Another word for not studying

not studying — перевод на русский

In order for you to know, I’m not studying, just fooling around.

Знаешь, я не учился, просто дурака валял.

Good. School and other usual things… why you are not studying?

А что со школой, почему учиться не хочешь?

You’re not studying nor working

Ты не работаешь и не учишься.

I have not studied like Comrade Chan Gong.

Я не училась, как товарищ Чан Гонь.

This is not studying them.

Так их не изучают.

We do not study the ravings of lunatics and alchemists.

Мы не изучаем бред сумасшедших и алхимиков.


Я не изучаю их умы,

I will not study unless i get a juicy stake and a salad.

Не буду учится если не получу отличный стейк и салат

This our li in the classroom Have not studied too

Когда вы будете в том же классе что и я, вы тоже этому научитесь

You can not study in the morning classes.

Ты не можешь учиться в дневных классах

OK, how come we’re not studying if I’m so stupid?

Ну хорошо, если я тупица, почему мы сегодня не занимаемся?

I was thinking of a more subtle approach, you know, like, excessive not studying.

Я думаю о более тонком подходе, что-нибудь вроде чрезмерной неуспеваемости.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

не учатся

не учиться

не учитесь

не учусь

не учишься

не изучает

не изучаю

не изучение

не изучать

не изучают

не хочешь учиться

не обучающихся


не исследует

не учимся

Many young people are not studying or working.

Многие подростки не учатся и не работают.

Two-thirds of youth in developing economies are without work, not studying, or are engaged in irregular or informal employment.

В развивающихся странах 2/3 молодых людей не работают, не учатся или заняты нерегулярной и/ или неформальной занятостью.

You must not make excuses for not studying.

But not studying and not working.

Informal education is when you are not studying in a school and do not use another particular learning method.

Неформальное образование, когда вы не учитесь в школе и не используете другой особый метод обучения.

If you are not studying in your…

I wanted to be working, not studying.

Parents often believe that girls should be marrying, not studying.

По его словам, девочки должны выходить замуж, а не учиться.

Why am I not studying there?

A thriving cultural scene and the availability of outdoor activities close to campus lead students to enjoy an active, varied life when they are not studying.

Процветающая культурная сцена и наличие активного отдыха вблизи кампуса ведут студентов к активной, разнообразной жизни, когда они не учатся.

For young people that have already graduated from school, studying or not studying in University, there are many exciting educational videos.

Для молодых людей, что уже окончили школу, учатся или не учатся в университете, есть множество увлекательных образовательных видео.

When you’re not studying, you’ll be running SDRs.

Когда вы не учитесь, вы будете принимать участие в АОН.

According to the poll on youth conducted by the Ministry of Family Affairs, the reasons for not studying are diverse.

Согласно опросу, посвященному проблемам молодежи, который был проведен министерством по вопросам семьи, причины для того, чтобы не учиться, разные.

I was not studying exercise physiology at the time.

I’m currently not studying or working.

На данный момент я не учусь и не работаю.

Secondly, all team members were not studying the same degree.

Unfortunately, the nutrition community is not studying these volatile vegetable oils.

К сожалению, сообщество правильного питания не изучает эти летучие растительные масла.

I couldn’t imagine not studying math.

Я не мог представить себе не изучать математику.

The whole process was then repeated for the participants not studying maths.

Весь процесс был повторен для участников, не изучавших математику.

Naturally, at this time no one is working and not studying, after the holidays — depart.

Естественно, в это время никто не работает и не учится, после праздников — отходят.

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or «not well understood».
(as applied to a culture or topic)
My mind is slipping on it. Not ‘elusive’, more that it just hasn’t been well-examined.

StoneyB on hiatus's user avatar

asked Dec 1, 2014 at 19:19

user99710's user avatar


I’ve seen variations on the following:

  • little studied
  • under-examined
  • open field
  • unexplored

These are often combined with relatively so the reviewers don’t carp.

answered Dec 1, 2014 at 20:19

dnagirl's user avatar


1,8411 gold badge14 silver badges19 bronze badges

If you are asking for single words, «cloudy», «nebulous», «blear», «obscure»

blear — obscure to the view or imagination Merriam-Webster

nebulous — unclear, vague, or ill-defined OED

cloudy — uncertain; nuclear OED

If you are asking for phrases, then you have quite a few good choices

  • not completely understood.
  • not fully elucidated.
  • needing further research.
  • not fully clarified.

Examples from scientific papers:

  • «Exact mechanisms responsible for this kind of endocrinopathy have not been completely clarified.» Autoimmune Diseases
  • «The mechanism of pain has not yet been fully understood.»
  • «The mechanism of cerebral uptake has not been completely elucidated.» Nuclear Medicine
  • «Its exact mechanism of action needs further research.»

Community's user avatar

answered Dec 1, 2014 at 21:32

Centaurus's user avatar


49.4k47 gold badges163 silver badges291 bronze badges

Author I’m working with (ELL) used «understudied» but I’m not sure that’s a good idea since «understudy» is well known with a completely unrelated meaning.

Understudied (adj): An understudied subject has not been studied as much as it should be or as much as you would expect.

Example: The terrapin is a surprisingly understudied species.

[Cambridge English Dictionary]

Decapitated Soul's user avatar

answered Aug 9, 2020 at 21:30

Elsa's user avatar


There isn’t a single word for «not well studied», but there are adverbs such as little, poorly and relatively that are more commonly used in place of “not well”.

  • little-known / little known
  • relatively obscure
  • poorly studied
  • underresearched / under-researched

Cystic fibrosis: how to recognize this little-known illness

In short, this relatively obscure plant is far more interesting and scientifically valuable than anyone might have guessed.

Institutional racism is shown to account for significant continuities in the approach of universities to race equality, yet race in higher education is an under-researched area.

Ecological implications of recently discovered and poorly studied sources of energy for the growth of true fungi especially in extreme environments

answered Aug 9, 2020 at 22:33

Mari-Lou A's user avatar

Mari-Lou AMari-Lou A

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What is another word for studying?

300 synonyms found


[ stˈʌdɪɪŋ], [ stˈʌdɪɪŋ], [ s_t_ˈʌ_d_ɪ__ɪ_ŋ]

Table of Contents

  • n.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • sneaking suspicion,
    • reviewing,
    • excogitation,
    • speculation,
    • guesstimate,
    • reading,
    • critiquing,
    • stab in the dark.

    reviewing (noun)

    • out lining,
    • re viewing,
    • examinings,
    • surveyings,
    • re viewings,
    • evaluatings,
    • criticizings,
    • out-lining,
    • out-linings,
    • re-viewings,
    • critiquings,
    • out linings,
    • summarizings,
    • investigatings,
    • re-viewing.

    speculation (noun)

    • studyings,
    • ex-cogitation,
    • guesstimates,
    • ex cogitation,
    • re-flections,
    • ex-cogitations,
    • ex cogitations,
    • be lief,
    • hypo-thesis,
    • sur-mise,
    • hypo thesis,
    • shot the dark,
    • sur mise,
    • de liberations,
    • stab in dark,
    • sur-mises,
    • re-view,
    • re flections,
    • de-liberations,
    • sur mises,
    • sneaking suspicions,
    • stab dark,
    • re view,
    • de-liberation,
    • re-views,
    • stab the dark,
    • be-lief,
    • de liberation,
    • re-flection,
    • re flection,
    • re views.
  • v.

    analyzing (verb)

    • Dissecting,
    • Assaying,
    • Anatomizing,
    • Examining,
    • winnowing,
    • sifting,
    • Analyzing.

    calculating (verb)

    • Supposing,
    • Multiplying,
    • weighing,
    • Approximating,
    • determining,
    • Triangulating,
    • Enumerating,
    • appraising,
    • counting,
    • Gauging,
    • rating,
    • evaluating,
    • rationalizing,
    • thinking,
    • Deducing,
    • Presuming,
    • computing,
    • dividing,
    • planning,
    • calculating,
    • measuring,
    • concluding,
    • Summing,
    • scheming,
    • Estimating,
    • Considering,
    • figuring,
    • guessing,
    • ranking,
    • Systematizing,
    • Plotting,
    • accounting,
    • Totaling,
    • judging,
    • quantifying,
    • Surmising,
    • scoring,
    • Adding,
    • Valuing,
    • reckoning,
    • Inferring,
    • quantizing,
    • Assessing,
    • Tallying,
    • programming,
    • scheduling.

    examining (verb)

    • Checking,
    • verifying,
    • surveying,
    • Inspecting,
    • perusing,
    • observing,
    • scanning.

    heeding (verb)

    • Heeding,
    • taking notice of,
    • caring about,
    • paying attention to,
    • Scrutinizing,
    • Minding,
    • taking seriously,
    • concentrating on,
    • attending,
    • watching,
    • thinking about.

    learning (verb)

    • grasping,
    • Gleaning,
    • understanding,
    • Discovering,
    • mastering,
    • learning,
    • Realizing,
    • Digesting,
    • absorbing,
    • assimilating,
    • Comprehending.

    thinking (verb)

    • Contemplating,
    • reasoning,
    • Meditating,
    • musing,
    • cerebrating,
    • Imagining,
    • Deliberating,
    • envisioning,
    • reflecting,
    • Debating,
    • Concentrating,
    • daydreaming,
    • Cogitating,
    • pondering,
    • brooding,
    • Speculating.
  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • researching,
    • exercising,
    • modeling,
    • Outlining,
    • practice,
    • wrapped up in,
    • conducting,
    • buried in,
    • Mattering,
    • Chartering,
    • exercise,
    • acquiring,
    • Storying,
    • Subjecting,
    • go over,
    • subject,
    • psychoanalyzing,
    • learns,
    • hunt for,
    • grinding,
    • see into,
    • Removing,
    • Mooting,
    • grind,
    • Requiring,
    • perusal,
    • practicing,
    • likening,
    • canvassing,
    • Auditing,
    • asking,
    • meditative,
    • inspection,
    • preoccupied,
    • caught up in,
    • Conceiving,
    • filling,
    • poring over,
    • Occupying,
    • engrossed,
    • Studies,
    • education,
    • issuing,
    • Subscribing,
    • reporting,
    • pick over,
    • inquire into,
    • Aiming,
    • casing,
    • interpreting,
    • papering,
    • investigating,
    • sighting,
    • Submitting,
    • demanding,
    • polishing,
    • Leasing,
    • Involving,
    • diagnosing,
    • Translating,
    • observation,
    • absorbed,
    • involved,
    • Mulling,
    • Sketching,
    • single-minded,
    • Carrying,
    • assuming,
    • equating,
    • investigate,
    • application,
    • Exploring,
    • devoted,
    • accepting,
    • drill,
    • Animadverting,
    • Admitting,
    • majoring,
    • renting,
    • Needing,
    • Ascertaining,
    • ingesting,
    • Fielding,
    • packing,
    • Registering,
    • practises,
    • Ruminating,
    • brainwork,
    • directing,
    • designing,
    • Resuming,
    • experimenting,
    • analysing,
    • Hiring,
    • Selecting,
    • inquiring,
    • Headwork,
    • Necessitating,
    • Polling,
    • contracting,
    • regarding,
    • Essaying,
    • Immersed,
    • learn,
    • Instructing,
    • studious,
    • Claiming,
    • conveying,
    • engaging,
    • comparing,
    • Conning,
    • searching,
    • believing,
    • think it over,
    • studied,
    • Adopting,
    • contenting,
    • recording,
    • training,
    • cartooning,
    • Disciplining,
    • orbiting,
    • obsessed,
    • Containing,
    • filming,
    • deliberation,
    • engaged,
    • guiding,
    • Practising,
    • survey,
    • learnedness,
    • exacting,
    • modelling,
    • probing,
    • contemplation,
    • theming,
    • study,
    • look into,
    • lucubration,
    • Preparing,
    • intent,
    • review,
    • preparation,
    • recapping,
    • viewing,
    • occupied,
    • Memorizing,
    • consuming.

How to use «Studying» in context?

Studying can be tedious and at times, it can feel like a lot of work. However, it’s important to remember that studying is what will help you achieve your goals in life. here are some tips on how to make studying easier:

1. Stick to a schedule. Make a timetable of when you will study each day and stick to it. This will help you to create a routine and manage your time more effectively.

2. Break up your studying. Instead of trying to sit down and study for an entire hour, break up your studying into smaller chunks. This will help you to focus and stay on track.

Paraphrases for Studying:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      examine, explore, Explored.
    • Proper noun, singular
      discuss, examine, explore, investigating, studied, Exploring, Lis, Students, reports, trials, sees, ISS, mulls.
    • Noun, plural
      Exercises, Students, learners, lessons.
    • Noun, singular or mass
      examine, explore, Exploring.
    • Verb, past tense
    • Verb, gerund or present participle
      acquiring, analyzed, appearing, appraising, asking, attacking, attending, bearing, being, believing, belonging, browsing, catering, chanting, clarifying, combing, completing, conducting, continuing, covering, dealing, deciding, demanding, designing, determining, developing, devising, drawing, editing, engaging, enrolled, entering, focusing, focussing, following, giving, going, happening, hearing, hunting, identifying, investigating, launching, leading, leaning, learning, leaving, looking, observing, participating, pending, planning, practicing, probing, processing, pursuing, reflecting, remaining, reporting, retraining, revising, scanning, seeing, taking, testing, thinking, tracking, training, turning, understanding, urging, verifying, viewing, visiting, watching, weighing, working, Addressing, Amending, Analyses, Analyzing, Applying, Appreciating, Arising, Ascertaining, Assessing, Assisting, Auditing, Carrying, Checking, Debating, Deliberating, Elucidating, Emulating, Enrolling, Exchanging, Exploring, Formulating, Inciting, Inspecting, Involving, Mulling, Negotiating, Noting, Occurring, Parsing, Receiving, Reciting, Recognizing, Referring, Repairing, Requesting, Scrutinizing, Contemplating, Preparing, Staying, evaluating, documenting, examines, vetting, analysing, scrutinising.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
    • Proper noun, singular
      investigate, learning, student, study, Studies.
    • Noun, plural
    • Noun, singular or mass
      investigate, learning, student, study.
    • Verb, gerund or present participle
      finding, student, Graduating.


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Synonyms for Studying. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

Synonyms for Studying. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Studying. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

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