Another word for not only that

What is another word for not only that?

41 synonyms found


[ nˌɒt ˈə͡ʊnli ðˈat], [ nˌɒt ˈə‍ʊnli ðˈat], [ n_ˌɒ_t ˈəʊ_n_l_i ð_ˈa_t]

Related words: not only that, but also, not only that

Related questions:

  • What does «not only that» mean?
  • What does not only mean?
  • What does «but also» mean?
  • Table of Contents

    • prep.

      Other relevant words: (preposition)

      • exclusively,
      • all,
      • merely,
      • simply,
      • nothing else but,
      • nothing but,
      • but,
      • solely.
    • pron.

      Other relevant words: (pronoun)

      • alone.
    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words:

      • communication,
      • statement,
      • Linking,
      • utterance,
      • few,
      • coupled with,
      • text,
      • in common,
      • in conjunction,
      • extra,
      • addition,
      • both,
      • jointly,
      • conversation,
      • together,
      • talk,
      • altogether,
      • in conjunction with,
      • Adding,
      • along with,
      • discourse,
      • speech.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • moreover,
      • more than that,
      • in addition,
      • into the bargain,
      • as well,
      • furthermore,
      • what is more,
      • additionally,
      • further,
      • to boot.

    How to use «Not only that» in context?

    In the world today, it’s difficult to stand out. Between the constant barrage of advertisements, social media, and general noise, it seems like it’s hardly possible to be unique these days. And yet, there are still those who find a way to do just that. Case in point, the restaurateur who decided to put up a handwritten sign that read, «not only that, we also serve breakfast.» This simple act of uniqueness won the restaurateur a lot of fans, as people appreciated the effort put into making their meal extra special.

    You can use “not only” to add information to something that is true. It emphasizes that something else is true (and usually more important) than the original statement. This article will look at another word for “not only” that can be used in formal situations.

    Better Ways to Say Not Only

    The preferred synonyms are “besides,” “as well as,” and “in addition.” Each of these allows you to emphasize the truth of a statement. It can also help you to rank the statements or sentences in order of which is the most important (made clearer through context).


    “Besides” is the best formal synonym for “not only.” It shows that you are emphasizing a secondary point that you believe might be as important as the first. You’re letting the reader know that it’s worth considering both options.

    This is a great way to show that you have considered all the angles in your writing. It allows you to demonstrate two similar views. You don’t have to decide which is more important, but it might be made clear to the reader.

    • Besides being told not to do the things she was doing; she was also informed that she needed to relocate as soon as she could.
    • Besides the original projects, there were a couple more that needed work. I had to make sure that I was in charge of them.
    • Besides the awful things she has said to other people, I believe she is trying to do what’s right for us.

    As Well As

    “As well as” is a fairly common alternative in this context. You can use it to show that you’re adding more information that goes alongside whatever has previously been stated.

    Again, you don’t have to determine which piece of information is more relevant or important. “As well as” simply shows that two things go hand-in-hand with each other.

    • As well as what was said earlier, I think it’s important that we try to work as a team here. We don’t have time for any more failure.
    • As well as those things, you should know that we can’t keep running around like this. It’s not feasible for the overall operations.
    • I’m not going to talk about it. As well as the rest of it, I don’t see much of a reason why anyone needs to know what’s going on.

    In Addition

    “In addition” is another great formal synonym for “not only.” You can use it to add something new to whatever you’re writing about. It’s a good choice if you’re looking for a way to show your reader the different sides of an argument.

    “In addition” (and most of the other phrases listed) can come at the start of a brand new sentence.

    You can follow it with the first piece of information you want to discuss, followed immediately by a second clause with a similar piece of information.

    • In addition to the way he acted at work, he has decided to take that behavior home with him and get himself into trouble.
    • In addition to what you said, I think it’s best that we try and figure out a way for us all to agree on something here. It’s about time.
    • In addition to that, you should know that we’re going to review both of them. It’s for the good of the company.


    “Also” is a good choice to replace “not only.” You can use it in the middle of a sentence to add more information for the reader. This information is just as true as whatever was previously stated, and it’s up to the reader to determine whether it’s more important than the rest.

    “Also” isn’t all that common when replacing “not only.” Nevertheless, it can work well as a formal substitute, so it’s worth having it ready.

    • She wanted to learn more about it but also thought that it was time for the rest of the people to understand what she could see.
    • He told me loads about you. Also, he wanted to let you know that there were a few errors in the project that he couldn’t fix.
    • I’m not sure what to do about this, and also, I feel like it’s about time that someone stepped in to help me out with it.

    Aside From

    “Aside from” is a great alternative in this situation. It shows that something should be considered as an “aside.” That means it should work alongside a stated fact (which often comes as part of the same clause as “aside from”).

    “Aside from” doesn’t necessarily make one fact more important than the other. Since they run “aside from” each other, it implies that they are equally as important. It mainly works to show that both statements are true.

    • Aside from the project’s simplicity, I think you shouldn’t have much issue finding someone to help you with it.
    • Aside from what she said about me, I like her. I know that doesn’t make sense, but I feel like we have a good connection.
    • Aside from the facts laid before us, we need to be sure that we’re on the same page. Does everyone appreciate that?


    “Merely” is a good synonym in some cases. You can use it in the middle of a sentence, followed by “because.” It works well to show that you have considered certain options and have found that one might have had an important part to play in some decisions.

    • Merely because someone thought of it doesn’t mean it’s true. We need to make sure we’ve covered all aspects before moving on.
    • I wanted to do something like this merely because I thought it would be fun. I hope you can appreciate that.
    • She wanted to talk to you merely because she had a few things weighing her down. Did she approach you in the end?

    On Top Of

    “On top of” is another great choice. It is used to “stack” two or more sentences on top of each other. This stack usually allows you to present two pieces of information in order of which is more important or relevant.

    This is a great one to use in formal writing. It makes it much clearer to the reader that something is more important. It creates a hierarchy by using “on top of” to show that something comes “above” another thing.

    • On top of the discussion during the meeting, you’ve got a few other things that need to be completed. Are you okay with that?
    • On top of the original report, I need another one from you before the end of the day. It’s vital that you get this done.
    • On top of everything else, I wanted to know what was best for us. Is there anything you might need from me now?


    “Furthermore” has multiple uses in formal writing. In this context, you can use it to add further information to what you might have suggested. This information doesn’t have to relate directly and can instead relate to something that is more important than before.

    Unlike most of the other options, “furthermore” almost always needs a sentence to come before it. It needs to elaborate on a previous sentence, whereas most of the options in this article can start their own idea in a sentence.

    • Furthermore, there will come times when we need to work together. I want you to help me figure out when those times come.
    • I’m not sure about this. Furthermore, there appear to be some errors in your coding. We have to iron those out first.
    • We wanted to change the world. Furthermore, we thought we had the ability to do that easily. We were wrong.

    Together With

    “Together with” is a good one that shows how two things interact in a sentence. It doesn’t often present them as two independent ideas where one is more important than the other. Instead, it shows that both ideas should be viewed in an equal light.

    • Together with the things we discussed, I think it’s important that we share the information. It’s about time that the employees know.
    • Together with everything else, you should find it a lot easier to move past this point in your life. Can you do that?
    • Together with those things, it’s been made clear that you’re going to have to work this one out. I hope that’s okay.

    Beyond Just

    “Beyond just” shows that there is something else to consider. “Beyond” is used here to show that you need to look past the first clause or point raised. The second point might be just as important (if not more so) than the first.

    If you’re trying to be even more formal, you can also remove “just.” You don’t need to include it, but it does help to emphasize the phrase.

    • Beyond just the simple matter that you did this to me, I don’t think I can overlook all of the other things you’ve done wrong here.
    • Beyond just being rude, some other factors are at play. We cannot take you back here because you’ve burned too many bridges.
    • Beyond just the things she said about me, I think it’s only fair that I look for alternative methods. I hope you can appreciate that.

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


    You shall say, ‘Not only that, but behold, your servant, Jacob, is behind us.'» For, he said, «I will appease him with the present that goes before me, and afterward I will see his face.

    Он сделал это, говоря про себя: «Умиротворю его подарком, посланным впереди меня, а уж потом увижу его лицо.

    Другие результаты

    An extreme discretist‘ not only believes that evolution varies in speed.

    Крайний «дискретист» не просто полагает, что скорость эволюции меняется.

    The tragedy is not only that people have lost their lives.

    The tragedy is not only that people have lost their lives.

    We have designed a camouflage shell‘ that not only mimics surrounding thermal fields but also electric fields, both at the same time.

    «Мы создали камуфляжную «оболочку«, которая не только имитирует окружающее температурное поле, но и электрическое, оба одновременно.

    Cause not only is that absurd, it’s actually a little bit offensive.

    In the book, Ai says: The tragedy is not only that people have lost their lives.

    Например: Трагедия не только в том, что люди потеряли жизни.

    Pixar has given us such masterpieces as ‘Up’ and Coco‘ that not only kept us glued to the screen but also invoked some truly deep emotions within our hearts.

    Pixar подарил нам такие шедевры, как «Вверх» и «тайная жизнь Коко», которые не только удерживали нас возле экранов, но и вызывали по-настоящему глубокие эмоции в наших сердцах.

    In collaboration with HARMAN-Samsung and Google, we have developed a flexible, easy-to-use and connected ecosystem‘ that not only deploys today but is also ready to integrate upcoming innovations, said Harald Wester, Chief Technical Officer of FCA.

    «В сотрудничестве с Samsung и Google мы разработали гибкую, простую в использовании «экосистему«, которая не только использует современные технологии, но и готова интегрировать грядущие инновации», — сказал технический директор FCA Харальд Вестер.

    All this situation has led to the companies websites not only offering that process of acquiring their items but also having specialized online stores.

    Вся эта ситуация привела к тому, что сети компаний не только предлагают этот процесс приобретения своих товаров, но и создали специализированные интернет-магазины.

    The ‘bio-reactors‘ not only produce biomass that can subsequently be harvested, but they also capture solar thermal heat — and both energy sources can be used to power the building.

    Используя новейшие технологические ноу-хау, био-реакторы не только производят биомассу, которая впоследствии может быть собрана, но они также могут «захватывать» солнечное тепловое излучение, следовательно, генерируя возможности от двух источников энергии, которые могут быть использованы для питания здания.

    The name Mahatma, which means ‘the great soul can be that not only for the compatriots.

    Нареченный именем Махатма — «Великая душа» — не может быть таковым лишь для своих соотечественников.

    Mystras distinctive feature is not only that the whole complex was built on a mountain, but also in how harmoniously the whole epochs of different cultures intertwined.

    Его отличительная особенность не только в том, что весь комплекс построен на горе, но и в том, как гармонично здесь переплелись целые эпохи разных культур.

    It is not only ‘sanctity‘ that has its odour!

    Так что не только «святость» имеет свой запах!

    They already speak about ‘Global Political Science and not only Political Globalistics that is included in the subject of Globalistics.

    Уже идет речь и о глобальной политологии, а не только о политической глобалистике, которая входит в предмет глобалистики.

    «I urge universities to advocate for their students’ health by creating ‘Smoke-Free Campuses‘ that not only ban smoking on campus but tobacco advertising, too,» Levine said.

    Ученые отмечают, что очень важно принимать во внимание последствия курения для психического здоровья: «Я призываю университеты защищать здоровье своих студентов, создавая «бездымные кампусы», которые запрещают не только курение в кампусе, но и рекламу табака», — отметил профессор Хагай Левин.

    Samsung included their ‘always-on display that not only saves battery life, but also makes it easier and quicker for the user to check their notifications.

    Samsung включает свой «Always-On Display», который не только экономит время автономной работы, но и облегчает проверку пользователем своих уведомлений.

    Computer scientists based in Germany and Singapore have collaborated in order to create a ‘resistive RAM chip‘ that not only stores data but can also act as a computer processor.

    Ученые из Сингапура и Германии совместными усилиями создали микросхему резистивной памяти, которая обеспечивает не только хранение данных, но и выступает в роли компьютерного процессора.

    The second type is the one most people are familiar with: places where spacetime folds in on itself, formulating bridges that not only connect two distant points in space, but they create shortcuts between them.

    Со вторым типом большинство людей знакомо: это места, в которых пространство-время замыкается на себе, образуя «мосты», которые не только связывают две удаленных точки в пространстве, но и создают короткий переход между ними (подобно сложенному листу бумаги).

    ‘A balance needs to be brought to bear and not only one that is economic, ‘to which Nessa Stein’s life must surely attest, ‘but one that is also political…

    Нужно создать баланс, и не только экономический, чему жизнь Нессы Штайн является подтверждением, но и политический…

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат ‘ Not only that

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    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Примеры из текстов

    Not only that, but all the money in this village would be suspect.

    Хуже того, станут подозревать, что все деньги, сколько их есть в Милвилле, фальшивые.

    Simak, Clifford D. / All flesh is grassСаймак, Клиффорд Д. / Всякая плоть — трава

    Всякая плоть — трава

    Саймак, Клиффорд Д.

    © Copyright Clifford Donald Simak

    © Copyright Нора Галь, перевод

    © ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2003

    All flesh is grass

    Simak, Clifford D.

    © Copyright Clifford Donald Simak

    Not only that, but he would be entering into contest with the Dark Powers with almost no magical powers of his own to help him.

    Более того, он снова вступал в борьбу с Темными Силами, не располагая почти никакой магической силой.

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    Дракон на границе

    Диксон, Гордон

    Dragon On The Border

    Dickson, Gordon

    © 1992 by Gordon R. Dickson

    Not only that, but it was stripped of its blankets and sheets.

    Вдобавок с нее исчезли все простыни и одеяла.

    Vonnegut, Kurt / Deadeye DickВоннегут, Курт / Малый не промах

    Малый не промах

    Воннегут, Курт

    © Издательство «Радуга», 1988

    Deadeye Dick

    Vonnegut, Kurt

    © 1982 by The Ramjac Corporation

    Not only that, as soon as the spirit of Azash saw them in the lake, He would know exactly what they were doing, and for that matter, so would Ghwerig.

    И не только это. Как только Азеш узнает, что они на озере, он точно поймет, что они делают, как и Гвериг.

    Eddings, David / The Ruby KnightЭддингс, Дэвид / Рубиновый рыцарь

    Рубиновый рыцарь

    Эддингс, Дэвид

    The Ruby Knight

    Eddings, David

    Not only that, but he could play it himself.

    – К тому же он умеет на ней играть.

    Dickson, Gordon / Dragon On The BorderДиксон, Гордон / Дракон на границе

    Дракон на границе

    Диксон, Гордон

    Dragon On The Border

    Dickson, Gordon

    © 1992 by Gordon R. Dickson

    Not only that, he wouldn’t help me decode the shadow journals either… and good luck apprenticing myself to a Magi circle, if any would take me while Japh was hanging around.

    Кроме того, он так же не помогал мне расшифровывать старые книги… к счастью, я могу много узнать из круга маги, если кто-нибудь возьмет меня туда пока Джаф рядом.

    Saintcrow, Lilith / The Devil’s Right HandСэйнткроу, Лилит / Правая рука дьявола

    Правая рука дьявола

    Сэйнткроу, Лилит

    © 2007 by Lilith Saintcrow

    © Волковский В. Перевод на русский язык, 2010

    © Издание на руском языке, ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2010

    The Devil’s Right Hand

    Saintcrow, Lilith

    © 2007 by Lilith Saintcrow

    Not only that, we’re mounted, and you’re on foot.»

    Мало того, мы на конях, а вы – пешие.

    Eddings, David / Magician’s GambitЭддингс, Дэвид / В поисках камня

    В поисках камня

    Эддингс, Дэвид

    Magician’s Gambit

    Eddings, David

    Not only that, even the legs of chairs — because they were called legs — are covered!

    И не только это, даже ножки стульев — ведь их называли ножками — прикрыты!

    Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh / The Messiah, Volume 2Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш / Мессия. Том 2

    Мессия. Том 2

    Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш

    The Messiah, Volume 2

    Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh

    Not only that, but each of his wives had been extraordinarily patient and loving and beautiful.

    Мало того: все его жены были исключительно терпеливыми, любящими и красивыми.

    Vonnegut, Kurt / Breakfast of ChampionsВоннегут, Курт / Завтрак для чемпионов

    Завтрак для чемпионов

    Воннегут, Курт

    © Издательство «Художественная литература», 1978

    Breakfast of Champions

    Vonnegut, Kurt

    Not only that, but those bagel eaters knew the provider and had feelings (presumably good ones) about him.

    Кроме того, потребители бубликов знали их поставщика и, большей частью, относились к нему хорошо.

    Levitt, Steven,Dubner, Stephen / Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of EverythingЛевитт, Стивен,Дабнер, Стивен / Фрикономика. Мнение экономиста-диссидента о неожиданных связях между событиями и явлениями

    Фрикономика. Мнение экономиста-диссидента о неожиданных связях между событиями и явлениями

    Левитт, Стивен,Дабнер, Стивен

    © Издательский дом «Вильямс», 2007

    © Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, 2005

    Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything

    Levitt, Steven,Dubner, Stephen

    © 2005, 2006, 2009 by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner

    Not only that, my airplane cannot land at their airports.

    Даже мой самолет не может приземляться в их аэропортах».

    Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh / The Messiah, Volume 2Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш / Мессия. Том 2

    Мессия. Том 2

    Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш

    The Messiah, Volume 2

    Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh

    «Not only about that, dear boy, I should not have known what to say to you: there was so much I should have had to be silent about.

    — Не об одном этом, милый, не знал бы, что тебе сказать: тут о многом пришлось бы молчать.

    Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / Подросток


    Достоевский, Фёдор

    © Издательство «Советская Россия», 1979

    A Raw Youth

    Dostoevsky, Fyodor

    And not only that: Our index k is twice shackled with the coefficient 2 inside a binomial coefficient.

    И дело не только в этом: индекс k входит дважды с коэффициентом 2 в биномиальные коэффициенты.

    Graham, Ronald L.,Knuth, Donald E.,Patashnik, Oren / Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer ScienceГрэхем, Р.,Кнут, Д.,Паташник, О. / Конкретная математика. Основание информатики

    Конкретная математика. Основание информатики

    Грэхем, Р.,Кнут, Д.,Паташник, О.

    © 1994, 1989 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.

    © перевод, В. В. Походзей, А.В. Ходулёв, 1998

    Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science

    Graham, Ronald L.,Knuth, Donald E.,Patashnik, Oren

    © 1989 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company

    When I saw him in the light, I observed, not only that his hair was long and ragged, but that his face was burnt dark by the sun.

    При свете я разглядел не только его длинные, взлохмаченные волосы, но и лицо, покрытое темным загаром.

    Dickens, Charles / David CopperfieldДиккенс, Чарльз / Жизнь Дэвида Копперфилда

    Жизнь Дэвида Копперфилда

    Диккенс, Чарльз

    © Издательство «Художественная литература», 1959

    David Copperfield

    Dickens, Charles

    © CRW Publishing Limited 2004

    The point is not only that hatred is I diverted from those who are guilty (the capos were more hated than the I SS), but that the distinguishing line between persecutor and persecuted, between the murderer and his victim, is constantly blurred.

    Дело не только в том, что ненависть переносится с виновных на других (caps ненавидели больше, чем СС), но и в том, что пограничная линия между преследователем и преследуемым, между убийцей и его жертвой постоянно стирается.

    Arendt, Hannah / The Origins of TotalitarianismАрендт, Ханна / Истоки тоталитаризма

    Истоки тоталитаризма

    Арендт, Ханна

    © Arendt H., 1966

    © Перевод на русский язык — И. В. Борисова, Ю. А. Кимелев, А. Д. Ковалев, Ю. Б. Мишкенене, Л. А. Седов, 1996

    The Origins of Totalitarianism

    Arendt, Hannah

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    Not only that, it boasts of an extensive collection of rare books.


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    Мало того, он может похвастаться обширной коллекцией достаточно редких книг.


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    Imam: Not only that, look, glaciers melt, and, very, very actively.


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    Имам: Мало того, смотрите, таяние ледников, причем, очень- очень активное.


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    Мало того, когда он увидел, что полицейские его фотографируют, он убежал.

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    Not only that, we loaded his route from the hotel to the stadium.

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    Мало того мы зарядили весь его путь от отеля до стадиона.

    Not only that, players can build their own underground city,

    creating a whole new world.

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    Мало того, игроки могут создавать свои собственные подземные города,

    создавая целый новый мир.

    Not only that, in the same degree of damage can leave

    a sickness came unexpectedly.

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    Мало что в такой же степени способно испортить отпуск, как внезапно нагрянувший недуг.

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    Поставила перед собой цель продолжить учебу в Армении- и не только.


    You have the knowledge, medical experience and not only that, you’re right.

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    and now he even tries to teach something,


    he cannot do.


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    теперь еще пытается учить чему-то,


    сам не имеет.


    in the denial of justice to the parties concerned as well as miscarriages of justice.


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    как утверждается, привели к отказу в правосудии для соответствующих участников, а также судебного произвола.


    Not only that the number of asylum seekers has increased significantly,

    the head of the Federal Foreign Office Thomas de Mezier is worried about the growth of the number of Georgian criminals in his country 7.


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    Мало того, что количество соискателей убежища значительно возросло,

    главу МВД ФРГ Томаса де Мезьера беспокоит рост численности грузинского криминалитета в его стране.


    which means if Fahad was killed because he didn’t agree with the plan.

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    что значит если Фахада убили из-за того, что он


    был согласен с планом.

    Not only that I with you, but after all and to you it is necessary to be always together with Me.


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    Мало того, что Я с вами, но ведь и вам надо быть всегда вместе со Мной.


    Of course, Beethoven is considered a great

    composer because he had lots of new ideas, and not only that, he knew how to use them effectively.

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    Конечно, Бетховен считается великим композитором потому,

    что у него была масса новых идей, и не только поэтому: он знал, как ими мастерски пользоваться.

    Our presence here reflects not only that we share the status of developing countries,

    but also


    we are heirs to


    continent’s cultural and human wealth.


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    Наше присутствие здесь является свидетельством не только того, что по своему статусу мы также являемся развивающейся страной,

    но и

    того, что

    мы являемся наследниками культурного и человеческого богатства этого континента.


    My death is proof… Not only that my friend and I are telling the truth. But


    these conspirators will go to any extreme for this truth


    to come out!

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    Моя смерть- доказательство… не только того, что я и мой друг говорим правду, но и

    того, что



    остановятся ни перед


    чтобы эту правду скрыть!

    Not only that she was the oldest among all the participants, she beat all of its Asian competitors.


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    Мало того, что она была самая старшая среди всех участников, она обыграла всех своих азиатских конкурентов.


    Not only that, but if they find out you snitched, you get a dead horse’s chopped-off head in your bed.

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    Не только это, но и если они разузнают, что вы стучали вы обнаружите в своей кровате отрубленную лошадиную голову.

    turn-based strategy game genre fantasy began their victorious historical procession with the usual table games such friends.


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    игры жанр пошаговые стратегии фэнтези начали свое победное историческое шествие с привычных таких знакомых настольных игр.


    Not only that, all the training will take place for an entertaining game,

    flash keyboard simulators and online games develop

    not only

    literacy and fast fingers.


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    Мало того, что все обучение будет происходить за занимательной игрой, флеш клавиатурные тренажеры

    и онлайн игры развивают далеко не только грамотность и быстроту пальцев.


    Not only that, but the celebrity endorsed programs are often

    just a quick way to make money,


    as a long-term solution to your weight loss goals.


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    Не только это, но знаменитость одобрил программы часто просто

    быстрый способ зарабатывания денег, а


    как долгосрочное решение для ваших целей потеря веса.


    it attracted beget in the spheres, correspond are more it’s to character and slight full.


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    она влечет своего породителя в сферы, соответствующие ее характеру и светоносности.


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