Another word for mean words

Предложения с «mean words»

I mean words having same or similar meaning and same or similar pronounciation.

Я имею в виду слова , имеющие одинаковое или сходное значение и одинаковое или сходное произношение.

This very same word can also mean slave and dancers were in fact known as knhom preah robam, or slaves of the sacred dance.

Это слово также означает «раб», и танцоры были известны как «knhom preah robam», или «рабы сакрального танца».

We use the word respect to mean something a woman shows a man but often not something a man shows a woman.

Мы используем слово уважение, говоря о том, что женщина проявляет к мужчине, но реже — о том, что мужчина оказывает женщине.

My great grandmother did not know that word feminist, but it doesn’t mean that she wasn’t one.

Моя прабабушка не знала слова феминистка, но это не значит, что она ею не была.

All words are made up, but not all of them mean something.

Все слова придуманы, но не все они что — то значат.

That’s when we find ourselves in endless, mindless repetitions of words that don’t mean anything to us, rising and being seated because someone has asked us to, holding onto jealously guarded doctrine that’s completely and wildly out of step with our contemporary reality, engaging in perfunctory practice simply because that’s the way things have always been done.

Именно в такие моменты мы обнаруживаем, что бесконечно, бездумно повторяем слова , которые для нас уже ничего не значат, встаём и садимся, потому что кто — то нас попросил, держимся за ревностно охраняемую доктрину, которая совершенно отстала от современной реальности, участвуем в формальных ритуалах просто потому, что так было всегда.

The name of the country comes from Latin word australis which mean southern.

Название страны происходит от латинского слова australis, которое означает южный.

The consciousness reluctantly struggled with the word, for it had no idea what the word might mean or if it had a meaning.

Сознание недовольно отгоняло слово , потому что слово не имело значения.

I don’t even know what you really mean by the word.

Вы ведь не объяснили, что именно подразумеваете под этим словом .

I use the infernal word for want of a better, and by it I don’t mean learning.

Я употребляю это дьявольское слово лишь за неимением лучшего.

They’re vain, avaricious, mean in most senses of the word, miserly.

Они тщеславны, алчны и способны на любую низость.

I know that sounds dull as a drugstore novel, and what I see inside I’ll never be able to cast into words , but that’s what I mean.

Я знаю, это звучит скучно, как дешевый роман,… и то, что внутри, мне никогда не выразить словами , но смысл в этом.

I mean, using this technique, the Professor can expect to write about four words per minute.

Используя эту технику, Профессор может писать 4 слова в минуту.

Failing to accept the very carefully drafted proposal the P-6 submitted after having listened to each of us would mean seriously failing these words .

Не принять очень тщательно сформулированное предложение, представленное шестеркой председателей после того, как они выслушали каждого из нас, значило бы серьезно проигнорировать эти слова .

I mean, many words , after you digest.

Много слов, после того, как переварите пьесу.

Not in so many words , but, I mean, the guy knew.

Нет так подробно, но парень знал.

Freedom of speech, in other words , should mean freedom of hateful speech, too, as long as it does not threaten or promote violence.

Свобода слова , другими словами , должна означать также свободу выражения ненависти, до тех пор, пока это не угрожает или пропагандирует насилие.

I still have — or did I use the word still? I didn’t mean that.

Я все еще. Неужели я использовала слова все еще? Я не имела это в виду.

Groups who band together for the purpose of murder are not in the least religious, in the sense of what the word is supposed to mean.

Сообщества, которые создают банды для совершения убийств, отнюдь не являются религиозными в привычном для людей смысле.

He describes hearing, upon arriving in Gdansk in August 1980, a word that sounded like yowta over and over again, and thinking it must mean something like “that’s life.”

Он пишет, что, когда он приехал в Гданьск в августе 1980 года, он очень часто слышал незнакомое ему слово «Йалта», полагая, что оно должно значить что — то вроде «такова жизнь».

Because if I said good job when it wasn’t a good job, hen my words wouldn’t mean anything, and I always want to make sure to ell you guys the truth.

Потому что если я скажу Молодец, а ты не молодец, значит мои слова ничего не значат, А я хочу всегда говорить вам правду.

In many cultures, the word vote can mean a myriad of things.

Во многих культурах это слово может означать множество вещей.

You mean to tell me that you guys haven’ volleyed the word yet?

Вы что, ребят, хотите сказать, что у вас еще не дошло до того самого слова ?

In the mean time there have sprung up social words and phrases expressing a need of balance-of equation.

Тем временем рождаются на свет социальные понятия, слова , выражающие потребность в равновесии.

In the mean time the governor had heard the whisper of boodle-a word of the day expressive of a corrupt legislative fund.

До ушей губернатора тем временем уже долетело бывшее в то время в ходу словечко подмазали… Это значило, что в законодательных органах берут взятки.

And what does the word quality mean?

А что значит качество?

What I mean is we ought to lose that bugaboo of being scared of the word compulsion.

Я хочу сказать, что не следует рассматривать слово принуждение как пугало.

It’s difficult to call it selfishness or egotism, the words have been perverted, they’ve come to mean Peter Keating.

Трудно назвать это эгоизмом или эгоцентризмом — слова исказили, и они стали выражать Питера Китинга.

Gospodin, he said presently, you used an odd word earlier-odd to me, I mean.

Господин, — обратился он ко мне, — вы употребили чуть раньше странное словосочетание . Странное для меня, я хочу сказать.

It was he who first used the word cosmos to mean a well-ordered and harmonious universe a world amenable to human understanding.

Он впервые использовал слово космос в значении упорядоченной и гармоничной вселенной, мира, доступного для человеческого понимания.

Henry, I don’t mean to be a nag, but any word on your father?

Генри, не хочу показаться назойливой, как твой отец.

I am the voice in the back of your head, and I am telling you, those words you keep misusing and those… those headaches you keep having, they mean something.

Я твой внутренний голос, и я предупреждаю тебя, что ты неспроста путаешь слова и испытываешь головные боли.

It was not the sort of word, he suggested, that ought to mean anything to the firm of Bollard, Entwhistle, Entwhistle and Bollard.

По его мнению, это слово не должно было иметь никакого касательства к фирме Боллард, Энтуисл, Энтуисл и Боллард.

It’s another archaic word and it means, roughly, what ‘traitor’ would mean in Galactic.

Это очень древнее слово , оно означает предательство.

The word thespian, what does that mean to a Greek?

Слово thespian, что оно значит на греческом?

You mean that I can’t get a word in edgewise?

Что я не могу и слова вставить?

I mean, they say a picture’s worth a thousand words , so it was kind of overkill with your two tacked on.

То есть, знаешь, как говорят — картинка стоит тысячи слов, поэтому и то и другое было бы уже слишком.

What do you mean?’ Pavel Nikolayevich was suffering aloud, suffering from the indisputable and self-evident nature of his right, which it was impossible, however, to defend in words .

Как почему? — вслух страдал Павел Николаевич, страдал от неоспоримости, ясной видимости своего права, но невозможности защитить его словами .

And I daresay the day had got to you, too, words of love and all, I mean.

Подозреваю, что и вы в тот день были не в себе, отсюда признание в любви и прочее.

But I do, he insisted. It makes me feel as though … he hesitated, searching for words with which to express himself, as though I were more me, if you see what I mean.

А я хочу, — не уступал Бернард — От моря у меня такое чувство… — Он помедлил, поискал слова . — Я как бы становлюсь более собой.

I have to look up the word innuendo, if you know what I mean.

Надо поискать слово инсинуация, если понимаете, о чем я.

You mean to tell me all this time you had a scope on them clowns… and you ain’t let loose a mumbling word.

Хочешь сказать, что ты все это время знал, где эти клоуны обитают… и не разу мне об этом не промямлил?

I mean, big deal, so you can strum a guitar and make some words rhyme.

Подумаешь, умеешь бренчать на гитаре и рифмовать слова .

And what about you, worldling? You are also sewing rubbishy words , and what do they mean?

Вот и ты, хлопотун наземный, тоже сеешь хламные слова , а — что толку?

If you mean that I contrive a situation in which you might actually start to produce words again, then, yes, OK, guilty as charged.

Если под этим ты подразумеваешь, что я создал условия, в которых ты, снова, начал складывать слова в строчки, то, да, признаю себя виновным.

Did you know the word mook was popularized by Martin Scorsese’s film Mean Streets?

А вы знали, что слово козел стало известным благодаря фильму Мартина Скорсезе Злые улицы?

We haven’t even got a word for the quality I mean -for the self-sufficiency of man’s spirit.

У нас даже нет слова , чтобы выразить то качество, которое я имею в виду — самодостаточность человеческого духа.

And if you attempt to share it with anybody, and I mean one single word, litigation will be the least of your worries.

И если ты расскажешь или напечатаешь хотя бы одно слово , судебный спор будет твоей самой малой заботой.

I know that sounds dull as a drugstore novel, and what I see inside I’ll never be able to cast into words , but that’s what I mean.

Я знаю, это звучит скучно, как дешевый роман,.. …и то, что внутри, мне никогда не выразить словами , но смысл в этом.

Their relationship seemed so- well, I mean, perfunctory is not right word.

Казалось бы, их отношения такие поверхностные, конечно, не то слово , но…

I mean, all I have is his word to go on and no offense, but he doesn’t present as the most trustworthy source.

Я могу только на его показания опираться, а они — без обид — не самый достоверный источник.

I mean, I… all I have is his word to go on, and… and no offense, but he doesn’t present as the most trustworthy source.

Я могу… только на его показания опираться, a они, без обид, — не самый достоверный источник.

How about the words Helmet Smorgasbord, does that mean anything to you?

Имя Хелмет Сморгасборд вам ни о чем не говорит?

Well, I mean, your word, I mean, robust is dominating.

То есть, ваше слово … То есть, крепкий доминирует.

I mean, with the stones, it’s basically word of mouth.

Я говорю о том, что, используя камни, это в основном только слова .

I mean, in-store inquiries, word of mouth.

Из запросов в магазинах, от людей.

That’s the very advice Pyotr Stepanovitch gives me, in the very same words , for he’s uncommonly mean and hard-hearted about helping a fellow-creature.

То же самое и Петр Степаныч, как есть в одно слово с вами, советуют — с, потому что они чрезвычайно скупой и жестокосердый насчет вспомоществования человек — с.

While we’re on the subject of housekeeping, I mean to have a word with you about food.

Раз уж мы заговорили о домашнем хозяйстве, я хотел поговорить с тобой о еде.

I mean, that is a word- swimmingly?

В смысле, это слово — Гладко?

And an opportunity to demonstrate what our high-sounding words mean.

И возможность показать, что значат наши высокопарные слова .

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. mean

    base, beggarly, commonplace, contemptible, despicable, humble, inferior, lowly, paltry, undignified, vulgar

    alarming, appalling, august, awful, dire, direful, dread, dreadful, fearful, frightful, grand, horrible, imposing, majestic, noble, portentous, shocking, solemn, stately, terrible, terrific

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. meanadjective

    common, low, base, spiritless, dishonorable, contemptible, despicable, beggarly, sordid, vulgar, niggardly, vile

    high, exalted, eminent, spirited, honorable, lordly, princely, munificent, liberal, generous

  2. meanadjective

    middle, intermediate, average

    extreme, excessive, exorbitant

  3. meannoun

    medium, moderation, balance, average

    extreme, excess, preponderance, disproportion, deficiency, shortcoming, inadequacy

  4. meanverb

    intend, purpose, design, signify, denote, indicate, hint, suggest

    say, state, enunciate, execute, perform

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:4.5 / 2 votes

  1. mean, mean valueadjective

    an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n

    mean value

    generous, unnatural, estimable, rich, nice, abnormal, noble, unskilled

  2. average, mean(a)adjective

    approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value

    «the average income in New England is below that of the nation»; «of average height for his age»; «the mean annual rainfall»

    unnatural, unskilled, rich, generous, abnormal, nice, noble, estimable

  3. hateful, meanadjective

    characterized by malice

    «a hateful thing to do»; «in a mean mood»

    bastardly, miserly, mean(a), base, beggarly, mingy, meanspirited, tight, hateful, average

    unnatural, nice, abnormal, rich, noble, generous, estimable, unskilled

  4. base, mean, meanspiritedadjective

    having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality

    «that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble»- Edmund Burke; «taking a mean advantage»; «chok’d with ambition of the meaner sort»- Shakespeare; «something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics»

    hateful, tight, mingy, basal, ungenerous, mean(a), humble, base, lowly, average, baseborn, meanspirited, bastardly, beggarly, immoral, miserly

    unskilled, generous, rich, estimable, noble, nice, unnatural, abnormal

  5. meanadjective


    «famous for a mean backhand»

    bastardly, tight, mean(a), base, beggarly, mingy, miserly, meanspirited, hateful, average

    abnormal, estimable, noble, rich, unnatural, unskilled, generous, nice

  6. beggarly, meanadjective

    marked by poverty befitting a beggar

    «a beggarly existence in the slums»; «a mean hut»

    bastardly, miserly, mean(a), base, beggarly, mingy, meanspirited, tight, hateful, average

    abnormal, rich, unnatural, nice, noble, generous, estimable, unskilled

  7. mean, mingy, miserly, tightadjective

    (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity

    «a mean person»; «he left a miserly tip»

    close, pissed, blind drunk, base, mean(a), besotted, slopped, rigorous, mingy, blotto, average, squiffy, pixilated, hateful, cockeyed, crocked, fuddled, tight, soused, compressed, meanspirited, sozzled, taut, nasty, plastered, miserly, stiff, stringent, pie-eyed, bastardly, sloshed, smashed, soaked, loaded, wet, beggarly

    generous, unnatural, noble, abnormal, estimable, rich, nice, unskilled

  8. beggarly, meanadjective

    (used of sums of money) so small in amount as to deserve contempt

    bastardly, miserly, mean(a), base, beggarly, mingy, meanspirited, tight, hateful, average

    abnormal, rich, noble, generous, nice, unskilled, unnatural, estimable

  9. bastardly, meanverb

    of no value or worth

    «I was caught in the bastardly traffic»

    bastardly, misbegot, mean(a), misbegotten, hateful, miserly, spurious, beggarly, base, mingy, meanspirited, tight, average

    generous, noble, abnormal, rich, nice, unnatural, estimable, unskilled

  10. mean, intendverb

    mean or intend to express or convey

    «You never understand what I mean!»; «what do his words intend?»

    intend, stand for, designate, entail, specify, have in mind, destine, signify, think, imply, think of

    estimable, unnatural, abnormal, unskilled, generous, noble, rich, nice

  11. entail, imply, meanverb

    have as a logical consequence

    «The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers»

    intend, incriminate, involve, implicate, inculpate, entail, have in mind, connote, stand for, signify, fee-tail, think, imply, think of

    abnormal, estimable, unnatural, unskilled, rich, noble, nice, generous

  12. mean, intend, signify, stand forverb

    denote or connote

    «`maison’ means `house’ in French»; «An example sentence would show what this word means»

    entail, signify, typify, hold still for, represent, destine, stand for, imply, symbolise, specify, have in mind, designate, think, correspond, think of, symbolize, intend

    unnatural, noble, generous, unskilled, abnormal, rich, nice, estimable

  13. intend, mean, thinkverb

    have in mind as a purpose

    «I mean no harm»; «I only meant to help you»; «She didn’t think to harm me»; «We thought to return early that night»

    entail, call back, signify, guess, recollect, imagine, consider, retrieve, call up, destine, reckon, suppose, stand for, imply, cogitate, specify, conceive, designate, think, cerebrate, recall, remember, think of, opine, have in mind, intend, believe

    abnormal, nice, generous, unnatural, estimable, noble, rich, unskilled

  14. meanverb

    have a specified degree of importance

    «My ex-husband means nothing to me»; «Happiness means everything»

    intend, stand for, entail, have in mind, signify, think, imply, think of

    generous, unskilled, noble, estimable, rich, unnatural, nice, abnormal

  15. think of, have in mind, meanverb

    intend to refer to

    «I’m thinking of good food when I talk about France»; «Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!»

    entail, signify, think up, dream up, entertain, think about, repute, esteem, hatch, stand for, remember, concoct, have in mind, regard as, flirt with, look on, toy with, imply, look upon, think of, take to be, intend, think

    nice, rich, abnormal, generous, noble, unnatural, unskilled, estimable

  16. meanverb

    destine or designate for a certain purpose

    «These flowers were meant for you»

    intend, stand for, entail, have in mind, signify, think, imply, think of

    abnormal, unnatural, unskilled, rich, generous, nice, estimable, noble

Matched Categories

    • Associate
    • Convey
    • Intend
    • Necessitate
    • Statistics

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. cuvitch

    someone who does not share

    don’t be such a cuvitch

    Submitted by anonymous on December 28, 2020  

  2. macabre

    not so nice.

    «why are you so mean mother ginger!»

    Submitted by rinat on August 19, 2019  

  3. thin lipped

    the thin lipped person is often portrayed in literature as a mean minded person

  4. trundling

    to be a savage or loud

    he was trundling through the depths of the mud

    Submitted by anonymous on May 3, 2020  

  5. underbred

    bad mannered, rude.

    the dog was weak and underbred.

    Submitted by anonymous on March 29, 2020  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. meanadjective

    middle, medium, average

  2. meanadjective

    intermediate, intervening, coming between

  3. meanadjective

    ignoble, plebeian, untitled, low, base-born, ordinary, common, vulgar, coarse, homespun

  4. meanadjective

    base, abject, grovelling, vile, contemptible, despicable, servile, beggarly, sneaking, dirty, scurvy, shabby, sorry, disingenuous, unfair, rascally, pitiful, base-minded, low-minded, dishonorable

  5. meanadjective

    sordid, penurious, miserly, stingy, niggardly, illiberal, ungenerous, selfish, narrow, mercenary, narrow-minded

  6. meanadjective

    small, little, paltry, insignificant, diminutive, petty, poor, wretched

  7. meannoun

    medium, mediocrity, middle state, middle course

  8. meannoun

    instrument, method, mode, way, means

  9. meanverb

    intend, purpose, design, have in view

  10. meanverb

    signify, indicate, imply, denote, purport, import, express

  11. meanverb

    intend, purpose, design, have in view, propose to one’s self

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. meanadjective

    contemptible, despicable, low-minded, base, abject, groveling, dishonorable, shabby, scurvy, servile, menial, undignified, unbecoming, disingenuous, obscure, ignoble, plebeian, inglorious, undistinguished, vulgar, penurious, illiberal, sordid, miserly, stingy, mercenary parsimonious, ungenerous, midway, average, moderate, middle, medium, mediocre, intermediate, mediate, intervening, insignificant, paltry, inconsequential, piddling, frivolous, inferior, poor

  2. meannoun

    middle, medium

  3. meanverb

    intend, purpose, design, contemplate, signify, purport, denote, betoken, imply, typify, indicate

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «mean»:

    average, means, say, tell, imply, medium-sized, medium, signify, averages, entail, involve

Suggested Resources

  1. mean

    The mean symbol — In this article you will learn about the meaning of the mean symbol and its characteristic.

  2. MEAN

    What does MEAN stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the MEAN acronym on the website.

How to pronounce mean?

How to say mean in sign language?

How to use mean in a sentence?

  1. Johnson:

    Pride is seldom delicate; it will please itself with very mean advantages.

  2. Michael Kofman:

    At the moment it is a developing situation. It’s not ‘nothing happening’ and it doesn’t mean that there will be an offensive op tomorrow.

  3. Jonny Kim:

    I wish I had a book like [Extreme Ownership] to teach me but maybe you wouldn’t have been affected. I mean, maybe you require a little bit of suffering through those mistakes to really hit home.

  4. Gregory McMichael:

    This guy, who we’ve seen on video numerous times, breaking into these other houses, he comes hauling ass down the street. I mean, he’s got it hooked up.

  5. Lindsey Vonn:

    I mean I loved him and I still love him.

Translations for mean

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • خسيس, لئيم, عنى, تعنيArabic
  • significar, voler dir, pretendre, mitjana, migCatalan, Valencian
  • znamenat, plánovat, chtít, aritmetický průměr, prostředekCzech
  • betyde, mene, middelDanish
  • mittelmäßig, gemein, böse, bedeuten, beabsichtigen, meinen, Mittel, Mittel-German
  • άγριος, άθλιος, κακός, μέσος όρος, μέσοςGreek
  • kruela, malafabla, malbonkvalita, voli diri, signifi, intenci, rimedo, mezaEsperanto
  • malo, malvado, tacaño, desconsiderado, inferior, formidable, mezquino, cruel, producir, decir en serio, pretender, significar, querer decir, proponer, resultar, intentar, medio, media, recurso, reclamar, apiadarse, compadecerse, lamentarse, significaráSpanish
  • anker, gaiztoBasque
  • میانهPersian
  • ilkeä, tarkoittaa, tietää, merkitä, aikoa, väline, keskiarvo, tapa, keino, keski-Finnish
  • cruel, inférieur, méchant, inférieure, signifier, vouloir dire, avoir l’intention, moyenne, moyenFrench
  • ciallaich, meadhan, cuibheas, cuibheasachdScottish Gaelic
  • התכוון, אמצעיHebrew
  • jelentHungarian
  • միջինArmenian
  • significar, ressource, media, medio, medieInterlingua
  • rata-rataIndonesian
  • meina, ætla, þýða, meðaltal, hreint meðaltal, innliður, milliliður, venjulegt meðaltalIcelandic
  • inferiore, eccellente, violento, formidabile, insignificante, meschino, favoloso, ignobile, maligno, potente, taccagno, avaro, gretto, malevolo, fantastico, furioso, sgarbato, mediocre, spilorcio, cattivo, voler dire, intendere, avere l’intenzione, significare, volere, portare, mezzo, media, medioItalian
  • 卑劣, 悪い, 腹黒い, 汚い, 劣る, 卑しい, 意地悪, 厄介, するつもり, 意味, 意図, 平均値, 平均, 平均的Japanese
  • 의미하다Korean
  • ناهه‌موارKurdish
  • volo, significo, indicō, habeo in animoLatin
  • reikštiLithuanian
  • nekrietns, zemisksLatvian
  • minMalay
  • gemeen, boosaardig, minderwaardig, bedoelen, betekenen, willen, menen, willen zeggen, van plan zijn, middel, gemiddelde, gemiddeldDutch
  • betyNorwegian
  • chcieć, znaczyćPolish
  • inferior, maldoso, formidável, terrível, excelente, ruim, mesquinho, tacanho, cruel, avarento, mau, ótimo, tencionar, falar sério, representar, significar, querer dizer, indicar, querer, pretender, média, alto, passo, recurso, meio, lamentar, compadecer-se, apiedar-se, médio, mediano, reclamarPortuguese
  • a vrea să spună, indica, gândi, vrea, a semnifica, avea intenția, am convingerea, însemna, mediu, medie, mijlocRomanian
  • зло́бный, злой, по́длый, означа́ть, думать, име́ть в виду́, зна́чить, намерева́ться, собира́ться, сре́днее, сре́дство, сре́днийRussian
  • elak, usel, gemen, innebära, mena, betyda, syfta på, tänka, genomsnitt, medelvärde, genomsnittlig, medel-Swedish
  • viomboSwahili
  • నాణ్యత లేని, కారణమగుట, భయంకరమైన, దురుసు, కష్ట సాధ్యము, స్వార్ధము, శక్తివంతమైన, పాడుచేయు, అనుకోవడము, అనుకొనుట, ఫలితము, అర్ధం ఏమిటి, పధకము వేయు, పూర్తి అయిందిTelugu
  • หมายความ, ตั้งใจ, หมายถึงThai
  • cimri, yolTurkish
  • nghĩa làVietnamese
  • 意味著Chinese

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[ mˈiːn], [ mˈiːn], [ m_ˈiː_n]

How to use «Mean» in context?

Most people would say that being mean is not a good thing. After all, it is essentially being nasty, unfair, and unkind. Some people might use this word to describe someone who is being overly critical or who is pulling rank, but for the most part, Mean is bad. As much as we might want to be mean to people we don’t like, it is actually not a very effective way to go about things. In fact, it can actually backfire and make the person you are mean to even more hostile. Sadly, for some people, meanness is a way of life.

What is another word for Mean?

  • characteristic, behaviour

  • characteristic, behaviour

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Just because your parentes are both teachers, it doesn’t ………………you’ll be one too.
Which other word can I use instead of mean?

Just because your parents are both teachers, it doesn’t .follow that you’ll be one too.
Just because your parents are both teachers, it doesn’t .imply that you’ll be one too.
Just because your parents are both teachers, it doesn’t .signify that you’ll be one too.
Just because your parents are both teachers, it doesn’t predestine you to be one too.

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