Another word for one in a million

What is another word for one in a million?

74 synonyms found


[ wˈɒn ɪn ɐ mˈɪli͡ən], [ wˈɒn ɪn ɐ mˈɪli‍ən], [ w_ˈɒ_n ɪ_n ɐ m_ˈɪ_l_iə_n]

Related words: one in a million chance, the sky is the limit, one of a kind, one in a billion, chance of a lifetime, one in a hundred thousand, what are the odds, out of this world, single in a lifetime

Related question:

  • What’s the probability of meeting one in a million person?
  • Table of Contents

    • n.

      discovery (noun)

      • find.

      find (noun)

      • catch,
      • acquisition,
      • bonanza,
      • boast,
      • asset,
      • pride,
      • bargain,
      • treasure,
      • jewel.

      leading light (noun)

      • superstars,
      • leader,
      • superstar,
      • star,
      • luminary,
      • master spirit,
      • sage,
      • shining light,
      • choice spirit.

      long shot (noun)

      • fluke.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • chance hit,
      • leading light,
      • stroke of luck,
      • slim chance,
      • treasure trove,
      • prodigy,
      • no chance,
      • small chance,
      • long shot,
      • gem,
      • long odds,
      • good break,
      • outside chance,
      • hundred-to-one shot,
      • off-chance,
      • poor bed,
      • good buy,
      • lucky shot,
      • one million,
      • good fortune,
      • lucky strike,
      • little chance,
      • run of luck.

      prodigy (noun)

      • wonder child,
      • whiz,
      • miracle,
      • marvel,
      • wunderkind,
      • genius,
      • child genius,
      • monster,
      • natural,
      • talent,
      • phenomenon,
      • whiz kid,
      • rarity,
      • rare bird,
      • naturals,
      • intellect,
      • wizards,
      • sensation,
      • portent,
      • curiosity,
      • spectacle,
      • enormity,
      • brain,
      • stunner,
      • freak,
      • wizard,
      • mastermind,
      • wonder.

      stroke of luck (noun)

      • lucky break,
      • blessing,
      • fate.

    How to use «One in a million» in context?

    No one is truly one in a million. That’s because there are so many exceptions to the rule. There are people who have unique abilities, the right birthdate, or just the right time at the right place. But even if you don’t have those things, don’t get discouraged. You are still one in a million.

    Word of the Day



    Nearby words

    • one hundred thirty
    • one hundred thirty-five
    • one hundred twenty
    • one hundred twenty-five
    • one hundred years
    • One in a million
    • (oh,) what a shame
    • (oneself to)
    • …only to do something
    • …or bust
    • …or something (like that)


    • ONE IN A MILLION synonyms at
    • ONE IN A MILLION synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
      — ONE IN A MILLION synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of ONE IN A MILLION
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for ONE IN A MILLION

    Table of Contents

    1. How do you spell one in a million?
    2. What does odds are one in a million mean?
    3. What does Millon mean?
    4. What is another word for rare?
    5. What is a stronger word for rare?
    6. What is a rare man called?
    7. What does a rare mean?
    8. What is rare example?
    9. What is something extremely rare?
    10. What is a rare gem?
    11. What is the most valuable gem?
    12. What is the rarest and most expensive gem?
    13. What is the most expensive rock in the world?
    14. What is the ugliest gemstone?
    15. Should you wear your birthstone?
    16. What does the K mean in money?

    What is another word for one in a million?

    How do you spell one in a million?

    How Do You Spell ONE-IN-A-MILLION? Correct spelling for the English word “one-in-a-million” is [wˈɒnɪnɐmˈɪli͡ən], [wˈɒnɪnɐmˈɪli‍ən], [w_ˈɒ_n_ɪ_n_ɐ_m_ˈɪ_l_iə_n] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

    What does odds are one in a million mean?

    “One in a million” can simply mean a lucky accident. So if you are describing an overweight, unfit person’s chances of winning the London marathon, then it is better to say the odds against it are “a million to one”.

    What does Millon mean?

    1 : a number equal to 1,000 times 1,000 — see Table of Numbers. 2 : a very large number millions of cars on the road. 3 : the mass of common people —used with the.

    long shot fat chance
    chance hit hundred-to-one shot
    little chance long odds
    lucky shot no chance
    off-chance outside chance

    What is another word for rare?

    infrequent scarce
    sparse sporadic
    odd uncommon
    unusual intermittent
    occasional scattered

    What is a stronger word for rare?

    SYNONYMS FOR rare 1 exceptional, extraordinary, singular. 2 sparse, infrequent. 5 choice, incomparable, inimitable.

    What is a rare man called?

    Noun. A rare or unique person or thing. rara avis. rarity. anomaly.

    What does a rare mean?

    1 : seldom occurring or found : uncommon. 2a : marked by unusual quality, merit, or appeal : distinctive. b : superlative or extreme of its kind.

    What is rare example?

    0. The definition of rare is something that exists in limited quantities, that is unusually good, or meat that is not cooked until it is well done. An example of rare is true love, which is hard to find. An example of rare is a print by Picasso, of which there are few.

    What is something extremely rare?

    20 Rare And Bizarre Things That Actually Exist On Our Earth

    • 20 White Peacocks.
    • 19 Bismuth Crystals.
    • 18 Rainbow Eucalyptus.
    • 17 Very Distinct Waterfall.
    • 16 Corpse Flower.
    • 15 Diquis Spheres.
    • 14 Stonehenge.
    • 13 Purple Carrots.

    What is a rare gem?

    Another definition of ‘rare’ is that of an item being ‘unusually good or remarkable’. In a world where new deposits of gem materials appear to be discovered every month, this is potentially the most relevant application of the term ‘rarity’ in the business as a whole.

    What is the most valuable gem?

    Top 15 Most Expensive Gemstones In The World

    • Blue Diamond – $3.93 million per carat. Blue diamond.
    • Jadeite – $3 million per carat. Jadeite.
    • Pink Diamond – $1.19 million per carat. Australia’s largest pink diamond.
    • Red Diamond – $1,000,000 per carat.
    • Emerald – $305,000 per carat.
    • Taaffeite – $35,000 per carat.
    • Serendibite – $18,000 per carat.
    • Diamond – $15,000 per carat.

    What is the rarest and most expensive gem?

    The most valuable and prized gemstones in the world today are:

    • Tanzanite. Discovered in 1967, Tanzanite is found only in northern Tanzania in the Mirerani Hills (in just a 4.3 x 1.2 mile mining area).
    • Black Opal.
    • Musgravite.
    • Red Beryl.
    • Alexandrite.
    • Emerald.
    • Ruby.
    • Diamond.

    What is the most expensive rock in the world?


    What is the ugliest gemstone?

    The toadstone, also known as bufonite (from Latin bufo, “toad”), is a mythical stone or gem that was thought to be found in the head of a toad.

    Should you wear your birthstone?

    Stone. Superstition states that wearing your birthstone will bring a person good luck and ward off illnesses bad karma and other negative energies. For instance, in the past, wearing a different birthstone other than the one designated to your birth month was believed to bring the wearer bad luck.

    What does the K mean in money?

    In money, K means 1000. So if you have 10 K, you have $10,000. The letter K meaning 1000, comes from the prefix “kilo”.

    • as infind
    • as inleading light
    • as inlong shot
    • as inprodigy
    • as instroke of luck
    • choice spirit
    • leader
    • luminary
    • master spirit
    • sage
    • shining light
    • star
    • superstar
    • fluke
    • chance hit
    • hundred-to-one shot
    • little chance
    • long odds
    • lucky shot
    • no chance
    • off-chance
    • outside chance
    • poor bed
    • slim chance
    • small chance
    • genius
    • sensation
    • whiz
    • wizard
    • wunderkind
    • brain
    • curiosity
    • enormity
    • freak
    • intellect
    • marvel
    • mastermind
    • miracle
    • monster
    • natural
    • phenomenon
    • portent
    • rarity
    • spectacle
    • stunner
    • talent
    • wonder
    • child genius
    • rare bird
    • whiz kid
    • wonder child
    • blessing
    • fate
    • fluke
    • good break
    • good fortune
    • lucky break
    • lucky strike
    • run of luck

    On this page you’ll find 77 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to one in a million, such as: treasure trove, acquisition, asset, bargain, boast, and bonanza.

        • imbecile
        • expectation
        • normality
        • regularity

          Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

          How to use one in a million in a sentence

          Yes, one-in-a-million chances had been pulled off by the Time Agents.



          OCTOBER 26, 1985


          • acquisition
          • asset
          • bargain
          • boast
          • bonanza
          • catch
          • gem
          • good buy
          • jewel
          • one in a million
          • pride
          • treasure
          • treasure trove
          • choice spirit
          • leader
          • luminary
          • master spirit
          • one in a million
          • sage
          • shining light
          • star
          • superstar
          • chance hit
          • fluke
          • hundred-to-one shot
          • little chance
          • long odds
          • lucky shot
          • no chance
          • off-chance
          • one in a million
          • outside chance
          • poor bed
          • slim chance
          • small chance
          • blessing
          • fate
          • fluke
          • good break
          • good fortune
          • lucky break
          • lucky strike
          • one in a million
          • run of luck

          Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

          1 quello, quella: I don’t want the black pencil; I want the red one, non voglio la matita nera; voglio quella rossa; I prefer large ones, preferisco quelli grandi

          the one about, quella ( la barzelletta) di (o su): Have you heard the one about the parrot and the cat?, la sai quella del pappagallo e del gatto? □ (


          ) the One above (o the Holy One), l’Essere Supremo; Dio □ one after another, l’uno dopo l’altro □ ( sport) one all, ( calcio, ecc.) uno a uno; ( tennis) uno pari □ one and all, tutti; tutti quanti □ (


          ) one and the same, identico; uguale; medesimo □ one another (

          pron. recipr.

          ), l’un l’altro; tra di noi (o voi, loro); reciprocamente: Love one another, amatevi (l’un l’altro) NOTA D’USO: — each other o one another?- □ one-armed, monco; con un braccio solo □ (

          fig. fam.

          ) one-armed bandit, macchina mangiasoldi; slot machine □ (


          USA) one bagger = one-base hit ► sotto □ ( baseball) one-base hit, battuta che consente di raggiungere la prima base □ one by one, a uno a uno; uno per uno; uno alla volta □ (




          ) one-class liner, piroscafo a classe unica □ ( ciclismo) one-day race, corsa in linea; gara in linea □ one-dimensional, (


          ) unidimensionale; (


          ) noioso, tedioso □ (


          ) one-dimensionality, unidimensionalità □ one-directional, unidirezionale □ to be one down, avere fatto un punto in meno; (


          ) essere in (posizione di) svantaggio; ( sport) essere sotto (o in svantaggio) di un gol (di un canestro, ecc.) □ one-eyed, che ha un occhio solo, guercio, monocolo; (


          ) parziale, prevenuto, miope (


          ) □ ( pallavolo) one-foot takeoff, stacco su un piede solo □ ( calcio, ecc.) one-footed player, giocatore ‘unipiede’ ( che usa solo il destro o il sinistro) □ one-hand, eseguito con una mano sola: ( pallavolo) one-hand dig, recupero con una mano sola; ( basket, ecc.) one-hand pass, passaggio con una mano; one-hand shot, tiro con una mano sola □ one-handed, che ha una mano sola, monco; eseguito con una mano sola: one-horse, tirato da un solo cavallo, a un cavallo; (


          ) antiquato, piccolo, provinciale; (




          ) male in arnese: a one-horse sleigh, una slitta trainata da un solo cavallo; a one-horse town, un piccolo paese insignificante □ a one-horse race, una corsa (un’elezione politica, ecc.) che ha già il vincitore; una gara già vinta in partenza □ (


          ) one hundred, cento; 100 □ ( atletica) the 110-metre hurdles, i centodieci a ostacoli □ ( nuoto) the 100-metre backstroke, i cento (metri) dorso □ ( atletica) the 100-metre dash, i cento metri; i cento □ ( atletica) 100-metre runner, centometrista; centista □ ( nuoto) 100-metre swimmer ( freestyle), centometrista; centista (stile libero) □ one-idea’d (o one-idead), fissato in un’idea; che ha una sola idea fissa in testa □ (


          ) one in the eye, delusione; smacco; scorno □ one in a million, (




          ) uno su un milione; (


          ) (


          ) unico, eccezionale □ one-legged, che ha una gamba sola; mutilato d’una gamba; (


          ) difettoso, zoppicante □ ( USA) one-liner, battuta di spirito; spiritosaggine; freddura □ ( tennis) one love, uno a zero □ one-man, individuale, di un singolo, fatto da un solo uomo: (




          ) one-man business (o company), azienda (o ditta) individuale; società autocratica (o unipersonale); one-man job, lavoro fatto da un uomo solo □ one-man band, suonatore ambulante che suona vari strumenti che porta addosso; (


          ) attività svolta per conto proprio, da solo □ one-man show, ( arte) (mostra) personale; (


          ) recital; (


          ) attività svolta per conto proprio, da solo □ (


          ) one man, one vote, ogni cittadino, un voto; il suffragio universale □ ( atletica) the one-mile run, il miglio □ a one-minute silence, un minuto di silenzio (o di raccoglimento) □ one-night stand, (


          ) serata unica; (


          ) avventura (amorosa) di una notte sola; notte d’amore (


          ) □ one of a kind, unico □ one-off, (


          ) fatto in esemplare unico; unico, straordinario; (


          ) caso del tutto unico, risultato atipico; pezzo unico, modello esclusivo; artista (attore, giocatore, ecc.) straordinario, unico al mondo: a one-off performance, una rappresentazione (o esecuzione) straordinaria □ a one-off job, un lavoro su commissione □ (


          ) one-off production, produzione singola (o su commessa) □ (


          USA) one-on-one, a confronto diretto, faccia a faccia, a tu per tu, a quattr’occhi □ ( sport) one-on-one defence, difesa a uomo □ one or two, uno o due; ( per


          ) pochi, pochissimi □ (


          ) one-parent family, famiglia monoparentale □ (


          ) one-person household, famiglia mononucleare; famiglia composta da una persona sola □ ( sport) a one-piece suit, una tuta monopezzo □ a one-piece swimsuit, un (costume da bagno) monopezzo □ (


          ) one-price, a prezzo unico □ «One price» ( cartello), «Prezzi fissi» □ (


          USA) one-shot = one-off ► sopra □ one-sided, unilaterale; (


          ) parziale; ineguale, impari: (


          ) one-sided test, test unilaterale; one-sided judgement, giudizio parziale; ( sport) one-sided match, incontro impari (o sbilanciato) □ one-sidedness, unilateralità; (


          ) parzialità; inegualità, l’essere impari □ (


          ) one size ( fits all), misura unica ( di guanti di lana, ecc.) □ (


          : di un albergo) one-star, a una stella □ (


          ) one-step, one-step ( ballo) □ one-stop, che fornisce beni e servizi correlati nello stesso luogo: one-stop shop, negozio o ufficio che fornisce tutto il necessario ( per un determinato scopo) □ (


          ) one-tailed test, test a una coda □ (


          ) one thousand, mille; 1000 □ (


          ) one-time password, password monouso □ (


          ) one-to-many, (relazione) uno a molti □ (




          ) one to one, uno a uno; biunivocamente □ one-to-one, (




          ) (relazione) uno a uno, biunivoca; (


          ) faccia a faccia, individuale: ( sport e


          ) one-to-one challenge, sfida faccia a faccia; (




          ) one-to-one correspondence, corrispondenza biunivoca; a one-to-one interview, un’intervista faccia a faccia □ ( sport) one-two, ( boxe) uno-due, doppietta; ( calcio) uno-due, triangolazione; ( scherma) uno-due, finta e cavazione □ one-track, ( di ferrovia) a un solo binario; ( di un nastro magnetico) a una (sola) pista □ a one-track mind, una mente fissata in una sola idea: You have a one-track mind!, allora hai il chiodo fisso! □ (


          ) to be one up, avere fatto un punto in più; (


          ) essere in (posizione di) vantaggio; ( sport) essere sopra (o in vantaggio) di un gol (di un canestro, ecc.) □ (


          ) one-upmanship, arte di procurarsi (o di mantenere) un vantaggio sugli altri; il voler surclassare


          a tutti i costi □ (


          ) «One way» ( cartello), «senso unico» □ one-way, ( di strada e


          ) a senso unico; (




          ) unidirezionale; (


          ) a un’entrata, monovalente: a one-way street, una strada a senso unico; un senso unico; one-way admiration, ammirazione a senso unico; (


          ) one-way communication, comunicazione unidirezionale; (


          ) one-way classification, classificazione a un’entrata □ one-way media, ‘media’ semplici ( non interattivi) □ one-way mirror, vetro specchiato; finto specchio □ (


          , USA) one-way ticket, biglietto di sola andata □ (

          comm. est.

          ) one-way trade, scambio unidirezionale □ one-woman, ( di lavoro, ecc.) fatto da una donna sola; individuale □ to be all one, essere tutti uniti (o d’accordo) □ ( all) in one, tutt’insieme; al tempo stesso: He is chairman and treasurer in one, è al tempo stesso presidente e cassiere □ an all-in-one knife, un coltello multiuso ( cacciavite, cavaturaccioli, ecc.) □ to be at one, essere uniti: We are at one now, ora noi siamo uniti (o d’accordo) □ to become one, ( di oggetti, ecc.) essere unificati; ( di persone) essere uniti in matrimonio □ by ones and twos, a uno o due alla volta; alla spicciolata □ every one of you, ciascuno di voi □ for one, quanto a me (a te, ecc.); per esempio; per fare un caso; intanto: I, for one, don’t believe it, quanto a me, non ci credo; Smith, for one, will not agree, Smith, per esempio, non sarà d’accordo □ for one thing, tanto per dirne una; tanto per cominciare; in primo luogo: For one thing, he drinks, tanto per dirne una, è un beone □ to go one better, offrire (o rischiare) un po’ di più ( di un altro) □ (


          ) in the year one, molti anni fa □ no one, nessuno □ (


          ) never a one, nessuno; non uno □ I’m not ( the) one to do that, non sono tipo da farlo □ (


          ) You’re a sly one!, sei un furbacchione, tu! □ They answered with one voice, risposero a una (sola) voce (o in coro) □ It is one too many for him, è un po’ troppo (troppo difficile, ecc.) per lui □ It’s all one to me what you do, qualunque cosa tu faccia, mi è indifferente □ (


          ) Buy one, get one free, compri due, paghi uno.


          he is a one in a million — он самый лучший человек на свете; таких людей больше нет
          of the order of one in a million — приблизительно одного на миллион; приблизительно одной на миллион
          You have one chance in a million. — У тебя мизерные шансы.
          results accurate to one part in a million — результаты с точностью до одной миллионной

          Перевод по словам

          one  — один, номер один, один, кто-то, единственный, единица, одиночка
          million  — миллион, масса, множество, миллион


          She’s one girl in a million.

          Это самая лучшая девушка на свете.

          He is a man /one/ in a million.

          Таких людей больше нет /не бывает/, он самый лучший человек на свете.

          He’s so generous. He’s one in a million.

          Он такой щедрый. Таких один на миллион.

          Around one million men in and around this city carry arms.

          Около миллиона человек в этом городе и его округе вооружены.

          The company made over one million dollars in sales this quarter.

          В этом квартале компания заработала на продажах свыше одного миллиона долларов.

          Such a clock is guaranteed to be accurate within one second in one million years.

          Точность хода таких часов находится в пределах одной секунды за один миллион лет.

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