Another word for like most

like most — перевод на русский

Like most of the Doctor’s plans, this one’s simple, it won’t take long.

Как и большинство планов Доктора, этот план простой, он не займет много времени.

Like most mines.

Как и большинство шахт.

Like most intellectuals, he’s intensely stupid.

Как и большинство интелектуалов, он — глуп.

You won’t admit that, like most men, you leave all major decisions to your penis.

Вы, как и большинство мужчин, никогда не признаете что все главные решения за вас принимает ваш пенис.

Of course you don’t, my dear because you, like most people, never stop to look at the big picture.

Конечно нет, дорогая. Потому что ты, как и большинство людей, не видишь полной картины.

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Apart from bullfighting, what do you like the most?

А кроме быков, что тебе больше всего нравится?

You know what I like most here? No.

Ты знаешь, что мне больше всего нравится в этом доме?

This color I like the most.

А вот этот цвет мне больше всего нравится.

That’s what I like most about being a chef.

Вот почему мне больше всего нравится быть шеф-поваром.

What would you say you like most about Puerto Rico?

Что больше всего нравится в Пуэрто Рико?

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What I like most of all about her is her optimism.

Больше всего я люблю в ней то, что она оптимистка.

And what I like the most…

А больше всего я люблю…

What I like the most, are seagulls.

Больше всего я люблю чаек.

The thing that hurts the most, is the person I like the most… doesn’t need me at all

Более всего мне причиняет боль то, что одному человеку, которого я люблю больше всех, я не нужна совсем.

The thing that hurts the most is the person I like the most doesn’t need me at all.

Более всего мне причиняет боль то, что одному человеку, которого я люблю больше всех, я не нужна совсем.

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Do you know what I liked most about today?

Вы знаете что мне больше всего понравилось сегодня?

Bachelor number one. What would I like most about you?

Участник номер 1, что бы мне в тебе больше всего понравилось?

What I like most… was instead of making Sean look bad… you made yourself look like a jackass.

Что мне понравилось больше всего, это — то… что вместо того, чтобы заставить Шона выглядеть плохо… вы заставили себя выглядеть дураком.

What part did you like the most?

Что вам понравилось больше всего?

— What did you like most?

— А кто Вам понравился больше всех?

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— Sounds like most people I know.

Похоже на большинство моих знакомых.

I think you’ll find this is not like most public schools.

Думаю, вы поймете — это место не похоже на большинство государственных школ.

Sounds like most of my dates.

Очень похоже на большинство моих свиданий.

Roy was like most of the guys who wind up here.

Рой был похож на большинство парней, которых заносит сюда.

You’re not like most girls your age.

Ты не похожа на большинство девочек твоего возраста.

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Seems like most everything used to be something else, yes?

Похоже, уже почти ничего не используется… по старому назначению, не так ли?

This is like the most exercise you guys have gotten all year.

Похоже, для вас это — единственное серьёзное испытание за прошедший год, а, парни?

You look like the most handsome groom in the world.

Ты похож на самого красивого жениха в мире.

Well, I’ve never been accused of being like most people.

Что ж, мне вообще никогда не говорили, что я похож на остальных.

Not that he’ll change his ways much, if he’s like most men.

Если он похож на других мужчин, то его привычки не сильно изменятся.

And that’s really what adulthood is like most of the time.

Это и есть зрелость, почти постоянно.

And like most every other newspaper on Earth, it’s financed by its advertising.

И почти каждая газета на планете Земля, финансируется за счет рекламы.

And like most things American, they’ve eaten the natives… but they’ve still got room for more.

И как почти все американцы, они сожрали аборигенов но приберегли место еще для кое-кого.

Like most of what goes on round here.

Как почти все, что здесь происходит.

He is like this most of the time.

Он такой почти все время.

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Penchant  Predilection   Proclivity   Propensity

People will admire your writing skill if you choose proper and exact word that must match that particular situation. Here, we have another word for Like. Let us see more another word for Like.

Penchant (N)

Another word for like Penchant borrows from French origin from the Latin pendere, in which penchant literally means inclined. a special liking for something; If you have strong preference for something like playing, eating, swimming, etc; it means you have strong liking for that thing.
_____ for something

  • He has a penchant  for asking stupid questions.
  • Her penchant for mathematics helped her become an engineer.
  • Indians are penchant for food.

Predilection (N)

Another word for like Predilection is based on the Latin verb praediligere, or «prefer before others,» which breaks down to prae means before, and diligere means»choose or love.» It is natural, seen to have born with. If you like something and don’t know why it means you have predilection for that thing.

  • Why do I always feel predilection for writing?
  • We should follow our own predilections.

Proclivity (N)

Another word for like is proclivity; A proclivity is a tendency to behave in a particular way or to like a particular thing, often a bad way or says:

When you have a proclivity, it feels automatic — you like what you like; you don’t even have to think about it. The origin of the word proclivity supports this feeling. Proclivity comes from the Latin word proclivis, which literally means «sloping forward.» You slide toward a proclivity — no effort is needed.

  • Why do some people have proclivity for violence.
  • Men have proclivity for women.

Propensity (N)

A propensity to do something or a propensity for something is a natural tendency that you have to behave in a particular way .
                                  If you like something that is really bad, use the word proclivity, otherwise use the word propensity.

  • Trump has a propensity to scream, Kim has whimper.

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What is another word for most likely?

155 synonyms found


[ mˈə͡ʊst lˈa͡ɪkli], [ mˈə‍ʊst lˈa‍ɪkli], [ m_ˈəʊ_s_t l_ˈaɪ_k_l_i]

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  • Table of Contents

    • adj.

      logical (adjective)

      • deducible,
      • relevant,
      • germane,
      • sensible,
      • compelling,
      • perceptive,
      • rational,
      • justifiable,
      • legitimate,
      • judicious,
      • commonsensical,
      • intelligent,
      • consistent,
      • valid,
      • subtle,
      • discriminating,
      • clear,
      • cogent,
      • pertinent,
      • consequent,
      • inferential,
      • plausible,
      • analytical,
      • fair,
      • congruent,
      • perspicuous,
      • sound,
      • telling,
      • convincing,
      • necessary,
      • legit,
      • lucid,
      • wise,
      • obvious,
      • coherent,
      • analytic,
      • discerning.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • juridicious,
      • probable,
      • logical,
      • holding together,
      • extensional,
      • holding water,
      • well-organized.

      probable (adjective)

      • illusory,
      • presumable,
      • odds-on,
      • ostensible,
      • believable,
      • odds on,
      • reasonable,
      • apparent,
      • possible,
      • presumed,
      • mortal,
      • seeming,
      • in the cards,
      • earthly,
      • feasible.
    • adv

      Other relevant words: (adverb)

      • presumably,
      • like as not,
      • plausibly,
      • Ostensively,
      • tangibly,
      • speciously,
      • apparently,
      • probably,
      • in all likelihood,
      • to all appearances,
      • presumptively,
      • in all probability,
      • it would seem,
      • it seems that,
      • intuitively,
      • professedly,
      • it appears that,
      • on the face of it,
      • at a glance,
      • Assumably,
      • all appearances,
      • at first sight.
    • adv.

      apparently (adverb)

      • possibly,
      • superficially,
      • outwardly,
      • as though,
      • reputably,
      • ostensibly,
      • supposedly,
      • reasonably,
      • most likely,
      • allegedly,
      • as if.

      likely (adverb)

      • prima facie,
      • no doubt,
      • seemingly.

      ostensively (adverb)

      • evidently,
      • externally.

      presumably (adverb)

      • hypothetically,
      • credible,
      • unquestionably,
      • surely,
      • theoretically.

      probably (adverb)

      • imaginably,
      • practicably,
      • believably,
      • maybe,
      • one can assume,
      • feasibly,
      • expediently,
      • perhaps,
      • dollars to doughnuts,
      • as likely as not,
      • as the case may be,
      • perchance.
    • n.

      no doubt (noun)

      • doubt.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • doubtless,
      • Doubtlessly.
    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words:

      • guess,
      • suppose,
      • likelihood,
      • assumption,
      • contingency,
      • presupposition,
      • supposition,
      • conceivability,
      • plausibility,
      • likeliness,
      • verisimilitude,
      • surmise,
      • chances,
      • odds,
      • chance,
      • liability,
      • conjecture,
      • prospect,
      • reasonableness,
      • hypothesis,
      • speculation,
      • probability,
      • inference,
      • Sumption,
      • feasibility,
      • appearance,
      • credibility,
      • presumption,
      • possibility,
      • expectation.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • likely,
      • very likely,
      • ratiocinative,
      • almost certainly,
      • like enough,
      • well,
      • easily,
      • indubitably.

    How to use «Most likely» in context?

    The word ‘most likely‘ is a relative word that means there is a chance, but not a certainty. Usage of the word usually follows the phrase ‘I think’ or ‘I believe.’ The most likely scenario is that a particular event will take place, however, there is always a chance it could not.

    Word of the Day



    Nearby words

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    • MOST LIKELY synonyms at
    • MOST LIKELY synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
      — MOST LIKELY synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of MOST LIKELY
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for MOST LIKELY

    English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.5 / 4 votes

    1. like

      Alike is a comprehensive word, signifying as applied to two or more objects that some or all qualities of one are the same as those of the other or others; by modifiers alike may be made to express more or less resemblance; as, these houses are somewhat (i. e., partially) alike; or, these houses are exactly (i. e., in all respects) alike. Cotton and wool are alike in this, that they can both be woven into cloth. Substances are homogeneous which are made up of elements of the same kind, or which are the same in structure. Two pieces of iron may be homogeneous in material, while not alike in size or shape. In geometry, two triangles are equal when they can be laid over one another, and fit, line for line and angle for angle; they are equivalent when they simply contain the same amount of space. An identical proposition is one that says the same thing precisely in subject and predicate. Similar refers to close resemblance, which yet leaves room for question or denial of complete likeness or identity. To say «this is the identical man,» is to say not merely that he is similar to the one I have in mind, but that he is the very same person. Things are analogous when they are similar in idea, plan, use, or character, tho perhaps quite unlike in appearance; as, the gills of fishes are said to be analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals.

      akin, alike, analogous, equal, equivalent, homogeneous, identical, kindred, resembling, same, similar, uniform

      different, dissimilar, distinct, heterogeneous, unlike

      The specimens are alike in kind; they are all alike to me.

    Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

    1. likenoun

      equal, correspondent, similar, resembling

      unequal, different, dissimilar

    2. likeverb

      love, approve, enjoy, relish, affect

      hate, dislike, loathe, mislike, detest, abhor, abominate

    Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.3 / 3 votes

    1. like, the like, the likes ofnoun

      a similar kind

      «dogs, foxes, and the like», «we don’t want the likes of you around here»

      the likes of, the like, ilk

      unlike, different, dissimilar, dislike

    2. like, ilkadjective

      a kind of person

      «We’ll not see his like again»; «I can’t tolerate people of his ilk»

      the likes of, the like, ilk

      dissimilar, different, unlike, dislike

    3. like, similaradjective

      resembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination

      «suits of like design»; «a limited circle of like minds»; «members of the cat family have like dispositions»; «as like as two peas in a pod»; «doglike devotion»; «a dreamlike quality»

      same, standardised, corresponding, similar, alike(p), interchangeable, comparable, standardized, exchangeable

      unlike, different, dissimilar, dislike

    4. like, sameadjective

      equal in amount or value

      «like amounts»; «equivalent amounts»; «the same amount»; «gave one six blows and the other a like number»; «the same number»

      same, similar, corresponding, same(p), comparable, alike(p)

      different, unlike, dissimilar, dislike

    5. alike(p), similar, likeadjective

      having the same or similar characteristics

      «all politicians are alike»; «they looked utterly alike»; «friends are generally alike in background and taste»

      unlike, dissimilar, different, dislike

    6. comparable, corresponding, likeverb

      conforming in every respect

      «boxes with corresponding dimensions»; «the like period of the preceding year»

      corresponding, similar, same, comparable, alike(p)

      different, unlike, dissimilar, dislike

    7. wish, care, likeverb

      prefer or wish to do something

      «Do you care to try this dish?»; «Would you like to come along to the movies?»

      bid, wish well, wish, care, give care, handle, manage, worry, deal

      unlike, different, dissimilar, dislike

    8. likeverb

      find enjoyable or agreeable

      «I like jogging»; «She likes to read Russian novels»

      care, wish

      unlike, dissimilar, different, dislike

    9. likeverb

      be fond of

      «I like my nephews»

      care, wish

      different, unlike, dissimilar, dislike

    10. likeverb

      feel about or towards; consider, evaluate, or regard

      «How did you like the President’s speech last night?»

      care, wish

      different, unlike, dissimilar, dislike

    11. likeverb

      want to have

      «I’d like a beer now!»

      care, wish

      different, unlike, dissimilar, dislike

    Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

    1. likeadjective

      similar, resembling, analogous, allied, parallel, cognate, of a piece

    2. likeadjective

      equal, same

    3. likeadjective

      likely, probable

    4. likenoun


    5. likenoun

      preference, partiality, liking

    6. likeadjective

      in the manner of, in the same manner as

    7. likeadjective

      likely, probably

    8. likeverb

      approve, be pleased with, take pleasure in

    9. likeverb

      relish, enjoy, be fond of

    10. likeverb

      esteem, fancy, have a regard for, take a liking to, take to, take a fancy to; find to one’s mind, taste, or fancy

    11. likeverb

      choose, prefer, elect, list, think fit, be pleased

    Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

    1. likeadjective

      similar, alike, cognate, analogous, homogeneous


    2. likenoun

      counterpart, copy, equal, liking, preference

    3. likeverb

      fancy, approve of, prefer, choose, wish

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. List of paraphrases for «like»:

      love, loves, likes, similar, iike, wish, genus, kind, enjoy, loved, such

    Suggested Resources

    1. like

      Song lyrics by like — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by like on the website.

    2. LIKE

      What does LIKE stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the LIKE acronym on the website.

    How to pronounce like?

    How to say like in sign language?

    How to use like in a sentence?

    1. Peyton Manning:

      The allegation that I would do something like The NFL is complete garbage and is totally made up, it never happened. Never. I really can’t believe somebody would put something like this on the air. Whoever said this is making stuff up.

    2. Lena Dunham:

      Vogue is the place that we go to look at beautiful clothes and fancy places and escapism and so I feel like if the story reflects me and I happen to be wearing a beautiful Prada dress and surrounded by beautiful men and dogs, what’s the problem? if they want to see what I really look like go watch the show that I make every single week.

    3. Michael Crossman:

      I can’t vote for a man like Donald Trump because he’s just a terrible man.

    4. Sunny Hostin:

      I can’t imagine that the jury hasn’t been staring at him and trying to answer the question: ‘Why would he do something like this?’.

    5. Sandeep Verma:

      A country like India needs a decisive leader and the people did not find that in Rahul Gandhi. There was no alternative to Modi.


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    Faith is but another word for victory.

    She always said Project is just another word for experiment.

    Она всегда повторяла, что Проект это всего лишь другое слово для эксперимента.

    There is another word for ‘self-discipline’.

    Maybe waiting is just another word for letting go.

    Key is another word for hotel room.

    In other words, it was another word for energy.

    Vitality is another word for life force.

    Accountability is another word for consequences.

    Life is another word for love.

    We use another word for describing this unknown space.

    Мы используем другое слово для описания этого неведомого пространства.

    As if that’s not enough, another word for submarining is haunting.

    Как будто этого недостаточно, другое слово для подводного плавания преследует.

    Contrast is another word for white level, and these controls will determine how white the brightest parts of the picture appear.

    Контраст — это еще одно слово для уровня белого, и эти элементы управления будут определять, насколько белым выглядят самые яркие части изображения.

    Coupon is another word for the interest rate paid by a bond.

    Купон — это еще одно слово для процентной ставки, выплачиваемой облигацией.

    Or perhaps that’s just another word for… destiny.

    Ardent is another word for burning, ardent kisses.

    Fun is just another word for learning under optimal conditions.

    The reason is another word for logical thinking.

    Exhaust is another word for the gaseous products of combustion, while soot is basically a solid form of exhaust.

    Выхлоп — еще одно слово для газообразных продуктов сгорания, в то время как сажа — в основном твердая форма выхлопа.

    Ransomware is another word for this kind of malicious software, one that might be more familiar to you.

    Вымогатели-это другое слово для этого вида вредоносного программного обеспечения, которое может быть более привычным для вас.

    Reinventing is just another word for evolving.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 399. Точных совпадений: 399. Затраченное время: 62 мс


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