Another word for means nothing

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ничего не значит

ничего не значат

ничего не означает

не значит ничего

не означает ничего

не имеет значения

ничего не говорит

ничего не значил

означает не что иное

это ничего не

ничего не стоит

ни о чем не говорит


How much work you did actually means nothing.

Starting small means nothing if you’re working toward unrealistic goals.

Начать с малого ничего не значит, если вы работаете над нереальными целями.

But I guess our rich heritage means nothing to you.

Look all our reasons means nothing

Which means nothing because it is irrelevant.

Private inheritance means nothing during software design, only during software implementation.

Закрытое наследование ничего не означает в ходе проектирования программного обеспечения и обретает смысл только на этапе реализации.

Truth means nothing in this society.

That word means nothing to our kind.

Or else our survival means nothing.

That literally means nothing to me.

So right now, anything says means nothing.

Even you get there, this still means nothing.

But that means nothing if it’s making your personal life hell.

Но это ничего не значит, если это превращает твою личную жизнь в ад.

That name means nothing to me.

Tell me she means nothing to you.

Otherwise, this gesture means nothing.

The guy that’s yelling at you means nothing .

Everything else is «so», means nothing.

But truthfully, all that means nothing.

Twenty years of past practice means nothing.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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What is another word for mean nothing?

6 synonyms found


[ mˈiːn nˈʌθɪŋ], [ mˈiːn nˈʌθɪŋ], [ m_ˈiː_n n_ˈʌ_θ_ɪ_ŋ]

Related words: mean nothing, mean less, mean less than, what does mean nothing, what does it mean when something means nothing, what does nothing mean, what does it mean when something means nothing to you, what does little mean in this sentence

Related questions:

  • Why is nothing important?
  • Why is nothing important to you?
  • Table of Contents

    • Other synonyms:

      • pale.

      • weaken.

      • fade.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • unmeaning,
      • scrabble,
      • twaddle.

    How to use «Mean nothing» in context?

    What does «mean nothing» mean? It can mean that the thing or group of thingsZ cannot be measured or quantified. It can also mean that the thing or group of thingsZ is of no consequence or that it is not important.

    • nobody
    • annihilation
    • aught
    • bagatelle
    • blank
    • cipher
    • crumb
    • diddly
    • extinction
    • naught
    • nihility
    • nix
    • nonbeing
    • nonentity
    • nonexistence
    • nothingness
    • nought
    • nullity
    • obliteration
    • oblivion
    • scratch
    • shutout
    • trifle
    • void
    • wind
    • zero
    • zilch
    • zip
    • zippo
    • duck egg
    • fly speck
    • goose egg
    • insignificancy
    • no thing
    • not anything
    • zot

    On this page you’ll find 78 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to nothing, such as: nobody, annihilation, aught, bagatelle, blank, and cipher.

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    TRY USING nothing

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    How to use nothing in a sentence

    The vision—it had been an instantaneous flash after all and nothing more—had left his mind completely for the time.


    «There is no more war,» Brion translated for Ulv, realizing that the Disan had understood nothing of the explanation.


    I knew the world had nothing like her, and yet the impression she has made on me, at the first view, is unexpectedly great.


    Nothing but an extreme love of truth could have hindered me from concealing this part of my story.


    He really seems to care almost nothing for his piano-playing or for his piano compositions.


    If it be taken from others ’tis like plums stuck upon blackthorns; there they are for a while, but they come to nothing.


    The controlling leaders being out of gear the machine did not run smoothly: there was nothing but friction and tension.



    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • blah
    • bland
    • bromidic
    • clichéd
    • common
    • conventional
    • cornball
    • cornfed
    • corny
    • dull as dishwater
    • dumb
    • everyday
    • flat
    • hackneyed
    • ho-hum
    • hokey
    • humdrum
    • insipid
    • mundane
    • noplace
    • nothing
    • nowhere
    • old hat
    • ordinary
    • pabulum
    • pedestrian
    • platitudinous
    • square
    • stale
    • stereotyped
    • stock
    • stupid
    • tired
    • tripe
    • trite
    • unimaginative
    • unoriginal
    • vapid
    • watery
    • wishy-washy
    • zero
    • banal
    • blah
    • boring
    • dull
    • dull as dishwater
    • flat
    • flavorless
    • ho-hum
    • humdrum
    • insipid
    • milk-and-water
    • monotonous
    • nerdy
    • nothing
    • pabulum
    • sapless
    • tame
    • tedious
    • unexciting
    • uninspiring
    • uninteresting
    • unstimulating
    • vanilla
    • vapid
    • waterish
    • watery
    • weak
    • white-bread
    • wimpy
    • wishy-washy
    • zero
    • arid
    • bomb
    • bromidic
    • bummer
    • characterless
    • cloying
    • colorless
    • commonplace
    • dead
    • drab
    • drag
    • drudging
    • dull
    • flat
    • ho-hum
    • humdrum
    • insipid
    • interminable
    • irksome
    • lifeless
    • monotonous
    • moth-eaten
    • mundane
    • nothing
    • nowhere
    • platitudinous
    • plebeian
    • prosaic
    • repetitious
    • routine
    • spiritless
    • stale
    • stereotyped
    • stodgy
    • stuffy
    • stupid
    • tame
    • tedious
    • threadbare
    • tiresome
    • tiring
    • trite
    • unexciting
    • uninteresting
    • unvaried
    • vapid
    • wearisome
    • well-worn
    • zero
    • blank
    • diddly-squat
    • goose egg
    • insignificancy
    • nada
    • naught
    • nil
    • nobody
    • nonentity
    • nothing
    • nought
    • nullity
    • squat
    • zilch
    • zip
    • zippo
    • zot
    • cipher
    • front
    • mouthpiece
    • nominal head
    • nonentity
    • nothing
    • puppet
    • straw boss
    • straw person
    • titular head
    • token
    • anemic
    • arid
    • banal
    • beige
    • blah
    • bland
    • characterless
    • colorless
    • commonplace
    • dead
    • drab
    • driveling
    • dry
    • feeble
    • flat
    • ho-hum
    • inane
    • innocuous
    • jejune
    • lifeless
    • limp
    • mild
    • mundane
    • nebbish
    • nothing
    • ordinary
    • plain
    • pointless
    • prosaic
    • prosy
    • slight
    • soft
    • spiritless
    • stale
    • stupid
    • subdued
    • tame
    • tedious
    • tenuous
    • thin
    • tired
    • trite
    • unimaginative
    • vapid
    • watery
    • weak
    • weariful
    • wearisome
    • wishy-washy

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    means nothing — перевод на русский

    And besides, all of it means nothing.

    Кроме того, всё это ничего не значит.

    That means nothing.

    — Это ничего не значит.

    — It means nothing to you what I’ve been saying.

    — Для вас ничего не значит из того, что я сказал.

    He meant nothing to me.

    Он ничего не значит для меня.

    It means nothing for you.

    Для тебя это ничего не значит.

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    That means nothing.

    Это ни о чем не говорит.

    Means nothing to me, either, Lawford.

    Мне это тоже ни о чем не говорит, Лоуфорд.

    It means nothing to us.

    Это название нам ни о чем не говорит.

    That means nothing to me.

    Это мне ни о чем не говорит.

    That means nothing to me.

    Мне это ни о чем не говорит.

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    It says nothing, it means nothing.

    Это ни о чем не говорит, ничего не означает.

    It means nothing.

    Это ничего не означает.

    It means nothing legally.

    А ради чего? С точки зрения закона она ничего не означает.

    So Abu Nazir’s resurfacing just as Brody’s miraculously returned home means nothing?

    И что, выход на свет Абу Назира сразу же после «волшебного» возвращения Броуди домой, ничего не означает?

    You said you were just living in the moment and that the kiss meant nothing.

    Ты сказала, что живешь моментом и что этот поцелуй ничего не означает.

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    He didn’t mean nothing by it.

    Он не имел в виду ничего такого.

    I didn’t mean nothing by it.

    Я не имел в виду ничего такого.

    Hey, I don’t mean nothin’ by it.

    Эй, я ничего такого не имел в виду.

    I didn’t mean nothing by it.

    Я ничего такого не имел в виду.

    He didn’t mean nothing.

    Он ничего такого не имел в виду.

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    That’s right. You don’t mean nothing.

    Да, ты точно ничего не имел ввиду.

    I didn’t mean nothin’ by it.

    Я ничего не имел ввиду.

    Life means nothing without you.

    Моя жизнь без тебя не имеет смысла.

    But I-if it means nothing to you, then let me know as quickly and painlessly as possible.

    Ќо если дл€ теб€ это не имеет значени€, просто дай мне знать, настолько быстро и безболезненно, насколько это возможно.

    What do you mean? I didn’t mean nothing.

    — «то вы имеете ввиду?

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    Well, shapes mean nothing.

    Ну, форма не имеет значения.

    That means nothing.

    Это все не имеет значения.

    I wanted to go to the McCormack house today… get the father on camera saying, «no comment,» show everyone what he’s like-— that nothing means nothing to him.

    Я хочу пойти к МакКормаку… снять его «без комментариев» на камеру и всем показать, что он такое… что для него ничего не имеет значения.

    Why are you only asking about things that mean nothing?

    Почему вы спрашиваете меня только о том, что не имеет значения?

    We get the Pastor Isaiah endorsement right at the moment when it means nothing because he loses his church.

    Мы только что получили благословение Пастора Исаии, что в принципе уже не имеет значения, потому что он потерял свою церковь.

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    Swearing on his name means nothing if you do not know who he was.

    Клятва его именем ничего не стоит, если ты не знаешь, кем он был.

    People are gonna know who you really are, and your word will mean nothing.

    Люди наконец узнают кто ты такая. И что твоё слово ничего не стоит.

    Does a prince’s oath mean nothing?

    Значит, клятва принца ничего не стоит?

    Seems my Quarantine Zone clearance means nothing.

    Похоже, мой допуск в карантинную зону ничего не стоит.

    It thinks my pass to the quarantine zone means nothing.

    Похоже, мой допуск в карантинную зону ничего не стоит.

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    Our deaths and our injuries mean nothing to them!

    Наши смерти и лишения для них — пустой звук!

    — Your word means nothing to management.

    Твои слова — пустой звук для руководства.

    Physical strength without control means nothing.

    Физическая сила без контроля — пустой звук.

    Christmas means nothing to me.

    Для меня Рождество — пустой звук.

    Your name means nothing now.

    Твое имя — пустой звук.

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    The dead mean nothing to me, Mrs. Bannister.

    Покойные мне не важны, миссис Бэннистер.

    I was lying when I said your money meant nothing.

    Я солгала, что деньги не важны.

    The clouds and stuff, they don’t mean nothing to a horse.

    Небеса и всякое такое для лошади не важны.

    Money don’t mean nothing to a child…

    Ребенку не важны деньги…

    The rest meant nothing to me.

    — Остальное мне было не важно.

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    I’m sorry. I meant nothing personal.

    Простите, не хотел вас обидеть.

    Moe didn’t mean nothing by that.

    Мо не хотел этого.

    I didn’t mean nothing!

    Я ничего не хотела!

    — I’m sure he didn’t mean nothing.

    — Я уверен, он ничего такого не хотел.

    I didn’t mean nothing by it, Bill.

    Да я ничего не хотел, Билли.

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    Смотрите также

    • ничего не значит
    • ни о чём не говорит
    • ничего не означает
    • имел в виду ничего такого
    • ничего не имел ввиду
    • не имеет значения
    • ничего не стоит
    • пустой звук
    • не важны
    • не хотел
    • 1
      mean nothing to

      ikke sige noget

      * * *

      ikke sige noget

      English-Danish dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 2
      mean nothing to

      English-spanish dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 3
      mean nothing to

      English-Icelandic dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 4
      mean nothing to

      English-Hungarian dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 5
      mean nothing to

      English-Portuguese dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 6
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      English-Turkish dictionary > mean nothing to

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      mean nothing to

      English-Slovenian dictionary > mean nothing to

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      mean nothing to

      English-Finnish dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 9
      mean nothing to

      ikke forstå (poenget med)

      English-Norwegian dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 10
      mean nothing to

      English-Italian dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 11
      mean nothing to

      English-german dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 12
      mean nothing to

      English-Polish dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 13
      mean nothing to

      English-Latvian dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 14
      mean nothing to

      English-Lithuanian dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 15
      mean nothing to

      English-Swedish dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 16
      mean nothing to

      English-Romanian dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 17
      mean nothing to

      English-Greek dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 18
      mean nothing to

      English-Czech dictionary > mean nothing to

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      mean nothing to

      English-Slovak dictionary > mean nothing to

    • 20
      mean nothing to

      These mathematical figures mean nothing to me.

      لا يَهُمُّ

      Arabic-English dictionary > mean nothing to


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    См. также в других словарях:

    • mean nothing — not mean anything phrase to have no importance After yesterday, your apologies mean nothing. It was just one little kiss and it didn’t mean anything. Thesaurus: to be unimportantsynonym Main entry: mean …   Useful english dictionary

    • mean nothing — or not mean anything to have no importance After yesterday, your apologies mean nothing. It was just one little kiss and it didn t mean anything …   English dictionary

    • Don’t Mean Nothing — Single by Richard Marx from the album Richard Marx …   Wikipedia

    • nothing — [[t]nʌ̱θɪŋ[/t]] ♦ nothings 1) PRON INDEF NEG Nothing means not a single thing, or not a single part of something. I ve done nothing much since coffee time… Mr Pearson said he knew nothing of his wife s daytime habits… He was dressed in jeans… …   English dictionary

    • mean — 1 /mi:n/ verb (T) past tense and past participle meant /ment/ 1 HAVE A PARTICULAR MEETING (not in progressive) to have or represent a particular meaning: What does Konbanwa mean in English? It means Good Evening . | The red light means Stop . |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

    • mean — mean1 [ min ] (past tense and past participle meant [ ment ] ) verb transitive *** 1. ) to have a particular meaning: The word means something different in French. What does pulchritude mean? mean something by something: Everything depends on… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • nothing — noth|ing [ nʌθıŋ ] pronoun *** 1. ) not anything: There was nothing in the room except for a mattress. She waited and watched, but nothing happened. nothing at all: I knew nothing at all about taking care of babies. nothing else: The smoke alarms …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • nothing */*/*/ — UK [ˈnʌθɪŋ] / US pronoun 1) not anything There was nothing in the room except for a mattress. She waited and watched, but nothing happened. nothing at all: I knew nothing at all about looking after babies. nothing else: The smoke alarms were… …   English dictionary

    • mean*/*/*/ — [miːn] (past tense and past participle meant [ment] ) verb [T] I 1) to have a particular meaning What does ‘maudlin mean?[/ex] The word ‘serviette means something different in French.[/ex] 2) to intend to communicate a particular meaning By… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

    • mean — I UK [miːn] / US [mɪn] verb [transitive] Word forms mean : present tense I/you/we/they mean he/she/it means present participle meaning past tense meant UK [ment] / US past participle meant *** Get it right: mean: When you want to say what… …   English dictionary

    • nothing*/*/*/ — [ˈnʌθɪŋ] pronoun 1) not anything There was nothing in the room except for a chair.[/ex] She waited, but nothing happened.[/ex] I saw nothing strange in the situation.[/ex] I knew nothing at all about looking after babies.[/ex] If there s nothing… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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