Another word for like this

What is another word for like this?

41 synonyms found


[ lˈa͡ɪk ðˈɪs], [ lˈa‍ɪk ðˈɪs], [ l_ˈaɪ_k ð_ˈɪ_s]

Related words: like this website, how to like this, like this phrase, like this sentence, like this sentence what does it mean

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    • adv.

      Other relevant words: (adverb)

      • in this way,
      • just like that.
    • adv

      Other relevant words: (adverb)

      • thus,
      • thusly,
      • thus and thus,
      • thus and so,
      • along these lines,
      • like so,
      • to such a degree,
      • as follows,
      • in this fashion,
      • in kind,
      • in such a way,
      • in fashion.
    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • such,
      • how,
      • either,
      • however,
      • consequently,
      • precisely,
      • for instance,
      • thereby,
      • enthused,
      • ass,
      • chew,
      • eat,
      • entice,
      • permission,
      • so,
      • then,
      • in that way,
      • as,
      • hence,
      • enthusing,
      • identically,
      • in such wise,
      • because I said so,
      • sic,
      • similar,
      • well,
      • but.

    How to use «Like this» in context?

    When Facebook was first created, it was a way for friends to keep in touch. But now Facebook has become more than just a way to stay connected. It’s a way to share your life with the people you care about. Facebook is like a virtual scrapbook where you can post all the memories from your day. You can also use Facebook to stay up to date on what your friends are doing. You can also use Facebook to find out about new products and services. Facebook is a great way to stay connected with your friends and family.



    like this — так, вот так
    do it like this — делай это так
    it was like this — дело было так
    look like this : — выглядеть следующим образом:
    like this / that — такой
    it goes like this — дело обстоит так
    it’s like this, you see — видите ли, дело обстоит так
    I don’t like this at all — мне это совершенно не нравится
    the proverb runs like this — вот как звучит эта пословица; эта пословица гласит
    you must not behave like this — не следует так поступать

    tune goes something like this : — вот как, примерно, звучит этот мотив
    go like this with your left foot! — сделай левой ногой так!
    it is delightful to live like this — жить так — одно удовольствие
    the tune goes something like this : — вот как, примерно, звучит этот мотив
    the tune goes something like this … — вот как, примерно, звучит этот мотив
    I don’t like this hat, show me another — мне эта шляпа не нравится, покажите другую
    if he goes on like this he’ll lose his job — если он будет так себя вести, его выгонят с работы
    what are you to do with a child like this? — ну что поделаешь /делать/ с таким ребёнком?
    I don’t like this lamp, have you any others? — эта лампа мне не нравится, а других у вас нет?
    you got to have a pull to get a job like this — на такую работу можно устроиться только по блату /по знакомству/
    like that — такой, подобный
    just like that — без малейшего труда; неожиданно; внезапно
    like it or not — волей-неволей
    do it like that — делай (это) так
    a man like that — подобный человек
    do you like it? — нравится ли вам это?
    thing like that — такое
    like it or lump it — хочешь не хочешь
    well! I like that! — ирон. это мне нравится!
    tell it like it is — выложить все начистоту; не кривить душой; говорить правду

    ещё 20 примеров свернуть

    Автоматический перевод

    так, как это, как сейчас, как сегодня, подобный, примерно следующий, вроде этого, подобно этому, наподобие этого, в таком виде, вроде такого, типа такого, подобный этому, похожий на этот, вроде следующего, полюбить это, выглядеть так, примерно такой

    Перевод по словам

    like  — любить, подобный, подобно, так, как бы, как будто, очень
    this  — эта, это, этот, сей


    Do you like this colour?

    Тебе нравится этот цвет?

    The argument goes like this.

    Аргументация состоит в следующем.

    Don’t let’s argue like this.

    Давайте не будем вот так ссориться. (брит. разг.)

    News like this soon gets round.

    Такие новости распространяются быстро.

    She went like this with her hand.

    Она вот так провела рукой.

    You can drag and drop text like this.

    Текст можно перетаскивать — вот так.

    Europe is hot for a product like this.

    Европа без ума от таких товаров.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    They’d love one like that.»  

    Don always tells it like it is.  

    ‘Did you like it?’ ‘Do me a favour!’  

    Just sponge the paint on, like this.  

    I can’t leave him like that, I cannot!  

    He’s got a cheek ignoring us like that.  

    Look, the tubes fit together like this.  

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    like this — перевод на русский

    I like grapes.

    Мне нравится виноград.

    And I like grapes.

    И мне нравится виноград.

    I like brown.

    Мне нравится коричневое.

    But I like brown.

    А мне нравится коричневое.

    Ohh, I like your style.

    Ооо, мне нравится твой стиль.

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    I would like to thank the participants…

    Я бы хотел поблагодарить участников…

    Dad was? As a small token of gratitude, I would like to help with your wedding.

    Отец? я бы хотел помочь с вашей свадьбой.

    Yeah, I’d like to apologize for that.

    Я бы хотел извиниться.

    Dear Miss: A friend would like to talk with you

    Сударыня, один друг хотел бы поговорить с вами.

    I’d like to find some money or a rich heiress!»

    Я хотел бы заработать немного денег, или найти богатую наследницу!»

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    Looks like the money’s floating.

    Похоже на парящие деньги. Было приятно иметь с тобой дело, где б ты ни был.

    I’m trying to catch some food, but something got to it before me, it looks like.

    Я просто пытался поймать себе еду, но похоже что то пришло за ней до меня.

    He doesn’t look like he knows what’s going on.

    Не похоже что он понимает что происходит.

    It seems like everybody at camp was convinced that I was the person that hurt her.

    Похоже все в лагере были убеждены что я тот кто навредил ей.

    It looks like it’s native, handmade.

    Похоже что это ручная работа. 00:

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    I like clocks.

    Люблю часы.

    Because I like them, of course.

    Потому что я их люблю, конечно.

    I’m not going back to a life or a job that I like or family or friends or even an ex-boyfriend, and I get that you’re sad about that.

    Я не вернусь назад к жизни или работе которую люблю, ни к семье или друзьям или даже к бывшему, и я понимаю, что что тебе грустно из-за этого.

    I-I don’t like to tell a lot of people this, but I got into Emory Business School.

    Не люблю рассказывать об этом, но я поступил в бизнес-школу в Эмори.

    I-I don’t like to tell people this, but, um…

    Я не люблю рассказывать об этом, но…

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    I hope they like the rice cooker I got them.

    Ладно, хорошо… Надеюсь, им понравится эта рисоварка.

    «If we like your property, we will immediately buy it.»

    «Если нам понравится ваша недвижимость, мы немедленно ее купим.»

    You’ll like Havana.

    — Вам понравится Гавана.

    — I thought you’d like it.

    — Я знала, что вам понравится.

    How’d you like to show your racket to the police?

    Как вам понравится, если о вашем рэкете узнает полиция?

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    Like everything’s right with the world.

    Кажется что и цвета ярче, и картинка чётче.

    Maybe to adults it looks like we’re just running around, playing whatever we want to, wherever we want to, running all around the yard, willy-nilly without barriers or boundaries.

    Взрослым наверно кажется, что мы просто наворачиваем круги, играем во всё подряд, бегаем где хотим по всему двору сломя голову без барьеров и границ.

    They play dirty, which is why sometimes it seems like it’s damned near impossible for rule-abiding kids to win.

    Они играют грязно. Поэтому иногда кажется, что тем, кто играет по всем правилам, ни фига не выиграть.

    He makes you feel like he’s giving you some kind of gift, when all he’s done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!

    Кажется, что он делает вам подарок, а на деле просто превращает вас в сторожевых псов.

    Look, I don’t know you very well, but from where I stand, it seems like you’ve made the choice not to try or something.

    Слушайте, я не очень хорошо вас знаю, но мне кажется, что вы даже попыток решили не предпринимать.

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    «I beg you to help me.» Is it like this?

    помоги мне.» Вот так?

    Looking at you like this, it isn’t easy.

    Даже смотреть на тебя вот так для меня непросто.

    Yeah, you put it in your mouth like this and…

    Да, ее кладут в рот вот так и….

    You can’t walk out like this.

    Ты не можешь уйти вот так.

    Have to toss it off, though. Like this.

    Опрокидывать залпом, вот так!

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    I don’t know, but I think that something like that might’ve happened to you.

    Я не знаю наверняка, но мне кажется, что-то подобное могло случиться с вами.

    I don’t know why you should talk like that.

    Не пойму, почему вы высказываете подобное.

    Oh, darling, we can’t go on like this.

    О, дорогая, мы не можем пойти на подобное.

    Sorry to have to ask you to come to a place like this, but…

    Простите, что попросил вас приехать в подобное место, но…

    This is outrageous, bringing us to a place like this.

    Это возмутительно — приглашать нас в подобное место.

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    I get what it looks like.

    Понимаю как это выглядит.

    It felt like a threat.

    Выглядит угрожающе.

    That young master didn’t look like talking an empty word.

    Этот Молодой Господин не выглядит пустозвоном.

    «Look at him — cost me a thousand — looks like a million!»

    «Посмотри-ка на него стоил мне всего тысячу, а выглядит на миллион!»

    What’s he look like?

    — Как он выглядит?

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    I feel like I recognize her.

    Я чувствую, что узнал ее.

    I just feel like a dumbass now.

    Чувствую себя сейчас тупицей.

    I just feel like my time there is done.

    Я просто чувствую, что мое время там закончилось.

    Well, I don’t know about you, but I feel like I should go and look for her.

    Ну, не знаю как ты, но я чувствую что я должен пойти и присмотреть за ней.

    No, so I don’t feel like myself.

    Нет, я не чувствую себя собой.

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    Penchant  Predilection   Proclivity   Propensity

    People will admire your writing skill if you choose proper and exact word that must match that particular situation. Here, we have another word for Like. Let us see more another word for Like.

    Penchant (N)

    Another word for like Penchant borrows from French origin from the Latin pendere, in which penchant literally means inclined. a special liking for something; If you have strong preference for something like playing, eating, swimming, etc; it means you have strong liking for that thing.
    _____ for something

    • He has a penchant  for asking stupid questions.
    • Her penchant for mathematics helped her become an engineer.
    • Indians are penchant for food.

    Predilection (N)

    Another word for like Predilection is based on the Latin verb praediligere, or «prefer before others,» which breaks down to prae means before, and diligere means»choose or love.» It is natural, seen to have born with. If you like something and don’t know why it means you have predilection for that thing.

    • Why do I always feel predilection for writing?
    • We should follow our own predilections.

    Proclivity (N)

    Another word for like is proclivity; A proclivity is a tendency to behave in a particular way or to like a particular thing, often a bad way or says:

    When you have a proclivity, it feels automatic — you like what you like; you don’t even have to think about it. The origin of the word proclivity supports this feeling. Proclivity comes from the Latin word proclivis, which literally means «sloping forward.» You slide toward a proclivity — no effort is needed.

    • Why do some people have proclivity for violence.
    • Men have proclivity for women.

    Propensity (N)

    A propensity to do something or a propensity for something is a natural tendency that you have to behave in a particular way .
                                      If you like something that is really bad, use the word proclivity, otherwise use the word propensity.

    • Trump has a propensity to scream, Kim has whimper.

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    English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.5 / 4 votes

    1. like

      Alike is a comprehensive word, signifying as applied to two or more objects that some or all qualities of one are the same as those of the other or others; by modifiers alike may be made to express more or less resemblance; as, these houses are somewhat (i. e., partially) alike; or, these houses are exactly (i. e., in all respects) alike. Cotton and wool are alike in this, that they can both be woven into cloth. Substances are homogeneous which are made up of elements of the same kind, or which are the same in structure. Two pieces of iron may be homogeneous in material, while not alike in size or shape. In geometry, two triangles are equal when they can be laid over one another, and fit, line for line and angle for angle; they are equivalent when they simply contain the same amount of space. An identical proposition is one that says the same thing precisely in subject and predicate. Similar refers to close resemblance, which yet leaves room for question or denial of complete likeness or identity. To say «this is the identical man,» is to say not merely that he is similar to the one I have in mind, but that he is the very same person. Things are analogous when they are similar in idea, plan, use, or character, tho perhaps quite unlike in appearance; as, the gills of fishes are said to be analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals.

      akin, alike, analogous, equal, equivalent, homogeneous, identical, kindred, resembling, same, similar, uniform

      different, dissimilar, distinct, heterogeneous, unlike

      The specimens are alike in kind; they are all alike to me.

    Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

    1. likenoun

      equal, correspondent, similar, resembling

      unequal, different, dissimilar

    2. likeverb

      love, approve, enjoy, relish, affect

      hate, dislike, loathe, mislike, detest, abhor, abominate

    Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.3 / 3 votes

    1. like, the like, the likes ofnoun

      a similar kind

      «dogs, foxes, and the like», «we don’t want the likes of you around here»

      the likes of, the like, ilk

      unlike, different, dissimilar, dislike

    2. like, ilkadjective

      a kind of person

      «We’ll not see his like again»; «I can’t tolerate people of his ilk»

      the likes of, the like, ilk

      dissimilar, different, unlike, dislike

    3. like, similaradjective

      resembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination

      «suits of like design»; «a limited circle of like minds»; «members of the cat family have like dispositions»; «as like as two peas in a pod»; «doglike devotion»; «a dreamlike quality»

      same, standardised, corresponding, similar, alike(p), interchangeable, comparable, standardized, exchangeable

      unlike, different, dissimilar, dislike

    4. like, sameadjective

      equal in amount or value

      «like amounts»; «equivalent amounts»; «the same amount»; «gave one six blows and the other a like number»; «the same number»

      same, similar, corresponding, same(p), comparable, alike(p)

      different, unlike, dissimilar, dislike

    5. alike(p), similar, likeadjective

      having the same or similar characteristics

      «all politicians are alike»; «they looked utterly alike»; «friends are generally alike in background and taste»

      unlike, dissimilar, different, dislike

    6. comparable, corresponding, likeverb

      conforming in every respect

      «boxes with corresponding dimensions»; «the like period of the preceding year»

      corresponding, similar, same, comparable, alike(p)

      different, unlike, dissimilar, dislike

    7. wish, care, likeverb

      prefer or wish to do something

      «Do you care to try this dish?»; «Would you like to come along to the movies?»

      bid, wish well, wish, care, give care, handle, manage, worry, deal

      unlike, different, dissimilar, dislike

    8. likeverb

      find enjoyable or agreeable

      «I like jogging»; «She likes to read Russian novels»

      care, wish

      unlike, dissimilar, different, dislike

    9. likeverb

      be fond of

      «I like my nephews»

      care, wish

      different, unlike, dissimilar, dislike

    10. likeverb

      feel about or towards; consider, evaluate, or regard

      «How did you like the President’s speech last night?»

      care, wish

      different, unlike, dissimilar, dislike

    11. likeverb

      want to have

      «I’d like a beer now!»

      care, wish

      different, unlike, dissimilar, dislike

    Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

    1. likeadjective

      similar, resembling, analogous, allied, parallel, cognate, of a piece

    2. likeadjective

      equal, same

    3. likeadjective

      likely, probable

    4. likenoun


    5. likenoun

      preference, partiality, liking

    6. likeadjective

      in the manner of, in the same manner as

    7. likeadjective

      likely, probably

    8. likeverb

      approve, be pleased with, take pleasure in

    9. likeverb

      relish, enjoy, be fond of

    10. likeverb

      esteem, fancy, have a regard for, take a liking to, take to, take a fancy to; find to one’s mind, taste, or fancy

    11. likeverb

      choose, prefer, elect, list, think fit, be pleased

    Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

    1. likeadjective

      similar, alike, cognate, analogous, homogeneous


    2. likenoun

      counterpart, copy, equal, liking, preference

    3. likeverb

      fancy, approve of, prefer, choose, wish

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. List of paraphrases for «like»:

      love, loves, likes, similar, iike, wish, genus, kind, enjoy, loved, such

    Suggested Resources

    1. like

      Song lyrics by like — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by like on the website.

    2. LIKE

      What does LIKE stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the LIKE acronym on the website.

    How to pronounce like?

    How to say like in sign language?

    How to use like in a sentence?

    1. George Steinbrenner:

      I ’m not afraid to make changes as we saw with the manager a few years ago, but the changes have to be made for more than just the sake of making changes. I know I’m stating the obvious, But again, I ’m going to be looking at everybody’s performance at the end of the year throughout the organization, baseball ops or not, and that’s what I do every year, and it’s not something I tend to do in the middle of the year. Do I like consistency, do I( like) having the same people around, that I am used to, that I communicate well with, that we can kind of understand each other ? Yes. But not if we’re having serious problems with that person’s performance or in the way that players or in other departments, other employees look — respect or don’t respect that person.

    2. Pressbox Maxim:

      Playing football in the morning is like eating cabbage for breakfast.

    3. Evan McMullin:

      The real goal here is to … defend the votes and values of the Republican Party that I once knew, the Republican Party can’t survive, it can’t lead, with people like Dan Bishop.

    4. Elizabeth Warren:

      First, change the law to create a path to real, comprehensive debt relief for disaster-stricken places like Puerto Rico.

    5. E. B. White:

      Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it.


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    What is another word for “like”? In this lesson, you will learn different ways to say «like» in English (synonyms for like) with their meaning, example sentences & ESL picture.





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    LIKE Synonyms: 14 Useful Synonyms for LIKE in English — 7 E S L

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    LIKE Synonyms: 14 Useful Synonyms for LIKE in English — 7 E S L


    level 1

    Overuse of the word «like» as a filler word can make the speaker seem young or uneducated. You are much better off to just eliminate the word entirely and not replace it with another filler word.

    level 2

    I hear a lot of youtubers/streamers saying it though. Not all but at least some of those I watch are native speakers. And they make it sound fluently. It sounds better when they use it when they want to explain something… „Bla bla bla. LIKE, you heard of …“ It would sounds a bit aprupt if they just said „Bla bla bla… You heard of…“. And of course it has something to do with sound of voice too. You can‘t really make it sound good on paper but listening to this „like“ is … good… if that makes sense… Just too often is bad. That‘s why Im looking for synonyms here. On the internet there‘re just synonyms for „like“ in the sense of „there are things LIKE apples, bananas, grapes,…“.

    level 1

    I started to be aware of this as well. As they said in the comments, and as I see it now, its use seems to be quite childish, or in my own case, literally makes me feel that I use that word as a cover for my bad English.

    level 2

    Yeah right? I hate it if I hear myself saying it too often. I still feel like I somehow need to use it though… Just a specific dosis of it xD One sentence starting with „LIKE“ every 50 sentences is fine I guess.

    level 1

    It’s a useless filler word that doesn’t need a replacement. Just don’t use it.

    level 1

    „It’s as though” is a good replacement

    level 1

    Replace it with a pause. Even an «umm» or «well» is often better.

    level 1

    «Eh» or «Um» is a better filler word than «like».

    Or just take your time speaking and don’t use it.

    level 2

    · 4 yr. ago

    Native Speaker — USA (NYC)

    I disagree with the suggestion to leave out fillers entirely- almost every language uses filler words or sounds, and outside of giving a formal speech, speaking without fillers sounds unnatural and robotic. I agree overdoing it on ‘like’ should probably be avoided, but learning filler words and how to use them is part of becoming a fluent and natural sounding speaker.

    level 2

    Doesn‘t it sound awkwardly speaking without a filler word? In that sense „I mean“, „Of course“ or „ what I wanna say is“ are filler words too but I feel like you kinda need to say that to stay polite in some way? OF COURSE (see, take this away and it would sound weird), you can try and don‘t use them but I think that‘s just… weird… I don‘t know… Maybe I listend too much to streamer language.

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