Another word for know more

know more — перевод на русский

You see, if you know more than I do, then I shall profit by your knowledge.

Если вы будете знать больше меня, то вы должны будете мне платить.

I wish I knew some more, but I’m afraid I don’t.

Я бы хотел знать больше, но боюсь что не знаю.

— But they must know more than this.

Но они должны знать больше.

I want to know more before committing her to that kind of care.

Я хочу знать больше, прежде чем передам ее под их опеку.

I ought to know more about you.

Я должна знать больше о тебе.

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Do you want to know more about me?

Хотите узнать больше?

Do you want to know more?

Хотите узнать больше?

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I want to know more about this planet.

Да, да, я хочу узнать больше об этой планете.

— I’d like to know more.

— Я хотел бы узнать больше.

I hope that you’ll take the opportunity to know more about the Federation through its best representatives, my crew, but let me make it clear.

Надеюсь, воспользуетесь возможностью узнать больше о Федерации через ее лучших представителей — мой экипаж.

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He knows more about the original than anyone.

Он знает об оригинальном проекте больше чем все остальные.

Bit of an alarmist, I’m afraid, but knows more about raptors than anyone.

Паникер, но знает о хищниках, столько, сколько никто другой на свете.

Lennier knows more about the Centauri than any other Ranger.

Ленье знает о центаврианах гораздо больше любого рейнджера.

Cornwallis knows more about warfare than we could learn in a dozen lifetimes.

Корнуоллис знает о военном деле больше, чем когда-нибудь будем знать мы.

Because, uh, he knows more about wine than you do.

Потому что он знает о вине намного больше тебя.

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— You know I’d like to know some more.

— Знаешь, мне… мне нужно побольше узнать.

I want to know more about this Ajack.

Я хочу побольше узнать об этом эйджеке.

I wish I knew more about the plan.

Я хочу побольше узнать о наших планах.

I would like to know more about Logar.

Я хотел бы побольше узнать о Логаре.

I want to know more about my people.

хочу побольше узнать о моей расе.

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I’d rather know more about yours.

Я бы предпочел узнать о вашей.

We need to know more about why Eduard was summoned to the Castle.

Нужно узнать, зачем Эдуарда вызывали в Замок.

We need to know more about each other.

Нам нужно узнать друг друга лучше.

Until we know more about how our fighters were destroyed, -no more lives are to be put at risk.

До тех пор, пока мы не узнаем, как наши бойцы были уничтожены, мы не будем ставить под угрозу ничью жизнь.

We’ll know more later.

Мы скоро узнаем.

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But I know more than she told me.

Но мне известно больше, чем она сказала мне.

I know more than you think.

Мне известно больше, чем ты думаешь.

But you know more than you’re saying, don’t you, Keiller?

Но тебе известно больше, чем ты нам говоришь. Правда, Кейлер?

The Pentagon sees to it that I know more than you.

И по мнению Пентагона, мне известно больше, чем Вам.

Knows more about obscure diseases than anyone else.

О странных болезнях ему известно больше, чем кому-либо.

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Well, you would know more about that than I would.

Что ж, тебе это лучше знать.

You know more about that, but I think with a gun in his hand, even a coward can be brave.

Тебе лучше знать, но я думаю, что с пистолетом даже самый распоследний трус почувствует себя храбрецом.

He must know more than me.

— Вам лучше знать.

You know more about his worries than me.

— Мама лучше меня знает о проблемах Марселя.

He knows more about what I own and what I don’t own than I do.

Он лучше меня знает, что у меня есть и чего нет.

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Any woman in the village will know more.

Любая женщина в деревне расскажет больше.

Only because you slept with an adult who knows more about sex than we do.

Все потому, что ты спишь со взрослыми, знающими о сексе больше нас.

Well, I know more than I’d like to know about it.

Больше, чем хотел бы понимать.

He knows about the whole witness angle… but he doesn’t want to run it up to the bosses until he knows more.

Он в курсе свидетельского аспекта дела… но он не хочет информировать боссов пока мы не узнаем больше.

My brothers, we must know more about these visitors.

Брaтья мои, узнaем больше об этих пришельцах!

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I’ve been woman and I’ve been man, and I know more things than you single-sexed people can even imagine.

Я был женщиной, был мужчиной, я знаю гораздо больше, чем вы, однополые, можете себе представить.

i know more than you can imagine. i’ve been keeping an eye on you for months.

— Я знаю гораздо больше, чем ты можешь представить. Я давно наблюдаю за тобой

Ludwig knows more than he’s telling us.

или женской интуицией но Людвиг знает гораздо больше, чем на самом деле говорит.

My guess is you know more about them than I do.

Мне кажется, вы знаете о них гораздо больше, чем я.

I know more about this stuff than she does.

Я гораздо больше нее знаю о всей этой чуши.

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Wanting to know more, she was still baffled.

Contact us today to know more.

We should know more details including the launch date soon.

Мы должны знать больше деталей, включая дату запуска в ближайшее время.

They knew enough not to want to know more.

Скорее всего, знали достаточно, чтобы не хотеть знать больше.

Locals know more about the river than anyone else.

Местные жители знают больше о лесе, чем любой другой человек.

Based on new research we know more than ever about ergonomic instrumentation.

Основываясь на новых исследованиях, мы теперь знаем больше, чем когда-либо об эргономических приборах.

One basic problem is that managers know more about strategy formulation than implementation.

Одна из основных проблем состоит в том, что менеджеры знают больше о формулировке стратегии, чем об ее реализации.

Don’t think that you know more than your spiritual master.

Не думайте, что вы знаете больше, чем ваш духовный учитель».

They probably know more than you think and can answer your questions.

Вероятно, они знают больше, чем вы думаете, и могут ответить на ваши вопросы.

Secondly, it must feel you know more.

Во-вторых, он должен чувствовать, что вы знаете больше.

Well, you might know more than you realize.

We know more than him anyway.

My local girl might know more.

У нас есть курьер отсюда, может, она знает больше.

I think I need to know more before I adjudicate.

Думаю, мне нужно узнать больше, прежде чем я вынесу решение.

You know more about what happened on that ship than anyone.

О том, что происходило на корабле ты знаешь больше, чем кто-либо ещё.

Then you know more than me.

I think you’ll know more happiness than most.

Я думаю, что ты знаешь больше счастья, чем остальные.

We have to know more before we act.

That rules out sending a retrieval team until we know more.

Но правила не позволяют отправить спасательную команду, пока мы не будем знать больше.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат know more

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

What is another word for Know?

  • recognize

    notice, knowledge

  • experience

    be familiar with, feeling

  • see

    feeling, recognize

  • understand

    knowledge, be familiar with

  • discern

    recognize, understand

  • comprehend

    knowledge, understand

  • perceive

    perception, recognise

  • have

    effect, participate

  • make out

    recognize, recognise

  • distinguish

    recognise, recognize

  • apprehend

    knowledge, understand

  • differentiate

    distinguish, recognize

  • feel

    feeling, perception

  • realize

    understand, comprehend

  • grasp

    understand, perceive

  • taste

    experience, perception

  • appreciate

    notice, knowledge

  • undergo

    feeling, experience

  • cognize

    perceive, comprehend

  • identify

    recognise, be familiar with

  • fathom

    be familiar with, understand information

  • notice

    distinguish, discern

  • tell

    recognise, same

  • discriminate

    distinguish, comparison

  • sense


  • learn

    understand information

  • ken

    be familiar with, understand information

  • acknowledge

  • recognise

  • conceive

    perceive, comprehend

  • be aware of

    have knowledge of

  • be acquainted with

  • sustain


  • suffer

    feeling, effect

  • cognise

  • be familiar with

    be acquainted with

  • savvy

  • have knowledge of

    be acquainted with, understand information

  • go through

    experience, participate

  • live through


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Synonyms for Know. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 11, from

Synonyms for Know. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Know. 2016. Accessed April 11, 2023.

What is another word for know-it-all?

284 synonyms found


[ nˈə͡ʊɪtˈɔːl], [ nˈə‍ʊɪtˈɔːl], [ n_ˈəʊ_ɪ_t_ˈɔː_l]

Related words: know you know, what you know, know-everything

Related questions:

  • Is it possible to know everything?
  • What is the point of knowing everything?
  • Table of Contents

    • adj.

      arrogant (adjective)

      • more know-it-all,
      • more swaggering,
      • know it all,
      • high mighty,
      • more cold shoulder,
      • in solent,
      • most know-it-all,
      • most cold-shoulder,
      • pre sumptuous,
      • more biggety,
      • most bragging,
      • pre-sumptuous,
      • Over-bearing,
      • most biggety,
      • more bragging,
      • more coldshoulder,
      • smartier,
      • most cold shoulder,
      • most coldshoulder,
      • smartiest,
      • high handed,
      • most know it all,
      • more know it all,
      • sniffier,
      • more cold-shoulder,
      • over bearing,
      • in-solent,
      • sniffiest,
      • most swaggering.

      boastful (adjective)

      • Strutting,
      • on ego trip,
      • self-aggrandizing,
      • hot stuff,
      • big-headed,
      • too big for one’s britches,
      • loudmouth,
      • self-applauding,
      • swollen-headed,
      • smart alecky,
      • hifalutin,
      • exultant,
      • full of hot air.

      cocky (adjective)

      • most hotdogger,
      • more hotdogger.

      cocky/cocksure (adjective)

      • most hotdogging,
      • more hubristic,
      • over weening,
      • over-weening,
      • more hotshot,
      • most hotshot,
      • over confident,
      • most hubristic,
      • more hotdogging.

      conceited (adjective)

      • hamest,
      • most conceity,
      • more conceity,
      • gallest,
      • big talking,
      • hamer.

      egotistical (adjective)

      • conceited.

      intellectual (adjective)

      • pundit.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • self-centered,
      • on an ego trip,
      • puffed up,
      • snootiest,
      • superior,
      • arrogant,
      • self-confident,
      • self-important,
      • peremptory,
      • inward-looking,
      • pretentious,
      • boastful,
      • egomaniacal,
      • wrapped up with oneself,
      • highhanded,
      • overweening,
      • snotty,
      • having a swelled head,
      • smart guy,
      • uppity,
      • Self-interested,
      • galler,
      • hubristic,
      • conceity,
      • sniffy,
      • stuck up,
      • stuck on oneself,
      • cold-shoulder,
      • coldshoulder,
      • hotdogging,
      • insolent,
      • biggety,
      • high-handed,
      • prideful,
      • over-confident,
      • hotdogger.

      prideful (adjective)

      • on one’s high horse,
      • on high horse.

      self-centered (adjective)

      • most inwardlooking,
      • stuck oneself,
      • more inward-looking,
      • self involved,
      • more inward looking,
      • more selfinterested,
      • self seeking,
      • self serving,
      • more inwardlooking,
      • selfindulgent,
      • selfcentered,
      • inwardlooking,
      • selfinterested,
      • self indulgent,
      • most selfinterested,
      • in-dependent,
      • selfabsorbed,
      • more self interested,
      • most grandstanding,
      • self sufficient,
      • inward looking,
      • grand standing,
      • self interested,
      • self absorbed,
      • most self-interested,
      • more self-interested,
      • most inward-looking,
      • grand-standing,
      • self centered,
      • selfseeking,
      • having swelled head,
      • selfinvolved,
      • in dependent,
      • selfserving,
      • wrapped with oneself,
      • most inward looking,
      • more grandstanding,
      • most self interested,
      • selfsufficient.

      self-confident (adjective)

      • sure of oneself,
      • hotdog,
      • Undoubtful.

      self-important (adjective)

      • selfimportant,
      • self important.

      snotty (adjective)

      • snobby,
      • highfalutin’,
      • highfalutin,
      • la-de-da,
      • snobbiest.

      uppity (adjective)

      • up-pity,
      • high falutin,
      • up pity.
    • n.

      • prima donna,
      • prig,
      • extrovert,
      • good,
      • individualist,
      • Malapert,
      • God’s gift,
      • upstart,
      • snob,
      • tin god.

      • pedagogue.

      bigmouth (noun)

      • bull thrower,
      • bull artists,
      • show offs,
      • bag wind,
      • big talkers,
      • bullthrower,
      • bullthrowers,
      • bull-throwers,
      • bull throwers,
      • grandstanders.

      braggart (noun)

      • blower,
      • narcissist,
      • swaggerer,
      • bluffer.

      egghead (noun)

      • longhairs,
      • egghead.

      know-all (noun)

      • know-all.

      learned person (noun)

      • walking encyclopedia,
      • bibliophiles,
      • man or woman of letters,
      • bibliophile,
      • Bookman,
      • bookwoman,
      • man or woman of learning,
      • erudite person,
      • Bookmen.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • Saucebox,
      • show-off,
      • bull artist,
      • bigmouth,
      • wise-ass,
      • motormouth,
      • Witling,
      • wiseacres,
      • pedant,
      • wiseass,
      • wisenheimer,
      • blusterers,
      • smartypants,
      • windbag,
      • egoist,
      • bull-thrower,
      • jabberer,
      • bluestocking,
      • smart ass,
      • bighead,
      • show-offs,
      • grandstander,
      • bag of wind,
      • learned person,
      • gossiper,
      • motor-mouth,
      • thinker,
      • bluestockings,
      • blusterer,
      • witlings,
      • boaster,
      • longhair,
      • wiseacre,
      • trumpeter,
      • blabberer,
      • smart aleck,
      • trumpeters,
      • big talker,
      • swellhead,
      • smarty pants,
      • braggart,
      • wise guy,
      • gasbags,
      • gasbag,
      • egotist,
      • jabberers.

      pedagogue (noun)

      • sophists,
      • sophist.

      saucebox (noun)

      • malaperts.

      smart-aleck (noun)

      • wisenheimers,
      • smart asses,
      • smartaleck.

      smart aleck (noun)

      • smartass.

      windbag (noun)

      • motor mouths,
      • motor-mouths,
      • blabberers,
      • motor mouth,
      • motormouths.

      wise-ass (noun)

      • wise ass.

      wise guy (noun)

      • member of the family,
      • mafioso,
      • Mafiosi.
    • Other synonyms:

      • smarty-pants,
      • wisecracker,
      • smarty.

      • egotistic.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • perky,
      • perk,
      • brain,
      • SMARTIE,
      • self-opinionated,
      • narcist,
      • peacockish,
      • egotistical,
      • peacocky,
      • smart alec,
      • narcissus,
      • smart-ass,
      • stuck-up,
      • smart-alecky,
      • self-conceited,
      • clever dick,
      • pert,
      • intellectual,
      • wisdom,
      • chesty,
      • Overwise,
      • cocky,
      • egocentric,
      • swelled-headed,
      • busybody,
      • aggressively self-confident,
      • vaunter,
      • bumptious,
      • obtrusive,
      • immodest.

    How to use «Know-it-all» in context?

    There is no doubt that some people are just naturally «know-it-alls». For these people, learning isn’t a struggle — it’s a natural extension of who they are. While this can be a great thing for some, it can be frustrating for others. For those of us who are struggling to learn new things, know-it-alls can be a real challenge.

    There are many reasons why know-it-alls can be so difficult to deal with. First of all, they seem to think they know everything — which can be intimidating to others.

    Word of the Day



    Nearby words

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    • k particle
    • k ration
    • k the opinion of


    • KNOW-IT-ALL synonyms at
    • KNOW-IT-ALL synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
      — KNOW-IT-ALL synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of KNOW-IT-ALL
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for KNOW-IT-ALL

    English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:4.5 / 2 votes

    1. know

      ascertain, be sure, conclude, discover, prove

      conjecture, deem, guess, imagine, suppose, surmise, think

    Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.3 / 4 votes

    1. knowverb

      the fact of being aware of information that is known to few people

      «he is always in the know»


    2. know, cognize, cogniseverb

      be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about

      «I know that the President lied to the people»; «I want to know who is winning the game!»; «I know it’s time»

      jazz, screw, live, do it, have it off, cognize, hump, bang, recognize, have intercourse, experience, sleep together, love, get it on, cognise, roll in the hay, lie with, have it away, recognise, have sex, eff, have a go at it, get laid, bed, make out, be intimate, bonk, sleep with, acknowledge, make love


    3. knowverb

      know how to do or perform something

      «She knows how to knit»; «Does your husband know how to cook?»

      jazz, screw, live, do it, have it off, cognize, hump, bang, recognize, have intercourse, experience, sleep together, love, get it on, cognise, roll in the hay, lie with, have it away, recognise, have sex, eff, have a go at it, get laid, bed, make out, be intimate, bonk, sleep with, acknowledge, make love


    4. knowverb

      be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt

      «I know that I left the key on the table»; «Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun»

      jazz, screw, live, do it, have it off, cognize, hump, bang, recognize, have intercourse, experience, sleep together, love, get it on, cognise, roll in the hay, lie with, have it away, recognise, have sex, eff, have a go at it, get laid, bed, make out, be intimate, bonk, sleep with, acknowledge, make love


    5. knowverb

      be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object

      «She doesn’t know this composer»; «Do you know my sister?»; «We know this movie»; «I know him under a different name»; «This flower is known as a Peruvian Lily»

      jazz, screw, live, do it, have it off, cognize, hump, bang, recognize, have intercourse, experience, sleep together, love, get it on, cognise, roll in the hay, lie with, have it away, recognise, have sex, eff, have a go at it, get laid, bed, make out, be intimate, bonk, sleep with, acknowledge, make love


    6. know, experience, liveverb

      have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations

      «I know the feeling!»; «have you ever known hunger?»; «I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict»; «The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare»; «I lived through two divorces»

      dwell, have intercourse, have a go at it, subsist, have sex, recognise, get, populate, bed, hold out, get laid, make love, endure, go through, bonk, have, acknowledge, cognise, survive, exist, love, last, inhabit, see, receive, be, live, sleep together, do it, go, eff, hold up, feel, lie with, make out, be intimate, recognize, jazz, sleep with, hump, experience, screw, have it off, have it away, get it on, cognize, bang, live on, roll in the hay


    7. acknowledge, recognize, recognise, knowverb

      accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority

      «The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne»; «We do not recognize your gods»

      tell apart, distinguish, have intercourse, experience, have a go at it, have sex, spot, bed, cognise, get laid, make love, bonk, agnise, acknowledge, greet, love, agnize, admit, pick out, eff, live, sleep together, notice, realise, do it, accredit, lie with, make out, discern, be intimate, recognize, jazz, sleep with, hump, receipt, screw, have it off, recognise, have it away, get it on, cognize, bang, realize, roll in the hay


    8. knowverb

      have fixed in the mind

      «I know Latin»; «This student knows her irregular verbs»; «Do you know the poem well enough to recite it?»

      jazz, screw, live, do it, have it off, cognize, hump, bang, recognize, have intercourse, experience, sleep together, love, get it on, cognise, roll in the hay, lie with, have it away, recognise, have sex, eff, have a go at it, get laid, bed, make out, be intimate, bonk, sleep with, acknowledge, make love


    9. sleep together, roll in the hay, love, make out, make love, sleep with, get laid, have sex, know, do it, be intimate, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, screw, fuck, jazz, eff, hump, lie with, bed, have a go at it, bang, get it on, bonkverb

      have sexual intercourse with

      «This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm»; «Adam knew Eve»; «Were you ever intimate with this man?»

      spang, discern, bang, screw, acknowledge, recognise, deal, whop, grapple, get along, bop, distinguish, go to sleep, bash, make love, do, jazz, cheat, roll in the hay, sock, cut, be intimate, retire, pick out, live, eff, go to bed, bonk, recognize, spot, hunch over, slam, do it, chicane, have intercourse, hit the sack, make out, manage, jockey, have sex, tell apart, complete, cognise, neck, whap, fill out, fill in, have a go at it, drive in, bed, have it away, sleep with, enjoy, sack out, hit the hay, contend, hunch forward, issue, love, hump, get laid, have it off, make do, sleep together, get by, write out, turn in, cope, crawl in, chouse, experience, come, get it on, kip down, shaft, fare, lie with, cognize, hunch


    10. knowverb

      know the nature or character of

      «we all knew her as a big show-off»

      jazz, screw, live, do it, have it off, cognize, hump, bang, recognize, have intercourse, experience, sleep together, love, get it on, cognise, roll in the hay, lie with, have it away, recognise, have sex, eff, have a go at it, get laid, bed, make out, be intimate, bonk, sleep with, acknowledge, make love


    11. knowverb

      be able to distinguish, recognize as being different

      «The child knows right from wrong»

      jazz, screw, live, do it, have it off, cognize, hump, bang, recognize, have intercourse, experience, sleep together, love, get it on, cognise, roll in the hay, lie with, have it away, recognise, have sex, eff, have a go at it, get laid, bed, make out, be intimate, bonk, sleep with, acknowledge, make love


    12. knowverb

      perceive as familiar

      «I know this voice!»

      jazz, screw, live, do it, have it off, cognize, hump, bang, recognize, have intercourse, experience, sleep together, love, get it on, cognise, roll in the hay, lie with, have it away, recognise, have sex, eff, have a go at it, get laid, bed, make out, be intimate, bonk, sleep with, acknowledge, make love


    Matched Categories

      • Accept
      • Copulate
      • Distinguish
      • Recognize
      • Remember

    Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. knowverb

      perceive, apprehend, comprehend, understand, discern, be aware of, be assured of, see through, make out

    2. knowverb

      recognize, be acquainted with

    3. knowverb

      distinguish, discriminate

    4. knowverb

      have knowledge

    5. knowverb

      be informed, be made aware

    6. knowverb

      be sure, feel certain

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. List of paraphrases for «know»:

      knows, knowledge, knowing, understand, knew, learn, soaps, see, hear, tell, sepa, ‘m, realize, realise, sais, savoir, known, knovv, am, knowthat, aware, do, ‘know, know.

    Suggested Resources

    1. KNOW

      What does KNOW stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the KNOW acronym on the website.

    How to pronounce know?

    How to say know in sign language?

    How to use know in a sentence?

    1. Alex Cockriel:

      Next thing I know they came in with a veil and flowers, and somebody brought cake, there was a whole room full of people, they’re like ‘Hey, let’s go!’.

    2. Francesca Belibi:

      We know over the last two years that everything is really unpredictable and our team has the next woman up mentality regardless of who is out, my main goal was to make sure I’m rebounding and (the scoring) just kind of happened.

    3. Liam Broady:

      Stranger things have happened, I know that, andy Murray’s so tricky, Andy Murray’s so talented. Andy Murray’s very aware of what Andy Murray’s doing on the court, how to make it awkward for people.

    4. Tony Oppedisano:

      I want people to know the Frank I knew, the Frank who was loved, there was just something about him.

    5. Elijah Cummings:

      President Trump was required by law to report that he ‘funneled’ money through Michael Cohen to reimburse a secret payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels, but he concealed these payments, and we still do not know why.

    Translations for know

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    • weetAfrikaans
    • درى, يعلم, عرف, علمArabic
    • bilməkAzerbaijani
    • знаць, ве́дацьBelarusian
    • зна́яBulgarian
    • gouzoutBreton
    • saberCatalan, Valencian
    • znát, vědět, poznatCzech
    • вѣдѣти, знатиOld Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
    • gwybod, adnabod, medruWelsh
    • kende, vide, forstå sig på, kende tilDanish
    • wissen, auskennen, können, kennen, erkennenGerman
    • ξέρω, γνωρίζωGreek
    • scii, koniEsperanto
    • conocer, estar informado, saberSpanish
    • tundma, oskama, teadmaEstonian
    • jakina izan, jakinBasque
    • دونستن, بلد بودن, دانستن, شناختنPersian
    • tietää, ymmärtää, tunteaFinnish
    • kenna, duga, vita, skiljaFaroese
    • savoir, connaîtreFrench
    • witte, wite, kenneWestern Frisian
    • a fhios a bheith agat, aithinIrish
    • bi fhios aig, bi eòlach airScottish Gaelic
    • saber, coñecerGalician
    • saniHausa
    • ידעHebrew
    • जाननाHindi
    • konnenHaitian Creole
    • tud, ismerHungarian
    • ճանաչել, գիտենալ, իմանալ, կարողանալArmenian
    • saperInterlingua
    • tahuIndonesian
    • konocar, savarIdo
    • vita, þekkjaIcelandic
    • sapere, conoscere, capireItalian
    • לָדַעַתHebrew
    • 知る, 理解, ご存知, 精通する, 存じ上げる, 確信, 分かるJapanese
    • ცოდნაGeorgian
    • білуKazakh
    • ចេរKhmer
    • 알다, 친한 사이다Korean
    • zanîn, nasîn, زانین, ناسینKurdish
    • билүүKyrgyz
    • experio, capio, scio, uti aliquo, noscito, regnosco, nosco, cognoscere, intelligo, scisco, agnosco, video, experior, intellego, notitiam habere, sentio, teneo, scitisLatin
    • ຮູ້Lao
    • žinotiLithuanian
    • iepazīt, zināt, pazīt, prast, saprastLatvian
    • зна́еMacedonian
    • അറിയുകMalayalam
    • мэдэхMongolian
    • kenal, tahuMalay
    • għafMaltese
    • တတ်, သိရှိ, သိBurmese
    • weten, kennenDutch
    • kjenne, vite, forstå, kunneNorwegian
    • saupre, saberOccitan
    • znać, znać się, wiedziećPolish
    • aperceber-se, conhecer, saber, experimentar, entenderPortuguese
    • riqsiy, yachayQuechua
    • saveir, savair, saverRomansh
    • cunoaște, știRomanian
    • познавать, знать, ве́дать, познать, уметьRussian
    • ischiri, ischireSardinian
    • znȁti, poznávati, позна́вати, зна̏ти, знатиSerbo-Croatian
    • දන්නවාSinhala, Sinhalese
    • poznať, vedieťSlovak
    • spoznati, vedeti, znatiSlovene
    • njoh, diAlbanian
    • känna till, veta, kunna, veta om, kännaSwedish
    • донистанTajik
    • รู้จัก, รู้Thai
    • bilmekTurkmen
    • yatmış olmak, anlamak, tanımak, bilmek, haberi olmakTurkish
    • белүTatar
    • зна́ти, ві́датиUkrainian
    • جانناUrdu
    • bilmoqUzbek
    • biếtVietnamese
    • plak, sevönVolapük
    • 知道Chinese

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