Another word for more than one person


  • 1 What’s another word for more than one person?
  • 2 What is the word that means more than one meaning?
  • 3 What is a word that means multiple?
  • 4 What is the plural of person?
  • 5 What is another word for many more?
  • 6 What is another word for more than two?
  • 7 Does multiple mean more than 1?
  • 8 Is it correct to say many more?
  • 9 What do you mean by profuse?
  • 10 What is an example of multiples?
  • 11 What is the meaning of multiple people?
  • 12 Is multi more than 2?
  • 13 Is it multiple or multiples?
  • 14 What is a multiple of 12?
  • 15 What is the multiple of three?
  • 16 What is a multiple of 2?
  • 17 What is the multiple of 9?
  • 18 What is the multiple of 7?

What’s another word for more than one person?

What is another word for more than one?

plural multiple
myriad diverse
varied sundry
miscellaneous mixed
different multifarious

What is the word that means more than one meaning?

Polysemy (/pəˈlɪsɪmi/ or /ˈpɒlɪsiːmi/; from Greek: πολύ-, polý-, “many” and σῆμα, sêma, “sign”) is the capacity for a word or phrase to have multiple related meanings. … Dictionary writers often list polysemes under the same entry; homonyms are defined separately.

What is a word that means multiple?

numerous, many, various, different, diverse, several, sundry, miscellaneous, manifold, multifarious, multitudinous, compound, collective.

What is the plural of person?

This is a good question. As a general rule, you’re absolutely right – person is used to refer to an individual, and the plural form is people.

What is another word for many more?

What is another word for many more?

far more considerably more
much more significantly more
appreciably more immeasurably more
noticeably more substantially more
a lot more very much more

What is another word for more than two?

Find another word for multiple. In this page you can discover 35 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for multiple, like: numerous, many, more than one, multifold, multiplied, multitudinous, compound, multiplex, having many uses, many-sided and duplicated.

Does multiple mean more than 1?

: being or consisting of more than one We need multiple copies. : the number found by multiplying one number by another 35 is a multiple of 7.

Is it correct to say many more?

Your usage is correct. The noun “grades” is a countable noun, and so “many” is correct usage. It’s probable that the alliteration (the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words) around “many more” is what makes this seem uncomfortable for you.

What do you mean by profuse?

Definition of profuse

1 : pouring forth liberally : extravagant profuse in their thanks. 2 : exhibiting great abundance : bountiful a profuse harvest.

What is an example of multiples?

A multiple is the product that we get when one number is multiplied by another number. For example, if we say 4 × 5 = 20, here 20 is a multiple of 4 and 5. The other multiples of 4 can be listed as 4 (4 ×1 = 4), 8 (4 × 2 = 8), 12 (4 × 3 = 12), and so on.

What is the meaning of multiple people?

A person that seems like two totally different people on different days might have multiple personalities. The word multiple comes from the Latin multiplus meaning “manifold.” When something exists in multiple forms, it’s manifold, or has many kinds.

Is multi more than 2?

Other definitions for multi (2 of 2)

a combining form meaning “many,” “much,” “multiple,” “many times,” “more than one,” “more than two,” “composed of many like parts,” “in many respects,” used in the formation of compound words: multiply; multivitamin.

Is it multiple or multiples?

Word forms: multiples

You use multiple to describe things that consist of many parts, involve many people, or have many uses. He died of multiple injuries. If one number is a multiple of a smaller number, it can be exactly divided by that smaller number.

What is a multiple of 12?

The multiples of 12 are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144,…

What is the multiple of three?

multiple of 3: 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48,51,54,57,60,63,66,69,72,75,78,81,84,87,90,93,96,99. multiple of 4: 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,68,72,76,80,84,88,92,96. therefore, first three common multiples between 3 and 4 12,24,36.

What is a multiple of 2?

The numbers 2,4,6,8,10,12 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 are called multiples of 2 . Multiples of 2 can be written as the product of a counting number and 2 . The first six multiples of 2 are given below.

What is the multiple of 9?

To do this, we can list the multiples: 9:9,18,27,36_,45,54,63,72,… 12:12,24,36_,48,60,72,… 36 is the first number that occurs in both lists.

What is the multiple of 7?

Multiples of 7 are: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, … A common multiple is a whole number that is a shared multiple of each set of numbers.

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В течение одного года

The Board noted, however, that country offices allocated the

role of senior manager on the Atlas system to more than one person at their respective offices.


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Комиссия отметила, однако, что в страновых отделениях

функции старшего управляющего системы<< Атлас>> поручены более чем одному лицу в каждом из отделений.


If by the act described in paragraph 1 above he or


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В результате деяния, указанного в пункте 1 выше,


Someday, when you’re older you will

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Однажды, когда вы повзрослеете вы поймете,

A suggestion was made


replace the proviso at the end of paragraph(3) by the words:»provided that a method is used


give a reliable assurance that no other data message has been or may be used by the transferor

for the purpose of transferring such right or obligation to more than one person at any given time.


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Было предложено заменить положение в конце пункта 3 следующей формулировкой:» при условии использования метода, дающего надежную гарантию того, что ни


другое сообщение данных не было или не может быть использовано


передающим право или обязательство,

для цели передачи такого права или обязательства в любой момент времени более чем одному лицу.


Mr. HOWLAND(United Kingdom) proposed the following wording:»Provided a method is used


give a reliable assurance that no other data message has been or may be used by the transferor for the


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Г-н ХАУЛЕНД( Соединенное Королевство) предлагает следующую формулировку:»… при условии использования метода, дающего надежную гарантию того, что ни


другое сообщение данных не было и не может быть использовано


передающим право или обязательство,

для целей передачи такого права или обязательства в любой момент времени более чем одному лицу.


The Committee may divide a communication and consider it separately, if

it sets forth distinct facts, or if it refers to more than one person or


alleged violations not interconnected in time and place.


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Комитет может разделить какое-либо сообщение на части и рассматривать их отдельно,

если в сообщении излагаются разные факты или если оно касается более одного лица либо предполагаемых нарушений невзаимосвязанных по времени и месту их совершения.


The Committee may divide a communication and consider its parts separately, if it sets forth distinct facts,


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Комитет может разделить какое-либо сообщение на части и рассматривать их отдельно,

если в нем излагаются разные факты или если оно касается более чем одного лица либо предполагаемых нарушений,

не связанных друг с другом по времени и месту их совершения.


Article 362 1 pars 2 and

3 foresees aggravated punishment if these actions were committed by or to more than one person, or by a criminal group or organization,

or if it resulted in serious damage


public interests, or legally protected rights or interests of persons(natural and legal) protected by law.


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Статья 362 1 п. п. 2

и 3 предусматривают тяжелое наказание для тех же преступлений, совершенных в отношении двух или более лиц или двумя или

более лицами

или организованной

преступной группой или преступной организацией, причинивших ущерб в особо крупном размере общественным интересам или законным правам и интересам физических и юридических




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Такое положение дел соответствует ситуации, когда


работающее по найму лицо занимает более, чем одну должность.


If by the act he or she causes serious bodily harm to or death of more than one person, extensive damage or any other especially serious consequences.


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Он совершает деяние, которое приводит к серьезным физическим травмам или гибели более одного лица, значительному ущербу или каким-либо иным особенно серьезным последствиям.


For estimates involving incidents rather



further adjustments are made to those cases where an incident involved more than one person.


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Для оценок, касающихся инцидентов,



от виктимизаций, производятся дальнейшие корректировки в случаях, когда инцидент затрагивает более одного человека.




these regulations, TEJO is not


honor more than one person with these titles each year.


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Согласно Положению о Почетных Членах и Почетных Президентах TEJO присваивает такие звания не более чем одному человеку каждый год.



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Абонемент продается только физическим


за наличные, не более


одном лице.



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Данная роль может потребовать участие более одного лица с целью охвата всех интересов получателя/ ей.



Instead of focusing on joint and several liability as such,


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Вместо акцента на солидарную ответственность как таковую в некоторых

других документах подчеркивается процессуальная правоспособность предъявлять иски более чем одному лицу.



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И требуется ли более одного человека, чтобы« сделать» или« материализовать» эту« прорезь»- это еще



and can add as many people as you want.

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сколько вы хотите.

and can add as many people as you want.

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сколько вы хотите. Вещи,

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Под» многоместным нераздельным сиденьем» подразумевается приспособление с надлежащей отделкой, предназначенное для более чем одного взрослого человека.


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Многоместное нераздельное сиденье» означает полную конструкцию, включая обивку, предназначенную для посадки более чем одного взрослого человека.


Staff often work on several documents,

a single document could be assigned to more than


person, and priority work is given preference,

thus interrupting other jobs.


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Сотрудники часто работают сразу с


документами, с одним документом могут работать несколько человек, а при поступлении срочных документов, которые обрабатываются в первоочередном

порядке, другая работа откладывается.


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

более одного человека

более чем одного человека

более чем одним человеком

больше одного человека

более чем один человек

несколько человек

более чем одному человеку

больше чем один человек

более одного лица

не один человек

больше чем одного человека

несколькими людьми

несколько лиц

более чем одному лицу

более чем одним лицом

You will probably need more than one person to best deal with the many stressors in life.

Вам, вероятно, понадобится более одного человека, чтобы лучше всего справляться со многими стрессорами в жизни.

First of all, it takes more than one person to manage these sites.

However a conspiracy must by definition involve more than one person.

Writing is a synergistic process requiring more than one person.

Meanwhile, copies of well-respected paid-for publications can be read by more than one person.

This may account for the specificity of collective visions (i.e., those shared by more than one person).

Some people really believe in loving more than one person at the same time.

Некоторые отрицают, что вы можете по-настоящему и полностью любить более чем одного человека одновременно.

It seems that most of the attacks and abilities are designed to damage more than one person at a time.

Кажется, что большинство атак и способностей предназначены повредить более чем одного человека за один раз.

In fact, many speculate that this might just be a pseudonym for more than one person.

Фактически, многие предполагают, что это может быть просто псевдонимом для более чем одного человека.

There were only three keys, but the chambers were actually big enough for more than one person.

Any meeting with the presence of more than one person at a distance less than 50 meters from each other is a violation of the law.

Любое собрание с присутствием более чем одного человека на расстоянии менее 50 метров друг от друга является нарушением закона.

Get more than one person in front of the camera to film some interviews or show how your employees work as a team.

Получить более одного человека перед камерой, чтобы заснять несколько интервью или показать, как ваши сотрудники работают в команде.

When more than one person is involved in the conflict, you need to separate the people.

Joint tenure means that more than one person owns/holds the whole property.

Совместное владение означает, что более одного человека владеют/распоряжаются всем имуществом.

If more than one person is traveling and the distance is relatively short, a taxi may well be cheaper.

Если путешествует более одного человека, а расстояние относительно короткое, такси может быть дешевле.

Tasks that require more than one person are also ideal, as this allows conversation and shared feelings to emerge.

Задачи, требующие более одного человека, также идеальны, так как это позволяет разговаривать и делиться чувствами.

A team of two or three assistants adds more organizational consistency and decreases scheduling errors because more than one person handles the information.

Команда из двух или трех помощников повышает организационную согласованность и уменьшает ошибки планирования, поскольку информация обрабатывается более чем одним человеком.

Lighting should be controllable from inside and outside the premises by more than one person.

To be safe though, do not get in a car if more than one person is driving.

Однако, чтобы быть в безопасности, не садитесь в машину, если за рулем более одного человека.

If more than one person is traveling, the overall travel cost becomes even more competitive.

Если путешествует более одного человека, общая стоимость поездки станет еще более конкурентоспособной.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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In Italian, the equivalent of person is persona, whose plural is persone; there is also another word that could be used instead of persone (gente) but that is not the plural of persona. It cannot be used as simple replacement of persone, as I cannot say ho visto quattro gente for «I saw four people,» but I must say ho visto quattro persone.

In my English classes, I was taught that people is the plural of person, and that is the word I should use.
Google Translate, when I ask the translation of persone, it translates it as people, but looking at the alternatives it has (by clicking on the translation), I see:

  • Persons
  • Person
  • Individuals

I find strange it suggests person, but I take Google Translate suggests also the singular of the word for which the translation is asked.

Is persons ever used in normal conversations? Being Italian my first language, I would be use persons as plural of person, but that is not what I was taught.
Is there any case where individuals is preferable to people, or persons? Suppose I want to say «I saw four people»; could I say «I saw four individuals»? Does the last phrase have a particular meaning, for example «four suspects» or «four people that came from different places, and randomly joined»?

asked Feb 10, 2013 at 17:52

apaderno's user avatar


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Persons is very rare in normal English speech. Mostly you only come across it in legal or other «official» contexts such as…

The defendant conspired with a person or persons unknown to blow up the House of Lords.
6 persons maximum/Licensed to carry 4 persons (notices on lifts/taxis).

In most normal contexts the plural of person is people. When making a restaurant booking, for example, you’d normally ask for a table for six people — if you said six persons that would suggest you’re nervous, unfamiliar with such situations, and foolishly trying to sound «correct» in an inappropriate context. If it was a swanky restaurant they might just say they’re fully booked because you sounded gauche.

Individuals is also relatively uncommon in speech, tending again to be restricted to official (particularly, written) contexts. Probably because of this, if you said you saw four individuals somewhere, it might well imply four suspicious-looking characters, since the phrasing is typical of witnesses giving evidence in court, rather than everyday conversation.

Note that individuals carries no connotations of each individual being significantly different to every other. Identical twins wearing similar clothes are still two individuals, if the context permits using the term at all.

There’s more on this subject in Person, Persons, People, Peoples, which was asked previously on ELU, but for most purposes I suggest it’s enough to note that the standard forms are person/people.

Community's user avatar

answered Feb 11, 2013 at 18:26

FumbleFingers's user avatar


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As far as usage is concerned, no doubt «people» has surpassed both «persons» and «individuals».

Related NGram

Personally, I feel «people» is the most common term people use in their conversation than both «individuals» and «persons». Yet I would like to add that people has more meanings than both persons and individuals. Besides being plural of «human beings» it also means

1) the members of a particular nation, community, or ethnic group

2) one’s supporters or employees

3) one’s parents or relatives

Whereas individuals only is used as the plural of «human beings». And persons has the following meanings besides being «plural of human beings»:

1) Grammar- a category used in the classification of pronouns, possessive determiners, and verb forms, according to whether they indicate the speaker (first person), the addressee (second person), or a third party (third person).

2) Christian Theology- each of the three modes of being of God, namely the Father, the Son, or the Holy Ghost, who together constitute the Trinity.

So for obvious reasons they are less likely to be used in conversational/colloquial English.

answered Feb 10, 2013 at 18:06

Mistu4u's user avatar


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A quick note on legal usage. In law a «person» is a super-class of natural and legal persons. Natural persons are the equivalent of the civil law moral person, that is they are human beings recognised as such by law.

Legal persons are given their personality by law rather than by nature. Technically they are known in English law as «corporations» because they have been given a body («corpor») for legal purposes.

In other usages «corporation» has a more restricted usage and usually refers to a subset of legal persons of a particular size of form. Most normal people would be surprised to learn that the Bishop of Durham was a corporation for instance.

In English law the word «individual» is often used for a natural person.

In this usage «persons» is the correct plural and «people» would be wrong. Corporations are person not people.

Note: to further confuse matters in US political discourse the phrase «corporate personhood» is not used to mean «the status of corporations as persons», which is its literal meaning, but to mean «the granting of certain rights to corporations which arguably should be restricted to individuals only».

answered Mar 4, 2017 at 11:34

Francis Davey's user avatar


Never say ‘persons’. I think the only time you’re likely to see that term used in real life is on the signs you see next to lifts, such as ‘No more than 6 persons permitted’, and even that is unlikely because signs on lifts usually have weight limits — e.g. «The elevator can hold no more than 300kg», or «300kg max». As some answers have already mentioned, ‘persons’ sounds pretentious and ignorant (as if you’re trying to seem more sophisticated/ superior, than you really are).

Meanwhile, ‘individuals’ is a plural noun that is related to the singular noun ‘individual’, which is also an adjective meaning different/distinct from other people/things. The word ‘individuals’ is also fairly negative. Therefore, you should only really say ‘individuals’ if you are trying to be condescending (snooty) towards the people in question, or you are a policeman/ lawyer, describing a certain number of criminals. For example, «Yesterday, two individuals were spotted trespassing, just outside the…» and so on. But you are not a policeman, and it’s bad to sound snooty, so don’t say ‘individuals’.

«Person» is the singular of «people», as you know. This is the word to use if you are describing one human being. E.g. «That person is one of the kindest people I have ever met». As for the plural noun «people», your English classes got it right: that is the word you should use to describe more than one person. E.g. «This morning, five people saw my new house».

One alternative to ‘people’ is the plural noun ‘folk’, which is more informal (this was an example from google) — «her parents were country folk». However, you should only use this word if you are very confident with the language, because otherwise you might use it out-of-context — e.g. it’s wrong to say «This morning, five folk saw my new house», but that’s not clear unless you have a good understanding of which words to use in particular situations.

In conclusion, you should stick with «people».

answered Mar 4, 2017 at 12:15

Parallax Sugar's user avatar

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Английский язык, 11 класс

Урок № 43. Personalities

На уроке мы:

  • узнаем слова по теме «Особенности характера»;
  • научимся использовать слова по теме урока, рассказывать о характере знакомого человека.

Task 1. Познакомься со слова урока.

honest – честный

twist the truth – искажать истину

strong – сильный

courageous – мужественный

take risks – рисковать

ignore doubts – игнорировать сомнения

determined – решительный

hold on –держаться

go through – выдержать

make allowance for – учитывать

breathe a word – обмолвиться

give way to – уступать

modest – скромный

patient – терпеливый

uncomplaining – безропотный

tolerant – толерантный

keep the head — сдерживаться

imaginative – с богатым воображением

thoughtful — задумчивый

polite — вежливый

respectful — уважительный

having the common touch – иметь талант к общению

understanding — понимающий

accept — принять

positive — позитивный

Task 2. Переведи выражения на русский язык.


twist the truth



take risks

ignore doubts


hold on

go through

make allowance for

breathe a word

give way to





keep the head





having the common touch




Task 3. Do you know phrases about the character? Fill in the table.





the common touch


Слова для подстановки: doubts, have, your head, make,

the truth, a word

Task 4. Find 7 words on the topic “Character”








Cлова для поиска: polite, modest, patient, strong, tolerant, positive, courageous

Task 5. Underline the right words.

  1. Never give up and go/drive through hardships.
  2. Mothers are loving, thoughtful/understanding and patient.
  3. You should make allowance/discount for his being young.
  4. He couldn`t breathe a world/word.
  5. If you want to succeed in business, you should take/break risks.
  6. Ignore doubts/clouds and follow your dream.

Task 6. Fill in the blanks in the text.


What makes one person more intelligent than another? What

makes one person a genius,(1)__________________, and another person a fool? Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result of where and how you live? These are very old questions and (2)_______________________.

We know, however, that just being born with a good mind (3)_____________. In some ways, the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle. It needs exercise. Mental exercise is (4)_________________. Many child psychologists think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think about. The children are then more likely to (5)__________________. If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do, they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent. Parents should also be careful what they say to young children.

According to some psychologists, if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot, then the child is more likely (6)_____________. So it is probably better for parents to say very positive things to their children, such as “That was a very clever thing you did” or “You are such a smart child”.

Фразы для подстановки:

  1. is not enough
  2. grow up bright and intelligent

3. particularly important for young children

4. like the brilliant Albert Einstein

5. to keep doing silly and foolish things

6. the answers to them are still not clear

Task 7. What traits of character are important for a ruler and a soldier? Fill in the table.

Слова для сортировки: respectful, determined, strong, honest, modest, courageous

Task 8. Choose the right word in the dialogue.

Grandfather: Have you made up your mind what profession to (choose/lose), Fred?

Fred: Yes, I want to be a businessman! It can bring me much (food/money).

Grandfather: Do you know that you must have special traits of character to be a (good/bad) businessman?

Fred: I do. It seems to me I (have/don`t have) them. I am (dishonest/honest) and determined.

Grandfather: That`s very important. However, you also must take (risks/friends), ignore doubts and have the common touch.

Fred: I`ll try to.

Task 9. Cross out the wrong word.

A human being is the whole world and if you want to research/explore it, you need to know Yourself better. Usually a human being thinks that he is better/worse than he is in reality. He thinks that he observes/deserves more than he possesses, that he can teach others how to behave/do and in return he does not need the piece of advice of other people and he (human being) does not want to be treated/liked the way he is not fond of.

There is nothing bad if you strive/drive for becoming better, more intelligent and for highlighting your dignity. But it is bad if self-respect or self-esteem is an step/obstacle on the way to get closer to other people, and it prevents/helps from friendship especially. That is why generosity/curiosity and tolerance are the best traits of any human being. Time is a strict tester, it tries people and their relations and friendship is also tried by the minute/time. Friendship, word or promise, deed, love, duty and honour are the qualities that any person should possess/discuss. A man of his word and deed are often met in real life. Others follow their way of life. These people are faithful/unfaithful friends, they will never betray in any case, and they may be relied upon.


Do you know phrases about the character? Fill in the table.





the common touch


Слова для подстановки: doubts, have, your head, make,

the truth, a word

Упражнение позволяет тренироваться в использовании активной лексики, с его помощью можно добиться запоминания устойчивых выражений по предложенной тематике.



a word


the truth




your head


the common touch




Task 9. Cross out the wrong word.

A human being is the whole world and if you want to research/explore it, you need to know Yourself better. Usually a human being thinks that he is better/worse than he is in reality. He thinks that he observes/deserves more than he possesses, that he can teach others how to behave/do and in return he does not need the piece of advice of other people and he (human being) does not want to be treated/liked the way he is not fond of.

There is nothing bad if you strive/drive for becoming better, more intelligent and for highlighting your dignity. But it is bad if self-respect or self-esteem is an step/obstacle on the way to get closer to other people, and it prevents/helps from friendship especially. That is why generosity/curiosity and tolerance are the best traits of any human being. Time is a strict tester, it tries people and their relations and friendship is also tried by the minute/time. Friendship, word or promise, deed, love, duty and honour are the qualities that any person should possess/discuss. A man of his word and deed are often met in real life. Others follow their way of life. These people are faithful/unfaithful friends, they will never betray in any case, and they may be relied upon.


A human being is the whole world and if you want to research/explore it, you need to know Yourself better. Usually a human being thinks that he is better/worse than he is in reality. He thinks that he observes/deserves more than he possesses, that he can teach others how to behave/do and in return he does not need the piece of advice of other people and he (human being) does not want to be treated/liked the way he is not fond of.

There is nothing bad if you strive/drive for becoming better, more intelligent and for highlighting your dignity. But it is bad if self-respect or self-esteem is an step/obstacle on the way to get closer to other people, and it prevents/helps from friendship especially. That is why generosity/curiosity and tolerance are the best traits of any human being. Time is a strict tester, it tries people and their relations and friendship is also tried by the minute/time. Friendship, word or promise, deed, love, duty and honour are the qualities that any person should possess/discuss. A man of his word and deed are often met in real life. Others follow their way of life. These people are faithful/unfaithful friends, they will never betray in any case, and they may be relied upon.

Упражнение позволяет тренировать употребление слов в контексте. Тренирует учащихся в переводе фраз в связном тексте, объединённом общей идеей. Дополнительно учащийся узнаёт о важных чертах характера любого человека и получает образец высказывания о характере.

Лексические единицы, изученные в данном уроке: honest, twist the truth, strong, courageous, take risks, ignore doubts, determined, hold on, go through, make allowance for, breathe a word, give way to, modest, patient, uncomplaining, tolerant, keep the head, imaginative, thoughtful, polite, respectful, have the common touch, understanding, accept, positive.


  1. Выполни упражнения 2-4, стр. 56 (Афанасьева О. В.., Дули Дж. и др. Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь. 11 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.)

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