Another word for more than one time

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In the same condition of volume,

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При одинаковых объемных расходах


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Компоненты, которые перестраиваются несколько раз, отображаются красным цветом.


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Могу ли я использовать свою визу для въезда в Великобританию несколько раз?

The provision in paragraph 6.1.5. of this


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Положения пункта 6. 1.


The fact that there is more than one time line allows them to consider a number of possibilities,

and that will enlarge their outlook and understanding.

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Тот факт, что существует больше, чем одна временная линия, позволяет им рассматривать множество вероятностей, и

это расширит их кругозор и понимание.

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Премирование может осуществляться

не чаще четырех


в год или не чаще чем один раз в течение квартала.


Also the word’Horror’ is all over with the word’Horrenda.’ I am not spelling this correctly but

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Я не записываю это правильно,

The participants cannot meet with each other more than one time except where the game did not take place due to the absence of


of the opponents in such case

it is considered that the player did neither have a partner nor any assignment of colour.


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Участники не встречаются друг с другом более одного раза, за исключением случаев неявки


из игроков в таких случаях считается,

что у игрока не было партнера и не было цвета.


The census played a huge role, and August ordered to conduct it every five years in Rome for those who had Roman citizenship and

were residents of Rome and more than one time in all the other provinces of the empire.


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Переписи играли огромную роль, и Август приказывал проводить их каждые пять лет в Риме для тех, кто имел римское гражданство,-

был жителем Рима и более одного раза во всех остальных провинциях империи.


the CRM guarantees the right of judicial review of sentences and compensation in case of injustice.


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Никто не может быть судим более одного раза за совершение


и того же преступления,

а КРМ гарантирует право на пересмотр в судебном порядке решения и выплату компенсации в случае допущения несправедливости.


When this criminal act is committed in collaboration or more than one time, is sentenced from seven to fifteen years of imprisonment,

and, when it has caused serious consensus, it is sentenced not less


fifteen years imprisonment.


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В тех случаях, когда преступление совершается в сговоре с другими лицами либо неоднократно, оно наказывается лишением свободы на срок от семи до пятнадцати лет,

а когда оно влечет за собой серьезные последствия, оно наказывается лишением свободы на срок не менее 15 лет.


Need I remind you how the pride of man enters in more than one time when it comes to the female gender in the Holy Scriptures

and those that transcribed the Holy Scriptures were bias against any Spiritual female leader?

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Нужно ли мне напоминать вам, как гордость в человека входит более чем один раз, когда дело доходит до женского пола в Священном Писании,

и те, которые в переводе Священного Писания были настроены против любой духовной женщины- руководителя?*******?

During the promotion any live account can be awarded as the winner of intermediate rounds repeatedly,

but not more than one time in every 2 calendar months from the date of receipt of prize money;


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Любой торговый счет может быть признан победителем промежуточных этапов неоднократно, в течении всей

Акции, однако не чаще чем 1 раз в 2 календарных месяца с момента получения призовых средств;


However, it must be kept in mind that the number of real beneficiaries of social assistance is a bit

smaller because some of them received

more than one

form of assistance more than one time.


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Однако следует иметь в виду, что количество реальных получателей социальной помощи




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and the same time more than one tuple describing different properties of


and the same object can exist.


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и тоже время может существовать более одного кортежа, описывающего различные свойства


и того же объекта.


Each individual permit is issued for


year and


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Индивидуальное разрешение выдается сроком на


год и


The second form is intended for all other indicators, in which more than one


series is used for calculations.


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Вторая форма вызова предназначена для всех остальных индикаторов, у которых для расчета используется более чем одна таймсерия.


This would allow for sharing findings that are broader in

scope(e.g. analysis of several issues requires observations from


than one time) and stronger in providing explanatory evidence.


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Это позволит провести обмен результатами с более широким охватом(

например, анализ нескольких проблем требует более чем одноразового наблюдения) и которые более достоверно объясняют наблюдаемые тенденции.


For countries with more than one


zone you will have to expand


level deeper.

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Для стран более чем с одним часовым поясом нужно раскрыть еще


уровень меню.

The reason for such increase is that the

minimum fee may be charged


than one time based on the number of days necessary for the total execution of the order.


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Причиной этого является то обстоятельство,

что минимальная плата за операцию может быть применена несколько раз, в зависимости от количества требуемых на выполнение ордера дней.


The higher variance for a random sample with replacement is associated

with the fact that a specific unit can be sampled more than one


always providing the same information and nothing



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высокая дисперсия случайной выборки с замещением связана с тем,

что конкретная единица может быть включена в выборку более одного раза, всякий раз предоставляя ту же информацию и не





Unless I see a major upgrade,

Results: 5066,
Time: 0.0235





  • 0

2. Write one word only in each gap. Some words can be used more than one time.

Try; not; to; start; let; him; me

JUDITH Hello, you’re home early. How did the meeting go?
ALEX Awful! It all started to go wrong when the car broke down. I didn’t want
(0) …………….get my suit dirty so I gave up (1)……………….to fix it after a few
JUDITH So then what did you do?
ALEX You know I hate (2)……………….getting to a meeting on time … so I took a taxi.
JUDITH Alex! That must have been really expensive!
ALEX I didn’t intend (3)……………….go all the way by taxi — just to the station as I knew there was a train at about nine o’clock. But there was an accident on the way, and I missed the train anyway.
JUDITH So you went all the way by taxi?
ALEX Yes, the driver didn’t want (4)……………….take me because he had another
appointment, but I persuaded (5)……………….to. Of course he made (6)………………
pay the whole fare, and extra because he’d missed his appointment.
JUDITH Oh, Alex.
ALEX Then at the office they said I couldn’t give my presentation because I was late
-I didn’t (7)……………….them see I was annoyed, but I was! They were angry, too
— they had hoped to (8)……………….the meeting on time so that they could finish
by lunchtime, and they had waited for me for over an hour. It was a completely
wasted day.
JUDITH And a really expensive one!

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

0 to
1 trying
2 not
3 to
4 to
5 him
6 me
7 want
8 start

  • Комментариев (0)


  • #1

I actually only know «once», «twice», but «three times», «four times» etc. to be used and common words. Now I discovered other variants, and I wonder how and when they’re used:

once —> one time

«once» means «not more than one single time», but what does «one time» mean then? Is it archaic or rare?

twice —> two times

I very often see «twice» to be used in the sense of «one (time) more than one single time», but I also very often see and hear «two times». First I thought it means «two difference times (referring to minutes and seconds)», but I suppose that would rather be «two tenses» (just in grammatical sense). So I kept on contemplating and I guessed it must be another way of expressing «twice». Is that so? How so?

thrice —> three times

Up to ten minutes ago, I only knew «three times», but then I discovered a website containing «thrice». I guessed the meaning, of course, but I looked it up. So as I did, I found out that it is archaic and not used anymore; the reason I haven’t known it yet. What do you think? Do you use it?

    • #2

    For me, the normal series is once, twice, 3 times, 4 times, etc.

    «one time» and «two times» in the sense equivalent to «once» and «twice» are to me slightly more emphatic versions. For example, I might say, «once is one time too many.» «Thrice» for me is so archaic I can’t even use it for humorous purposes.

    • #3

    I would tend to use once when I mean «it happened once, but it will probably never happen again.»

    Eg: I once tried experimental drugs and decided that the risk wasn’t worth it.


    • #4

    In addition to the primary meanings, which have been covered by remosfan and modgirl, once can mean formerly, as in «once upon a time.»

    Also «from the time that,» as in «once you’ve known a good woman, nothing less will satisfy you.»

    Twice can also mean double, not «two times,» as in «I feel twice as bad as I did this morning.» As the example shows, the quantity involved can be indefinite or subjective.

    Thrice is as explained, but sometimes archaic words can be used in earnest. Wiccan spells use thrice a lot, for example.



    Moderator: EHL, Arabic, Hebrew, German(-Spanish)

    • #5

    «Once» and «one time» are generally interchangeable. So are «twice» and «two times.» The single difference is that «once» and «twice» are used more frequently.

    As for the other uses, a few comments—

    ***In «one time too many,» the meaning is not literal.

    He’s offended me one time too many. = He’s offended me too much.


    He’s offended me exactly one time more than what would be appropriate.

    ***FFB’s first «once» is the German «einst.»

    ***Just like you can say «twice as bad,» you can say «three times as bad,» «four times as bad,» etc.


    • #6

    Once too often does mean just that, sometimes— in fact I’d say most often the phrase denotes a «breaking point.» «One straw too many» on the camel’s back.

    «I sat there without rising to the bait while you damned everybody and his uncle, up one way and down the other— but when you got around to my sister, you opened your mouth once too often. That’s why I finally closed it for you.»

    «One time too many» works the same way, but is not quite as colloquial.

    Elroy is right about einst— in fact that word is the exact cognate of once, if not the primary sense. In fact in hardcore Southern AE dialect it is even pronounced «wunst.»


    • #7

    There is another meaning of «one time» which appears now and again. It refers to the past.

    An example is «he is a one time footballer», meaning that at some time in the past he was a footballer. I view this as broadly equivalent to «some time footballer» but I may be wrong.

    But the term «one time footballer» might also mean, perhaps critically or in humour, that he only ever played football once. (Perhaps, like me, he was so bad that no-one ever let him back a second time…)



    • #8

    I don’t think «one time» is used in that sense written as two words. It’s onetime or sometimes one-time. And then you go and hypenate «no one!» Is this another AE/BE thing, or a Caledonian regionalism?



    Moderator: EHL, Arabic, Hebrew, German(-Spanish)

    • #9

    foxfirebrand said:

    Once too often does mean just that, sometimes— in fact I’d say most often the phrase denotes a «breaking point.» «One straw too many» on the camel’s back.

    «I sat there without rising to the bait while you damned everybody and his uncle, up one way and down the other— but when you got around to my sister, you opened your mouth once too often. That’s why I finally closed it for you.»

    «One time too many» works the same way, but is not quite as colloquial.

    Elroy is right about einst— in fact that word is the exact cognate of once, if not the primary sense. In fact in hardcore Southern AE dialect it is even pronounced «wunst.»

    How about this?

    -Why are you so annoyed at Richard?
    -Well, he’s stolen my belongings once too often/one time too many.

    Is that a reference to one specific time?


    • #10

    How about:

    Why are you so annoyed at Richard?
    Well, he’s stolen my belongings.

    Yes, I think if you choose to add «once too often» or «one times too many» you are adding something in meaning, namely that he «reached his limit» with you. By that one most recent theft.

    You weren’t annoyed with him after all those prior times?
    If so, why add «one time too many?» Doing so would not mean «he’s annoyed me too much.» In fact to my ear that’s just not idiomatic.

    If it’s been an annoyance all along, you’d say «because he keeps stealing my belongings.»



    Moderator: EHL, Arabic, Hebrew, German(-Spanish)

    • #11

    foxfirebrand said:

    How about:

    Why are you so annoyed at Richard?
    Well, he’s stolen my belongings.

    Yes, I think if you choose to add «once too often» or «one times too many» you are adding something in meaning, namely that he «reached his limit» with you. By that one most recent theft.

    You weren’t annoyed with him after all those prior times?
    If so, why add «one time too many?» Doing so would not mean «he’s annoyed me too much.» In fact to my ear that’s just not idiomatic.

    If it’s been an annoyance all along, you’d say «because he keeps stealing my belongings.»

    I think it’s figurative.

    More detail: He stole my stuff five times, and I didn’t mind. The sixth time I did get annoyed (that was the one time that crossed the line). Then he did it again. So it’s actually been two times too many.

    Then someone asks me why I’m so annoyed at him. I’d still say «He’s taken my stuff one time too many,» even if it’s actually been two times.

    To my ear «one time too many» can mean «too much.» Am I the only one? :confused:

    • #12


    We’re mixing up frequency and nouns here — we can say
    That was once too OFTEN
    That was THE one TIME I really got annoyed with him

    One is frequency which is always once, twice, etc., thrice if you really must, and the other refers to an event.
    Clear as mud, huh!

    • #13

    So, if I got it correctly…

    I’d say «That was once too often!» when someone, say, annoyed me *one time too many* ?


    • #15

    I think it’s figurative.

    More detail: He stole my stuff five times, and I didn’t mind. The sixth time I did get annoyed (that was the one time that crossed the line). Then he did it again. So it’s actually been two times too many.

    Then someone asks me why I’m so annoyed at him. I’d still say «He’s taken my stuff one time too many,» even if it’s actually been two times.

    To my ear «one time too many» can mean «too much.» Am I the only one? :confused:

    How about this sentence:

    The writer eventually made the decision to stop playing the game after staying up all night one too many times.

    Does it mean He can’t stand staying up all night too often that he stopped playing the game?


    post mod (English Only / Latin)

    • #16

    Yes, it means that the writer can’t stand staying up all night, so he stopped playing the game.

    First the writer stayed up all night ‘one too many times’.
    Then he made the decision to stop playing the game.

    • #17

    Thanks Cagey.
    Does «one too many time», like ebrony asks, only a reference to one specific time, carrying a sense that «If you do it again, that’ll be too much». For instance:

    «Stop playing the game, that’ll be one too many time»?


    • #18

    Hi everyone,

    Have you ever heard or seen the phrased used in the sense other than «pushing one’s luck?, e.g. «Stop making jokes at Kate’s expense, her patiance is wearing thin, if you do it again that’ll be one time too many».

    I was wondering whether it can actually be employed in such a context:

    A: But I only lied to you once!
    B: And it was one time too many!

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2012



    Автоматический перевод

    более, более чем, более чем в

    Перевод по словам

    more  — более, больше, еще, гораздо, больший, дополнительный, большее количество
    than  — чем, кроме, как, чтобы


    I mind cold more than heat.

    Я переношу холод хуже, чем жару.

    Four eyes see more than two.

    Ум хорошо, а два лучше. (посл.)

    I’d be more than happy to help.

    Я с удовольствием помогу.

    They eat more than they should.

    Они едят больше, чем надо.

    It took more than half my time.

    Я потратил на это большую часть жизни.

    We had little more than we needed.

    У нас было немного больше, чем нам было нужно.

    This is more than I bargained for.

    Это даже больше, чем я ожидал.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    I like painting more than sculpture.  

    They always take more than they give.  

    I was more than $10 off in my reckoning.  

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    • other
    • that
    • a distinct
    • a further
    • a separate
    • added
    • else
    • farther
    • fresh
    • further
    • more
    • new
    • one more
    • some other
    • addition
    • a different person
    • one more
    • someone else
    • something else

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    On this page you’ll find 36 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to another, such as: other, that, added, a distinct, a further, and a separate.

    TRY USING another

    See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

    How to use another in a sentence

    Practise gliding in the form of inflection, or slide, from one extreme of pitch to another.


    She walked away toward another door, which was masked with a curtain that she lifted.


    After all, may not even John Burns be human; may not Mr. Chamberlain himself have a heart that can feel for another?


    Another crash, which nearly shut up his spine like a telescope, told him that there were no wings.


    “But the laws of Poloeland and those of Flatland are different,” said Amalatok, starting another objection.


    Again the sallow fingers began to play with the book-covers, passing from one to another, but always slowly and gently.



    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • another
    • back up
    • different
    • flipside
    • other side
    • second
    • substitute
    • surrogate
    • alternate
    • alternative
    • another
    • stand-in
    • another
    • another story
    • atypical
    • bizarre
    • discrete
    • diverse
    • especial
    • express
    • extraordinary
    • individual
    • novel
    • original
    • other
    • out of the ordinary
    • particular
    • peculiar
    • rare
    • several
    • singular
    • something else
    • special
    • specialized
    • specific
    • startling
    • strange
    • uncommon
    • unconventional
    • unique
    • unusual
    • various
    • added
    • additional
    • ancillary
    • another
    • auxiliary
    • beyond
    • button
    • extraneous
    • extraordinary
    • fresh
    • further
    • fuss
    • gingerbread
    • gravy
    • ice
    • in addition
    • in reserve
    • in store
    • inessential
    • lagniappe
    • leftover
    • more
    • needless
    • new
    • one more
    • optional
    • other
    • over and above
    • perk
    • plus
    • redundant
    • reserve
    • spare
    • special
    • superfluous
    • supernumerary
    • supplemental
    • supplementary
    • surplus
    • tip
    • unnecessary
    • unneeded
    • unused
    • added
    • another
    • auxiliary
    • else
    • extra
    • farther
    • further
    • increased
    • more
    • new
    • other
    • renewed
    • supplementary
    • added
    • another
    • auxiliary
    • else
    • extra
    • farther
    • further
    • increased
    • more
    • new
    • other
    • renewed
    • supplementary

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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  • Another word for more than one person
  • Another word for more than most
  • Another word for more money
  • Another word for more difficult
  • Another word for more and most