- contemporary
- current
- modernized
- present-day
- state-of-the-art
- stylish
- avant-garde
- concomitant
- latest
- novel
- now
- present
- recent
- today
- coincident
- concurrent
- contempo
- cutting edge
- fresh
- futuristic
- last word
- late
- latter-day
- leading-edge
- modernistic
- modish
- neoteric
- new-fashioned
- newfangled
- prevailing
- prevalent
- twenty-first century
- up-to-the-minute
- with it
On this page you’ll find 93 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to modern, such as: contemporary, current, modernized, present-day, state-of-the-art, and stylish.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
TRY USING modern
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
How to use modern in a sentence
To modern workers everywhere,To modern workers everywhere,Executives facing massive technology shifts in their business have two choices—bet the company on the next era, or collect cash in a shrinking industry before hanging up their spurs.
To modern workers everywhere,To modern workers everywhere,In 2017, just over a third of US employers offered some form of mindfulness training to workers.
To modern workers everywhere,To modern workers everywhere,At Quartz at Work, we often think about the workplace as just another arena in which life happens.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- Bohemian
- advanced
- ahead of its time
- cutting-edge
- daring
- experimental
- forward-looking
- forward-thinking
- groundbreaking
- hip
- innovative
- innovatory
- inventive
- last-word
- leading-edge
- modern
- new
- new-wave
- nonconformist
- off the beaten path
- offbeat
- original
- pioneering
- progressive
- radical
- revolutionary
- state-of-the-art
- trailblazing
- ultramodern
- unconventional
- unfamiliar
- unorthodox
- unorthodox
- untraditional
- way-out
- chichi
- clean
- current
- dap
- dapper
- dashing
- elegant
- exclusive
- faddish
- last-word
- latest thing
- mod
- modern
- modish
- natty
- sharp
- smart
- stylish
- swank
- trendy
- voguish
- with it
- accepted
- accustomed
- afoot
- circulating
- common knowledge
- customary
- cutting-edge
- doing
- existent
- extant
- fad
- fashionable
- general
- going around
- hot
- in
- in circulation
- in progress
- in the mainstream
- in the news
- in use
- in vogue
- instant
- leading-edge
- mod
- modern
- now
- on the front burner
- ongoing
- popular
- present
- present-day
- prevailing
- prevalent
- rampant
- regnant
- rife
- ruling
- state-of-the-art
- swinging
- topical
- trendy
- up-to-date
- widespread
- advanced
- current
- groundbreaking
- high-tech
- innovative
- latter-day
- modern
- new
- ultramodern
- avant-garde
- bohemian
- contemporary
- cool
- deep
- groovy
- hippie
- mod
- modern
- modernistic
- off the wall
- offbeat
- out of this world
- rad
- radical
- ultramodern
- unconventional
- unorthodox
- way out
- weird
- wild
- a go-go
- all the rage
- chic
- chichi
- contemporary
- current
- customary
- dashing
- faddy
- favored
- fly
- genteel
- hot
- in style
- in vogue
- last word
- latest
- latest thing
- mod
- modern
- modish
- natty
- new
- newfangled
- now
- popular
- prevailing
- rakish
- smart
- stylish
- swank
- trendsetting
- trendy
- up-to-date
- up-to-the-minute
- upscale
- usual
- well-turned-out
- with it
- à la mode
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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as in contemporary
being or involving the latest methods, concepts, information, or styles
this hairstyle is absolutely the most modern fashion out there
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in liberal
a person with very modern ideas
the leaders of the American suffragists were originally regarded by many people as uppity moderns who should have stayed in their place
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
Articles Related to modern
Thesaurus Entries Near modern
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“Modern.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/modern. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.
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[ mˈɒdən], [ mˈɒdən], [ m_ˈɒ_d_ə_n]
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Table of Contents
• all (adjective)
- modern.
• chic (adjective)
- more withit,
- dappest,
- most voguish,
- most withit,
- most with it,
- most with-it,
- most faddish,
- more faddish,
- more with it,
- withit,
- more with-it,
- more voguish.
• current (adjective)
- more cutting-edge,
- instant,
- nowest,
- in mainstream,
- most cuttingedge,
- most leading edge,
- more leading-edge,
- doinger,
- in news,
- nower,
- pre vailing,
- most leading-edge,
- prevailing,
- more prevalent,
- pre-vailing,
- more cutting edge,
- more leadingedge,
- fadder,
- cuttingedge,
- more cuttingedge,
- most cutting edge,
- doingest,
- more leading edge,
- most cutting-edge,
- leadingedge,
- most leadingedge,
- faddest.
• desirable (adjective)
- snazzy.
• different (adjective)
- unusual.
• excellent (adjective)
- cool.
• far-out (adjective)
- ultamodern,
- hippie,
- modernistic,
- rad,
- sensational,
- very unconventional,
- out in left field.
• far out (adjective)
- off wall,
- nonconformist quirky.
• fashionable (adjective)
- trig,
- chic,
- Tony,
- a go-go,
- well-liked,
- all the rage,
- upscale,
- faddy,
- swank,
- in-thing,
- trendsetting,
- in style.
• fresh (adjective)
- most beginning,
- most newborn,
- brand new,
- most comer,
- this season,
- un-touched,
- whats happening,
- more neoteric,
- hot press,
- more newborn,
- un usual,
- most neoteric,
- be ginning,
- hot the press,
- most novel,
- un processed,
- unprocessed,
- brandnew,
- more comer,
- more beginning,
- un seasoned,
- hot off the press,
- un-seasoned,
- un-usual,
- what happening,
- this seasons,
- un touched,
- be-ginning,
- un-processed.
• futuristic (adjective)
- innovative.
• in (adjective)
- up the minute,
- up to minute,
- up minute.
• industrial (adjective)
- factory-made,
- mechanized,
- in industry,
- machine-made,
- smokestack,
- industrialized.
• in vogue (adjective)
- latest fashion,
- in the latest style,
- New Look,
- in thing,
- on the cutting edge,
- in with it,
- latest wrinkle,
- chi-chi,
- latest fad.
• late (adjective)
- latest.
• latter (adjective)
- last-mentioned,
- last mentioned.
• lively (adjective)
- swinging.
• new (adjective)
- unfamiliar,
- avant-garde,
- newest,
- unspoiled,
- novel,
- late-breaking,
- untried.
• newest (adjective)
- red-hot.
• newfangled (adjective)
- Newfashioned,
- gimmicky,
- newfangled.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- timely,
- new,
- what’s happening,
- hip,
- progressive,
- current,
- in circulation,
- unprecedented,
- sui generis,
- up to the minute,
- up-to-the-minute,
- unheard of,
- common knowledge,
- metropolitan,
- latter,
- young,
- sophisticated,
- voguish,
- in vogue,
- red hot,
- in fashion,
- Towardly,
- with-it,
- in the news,
- newfound,
- contempo,
- hot off press,
- fashionable,
- present,
- revolutionary,
- in progress,
- fresh,
- Neoteric,
- industrial,
- up-to-date,
- futuristic,
- well timed,
- recent,
- topical,
- Latterday,
- cutting-edge,
- this season’s,
- hot off the fire,
- in good time,
- faddish,
- in the mainstream,
- going around,
- on front burner,
- leading-edge,
- state-of-the-art,
- the latest,
- extra ordinary,
- far-out,
- in use,
- just out,
- Timeous.
• present (adjective)
- today,
- for the time being,
- under consideration,
- in process,
- in duration,
- present-day,
- just now,
- even now,
- at this moment,
- nowadays.
• present-day (adjective)
- presentday,
- present day.
• progressive (adjective)
- up-and-coming,
- gradual,
- reformist,
- bleeding-heart,
- left of center,
- broadminded.
• recent (adjective)
- latter day,
- hot fire,
- re-cent,
- re cent,
- hot off fire,
- hot the fire,
- more contempo,
- most contempo.
• sophisticated (adjective)
- multi faceted,
- re fined,
- highly developed,
- multi-faceted.
• state-of-the-art (adjective)
- fore-front,
- most forefront,
- fore front,
- more forefront.
• stylish (adjective)
- modish.
• timely (adjective)
- more towardly,
- in nick of time,
- in nick time,
- welltimed,
- in the nick time,
- more timeous,
- most timeous,
- most towardly.
• topical (adjective)
- thematic.
• trig (adjective)
- trigger.
• unprecedented (adjective)
- un commoner,
- most outre,
- un-exampled,
- un-commoner,
- more outre,
- un commonest,
- un common,
- un exampled,
- extra-ordinary,
- un rivaled,
- more unexampled,
- un-rivaled,
- most unexampled,
- unexampled,
- un paralleled,
- un-common,
- unheardof,
- un-paralleled.
• unusual (adjective)
- far out.
• up-to-date (adjective)
- most happening,
- more abreast,
- most up,
- state the art,
- state art,
- most abreast,
- more happening,
- state of art,
- up to date,
- more up.
• young (adjective)
- boylike,
- Newish,
- girllike,
- pubescent,
- not aged,
- half-grown,
- unfledged.
- existing,
- at this time,
- alive,
- immediate.
- improved,
- convenient,
- dilapidated,
- renovated,
- functional,
- ahead of your/its etc. time,
- victorian.
- time.
- knowledge,
- au courant.
• bodoni (noun)
- bodoni.
• contemporary (noun)
- contemporary.
• forward-looking (noun)
- forward-looking.
• mod (noun)
- mod.
• modern-day (noun)
- modern-day.
• moderne (noun)
- moderne.
• modern font (noun)
- modern font.
• music (noun)
- operas,
- heavy metal,
- classicals,
- singing,
- rock and roll,
- plainsong,
- ragtime,
- music,
- instrumentals,
- Melodies,
- populars,
- moderns,
- bebop.
• neo (noun)
- neo.
• nonclassical (noun)
- nonclassical.
• stylish (noun)
- stylish.
• ultramodern (noun)
- ultramodern.
• reasoning (verb)
- logic.
Other synonyms:
• Bodoni font
- Bodoni Font.
- funky,
- classically,
- du jour,
- quaint,
- classy,
- frontier,
- glossy,
- last.
- sassy,
- happening.
- ahead.
- in.
- smart.
- sharp.
- right.
• current
- new-fashioned.
How to use «Modern» in context?
There’s a lot of talk today about what «modern» love actually is. Is it based on communication and honesty? On respecting each other’s individuality? On mutual respect and understanding? On being comfortable in your own skin? On doing what you think is right, even if it’s not what the other person wants?
For some, the answer is a clear and unqualified yes. For others, it might be more ambiguous and subjective.
Paraphrases for Modern:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Foreign word
contemporary, fashionable, modern-day, state-of-the-art.
Proper noun, singular
contemporary, modern-day, moderne.
Noun, singular or mass
Foreign word
Reverse Entailment
modernized, Modernizing.
Proper noun, singular
modernization, modernize, modernized, Modernizing.
Noun, plural
Verb, 3rd person singular present
best, brand-new, contemporaneous, fledgling, innovative, latter-day, modernise, modernize, newest, progressive, sophisticated, streamlined, trendy, up-to-date, cutting-edge, modernising, leading-edge.
Proper noun, singular
modernisation, Criteria, modernising, moderna.
Noun, plural
practices, instruments, units, contributions.
Noun, singular or mass
modernisation, modernization, up-to-date.
Homophones for Modern:
- methedrine, mother hen, matterhorn, modern man, motorman, Mediterranean Anemia, motor home, matrimony, monotreme, motor horn, mediterranean, matron, myometrium, metatherian, mondrian, madrono, midiron, motor inn, motrin, metronome, madrona, midterm, Mediterranean Anaemia, mandarin, moderne.
Hyponym for Modern:
person, individual, mortal, someone, soul, somebody.
Rhymes with Modern
- ultramodern
How do you pronounce modern?
Pronounce modern as ˈmɑdərn.
US — How to pronounce modern in American English
UK — How to pronounce modern in British English
Sentences with modern
Quotes about modern
5. modern
adjective. [‘ˈmɑːdɝn’] ahead of the times.
- moderne (Middle French (ca. 1400-1600))
6. modern
noun. [‘ˈmɑːdɝn’] a contemporary person.
- moderne (Middle French (ca. 1400-1600))