Another word for not only this

You can use “not only” to add information to something that is true. It emphasizes that something else is true (and usually more important) than the original statement. This article will look at another word for “not only” that can be used in formal situations.

Better Ways to Say Not Only

The preferred synonyms are “besides,” “as well as,” and “in addition.” Each of these allows you to emphasize the truth of a statement. It can also help you to rank the statements or sentences in order of which is the most important (made clearer through context).


“Besides” is the best formal synonym for “not only.” It shows that you are emphasizing a secondary point that you believe might be as important as the first. You’re letting the reader know that it’s worth considering both options.

This is a great way to show that you have considered all the angles in your writing. It allows you to demonstrate two similar views. You don’t have to decide which is more important, but it might be made clear to the reader.

  • Besides being told not to do the things she was doing; she was also informed that she needed to relocate as soon as she could.
  • Besides the original projects, there were a couple more that needed work. I had to make sure that I was in charge of them.
  • Besides the awful things she has said to other people, I believe she is trying to do what’s right for us.

As Well As

“As well as” is a fairly common alternative in this context. You can use it to show that you’re adding more information that goes alongside whatever has previously been stated.

Again, you don’t have to determine which piece of information is more relevant or important. “As well as” simply shows that two things go hand-in-hand with each other.

  • As well as what was said earlier, I think it’s important that we try to work as a team here. We don’t have time for any more failure.
  • As well as those things, you should know that we can’t keep running around like this. It’s not feasible for the overall operations.
  • I’m not going to talk about it. As well as the rest of it, I don’t see much of a reason why anyone needs to know what’s going on.

In Addition

“In addition” is another great formal synonym for “not only.” You can use it to add something new to whatever you’re writing about. It’s a good choice if you’re looking for a way to show your reader the different sides of an argument.

“In addition” (and most of the other phrases listed) can come at the start of a brand new sentence.

You can follow it with the first piece of information you want to discuss, followed immediately by a second clause with a similar piece of information.

  • In addition to the way he acted at work, he has decided to take that behavior home with him and get himself into trouble.
  • In addition to what you said, I think it’s best that we try and figure out a way for us all to agree on something here. It’s about time.
  • In addition to that, you should know that we’re going to review both of them. It’s for the good of the company.


“Also” is a good choice to replace “not only.” You can use it in the middle of a sentence to add more information for the reader. This information is just as true as whatever was previously stated, and it’s up to the reader to determine whether it’s more important than the rest.

“Also” isn’t all that common when replacing “not only.” Nevertheless, it can work well as a formal substitute, so it’s worth having it ready.

  • She wanted to learn more about it but also thought that it was time for the rest of the people to understand what she could see.
  • He told me loads about you. Also, he wanted to let you know that there were a few errors in the project that he couldn’t fix.
  • I’m not sure what to do about this, and also, I feel like it’s about time that someone stepped in to help me out with it.

Aside From

“Aside from” is a great alternative in this situation. It shows that something should be considered as an “aside.” That means it should work alongside a stated fact (which often comes as part of the same clause as “aside from”).

“Aside from” doesn’t necessarily make one fact more important than the other. Since they run “aside from” each other, it implies that they are equally as important. It mainly works to show that both statements are true.

  • Aside from the project’s simplicity, I think you shouldn’t have much issue finding someone to help you with it.
  • Aside from what she said about me, I like her. I know that doesn’t make sense, but I feel like we have a good connection.
  • Aside from the facts laid before us, we need to be sure that we’re on the same page. Does everyone appreciate that?


“Merely” is a good synonym in some cases. You can use it in the middle of a sentence, followed by “because.” It works well to show that you have considered certain options and have found that one might have had an important part to play in some decisions.

  • Merely because someone thought of it doesn’t mean it’s true. We need to make sure we’ve covered all aspects before moving on.
  • I wanted to do something like this merely because I thought it would be fun. I hope you can appreciate that.
  • She wanted to talk to you merely because she had a few things weighing her down. Did she approach you in the end?

On Top Of

“On top of” is another great choice. It is used to “stack” two or more sentences on top of each other. This stack usually allows you to present two pieces of information in order of which is more important or relevant.

This is a great one to use in formal writing. It makes it much clearer to the reader that something is more important. It creates a hierarchy by using “on top of” to show that something comes “above” another thing.

  • On top of the discussion during the meeting, you’ve got a few other things that need to be completed. Are you okay with that?
  • On top of the original report, I need another one from you before the end of the day. It’s vital that you get this done.
  • On top of everything else, I wanted to know what was best for us. Is there anything you might need from me now?


“Furthermore” has multiple uses in formal writing. In this context, you can use it to add further information to what you might have suggested. This information doesn’t have to relate directly and can instead relate to something that is more important than before.

Unlike most of the other options, “furthermore” almost always needs a sentence to come before it. It needs to elaborate on a previous sentence, whereas most of the options in this article can start their own idea in a sentence.

  • Furthermore, there will come times when we need to work together. I want you to help me figure out when those times come.
  • I’m not sure about this. Furthermore, there appear to be some errors in your coding. We have to iron those out first.
  • We wanted to change the world. Furthermore, we thought we had the ability to do that easily. We were wrong.

Together With

“Together with” is a good one that shows how two things interact in a sentence. It doesn’t often present them as two independent ideas where one is more important than the other. Instead, it shows that both ideas should be viewed in an equal light.

  • Together with the things we discussed, I think it’s important that we share the information. It’s about time that the employees know.
  • Together with everything else, you should find it a lot easier to move past this point in your life. Can you do that?
  • Together with those things, it’s been made clear that you’re going to have to work this one out. I hope that’s okay.

Beyond Just

“Beyond just” shows that there is something else to consider. “Beyond” is used here to show that you need to look past the first clause or point raised. The second point might be just as important (if not more so) than the first.

If you’re trying to be even more formal, you can also remove “just.” You don’t need to include it, but it does help to emphasize the phrase.

  • Beyond just the simple matter that you did this to me, I don’t think I can overlook all of the other things you’ve done wrong here.
  • Beyond just being rude, some other factors are at play. We cannot take you back here because you’ve burned too many bridges.
  • Beyond just the things she said about me, I think it’s only fair that I look for alternative methods. I hope you can appreciate that.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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Природоохранное законодательство включает не только этот основной закон.


Not only this you can also customize the field and bowl accordingly.

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Не только это, вы можете также настроить поле и чашу соответственно.

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Thus employee processing coming resumes, during a day engages in not only this.


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сотрудник, обрабатывающий приходящие резюме, в течение дня занимается не только этим.


Volodymyr Ivanov underlined:»Today we are opening not only this festival, but the new exhibition season in Ukraine.


context icon

Иванов Владимир Андреевич отметил:« Сегодня мы открываем не только этот фестиваль, но и новый выставочный сезон в Украине.


With regard to the implementation of the program,»You- the entrepreneur» in Dagestan, not only this project,

but also non-governmental organizations are called to engage in business in the country.


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Что касается реализации программы« Ты- предприниматель» в Дагестане, то не только этот проект,

но и общественные организации призваны заниматься предпринимательством в республике.


Not only this baby serves as the super wonderful device of timepieces,

but also it is a great storage device of data on the go, with whopping capacity span ranging from 32MV-32GB.

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Не только этот ребенок выступает в качестве супер замечательный устройство часы,

но и это большое устройство хранения данных на ходу, с колоссальным диапазона мощностью от 32MV- 32GB.

On it I still will stop-



less interesting generation of system, and not only this one.


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На этом я еще остановлюсь-



менее интересное порождение системы, и не только этой одной.


The president has remembered well not only this conversation, but also»two marble statuettes of the Buddha sitting in meditation,

placed to the right and left of the fireplace.

context icon

Олкотт хорошо запомнил не только эту беседу, но и две мраморные статуэтки медитирующего Будды, размещенные

на полу, справа и слева от камина.

Not only this, the App which is compatible with most of the Android devices,

is quick in loading without compromising on the number and services offered as compared to the parent App.

context icon

Не только это приложение, совместимое с большинством Android- устройств, быстро загружается

без ущерба для количества и услуг, предлагаемых по сравнению с родительским приложением.

Again it is

well known that during the war the number of diabetics was reduced noticeably, and not only this disease.


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Известно, что

во время войны количество диабетиков снижалось в разы, да и не только это заболевание.


come through water pipes from roofs of neighbouring buildings.


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вода может поступать по водопроводам с крыш соседних зданий.


For a Turing complete formalism, such as arbitrary formal grammars, not only this problem, but every nontrivial property regarding the set of strings

they describe is undecidable,

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Для формализма, полного по Тьюрингу, такого как произвольные формальные грамматики, не только эта проблема, но и любое нетривиальное свойство в отношении множества строк,

которые они описывают, неразрешимы.

Which means, that not only this game was developed by a major,

but it’s the gold game of the years 90, who had the most budget to be developed.

context icon

Что означает, что не только эта игра была разработана в крупных,

но это игра в гольф по годам 90, кто имел наиболее бюджета необходимо разработать.

Then welcome to the world of Lords online, where there is not only this, but many other attractions for the gamer points.


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Тогда добро пожаловать в мир Lords online, где есть не только это, а и множество других привлекательных для геймера моментов.


Not only this allows you to enjoy the content you are there for,

but also improves the load speed of the website and saves you some precious mobile data.


context icon

Это не только позволяет беспрепятственно пользоваться нужным вам контентом, но

и ускоряет загрузку веб- сайта и сохраняет ваши важные мобильные данные.


And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one,

even by our father Isaac;

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когда она зачала в


время двух сыновей от Исаака, отца нашего.

Not only this, obstacles and crates stay in between you and the spot

where you’re supposed to park.

context icon

Не только это, препятствия и ящики остаться между вами и тем местом,

где вы’ вновь предполагается оставить.

Not only this, but mediation is a practice of self-reliance as

well which really affects you to ponder upon yourself.

context icon

Не только это, но посредничество практика самообеспечения и которая действительно влияет на вас,

чтобы обдумать на себя.

Not only this, but you can start small and slowly increase the number of solar

panels you use.

context icon

Не только это, но вы можете начать с малого и постепенно увеличивать количество солнечных панелей,

которые вы используете.

Not only this, but a“huge number” of alternative quantum-resistant signature

schemes to a major cryptographic conference last November, according to Zamyatin.

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Не только это, но“ огромное количество” альтернативных квантовой

устойчивые схемы подписи к основной криптографической конференции в ноябре прошлого года, согласно Замятина.

Not only this but the software provides private financial consultations,

reliable support care, and operates solely with legit and authentic brokerages.


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Не только это, но программное обеспечение предоставляет частные финансовые консультации,

надежный уход поддержка, и работает исключительно с законными и аутентичными брокерскими.


Not only this, but he has also incorporated features that would lower the levels of risk.


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Не только это, но он также воплощает в себе черты, которые понижают уровни риска.


Of course, we use not only this kind of leather from Horween,

but also many others- vegetable tanned Essex and Dublin, Latigo, Cavalier and, of course, one of the most expensive and rare leather types- Shell Cordovan from Horween.


context icon

Конечно, мы используем не только этот сорт кожи от Horween,

но и многие другие- Essex и Dublin растительного дубления, Latigo, Cavalier и, конечно же, один из самых дорогих и редких видов кожи- Shell Cordovan от Horween.


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Not only this building was lost, but also many exhibits stored in its walls.

Было утрачено не только это здание, но и многие хранившиеся в его стенах экспонаты.

Not only this but the foot is something of an offensive weapon.

Но не только это, нога является чем-то вроде наступательного оружия.

Not only this fund provides support, there are other structures that are able to provide funding for social entrepreneurship projects.

Не только этот фонд оказывает поддержку, есть, наверняка, и другие структуры, которые способны обеспечивать финансирование проектов социального предпринимательства.

Not only this world, but the entire universe was made for you.

Not only this, but the mood effects described in point #9 can lead to comfort eating.

Не только это, но эффекты настроения, описанные в пункте 9, могут привести к комфорту еды.

Not only this, you can even find music from all over the world with just one click.

Не только это, вы можете даже найти музыку со всего мира всего одним щелчком мыши.

Not only this, but there is also a clear and distinct risk of loss, because of the well-known possibility of human error.

Не только это, но также существует явный и четкий риск потери из-за известной возможности человеческой ошибки.

Not only this, you must also try to reduce stress in life.

Не только это, вы также должны попытаться уменьшить стресс в жизни.

Not only this, all the major events of the cell cycle, including cell division, take place in it.

Не только это, все основные события клеточного цикла, включая деление клеток, в нем происходят.

Not only this, there are many different types of divorce.

Not only this, but the platform supports 200 countries and over 40 currencies.

Не только это, но платформа поддерживает 200 стран и более 40 валют.

Not only this, but you will also face difficulties in your career prospects, should your potential employer decide to check your financial credentials.

Не только это, но вы также будете сталкиваться с трудностями в плане ваших карьерных перспектив, если ваш потенциальный работодатель решит проверить ваши финансовые данные.

Not only this, these chairs also have cushioned seats that are designed for comfort.

Не только это, эти стулья также имеют мягкие сидения, которые предназначены для комфорта.

Not only this, but the routers also perform the function related to traffic directing.

Не только это, но и маршрутизаторы также выполняют функцию, связанную с направлением трафика.

Not only this but also the cups can easily be recycled if it is in the right hands.

Не только это, но и чашки могут быть легко переработаны, если они находятся в правильных руках.

Not only this, but it also helps to change the way people live.

Не только это, но это также помогает изменить образ жизни людей.

Not only this, but mediation is a practice of self-reliance as well which really affects you to ponder upon yourself.

Не только это, но посредничество практика самообеспечения и которая действительно влияет на вас, чтобы обдумать на себя.

Not only this, but you can start small and slowly increase the number of solar panels you use.

Не только это, но вы можете начать с малого и постепенно увеличивать количество солнечных панелей, которые вы используете.

Not only this you can also customize the field and bowl accordingly.

Не только это, вы можете также настроить поле и чашу соответственно.

Not only this, obstacles and crates stay in between you and the spot where you’re supposed to park.

Не только это, препятствия и ящики остаться между вами и тем местом, где вы ‘вновь предполагается оставить.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Not only this

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What is another word for not only that?

41 synonyms found


[ nˌɒt ˈə͡ʊnli ðˈat], [ nˌɒt ˈə‍ʊnli ðˈat], [ n_ˌɒ_t ˈəʊ_n_l_i ð_ˈa_t]

Related words: not only that, but also, not only that

Related questions:

  • What does «not only that» mean?
  • What does not only mean?
  • What does «but also» mean?
  • Table of Contents

    • prep.

      Other relevant words: (preposition)

      • exclusively,
      • all,
      • merely,
      • simply,
      • nothing else but,
      • nothing but,
      • but,
      • solely.
    • pron.

      Other relevant words: (pronoun)

      • alone.
    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words:

      • communication,
      • statement,
      • Linking,
      • utterance,
      • few,
      • coupled with,
      • text,
      • in common,
      • in conjunction,
      • extra,
      • addition,
      • both,
      • jointly,
      • conversation,
      • together,
      • talk,
      • altogether,
      • in conjunction with,
      • Adding,
      • along with,
      • discourse,
      • speech.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • moreover,
      • more than that,
      • in addition,
      • into the bargain,
      • as well,
      • furthermore,
      • what is more,
      • additionally,
      • further,
      • to boot.

    How to use «Not only that» in context?

    In the world today, it’s difficult to stand out. Between the constant barrage of advertisements, social media, and general noise, it seems like it’s hardly possible to be unique these days. And yet, there are still those who find a way to do just that. Case in point, the restaurateur who decided to put up a handwritten sign that read, «not only that, we also serve breakfast.» This simple act of uniqueness won the restaurateur a lot of fans, as people appreciated the effort put into making their meal extra special.

    not only do i but

    Сегодня я расскажу о полезном обороте, который сам часто употребляю в речи — устной и письменной. Его логическая схема такая: «Я не только действие А, но и действие Б«. Например: «Я не только знаю этого человека, мы вместе учились в школе». Этот оборот имеет смысл изучать и брать на вооружение, если вы уже знакомы с основами грамматики.

    В обороте постоянен только элемент «Not only», все остальное — это переменные. Схема оборота следующая:

    Not only + вспомогательный/модальный глагол + подлежащее 1 + действие 1 + but (можно опустить) + подлежащее 2 и действие 2.

    Выглядит сложно, но давайте рассмотрим схему в виде таблицы с примерами, все станет понятнее:

    Not only Вспом./мод. глагол Подлежащее Действие 1 (but) + Подлежащее 2 и Действие 2
    Not only do I know that person, we went to school together
    No only can he sing, he also dances really well!
    Not only was I paid, but I was given a bonus
    Not only don’t they fight, they don’t even raise loud voices at one another.

    Перевод предложений:

    Not only do I know that person, we went to school together. — Я не только знаю этого человека, мы вместе учились в школе.

    Not only can he sing, he also dances really well! — Он не просто умеет петь, он к тому же действительно хорошо танцует!

    Not only was I paid, but I was given a bonus. — Мне не только заплатили, но еще и дали премию.

    Not only don’t they fight, they don’t even raise loud voices at one another. — Они не только не ссорятся, они даже голос друг на друга не повышают.


    Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.

    Подпишитесь на мой Телеграм-канал, чтобы узнавать о новых видео, материалах по английскому языку.

    У меня также есть канал на YouTube, где я регулярно публикую свои видео.

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