Another word for make use of

  • effect
  • employ
  • exploit
  • extract
  • fall back on
  • have recourse to
  • rely on
  • require
  • take from
  • accept
  • adopt
  • deal with
  • embody
  • espouse
  • have
  • receive
  • take advantage of
  • take up
  • welcome
  • accommodate
  • admit
  • comprehend
  • comprise
  • contain
  • cover
  • enclose
  • encompass
  • grab
  • incorporate
  • involve
  • seize
  • subsume
  • avail oneself of
  • get into
  • go in for
  • provide for
  • take in
  • take on
  • abuse
  • apply
  • capitalize on
  • employ
  • handle
  • manipulate
  • mine
  • profit from
  • use
  • utilize
  • bleed
  • exercise
  • finesse
  • fleece
  • jockey
  • maneuver
  • milk
  • play
  • skin
  • soak
  • stick
  • work
  • avail oneself of
  • cash in on
  • get mileage out of
  • impose upon
  • make capital of
  • play on
  • profit by
  • put to use
  • appoint
  • bring in
  • draft
  • employ
  • engage
  • enlist
  • lease
  • obtain
  • pick
  • promise
  • rent
  • retain
  • select
  • authorize
  • book
  • carry
  • charter
  • delegate
  • empower
  • exploit
  • ink
  • let
  • occupy
  • place
  • pledge
  • procure
  • secure
  • sublease
  • sublet
  • utilize
  • add to payroll
  • bring on board
  • contract for
  • fill a position
  • find help
  • give a break
  • give job to
  • give work
  • put on
  • put to work
  • sign on
  • sign up
  • take on
  • truck with
  • access
  • achieve
  • attain
  • collect
  • earn
  • gain
  • gather
  • glean
  • have
  • pick up
  • procure
  • purchase
  • reach
  • realize
  • reap
  • receive
  • recover
  • retrieve
  • secure
  • seize
  • take
  • win
  • accomplish
  • annex
  • capture
  • compass
  • cop
  • corral
  • effect
  • fetch
  • grab
  • hoard
  • inherit
  • invade
  • nab
  • occupy
  • pocket
  • salvage
  • save
  • score
  • snag
  • wangle
  • beg borrow or steal
  • chalk up
  • come by
  • drum up
  • get at
  • get hold of
  • get one’s hands on
  • gobble up
  • lay up
  • scrape together
  • scrape up
  • address
  • affect
  • apply
  • devote
  • direct
  • employ
  • exercise
  • frequent
  • go
  • haunt
  • recur
  • repair
  • run
  • try
  • turn
  • use
  • utilize
  • visit
  • avail oneself of
  • benefit by
  • bring into play
  • fall back on
  • go to
  • head for
  • look to
  • put to use
  • recur to
  • refer to
  • take up
  • turn to
  • apply
  • brandish
  • employ
  • exert
  • handle
  • maintain
  • manipulate
  • operate
  • possess
  • swing
  • command
  • conduct
  • exercise
  • flourish
  • have
  • hold
  • manage
  • maneuver
  • ply
  • shake
  • throw
  • utilize
  • wave
  • work
  • have at one’s disposal
  • put to use

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 301 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to make use of, such as: effect, employ, exploit, extract, fall back on, and have recourse to.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • effect
  • employ
  • exploit
  • extract
  • fall back on
  • have recourse to
  • make use of
  • rely on
  • require
  • take from
  • effecting
  • employing
  • exploiting
  • extracting
  • falling back on
  • have recourse to
  • making use of
  • relying on
  • requiring
  • taking from
  • effects
  • employs
  • exploits
  • extracts
  • falls back on
  • have recourse to
  • makes use of
  • relies on
  • requires
  • takes from
  • effected
  • employed
  • exploited
  • extracted
  • fell back on
  • have recourse to
  • made use of
  • relied on
  • required
  • took from
  • accept
  • accommodate
  • admit
  • adopt
  • avail oneself of
  • comprehend
  • comprise
  • contain
  • cover
  • deal with
  • embody
  • enclose
  • encompass
  • espouse
  • get into
  • go in for
  • grab
  • have
  • incorporate
  • involve
  • make use of
  • provide for
  • receive
  • seize
  • subsume
  • take advantage of
  • take in
  • take on
  • take up
  • welcome
  • accepts
  • accommodates
  • admits
  • adopts
  • avails oneself of
  • comprehends
  • comprises
  • contains
  • covers
  • deals with
  • embodies
  • encloses
  • encompasses
  • espouses
  • gets into
  • goes in for
  • grabs
  • has
  • incorporates
  • involves
  • makes use of
  • provides for
  • receives
  • seizes
  • subsumes
  • takes advantage of
  • takes in
  • takes on
  • takes up
  • welcomes

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

What is another word for make use of?

318 synonyms found


[ mˌe͡ɪk jˈuːs ɒv], [ mˌe‍ɪk jˈuːs ɒv], [ m_ˌeɪ_k j_ˈuː_s ɒ_v]

Related words: take advantage of, make use of, utilize, exploit, use up

Table of Contents

  • n.

    draw on (noun)

    • draw.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • Accroach,
    • monopolize.
  • v.

    draw on (verb)

    • require,
    • effect,
    • extract.

    embrace (verb)

    • take advantage of,
    • involve,
    • accept,
    • enclose,
    • contain,
    • cover,
    • have,
    • subsume,
    • take in,
    • welcome,
    • seize,
    • incorporate,
    • accommodate,
    • take up,
    • admit,
    • comprise,
    • encompass,
    • espouse,
    • comprehend,
    • adopt,
    • grab,
    • embody,
    • take on,
    • receive.

    exploit (verb)

    • work,
    • finesse,
    • exercise,
    • bleed,
    • fleece,
    • maneuver,
    • manipulate,
    • skin,
    • handle,
    • abuse,
    • mine,
    • stick,
    • jockey,
    • play,
    • milk,
    • soak,
    • apply.

    hire (verb)

    • add to payroll,
    • engage,
    • authorize,
    • carry,
    • secure,
    • book,
    • ink,
    • give work,
    • occupy,
    • promise,
    • sublet,
    • charter,
    • contract for,
    • pledge,
    • procure,
    • put to work,
    • draft,
    • sign on,
    • let,
    • give a break,
    • fill a position,
    • give job to,
    • sublease,
    • lease,
    • bring in,
    • sign up,
    • bring on board,
    • rent,
    • find help,
    • put on,
    • pick,
    • empower,
    • retain,
    • enlist,
    • place,
    • truck with,
    • delegate,
    • select,
    • appoint.

    obtain (verb)

    • lay up,
    • purchase,
    • inherit,
    • compass,
    • come by,
    • retrieve,
    • chalk up,
    • accomplish,
    • hoard,
    • snag,
    • pocket,
    • reap,
    • earn,
    • nab,
    • annex,
    • save,
    • invade,
    • gain,
    • capture,
    • attain,
    • achieve,
    • corral,
    • pick up,
    • wangle,
    • score,
    • collect,
    • realize,
    • cop,
    • reach,
    • fetch,
    • salvage,
    • get at,
    • win,
    • drum up,
    • glean,
    • gather.

    Other relevant words: (verb)

    • use,
    • utilize,
    • activity,
    • employ.

    resort (verb)

    • visit,
    • turn,
    • try,
    • repair,
    • devote,
    • haunt,
    • recur,
    • direct,
    • affect,
    • run,
    • address,
    • go,
    • frequent.

    wield (verb)

    • wave,
    • swing,
    • hold,
    • throw,
    • brandish,
    • shake,
    • conduct,
    • command,
    • maintain,
    • flourish.
  • Other synonyms:

    • trade on,
    • draw on or upon.

    • consume.


    • hired,
    • sublets,
    • contracted for,
    • subleased,
    • Subletting,
    • signing up,
    • Inked,
    • subleases,
    • signs up,
    • Leasing,
    • Inking,
    • inks,
    • putting to work,
    • signing on,
    • signed up,
    • subleasing.

    Other relevant words:

    • have at one’s disposal,
    • go to,
    • scrape together,
    • fall back on,
    • look to,
    • profit by,
    • put to use,
    • referred to,
    • head for,
    • resort,
    • beg borrow or steal,
    • got into,
    • recover,
    • go in for,
    • accessing,
    • gobbled up,
    • accessed,
    • wield,
    • impose upon,
    • draw on,
    • headed for,
    • have recourse to,
    • avails oneself of,
    • avail of,
    • get hold of,
    • referring to,
    • refer to,
    • provide for,
    • re-cover,
    • recur to,
    • goes to,
    • capitalize on,
    • Copped,
    • benefit by,
    • getting hold of,
    • Wielding,
    • subsumed,
    • make capital of,
    • embrace,
    • imposed upon,
    • turn to,
    • avail oneself of,
    • copping,
    • going to,
    • rely on,
    • provided for,
    • get into,
    • looking to,
    • gobble up,
    • scrape up,
    • exploit,
    • get hands on,
    • got hold of,
    • get mileage out of,
    • get one’s hands on,
    • deal with,
    • imposes upon,
    • hire,
    • went to,
    • profit from,
    • obtain,
    • made use of,
    • take from,
    • cash in on,
    • play on.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • enjoy,
    • take over,
    • work on,
    • absorb,
    • fall,
    • practise,
    • get,
    • indent,
    • profit,
    • practice,
    • mock,
    • usurp,
    • take possession of,
    • sap,
    • count upon,
    • help oneself to,
    • preempt,
    • imitate,
    • manoeuvre,
    • infringe,
    • conquer,
    • pre-empt,
    • call on,
    • implement,
    • plagiarize,
    • arrogate,
    • touch,
    • possess,
    • drain,
    • preoccupy,
    • plagiarise,
    • broach,
    • actuate,
    • utter,
    • unplug,
    • bleed white,
    • prepossess,
    • steal,
    • overrun,
    • open,
    • return to,
    • operate,
    • assume,
    • say,
    • hog,
    • speak,
    • subjugate,
    • access,
    • copy,
    • control,
    • use for one’s own ends,
    • take,
    • pirate,
    • put in place,
    • maximize,
    • possess oneself of,
    • count on,
    • exert,
    • call upon,
    • benefit from,
    • bring into play,
    • turn to account,
    • make good use of,
    • colonize,
    • depend upon,
    • ply,
    • rely upon,
    • enslave,
    • resort to,
    • put into effect,
    • draw upon,
    • simulate,
    • requisition,
    • practises,
    • tap,
    • derive from,
    • depend on,
    • appropriate,
    • sit on,
    • stroke,
    • utilise,
    • do with,
    • engineers,
    • manage,
    • establish.

How to use «Make use of» in context?

«make use of» comes from the Latin word «usus», meaning «use». When we make use of something, we use it for its intended purpose. We can make use of our time, our resources, or our abilities. Whether we are using them to accomplish a task or just taking advantage of them, making use of something is a good way to get the most out of it.

When it comes to time, we can use it to accomplish our goals or take advantage of opportunities that arise. We can use our time to get ahead in our career or to spend time with loved ones.

What is another word for Make use of?

  • utilize

    activity, control

  • use

    employ, utilize

  • employ

    activity, control

  • apply

    activity, control

  • exercise

    activity, control

  • take

    utilize, utilise

  • exploit

    employ, use

  • take advantage of

    take into account

  • manipulate

    activity, control

  • work

    employ, misuse

  • adopt

    take into account

  • operate

  • put to use


  • capitalize on


  • have recourse to

    use to advantage

  • cash in on


  • bring into play

  • exert

  • take up

    take into account

  • abuse


  • profit from

  • resort to

    have recourse to

  • seize

    get, take into account

  • handle

  • draw on

  • avail oneself of

    take into account

  • ply

  • milk

  • profit by

  • play

  • embrace

  • wield

  • fall back on

    use to advantage

  • occupy

    use, get

  • bleed

  • play on

  • run


  • try

    have recourse to

  • utilise

    employ, utilize

  • consume

    utilize, utilise

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Photo search results for Make use of

Content female customer with long curly hair wearing casual outfit sitting at wooden table with netbook in classic interior restaurant while making online order Crop anonymous barista in apron using ceramic funnel dripper and metal kettle and disposable filter and glass cup for making pour over coffee Cheerful African American female with braided long curly hairstyle wearing white bathrobe sitting across chair while making selfie with smile during home cosmetic procedure for face skin on free time Crop anonymous skillful male using screwdriver while drilling holes in timber detail in workshop Crop happy female in apron smiling and using grinder for preparing aromatic coffee in kitchen Tattooed man preparing coffee with coffee machine

Image search results for Make use of

fairy house, fairy, fairy village key, money, success trumpf, donald, hair jackpot, prosperity, isolated trumpf, donald, hair

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Synonyms for Make use of. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

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Synonyms for Make use of. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.


make use of — применять
to make use of — пользоваться, использовать.
make use of arms — применять оружие
make use of senses — шевелить мозгами
make use of option — использовать право выбора
make use of credit — воспользоваться кредитом
to make use of smth. — употреблять что-л., пользоваться чем-л.
make use of a credit — воспользоваться кредитом
make use of services — воспользоваться услугами
make use of retorsion — прибегнуть к реторсии

make use of an option — использовать право выбора
make use of the terrain — применяться к местности
to make use of smth., smb. — использовать что-л., кого-л.
to make use of smb.’s name — ссылаться на кого-л.
to make use of one’s senses — разг. шевелить мозгами, думать
make use of compulsive means — прибегать к принудительным мерам
make use of market conditions — использовать конъюнктуру рынка
make use of automatic machines — автоматизировать
make use of the legal authority — использовать правовые полномочия
we shall also make use of the notation — мы будем также использовать следующее обозначение
he failed to make use of the opportunity — он не воспользовался этой возможностью
make good use of — наиболее эффективно использовать; широко использовать
make maximal use of — использовать полностью
to make free use of smth. — свободно /беспрепятственно/ пользоваться чем-л.
make free use of something — широко пользоваться
to make maximum use of smth. — полностью /насколько возможно, максимально/ использовать что-л.
make full use of existing practices — эффективно использовать имеющиеся возможности
make maximal use of local materials — максимально использовать местные материалы
make better use of the production capacity — более полно использовать производственные мощности
intermedia that makes use of dance, films, painting, electronics — синтетическое представление, включающее балет, кино, живопись и электронную музыку

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

использовать, воспользоваться, пользоваться

Перевод по словам

make  — марка, изготовление, производство, модель, делаться, делать, производить, совершать
use  — использование, применение, пользование, использовать, пользоваться, применять


We will make use of her vast experience.

Мы воспользуемся её богатым опытом.

There is an answering machine for you to make use of.

Можете воспользоваться автоответчиком. / К вашим услугам автоответчик.

Try to make good use of your time.

Постарайтесь эффективно использовать своё время.

You should make good use of your time.

Вы должны с пользой потратить ваше время.

Her latest album makes extensive use of samples from a wide range of acid jazz tracks.

В её последнем альбоме активно используются сэмплы из широкого спектра треков в стиле «acid jazz».

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. make use of

    In general terms it may be said that to employ is to devote to one’s purpose, to use is to render subservient to one’s purpose; what is used is viewed as more absolutely an instrument than what is employed; a merchant employs a clerk; he uses pen and paper; as a rule, use is not said of persons, except in a degrading sense; as, the conspirators used him as a go-between. Hence the expression common in some religious circles «that God would use me» is not to be commended; it has also the fault of representing the human worker as absolutely a passive and helpless instrument; the phrase is altogether unscriptural; the Scripture says, «We are laborers together with (co-workers with) God.» That which is used is often consumed in the using, or in familiar phrase used up; as, we used twenty tons of coal last winter; in such cases we could not substitute employ. A person may be employed in his own work or in that of another; in the latter case the service is always understood to be for pay. In this connection employ is a word of more dignity than hire; a general is employed in his country’s service; a mercenary adventurer is hired to fight a tyrant’s battles. It is unsuitable, according to present usage, to speak of hiring a pastor; the Scripture, indeed, says of the preacher, «The laborer is worthy of his hire;» but this sense is archaic, and hire now implies that the one hired works directly and primarily for the pay, as expressed in the noun «hireling;» a Pastor is properly said to be called, or when the business side of the transaction is referred to, engaged, or possibly employed, at a certain salary.

    call, employ, engage, engross, hire, use, use up

    Employ in, on, upon, or about a work, business, etc.; for a purpose; at a stipulated salary.

How to pronounce make use of?

How to say make use of in sign language?

How to use make use of in a sentence?

  1. English Proverb:

    Let him make use of instinct who cannot make use of reason.

  2. Nansel Larson:

    Your time is precious if you make use of it at the appropriate way, moment and right place.

  3. Mark Hansford:

    It’s absolutely a growth area, all the businesses we talk to anticipate growth in construction of ever deeper underground spaces. In London a growing number of properties are three or four stories deep. With so little space there has to be new ways to make use of it.

  4. Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera:

    Absolutely this is a tool that( smugglers) utilize but at the same time, these kinds of networks operate through trust, they make use of these websites to advertise their products… It’s just an additional tool that these networks operate through trust.

  5. Henri Frdric Amiel:

    You desire to know the art of living, my friend It is contained in one phrase make use of suffering.


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