Another word for my whole life

Вопрос по английскому языку:

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Insert the required tense (Passive Voice).
1. «I don’t want to hear another word. I __ never __ so __ in my whole life, (to insult) (/. Shaw)
2. But what shall I do if you __ ? (to kill) (Shaw)
3. Godfrey waited, before he spoke again, until the ale __ and the door __ (to bring, to close) (Eliot)
4. In whatever spare time he could find, he read the current research journals, trying to understand the implications of the experiments which __ throughout the world, (to perform) (Wilson)
5. Merriman, order the dog-cart at once. Mr. Ernest __ suddenly to town, (to call back) (Wilde)
6. Upon the Doctor and the widow the eyes of both Mr. Tuprnan and his companion __ for some time, when the stranger broke silence, (to fix) (Dickens)
7. In 1834, the Houses of Parliament, with the exception of Westminster Hall __ by fire. They __ ‘. by Sir Charles Barry, (to destroy, to rebuild)
8. «I’m afraid that we’re going to have to move,» he said. «This lab won’t be big enough for us after all. But there’s a double room on the eleventh floor that __ » (to use — negative) (Wilson)
9. Lanny noticed that he __ by three white men from the coffee stall on the other side of the road, (to watch)
10. It was past eleven o’clock — a late hour for the little village of Cobham — when Mr. Pickwick retired to the bedroom which __ for his reception, (to prepare) (Dickens)
11. We __. if we __, but never mind, (to scold, to see) (Ch. Bronte)
12. The Nobel Prize __ to him in 1924 when the advent of wave mechanics had revealed the importance of his work, ten years after his famous experiment __ (to give, to perform) (Wilson)
13. The camp of peace will not allow the outbreak of a new war that __ by the imperialists. (to prepare)
14. I called… to ask if a diamond brooch of mine __ (to find) (Wilde)
15. The tea-things __ scarcely ___ when the London coach deposited Mr. Weller, senior, at the door, (to put away) (Dickens)
16. Annette’s most valuable stone was ruby, which __ to her when she was twelve by an Indian prince who was in love with her mother, (to give) (Murdoch)
17. He [Jim] put down his pail… and bent over the toe with absorbing interest while the bandage __ (to unwind) (Twain)
18. He carefully examined the contents of his case, and did not speak again until the beer __ and he had paid for it. (to bring) (Priestley)
19. The little patient — and __, and now lay composed in her crib, (to examine, to soothe) (Ch. Bronte)
20. It was an idea that __ at that moment __ by Colonel Melchett and Colonel Bantry. (to discuss) (Christie)
21. Lanny __ cruelly, heartlessly in the way Sara __ When he __, the barking of a dog __ It __ by hurried footsteps, (to beat, to beat, to beat, to hear, to follow).

my whole life — перевод на русский

I’ve been scared my whole life.

Я всю жизнь боялся.

I got ahead of you for our whole life.

Я опередил тебя на всю жизнь.

Because I dare say he’s never smiled in his whole life.

Потому что, я хочу сказать, что он никогда не улыбался за всю жизнь.

I’d rather spend my whole life living in this dirty hole than escape to fight again for things I do not believe against people I do not hate.

Нет! Я лучше всю жизнь проживу в этой грязной дыре,.. …чем сбегу продолжать воевать за то, во что не верю,..

I’m afraid I’ve never been so to anybody, in my whole life…

Но я всегда поступал так, как хотел сам… всю жизнь…

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I’ve spent my whole life lookin’ for that thing that killed my mother.

Я провел целую жизнь… в поисках твари, которая убила мою мать.

Look, we will win Heaven, because we have spent our whole lives in Hell

Если мы победим и получим право на смерть, если наша призрачная судьба смилостивится над нами, мы достигнем райского блаженства. И ради этого я готов терпеть целую жизнь в аду.

If you lived your whole life thinking one thing, it would be pretty devastating to find out that wasn’t true.

Если ты жил целую жизнь, думая только об одном, было бы тяжело узнать, что это неправда.

I left my friends, my family, a really good job, my whole life.

Я покинула своих друзей, семью, очень хорошую работу, целую жизнь.

I could’ve gone my whole life not knowing that.

Я, возможно, прожила бы целую жизнь, не зная этого.

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She’s lived her whole life with a collection of aging scientists.

Она прожила всю жизнь среди горстки пожилых ученых.

It woulda been awful if she’d gone through her whole life not knowing what it was all about.

Было бы ужасно, если б она прожила всю жизнь и так и не поняла бы, что в ней главное.

You… you grew up your whole life in Santa Barbara?

Ты… ты прожила всю жизнь в Санта Барбаре?

I could have gone my whole life without knowing it, But then someone took my son.

Я могла прожить всю жизнь без этого знания, если бы моего сына не похитили.

Going your whole life thinking you’re related blood to someone.

Прожить всю жизнь, думая, что ты связана кровными узами с кем-то.

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My whole life, I don’t know.

Сколько живу, никак не пойму.

Look, sorry I don’t have my whole life together, like Lenny.

Слушайте, мне жаль, что я живу не так правильно, как Ленни.

Pickering and I are at it from morning till night. It fills our whole lives.

Мы с Пикерингом просто этим живем!

This is my whole life.

Здесь, здесь, да, я жив.

Sweeten you whole life with honey.

Здесь Богом дано тебе жить.

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You have your whole life ahead of you.

У тебя ещё вся жизнь впереди.

You got your whole life ahead of you now.

У тебя еще вся жизнь впереди.

You have your whole life ahead of you.

У тебя еще вся жизнь впереди.

But you have your whole life ahead of you.

Но у тебя еще вся жизнь впереди.

You got your whole life ahead of you.

У тебя еще вся жизнь впереди.

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Some people do spend their whole lives together.

Некоторые люди всю жизнь живут вместе.

Some men, they go through their whole lives with only one ball, and they’re just fine, you know?

Некоторые мужики, всю жизнь живут с одним яйцом, и, ты знаешь, не жалуются.

He’s been hypnotized his whole life, totally focused on the outside.

Он всю жизнь жил под гипнозом, замечая только внешнее.

I’ve spent my whole life feeling like this.

Всю свою жизнь живу с этим чувством.

What if you live your whole life and no one is waiting?

Что если живешь всю жизнь, и никто и нигде тебя не ждет?

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He spent his whole life pretty far out in the country.

Он провел всю жизнь в глуши.

He’s spent most of his whole life in that box, I expect.

Он большую часть жизни провёл в этом ящике.

Spend your whole life building a guy’s toe, you’ll remember him.

И ты проведёшь всю жизнь строя памятник этому парню. Запомни это

If we lose the house then Billy loses all sense of security and later, never have a relationship so he’ll just spend his whole life just alone.

Если у нас отнимут дом, Билли потеряет чувство уверенности в себе, никогда ни с кем не познакомится и проведет всю жизнь в одиночестве!

Lived at home her whole life.

Всю жизнь провела дома.

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I wanted one of these my whole life.

Я мечтал о ней всю свою жизнь!

You dream your whole life about that moment, and when it finally comes, you just… you’re just not ready for it.

Вот так мечтаешь всю жизнь об этом моменте, а когда он приходит, ты просто… ты просто не готов к этому.

You know, most people, they go their whole life, and they never really find someone they love.

Знаешь, большинство людей, всю жизнь мечтают, но, так и не находят, настоящую любовь.

Pretty much my whole life.

Я всю жизнь об этом мечтал.

I got my whole life to be a minority executive.

Я всю жизнь мечтал стать начальником из нацменьшинства.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

I’ve never smoked in my whole life.

I’ve never smoked in my whole life.

It was the most fun I’ve ever had in my whole life.

And I feel better about myself than I ever have in my whole life.

Теперь я отношусь к себе лучше, чем когда бы то ни было за всю свою жизнь.

Only killed two people in my whole life.

I haven’t stolen anything in my whole life.

In my whole life I have committed only two crimes, and those were speeding.

За всю мою жизнь я совершил только два преступления, и это было превышение скорости.

In my whole life, I’ve never once tripped, slipped, or fallen.

He said, In my whole life I have not seen such unfairness.

In my whole life, you’ve never given me a moment’s peace, Nora.

In my whole life, I have known no wise people who didn’t read all the time — none…

«За всю мою жизнь я не встречал мудрых людей, которые бы не читали — ни одного.

In my whole life, I’ve had no better friend than you and I need you more than ever now.

За всю мою жизнь у меня не было лучшего друга, чем ты, и сейчас ты мне очень нужен.

In my whole life I never came across another in that village of the same caliber, quality, or talent as Shambhu Dube.

За всю свою жизнь, в этой деревне я больше не встречал человека таких качеств или такого таланта, как Самбху Дьюб.

In my whole life I have never been a friend, I have never known anybody to be a friend.

За всю свою жизнь я никогда не был другом, и никто не был другом мне.

When the man died, his tomb were written these words: «In my whole life I have not harmed anybody.»

На своем надгробии, изготовленном им еще при жизни, он собственноручно вырезал слова: «За всю свою жизнь я никому не причинил зла».

When declaring that procession inaugurated, Reagan said, In my whole life I have committed only one mistake, and that was when I was governor of California and I signed that bill.

Объявляя начало этой процессии, Рейган сказал: «За всю свою жизнь я совершил всего лишь одну ошибку, и это было тогда, когда я был губернатором Калифорнии и подписал этот билль.

Shochi, who celebrated his 106th birthday on Thursday, said: «In my whole life, I have never said ‘I’m tired’.»

Бывший профессор, отпраздновавший свое 106-летие в четверг, добавил: «За всю мою жизнь я ни разу не сказал: «Я устал»».

Charlie Munger, voracious reader, billionaire, and vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, one commented «In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time — none, zero.»

Чарльз Мангер (Charlie Munger), миллиардер, вице-председатель Berkshire Hathaway и ненасытный читатель как-то сказал: «За всю мою жизнь я не встречал мудрых людей, которые бы не читали постоянно.

I’ve never been better in my whole life.

I am the most happy I have ever been in my whole life.

Никогда в жизни не была я так счастлива.

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… to hear another word. I __ never __ so __ in my whole life, (to insult) (/. Shaw)
2. But what shall I do if you __? (to kill) (Shaw)
3. Godfrey waited, before he spoke again, until the ale __ and the door __ (to bring, to close) (Eliot)
4. In whatever spare time he could find, he read the current research journals, trying to understand the implications of the experiments which __ throughout the world, (to perform) (Wilson)
5. Merriman, order the dog-cart at once. Mr. Ernest __ suddenly to town, (to call back) (Wilde)
6. Upon the Doctor and the widow the eyes of both Mr. Tuprnan and his companion __ for some time, when the stranger broke silence, (to fix) (Dickens)
7. In 1834, the Houses of Parliament, with the exception of Westminster Hall __ by fire. They __ ’. by Sir Charles Barry, (to destroy, to rebuild)
8. «I’m afraid that we’re going to have to move,» he said. «This lab won’t be big enough for us after all. But there’s a double room on the eleventh floor that __ » (to use — negative) (Wilson)
9. Lanny noticed that he __ by three white men from the coffee stall on the other side of the road, (to watch)
10. It was past eleven o’clock — a late hour for the little village of Cobham — when Mr. Pickwick retired to the bedroom which __ for his reception, (to prepare) (Dickens)
11. We __. if we __, but never mind, (to scold, to see) (Ch. Bronte)
12. The Nobel Prize __ to him in 1924 when the advent of wave mechanics had revealed the importance of his work, ten years after his famous experiment __ (to give, to perform) (Wilson)
13. The camp of peace will not allow the outbreak of a new war that __ by the imperialists. (to prepare)
14. I called. to ask if a diamond brooch of mine __ (to find) (Wilde)
15. The tea-things __ scarcely ___ when the London coach deposited Mr. Weller, senior, at the door, (to put away) (Dickens)
16. Annette’s most valuable stone was ruby, which __ to her when she was twelve by an Indian prince who was in love with her mother, (to give) (Murdoch)
17. He [Jim] put down his pail. and bent over the toe with absorbing interest while the bandage __ (to unwind) (Twain)
18. He carefully examined the contents of his case, and did not speak again until the beer __ and he had paid for it. (to bring) (Priestley)
19. The little patient — and __, and now lay composed in her crib, (to examine, to soothe) (Ch. Bronte)
20. It was an idea that __ at that moment __ by Colonel Melchett and Colonel Bantry. (to discuss) (Christie)
21. Lanny __ cruelly, heartlessly in the way Sara __ When he __, the barking of a dog __ It __ by hurried footsteps, (to beat, to beat, to beat, to hear, to follow).


1. have never been so insulted
2. are killed
3. was brought, was closed
4. are performed
5. has been called back
6. were fixed
7. were destroyed, were rebuilt
8. isn’t used
9. had been watched
10. had been prepared
11. shall be scolded, are seen
12. was given, had been performed
13. is being prepared
14. had been found
15. had scarcely been put away
16. had been given
17. was being unwound
18. had been brought
19. had been examined, soothed
20. was being discussed
21. was beaten, had been beated, was being beated, was heard, was followed

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