Another word for not in order

Find another word for out-of-order. In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for out-of-order, like: inoperable, haywire, broken, out-of-commission, defective, on-the-blink, out-of-whack, in disrepair, kerflooey, not working and on-the-fritz.

What is the meaning of not in order?

not right; out of order; not functioning properly. don’t hold your breath exp.

What is opposite of in order?

Opposite of to arrange or set in some sort of order. disarrange. disorder. derange. disarray.

What is the opposite of sequentially?

Opposite of succeeding or following in order. inconsecutive. inconsequent. nonconsecutive. infrequent.

What is the out of stock?

1. Also known as Stockout. It is a situation where the retailer does not physically possess a particular product category, on its shelf, to sell to the customer. It can be estimated from store inventory data.

What’s another word for sequential?

What is another word for sequential?

succeeding successive
continuous successional
chronological progressive
subsequent following
sequent serial

What is a sequential order?

The definition of sequential is things in consecutive or logical order, or is following a certain prescribed order. If there is a three part process and the steps must be done in a certain logical order, this is an example of the steps of the process being sequential.

What happens if Instacart is out of stock?

Instacart shoppers are taught that it’s better to pick a replacement for a customer than to send nothing if an item is out of stock. They’ll text to let you know when they’ve started shopping your order, then ask if you have preferences about what they should buy in place of items that are not available.

What does no longer in stock mean?

not in stock or available; not available to buy (because all have already been bought, etc)

Is it bad to use in order to?

So the use of “in order to…” is grammatically quite in order. However, it is a redundant phrase which can be easily replaced by “to”. In composing poetry or weaving a purple patch, you may need it for rhyme or cadence. The phrase walks in unasked and unsolicited into a writer’s stilted style.

Why are they called magi?

The word Magi comes from the greek word ‘magos’ (where the english word ‘magic’ comes from). Magos itself comes from the old persian word ‘Magupati’. This was the title given to priests in a sect of the ancient Persian religions such as Zoroastrianism. The magi would have followed the patterns of the stars religiously.

What does the word magi mean in the Bible?

Wise Men
The biblical Magi (/ˈmeɪdʒaɪ/ or /ˈmædʒaɪ/; singular: magus), also referred to as the (Three) Wise Men or (Three) Kings, also the Three Magi were distinguished foreigners in the Gospel of Matthew and Christian tradition. They are said to have visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

What is the synonym of in order to?

What is another word for in order to?

to so as to
as a means to for the purpose of
that one may that it would be possible to
with the aim of in order to achieve
so as to achieve for

What is the difference between sequential order and chronological order?

As adjectives the difference between sequential and chronological. is that sequential is succeeding or following in order while chronological is in order of time from the earliest to the latest.

What is the antonym for has been?

Opposite words for has-been: outdated. outdated/out-of-date. outmoded. passe.

What is another word for out of order?

bonkers broken
not working unusable
on the blink on the fritz
out of commission out of kilter
out of use out of whack

What is another word for not in working order?

What is another word for not working?

busted inoperative
not in working order out of kilter
worn-out gone bust
on the blink up the spout
stopped working inoperable

What is the opposite of being in order?

Opposite of in an acceptable state or position. poor. dismal. rough.

What does in no particular order mean?

in random order, not arranged in a special orde.

What does non sequential mean?

Definition of nonsequential

: not relating to, arranged in, or following a sequence : not sequential a nonsequential narrative style a nonsequential list of serial numbers.

What is a synonym for do not?

What is another word for don’t?

proscription prohibition
thou-shalt-not sanction
moratorium disqualification
stoppage suppression
censorship limitation

What’s a word for in that order?

“Now that the project has been successfully completed, I think a celebration is in order.”

What is another word for in order?

neat tidy
well-kept well ordered
well-ordered in apple-pie order
in good order shipshape and Bristol fashion
organizedUS organisedUK

Does Do antonym?

Antonyms. leader disobey disoblige violate predate literalize spiritualize. make out come proceed go get along.

What is another word for not doing something?

What is another word for not doing?

refraining abstaining
swearing off avoiding doing something
giving a wide berth to having nothing to do with
passing up sitting out
taking the cure taking the pledge

What is the synonym of failed?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for failed. deficient, disappointing, inadequate, inferior.

What is a synonym for do not follow?

Similar words for not following:

doubtful (adjective) illogical (adjective) … other relevant words (noun) other synonyms.

What’s another word for not taking action?

absence of action; idleness.

Does not take action synonym?

What is another word for take no action?

hold off pause
shilly-shally falter
dally teeter
haver stagger
swither wobble

Whats another word for no action?

What is another word for nonaction?

inactivity inaction
dormancy quiescence
inertia stagnation
sluggishness motionlessness
stillness rest

What is non intervention mean?

nonintervention. / (ˌnɒnɪntəˈvɛnʃən) / noun. refusal to intervene, esp the abstention by a state from intervening in the affairs of other states or in its own internal disputes.

What does non action mean?

Definition of nonaction

: lack of action : inaction … a particular activity preceded by nonaction and followed by stasis or stability.—

What is the synonym of negligence?

In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for negligence, like: carelessness, neglect, oversight, heedlessness, nonperformance, remissness, indifference, laches(law), laxity, laxness and slackness.

What is mean by non interference?

Failure or refusal to intervene without invitation or necessity, especially in political matters. ‘the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state’

What is non interventionist approach?

Non-interventionist approach is based on the belief that person has his own needs that tend to express and accomplish them, so the teacher has minimal control.

Who followed the policy of non-intervention?

Lord Mayo followed the policy of non-intervention and started the process of decentralization of finance in India during 1870. Lord Mayo was the 4th Viceroy of India from 1869 to 1872.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

не для того

не в порядке

не ради того

не по порядку

не с целью


Einstein hit hard but not in order to wound.

Эйнштейн бил сильно, но не для того, чтобы ранить.

All his determination and energy is realized on the hunt, and not in order to try to dominate the master.

Вся его решительность и энергия реализуется на охоте, а не для того, чтобы попытаться доминировать над хозяином.

The list is not in order of preference.

Those whose papers were not in order were held for further investigation.

Тех, у кого не в порядке документы, задерживаем для дальнейшего выяснения.

I can tell you absolutely confidently, not in order to throw someone bream.

Я могу сказать абсолютно уверенно, не ради того, чтобы закинуть кому-то леща.

Japanese engineers decided to get the car to rise above the carpet is not in order to teach it to fly.

Но японские инженеры решили заставить автомобиль приподниматься над покрытием вовсе не ради того, чтобы научить его летать.

I looked at it not in order to forget.

Such persons could be deported if their residency documents were not in order.

Такие лица могли быть депортированы, если их документы на проживание были не в порядке.

That’s for rescue dawn, fighter and machinist (not in order).

Это для спасательного рассвета, истребителя и машиниста (не в порядке).

So it seemed to her that she dresses for herself, not in order to deliver someone pleasure.

Так ей казалось, что она одевается для себя, а не для того, чтобы доставить кому-то удовольствие.

You travel, not in order to prove that you live better.

Ты путешествуешь не для того, чтобы доказать, что ты живешь лучше.

Here people live not for the sake of tourists and not in order to earn money for visitors.

Здесь люди живут не ради туристов и не для того, чтобы заработать денег на приезжих.

I say this not in order to condemn those women who sell their bodies.

Я это говорю вовсе не для того, чтобы осудить тех женщин, которые торгуют собственным телом.

Your papers are not in order, please get off at the next station.

У вас документы не в порядке; извольте сойти на ближайшей станции.

Feminists start such conversations not in order to scandalize or let out negative emotions.

Американки начинают такие разговоры не для того, чтобы поскандалить или выплеснуть негативные эмоции.

Of course, not in order to play.

Sometimes that thyroid is not in order, will know only when examining about other diseases.

Иногда о том, что щитовидка не в порядке, узнают только при обследовании по поводу других болезней.

But not in order to possess her.

If the graphics card was initially not in order, then with a longer artificial load, the card may finally break.

Если видеокарта изначально была не в порядке, то при большем времени искусственных нагрузок карта может окончательно сломаться.

After all, people come here for communication, and not in order to watch commercials or distribute spam.

Ведь люди приходят сюда за общением, а не для того, чтобы смотреть на рекламные ролики или распространять спам.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат not in order

Результатов: 473. Точных совпадений: 473. Затраченное время: 521 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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What is another word for not put in order?

1 synonym found


[ nˌɒt pˌʊt ɪn ˈɔːdə], [ nˌɒt pˌʊt ɪn ˈɔːdə], [ n_ˌɒ_t p_ˌʊ_t ɪ_n ˈɔː_d_ə]

Related words: not in order, not in order in excel, not alphabetical order, not put in order, not alphabetized

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  • Table of Contents

    Similar words for not put in order:

    • other synonyms

    How to use «not put in order» in context?

    • Other synonyms:

      • unclassified.

    How to use «Not put in order» in context?

    Lots of people are adamant about their life being «not in order.» They believe that if things are scattered around and not neatly arranged, it means that their life is not in control and they’re not achieving their goals. But is this really necessary?

    Yes and no.

    Some people feel as if their life is more fulfilling and exciting if everything is in order. But this is not always the case. There are occasions when disorder can add more excitement to a situation. It can be more rewarding to take risks and not worry about making mistakes.


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    Shallow Focus Photo of Woman Smiling While Holding Pen and Paper Person Holding Black Pen Writing on White Paper Photo of Woman Writing on White Paper Shallow Focus Photo of Woman Smiling While Holding Pen and Paper Woman Wearing Apron While Holding White Paper Photo of Woman Taking Order From a Customer

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    Synonyms for Not in working order. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 11, from

    Synonyms for Not in working order. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2023. <>.

    Synonyms for Not in working order. 2016. Accessed April 11, 2023.

    • #1

    Hi all

    I have a doubt. Sometimes in negative final clauses I find sentences like:

    +Sign the contract with him in order to not get depressed.
    +the bare minimum you need to eat in order to not gain weight back

    Sometimes like:

    +the package must be stress-free in order to not to disturb the device performance

    And sometimes

    +I left home early in order not to be late for the appointment

    What’s the correct use of «in order to» in negative clauses, and if it is the first one, do you say «in order to not» or «in order to not to»?

    Thanks a million


    • #2

    Both in order not to and in order to not are acceptable; in order to not to is not correct. To my ears, «I left home early in order not to be late for the appointment» sounds a little better than «I left home early in order to not be late for the appointment,» but in other situations you might well choose the other option. It’s really a matter of style and emphasis rather than grammatical correctness.

    • #3

    I think that educated people are less comfortable with sentences with split infinitives (in order to not do» and prefer «in order not to do«. The phrase «split infinitive» refers to the word (in this case NOT) inserted between TO and a VERB (in this case DO).


    • #4

    I’m not a native speaker, but to my ears ‘in order not to do’ something is the only possibility that sounds natural and correct. It’s the only phrase I’ve come across so far when it was a negative statement.

    I’ve also read other examples. I make one up now: ‘In order for me to be able to help you, I need you to explain the problem in detail.’

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