй-йоркцам шаг за шагом.

So I’m gonna start with the curtains, and then we can work on it one thing at a time.

Так что, я начну со штор, а затем, мы можем поработать над ним шаг за шагом.

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You used to say, «For Pete’s sake, Gilda, one thing at a time.»

А ты говорил : «Ради бога, всё по порядку».

Just one thing at a time, please.

Эй, давайте помедленнее, пожалуйста.

One thing at a time.

Не всё сразу.

One thing at a time.

Там видно будет.

calm down, one thing at a time.

Успокойтесь, ребята, давайте по порядку.

We’ll have to take one thing at a time.

Будем действовать по порядку.

One thing at a time, be patient.

По одному, пожалуйста. Потерпите.

Oh now one thing at a time child.

Ох, всему свое время, дитя.

Let’s do one thing at a time.

Разберемся сначала с одним делом.

One thing at a time.

По порядку.

One thing at a time.

Одна вещь за один раз.

— next — you see one thing at a time.

— потом. — Ты видишь только что-то одно.

I like to look at a one thing at a time.

Люблю смотреть на что-то одно.

Can you look at more than one thing at a time and by looking at that one thing don’t you see everything ultimately?

Вы можете смотреть на несколько вещей сразу? Когда вы смотрите на что-то одно, вы видите всё целиком?

One thing at a time.

Уважаемый, все важные вещи требуют времени.

One thing at a time.

Одно за другим.

Let’s just take one thing at a time.

— Давай по очереди.

One thing at a time.

Хоть что-то вовремя.

One thing at a time, my dear, one thing at a time.

Не сразу, дорогой мой, не сразу.

Thanks for the interest, sugar, but one thing at a time!

Мне тоже хочется, малыш, но всему свое время!

One thing at a time, ambassador.

Не все сразу, посол.

One thing at a time.

Не все сразу.

Hey, one thing at a time, man.

Давай по порядку.

One thing at a time, Major.

Майор, решаем задачи по одной.

One thing at a time, ambassador.

— Не всё сразу, посол.

Well, one thing at a time.

Ну, платим по факту выполнения.

I can keep my eyes on more than one thing at a time.

Я могу следить одновременно за несколькими вещами. Правда?

One thing at a time.

Решаем проблемы по одной.

— and one thing at a time. — Shut the fuck up.

Тебе надо отвлечься, думать о себе.

Okay. One thing at a time.

Ок, не все сразу.

Okay. One thing at a time.

Ну, над этим мы еще поработаем.

You’ve just got a new job, you should relax take one thing at a time, Daniel.

Ты только устроился на новую работу, тебе надо перевести дух. Не берись за всё сразу, Даниель.

— One thing at a time.

Все по порядку.

We do things one thing at a time.

— А я говорю- — — Мы решаем проблемы по одной за раз.


Давай ты будешь делать всё по очереди.

— One thing at a time.

— Подожди, всё по порядку…

Okay, one thing at a time.

Так, давай не всё сразу.

«One thing at a time.»

Главное — не торопиться.

One thing at a time, though.

Одна материя, однако.

Meanwhile, we do the work our way, one thing at a time and deal with whatever comes next.

А тем временем мы будем делать нашу работу по-своему, одно дело за раз. Мы справимся… что бы ни случилось дальше.

Just, one thing at a time.

Только… одно дело за раз.

I can handle this situation, but only one thing at a time.

Я могу справиться с этой ситуацией, но всему свое время.

One thing at a time.

Давайте по очереди.

You have to do one thing at a time.

Теперь ты сам по себе.

Sometimes I wish I had one from me for a change to try to use that thing they have and stick it in me, so hard, and at the same time, so soft when you touch.

Иногда даже хочется, побыть на их месте, Каково это с этой штукой, которая торчит, твердая и такая нежная, мягкая на ощупь.

And bernalium — the one thing vital to our defences — bernalium is corroded, at a time when we’re facing a big meteorite storm.

И Берналиум жизненно важный для нашей защиты — Берналиум разъеден, в то время, когда мы сталкиваемся с большим метеоритным штормом.

One thing at a time!

Не торопись!

And then they brought them out of the woods one at a time, and it just was a terrible thing.

Жуткое зрелище. Их выносили из леса по одному.

For emotional support, we’ll just tackle this thing together one little baby step at a time.

Для моральной поддержки, мы вместе детскими шажками перейдём этот мост.

And this thing sculpts it, one layer at a time.

Затем эта штука строит его один слой за другим.

Yeah, one day at a time, and do the next right thing.

Надо делать, как положено.

  • перевод на «one thing at a time» турецкий

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren’t included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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  • #2

«Каждую (вещь) поодиночке», или «каждую (вещь) по отдельности».

Another way:

«Не все сразу«


Let us tackle on one thing at a time — Давайте не все сразу.
Or — «Давайте по очереди».

Last edited: May 10, 2010


  • #4


No. «Step by step» (or one step at a time) means — «gradually». In russian — «шаг за шагом», you are right, or «постепенно». But this means «gradually»; not «one thing at a time».

These are similar sayings, but while one means «let’s take one problem at a time», another means «let’s proceed gradually, at a convenient pace».

Last edited: May 10, 2010

  • #6

Шаг за ш́агом means to make something gradually.
М́едленно, но в́ерно
means getting to a goal slowly but confidently.

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