Another word for not started

When we have “not started” a project or task yet, it might be useful to label it. That way, we can save it for later. However, the phrase “not started” isn’t the most appetizing. This article will look into the best words we can use to replace it.

What Can I Say Instead Of “Not Started”?

Perhaps one of the following examples will work best for you. You won’t know until you give them a try:

  • To-do list
  • Ideas
  • Plans
  • Thoughts
  • In progress
  • In the hopper
  • On deck
  • TBD
  • TBA
  • Unstarted
  • Unbegun

Good Synonyms For Not Started

The preferred version is “to-do list.” It works well to show a list of tasks or projects that need to be started. However, they are marked as “to-do” because we have not yet had the time to get around to them. At some point in the future, we will aim to.

To-Do List

“To-do list” means that you have things “to do” at some point. There isn’t a direct time pressure on any of these things, but you at least want to label them in such a way to remind you that you will need to start them at some point.

The definition of “to-do list,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a list of the tasks that you have to do, or things that you want to do.”

  • My to-do list is getting full. I think I should do some work to empty it in the near future.
  • I’ll put it on my to-do list! I’ll make sure to get it done when I have a spare second.
  • His to-do list is a mess! How can he ever expect to get any of this work done?


“Ideas” means that someone has a great list of things they want to start working on. It shows that those things have yet to be started, but when the correct spark of motivation or inspiration strikes, they will start making those “ideas” a reality.

Of course, “ideas” doesn’t directly state that something is “not started.” Instead, it just shows that you’ve come up with a plan to start working on at some point.

Context is most important if you’re going to use “ideas” as a label for “not started.” For example, if you have a work folder full of “not started” projects, it could make sense to label them as “ideas” until you’re ready to work on them.

The definition of “ideas,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a suggestion or plan for doing something.”

  • My ideas folder is running low. It’s time to open up the think tank again!
  • I have a few ideas. I’ll start working on a couple of them for you over the coming weeks.
  • My ideas are all over the place. I need to start thinking about which one will work best.


“Plans” show that someone has put forward some ideas for tasks or projects. However, they are usually nothing more than “ideas” at this stage.

At some point in the future, it’s likely that “plans” will be completed. However, there isn’t much of a rush because they are still in the early concept stages.

The definition of “plans,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a set of decisions about how to do something in the future.”

  • I have a few plans that I think will really benefit this company.
  • My plans folder is full to the brim! Perhaps I should work on one of them to impress the boss.
  • This man has far too many plans! We need to start carrying a few of them out!


“Thoughts” means that someone has put some effort into thinking of an idea. While they have yet to start working on the idea, they at least have the foundational things in place that might help them to complete it.

The definition of “thoughts,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “the act of thinking about or considering something, an idea or opinion, or a set of ideas about a particular subject.”

  • I have plenty of thoughts ready to go, but I don’t know how to start with them.
  • These are my thoughts, and I think it’s time we started a project.
  • My thoughts are all kept in this folder. I don’t know which is the most appropriate.

In Progress

“In progress” works to show that we are ready to start making progress on something. However, there isn’t a direct guarantee or timeframe set in motion yet.

When we get closer to completing a task (or at least deciding to start it), we usually change the status to “in progress.” However, some people do like to set this as the status before work even begins.

Psychologically, saying that something is “in progress” even when it is not is a great way to help you motivate yourself to do it. If it’s not a priority, that’s okay. We can simply wait until it’s time to “progress” on it, and we might be more likely to come up with a completion date.

  • I have a few things in progress that I think will impress you, sir. Just bear with me.
  • My in-progress folder is full of stuff now! I need to thin it out a little bit.
  • Stop talking about all the things that are in progress and start showing me some results!

In The Hopper

“In the hopper” is a great idiomatic expression that shows that something is waiting for completion. A “hopper” is a large tub that contains multiple things. Often, someone will draw something out of the hopper at random.

The idea of this idiom is that you will decide at random when to complete a task within your hopper. Therefore, there is no guarantee when anything will be completed.

  • I have a few ideas in the hopper. I’m just waiting to see which one works best.
  • I have put them all in the hopper. Now stop hounding me about it.
  • They’re in the hopper. I hope that’s good enough for you.

On Deck

“On deck” means that something has been planned, but nothing more than that has happened yet.

“Deck” in this sense references boats and is used as a metaphor. It shows that there is something coming up that has been put “on deck,” but there isn’t an exact time when that thing will be taking place.

  • I have a few plans ready and on deck. I’m just waiting to see which works best for me.
  • These are all on deck. I’ll get them sorted soon enough.
  • My on-deck folder is filled with things I’ll probably delete eventually!


“TBD” means “to be determined” or “to be done.” We can use it to show that something has yet to begin, but there will come a time in the future when it will start.

It’s a good acronym for both informal and formal procedures. It’s best to use it when something is on the horizon, but nobody knows exactly when it will happen until someone higher up than they are decides.

  • Sorry, but this is TBD until further notice. I haven’t got the time to worry about it.
  • I have heard that the meeting is still TBD. Do you have any news?
  • That’s TBD! I’ll get around to it when I get around to it.


“TBA” means “to be arranged.” It works well to show that something has not yet been set up. We can show that we have thought about creating it, but we might not have had the time.

It’s common for things like business meetings to be in a “TBA” status. It works much better than using “not started” as a generic phrase.

  • The planner has many TBA events marked down, but no dates are covered.
  • We should discuss the meeting times so we can finally shift it away from TBA.
  • That event is TBA! Sorry, but there are more important things to focus on.


“Unstarted” isn’t an officially recognized word in all English dictionaries. However, it means that we have not started something yet, which is why it works well on this list.

Even though it cannot be officially defined, it still states its meaning without much thought. Anyone reading the word “unstarted” will immediately understand what is meant by it.

  • I have a few unstarted projects on that list, but I’ll be getting round to them soon.
  • No, sorry. These are all unstarted because I do not prioritize them.
  • You have too many things unstarted. It’s time to start getting them ticked off.


Again, “unbegun” isn’t an officially recognized word in all dictionaries. It still works well because it talks about things that have yet to start. However, it’s at the bottom of the list because it’s not a common word to see.

  • I have plenty of tasks that are in my unbegun folder.
  • These are unbegun, but I’m pretty sure I’ll have enough time to get around to them in just a few months.
  • I have plenty of unbegun novels! The ideas are there; I just don’t know what to do with them.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Not started

Definitions of Not started not found.

Undone and not started are semantically related. In some cases you can replace term «Undone» with «Not started», this terms are similar.


Undone adjective — Not fastened or tied or secured.

Not started and undone are semantically related. You can use «Not started» instead an adjective «Undone».

Nearby Word: undo

Similar words of undone

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Google Ngram Viewer shows how «not started» and «undone» have occurred on timeline

Table of Contents

  1. What is the past tense of strong?
  2. What is the tense of strong?
  3. What is the verb form of strongly?
  4. What’s another word for incomplete?
  5. What does backlog mean?
  6. What is the meaning of Pending approval?
  7. Is Upcoming a word?

What is another word for not started?

What is the past tense of strong?

Strong, class 5. Past tense usually /eɪt/, sometimes /ɛt/ in British English. Strong, class 2.

What is the tense of strong?

The past tense of come on strong is came on strong. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of come on strong is comes on strong. The present participle of come on strong is coming on strong.

What is the verb form of strongly?

14 English Words with 4 Forms

reliability rely reliably
sadness sadden sadly
significance signify significantly
strength strengthen strongly
undone unfinished
disregarded ignored
pending remaining
not done awaiting attention
half-finished on ice

What’s another word for incomplete?

What is another word for incomplete?

insufficient partial
imperfect wanting
lacking fragmentary
patchy short
sketchy unfinished

What does backlog mean?

A backlog is a buildup of work that needs to be completed. The term “backlog” has a number of uses in accounting and finance. It may, for example, refer to a company’s sales orders waiting to be filled or a stack of financial paperwork, such as loan applications, that needs to be processed.

What is the meaning of Pending approval?

A status of Pending Approval indicates that your application has been reviewed and is ready to be approved, but for administrative reasons, it cannot be approved until the following calendar year.

Is Upcoming a word?

The word upcoming has been used since the 1300s, but its use as an adjective isn’t recorded until the 1800s. It is simply a combination of the words up and coming. Things that are upcoming are coming up. An upcoming election is the one happening next or within a relatively short amount of time.

What is another word for not started?

What is another word for not started?

undone unfinished
unconcluded unfulfilled
unexecuted deferred
disregarded ignored
pending remaining

What is another word for Cannot be able?

In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unable, like: inefficacious, incapable, inefficient, unable-to, impuissant, able, cannot, powerless, ineffective, weak and inadequate.

What’s another way to say get started?

What is another word for get started?

set to buckle down
get on with it knuckle down
make a start put one’s shoulder to the wheel
start start work

How do you say not started?

Unbegun: not commenced; not yet started; not having a beginning; always existing. Unstarted/Unbegun all mean that you have not started to work on tasks you have in mind.

Is not yet started or is not started yet?

“…is not started…” is actually correct, but it does not sound as natural to use present tense with a past participle. “Your session is not running yet” would be a present-tense way to say it.

What is a synonym for couldn t?

could perhaps. could not. could I be. could-have-been.

How do you use get started in a sentence?

(10) He was up bright and early, keen to get started. (11) The plans have been okayed, so let’s get started as soon as possible. (12) I imagine compulsive gamblers get started this way. (13) One has to get started somehow.

How do you use get started?

1 : to begin doing or working on something You (had) better get started if you want to finish on time. 2 : to begin an important period in one’s life or career newlyweds who are just getting started on their lives together.

What is another word for starting point?

basic assumption; starting point; basic principle; basis; principle; motivation; point of departure; fundamental idea; indication; lead; pointer; suggestion; jumping off point; terminus a quo.

Is not yet started correct?

“…was not yet…” is not good, mixing past tense with the idea of something ongoing. “…is not started…” is actually correct, but it does not sound as natural to use present tense with a past participle. “Your session is not running yet” would be a present-tense way to say it.

Предложения с «not another word»

Not another word or I’ll come down there, and push you over myself!

Еще одно слово , и я сам тебя сброшу.

And so great was the respect commanded by the solid qualities of that admirable animal, that not another word was uttered until he had quite finished his repast and brushed the crumbs from his knees.

И так велико было уважение к этому достойному зверю, что никто не проронил ни слова , пока он не закончил трапезу и не смахнул крошки с колен.

And now here is my pocket Petrarch, and not another word shall I say of this case until we are on the scene of action.

А теперь я займусь своим карманным Петраркой. Пока мы не прибудем на место происшествия — об этом деле ни слова .

I was three-and-twenty years of age. Not another word had I heard to enlighten me on the subject of my expectations, and my twenty-third birthday was a week gone.

Мне исполнилось двадцать три года, и прошла неделя со дня моего рожденья, а я так и не слышал больше ни одного слова , которое могло бы пролить свет на мои надежды.

Emma had not another word to oppose.

Эмма не возражала более ни единым словом .

Joe scooped his eyes with his disengaged wrist, as if he were bent on gouging himself, but said not another word.

Джо так крепко провел по глазам свободной рукой, словно твердо решил их выдавить, но не добавил больше ни слова .

Not another word or I’ll come down there and push you over myself.

Еще одно слово , и я сам сброшу тебя вниз.

Not another word, Mr. Fogg, or it will be your last.

Больше ни слова , мистер Фогг, иначе оно будет вашим последним.

That’s enough, I says. Not another word.

Достаточно, — говорю. — Ни слова больше.

Not another word, cried Pyotr Stepanovitch, waving his hand, attempting to snatch the document from him.

Ни слова больше! — махнул рукой Петр Степанович, норовя вырвать у него документ.

Not another word until we’ve finished our pink champagne.

Ни слова больше, пока мы не допьём наше розовое шампанское.

Not another word from you. You hear me?

Чтоб я больше от тебя слова не слышал.

And not another word on the subject could I drag out of him.

Пуаро замолчал, и мне больше не удалось вытянуть из него ни слова .

‘ That’s all right, my dear boy. Not another word!

Не нужно извинений, мой милый.

Not another word about the past.

Ни одного слова о прошлом.

Not another word about the ham bone.

И ни слова больше об окороке.

Jean Valjean had not another word to say.

Жан Вальжан не мог вымолвить ни слова .

Is it not another word for lying?

Разве это не синоним слова врал?

Go to your room and not another word.

Идите в свою комнату. И чтобы я вас больше не слышал!

Now, not another word, or I shall have to summon a policeman.

Ещё одно слово , и я позову полисмена.

So while it’s reasonable to ask the question, it’s not reasonable to say that refugee is another word for terrorist.

Поэтому хотя это и разумный вопрос, неразумно полагать, что «беженец» — синоним слову «террорист».

She stared at me and she said, I don’t want to hear another word about this.

Она посмотрела на меня и сказала: Я не хочу слышать ни слова об этом.

I suppose that ‘afraid’ is one word, ‘being extremely cautious of’, is another .

Я полагаю, что бояться — это одно слово , быть предельно осторожным — это другое.

A word only stands for the ways in which things or happenings of the same general kind are like one another .

Слово выражает только то, чем вещи или события похожи друг на друга.

It’s another word the advertising cretins have completely wiped their asses with!

Вот еще одно слово , с помощью которым дебильные рекламщики подтирают жопы!

Without another word, Rand rose and started toward the fog in an unsteady stride, his eyes fixed straight ahead.

Ранд молча поднялся и нетвердым шагом направился к серой завесе.

He waited a full minute before he realized she wasn’t going to say another word.

Он прождал целую минуту, пока не понял, что она больше не скажет ни слова .

Neither brother said another word until they were well away from the keep.

Братья не произнесли ни слова , пока не отошли достаточно далеко от замка.

Ardan’s opponent tried to get in another word, but he could not obtain a hearing.

Противник Мишеля Ардана хотел еще говорить, но его никто не слушал.

And a scout had brought word that another war band was approaching.

Появился разведчик и сообщил, что к месту сражения приближается еще один военный отряд.

Without saying another word, I reached into my pocket, plucked out the photograph, and held it up in front of her face.

Вместо этого я полез в карман, выдернул оттуда фотоснимок и сунул ей в лицо.

But if you present it along with another randomly chosen word, bad things can happen.

Но если показать его с другим случайным словом , страшные вещи могут случиться.

Grayson, that is a word that only women are allowed to use When they’re really angry with another woman.

Грейсон, такими словами пользуются только женщины, когда они очень злятся на другую женщину.

Changes the language settings for the highlighted word, if the word is found in another dictionary.

Изменяет языковые параметры для выделенного слова , если это слово найдено в другом словаре .

You can edit the suggested word or enter another word.

Предложенное слово можно изменить или ввести другое слово .

Strange how the first letter in each word forms another word.

Любопытно. Первые буквы каждого слова образуют новое слово .

Is there another word for synonym?

Есть ли какое — то другое слово для синонима?

Until that time, I don’t want to hear another word breathed about it in this building or outside it.

А до этого момента, я не хочу слышать ни единого слова об этом в этом здании или вне него.

Statistical improbability in the direction of good design — complexity is another word for this.

Статистическую невероятность в рамках успешного создания, другими словами , его сложность.

I don’t want to hear another word about Reform Corp or Masterson Construction ever again.

Я не хочу ничего больше слышать о Реформ Корп или Мастерсон Констракшн когда — либо.

She strode into his office with a sense of purpose, place, another word here, question mark.

Она целеустремленно вошла в его с определенными мыслями, местом, еще одно слово здесь, вопрос, пометка.

Phil, what’s another word for twatted?

Фил, как лучше сказать сшибла?

Sir, if you say another bad word about her, I’m gonna whoosh-whoosh you off that chair.

Сэр, если вы скажете о ней ещё хоть одно дурное слово , я вас вышибу из этого кресла.

Langdon nodded, not hearing a word as he prepared to examine another niche.

Лэнгдон кивнул, хотя и не слышал ни слова , так как уже приготовился осматривать следующую нишу.

Another word, I’ll have you removed for the duration of the trial.

Еще слово , и я устраню Вас на время судебного процесса.

And, say, there’s a little meadow-well, I ain’t going to tell you another word.

И знаешь, там есть одна такая полянка… Нет, больше ни слова не скажу.

We just got word from another craft your port side turbine’s trailing black.

Мы только что получили сообщение с другого самолёта что за вашей турбиной левого борта тянется чёрный след.

The meeting in the next room was still going, but Gabrielle didn’t have to hear another word.

Совещание в соседней комнате продолжалось, но Гэбриэл уже не хотела и не могла слушать.

That’s just another word for moping around.

Это по — другому называется.

Rachel did not hear another word he said.

Дальше Рейчел уже не слушала.

From one word to another , one soon arrived at blows.

А то — слово за слово , и дело живо дойдет до драки.

On the way out I will have another word with old Georges.

По пути я еще переговорю с Жоржем.

hey, Gerard, what’s another word for smitten?

Эй, Жерар, как по другому сказатьочарован?

And so venturing not to say another word, poor Jemima trotted off, exceedingly flurried and nervous.

И бедная Джемайма, не смея больше произнести ни слова , выбежала из комнаты в полном расстройстве чувств.

They flocked there, fighting one another for a place in the ray, where the most frantic (there was no other word for it) reproduction was taking place.

Они лезли стаей и боролись друг с другом за место в луче. В нем шло бешеное, другого слова не подобрать, размножение.

Now perhaps it was the word priests that I carried away with me through the darkness of another flight in time.

Вероятно, это слово жрецы я и унес с собой в тьму следующего полета во времени.

But before he could add another word, Clutton rapped with the handle of his knife imperiously on the table.

Но, прежде чем ему удалось добавить хоть слово , Клаттон властно постучал рукояткой ножа по столу.

Without a word, Langdon led her another few steps to the center of the abbey and pointed to the right.

Не говоря ни слова , Лэнгдон провел ее еще на несколько шагов вперед и указал вправо.

An acronym has to form another word.

Акроним превращается в полноценное слово .

Here’s the note of invitation-stop-no, this is another paper-I thought I had it, but it’s of no consequence, and I pledge you my word to the fact.

Вот пригласительная записка… стойте… нет, это другая бумага… я думал, что захватил ее с собой; по это не имеет значения, — заверяю вас честным словом , что я ее получил.

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