- competition
- confrontation
- contest
- convention
- date
- encounter
- reunion
- session
- showdown
- talk
- affair
- assemblage
- assembly
- assignation
- audience
- bunch
- call
- company
- conclave
- concourse
- confab
- conflict
- congregation
- congress
- convocation
- engagement
- gang
- huddle
- introduction
- meet
- parley
- rally
- rendezvous
- tryst
- turnout
- cattle call
- concursion
- get-together
- one-on-one
- agreement
- contact
- abutment
- apposition
- concourse
- confluence
- conjunction
- connection
- crossing
- joining
- junction
- juxtaposition
- unification
- union
On this page you’ll find 136 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to meeting, such as: competition, confrontation, contest, convention, date, and encounter.
- disconnection
- division
- separation
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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OCTOBER 26, 1985
- accession
- advent
- appearance
- approach
- arriving
- debarkation
- disembarkation
- entrance
- happening
- homecoming
- influx
- ingress
- landing
- meeting
- occurrence
- return
- accumulation
- aggregation
- assemblage
- association
- band
- body
- bunch
- clambake
- cluster
- coffee klatch
- collection
- company
- conclave
- confab
- conference
- convocation
- council
- crew
- crowd
- faction
- flock
- gathering
- get-together
- group
- huddle
- mass
- meet
- meeting
- multitude
- rally
- sit-in
- throng
- turnout
- audition
- conference
- consideration
- consultation
- conversation
- discussion
- interview
- meeting
- reception
- auditions
- conferences
- considerations
- consultations
- conversations
- discussions
- interviews
- meetings
- receptions
- background meeting
- conference
- directions
- discussion
- guidance
- information
- initiation
- instruction
- meeting
- preamble
- priming
- rundown
- update
- assembly
- conclave
- convention
- council
- gathering
- get-together
- meeting
- parley
- session
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for Meeting?
communication, convergence
connection, coming together
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Synonyms of meeting
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as in gathering
a coming together of a number of persons for a specified purpose
there will be another committee meeting next week to discuss the parish fair
as in conference
a body of people come together in one place
a meeting marked by no consensus of what needs to be done
as in convergence
the coming together of two or more things to the same point
a meeting of two railroad lines
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
present participle of meet
as in encountering
to come upon face-to-face or as if face-to-face
we never once met another car on that lonely country road
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in converging
to come together into one body or place
we’ll meet for dinner, with a discussion to follow, next week
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in finding
to come upon unexpectedly or by chance
met her future husband at a party
as in fulfilling
to do what is required by the terms of
a financially struggling city trying to meet its loans
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in facing
to enter into contest or conflict with
the up-and-coming boxer will meet the reigning champ for the first time tomorrow
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in matching
to produce something equal to (as in quality or value)
I’ll meet your bet, nay, I’ll even raise it
as in standing
to put up with (something painful or difficult)
trying to meet the challenge of going to college while working at a full-time job
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in paying
to give what is owed for
I paid a portion of the long-distance bill to keep my carrier from cutting off service until I can meet the remainder of the charges
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
Thesaurus Entries Near meeting
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“Meeting.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/meeting. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.
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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote
convocation, assembly, gathering -
A gathering of people/parties for a purpose.
We need to have a meeting about that soon.
gathering, convocation, assembly -
The people at such a gathering, as a collective.
What has the meeting decided.
gathering, convocation, assembly -
An encounter between people, even accidental.
They came together in a chance meeting on the way home from work.
assembly, gathering, convocation -
A place or instance of junction or intersection.
Earthquakes occur at the meeting of tectonic plates.
assembly, convocation, gathering
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 2 votes
Collision, the act or fact of striking violently together, is the result of motion or action, and is sudden and momentary; contact may be a condition of rest, and be continuous and permanent; collision is sudden and violent contact. Concussion is often by transmitted force rather than by direct impact; two railway-trains come into collision; an explosion of dynamite shatters neighboring windows by concussion. Impact is the blow given by the striking body; as, the impact of the cannon-shot upon the target. An encounter is always violent, and generally hostile. Meeting is neutral, and may be of the dearest friends or of the bitterest foes; of objects, of persons, or of opinions; of two or of a multitude. Shock is the result of collision. In the figurative use, we speak of clashing of views, collision of persons. Opposition is used chiefly of persons, more rarely of opinions or interests; conflict is used indifferently of all.
clash, clashing, collision, concussion, conflict, contact, encounter, impact, opposition, shockAntonyms:
agreement, amity, coincidence, concert, concord, concurrence, conformity, harmony, unison, unityPreposition:
Collision of one object with another; of or between opposing objects.
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
meeting, group meetingnoun
a formally arranged gathering
«next year the meeting will be in Chicago»; «the meeting elected a chairperson»
confluence, group meeting, get together, coming together, merging, encounter -
meeting, get togethernoun
a small informal social gathering
«there was an informal meeting in my living room»
confluence, group meeting, get together, coming together, merging, encounter -
meeting, encounternoun
a casual or unexpected convergence
«he still remembers their meeting in Paris»; «there was a brief encounter in the hallway»
group meeting, confluence, encounter, face-off, showdown, merging, get together, confrontation, coming together, brush, skirmish, coming upon, clash -
meeting, coming togethernoun
the social act of assembling for some common purpose
«his meeting with the salesmen was the high point of his day»
confluence, group meeting, get together, coming together, merging, encounter -
merging, meeting, coming togethernoun
the act of joining together as one
«the merging of the two groups occurred quickly»; «there was no meeting of minds»
group meeting, encounter, conflux, merging, get together, coming together, confluence -
confluence, meetingnoun
a place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers)
«Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers»
concourse, encounter, conflux, merging, get together, coming together, group meeting, confluence
Matched Categories
- Convergence
- Geographic Point
- River
- Social Gathering
Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
the word generally means a poem with fixed verse.
some of the experts and books also use the word for ‘fixed time’ and duration.i have fixed rondeau with the medic
Submitted by anonymous on November 17, 2019
grade level
meeting to the expectation
he got meeting marks.
Submitted by anonymous on December 30, 2019
wedding planner
because a wedding is an event
Submitted by rinat on September 3, 2019
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
assembly, assemblage, congregation, convention, convocation, conference, synod, mall, concourse, gathering, mustering, juncture, convergence, crossing, junction, confluence, encounter, collision, clash, interception, interview, tryst, rendezvous
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «meeting»:
sitting, session, meetings, conference, réunion, assembly, gathering, meet, hon, collection, event, plenary, briefing, meets, encounter, rencontre, part-session, wui, summit, conferences, rã, sesión, sessions, meetinggeneral, satisfaction, segment, mmeeting, respond, participants, encuentro, meting
How to pronounce meeting?
How to say meeting in sign language?
How to use meeting in a sentence?
The Russian leader:
The world is undergoing a radical change, our U.S. partners realize that, and that’s why the Geneva meeting took place. But on the other hand, they are trying to secure their monopolist stance, resulting in threats and destructive action such as drills, provocations and sanctions.
Toshifumi Suzuki:
It is my lack of virtue and I am unbearably ashamed, i was supposed to attend an analyst meeting tomorrow. But I cannot go there and explain this year’s prospects anymore after I decided to quite.
Jay Sullivan:
If you allow someone to constantly interrupt you and take over the meeting, you lose your voice, if someone isn’t allowed to add value they are diminished, and they don’t have a chance to really shine.
John Hueston:
The parties should be meeting, conferring and providing some clarity so this issue wont happen again.
Paulinho Paiakan:
Women build the culture ; the elder women have a very important role in keeping oral histories alive which they pass on to the children, so we don’t lose our language and culture, women today have been meeting to talk about these issues and they are taking space from the chiefs, taking decisions along with them, to coordinate their communities and be part of the political space where these issues are discussed.
Translations for meeting
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- اِجْتِماع, مَجْلِسArabic
- събраниеBulgarian
- bodadegBreton
- reunió, trobadaCatalan, Valencian
- zasedání, setkání, shromáždění, účastník, schůzeCzech
- mødeDanish
- Teilnehmer, Sitzung, Versammlung, Zusammenkunft, Beratung, Besprechung, Treffen, TreffpunktGerman
- kunvenoEsperanto
- reunión, encuentroSpanish
- نشست, برخورد, همایش, دیدار, انجمنPersian
- tapaaminen, kokous, yhtymäkohta, kohtaaminen, palaveri, sauma, risteyskohtaFinnish
- rencontre, réunionFrench
- coinneamh, coinneachadhScottish Gaelic
- פגישהHebrew
- मिलन, सभा, बैठकHindi
- tárgyalás, találkozó, találkozás, megbeszélésHungarian
- ժողով, հավաքույթArmenian
- incontroInterlingua
- temu, pertemuanIndonesian
- kunveno, asemblajo, asemblo, renkontroIdo
- incrocio, incontro, riunioneItalian
- 会, 会合, ミーティングJapanese
- 회합Korean
- کۆبوونهوه, ئهنجومهنKurdish
- congregatio, contio, occursusLatin
- средба, состанок, собир, меѓаMacedonian
- møteNorwegian
- beraad, samenkomst, raakvlak, ontmoetingsplaats, treffen, bijeenkomst, vergadering, ontmoeting, zitting, overleg, raakpuntDutch
- møteNorwegian Nynorsk
- spotkaniePolish
- reunião, encontroPortuguese
- ședințăRomanian
- совещание, встреча, собрание, пересечение, заседание, стыкRussian
- मिलन, सभाSanskrit
- sretaj, susret, sretSerbo-Croatian
- srečanjeSlovene
- möteSwedish
- mkutanoSwahili
- సమావేశంTelugu
- بیٹھک, سبھاUrdu
- kolkömVolapük
- 会议Chinese
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[ mˈiːtɪŋ], [ mˈiːtɪŋ], [ m_ˈiː_t_ɪ_ŋ]
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Table of Contents
Synonyms for Meeting:
• concurrent (adjective)
- coterminous,
- At one,
- consentient,
- of the same mind,
- Centrolineal,
- in rapport,
- joined,
- co-operating.
• conferring (adjective)
- dis-cussing,
- more counseling,
- more deliberating,
- de liberating,
- de-liberating,
- most counseling,
- more discussing,
- dis cussing,
- most deliberating,
- most discussing,
- more conversing,
- most conversing.
• confronting (adjective)
- more encountering,
- face face,
- most encountering.
• contiguous (adjective)
- next to,
- juxtapositional,
- approximal,
- near-at-hand,
- next door to,
- juxtaposed,
- Contactual.
• convergent (adjective)
- focal,
- approaching,
- Concentrating,
- merging,
- convergent.
• next (adjective)
- more side by side,
- more side-by-side,
- most side-by-side,
- more back to back,
- most alongside,
- more alongside,
- back to back,
- on side,
- sub-sequent,
- more back-to-back,
- sub sequent,
- most back-to-back,
- most back to back,
- most attached,
- more attached,
- most side by side.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- reaching,
- hard by,
- ensuing,
- concurrent,
- on the side,
- back-to-back,
- going to,
- spreading to,
- going up to,
- Conferring,
- stretching,
- side-by-side,
- next,
- confronting,
- contiguous.
• reaching (adjective)
- most stretching,
- more stretching,
- most embracing,
- more joining,
- re-aching,
- ending at,
- re aching,
- most joining,
- most spanning,
- more embracing,
- more spanning.
- baptise,
- celebrate,
- baptize,
- amen,
- anthem,
- the Book of Common Prayer,
- rally,
- assemblage,
- call down,
- catechism,
- baptism,
- benediction.
- connect,
- salon.
- collect,
- crown,
- conclave,
- cup,
- company,
- close season,
- the Commonwealth Games,
- contest,
- card,
- crowd,
- championship,
- group,
- bye,
- challenge.
- assemble.
• arrival (noun)
- homecoming,
- debarkation,
- homecomings,
- debarkations,
- disembarkation.
• assembly (noun)
- coffee klatches,
- clambakes,
- sitin.
• briefing (noun)
- pre ambles,
- background meeting,
- up date,
- in formations,
- in-formation,
- primings,
- background meetings,
- in-formations,
- up-date,
- up-dates,
- pre-ambles,
- up dates.
• club (noun)
- out-fits,
- out-fit,
- out fits,
- out fit.
• coming together (noun)
- confluence.
• competition (noun)
- athletic events,
- do or die,
- quiz,
- matchup,
- athletic event,
- tug-of-war,
- go for the gold,
- pairing off,
- dog eat dog,
- concours,
- strife,
- one on one,
- go for it,
- horse race,
- matchups.
• concourse (noun)
- concursion.
• conference (noun)
- de-liberations,
- think in,
- inter change,
- think ins,
- groupthinks,
- thinkin,
- thinkins,
- inter changes,
- de liberation,
- inter-changes,
- de-liberation,
- think-ins,
- conferrings,
- de liberations.
• conflict (noun)
- factionalism,
- divided loyalties,
- set to,
- confrontation,
- setto,
- set-to.
• confluence (noun)
- conflux.
• congress (noun)
- de legates,
- the hills,
- legislative bodies,
- the houses,
- de-legates,
- de legate,
- de-legate.
• connection (noun)
- junction.
• consultation (noun)
- ex amination,
- ex aminations,
- ex-aminations,
- Second Opinions,
- ex-amination,
- buzz sessions.
• contact (noun)
- connection,
- butt,
- border,
- abutment.
• contest (noun)
- tryings,
- rencounters.
• convention (noun)
- de-legation,
- de-legations,
- re presentative,
- de legation,
- re-presentative,
- de legations.
• convergence (noun)
- concentration,
- focus.
• conversation (noun)
- chat,
- dialog,
- debate,
- parley,
- conversation,
- argument,
- confabulation.
• council (noun)
- committee,
- council,
- coalition,
- panel,
- body,
- parliament,
- forum,
- league,
- inquisition,
- court,
- quorum,
- tribunal,
- board,
- cabinet,
- summit,
- faction,
- chamber,
- legislature,
- cadre.
• course (noun)
- discussion groups.
• discussion (noun)
- dis course,
- ex changes,
- dis-course,
- re view,
- dis courses,
- re-view,
- re-views,
- dis-courses,
- de bates,
- ex change,
- de-bates,
- re views,
- de bate,
- de-bate.
• function (noun)
- do’s.
• gathering (noun)
- social functions.
• gathering, conference (noun)
- bunch,
- audience,
- affair,
- showdown,
- turnout,
- session,
- call,
- assignation,
- cattle call,
- confab.
• get-together (noun)
- social occasions,
- social events,
- social affairs,
- gettogether.
• group (noun)
- meeting,
- Group Meeting.
• hearing (noun)
- tryout.
• impact (noun)
- Appulse.
• interview (noun)
- inter-view,
- inter views,
- inter view,
- inter-views,
- call backs,
- re-cords,
- re-cord,
- re cord,
- re cords.
• joint (noun)
- co pulas,
- inter connection,
- copulae,
- inter connections,
- co-pulas,
- co pula,
- co-pula.
• junction (noun)
- relationship,
- amalgamation,
- adjacency,
- coupling,
- conjunction,
- synergy,
- bond,
- branch,
- juxtaposition,
- wedding,
- affixation,
- juncture,
- jointure,
- marriage,
- annexation,
- connectedness,
- affiliation,
- adherence,
- consolidation,
- attachment,
- alliance,
- merger.
• junction/juncture (noun)
- inter sections,
- inter-faces,
- inter face,
- re unions,
- inter faces,
- plug ins,
- cross roads,
- tiein,
- re-unions,
- inter-sections,
- re union,
- cross road,
- inter-section,
- re-union,
- tieup,
- inter section,
- inter-face,
- plugins.
• muster (noun)
- nose counts,
- callups,
- callup,
- call ups.
• negotiation (noun)
- trans-actions,
- trans-action,
- trans actions,
- trans action.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- interview,
- talk,
- mobilizations,
- game,
- symbiosis,
- plug-in,
- collocation,
- cross-roads,
- conjuncture,
- gabfest,
- heavy date,
- tie in,
- speciality,
- agglutination,
- parishioner,
- panel discussion,
- sessions,
- rendezvous,
- copulas,
- hyphen,
- negotiation,
- laity,
- huddle,
- coffee klatch,
- union,
- tangencies,
- get-together,
- caucus,
- joint,
- social affair,
- assembly,
- interfaces,
- earful,
- group discussion,
- course,
- interface,
- eyeball-to-eyeball,
- plug-ins,
- tournament,
- congregation,
- legislative body,
- mortise,
- Specialities,
- instructions,
- Interlocution,
- wranglings,
- get together,
- inter-connection,
- throngs,
- consultation,
- arrival,
- functions,
- date,
- impact,
- nose count,
- gang,
- one night stand,
- groupthink,
- sit in,
- the House,
- concourse,
- contact,
- seminar,
- miter,
- social function,
- symposium,
- clambake,
- linkings,
- powwow,
- Cross-road,
- think-in,
- competition,
- discussion group,
- buzz session,
- rap session,
- mobilization,
- in formation,
- gabfests,
- plugin,
- splice,
- muster,
- colloquium,
- reception,
- social event,
- workshop,
- convergence,
- straight talk,
- hangout,
- inter-change,
- inter-connections,
- instruction,
- call-ups,
- dos,
- hearing,
- plug in,
- coming together,
- Second Opinion,
- collocations,
- call up,
- Coadunation,
- orals,
- round robins,
- conflict,
- Symbioses,
- conjunctures,
- churchgoers,
- discussion,
- update,
- round robin,
- tangency,
- parishioners,
- senate,
- copula,
- convention,
- conference,
- initiation,
- call-up,
- Rencounter,
- convocation,
- gathering,
- hyphens,
- churchgoer,
- double date,
- briefing,
- social occasion,
- Melding,
- congress,
- meet,
- senates,
- open discussion,
- tryst,
- mortises.
• rap session (noun)
- rap-session.
• reception (noun)
- Recipience.
• rendezvous (noun)
- double dates,
- heavy dates.
• seminar (noun)
- group discussions,
- open discussions.
• social occasion (noun)
- function.
• social organization (noun)
- club.
• symposium (noun)
- panel discussions.
• talk (noun)
- eyeball-to-eyeballs,
- eyeball to eyeballs,
- earfuls,
- inter-locutions,
- straight talks,
- inter-locution,
- inter locution,
- eyeball to eyeball,
- interlocutions,
- inter locutions.
• union (noun)
- in corporations,
- uni son,
- in-corporations,
- uni sons,
- in-corporation,
- uni-sons,
- unitings,
- meldings,
- coadunations,
- mergings,
- in corporation,
- uni-son,
- agglutinations,
- coming togethers.
• congregating (verb)
- congregating,
- assembling,
- Mustering,
- convening,
- collecting.
• contacting (verb)
- bordering,
- joining,
- adjoining,
- connecting,
- Butting,
- reaching out,
- abutting,
- contacting.
• converging (verb)
- uniting,
- focusing,
- Intercepting.
• conversing (verb)
- Chatting,
- Discussing,
- talking,
- Debating,
- Parleying,
- Conversing,
- arguing,
- Consulting.
• equaling (verb)
- Equalizing,
- Equaling,
- matching,
- balancing.
• meeting (verb)
- Encountering,
- Receiving,
- bumping into,
- greeting,
- running into,
- welcoming.
• Other relevant words: (verb)
- religion,
- encounter,
- sport.
• socializing (verb)
- Befriending,
- attending,
- hob-nobbing,
- Hosting,
- socializing.
Other synonyms:
- engagement,
- convener,
- Exercises,
- backgrounder,
- opposition,
- reunion,
- opposing,
- deputation,
- meet and greet,
- subcommittee,
- rapporteur.
- chairwoman,
- chairperson,
- chairman,
- contingent,
- appointment,
- troop,
- revival,
- introduction,
- moderator.
- mover,
- delegate,
- secretary.
- chair.
• administrative body
- junta.
• Other relevant words:
- touching.
• session
- sitting.
How to use «Meeting» in context?
Do you ever get the feeling that you know someone before you’ve even met them? That’s how I felt when I met my husband. We had never even spoken on the phone before we met, but we felt a connection right away. meeting someone is like fate, you just have to trust your intuition and go with it.
Paraphrases for Meeting:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Noun, singular or mass
Forward Entailment
Proper noun, plural
Conferences, meets.
Proper noun, singular
conference, meet, session, Conferences, meets, gatherings.
Noun, plural
session, Conferences, meets, gatherings.
Noun, singular or mass
conference, meet, session.
Proper noun, plural
Reverse Entailment
Proper noun, singular
Noun, plural
sitting, sittings.
Noun, singular or mass
summit, mmeeting.
Proper noun, singular
Proper noun, plural
states, nations, conversations, wastes.
Proper noun, singular
briefing, needs, Has, Its, Met, Rights, nations, CES, attendees.
Noun, plural
Has, Parties, Appointments, Guidelines, Interviews, Negotiations, Recommendations, Rights, arrangements, representatives, statements, exchanges, groups, orders, issues, dates, obligations, decisions, speakers, deliberations, debates, seminars, matters, items, CES, NGOS, briefings.
Noun, singular or mass
appointment, briefing, hearing, Meting, part-session.
Verb, past tense
addressed, agreed, assembled, come, conference, discovered, faced, found, identified, included, lift, made, paid, said, satisfied, saw, session, spoke, stressed, welcomed, Answered, Asked, Was, Discussed, Enhancing, Had, Logged, Ran, Replied, Responded, Took, Told, Were, contacted.
Verb, gerund or present participle
according, acting, affecting, assembling, assuming, attending, briefing, bring, bringing, brussels, building, caring, catering, combining, conducting, conforming, continuing, contributing, correspond, corresponding, cover, covering, crossing, damaging, dating, dealing, economic, exercising, exhibit, feeling, fighting, filing, financing, finding, funding, going, gratifying, greeting, hammer, head, heading, hearing, hitting, identifying, improving, increasing, joining, know, leading, logging, making, matching, may, original, parts, passing, paying, performing, play, playing, pursuing, reducing, reporting, resolving, satisfying, seeing, signing, sitting, solving, speaking, suffering, tackling, taking, talking, tracing, traditional, turning, undertaking, uniting, updating, would, Accomplishing, Adapting, Adhering, Adopting, Carrying, Citing, Defraying, Delivering, Discussing, Doing, Enforcing, Enhancing, Experiencing, Has, Having, Infringing, Interviewing, Involving, Managing, Meting, Noting, Obtaining, Overcoming, Parties, Realizing, Referring, Relating, Replying, Securing, coping, Arafat, Collating, Combating, Comprising, Consisting, Producing, Providing, Addresses, Standards, upholding, undermining, states, documents, solutions, orders, improvements, safeguarding, questions, products, signatories, realising.
Verb, past participle
collected, fixed, scheduled, Carried, reunited.
Verb, non-3rd person singular present
Verb, 3rd person singular present
conference, needs, political, session, Does, Parties, Policies, Replies, Comes, Addresses, Conferences, Consultations, SITS, gets, experiences, exists, occurs, attains, logs, raises, answers, responds, presents, runs, finds, follows, calls, aligns, satisfies, matters, hits, sees, intersects, recognizes, visits, ‘s.
Verb, base form
assemble, cope, counter, handle, resolve, resolving, reunite, solve, tackle.
Proper noun, plural
Other Related
Proper noun, singular
sitting, sittings.
Noun, plural
Consultations, collections.
Noun, singular or mass
Verb, gerund or present participle
accommodating, complying.
Proper noun, singular
Homophones for Meeting:
- meetinghouse, meadow mouse, mountainous, monatomic, meeting house, mediateness, monoatomic, madness, meat-eating, muddiness, mundaneness, maddening, Montan Wax, mending, monotonous, maintenance, minuteness, monotonic, momentaneous, Mount Adams, metonymic, mountain oak, mutinous, mountain ash, mutinus, matins, mounting, moodiness, medium-size, muteness, matting, mating, myotonic, muntingia, mandamus.
Hypernym for Meeting:
conference, congress, summit, committee meeting, convention, camp meeting, board meeting, summit meeting, psychotherapy group, conclave, town meeting, plenum, forum, council, caucus, stockholders meeting.
Hyponym for Meeting:
assemblage, gathering.
Word of the Day
- Synonyms:
Nearby words
- meet with approval
- meet with disaster
- meet-and-greet
- meet; (subst. ) shift
- meeter
- Meeting
- -mm
- M
- m a s h unit
- m a s h units
- m c emcee
- MEETING synonyms at Thesaurus.com
- MEETING synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— MEETING synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of MEETING
— another words for MEETING