Another word for i have had

Английские времена могут напугать кого угодно. Поэтому будем изучать их порционно, чтобы не создавать хаос в своих головах. Многих, например, пугают нагромождения форм глаголов «have». Что это значит и вообще зачем их столько в предложениях?

Прежде всего, нужно понимать, что есть две разные формы глагола:

  1. PRESENT PERFECT = HAVE / HAS + основной глагол (в форме причастия прошедшего времени)
  2. PAST PERFECT = HAD + основной глагол (в форме причастия прошедшего времени)

В первом и во втором случае основным глаголом выступает have (в составе фразовых глаголов или в своем первоначальном значении — «иметь»). Как мы помним, образованное от него причастие прошедшего времени — had. Поэтому конструкции имеют в обоих случаях had. Форма прошедшего времени этого глагола тоже had, в связи с чем Past Perfect с глаголом have имеет такую интересную форму — had had.

Примеры Present Perfect и Past Perfect

Present Perfect используется, когда действие началось в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего момента:

She has had three children in the past five years. — Она родила троих детей за последние пять лет. (Первый ребенок появился в прошлом, и на данный момент их уже три.)

I’m not feeling well. I have had a headache all day. — Я плохо себя чувствую. У меня болит голова весь день. (Боль началась утром и продолжается до сих пор.)

Также Present Perfect используется, когда конкретный момент действия в прошлом не указывается:

He has had two surgeries on his back. — Он делал две операции на спине. (За всю жизнь.)

We have had some problems with our computer systems recently. — Недавно мы столкнулись с некоторыми проблемами с компьютерными системами.

E-commerce has had considerable economic impact on enterprises. — Электронная торговля оказывает значительное экономическое влияние на предпринимательство. (С первого появления и по сей день.)

Читайте также: Что представляет из себя глагол have

Употребление had had

Past Perfect мы используем, когда одно событие в прошлом произошло до другого события в прошлом:

Last weekend I just wanted to relax because I had had a busy week. — В прошлые выходные я просто хотел расслабиться, потому что у меня была очень напряженная неделя.

We had had some trouble with our washing machine, so we called a repairman. — У нас были проблемы со стиральной машиной, и мы вызвали мастера.

She woke up crying because she had had a bad dream. — Она проснулась со слезами, потому что ей приснился плохой сон.

I had had my car for four years before I ever learned to drive it. — Я приобрел машину за четыре года до того, как научился водить. (досл. «я имел машину четыре года».)

I had had a bath, but I didn’t feel clean, so I had a shower. — Я принял ванну, но не чувствовал себя чистым, поэтому принял душ.

Пример употребления had had

В разговорной речи had had может сокращаться до ‘d had (he’d had, I’d had), а have/has had — до ‘s (‘ve) had (I’ve had, you’ve had.)

Advanced English Grammar Course

Are you confused about how to use HAVE HAD and HAD HAD in English? Today’s lesson will help you! First, we need to understand the present perfect tense and past perfect tense. Both of these tenses are formed by using an auxiliary verb + main verb:

Present perfect
= have / has + main verb (past participle)


  1. I have finished all my homework.
  2. She has gone to the store.
  3. We have lived here for three years.

The present perfect is used when an action starts in the past and continues to the present (example #3) or when talking about past actions WITHOUT saying when they happened (examples #1 and #2).

Past perfect
= had + main verb (past participle)


  • My husband had finished all the housework by the time I got home from work.
  • When I called Laura last night, her husband told me she had gone out.
  • had lived in 5 different cities before I turned 10 years old.

The past perfect is used when one past action happens before another past action/event.

When to use HAVE HAD & HAD HAD

In the present perfect, the auxiliary verb is always have (for I, you, we, they) or has (for he, she, it).

In the past perfect, the auxiliary verb is always had.

We use have had in the present perfect when the main verb is also “have”:

  • I’m not feeling well. I have had a headache all day.
  • She has had three children in the past five years.
  • We have had some problems with our computer systems recently.
  • He has had two surgeries on his back.

We use had had in the past perfect when the main verb is also “have”:

  • Last weekend I just wanted to relax because I had had a busy week.
  • The director told me he had had a meeting with the president.
  • We had had some trouble with our washing machine, so we called a repairman.
  • She woke up screaming because she had had a bad dream.

Important: In spoken English, we almost always use the “short form”:

  • I’m not feeling well. I’ve had a headache all day.
  • She’s had three children in the past five years.
  • We’ve had some problems with our computer systems recently.
  • He’s had two surgeries on his back.
  • Last weekend I just wanted to relax because I’d had a busy week.
  • The director told me he’d had a meeting with the president.
  • We’d had some trouble with our washing machine, so we called a repairman.
  • She woke up screaming because she’d had a bad dream.

It’s also common to have another word in the middle:

  • We’ve recently had some problems with our computer systems.
  • He’s just had two surgeries on his back
  • The director said he’d already had a meeting with the president.
  • By the time I was 30 I’d only had one serious boyfriend.

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for I have?
  2. Has a Hold on Me meaning?
  3. How do you use hold in a sentence?
  4. Is to be held or will be held?
  5. Is held past or present tense?
  6. What type of verb is held?
  7. What tense is held?
  8. Is it held or had?
  9. Is held correct?
  10. Had hold or had held?
  11. Are held grammar?
  12. Is held a word?


What is another word for I have?

What is another word for have?

possess own
bear hog
boast have in hand
hold carry
be in possession of command
  • cherish.
  • entertain.
  • exhibit.
  • harbor.
  • have.
  • hold.
  • hold up.
  • maintain.

Has a Hold on Me meaning?

Derived from a wrestling term, choke hold, this term now means that a person has a (romantic) emotional power over a person. To which, the person says you have a hold on me. A song from 1959s(?) was written about this very emotional power over a person and was very popular. “ You really got a hold on me.

How do you use hold in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] We should hold some of food in reserve. (
  2. [S] [T] A farewell party was held for Mr.
  3. [S] [T] A farewell party was held for Mr.
  4. [S] [T] He holds a high position at the company. (
  5. [S] [T] I think your theory does not hold water. (
  6. [S] [T] None of them can hold a candle to Maria. (

Is to be held or will be held?

The following is generally true: Will be held is the verb that makes an announcement or commitment. Is going to be held is the verb that indicates an occurrence in the future.

Is held past or present tense?

Simple past tense and past participle of hold. The definition of held is the past tense of hold. An example of held is a hand that was taken by another’s hand, it was held.

What type of verb is held?

Conjugation of verb ‘Hold’

Base Form (Infinitive): To Hold
Past Simple: Held
Past Participle: Held
3rd Person Singular: Holds
Present Participle/Gerund: Holding

What tense is held?

Hold verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
hold holding held

Is it held or had?

“Has held” is present perfect tense and denotes an action in an indefinite time which may continue. “He has held the office of mayor.” “Had held” is past perfect denoting an action in the past that is completed. “He had held the office of mayor, but was impeached.”

Is held correct?

Appointments, meetings and events are not “held.” Rather, babies, books and other tangible objects are held. Use “held” to describe the physical act of holding something. Often, “held” can be omitted from the sentence when describing an event. NOT: The meeting will be held at 4 p.m. Monday.

Had hold or had held?

Had held is correct. Had hold can be corrected by adding the word caught. Had caught hold would be correct sentence formation.

Are held grammar?

“Are held” is wrong because it’s the present tense and 2012 is in the future. The 2012 Olympic Games will be held in London – correct (future tense).

Is held a word?

Held is the past tense and past participle of hold.

Need another word that means the same as “had”? Find 30 related words for “had” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Associations of «Had» (30 Words)

Associations of «Had» (30 Words)

acquire Learn or develop (a skill, habit, or quality.
I ve acquired a taste for whisky.
acquirement Something acquired, typically a skill.
The acquirement of self control.
approbation Official recognition or approval.
A term of approbation.
attainable Capable of being attained or accomplished.
Yields in excess of 6 are easily attainable.
belong Be rightly assigned to a specified category.
You and me we belong together.
checkbook A book issued to holders of checking accounts.
earn Earn on some commercial or business transaction earn as salary or wages.
This latest win earned them 50 000 in prize money.
fetch The action of fetching.
Kind offers fetched tears from me.
grab Attract the attention of; make an impression on.
How does that grab you.
hold Have or hold in one s hands or grip.
She can hold an audience spellbound.
holder A smallholder.
The FA Cup holders.
host Be the host of or for.
Your host is Stuart Macmillan.
incur Receive a specified treatment (abstract.
I will pay any expenses incurred.
landlady A woman who keeps lodgings, a boarding house, or a pub.
landlord A man who keeps lodgings, a boarding house, or a pub.
let A period during which a room or property is rented.
They ve let out their house.
obtain Receive a specified treatment (abstract.
How did you obtain the visa.
own Have ownership or possession of.
Do your own thing.
owner A person who owns something.
The proud owner of a huge Dalmatian.
permission An official document giving authorization.
He received permission to go to Brussels.
possess Have ownership or possession of.
A fading blonde possessed of a powerful soprano voice.
possession The state of being completely dominated by an idea or emotion.
Fear took possession of my soul.
possessor A person who owns something.
His father was the possessor of a considerable fortune.
procure Arrange for sexual partners for others.
He haunted railway stations to procure young girls for immoral purposes.
property Shares or investments in property.
The stolen property was not recovered.
proprietor Someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a business.
Chinese restaurant proprietors.
regain Reach (a place, position, or thing) again; get back to.
They were unable to regain their boats.
rent Hold under a lease or rental agreement of goods and services.
We rented our apartment to friends while we were abroad.
retention The act of retaining something.
Eating too much salt can lead to fluid retention.
take Be designed to hold or take.
Add the numbers together and take away five.

to have much [little] in common with smb. — иметь много [мало] общего с кем-л.
he has blue eyes [a bad memory] — у него синие глаза [плохая память]
he has (got) an ear for music [a fine taste, perfect health] — у него хороший (музыкальный) слух [прекрасный вкус, великолепное здоровье]
she had faith in him — она верила ему /в него/
these strawberries have a beautiful flavour — у этой клубники чудесный аромат
he has a sense of humour — он не лишён чувства юмора

the book has 300 pages — в этой книге 300 страниц
May has 31 days — в мае 31 день
the house has three storeys — в этом доме три этажа

to have one’s wish — получить желаемое
he had a letter [a telegram, a parcel] — он получил письмо [телеграмму, посылку]
they had no news of him — они не получали о нём известий, они ничего не слышали о нём
let me have your order as soon as possible — пришлите мне ваш заказ как можно скорее
he has had a rough lesson — он получил жестокий урок
you have my sympathy — я вам сочувствую
you have my apologies — (я) приношу (вам) свои извинения

it is to be had at the chemist’s — это можно получить /купить/ в аптеке
you may have it for five pounds — вы можете получить /купить/ это за пять фунтов
I’ll let you have it for five pounds — я отдам /уступлю/ это за пять фунтов
which book will you have? — какую книгу вы хотите /возьмёте/?

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