What is another word for Noise?
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What is another word for noise?
442 synonyms found
[ nˈɔ͡ɪz], [ nˈɔɪz], [ n_ˈɔɪ_z]
Table of Contents
- beep,
- burst,
- clack,
- Sonance,
- clamour,
- boom,
- blast,
- bang.
- resonance,
- pattern,
- reverberation,
- screechiness,
- din,
- scratchiness,
- reediness,
- intensity,
- babel.
- thunder.
• acoustics (noun)
- echo.
• bedlam (noun)
- madhouse,
- maelstrom,
- furor,
- confusion,
- chaos.
• crack (noun)
- clap,
- splitting,
- smack,
- cuff,
- wallop,
- bash,
- pop,
- belt,
- whack,
- splintering,
- slam,
- buffet,
- clout,
- blow,
- wham,
- stroke,
- stab,
- clip,
- slap,
- snap,
- thump.
• disturbance (noun)
- disturbance.
• hearsay (noun)
- scuttlebutt,
- scandal,
- rumor,
- talk of the town,
- clothesline,
- grapevine,
- comment,
- mere talk,
- word of mouth,
- clotheslines.
• hubbub (noun)
- ruction,
- whirl,
- riot,
- hue and cry,
- fuss.
• hullabaloo (noun)
- melee,
- big scene,
- mayhem,
- free-for-all,
- brouhaha.
• interference (noun)
- interference.
• loud noise (noun)
- clangor.
• make noise (noun)
- make noise.
• noise (noun)
- eruption,
- yelp,
- uproariousness,
- babble,
- Bewailing,
- disquiet,
- disquietude,
- boisterousness,
- ring,
- blare,
- lamentation,
- shot,
- Caterwauling,
- squawk,
- hoo-ha,
- detonation,
- commotion,
- yelling,
- stridency,
- cry,
- fireworks,
- drumming,
- bellow,
- turbulence,
- crash,
- jangle,
- shouting,
- resound,
- peal,
- fanfare.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- sound,
- setto,
- row,
- jive,
- Unsettlement,
- uproar,
- turmoil,
- tumult,
- set-to,
- splittings,
- bickerings,
- thwack,
- rustle,
- hubbub,
- publicity,
- telling-off,
- rumpus,
- clamor,
- vociferation,
- set to,
- shouting match,
- bedlam,
- clinkers,
- hooha,
- rustlings,
- shivaree,
- to do,
- lament,
- hearsay,
- talk,
- Rowdydow,
- hubba-hubba,
- echoes,
- pandemonium,
- tintinnabulation,
- wildness,
- hell broke loose,
- racket,
- shambles,
- outcry,
- crepitation,
- noise,
- crepitations,
- sound transmission,
- topsyturvy,
- clinker,
- cacophony,
- idle talk,
- knock-down-drag-out,
- talking to,
- jives,
- sound properties,
- hullabaloo,
- sound property,
- crack,
- talking-to.
• outcry (noun)
- protest,
- outburst,
- screech,
- up turn,
- howl,
- upturn,
- yell,
- objection,
- flak.
• publicity (noun)
- write up,
- build-up,
- billings,
- big noise,
- inks,
- commercials,
- PRS,
- ink,
- promos,
- writeup,
- public notice,
- press-agentry,
- build-ups.
• reverberation (noun)
- rumble.
• row (noun)
- tellingoff,
- settos,
- tongue lashing,
- telling-offs,
- talkingtos,
- knock down drag out,
- shouting matches,
- talkingto,
- talking tos,
- knock-down-drag-outs,
- tonguelashing,
- set-tos,
- tellingoffs,
- fallingout,
- talking-tos,
- telling offs,
- set tos,
- runin,
- knock down drag outs.
• rustle (noun)
- crinklings.
• sound (noun)
- acoustics.
• sound that is loud or not harmonious (noun)
- fracas.
• talk (noun)
- in-sinuation,
- idle talks,
- non senses,
- non-sense,
- non sense,
- in-sinuations.
• tintinnabulation (noun)
- clanging.
• tumult (noun)
- dis-orders,
- out breaks,
- un settlements,
- un-settlement,
- un-settlements,
- un-rest,
- un-rests,
- dis-order,
- un rest,
- out-break,
- out break,
- unsettlements,
- dis orders,
- out-breaks,
- un settlement,
- wildnesses,
- seethings,
- dis order.
• turmoil (noun)
- hectics,
- dis-tresses,
- topsy turvies,
- topsyturvies,
- dis tresses,
- topsy turvy,
- topsy-turvies,
- dis-tress,
- dis tress.
• unmeaningness (noun)
- cipher,
- absurdity,
- gobbledygook,
- blather,
- drivel,
- nonsense,
- meaninglessness,
- jabber,
- double talk,
- hogwash,
- senselessness,
- unmeaningness.
• uproar (noun)
- up-roar,
- up-roars,
- up roars,
- up roar,
- shivarees.
• bruit (verb)
- re porting,
- spread word,
- spreading word,
- spreads word,
- spreads the word,
- re-porting,
- re-ported,
- re ported.
• clatter (verb)
- bump,
- clash,
- bluster,
- smash.
• Other relevant words: (verb)
- go,
- speech.
• tattle (verb)
- told tale,
- give show away,
- has big mouth,
- hast a big mouth,
- had big mouth,
- has a big mouth,
- talks idly,
- tells on,
- haddest big mouth,
- hadst a big mouth,
- hath big mouth,
- gives show away,
- telling tale,
- gave the show away,
- spill beans,
- tells tale,
- giving show away,
- having a big mouth,
- hadst big mouth,
- gives the show away,
- having big mouth,
- haddest a big mouth,
- told on,
- gave show away,
- telling on,
- spreads rumor,
- giving the show away,
- had a big mouth,
- have big mouth,
- hast big mouth,
- hath a big mouth,
- spreading rumor.
• tittle-tattle (verb)
- bent one ear,
- bent ear,
- tittle tattle,
- in-sinuating,
- re-peats,
- in sinuated,
- bended one’s ear,
- schmoosed,
- bent one’s ear,
- telling secrets,
- bend ones ear,
- in-sinuate,
- rattles on,
- telling tales out school,
- bending one’s ear,
- tells tales out of school,
- bad mouth,
- re peats,
- bends ear,
- bended one ear,
- cut pieces,
- wigglewaggled,
- told secrets,
- wigglewaggles,
- cuts to pieces,
- wiggle-waggled,
- wigglewaggling,
- bending one ear,
- tell tales out school,
- in-sinuates,
- told tales,
- told tales out school,
- tittletattle,
- bends ones ear,
- wiggle waggles,
- bending ear,
- cutting to pieces,
- bend ear,
- cuts pieces,
- blethered,
- bends one’s ear,
- bent ones ear,
- schmoosing,
- in sinuates,
- telling tales out of school,
- wiggle waggled,
- tells tales out school,
- wiggle waggling,
- bending ones ear,
- re peat,
- bended ones ear,
- wiggle waggle,
- told tales out of school,
- bend one ear,
- wiggle-waggles,
- wigglewaggle,
- rattled on,
- bended ear,
- wiggle-waggling,
- schmooses,
- in sinuate,
- bends one ear,
- tells secrets,
- re-peat,
- cutting pieces,
- in sinuating.
Other synonyms:
- broadcast,
- explosion,
- clump,
- snarl,
- king,
- bark,
- growl.
- promulgate,
- report,
- advertise,
- roll.
- blab,
- disseminate.
- gossip,
- propagate,
- circulate.
- strength.
- spread.
• bellow
- roar.
• bruit
- spread the word,
- spreading the word.
• buzz
- hiss.
• clamor
- scuff.
• clang
- clank.
• clank
- clang.
• clatter
- rattle.
• croak
- honk.
• dissonance
- dissonance.
• fall
- thud.
• hiss
- sizzle.
• hoot
- whoop.
• murmur
- buzz.
• noise
- discord.
• Other relevant words:
- prattling,
- Noising,
- Prattled,
- give the show away,
- Noised,
- tell on,
- hurtle,
- tittle-tattle,
- tell tale,
- hurtling,
- Clanged,
- talk idly,
- spread rumor,
- bruit,
- have a big mouth,
- clatter,
- talked idly,
- talking idly,
- tattle,
- shatter.
• peep
- squeak.
• ring
- clink,
- knell.
• thump
- pitter-patter.
• tick
- click.
• tittle-tattle
- blethers,
- Dishing,
- rattling on,
- blethering,
- tell tales out of school,
- tells tales,
- Blathered,
- tell tales,
- tell secrets,
- blether,
- telling tales,
- schmoose,
- cut to pieces,
- badmouth,
- wiggle-waggle,
- bend one’s ear,
- rattle on,
- dished,
- blathering.
• vibration
- sonority.
How to use «Noise» in context?
Noise is a phenomenon that can take many different forms, from the slight buzz of a fluorescent light to the loud report of a gunshot. All of these noises have one thing in common-they’re disruptive. They can cause problems for people who are trying to sleep, focus on their work, or relax in their own home.
Nearly all types of noise can be unpleasant, but some are more likely to cause stress than others. Loud noises, such as motorcycle engines or artillery fire, are a common cause of stress because they’re unpredictable and sudden.
Paraphrases for Noise:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Forward Entailment
Noun, plural
Noun, singular or mass
Verb, 3rd person singular present
Noun, plural
ado, auditory.
Noun, singular or mass
ado, confusion, disturbance, nuisance, peep, racket, ruckus, sonora, turbulence, banging.
Other Related
Proper noun, singular
acoustics, uproar.
Noun, plural
Noun, singular or mass
fanfare, fuss, hullabaloo, uproar.
Proper noun, singular
Homophones for Noise:
- nanak, Neem Cake, namesake, nemesis, ngu, nose, nicosia, neck, Naja Haje, non-issue, nous, niche, NSW, no-go, nyssa, nessie, neosho, NOC, nash, nosey, nosy, nonsuch, nyse, nanus, news, ng, nooky, nageia, nazi, neigh, NSWC, nigga, nauch, nonechoic, nancy, naze, nick, niece, nucha, naias, nyssaceae, names, nowness, NSA, nasa, Nicaea, nj, nosh, nacho, naiki, nock, noguchi, nyamwezi, ngwee, numenius, naumachia, naja, naming, news show, nigh, najas, nagi, NAC, nonage, nisus, nan-ning, nance, nosegay, nexus, nisi, NGO, no-show, nameko, nyx, noisy, nainsook, nonesuch, nagoya, neomys, nung, nowise, nsc, noyes, nusku, nonce, newness, naqua, neo jazz, non-jew, nice, nassau, nagasaki, naga, nuke, nec, nc, nanning, naumachy, noesis, ness, New Mexico, nike, nuncio, nuance, nag, nox, noose, Nga, nookie, newsy, ninigi, nausea, negus, nones, nook, numinous, nasua, noxious, nicu, ninja, new jazz, NUWC, NIJ, nsu, nog, nauseous, nesokia, nix, nonionic.
Hypernym for Noise:
clatter, ding-dong, blaring, plonk, katzenjammer, crunch, crackle, crash, bark, screaming, fizzle, clangor, explosion, crack, clangour, rumbling, slam, blare, creak, spatter, plop, scrunch, clash, boom, plump, spattering, scream, clap, snore, din, roar, scratching, shrilling, bang, scratch, howl, splutter, cacophony, clang, report, rattle, eruption, pant, chug, grate, rale, creaking, grumble, rattling, rumble, grumbling, sputter, splatter, swoosh, rustling, shriek, splash, whisper, squeak, squawk, racket, plash, whoosh, scraping, scrape, brouhaha, clamor, hiss, sibilation, sizzle, clack, hubbub, screeching, clank, splattering, shrieking, whispering, sputtering, rhonchus, roaring, grunt, screech, Bam, hissing, crackling, oink, blast, cracking, humming, chatter, clangoring, chattering, Hushing, rustle, snap, crepitation, squish, grinding, stridulation, uproar, thunder, banging, hum.
Hyponym for Noise:
cry, call, vociferation, yell, shout, outcry.
WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
To make noise.
He knew that it was trash day, when the garbage collectors made all the noise.
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
Sound is the sensation produced through the organs of hearing or the physical cause of this sensation. Sound is the most comprehensive word of this group, applying to anything that is audible. Tone is sound considered as having some musical quality or as expressive of some feeling; noise is sound considered without reference to musical quality or as distinctly unmusical or discordant. Thus, in the most general sense noise and sound scarcely differ, and we say almost indifferently, «I heard a sound,» or «I heard a noise.» We speak of a fine, musical, or pleasing sound, but never thus of a noise. In music, tone may denote either a musical sound or the interval between two such sounds, but in the most careful usage the latter is now distinguished as the «interval,» leaving tone to stand only for the sound. Note in music strictly denotes the character representing a sound, but in loose popular usage it denotes the sound also, and becomes practically equivalent to tone. Aside from its musical use, tone is chiefly applied to that quality of the human voice by which feeling is expressed; as, he spoke in a cheery tone; the word is similarly applied to the voices of birds and other animals, and sometimes to inanimate objects. As used of a musical instrument, tone denotes the general quality of its sounds collectively considered.
note, sound, tone
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
sound, clamor, rattle, din, uproar, tumultAntonyms:
note, voice, music, melody, silence, still n ess, voicelessness, hush
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote
sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound)
«he enjoyed the street noises»; «they heard indistinct noises of people talking»; «during the firework display that ended the gala the noise reached 98 decibels»
stochasticity, dissonance, disturbance, racket, haphazardness, randomness, interference -
noise, dissonance, racketnoun
the auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality; sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience
«modern music is just noise to me»
haphazardness, disagreement, stochasticity, racquet, racket, interference, dissonance, dissension, fraudulent scheme, disturbance, randomness, illegitimate enterprise -
noise, interference, disturbancenoun
electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication
commotion, mental disturbance, hurly burly, disturbance, mental disorder, interference, preventive, upset, stochasticity, folie, hitch, hoo-ha, intervention, psychological disorder, disruption, dissonance, flutter, racket, fray, kerfuffle, preventative, hoo-hah, incumbrance, encumbrance, hinderance, hindrance, ruffle, to-do, haphazardness, randomness, affray, perturbation -
a loud outcry of protest or complaint
«the announcement of the election recount caused a lot of noise»; «whatever it was he didn’t like it and he was going to let them know by making as loud a noise as he could»
stochasticity, dissonance, disturbance, racket, haphazardness, randomness, interference -
incomprehensibility resulting from irrelevant information or meaningless facts or remarks
«all the noise in his speech concealed the fact that he didn’t have anything to say»
stochasticity, dissonance, disturbance, racket, haphazardness, randomness, interference -
randomness, haphazardness, stochasticity, noiseverb
the quality of lacking any predictable order or plan
haphazardness, stochasticity, racket, randomness, dissonance, interference, disturbance, entropy -
make noise, resound, noiseverb
emit a noise
make noise, echo, reverberate, resound, ring
Matched Categories
- Cry
- Incomprehensibility
- Sound
- Trouble
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
sound -
clamor, din, blare, clatter, uproar, tumult, ado, cry, vociferation, hubbub, racket, HALLABALOO, fuss, breeze
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
sound, racket, clamor, din, outcry, clatter, uproar, hubbub, tumult, rout, blare, vociferation, hullabaloo , powwow (Slang), hilarity
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «noise»:
sound, sonora, acoustic, noisy, uproar, fuss, racket, ado, audible, thud, noises, quiet, audio, ruckus, loud
How to pronounce noise?
How to say noise in sign language?
How to use noise in a sentence?
Megan Vanderves:
I would describe the experience as kind of extreme turbulence on an airplane but louder, and there was kind of a lot of smoke smell. The first thought I really had when I woke up was,’ Oh my God we’re derailing,’ it was probably 10 or 15 seconds of rocking back and forth and tons of noise, and then we came to a stop. Really we didn’t know what was going on for a couple minutes.
Mathias Basner:
Passive strategies, like new windows or insulation, can be very effective for nocturnal noise exposure, but should really be our last resort, noise that is not produced can not have effects.
Kazem Rahimi:
The association was graded: That means the higher the noise level the higher risk of hypertension in the future.
Arjun Jain:
Everyone from 10-year-old kids to 60-year-olds know him, this is the one artist that could bring a lot of people and make a lot of noise. We had backups — we were thinking of Rihanna or Adele — but by God’s grace we were able to crack our first choice.
Aslee Tam:
As long as the government doesn’t withdraw the bill, and they refuse to respond, then we will keep on fighting, we want to make some noise during the G20 meeting, to let other countries discuss the issues in Hong Kong.
Translations for noise
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- ضوضاءArabic
- шумBelarusian
- шум, шумотевица, данданияBulgarian
- sorollCatalan, Valencian
- šum, hlukCzech
- støj, larm, spektakel, lydDanish
- Geräusch, Krach, Störung, Lärm, RauschenGerman
- θόρυβοςGreek
- ruidoSpanish
- ونگ, نوفهPersian
- melu, kohinaFinnish
- brouhaha, vacarme, bruitFrench
- fuaim, faramScottish Gaelic
- רעשHebrew
- zaj, zörejHungarian
- աղմուկ, աղաղակArmenian
- bruisoIdo
- rumoreItalian
- ノイズ, 騒音, 雑音Japanese
- ხმაურიGeorgian
- 소음Korean
- دهنگهدهگKurdish
- strepitusLatin
- matiokeMāori
- lawaai, herrie, ruis, geluidDutch
- bruchOccitan
- hałas, szumPolish
- barulho, ruídoPortuguese
- larmă, vacarm, răsunet, perturbație, zgomot, gălăgie, zgomot de semnal, sunetRomanian
- шумRussian
- бука, шум, buka, šumSerbo-Croatian
- hlukSlovak
- hrup, šumSlovene
- buller, brusa, oljud, brus, väsnasSwedish
- suraSwahili
- gürültüTurkish
- шумUkrainian
- brut, araedjeWalloon
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as in roar
loud, confused, and usually inharmonious sound
the incessant noise of traffic on Fifth Avenue made normal conversation impossible
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in howl
a violent shouting
keep the noise down, you kids!
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in rumor
information or opinion that is widely disseminated without any authority or confirmation of accuracy
there’s been a lot of noise that the stock is ready to skyrocket, but I’ll believe it when I see it
Thesaurus Entries Near noise
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“Noise.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/noise. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.
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- blast
- buzz
- cacophony
- clamor
- commotion
- crash
- cry
- explosion
- roar
- turbulence
- babble
- babel
- bang
- bedlam
- bellow
- bewailing
- blare
- boisterousness
- boom
- caterwauling
- clang
- clatter
- detonation
- din
- discord
- disquiet
- disquietude
- drumming
- eruption
- fanfare
- fireworks
- fracas
- fuss
- hoo-ha
- hubbub
- hullabaloo
- jangle
- lamentation
- outcry
- pandemonium
- peal
- racket
- ring
- row
- shot
- shouting
- squawk
- stridency
- talk
- thud
- tumult
- uproar
- yelling
- yelp
- sonance
- uproariousness
See also synonyms for: noises
On this page you’ll find 93 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to noise, such as: blast, buzz, cacophony, clamor, commotion, and crash.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use noise in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- echo
- noise
- sound
- sound properties
- sound transmission
- chaos
- clamor
- commotion
- confusion
- din
- disquiet
- disquietude
- furor
- hubbub
- madhouse
- maelstrom
- noise
- pandemonium
- racket
- shambles
- tumult
- turmoil
- uproar
- advertise
- blazon
- broadcast
- circulate
- disseminate
- gossip
- noise
- promulgate
- propagate
- report
- spread
- spread the word
- whisper
- discord
- harshness
- noise
- agitation
- babel
- blare
- brouhaha
- bustle
- buzz
- clinker
- complaint
- convulsion
- din
- discord
- exclamation
- ferment
- hassle
- hoo-ha
- hubba-hubba
- hubbub
- hullabaloo
- hurly-burly
- lament
- noise
- outcry
- pandemonium
- protesting
- racket
- remonstrance
- row
- ruckus
- shout
- shouting
- to-do
- tumult
- turmoil
- upheaval
- uproar
- vociferation
- clash
- jangle
- noise
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Rhymes with Noise
- destroys
- illinois’s
- illinois
- employs
- deploys
- bolshoi’s
- mccoys
- hanoi’s
- enjoys
- troise
- ploys
- eloise
- croix’s
- annoys
- aloys
- toys’
- toys
- toy’s
- roys
- roy’s
- poise
- noyes
- moyes
- moise
- joys
- joy’s
- boyz
- boys’
- boys
- boy’s
How do you pronounce noise?
Pronounce noise as nɔɪz.
US — How to pronounce noise in American English
UK — How to pronounce noise in British English
Sentences with noise
Quotes about noise
Synonym definition
A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.
Antonym definition
An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.
Use of synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:
- — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
- — Avoid repetitions in a text.
Examples of synonyms
The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».
Examples of antonyms
The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».
Use of synonyms-thesaurus.com
In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Synonyms-thesaurus.com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the synonyms for noise. These synonyms for the word noise are provided for your information only.
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