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Synonyms for Most of the time. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

Synonyms for Most of the time. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Most of the time. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

most of the time — перевод на русский

That’s the way I thought of you most of the time.

Эти образы посещали меня большую часть времени.

Most of the time he’s quite normal.

Большую часть времени он вел себя нормально.


Большую часть времени.

Most of the time.

Большую часть времени

Most of the time, straight up.

Большую часть времени — на подъем.

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That’s what comes from being right most of the time.

Вот что происходит когда ты прав в большинстве случаев.

Most of the time, Dr. Lecter didn’t respond at all to visitors.

В большинстве случаев доктор Лектер вообще не реагировал на посетителей.

She happens to think that I’m right most of the time.

Она согласна со мной в большинстве случаев.

It’s about putting down the poison and dagger and making your own happy ending, most of the time.

Можно отложить в сторону яд и кинжал и придумать себе хэппи-энд… в большинстве случаев.

You say it’s going to be this much fun, but most of the time it ends up being this much fun.

Ты сказал, это будет весело вот настолько, но в большинстве случаев все это заканчивается, будучи весело вот настолько.

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Yeah, I do most of the time, but my brand-new car just exploded!

Да, чаще всего, но моя новая машина только что взорвалась!

Most of the time, I slap it.

Чаще всего шлепаю.

Most of the time.

Чаще всего.

Most of the time it’s true.

Чаще всего это правда.

But most of the time, I’m fine with it

Но чаще всего я ни о чём не жалею.

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Most of the time with girls, I can’t find a word to say.

В основном, рядом с девушками я и слова произнести не могу.

— He sleeps most of the time.

В основном он спит.

Most of the time, I’m too aware to be sad.

В основном, я слишком осведомлена, чтобы печалиться.

It’s not much, really, but we eat out most of the time so we don’t need that much.

Едим в основном не дома, потому нам хватает.

And most of the time, he’s got me working with him.

В основном, я работаю вместе с ним.

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I’m generally working on something, most of the time.

Я почти все время работаю.

I kept my eyes shut most of the time.

Я закрывала глаза… почти все время.

I was drunk most of the time.

Я почти всё время пьян был.

And most of the time I’m up here on the bridge.

И я почти всё время здась, на мостике.

Jenny most of the time was real quiet.

А Дженни почти все время молчала.

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Well, most of the time I was stationed In uh, Denver, Colorado.

По большей части — в Денвере, Колорадо.

I have a pretty strong stomach… most of the time.

У меня довольно крепкий желудок… по большей части.

You eat with such gusto. — Most of the time.

Ты ешь с таким аппетитом… по большей части.

Sometimes. Mm. Most of the time.

иногда если посчитать, по большей части

You know, you… you got her better than I did most of the time so…

Знаешь… лучше чем со мной, по большей части.

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Most of us, anyway… most of the time.

Ну, почти все мы. Почти всегда.

In fact, most of the time.

Почти всегда так.

There’s always something going on at Nellis, and most of the time it’s strange.

В Неллисе всегда что-то происходит, и почти всегда странное.

Sometimes it’s painful sometimes it’s beautiful. But most of the time it’s both.

Иногда это болезненно иногда прекрасно, но почти всегда – и то, и другое.

Most of the time, I love it.

Почти всегда, я люблю это.

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the thing is that I wasn’t feeling alright to participate in familiar gatherings, because… First I was always in a very bad humour due to my gout problems. Second becuase I was drunk most of the times.

Я живу уединённо и уже не могу бывать в приличных домах, кроме того, я всё время в плохом настроении, страдаю от подагры и… и… и обычно пьян.

It must be Wednesday because most of the time the noise of the traffic is so loud that you need earplugs to hear yourself think.

Должна быть среда, потому что обычно звук трафика такой громкий, что нужны затычки в уши, чтобы услышать свои мысли.

Most of the time, all three Pre-Cogs will see an event in the same way but once in a while, one of them will see things differently than the others.

Обычно все трое Провидцев видят происшествие одинаково но иногда один из них видит совершенно другую картину, нежели остальные.

Well, we have a few vans out on jobs at once most of the time.

Обычно у нас сразу по несколько грузовиков работает.

When we call, he’ll send somebody, most of the time, and they write it all down just like he doing now.

Когда мы звоним… он, обычно, кого-нибудь присылает… и они все записывают, вот как он сейчас делает.

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Peter, you’re away working most of the time and I’m stuck up here all by myself.

Питер, ты все время работаешь а я сижу здесь одна.

His eyes are popped, and he drools most of the time.

Его глаза выпучены, и у него все время текут слюни.

It’s just that I’m alone here, most of the time, and I worry so.

Просто в последнее время мне так одиноко, я все время переживаю за тебя

Aren’t cows outside most of the time?

Разве коровы не на улице все время?

It’s hard work and I try to keep up but my hands hurt most of the time.

Работа тяжелая, и я стараюсь держаться… но у меня все время болят руки.

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Personal relationships didn’t work at all — and I generally hated myself most of the time.

Личные отношения не работют, — и я вообще ненавидел себя большинство времени.

Anyway, most of the time I just sit around the office, waiting for the weekend.

В любом случае, большинство времени я сижу в офисе, дожидаясь выходных.

Most of the time, we can’t tell what’s wrong with somebody by just looking at them.

Большинство времени, мы не можем сказать, что не так с кем-то, просто взглянув на них.

Most of the time,

Большинство времени,

At least, most of the time. But then five years go by, and he still hasn’t left his wife, and… you must think I’m a terrible person.

по крайней мере, большинство времени но проходит пять лет, и он всё ещё не бросил свою жену и… вы наверно думаете, что я ужасный человек

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  • большую часть времени
  • в большинстве случаев
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  • почти всё время
  • по большей части
  • почти всегда
  • обычно
  • всё время
  • большинство времени

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Happiness is just having pleasant thoughts most of the time.

Счастье — просто настроение, при котором большую часть времени нами владеют приятные мысли.

Most successful investors do nothing most of the time.

I sleep alone (most of the time).

But most of the time, nothing really happens.

Successful people think about their goals most of the time.

Вот представьте, что преуспевающие люди большую часть времени размышляют о своих целях.

The game focuses on battling most of the time.

People with asthma breathe normally most of the time.

Probably most of us do most of the time.

They should actually be relaxed most of the time.

Not great, but works most of the time.

It’s actually fun most of the time.

Ten or twenty feet, most of the time.

They should be avoided most of the time.

This because you will not involve most of the time.

Это во многом потому, что вы не будете использовать его в полную силу большую часть времени.

People do this without even realizing most of the time.

James won most of the time.

Their phone service works OK most of the time.

Woman: He says Im depressed most of the time.

I’ll be returning as my facet called Adamus most of the time.

Я буду возвращаться в образе моего аспекта, называемого Адамусом, как мою большую часть времени.

Okay, most of the time I want to be other people.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат most of the time

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∙ 10y ago

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Another way of saying «most of the time» is: at intervals, at times, consistently, constantly, every so often, or frequently.

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  • #1

Hello guys:

The phrase «most of the time» is used widely in the world. But I want to ask you about the phrase «most of time«. I don’t know whehter it really exists or not because I’ve seen it many times on the internet. What’s the meaning of «most of time» and what’s the difference between them?

Last edited: Nov 28, 2012

  • Andygc

    • #2

    << moderator note. We must have a complete sentence with context and you must provide the source. «I’ve seen it many times on the internet» does not help in any way to identify correct English usage. >>

    • #3

    Results of your search

    Your query was
    most of time

    Only 3 solutions found for this query
    KBC 5564 And another fella come in one suj one subject and he’s been there most of time, you know.
    KDW 398 This spray gives a headache most of time.
    KE6 242 Aha, I’ll throw them away most of time, it’s quite nice aren’t they really?


    • #4

    Results of your search

    Your query was
    most of time

    Only 3 solutions found for this query
    KBC 5564 And another fella come in one suj one subject and he’s been there most of time, you know.
    KDW 398 This spray gives a headache most of time.
    KE6 242 Aha, I’ll throw them away most of time, it’s quite nice aren’t they really?

    These sources in the BNC are transcriptions of recorded conversations, not edited texts.

    Hau Ruck

    • #5

    To answer your question, no; in the given examples, it’s not correct.

    • #6

    Hello guys:

    The phrase «most of the time» is used widely in the world. But I want to ask you about the phrase «most of time«. I don’t know whehter it really exists or not because I’ve seen it many times on the internet. What’s the meaning of «most of time» and what’s the difference between them?

    As far as it may matter I’ve heard about «most of the times» meaning more than 50% of the occurrences of something, I’ve heard about «most of the time» meaning more than 50% of the time duration of something, but I’ve never heard about «most of time».

    I am sharing this as a non native speaker, thus less exposed to informal language.


    • #8

    Hello, changwecanbelievein. I think you should regard «most of time» as an error. I do. «Most of the time» is ordinary.

    People may mumble when they speak, forget to include a word, etc. People may omit a word when they are typing. It’s also possible that some people are using «most of time» without being aware that it is wrong.


    • #9

    It’s simply not correct, Changewecanbelievein. Most of the the examples you posted appear to be transcripts of conversations, so the most likely explanation is that the speaker just barely said the — e.g., said «most of th’ time,» barely voicing that th’ — or that the person or machine that made the transcription made a mistake. In the link you posted, it’s an error, plain and simple. The only idiomatic way to say this is «most of the time.»

    (Cross-posted with Owlman)

    Hau Ruck

    • #10

    Most of time, you just create a thread, assign some task to it, and then continue to process other affairs. In these cases, you don’t care how the thread terminates, and a detached thread is a good choice.

    Most likely a typo. It’s not correct.


    • #11

    Most of time, you just create a thread, assign some task to it, and then continue to process other affairs. In these cases, you don’t care how the thread terminates, and a detached thread is a good choice.

    See the section detached threads.

    In the same article we see

    Threads can be created and managed less operating system overhead and fewer system resources.

    Clearly this should be:

    Threads can be created and managed with less operating system overhead and fewer system resources.

    There are other mistakes. The author is writing technically for a limited readership. He or she is not trying to be meticulous about English.

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2012


    • #12

    It just seems to be a non-standard variant of most of the time.

    Hau Ruck

    • #13

    It just seems to be a non-standard variant of most of the time.

    I wouldn’t even call it a variant; I’d just call it incorrect. ;)

    • #14

    Ok. Now I know that phrase is incorrect. Thank you all the repliers.

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