Another word for not doing well

Keith Bradford

  • #4

«Failing» or «falling behind» in his studies. He needs to put in more effort.


«Flagging» is another possibility, but it usually refers to physical effort rather than study.

Wordy McWordface

  • #5

Does it have to begin with an f?

How about ‘floundering’?

Wordy McWordface

  • #7

Thank you all for providing me with a new set of words. However, the word I was looking for was ‘flunking’.
Now I can use many more words in place of that word.

‘Flunking’ does


have the same meaning as ‘falling behind’, ‘flagging’ or ‘floundering’, s21d.

‘Flunk’ is a very informal and very American term meaning to fail an exam or to fail to meet a standard. There are two reasons why this would be wrong in your sample sentence:

1. Meaning:
It refers to a single event — for example, when a teacher gives you a grade lower than the one required to go up into the next class. It is not an ongoing situation: a student cannot be ‘flunking’.

2. Register:
The level of informality is completely wrong for this context. A teacher sending a formal message to a parent would not use a slang term such is this.

If you want to complete your sentence correctly, you could say this:

Your child is falling behind in his studies. He needs to put in more effort.

If you really want to use ‘flunk’, you could use it informally with friends in a sentence like I flunked my exam. That might be OK if you’re in an American English context and speaking fluent AmE. For an Indian person speaking Indian English in India, though, it might sound rather odd. It’s usually wise to stick with standard English.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

не очень хорошо

не преуспевает

не все хорошо

не в лучшей форме

работает плохо

не очень успешно

не очень хороших

справляются плохо

плохо учится


не все в порядке

не справляется

плохо себя чувствует

не делаем хорошо

дела идут плохо

Our healthcare system is not doing well.

France is not doing well economically at all, he said.

Their country is not doing well economically at all.

If your family is not doing well, you cannot claim to be successful in the East.

Если ваша семья не преуспевает, вы не можете претендовать на успех в восточных странах.

A central bank operating with negative capital is also a sign that the economy is not doing well.

Центральный банк, работающий с отрицательным чистым капиталом, — это также признак того, что в экономике не всё хорошо.

As you might imagine, both teams are not doing well this year.

Надо признать, что обе команды в этом году не очень хорошо выступают.

No, it has to be today, I’m not doing well.

Although Tesla Motors has top positions in rankings, the company is not doing well.

Хотя Tesla Motors и занимает лидерские позиции в рейтингах, дела у компании идут не очень хорошо.

The economy in Europe is not doing well.

You think you are not doing well enough.

Sony is not doing well on the mobile market.

Как Вы, наверное, слышали, в настоящий момент у Sony не очень хорошие дела на мобильном рынке.

Because you’re not doing well, Ellen.

Maybe that’s why they’re not doing well in school.

Возможно, именно по этой причине девочка сейчас плохо учится в школе.

Europe is far away and its currencies are not doing well.

He has connected with him in spite of not doing well in his class.

Они решили заступиться за него, несмотря на то что он не учился в их классе.

I’m sorry he’s not doing well.

Мне жаль, что он болен.

I’m really sorry to hear that your aunt is not doing well.

And supposedly, his trial patients are not doing well.

И вроде как его испытания на пациентах идут не очень.

But he doesn’t study, so he’s not doing well.

Но учиться не хочет, так что и дела у него не очень хороши.

If one area is not doing well, all others suffer.

Если одна из его частей плохо работает, страдают все остальные.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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What is another word for doing well?

thriving flourishing
doing good progressing
advancing blossoming
blooming burgeoning
growing booming

What is the sentence of well? Adverb “How did everything go?” “It went well, thank you.” She works well under pressure. I did surprisingly well on my history test. The company is doing well. He has his own business and is doing well for himself.

Likewise How do you say doing good?

Let’s take a look right now.

  1. I’m Good.
  2. I’m Great!
  3. Doing Really Well!
  4. Couldn’t Be Better!
  5. I’m A-Okay!
  6. Peachy!
  7. I Feel Great!
  8. Never Better!

How do you say you are doing well? 10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing:

  1. I’m fine thank you.
  2. I feel great / marvellous / fine.
  3. Couldn’t be better.
  4. Fit as a fiddle.
  5. Very well, thanks.
  6. Okay.
  7. Alright.
  8. Not bad.

What is the most positive word?


  • Love 8.42.
  • Happy 8.30.
  • Laughed 8.26.
  • Laugh 8.22.
  • Laughing 8.20.
  • Excellent 8.18.
  • Laughs 8.18.
  • Joy 8.16.

How do you start a sentence with well? “Well” does not serve any grammatical usage in this sentence. That’s because, in this context, “well” is an interjection, a word that expresses emotion. Depending on how it is enunciated, “well” could indicate impatience, surprise, nervousness, and a variety of other emotions.

How can I use make in a sentence?

Make sentence example

  • Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. …
  • That does make sense. …
  • You make a difference. …
  • Did you make any real progress? …
  • They didn’t make it to the restaurant. …
  • It shouldn’t make any difference if he’s adopted. …
  • I always make it a rule to speak out.

How do you say do well? “You’ll do well in the interview if you are prepared, positive, and relaxed.”

What is another word for do well?

thrive flourish
do good progress
blossom advance
bloom burgeon
grow boom

Why do you say well instead of good?

The rule of thumb is that good is an adjective and well is an adverb. Good modifies a noun; something can be or seem good. Well modifies a verb; an action can be done well.

What is another way to say I hope you are doing well? I hope you’re doing well. I hope this email finds you well. I hope you’re having a great week. I hope all is well.

What can I say instead of hope you are well?

10 Ways to Say “Hope You’re Doing Well” in a work-related email

  • ”Hope you are doing well and safe.” …
  • “I hope you are having a productive day.” …
  • “How’s life in (Office name).” …
  • “I hope your weekend was relaxing.” …
  • “I hope your spirits are high and your churn rates are low.” …
  • “I have been thinking about you.

What’s another way to say I hope all is well? “I hope this email finds you well.” “I hope you’re having an A+ [week, month].” “I hope you’re having a two-coffee (versus a four-coffee) day.”

How do you tell someone that he is doing well?

“The most important thing in this world is to learn to give out love and let it come in.” ~Morrie Schwartz

  1. You are special to me.
  2. I feel amazing when I spend time with you.
  3. You give me goosebumps.
  4. I feel safe sharing my secrets with you.
  5. I accept you as you are.
  6. I understand how you feel.

What are 5 positive words? I hope each word represents a small step towards creating a more positive approach life in the new year — and the new decade.

  • Start.
  • Excitement.
  • Peace.
  • Love.
  • Powerful.
  • Mindful.
  • Strong.
  • Motivation.

What are five positive words?

Common Positive Words List

  • Adaptable.
  • Adventurous.
  • Amazing.
  • Amiable.
  • Beautiful.
  • Becoming.
  • Beloved.
  • Blessed.

What are three positive words? Personality Trait Positive Adjectives

  • adept.
  • brave.
  • capable.
  • considerate.
  • courageous.
  • faithful.
  • fearless.
  • frank.

Why we use well in a sentence?

Originally Answered: Why do people use the word well, when starting a sentence? It is a discourse marker, helping to guide the conversation. Beginning a sentence with well can indicate that you are getting ready to answer a question, but are not quite done thinking through your answer.

How can I start a sentence? 10 Tips for Starting a Sentence

  1. Consider your central theme. Before you get started constructing a sentence, consider what your essential point is. …
  2. Examine the previous sentence. …
  3. Use transition words. …
  4. Use a preposition. …
  5. Try a subject opener. …
  6. Try a clausal opener. …
  7. Use an “ing” word. …
  8. Use an “ed” word.

What are 10 simple sentences?

50 examples of simple sentences

  • She doesn’t study German on Monday.
  • Does she live in Paris?
  • He doesn’t teach math.
  • Cats hate water.
  • Every child likes an ice cream.
  • 6.My brother takes out the trash.
  • The course starts next Sunday.
  • She swims every morning.

What are the 5 sentences? 5 sentences:

  • We kept hearing the sound of the garbage truck.
  • I knew that I had forgotten to do my homework.
  • My mother had also wanted to make an appointment with the pediatrician.
  • The weatherman predicted that the day would be filled with sunshine.
  • The new anchor kept talking about the election.

What are the 7 types of sentences?

The other way is based on a sentence’s structure (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex).

  • Statements/Declarative Sentences. These are the most common type of sentence. …
  • Questions/Interrogative Sentences. …
  • Exclamations/Exclamatory Sentences. …
  • Commands/Imperative Sentences.

What does I’m doing well mean? If you are saying that you are not ill or that nothing is wrong, it is “I am doing well.” If you are saying that you are getting a lot done that needs to be done, you can say either. If you mean you are doing something you believe to be morally right, such as helping another person, then you say “I am doing good.”

What does performing well mean?

If someone or something performs well, they work well or achieve a good result. If they perform badly, they work badly or achieve a poor result. He had not performed well in his exams. [

What does do well with mean? Definition of do well

1 : to be wise or use good judgment : to do what one should do You would do well to avoid him right now. You did well to avoid him when he was in a bad mood. 2 : to be lucky When the tornado hit, they did well to escape uninjured.


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Unrecognizable woman touching water in garden Orange and Gray Tunnel Painting Worms Eyeview of Well Night Jazz Blues Neon Signage Woman in Red Top Sitting on a Water Well Floral decorations with bamboo fountain in garden

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Synonyms for Not well. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 10, from

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Synonyms for Not well. 2016. Accessed April 10, 2023.

or «not well understood».
(as applied to a culture or topic)
My mind is slipping on it. Not ‘elusive’, more that it just hasn’t been well-examined.

StoneyB on hiatus's user avatar

asked Dec 1, 2014 at 19:19

user99710's user avatar


I’ve seen variations on the following:

  • little studied
  • under-examined
  • open field
  • unexplored

These are often combined with relatively so the reviewers don’t carp.

answered Dec 1, 2014 at 20:19

dnagirl's user avatar


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If you are asking for single words, «cloudy», «nebulous», «blear», «obscure»

blear — obscure to the view or imagination Merriam-Webster

nebulous — unclear, vague, or ill-defined OED

cloudy — uncertain; nuclear OED

If you are asking for phrases, then you have quite a few good choices

  • not completely understood.
  • not fully elucidated.
  • needing further research.
  • not fully clarified.

Examples from scientific papers:

  • «Exact mechanisms responsible for this kind of endocrinopathy have not been completely clarified.» Autoimmune Diseases
  • «The mechanism of pain has not yet been fully understood.»
  • «The mechanism of cerebral uptake has not been completely elucidated.» Nuclear Medicine
  • «Its exact mechanism of action needs further research.»

Community's user avatar

answered Dec 1, 2014 at 21:32

Centaurus's user avatar


49.4k47 gold badges163 silver badges291 bronze badges

Author I’m working with (ELL) used «understudied» but I’m not sure that’s a good idea since «understudy» is well known with a completely unrelated meaning.

Understudied (adj): An understudied subject has not been studied as much as it should be or as much as you would expect.

Example: The terrapin is a surprisingly understudied species.

[Cambridge English Dictionary]

Decapitated Soul's user avatar

answered Aug 9, 2020 at 21:30

Elsa's user avatar


There isn’t a single word for «not well studied», but there are adverbs such as little, poorly and relatively that are more commonly used in place of “not well”.

  • little-known / little known
  • relatively obscure
  • poorly studied
  • underresearched / under-researched

Cystic fibrosis: how to recognize this little-known illness

In short, this relatively obscure plant is far more interesting and scientifically valuable than anyone might have guessed.

Institutional racism is shown to account for significant continuities in the approach of universities to race equality, yet race in higher education is an under-researched area.

Ecological implications of recently discovered and poorly studied sources of energy for the growth of true fungi especially in extreme environments

answered Aug 9, 2020 at 22:33

Mari-Lou A's user avatar

Mari-Lou AMari-Lou A

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Another word for “well done”!!! Do you need synonyms for well done? Here are over 30 synonyms words you can use instead.

Well Done Synonyms

Other Ways to Say “Well Done”

Here are different ways to say “well-done” in English.

  • Bravo
  • Good
  • The stuff of champions
  • Fantastic
  • I just love it
  • First-class
  • Good work
  • Nice job
  • Far out
  • You’re doing well
  • Cool
  • Wow
  • Neat
  • Magnificient
  • Polished performance
  • Unbelievable
  • Super!
  • Keep it up!
  • I like that
  • Way to go
  • Marvelous
  • Clever
  • Good for you
  • Well, look at you go
  • Tremendous
  • I am impressed
  • Sensational
  • Felicitation
  • You did it at that time.
  • You are really improving.
  • You make it look easy.
  • You rock.
  • Greetings
  • That is the first classwork.
  • Keep up the good work.
  • That is better than ever.

Well Done Synonym Examples


  • Bravo, Rena! You’re right,” the students said.


  • What a fantastic goal!

I just love it

  • I just love it when you bring me presents!


  • She was awarded a first-class degree in English.

Good work

  • Good work, guys! Way to go!

Nice job

  • Hey, Miguel! Nice job, champ. How many records did you break?

Far out

  • Far out, the bay had a glaze-like celadon.


  • Hey! Cool it! Don’t get so excited!


  • Wow! Those cakes sold out fast.


  • The fourth goal came from a throw-in. It’s unbelievable.


  • What a super idea!

Keep it up!

  • Keep it up! The final victory is in sight.

I like that

  • Oh yeah, I like that a lot.

Way to go

  • Good work, guys! Way to go!


  • Her range at shortstop, even at 34, was marvelous.


  • This book was the outcome of a tremendous amount of scientific work.


  • You look sensational in that dress!

Another Word for Well Done | Infographic

Different Ways of Saying “Well Done” in English

Well Done Synonyms

Last Updated on January 8, 2021

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