Another word for more money

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Сделать хорошие времена больше денег и купить обновление для грузовика.


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She’s asking for more money, so she could be being paid to be tortured.

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Она требует денег, значит, ей могли платить за пытки.

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Eager slut will touch him for more money during his session AsianAssBlowjob.

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Нетерпеливый шлюха буду коснуться его для Больше деньги в течение его сессия АзиаткиЗадницыМинет.

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А теперь опять придется просить у них денег.

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Just because you hung up your lab coat for more money and a bigger office?

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Time: 0.0261





Few things get more attention it seems than money. People use it every day—sometimes multiple times a day.

People plan where they live around money, where they travel around money, where they work around money, and where they retire around money.

Since money is an essential tool that most people cannot live without, it has developed a rich and colorful bank of slang terms in which to be described.

Who says writing about money has to be boring? Finance, currency, legal tender? Incorporate some change into your financial writing.

What is slang for money? Here is a list of 80+ slang terms for money. Some of the terms are similar to each other; some are even derivatives of each other, but they all relate back to money.

This is not an exhaustive list. I’m sure there are some terms I missed, and I’m sure more terms will be coined in the years to come. In any event, this is a fun list to get your brains rolling.

Slang for Money List:

  1. Bacon: Money in general; bring home the bacon.
  2. Bands: Paper money held together by a rubber band. Usually $10,000 or more.
  3. Bank: Money; Obviously related to banks that hold money.
  4. Bankrolls: Roll of paper money.
  5. Money slang words Benjamins: Reference to Benjamin Franklin, whose portrait is on the one hundred dollar bill.
  6. Big bucks: Large amounts of money; generally used in reference to payment or employment compensation.
  7. Bills: A banknote; piece of paper money.
  8. Biscuits: Money in general; origin unknown.
  9. Bisquick: Money in general; origin unknown.
  10. Blue cheese: Reference to the new U.S. 100-dollar bill introduced in 2009, which has a blue hue to it.
  11. Blue cheddar: See blue cheese.
  12. Bookoo bucks: See big bucks.
  13. Bones: Dollars (origin unknown).
  14. Bread: Money in general. The analogy being that bread is a staple of life. Food is a common theme for slang money terms.
  15. Brick: A bundled or shrink-wrapped amount of money, usually in amounts of $1,000 or $10,000. A reference to the rectangular shape that looks like a brick.
  16. Broccoli: Paper money, reference to its color.
  17. Buckaroos: Money in general.
  18. Bucks: Dollars; Thought to be a reference to deer skins used for trading.
  19. C-note: One hundred dollars; a reference to the Roman Numeral for 100.
  20. Cabbage: Paper money. In reference to the color of U.S. currency.
  21. Cake: Money in general; similar to bread and dough.
  22. Cash: Money in general.
  23. Cash money: see cash.
  24. Cheese: Money in general (origin unknown).
  25. Cheddar: Money in general (origin unknown).
  26. Chits: Money in general; originally a signed note for money owed for food, drink, etc.
  27. Chips: Money in general; reference to poker chips.
  28. Chump change: A small amount of money.
  29. Clams: Money in general; Possible origin is thought to be clamshells that were once used as a form of currency by Native American Indians in California.
  30. Coin: Money in general, paper or coin.
  31. Commas: Money in general, reference to increasing amounts of money; moving from one comma to two commas as in from 10,000 to 1,000,000.
  32. CREAM: Acronym meaning “cash rules everything around me.”
  33. Dead presidents: Paper money; a reference to the presidential portraits that most U.S. currency adorns.
  34. Dinero: Money in general; originally the currency of the Christian states of Spain.
  35. Dime: Another reference to coin, specifically the dime.
  36. Doubloons: Money in general; reference to gold doubloons.
  37. Dough: Money in general (origin unknown).
  38. Fetti: Money in general; originates from feria, the Spanish term for money.
  39. Five-spot: Five-dollar bill.
  40. Fivers: Five dollar bills.
  41. Slang word for money Franklins: Hundred dollar bills. Benjamin Franklin is one the U.S. hundred dollar bill.
  42. Frog: $50 bill in horse racing.
  43. Frog skins: Money in general.
  44. Gold: Money in general; reference to gold as being a tangible product for thousands of years.
  45. Green: Paper money, referencing its color.
  46. Greenbacks: Paper money; Greenbacks were U.S. current in the Civil War.
  47. Gs: Shorthand term for “grand,” which is a thousand dollars.
  48. Grand: One thousand dollars. In the early 1900s, one thousand dollars was thought to be a “grand” sum of money, hence grand.
  49. Guac: Money in general; reference to guacamole’s green appearance.
  50. Guineas: A coin minted in England from 1663-1813.
  51. Gwop: Money in general.
  52. Half-yard: Fifty dollars.
  53. Hundies: Hundred dollar bills.
  54. Jacksons: Twenty dollar bills. Andrew Jackson is one the U.S. twenty dollar bill.
  55. Knots: A wad of paper money.
  56. Large: Similar use as “grand.” Twenty large would be the same as saying twenty grand.
  57. Lincolns: Five dollar bills. Abraham Lincoln is one the U.S. five dollar bill.
  58. Long green: Paper money, from its shape and color.
  59. Lolly: Money in general; origin unknown.
  60. Loot: Large sum of money; originally money received from stolen plunder or other illicit means.
  61. Lucci: Money in general; loot; possibly stemming from term lucre.
  62. Lucre: Money that has been acquired through ill-gotten means.
  63. Mega bucks: See big bucks.
  64. Monkey: British slang for 500 pounds sterling; originates from soldiers returning from India, where the 500 rupee note had a picture of a monkey on it.
  65. Moola: Money in general (origin unknown) Also spelled moolah.
  66. Notes: Money in general; reference to banknotes from a bank.
  67. Nugget: Referencing gold, but a general term for money of any kind.
  68. OPM: Other people’s money; accounting term.
  69. Slang term for money Paper: Paper bills of any kind.
  70. Payola: Money in general, specifically money earned as compensation for labor; a paycheck.
  71. Pesos: Money in general; Pesos are the official currency of Mexico.
  72. Plunder: Stolen money.
  73. Quid: One pound (100 pence) in British currency.
  74. Rack: Synonym for dollars when talking about thousands. Five thousand racks. Ten racks.
  75. Rock: Million dollars
  76. Roll: Shortened term for bankroll.
  77. Sawbuck: Ten-dollar bill. Originated from a sawbuck device, which is a device for holding wood to be cut into pieces. Its shape is that of an “X” form at each end, which are joined by cross bars below the intersections of the X’s. The “X” shape resembles the Roman Numeral for ten, hence sawbuck.
  78. Scratch: Money in general (origin unknown).
  79. Scrilla: Money in general (Possibly formed from analogy to another slang money term: paper. Paper once came in the form of a scroll. Scroll became scrilla.).
  80. Shekels: Money in general (biblical currency; also modern day currency of Israel).
  81. Nicknames for money Singles: Single one-dollar bills.
  82. Smackers: Dollars (origin unknown).
  83. Stacks: Multiples of one thousand dollars.
  84. Ten-spot: Ten-dollar bill.
  85. Tenners: Ten-dollar bills.
  86. Turkey: Money in general; sometimes referred to in the phrase let’s talk turkey.
  87. Wad: Large sum of money; usually a bundled sum carried in your pockets.
  88. Wonga: English Romany word for money.
  89. Yard: One hundred dollars.

Summary: Slang for Cash

Other names for money I hope some of these other words for money were new to you. As I mentioned above, this list is obviously not exhaustive. People will be finding new ways in which to describe money until the end of time.

Until then, I will be here documenting them as they appear on the literary scene.

If you see any easy terms that I missed in my list, tweet me at @Writing_Class, and I will add them to the list.

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Примеры перевода

  • больше денег

But more money alone will not solve these problems.

Однако с помощью только больших денег эти проблемы не решить.

Yes, we need more money in the coming years.

Да, в предстоящие годы нам понадобится больше денег.

Progress in protecting our environment will take more money.

Прогресс в деле охраны окружающей нас среды потребует больше денег.

More money is needed, and the international community needs to do more.

Требуется больше денег и международное сообщество должно сделать больше.

Normally, Governments financed their budget deficits by printing more money.

Обычно правительства покрывали дефицит бюджета, печатая больше денег.

It could enable them to earn more money and acquire more skills.

Она может предоставить им возможность заработать больше денег и приобрести больше навыков.

In reality, the more money a candidate has the more votes he gets to win.

На практике, чем больше денег имеется у кандидата, тем больше голосов он может получить для того, чтобы победить.

Well, then, Hawkins, what in fortune were they after? More money, I suppose?» «No, sir; not money, I think,» replied I. «In fact, sir, I believe I have the thing in my breast pocket;

Объясни мне, Хокинс, чего же им еще было нужно? Они еще каких-нибудь денег искали? – Нет, сэр, не денег, – ответил я. – То, что они искали, лежит у меня здесь, в боковом кармане.

Upon such a fund no more money would probably be advanced than what the tax to be levied in Great Britain might be supposed to answer for.

Под обеспечение такого фонда можно будет, вероятно, получить в заем немного больше денег, чем сможет дать налог, взимаемый в Великобритании.

It puts, indeed, a little more money into the pockets of both, and it will perhaps be somewhat difficult to persuade the greater part of them that this is not rendering them a very considerable service.

Конечно, она дает тем и другим несколько больше денег, и, пожалуй, будет трудновато убедить большинство их, что это отнюдь не оказывает им значительной услуги.

They do not always send more money abroad than usual, but they buy upon credit, both at home and abroad, an unusual quantity of goods, which they send to some distant market in hopes that the returns will come in before the demand for payment.

Они не всегда отправляют за границу больше денег, чем обыкновенно, но покупают в кредит как внутри страны, так и за границей необычайно большое количество товаров, отправляя их на какой-нибудь отдельный рынок в надежде, что выручка за них получится до срока платежа.

more money — перевод на русский

She had no more money on her.

У неё не было больше денег.

Don’t offer them any more money.

Не давай им больше денег.

— I suppose someone offered more money?

— Наверно, кто-то предложил больше денег?

You could make more money right here.

— Мы можем сделать больше денег прямо здесь.

And I’m the guy that has to sit here up to my neck in phony claims… so they won’t throw more money out the window than they take in at the door.

А я разгребаю дутые иски,.. …чтобы они не выплачивали больше денег, чем получают.

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— No more money?

— И денег нет?

I can’t ask them for any more money.

Я не могу у них просить денег.

The last one didn’t have any more money, so he gave me a cheque.

У последнего не было денег и он расплатился чеком.

To make more money, I guess that guy is gonna get the mad-house here as well.

Чтобы заработать денег этот парень устроит здесь даже сумасшедший дом.

He made five times more money than it was worth.

Он делал денег в пять раз больше стоимости работы.

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More money than we ever realised out of all our schemes put together.

Это больше, чем мы заработали бы, даже если сложить все наши безумные затеи.

— Should’ve asked for more money.

— Надо было просить больше.

Lonnegan gets most of his income from the numbers… even though he’s been putting more money into his savings and loan business.

У Лоннегана доходов с азартных игр больше,.. …чем он получает со своих вкладов и ссудных операций.

If you have no more money, you can cause no more mischief.

Ты больше ничего не сможешь купить.

Oh, this is more money than I can even count!

Тут больше, чем я могу сосчитать.

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— Can’t I put more money in?

— Могу я внести ещё денег?

How much more money are you going to pay me for this excursion?

Сколько ещё денег вы собирается заплатить мне за эту экскурсию?

I may need some more money.

Мне ещё денег будет нужно.

They want more money.

Они хотят еще денег.

Can’t you make your father give you some more money?

Разве ты не можешь попросить у отца еще денег?

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I’ll make more money. I’ll meet nice people who can help me. People with pull, not cheap little hustlers.

Я буду больше зарабатывать, увижу приятных людей, которые могут мне помочь, разных шишек, а не всякий мелкий сброд.

Will you make more money?

Ты теперь будешь больше зарабатывать?

You have to keep earning more money… so that you can get a new apartment… and Lucy can have her own room… for when you get her back.

Тебе нужно больше зарабатывать… тогда ты можешь купить квартиру, чтобы у Люси была своя комната… к тому времени как ты вернёшь её.

When I left this job, I told everybody it was because I wanted to make more money.

Когда я ушла с этой работы, то сказала всем, что хочу больше зарабатывать.

— Make more money.

Больше зарабатывать.

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She told me I could make more money in one night than I’d make all year.

Она сказала мне, что я могу в ночь заработать больше, чем за весь год.

Dad realized that Mom was going to earn more money than him.

Папа понял, что теперь мама будет заработать больше, чем он.

I mean there’s more money to be made smuggling fags than heroin, these days. Big profits to protect.

Сегодня на контрабанде курева можно заработать больше, чем на героине, огромные деньги.

By profession he was a graphic artist, but he realized that he could make more money by selling foundry type.

По профессии он был график-дизайнер, но понял, что сможет заработать больше, продавая шрифты.

Usually former finance guys or consultants who finally figured out they can make more money stealing corporate secrets than keeping them.

Обычно это ребята из финотдела или консультанты, которые в конце концов поняли, что смогут заработать больше на краже корпоративных секретов, чем на их сохранении.

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They will spend more money and risk the lives of their people perfecting the design.

Они потратят еще больше денег и будут рисковать еще большим количеством своих людей, доводя до ума эту машину.

What? You will con me out of more money?

Что тогда, ты украдешь у меня еще больше денег?

Want more money?

Ты хочешь еще больше денег?

When you come to these hotels, there are people paid to be nice to you so you’ll wanna come back and spend more money.

Здесь людям платят, чтобы они были милыми с вами.. так чтобы вы хотели вернуться и тратить еще больше денег.

The Glee Club? You came in third last year and you’re asking for more money?

Вы заняли третье место в прошлом году и просишь еще больше денег?

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I don’t have any more money.

У меня больше нет денег

I don’t have any more money.

— Это была твоя идея подать в суд? — У меня больше нет денег.

No, I don’t have any more money.

Нет, у меня больше нет денег.

«But Bun, I don’t have any more money.»

Но, Бен, у меня больше нет денег.

You’re supposed to be that guy, we have no more money and no way of getting any more.

Вообще-то именно ты должен был быть этим парнем, У нас больше нет денег Или возможности где-либо их еще достать.

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The job she has now pays her more money.

У нее есть работа, на которой ей больше платят.

Yeah, and it’s more money, and flexible hours…

Да. Там больше платят и отличный график.

— No, tabloids pay more money.

— Таблоиды больше платят.

Doing another case for more money.

Занимается делом, за которое больше платят.

But why would Hugh leave Inspector Robinson, even for a better job with more money, and why doesn’t the Inspector stop him?

Но почему Хью бросает инспектора Робинсона, даже если за ту работу больше платят, и почему инспектор не останавливает его?

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I want you to have more money in your pockets. I wanna be proud of you.

Хочу чтоб у тебя было много денег.

They have more money.

У них много денег.

You telling me how to lie so I can get more money?

Вы мне предлагаете соврать, чтобы получить много денег?

A good story means more listeners, which means more renown, which means more money. Which means more of everything to a lowly sinner like me.

Хорошая история — это много слушателей, а много слушателей — это признание и, значит, много денег, а для меня, жалкого грешника, это самое главное.

Why work to bring more money home and they are practically nothing.

«Почему ваша работа приносит так много денег, а их — практически ничего?»

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