Another word for not developed


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Synonyms for Not developed. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

Synonyms for Not developed. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Not developed. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

Synonyms for Not developed

  • nascent

  • underdeveloped

  • unformed

  • embryonic

  • undeveloped

  • inchoate

  • rudimentary

  • immature

  • green

  • callow

  • inexperienced

  • unfinished

  • incomplete

Synonyms for Not developed

For more similar words, try Not developed on dictionary

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for not fully developed?
  2. How do you say not developed?
  3. What is another word for under developed?
  4. What is the word for undeveloped?
  5. What is an ill intention?
  6. What is a word for undeveloped?
  7. What is a synonym for newness?
  8. What is an undeveloped area called?
  9. What are synonyms for develop in free Thesaurus?
  10. Which is the best synonym for the word ill?
  11. Which is the closest antonym to the word development?
  12. Which is more mild the word ill or evil?

not yet completed or fully developed; rudimentary. just begun; incipient. not organized; lacking order: an inchoate mass of ideas on the subject.

How do you say not developed?

synonyms for un-developed

  1. deficient.
  2. fragmentary.
  3. inadequate.
  4. insufficient.
  5. lacking.
  6. partial.
  7. sketchy.
  8. abridged.

What is another word for under developed?

In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for underdeveloped, like: poorly developed, nascent, backward, undeveloped, rudimentary, weak, poor, , little, embryonic and immature.

What is the word for undeveloped?

underdeveloped, primitive, backward, abortive, embryonic, half-baked, inchoate, incipient, inexperienced, latent, potential, primordial, untaught, untrained, behindhand, unprogressive, ignored, unevolved.

What is an ill intention?

having malicious intentions: an ill-intentioned criticism that was meant more to hurt than to help.

What is a word for undeveloped?

backward, primitive, underdeveloped, abortive, behindhand, embryonic, half-baked, ignored, inchoate, incipient, inexperienced, latent, potential, primordial, unevolved, unprogressive, untaught, untrained.

What is a synonym for newness?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for newness, like: uniqueness, freshness, originality, modernity, novelty, newfangledness, innovation, recentness, innovativeness, oldness and preciousness.

What is an undeveloped area called?

Terms in this set (70) frontier. An undeveloped area. Comstock Lode.

What are synonyms for develop in free Thesaurus?

Synonyms for develop in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for develop. 150 synonyms for develop: grow, advance, progress, spread, expand, mature, evolve, thrive, flourish, bloom, blossom, burgeon, ripen, result, follow, arise…. What are synonyms for develop?

Which is the best synonym for the word ill?

2 causing or capable of causing harm. one of the ill effects of winter weather is the rapid spread of germs as people spend more time together indoors. Synonyms for ill. adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, dangerous,

Which is the closest antonym to the word development?

Near Antonyms of development. backslide, lapse, relapse. decadence, decay, decaying, declension, declination, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, degradation, descent, deterioration, devaluation, downfall, downgrade, ebbing, falling, weakening.

Which is more mild the word ill or evil?

The adjective ill is more mild than evil or wicked, and it appears mainly in certain fixed expressions: ill will; ill-natured. Evil applies to that which violates or leads to the violation of moral law: evil practices.

What is another word for underdeveloped?

274 synonyms found


[ ˌʌndədɪvˈɛləpt], [ ˌʌndədɪvˈɛləpt], [ ˌʌ_n_d_ə_d_ɪ_v_ˈɛ_l_ə_p_t]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    all (adjective)

    • underdeveloped.

    backward (adjective)

    • impoverished,
    • disadvantaged.

    half-baked (adjective)

    • more boneheaded,
    • short sighted,
    • in-discreet,
    • more ill-conceived,
    • most ill-conceived,
    • ill conceived,
    • most ill conceived,
    • most boneheaded,
    • more ill conceived,
    • in discreet,
    • most illconceived,
    • more illconceived,
    • half baked,
    • illconceived.

    immature (adjective)

    • pre mature,
    • more half-grown,
    • un-finished,
    • most half-grown,
    • more tenderfoot,
    • halfgrown,
    • more infantine,
    • un sophisticated,
    • pre maturer,
    • pre-mature,
    • most kidstuff,
    • un ripest,
    • un-riper,
    • more kidstuff,
    • under-grown,
    • un finished,
    • kiddest,
    • pre maturest,
    • un-ripest,
    • most half grown,
    • un-ripe,
    • most undergrown,
    • under grown,
    • un fledged,
    • un seasoned,
    • more half grown,
    • more unfledged,
    • un-seasonable,
    • un-seasoned,
    • pre-maturest,
    • more undergrown,
    • most tenderfoot,
    • more halfgrown,
    • un-fledged,
    • un timely,
    • un-timely,
    • un riper,
    • un timelier,
    • un seasonable,
    • un timeliest,
    • un ripe,
    • most halfgrown,
    • most infantine,
    • half grown,
    • un-timelier,
    • most unfledged,
    • pre-maturer,
    • un-timeliest.

    latent (adjective)

    • suspended,
    • between the lines,
    • in abeyance,
    • unrealized,
    • vestigial,
    • implied.

    not developed (adjective)

    • inchoate,
    • embryonic,
    • rudimentary,
    • nascent.

    not fully developed (adjective)

    • undersized,
    • small.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • undeveloped,
    • halfbaked,
    • Infantine,
    • witless,
    • poorly planned,
    • unformed,
    • simple-minded,
    • Kidder,
    • Undergrown,
    • nonliterate,
    • half-grown,
    • ill-conceived,
    • wet behind ears,
    • Sophomoric,
    • slow,
    • immature,
    • subnormal,
    • latent,
    • unfledged,
    • untamed,
    • birdbrained,
    • half-baked,
    • backward,
    • atavistic,
    • lagging,
    • primitive,
    • brutish,
    • boneheaded,
    • unprogressive,
    • untutored,
    • preliterate.

    primitive (adjective)

    • pre-literate,
    • un-domesticated,
    • un-cultivated,
    • un-learned,
    • un taught,
    • most nonliterate,
    • most preliterate,
    • more preliterate,
    • more brutish,
    • pre literate,
    • un learned,
    • more untutored,
    • un-civilized,
    • un domesticated,
    • most untutored,
    • un refined,
    • un trained,
    • un civilized,
    • more atavistic,
    • un tutored,
    • non-literate,
    • un tamed,
    • more nonliterate,
    • non literate,
    • un-taught,
    • un-trained,
    • un-tutored,
    • un-cultured,
    • un cultured,
    • un cultivated,
    • un-refined,
    • most atavistic,
    • un-tamed,
    • most brutish.

    simple-minded (adjective)

    • slow-witted.

    undeveloped (adjective)

    • incipient,
    • unevolved,
    • unactualized.

    unprogressive (adjective)

    • un-progressive,
    • un progressive.
  • n.

    • arctic,
    • coast-to-coast,
    • american,
    • anglo-saxon,
    • baltic,
    • bicoastal,
    • anglo-american,
    • abroad,
    • anglophone,
    • continental.

    • precede,
    • slowly,
    • stagnation.

    backward (noun)

    • little,
    • weak,
    • slowed down.

    flat (noun)

    • flat.

    nonindustrial (noun)

    • nonindustrial.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • developing,
    • stunted,
    • poorly developed.
  • Other synonyms:

    • poor,
    • dormant,
    • stop-go,
    • stagnant,
    • latency.

    • behind.


    • retarded.

    Other relevant words:

    • urbanized.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • unhewn,
    • in the rough,
    • Mignon,
    • unripe,
    • elfin,
    • bantam,
    • feeble,
    • part,
    • partial,
    • sickly,
    • frail,
    • lacking,
    • in short supply,
    • Dwarfed,
    • weakly,
    • Needing,
    • behindhand,
    • in arrears,
    • unindustrialized,
    • wanting,
    • dwarfish,
    • roughhewn,
    • unwrought,
    • uncultured,
    • dwarf,
    • premature,
    • unready,
    • unfinished,
    • untreated,
    • deficient,
    • unworked,
    • squat,
    • unpolished,
    • arrested,
    • runty,
    • underweight,
    • uncut,
    • Unblown,
    • Unlicked,
    • underfed,
    • in default,
    • tiny,
    • dull,
    • runtish,
    • scant,
    • in ovo,
    • ignorant,
    • Unfashioned,
    • reductionistic,
    • rude,
    • crude,
    • emergent,
    • uncultivated,
    • childish,
    • unenlightened,
    • unrefined,
    • scanty,
    • roughcast,
    • green,
    • in arrear,
    • patchy,
    • imperfect,
    • callow,
    • undernourished,
    • pygmy,
    • inadequate,
    • untimely,
    • rough,
    • in embryo,
    • under-size,
    • defective,
    • reductive,
    • Rudimental,
    • infant,
    • dense,
    • unprocessed,
    • early,
    • midget,
    • sketchy,
    • scrappy,
    • short,
    • coarse,
    • peewee,
    • failing,
    • Unlabored,
    • slight,
    • petite,
    • hypoplastic,
    • diminutive,
    • flatter,
    • oversimple,
    • incomplete,
    • shy,
    • missing,
    • puny,
    • simplistic.

How to use «Underdeveloped» in context?


There is a lot of debate on what makes a country «underdeveloped.» Some people might say that a country is underdeveloped if it has a low GDP per capita, while others might say that a country is underdeveloped if it has a high level of poverty. There are also a variety of other factors that could be used to determine if a country is underdeveloped or not.

Here, we will focus on what some people consider to be the basics of being underdeveloped. Countries that are considered to be underdeveloped tend to have a low level of income, a low level of education, and a low level of economic growth.

Paraphrases for Underdeveloped:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
      undeveloped, less-developed.
  • Forward Entailment

    • Adjective
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Adjective
      under-development, least-developed.
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      advanced, backwardness, deficient, depressed, developing, development, disadvantaged, embryonic, highly-developed, impoverished, inadequate, industrialised, insufficient, lagging, outdated, poverty-stricken, retrogressive, underprivileged, well-developed, retarded, out-dated, less-favoured.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      backward, poor, underdevelopment, weak.

Word of the Day



Nearby words

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  • Underdeveloped
  • (up) to the hilt
  • …up a storm
  • U
  • u boat
  • u boats


  • UNDERDEVELOPED synonyms at
  • UNDERDEVELOPED synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    — UNDERDEVELOPED synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of UNDERDEVELOPED
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for UNDERDEVELOPED

Need another word that means the same as “underdeveloped”? Find 18 synonyms and 30 related words for “underdeveloped” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Underdeveloped as an Adjective
  • Definitions of «Underdeveloped» as an adjective
  • Synonyms of «Underdeveloped» as an adjective (18 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Underdeveloped» as an adjective
  • Associations of «Underdeveloped» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Underdeveloped” are: developing, stunted, small, short, little, tiny, petite, slight, compact, minuscule, miniature, mini, diminutive, dwarfish, elfin, bantam, runtish, puny

Underdeveloped as an Adjective

Definitions of «Underdeveloped» as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “underdeveloped” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • (of a photographic film) not developed sufficiently to give a normal image.
  • Not fully developed.
  • Not yet fully developed.
  • (of a country or region) not advanced economically.
  • Relating to societies in which capital needed to industrialize is in short supply.

Synonyms of «Underdeveloped» as an adjective (18 Words)

bantam Very small.
compact (of a person or animal) small, strong, and well proportioned.
Compact soil.
developing Relating to societies in which capital needed to industrialize is in short supply.
This is a rapidly developing field.
diminutive (of a word, name, or suffix) implying smallness, either actual or imputed to convey affection, scorn, etc. (e.g. teeny, -let, -kins).
A diminutive figure dressed in black.
dwarfish Atypically small.
elfin Small and delicate.
She was an elfin creature graceful and delicate.
little Small and of little importance.
A little dining room.
mini Denoting a miniature version of something.
A mini camera.
miniature Being on a very small scale.
A miniature camera.
minuscule Extremely small; tiny.
A minuscule amount of rain fell.
petite Attractively small and dainty (used of a woman.
Her petite figure.
puny (used especially of persons) of inferior size.
A puny physique.
runtish Stunted in growth; undersized.
Most animals let their runtish or sickly offspring die.
short Of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration.
Shortsighted critics derided the plan.
slight Being of delicate or slender build.
A slight ankle injury.
small Relatively moderate limited or small.
The small hill that sheltered the house.
stunted Having been prevented from growing or developing properly.
I was emotionally stunted and didn t know how to interact with other people.
tiny Very small.
Tiny feet.

Usage Examples of «Underdeveloped» as an adjective

  • A recurring issue in all underdeveloped countries is a lack of credit.
  • The community services are underfunded and underdeveloped.
  • Underdeveloped kidneys.

Associations of «Underdeveloped» (30 Words)

boorish Rough and bad-mannered; coarse.
Was boorish and insensitive.
broke Lacking funds.
He went broke owing two million pounds.
churlish Having a bad disposition; surly.
Churlish as a bear.
country The people who live in a nation or country.
A country lane.
depopulate Substantially reduce the population of (an area.
The disease could depopulate a town the size of Bournemouth.
deprived Suffering a severe and damaging lack of basic material and cultural benefits.
A childhood that was unhappy and deprived the family living off charity.
desolate Make (a place) appear bleakly empty.
I suddenly felt desolate and bereft.
developing Relating to societies in which capital needed to industrialize is in short supply.
The developing world.
diaspora The dispersion or spread of any people from their original homeland.
The diaspora of boat people from Asia.
disadvantaged Marked by deprivation especially of the necessities of life or healthful environmental influences.
Disadvantaged groups such as the unemployed.
economically With respect to the economic system.
A precis aims to express a passage more economically.
financially From a financial point of view.
He does not benefit financially from sales of the book.
frontier The extreme limit of understanding or achievement in a particular area.
His novel of the American frontier.
idle Cause an engine to idle.
Idle talk.
immature Not fully developed.
Immature behavior.
modernization Making modern in appearance or behavior.
The industry is undergoing modernization.
nomad A person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer.
The Magyars were a nomad people of the steppes.
orphan Make a child an orphan.
John was orphaned at 12.
penury The state of being very poor; extreme poverty.
He couldn t face another year of penury.
piteous Deserving or inciting pity.
A piteous cry.
pitiable Deserving or inciting pity- Galsworthy.
Pitiable homeless children.
poor (of a person) deserving of pity or sympathy.
The proverbial poor artist living in a garret.
quarter A quarter of a hundredweight 28 pounds.
Edward III quartered the French royal arms with his own.
rover A player who has a rover ball.
A lunar rover.
settler A person who moves with a group of others to live in a new country or area.
The early European settlers in America were often fleeing from religious persecution.
state The group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state.
A bold theme is stated at the beginning driving the entire ten minute allegro.
underprivileged (of a person) not enjoying the same standard of living or rights as the majority of people in a society.
Needy and underprivileged members of the community.
unemployed (of a person) without a paid job but available to work.
You have to put your left foot under the clutch when it is unemployed.
urban Denoting or relating to popular dance music associated with black performers.
Urban manners.
wanderer A computer program that prowls the internet looking for publicly accessible resources that can be added to a database; the database can then be searched with a search engine.
He is a longtime seaman a rootless wanderer.
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  • 1
    not developed

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > not developed

  • 2
    maintenance requirements not developed

    MRND, maintenance requirements not developed

    «потребности в средствах ТО не определены»

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > maintenance requirements not developed

  • 3
    maintenance requirements not developed

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > maintenance requirements not developed

  • 4
    maintenance requirements not developed

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > maintenance requirements not developed

  • 5
    not much use

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > not much use

  • 6
    канола (– canola is a genetically engineered plant developed in Canada from the rapeseed plant)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > канола (– canola is a genetically engineered plant developed in Canada from the rapeseed plant)

  • 7
    it was at a time when atomic energy has not yet been developed

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it was at a time when atomic energy has not yet been developed

  • 8
    these ideas are not sufficiently developed

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > these ideas are not sufficiently developed

  • 9
    there is no reason why within 20 years we сould not have developed …

      • нет причин, почему за 20 лет мы не могли разработать…

    English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > there is no reason why within 20 years we сould not have developed …

  • 10


    unreif; noch nicht voll entwickelt [Lebewesen]; noch nicht voll ausgereift [Begabung, Talent]

    * * *


    1) unreif

    2) unreif»>immaturity

    * * *


    [ˌɪməˈtjʊəʳ, AM -ˈtʊr, -ˈtjʊr]

    an immature fruit eine unreife Frucht

    an immature plan ein unausgereifter Plan

    an immature wine ein junger Wein

    3. COMM, FIN (not yet concluded) schwebend

    * * *


    unreif; unausgegoren; nicht ausreichend gelagert

    * * *

    immature [ˌıməˈtjʊə(r); US auch -ˈtʊər] adj (adv immaturely) unreif, unausgereift (beide auch fig)

    * * *


    unreif; noch nicht voll entwickelt [Lebewesen]; noch nicht voll ausgereift [Begabung, Talent]

    * * *


    unreif adj.

    English-german dictionary > immature

  • 11
    अकृत _akṛta

    अकृत a. [कृ-कर्मणि क्तः, न. त.]

    1 Not done, undone, unperformed; सर्वान् बलकृतानर्थानकृतान् मनुरब्रवीत् Ms.8.168; कृतं चाप्यकृतं भवेत् 8.117.

    2 Wrongly or differently done; कृताकृतावेक्षणादौ ब्रह्मा ऋत्विङ् नियुज्यते इति याज्ञिकाः.

    3 Incomplete, not /ready (as food); अकृतं च कृतात्क्षेत्रात् (अदोषवत्) Ms.1.144. not cultivated (अनुप्तशस्यम् Kull.); कृतान्नं चाकृता- न्नेन (निर्मातव्यम्) 1.94 (सिद्धान्नं चामान्नेन Kull.)

    4 Uncreated.

    5 One who has done no work.

    6 Not developed or perfected, unripe, immature.

    ता One not legally regarded as a daughter and placed on a level with sons, (पुत्रिकात्वेन अकल्पिता); अकृता वा कृता वापि यं विन्देत्सदृशात्सुतम् Ms.9.136; according to some, a daughter who is not by a formal declaration but only mentally appointed to supply an heir for her father (अभिसंधिमात्रकृता वाग्व्यवहारेण कृता; कृता = यदपत्यं भवेदस्यां तन्मम स्यात्स्वधाकरम् इत्यभिधाय कन्यादानकाले वरानुमत्या या क्रियते Kull.).

    तम् An unperformed act; non-performance of an act; an unheard-of deed; अकृतं वै प्रजापतिः करोति Ait. Br.

    Comp. -अर्थ a.. unsuccessful.

    अस्त्र a. unpractised in arms.

    आत्मन् a.

    1 ignorant, foolish, having an uncontrolled mind.

    2 not identified with Brahma or the Supreme Spirit.

    उद्वाह a. unmarried.

    एनस् a. not sinful or guilty, innocent.

    कारम् adv. as has not been done before; ˚रं करोति Kāś.III.4.36.

    ज्ञ a. ungrateful.

    धी, —बुद्धि a. ignorant; पश्यत्यकृतबुद्धित्वान्न स पश्यति दुर्मतिः Bg.18.16 through unrefined understanding.

    व्रणः -1 N.of a commentator on the Purāṇas; V. P.; of a companion of Rāma Jāmadagnya; Mb.

    2 not wounded.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अकृत _akṛta

  • 12





    2) : in den Anfängen steckend

    * * *


    der Säugling»>infancy

    * * *



    I. n

    newborn infant Neugeborenes nt

    2. BRIT, AUS (child between 4 and 7) Kleinkind nt, Kind nt im Kindergartenalter

    3. BRIT, AUS SCH

    the Iinfants pl die erste und zweite Grundschulklasse [o ÖSTERR Volksschulklasse] [o SCHWEIZ Primarschulklasse

    infant daughter kleines Töchterchen

    infant prodigy Wunderkind nt; BRIT, AUS

    infant class SCH erste Grundschulklasse [o ÖSTERR Volksschulklasse] [o SCHWEIZ Primarschulklasse]

    infant school die erste und zweite Grundschulklasse [o ÖSTERR Volksschulklasse] [o SCHWEIZ Primarschulklasse]

    * * *



    ; Kleinkind

    ; Minderjährige(r)


    * * *

    A s

    1. Säugling m

    2. a) (kleines) Kind

    b) SCHULE Br Schüler(in) einer infant school ( B 3)

    3. JUR Minderjährige(r) m/f(m)

    B adj

    1. Säuglings…:

    2. (noch) klein, im Kindesalter (stehend):

    3. Kinder…, Kindes…:

    infant school Br Grundschule f für Kinder zwischen 5 und 7 (Jahren)

    4. JUR minderjährig

    5. fig noch in den Anfängen oder Kinderschuhen steckend, jung (Industrie etc)

    * * *





    2) : in den Anfängen steckend

    * * *


    Kind er n.

    Kleinkind n.

    English-german dictionary > infant

  • 13


    not prepared, not changed by artificial means, being in its natural condition Āp. Gaut., (said of cloth) not dyed Gaut. ;

    not developed (in its shape) ṠBr. III ;

    not deformed, not monstrous Gaut.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अविकृत

  • 14


    na]ve: too simple to be sensible; lacking wisdom and experience: a na]ve question; a na]ve young girl. primitive: simple, as in ancient times; not developed or modern: primitive tools of the Stone Age. rustic: (of country things, compared with town things) plain and simple. sheepish: feeling foolish and uncomfortable, not knowing how to behave in the company of others: My son gave me a sheepish smile when he saw me reading his school report (which was not at all good). simple: not clever; having a rather weak brain, easily deceived.

    See Also
    بدائي (بِدائيّ)، ريفي (رِيفِيّ)، أبله (أَبْلَه)، مغفل (مُغَفَّل)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > ساذج

  • 15

    Arabic-English dictionary > فطري

  • 16

    Arabic-English glossary > instinctive

  • 17

    Arabic-English glossary > natural

  • 18

    Arabic-English glossary > primitive

  • 19


    na]ve: too simple to be sensible; lacking wisdom and experience: a na]ve question; a na]ve young girl. primitive: simple, as in ancient times; not developed or modern: primitive tools of the Stone Age. rustic: (of country things, compared with town things) plain and simple. sheepish: feeling foolish and uncomfortable, not knowing how to behave in the company of others: My son gave me a sheepish smile when he saw me reading his school report (which was not at all good). simple: not clever; having a rather weak brain, easily deceived.

    See Also
    بدائي (بِدائيّ)، ريفي (رِيفِيّ)، أبله (أَبْلَه)، مغفل (مُغَفَّل)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > na]ve

  • 20


    na]ve: too simple to be sensible; lacking wisdom and experience: a na]ve question; a na]ve young girl. primitive: simple, as in ancient times; not developed or modern: primitive tools of the Stone Age. rustic: (of country things, compared with town things) plain and simple. sheepish: feeling foolish and uncomfortable, not knowing how to behave in the company of others: My son gave me a sheepish smile when he saw me reading his school report (which was not at all good). simple: not clever; having a rather weak brain, easily deceived.

    See Also
    بدائي (بِدائيّ)، ريفي (رِيفِيّ)، أبله (أَبْلَه)، مغفل (مُغَفَّل)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > primitive


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  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

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  • developed — UK US /dɪˈveləpt/ adjective ► advanced or powerful: »Bolivia s energy sector is not as developed as that of Venezuela. »The electronics market here is far more developed than in any other Western country of comparable size. ► ECONOMICS having a… …   Financial and business terms

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  • Not Invented Here — (NIH) is a term used to describe a persistent sociological, corporate or institutional culture that avoids using or buying already existing products, research or knowledge because of its different origins. It is normally used in a pejorative… …   Wikipedia

  • Not Quite Human (film) — Written by Seth McEvoy (book series) Alan Ormsby Directed by Steven Hilliard Stern Starring Jay Underwood, Alan Thicke, Robyn Lively Country of origin …   Wikipedia

  • Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less —   Cover of the original 1976 Hardback edition …   Wikipedia

  • not proven — the verdict in a Scottish criminal trial that amounts to an acquittal but that is not the same as the verdict of not guilty. In the 17th century, practice developed such that the jury found facts alleged by the prosecution either proven or not… …   Law dictionary

  • not-invented-here syndrome — ˌnot inˌvented ˈhere syndrome abbreviation NIH syndrome noun [singular, uncountable] disapproving HUMAN RESOURCES when people in a company consider new products or ideas from other departments or companies as threats, rather than trying to take… …   Financial and business terms

  • Not Just Another Bogus List — Not Just Another Bogus List, or NJABL, is a DNS blacklist. NJABL maintains a list of known and potential spam sources (open mail relays, open proxies, open form to mail HTTP gateways, dynamic IP pools, and direct spammers) for the purpose of… …   Wikipedia

Developed Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus.

What is another word for developed?

advanced mature
technologically advanced sophisticated
civilized US civilised UK

What word means fully developed? Definition of full-fledged

1 : fully developed : total, complete a full-fledged biography.

Likewise What is the synonym of the word develop?

cook (up), devise, hatch, invent, originate.

What is the closest synonym for developed? synonyms for develop

  • advance.
  • establish.
  • evolve.
  • expand.
  • flourish.
  • grow.
  • progress.
  • promote.

How do you say something has developed?


  1. advanced.
  2. matured.
  3. refined.

What are antonyms for developed? Antonyms for (adj) developed

  • Antonyms: undeveloped.
  • Definition: not developed.
  • Antonyms: immature.
  • Definition: not yet mature.
  • Antonyms: immature.
  • Definition: characteristic of a lack of maturity.

What is another word for developing skills?

What is another word for developing new skills?

learning new things acquiring new information
acquiring new knowledge learning new facts
learning something new updating one’s knowledge
acquiring new skills mastering new skills

What is the prefix of develop? Explanation: ‘ Develop ‘ is the root word and ‘ ment ‘ is suffix…the word makes development .

What word means to build knowledge?

1 add to, amplify, augment, develop, enhance, expand, extend, fortify, heighten, improve, increase, intensify, reinforce, strengthen. 2 advertise, boost, plug (informal) promote, publicize, spotlight. epistemology n. the part of philosophy that deals with knowledge.

What is a skill development? Skill development is a process of identifying your skill gap and ensuring you develop these skills. Your skills determine your ability to execute plans and achieve your goals. … Organizations that encourage skill development have a stronger workforce, employees are motivated and engaged, and have higher productivity.

What is the synonym of competence?

adequacy. nounability, competency in some. action capability. capacity. commensurateness.

What is the suffix for development? Suffixes are word parts that are located at the end of words. Suffixes can alter the meaning of medical terms.

4 Suffix.

-plasia formation, development, growth hyperplasia
-plasm growth, substance, formation cytoplasm

What is the root word for development?

development (n.) 1756, “a gradual unfolding, a full working out or disclosure of the details of something;” see develop + -ment. Meaning “the internal process of expanding and growing” is by 1796; sense of “advancement through progressive stages” is by 1836.

What is a good sentence for develop? She has been exercising regularly to develop her back muscles. The story was later developed into a novel.

What is another word for gain insight?

Frequently Asked Questions About insight

Some common synonyms of insight are acumen, discernment, discrimination, penetration, and perception.

What is a synonym for good knowledge? What is another word for with great knowledge?

sage wise
perceptive prudent
sensible canny
clever insightful
judicious knowledgeable

What do you call someone with a lot of knowledge?

savant. noun. literary someone who has a lot of knowledge.

What is skill improvement? Skill Improvement is an ongoing process throughout your working period. Your job will always give you opportunities to learn and improve your skills and as an individual you must always be ready to grab the opportunity.

What are some personal development skills?

Examples of personal development skills

  • Communication.
  • Interpersonal.
  • Organization.
  • Problem-solving.
  • Self-confidence.
  • Adaptability.
  • Integrity.
  • Work ethic.

What is Career Development Meaning? Career development is the process of managing life, learning and work over the lifespan. It applies to everyone: children think about what they want to do as adults and start to form ideas about work and adult life during their early childhood development.

What is another word for professionalism?

What is another word for professionalism?

ability civility
rectitude respectability
skill competence
probity steadiness
thoroughness acumen

Is proficient better than competent? Proficient. Competent means having requisite or adequate abilities or qualities. … Proficient means being well advanced in an art, occupation or branch of knowledge.

What is meant by development?

Development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic components.

What is the prefix for comfort? For example, ‘comfort’ is a root word. By adding the prefix ‘dis’ and the suffix ‘able’ you can make new words such as ‘discomfort’ and ‘comfortable’.

What is the suffix for Develop nourish stimulate?

Prefixes are modifying components placed in front of the word root.

Other Body Systems.

Suffix Meaning
-tropin nourish; develop; stimulate

What are antonyms for development?

Opposite of the build up to something more advanced. decline. decrease. deterioration. reduction.

Are growth and development synonyms? In this page you can discover 97 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for development, like: gain, growth, reinforcement, gradual evolution, evolution, growing, elaborating, reinforcing, advancing, multiplication and enlargement.

What is a synonym for success?

favourable outcome, successfulness, favourable result, successful outcome, positive result, victory, triumph. failure. 2’the modern-day trappings of success’ prosperity, prosperousness, successfulness, affluence, wealth, riches, fortune, opulence, luxury, comfort, life of ease, the good life, milk and honey.

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  • Another word for not considered
  • Another word for not comfortable
  • Another word for not cheating
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  • Another word for not being understood

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