Another word for no issues

How do you say no issues?

“No problem. It’s the least I could do.”…What is another word for no problem?

it’s all right it’s nothing
not at all no worries
that’s OK without problems
you’re welcome all good
don’t worry about it it’s all good

Can I say no issues?

They are informal slang and they assume that the person you’re responding to thinks they’ve caused you some trouble, which might or might not be true. They could be considered sloppy or disrespectful in a formal conversation.

Is it OK to say no worries in an email?

Saying “no worries” or “no problem” is casual, and best for people you know well. Try not to use this casual type of speech with people you don’t know, and especially not if you’re trying to appear professional on any level.

What is the reply for No worries?

It’s similar “not a problem” or “don’t worry about it.” Somehow, “no worries” has become the more common expression. You can just say “thanks” if you feel the need to respond.

Is it bad to say no worries?

It doesn’t acknowledge the value of an apology. Apologizing for a misstep or wrong doing can be agonizing. For the receiver of an apology to reject it or dismiss the request for forgiveness is impolite. One might think that responding with a casual “no worries,” could assuage the guilt of the person in the wrong.

What can I say instead of no worries in an email?

No Problem Synonyms

  • You’re welcome (Formal)
  • Sure thing (Informal)
  • No worries (Informal)
  • Cool (Informal)
  • It’s all gravy (Informal)
  • It’s all right (Informal)
  • Certainly (Formal)
  • Of course (Formal)

What is slang for no problem?

No worries is an expression seen in English meaning “do not worry about that”, “that’s all right”, “she’ll be alright”, “over the shoulder”, “forget about it” or “sure thing”. It is similar to the US English “no problem”.

Is no problem unprofessional?

In other words, it can be a disingenuous phatic expression said reflexively. Other terms of politeness, including “no problem,” are also commonly used in this way. The fact is “you’re welcome” and “no problem” aren’t all that different. They can be sincere replies or reflexive expressions of politeness.

How do you say Don’t worry politely?

When someone is worried that things might go wrong in the future, people sometimes say to them, “Rest easy” instead of “Don’t worry.” In this situation, we could also say, “Put your mind at ease” or “Set your mind at rest.” This is somewhat formal and is used more commonly in British English.

What’s a nice way to say don’t worry about it?

What is another word for don’t worry about it?

it’s all good all good
don’t mention it my pleasure
think nothing of it you bet
forget it de nada
that’s all right don’t mention it

How do you say no worries professionally?

Instead of “No problem/No worries,” try “I’d be pleased to” or “Certainly” When you use “No worries” or “No problem” as I do, the phrase can actually have the opposite effect. Once you say there is no worry or no problem, the recipient may hear that there actually was an underlying issue to be concerned about.

What is the difference between no worry and don’t worry?

“No worries” is usually used as an alternative to “you’re welcome” (after someone says thank you). ‘Don’t worry’ : This is what you say when you are genuinely telling someone not to worry about something. If a person is upset, concerned or anxious about something, you can say ‘Don’t worry’.

What means dont worry?

Filters. Indicates to the interlocutor not to worry about something.

Is it correct don’t worry?

‘Don’t worry’ is correct, ‘don’t be worry’ is grammatically incorrect. You could use ‘don’t be worried’, which is correct and means the same thing as ‘don’t worry’, but is a lot less common.

Do not take notice of him?

: to ignore someone or something —usually + of Take no notice of them.

Is no need correct?

You can tell someone that there’s no need for them to do something as a way of telling them not to do it or of telling them to stop doing it, for example because it is unnecessary. There’s no need to call a doctor. There’s no need for that kind of language in this magazine.

Can I say no need for thanks?

2 Answers. There is no need for thanks. Here, thanks is a noun.

How do you say no need?

Here are 10 ways for you to say ‘NO’ in a polite manner:

  1. I’m honoured but I can’t.
  2. .
  3. I wish there were two of me.
  4. Sorry, I’m booked into something else right now.
  5. Sadly, I have something else.
  6. No, thank you but it sounds lovely, so next time.
  7. I’m not taking anything else right now.

Does not need VS do not need?

“She does not need” is correct. “Needs” is indeed third person singular of the verb “to need”, but using “does not” forces the “need” form.

Can I say need not?

You certainly can say “I need not”, just like you can say “you need not”, “he/she/it need not”, “we need not” and “they need not”. “Need not” (/”needn’t”) is used in exactly the same manner as other modal verbs, such as “must not” (“mustn’t”) and “cannot” (“can’t”).

Is Needn t a word?

Needn’t is the usual spoken form of ‘need not. ‘

Can we use to with need not?

You can ALWAYS say “not need to”, but you can only say “need not to” in specific cases.

How do we use have to?

We use have to / must / should + infinitive to talk about obligation, things that are necessary to do, or to give advice about things that are a good idea to do. Must and have to are both used for obligation and are often quite similar. They are both followed by the infinitive. I must go now. / I have to go now.

What is need not apply?

“X Need Not Apply” is a discriminatory message that essentially means “If you’re X, don’t bother applying because we won’t hire you.” For example, “No Irish Need Apply” signs were part of a wave of discrimination against Irish-American immigrants.

What does need not exist mean?

For something to not exist would mean that we do not have an idea or a concept of it. Something can either exist only in the mind or in actual/reality, or both.

How do you say no issues?

Alex Heath


How do you say no issues?

“No problem. It’s the least I could do.”…What is another word for no problem?

it’s all right it’s nothing
not at all no worries
that’s OK without problems
you’re welcome all good
don’t worry about it it’s all good

Can I say no issues?

They are informal slang and they assume that the person you’re responding to thinks they’ve caused you some trouble, which might or might not be true. They could be considered sloppy or disrespectful in a formal conversation.

What can I say instead of no worries in an email?

No Problem Synonyms

  • You’re welcome (Formal)
  • Sure thing (Informal)
  • No worries (Informal)
  • Cool (Informal)
  • It’s all gravy (Informal)
  • It’s all right (Informal)
  • Certainly (Formal)
  • Of course (Formal)

What means dont worry?

Filters. Indicates to the interlocutor not to worry about something.

Is it correct don’t worry?

Both expressions are correct grammatically and mean the same thing. The main difference is between their level of formality. “Don’t you worry” is much more informal and is not something you would say in a formal situation. For example, in a job interview, it is not appropriate to say, “Don’t you worry.

Do not take notice of him?

: to ignore someone or something —usually + of Take no notice of them.

Is no need correct?

‘No need to worry’ is the correct phrase. If you say ‘don’t need to worry ‘ it is not right. ‘No need to worry’ can be used in spoken English . It is better to use ” There is no need to worry” in formal English.

How do you say no need?

Here are 10 ways for you to say ‘NO’ in a polite manner:

  1. I’m honoured but I can’t.
  2. .
  3. I wish there were two of me.
  4. Sorry, I’m booked into something else right now.
  5. Sadly, I have something else.
  6. No, thank you but it sounds lovely, so next time.
  7. I’m not taking anything else right now.

Does not need VS do not need?

“She does not need” is correct. “Needs” is indeed third person singular of the verb “to need”, but using “does not” forces the “need” form.

Can I say need not?

You certainly can say “I need not”, just like you can say “you need not”, “he/she/it need not”, “we need not” and “they need not”. “Need not” (/”needn’t”) is used in exactly the same manner as other modal verbs, such as “must not” (“mustn’t”) and “cannot” (“can’t”).

Where do we use need not?

When we say that someone needn’t have done something, it means that they did it, but it was not necessary. Didn’t need to is also sometimes used in this way: You needn’t have washed the dishes.

What does need not means?

: something not needed : superfluity purchasing need-nots.

Do we use to after need?

If you are talking about an object needed, do not use to. In the sample sentence, “You need to think carefully before you make a decision.” The phrase “to think” is a infinitive verbal acting as the direct object in the sentence. Therefore, in your words, putting “to” after “need” in this case is correct.

  • #1


I was wondering if you could say «no issues» instead of «no problem»?
Does it have the same meaning?

  • GEmatt

    • #2

    It depends on the context in which you’re saying «no problem»…

    • #3

    It depends on the context in which you’re saying «no problem»…

    At the end of an email, to point out that there are no problems on a specific subject, can you say «No issues»?
    In French, we sometimes say «pas de problème» or «pas de souci».


    • #4

    «No issues» on its own sounds a little strange. «No problem» is almost too vague, as the expression can mean several things depending on the context.

    If it is a professional email, I think this would benefit from a verb, e.g. «No issues were encountered», since you say it relates to a specific subject.

    Hope that helps.

    • #5

    «No issues» on its own sounds a little strange. «No problem» is almost too vague, as the expression can mean several things depending on the context.

    If it is a professional email, I think this would benefit from a verb, e.g. «No issues were encountered», since you say it relates to a specific subject.

    Hope that helps.

    thank you very much
    Yes, it helps! that’s what I thought.

    l'entomologiste amateur

    • #6

    «No issues» on its own sounds a little strange.

    I had never heard of that expression either, but these days I am doing business with an Indian company, and they say it all the time :
    «OK, no issues» or «No issues on that» means «it’s not a problem».

    Maybe is it specific to India…

    • #7

    An «issue» is a «matter in dispute» ; on another side, «no problem» can mean no PHYSICAL problem. All depends of the context ! Anyway, you would not write «No issue», but «it raises no issue» or something like that.

    l'entomologiste amateur

    • #8

    Thanks for clarification Larsay.
    Then it must be some slang locution of that guy from Kolkata…

    What is another word for non-issue?

    33 synonyms found


    [ nˈɒnˈɪʃuː], [ nˈɒnˈɪʃuː], [ n_ˈɒ_n_ˈɪ_ʃ_uː]

    Related words: not a problem, not an issue, not an issue at all, not a concern, not a worry, no issue

    Related questions:

  • What is a non-issue?
  • When does a non-issue become an issue?
  • What to do if it’s not an issue?
  • Table of Contents

    • n.

      • detail,
      • stuff,
      • adjunct,
      • irrelevance,
      • trivia.

      dead letter (noun)

      • dead letter.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • state.
    • Other synonyms:

      • nothing,
      • small beer,
      • fluff,
      • sundries,
      • small potatoes,
      • small change,
      • bagatelle,
      • Minutiae,
      • dregs,
      • straw man,
      • sideshow,
      • tinsel,
      • paraphernalia,
      • chickenshit,
      • nicety,
      • excess baggage,
      • dead wood,
      • footnote,
      • odds and ends,
      • trifle,
      • tin god,
      • inessentials,
      • nonessentials.

      • ancient history,
      • incidental.

      • froth.

    How to use «Non-issue» in context?

    As we enter the final weeks of the 2016 election cycle, it has become increasingly clear that the topic of abortion is no longerFront and centre of the American political conversation. This shift can largely be attributed to two factors- the unrelenting focus on Hilary Clinton’s email server, and the lack of any clear frontrunners in the GOP race. Abortion has been relegated to the sidelines of the campaign, as politicians focus instead on issues like taxes, healthcare, and the economy.

    Despite this, there are still a number of contentious abortion-related topics that are receiving a great deal of attention from the electorate.

    icon forward

    No issues have been raised which relate to these rights.


    No issues were raised under this point of the agenda.


    No issues were considered under this agenda item.


    No issues were raised under this agenda item.


    No issues were raised by Parties under this item.


    No issues were raised under this agenda item.


    context icon


    There were no issues for consideration under this agenda item.


    context icon

    По этому пункту повестки дня никаких вопросов для рассмотрения предложено не было.


    No issues were identified with the proposal that would require changes before submission to WG-FSA.


    context icon

    В предложении не было выявлено никаких вопросов, требующих внесения изменений до представления в WG- FSA.


    context icon

    No issues have been raised in the Article 16 Reports in respect of D10 claims.


    context icon

    В докладах по статье 16 каких-либо вопросов в отношении претензий D10 не поднималось.


    The»No issues» rule is a standard part

    of the terms of reference that translators receive.


    context icon

    Правило« Ошибок нет»- стандартная часть технического задания, которое получают переводчики.


    No issues were tabled for discussion under this item.


    context icon

    Вопросы для обсуждения в рамках этого пункта повестки дня предложены не были.


    context icon

    context icon

    No issues were raised under agenda item 6,»Other matters.


    context icon

    По пункту 6 повестки дня<< Прочие вопросы>> вопросов поднято не было.


    context icon

    There were no issues for consideration under this agenda item.


    context icon

    По этому пункту повестки дня вопросы для рассмотрения не предлагались.


    There were no issues for consideration under this agenda item.


    context icon

    По этому пункту повестки дня вопросов для обсуждения не было.


    No issues were identified that would significantly affect the achievement of the objectives

    of the audited entity;» and.


    context icon

    Не выявлено никаких проблем, которые могли бы существенно сказаться на достижении целей,

    стоящих перед проверяемой организацией»; и.


    As no issues to be raised under item 3 have come to the attention of the



    documentation regarding this item is currently foreseen.


    context icon

    Поскольку до сведения Секретариата не было доведено никаких вопросов для обсуждения в рамках пункта 3 повестки дня,


    документации по данному пункту на настоящий момент не предусмотрено.


    At the time the provisional agenda was prepared there were no issues to be raised under this item.


    context icon

    На момент подготовки предварительной повестки дня не имелось никаких вопросов, которые могут быть затронуты в рамках данного

    пункта повестки дня.


    In Egypt there will be no issues with exchange either of the two main world currencies-

    the Euro and the U.S. dollar.

    context icon

    В Египте не возникнет никаких проблем с обменом любой из двух основных мировых валют-

    евро и американский доллар.

    But for some reason, no issues are solved after the war,


    public understanding of peace and the ways

    of dealing with subsequent conflicts is developed.


    context icon

    Но почему-то в результате войны не решаются никакие вопросы, не развивается общественное представление о мире

    и способах борьбы с последующими конфликтами.


    As no issues to be raised under agenda item 3 have come to the attention

    of the Secretariat,


    documentation regarding the item is currently foreseen.


    context icon

    Поскольку до сведения секретариата не было доведено никаких вопросов по пункту 3 повестки дня,


    документации по данному пункту на насто- ящий момент не предусмотрено.


    Really surprised how good this Casino is. 24/7 support, great games,

    and so far no issues with any money and payouts.

    context icon

    Очень удивлен, насколько хорош этот Казино это. 24/ 7 поддержка, отличные игры,

    As no issues to be raised under item 8 have

    come to the attention of the Secretariat,


    documentation regarding this item is currently foreseen.


    context icon

    доведено до сведения Секретариата, документация по этому пункту в настоящее время не предусмотрена.


    We tested if the same servers approved for Netflix streaming

    worked on mobile devices and had no issues streaming either Netflix or Hulu.

    context icon

    Мы проверили, работают ли в мобильной версии приложения все серверы для Netflix,

    и у нас не возникло никаких проблем с подключением ни к Netflix, ни к Hulu.

    As no issues to be raised under agenda item 4 have come to the attention

    of the Secretariat,


    documentation regarding the item is currently foreseen.


    context icon

    Поскольку до сведения Секретариата не было доведено никаких вопросов по пункту 4 повестки дня,


    документации по этому пункту в настоящее время не предусматривается.


    The Committee notes that while claims under

    article 15 have been made, no issues under this provision arise in the present case.


    context icon

    Комитет отмечает, что, хотя автор сообщения основывает свою жалобу на статье 15,

    в данном конкретном случае в связи с этим положением не возникает никаких вопросов.


    Results: 61,
    Time: 0.0239





    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    никаких проблем

    нет проблем

    без проблем

    никаких вопросов

    проблем не

    без каких-либо проблем

    отсутствие проблем

    никакие вопросы

    проблем нет

    нет вопросов

    вопросов нет

    не было проблем

    без вопросов

    I had no issues during the race.

    The coach ran great and we had no issues.

    Смену главного тренера мы перенесли отлично, никаких проблем не было.

    Many users claim they have no issues.

    Некоторые из многодетных, утверждают, что у них нет проблем.

    They insisted that they had no issues.

    Они настаивают на том, что у них нет проблем.

    Reverend, we worked together for 6 years with no issues.

    Преподобный, мы работаем вместе уже 6 лет без проблем.

    We realized that the VPN connected quickly and with no issues.

    Мы заметили, что подключение происходит быстро и без проблем.

    I had no issues with socialising.

    I wear glasses and have no issues reading the display.

    Everyone speaks English so there are no issues communicating.

    Здесь все говорят на английском языке, так что в общении никаких проблем не возникает.

    But at the camps, there are no issues, he says.

    There were no issues during my arrival and departure.

    In general I had no issues getting permission to take photographs on the trains or stations.

    В целом у меня не было никаких проблем с разрешением на фотосъемку в поездах или станциях.

    Yet I had no issues with smell or the grave being dug up.

    Но я не имел никаких проблем с запахом или могила будет вырыта до.

    I have no issues with my own appearance.

    There are no issues for us to sort out.

    У нас нет проблем, в которых мы должны разобраться.

    We have no issues with mafias or other role-play groups that decide to settle in our server.

    У нас нет проблем с мафией или другими любителями ролевых игр, решивших поселиться на нашем сервере.

    Certainly, there are women who have no issues getting pregnant well into their 40s.

    Конечно, есть женщины, у которых нет проблем не забеременеть хорошо в их 40-х годов.

    If the site is returned with no issues, then Google is accessing your site properly.

    Если сайт возвращается без проблем, то Google правильно обращается к вашему сайту.

    However, Hawking claims that says she has no issues with her knees or hips.

    Тем не менее, Хокинг утверждает, что у нее нет проблем с коленями или бедрами.

    I’ve certainly seen friends have no issues using both Passports and Drivers Licenses from their home country.

    Я, конечно, видел друзей иметь никаких проблем, используя оба паспорта и водительских прав в родной стране.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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    I have a quick doubt. Which is the correct usage of English, ‘No issue’ or ‘No issues’? When we didn’t get any issue, it represents null, so, ideally it has to be ‘no issue’. Please correct me.

    asked Apr 7, 2016 at 17:22

    Vignesh Tennis's user avatar


    It depends what the situation is

    P1: Were there any problems? ( general question )
    P2: There were no issues or concerns.

    P1: Was there a problem finding the restaurant? ( specific question )
    P2: There was no issue finding the restaurant, we used GPS.

    answered Apr 7, 2016 at 17:57

    Peter's user avatar


    65.8k6 gold badges63 silver badges120 bronze badges


    My guess is that you are referring to a predominantly Indian English expression, as a full sentence, which in other English dialects would rather be «No problem.» (more neutral), or «No worries.» (a bit informal). I understand that both «No issues.» and «No issue.» are frequently used.

    Besides this, given the right context, there can be numerous examples for either «no issue» or «no issues» within a longer sentence, but in these cases the word «issue» is understood more concretely, as opposed to a general answer to sentences like «thanks for this» or «please do that».

    answered Apr 18, 2017 at 14:42

    Daniel Sparing's user avatar

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