Another word for hot

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Значения и синонимы слова hot

У прилагательного hot много значений. Основное и всем известное — «‎горячий», «‎жаркий» — лишь вершина айсберга. С его помощью можно описать и острую еду, и резонансную проблему, и модный гаджет. Сегодня мы предлагаем вам познакомиться со всеми значениями прилагательного hot, а также с его синонимами.

Жаркий, горячий

Наиболее распространенное значение прилагательного hot — «жаркий», «горячий», «имеющий высокую температуру», например, a hot summer day (жаркий летний день) или hot soup (горячий суп). В большинстве случаев оно имеет негативное значение — «слишком жаркий», «слишком горячий». Для описания приятной высокой температуры используют слово warm (теплый):

We were lucky to have a couple of warm sunny days when we were near the seaside. — К счастью, мы застали пару теплых солнечных дней на морском побережье.
He would bring me some warm chicken soup every time I was ill. — Он приносил мне горячий куриный суп каждый раз, когда я болел.

Все, что стало горячим из-за того, что было нагрето, можно описать словом heated (нагретый, разогретый) или его более выразительным синонимом red-hot (раскаленный докрасна):

She brought me a cup of heated water. — Она принесла мне чашку горячей воды.
The iron was red-hot. — Утюг накалился докрасна.

Для описания очень горячих жидкостей мы можем использовать boiling (кипящий) или scalding (обжигающий):

There was a pot of boiling soup on the stove. — На плите стояла кастрюля с кипящим супом.
The tea was scalding, so we had to wait until we could drink it. — Чай был обжигающе горячим, так что нам пришлось подождать, прежде чем мы смогли выпить его.

Слово sizzling (шипящий, шкворчащий) подойдет для описания горячей еды, которая издает соответствующий звук:

They brought us a pan of sizzling meatballs. — Они подали нам сковородку шкворчащих мясных тефтелей.

жаркий, горячий

Знойный, душный

Особенно часто слово hot употребляется в разговорах о погоде. Но если день за окном не просто жаркий, а невыносимо знойный, вы можете заменить его на более сильные синонимы: scorching (палящий, знойный), blistering (очень жаркий), sweltering (душный, знойный), sizzling (испепеляющий):

We had some blistering heat last summer. — Прошлый летом было невыносимо жарко.
It’s scorching today, I don’t even want to go outside. — Сегодня знойный день, я не хочу выходить на улицу.

It was absolutely sweltering in the room. — В комнате было очень душно.
The summer heat was sizzling last year. — Летняя жара была испепеляющей в прошлом году.

Уже упомянутое слово boiling (кипящий) в разговорной речи также используется в переносном смысле для описания невыносимо жаркой погоды:

We had to walk a couple of miles under the boiling sun. — Нам пришлось пройти пару миль под палящим солнцем.

И еще два слова со значением знойный: torrid используется для описания жаркой и сухой погоды, а sultry — душной и влажной:

It’s been torrid for days, the garden is really dry. — Жара стоит уже несколько дней, земля в саду совсем сухая.
The air is usually sultry right before the thunderstorm. — Воздух перед грозой обычно душный и влажный.

знойный, душный

Острый, пряный

Прилагательное hot также может описывать острую еду, например hot sauce (острый соус). Один из наиболее общих его синонимов — spicy (острый, пикантный, пряный). Обратите внимание, это прилагательное имеет более широкое значение — пряный (не всегда острый) — и иногда употребляется вместе со словом hot:

I really love hot and spicy food. — Я очень люблю острую и пряную еду.

Более однозначный синоним для описания острой еды — fiery (огненный, жгучий):

I added some fiery chilli sauce to my beans and they tasted fantastic! — Я добавил жгучий соус чили к бобам, получилось отменно!

Fiery предполагает, что еда слишком острая. Для умеренно острого вкуса больше подойдет слово piquant (пикантный):

The fine spices you brought from Turkey make the simplest dish taste piquant. — Изысканные приправы, что ты привезла из Турции, делают самое простое блюдо пикантным.

Кроме того, мы можем уточнить ингредиент, отвечающий за остроту нашей еды, назвав ее peppery (острый, перченый) или gingery (острый, имбирный):

We cooked a gingery pumpkin dish. — Мы приготовили острую тыкву с имбирем.
It’s nice to have a bowl of warm peppery soup when it’s cold outside. — Приятно съесть чашку горячего перченого супа, когда на улице холодно.

острый, пряный

Горячий, обсуждаемый

В переносном значении слово hot используется для описания тем, которые вызывают много споров и дискуссий, например, a hot topic (горячая тема) или a hot issue (острый, актуальный вопрос). В качестве синонима здесь можно использовать уже упомянутое нами прилагательное red-hot, которое в этом контексте означает «‎горячо обсуждаемый»:

Climate change is a red-hot topic these days. — Изменение климата — горячо обсуждаемая тема в наши дни.

Для описания горячих, но не доходящих до драки споров подойдет слово heated (горячий), а также более положительные lively (оживленный) и animated (оживленный):

We’ve had a heated discussion with my husband over the upcoming election. — У нас с мужем была жаркая дискуссия по поводу предстоящих выборов.
There was a lively/animated discussion at the conference. — На конференции разгорелась оживленная дискуссия.

Если до драки все же дошло, слово hot также подойдет — a hot battle (ожесточенное сражение). Синонимами здесь будут fierce (ожесточенный, яростный), ferocious (ожесточенный, свирепый) и savage (жестокий, свирепый):

We were hardly coping with the fierce attacks of our enemies. — Мы едва справлялись с яростными атаками наших врагов.
He was gravely injured in a ferocious street fight. — Он был тяжело ранен в ожесточенной уличной драке.
We had a savage fight with my roommate and broke a couple of plates. — Мы дико поссорились с моим соседом и разбили несколько тарелок.

горячий, обсуждаемый

Новый, популярный

Также hot употребляется в значениях «модный», «актуальный», «популярный», например a hot new TV-series (новый популярный сериал). В этом значении слово hot разговорное и весьма экспрессивное. Его самый очевидный синоним — popular (популярный), но звучит он более нейтрально:

Game of Thrones was a popular TV-show. — «‎Игра престолов» была популярным сериалом.

Более экспрессивный синоним в этом контексте — big (крайне популярный):

Game of Thrones is still big. — «‎Игра престолов» остается крайне популярной.

Там, где речь не столько о популярности, сколько о моде, вы можете использовать слово fashionable (модный) и его разговорные синонимы hip (модный, щегольской), fancy (модный, изысканный) и trendy (модный, в тренде).

Yellow is a fashionable color this season. — Желтый — модный цвет в этом сезоне.
Your today’s outfit looks incredibly hip! — Твоя одежда выглядит невероятно модно!

We went to a trendy nightclub yesterday. — Вчера мы были в модном ночном клубе.
We went to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary. — На нашу годовщину мы сходили в модный ресторан.

Близкими по значению будут прилагательные sought-after (востребованный) и well-liked (любимый многими, востребованный):

Anthony Hopkins still remains one of the most sought-after actors these days. — Энтони Хопкинс остается одним из наиболее востребованных современных актеров.
Adidas is a well-liked brand all over the world. — Adidas — востребованный бренд во всем мире.

новый, популярный

Хотите научиться свободно говорить на английском? Тогда записывайтесь на разговорный курс английского в школе «Инглекс» и приходите на групповые уроки с преподавателями клуба Skills.

Способный, умелый

В неформальной речи прилагательным hot описывают способных людей и грамотных специалистов.

He’s not too hot on Math. — Он не слишком силен в математике.

В значении «способный» и «умелый» используйте синонимы able, skilful и skilled.

I’ve never seen such an able student. — Я никогда не видела настолько способного студента.
He has already become a skilful driver. — Он уже стал умелым водителем.
My father is a skilled mechanic. — Мой отец — искусный механик.

Если же вы хотите описать талантливого человека, употребляйте слова talented (талантливый) и gifted (одаренный).

He is a smart and talented writer. — Он умный и талантливый писатель.
Jacqueline was a very gifted woman. — Жаклин была одаренной женщиной.

Описывая квалифицированных специалистов, говорите qualified, overqualified или well qualified.

Jonny seems qualified for this position. — Джонни кажется квалифицированным для этой должности.

способный, умелый

Сексуальный, возбуждающий

Еще одно неформальное, но распространенное значение прилагательного hot — «сексуальный», «возбуждающий».

She looks really hot! — Она выглядит очень сексуально!

Если речь идет о физической привлекательности, синонимами слова hot будут прилагательные attractive и foxy:

Lucy finds him very attractive. — Люси считает его очень привлекательным.
You look foxy in this dress. — Ты выглядишь привлекательно в этом платье.

Описывая женскую красоту, используйте слова beautiful (красивая) и pretty (симпатичная).

Elly is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. — Элли — самая красивая женщина, которую я когда-либо видел.
She is as pretty as her mom. — Она такая же симпатичная, как и ее мама.

А когда делаете комплимент мужчине, говорите handsome (красивый).

She dreams of meeting a tall and handsome stranger. — Она мечтает встретить высокого и красивого незнакомца.

cексуальный, возбуждающий

Итак, простое на первый взгляд слово hot имеет множество значений в английском языке — от «жаркий» и «острый» до «способный» и «привлекательный». Чтобы запомнить каждое из семи значений и их синонимы, изучите картинку и пройдите короткий тест.

Синонимы слова hot в разных контекстах (*.pdf, 226 МБ)

© 2023, копирование материалов возможно только при указании прямой активной ссылки на первоисточник.

What is another word for Hot?

  • fiery

    heated, passionate

  • sultry

    warm, scorching

  • torrid

    fervent, warm

  • heated

    participle, property

  • blistering

    heated, characteristic

  • passionate

    ardent, fervent

  • sweltering

    warm, scorching

  • scorching

    heated, property

  • spicy

    characteristic, aromatic

  • keen

    fierce, good

  • boiling

    heated, property

  • burning

    heated, feverish

  • searing

    extremely hot, very warm

  • red-hot


  • ardent

    passionate, fervent

  • popular


  • sizzling

    property, very high in temperature

  • scalding

    extremely hot, very high in temperature

  • fervent

    passionate, ardent

  • warm

    very high in temperature

  • cool

    good, popular

  • violent

    passionate, state

  • flaming

    property, fiery

  • fervid

    passionate, ardent

  • fierce

    intense, animated

  • feverish

    animated, very high in temperature

  • sharp

    spicy, characteristic

  • live

    plugged in, excite

  • close

    warm, sweltering

  • febrile

    feverish, very high in temperature

  • peppery

    spicy, characteristic

  • steaming


  • fresh


  • new


  • eager

  • tropical

    very warm

  • roasting

    very warm

  • pungent

    spicy, characteristic

  • piquant

    spicy, aromatic

  • raging

    fiery, angry

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Synonyms for Hot. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 11, from

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Synonyms for Hot. 2016. Accessed April 11, 2023.

  • blazing
  • boiling
  • heated
  • humid
  • red
  • scorching
  • sizzling
  • sultry
  • sweltering
  • torrid
  • tropical
  • warm
  • white
  • baking
  • blistering
  • broiling
  • burning
  • calescent
  • close
  • decalescent
  • febrile
  • fevered
  • feverish
  • feverous
  • fiery
  • flaming
  • igneous
  • incandescent
  • like an oven
  • on fire
  • ovenlike
  • parching
  • piping
  • recalescent
  • roasting
  • scalding
  • searing
  • smoking
  • steaming
  • stuffy
  • summery
  • sweltry
  • thermogenic
  • tropic
  • very warm
  • sharp
  • spicy
  • acrid
  • biting
  • peppery
  • piquant
  • pungent
  • racy
  • zestful
  • fierce
  • intense
  • stormy
  • angry
  • animated
  • ardent
  • aroused
  • distracted
  • eager
  • enthusiastic
  • excited
  • fervent
  • fervid
  • fiery
  • furious
  • ill-tempered
  • impassioned
  • impetuous
  • indignant
  • inflamed
  • irascible
  • lustful
  • raging
  • temperamental
  • touchy
  • violent
  • cool
  • fresh
  • popular
  • trendy
  • approved
  • dandy
  • favored
  • glorious
  • groovy
  • in demand
  • just out
  • keen
  • latest
  • marvelous
  • neat
  • nifty
  • peachy
  • recent
  • sought-after
  • super
  • up-to-the-minute
  • aroused
  • carnal
  • concupiscent
  • erotic
  • lascivious
  • lewd
  • libidinous
  • lustful
  • passionate
  • prurient
  • salacious
  • sensual

On this page you’ll find 310 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to hot, such as: blazing, boiling, heated, humid, red, and scorching.

  • bland
  • dull
  • tasteless
  • calm
  • cold
  • cool
  • freezing
  • frigid
  • indifferent
  • mild
  • moderate
  • old
  • old-fashioned
  • out
  • turned off
  • unfeeling
  • unpopular
  • calm
  • cold
  • cool
  • freezing
  • frigid
  • indifferent
  • mild
  • moderate
  • old
  • old-fashioned
  • out
  • turned off
  • unfeeling
  • unpopular
  • kind
  • unpopular
  • calm
  • cold
  • freezing
  • frigid
  • indifferent
  • mild
  • moderate
  • old
  • old-fashioned
  • out
  • turned off
  • unfeeling
  • calm
  • cool
  • frigid
  • indifferent
  • turned off
  • unfeeling

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use hot in a sentence

Bike shorts have been trending for the past few years—among fashion types and Kardashians as well as hot yogis and SoulCyclers—with good reason.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • accomplished
  • ace
  • adroit
  • brainy
  • capable
  • clean
  • crack
  • crackerjack
  • deft
  • dexterous
  • expert
  • hot
  • hotshot
  • know stuff
  • masterful
  • masterly
  • no dummy
  • no slouch
  • nobody’s fool
  • on the ball
  • on the beam
  • practiced
  • proficient
  • quick
  • savvy
  • sharp
  • sharp as a tack
  • skilled
  • skillful
  • slick
  • smooth
  • there
  • up to speed
  • versed
  • whiz
  • wizard
  • ambrosial
  • appealing
  • attractive
  • captivating
  • charming
  • cute
  • darling
  • dear
  • delectable
  • delicious
  • delightful
  • dishy
  • dreamy
  • fetching
  • heavenly
  • hot
  • luscious
  • pleasing
  • precious
  • sexy
  • suave
  • amative
  • amatory
  • aphrodisiac
  • ardent
  • attached
  • boy crazy
  • doting
  • enamored
  • erotic
  • fond
  • girl crazy
  • have a crush on
  • horny
  • hot
  • hot and heavy
  • impassioned
  • in love
  • infatuated
  • lovesick
  • lovey-dovey
  • lustful
  • passionate
  • romantic
  • sexy
  • sweet for
  • sweet on
  • tender
  • turned on
  • affronted
  • annoyed
  • antagonized
  • bitter
  • chafed
  • choleric
  • convulsed
  • cross
  • displeased
  • enraged
  • exacerbated
  • exasperated
  • ferocious
  • fierce
  • fiery
  • fuming
  • furious
  • galled
  • hateful
  • heated
  • hot
  • huffy
  • ill-tempered
  • impassioned
  • incensed
  • indignant
  • inflamed
  • infuriated
  • irascible
  • irate
  • ireful
  • irritable
  • irritated
  • maddened
  • nettled
  • offended
  • outraged
  • piqued
  • provoked
  • raging
  • resentful
  • riled
  • sore
  • splenetic
  • storming
  • sulky
  • sullen
  • tumultous/tumultuous
  • turbulent
  • uptight
  • vexed
  • wrathful
  • affronted
  • annoyed
  • antagonized
  • bitter
  • chafed
  • choleric
  • convulsed
  • cross
  • displeased
  • enraged
  • exacerbated
  • exasperated
  • ferocious
  • fierce
  • fiery
  • fuming
  • furious
  • galled
  • hateful
  • heated
  • hot
  • huffy
  • ill-tempered
  • impassioned
  • incensed
  • indignant
  • inflamed
  • infuriated
  • irascible
  • irate
  • ireful
  • irritable
  • irritated
  • maddened
  • nettled
  • offended
  • outraged
  • piqued
  • pissed
  • pissed off
  • provoked
  • put out
  • raging
  • resentful
  • riled
  • sore
  • splenetic
  • storming
  • sulky
  • sullen
  • uptight
  • vexed
  • wrathful
  • agog
  • avid
  • blazing
  • burning
  • desirous
  • eager
  • fervent
  • fervid
  • fierce
  • fiery
  • horny
  • hot
  • hungry
  • impassioned
  • intense
  • keen
  • lovey-dovey
  • lusty
  • passionate
  • spirited
  • thirsty
  • vehement
  • warm
  • zealous

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


as in boiling

having a notably high temperature

the casserole, just out of the oven, was too hot to eat

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in modern

being or involving the latest methods, concepts, information, or styles

this spring it’s the cool shades of lipstick that are hot

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in fashionable

enjoying widespread favor or approval

was surprised to learn that American jazz has long been hot in Russia

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in violent

marked by bursts of destructive force or intense activity

your hot temper is going to get you in trouble a hot battle for first place in the American League

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in excited

showing urgent desire or interest

we were hot to get the baseball game started and wished it would stop raining

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in sexy

sexually attractive

my sisters only watched the game because they think the outfielder is hot


as in angry

feeling or showing anger

you don’t have to get all hot about it

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in rapid

moving, proceeding, or acting with great speed

bought a hot new car that should tear up the roadways

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in excellent

of the very best kind

since you’re guilty as hell, you’d better get a hot lawyer

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in passionate

having a strong sexual desire

he admitted that the nude photos made him hot

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

as in fast

with great speed

workers were working hot and heavy to repair the breach in the levee

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

Articles Related to hot


hot mess

Hot Mess

Our research turned up two archaic literal meanings

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“Hot.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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  1. hotadjective

    Of a person, very physically or sexually attractive.

    That girl is hot!

    studly, handsome, hunky, lush, pretty, yummy, foxy, gorgeous, cute, beautiful, sexy, attractive, tasty, fit

  2. hotadjective



  3. hotadjective

    Of an object, having a high temperature.

    He forgot the frying pan was hot, and dropped it suddenly.


    icy, ice-cold, cold, chilly, freezing, frigid, freezing cold, chilled, glacial, cold as ice

  4. hotadjective

    Of the weather, causing the air to be hot.

    boiling hot, baking, boiling, sweltering, sultry

    cold, icy, freezing, freezing cold

  5. hotadjective

    Of a person or animal, feeling the sensation of heat, especially to the point of discomfort.

    boiling hot, boiling, baking

    freezing cold, freezing

  6. hotadjective


    feverish, temperature

  7. hotadjective

    Of food, spicy.

    Before moving to India, I never ate hot food. The Indians love spicy food.

    piquant, tangy, spicy

    bland, mild

  8. hotadjective

    Electrically charged

    a hot wire


    neutral, dead

  9. hotadjective



English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hot

    One is eager who impatiently desires to accomplish some end; one is earnest with a desire that is less impatient, but more deep, resolute, and constant; one is anxious with a desire that foresees rather the pain of disappointment than the delight of attainment. One is eager for the gratification of any appetite or passion; he is earnest in conviction, purpose, or character. Eager usually refers to some specific and immediate satisfaction, earnest to something permanent and enduring; the patriotic soldier is earnest in his devotion to his country, eager for a decisive battle.

    animated, anxious, ardent, burning, desirous, eager, earnest, enthusiastic, fervent, glowing, impatient, impetuous, importunate, intense, intent, keen, longing, vehement, yearning, zealous

    apathetic, calm, careless, cold, cool, dispassionate, frigid, heedless, indifferent, negligent, phlegmatic, purposeless, regardless, stolid, stony, stupid, unconcerned, uninterested, unmindful, unmoved

    Eager for (more rarely after) favor, honor, etc.; eager in pursuit.

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:2.6 / 7 votes

  1. hotadjective

    used of physical heat; having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning

    «hot stove»; «hot water»; «a hot August day»; «a hot stuffy room»; «she’s hot and tired»; «a hot forehead»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    unlucky, stale, heatless, frosty, pleasant, nonviolent, ice-cold, raw, polar, old, frore, passionless, tasteless, bleak, unsexy, unwanted, unheated, slow, icy, uncharged, nonradioactive, acold, far, stone-cold, frigid, unwarmed, cool, emotionless, legal, cutting, chilly, frigorific, cold, shivery, unskilled, gelid, refrigerated, glacial, rimy, arctic, unpopular, algid, crisp, parky, nipping, uneager, inactive, bad, rimed, refrigerating, frozen, nippy, snappy, luckless, refrigerant, wintry

  2. hot, ragingadjective

    characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement; very intense

    «the fighting became hot and heavy»; «a hot engagement»; «a raging battle»; «the river became a raging torrent»

    spicy, angry, blistering, raging, red-hot, tempestuous, wild, live, furious

    tasteless, shivery, ice-cold, frore, refrigerated, refrigerant, cutting, inactive, polar, legal, parky, cold, snappy, glacial, unsexy, uncharged, arctic, frigid, stale, nonviolent, nippy, unskilled, frosty, stone-cold, nonradioactive, far, icy, algid, wintry, frigorific, rimy, frozen, bad, refrigerating, luckless, slow, crisp, uneager, unwanted, cool, unpopular, nipping, gelid, pleasant, heatless, old, raw, bleak, chilly, unwarmed, unlucky, rimed, passionless, unheated, emotionless, acold

  3. hotadjective

    extended meanings; especially of psychological heat; marked by intensity or vehemence especially of passion or enthusiasm

    «a hot temper»; «a hot topic»; «a hot new book»; «a hot love affair»; «a hot argument»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    uncharged, passionless, arctic, unskilled, frore, algid, icy, frozen, nonradioactive, unwarmed, glacial, chilly, crisp, cold, parky, unwanted, cool, rimed, bleak, shivery, far, unsexy, polar, frosty, unpopular, raw, acold, pleasant, rimy, nippy, unlucky, tasteless, gelid, refrigerated, refrigerant, nipping, refrigerating, frigid, slow, inactive, snappy, wintry, ice-cold, stale, luckless, uneager, frigorific, nonviolent, old, heatless, stone-cold, emotionless, legal, bad, unheated, cutting

  4. hotadjective

    (color) bold and intense

    «hot pink»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    stale, tasteless, slow, old, frigorific, refrigerated, nippy, unpopular, cool, nonviolent, nonradioactive, luckless, unheated, uneager, heatless, frosty, refrigerating, chilly, cold, unsexy, far, gelid, emotionless, ice-cold, frozen, parky, unskilled, frore, wintry, unlucky, icy, raw, unwanted, crisp, pleasant, snappy, stone-cold, shivery, arctic, inactive, bad, glacial, cutting, unwarmed, algid, bleak, passionless, acold, frigid, nipping, rimy, rimed, refrigerant, polar, uncharged, legal

  5. hotadjective

    sexually excited or exciting

    «was hot for her»; «hot pants»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    refrigerated, bleak, unsexy, refrigerating, frore, frosty, shivery, nonradioactive, slow, chilly, unwarmed, cold, inactive, unheated, glacial, polar, unwanted, icy, wintry, stale, crisp, luckless, nipping, ice-cold, parky, emotionless, snappy, rimed, stone-cold, frigid, nonviolent, algid, cutting, arctic, rimy, refrigerant, unlucky, pleasant, gelid, heatless, cool, far, acold, frigorific, unskilled, tasteless, uncharged, frozen, bad, legal, raw, passionless, unpopular, old, nippy, uneager

  6. hotadjective

    recently stolen or smuggled

    «hot merchandise»; «a hot car»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    algid, nonviolent, frosty, emotionless, luckless, snappy, arctic, slow, tasteless, rimy, stone-cold, unwarmed, bleak, passionless, refrigerant, frigorific, unheated, shivery, far, icy, rimed, parky, glacial, old, bad, unskilled, refrigerated, unpopular, ice-cold, nipping, nippy, inactive, unwanted, crisp, pleasant, frigid, gelid, cutting, raw, unsexy, cool, uncharged, cold, acold, uneager, frozen, chilly, nonradioactive, frore, stale, legal, refrigerating, wintry, polar, unlucky, heatless

  7. blistering, hot, red-hotadjective

    very fast; capable of quick response and great speed

    «a hot sports car»; «a blistering pace»; «got off to a hot start»; «in hot pursuit»; «a red-hot line drive»

    virulent, blistering, red-hot, sizzling, vitriolic, voluptuous, blistery, acerbic, juicy, sulphurous, caustic, live, acrid, sulfurous, raging, acid, spicy, luscious, bitter, toothsome, acerb

    frigid, raw, refrigerated, bad, stone-cold, old, uneager, polar, snappy, glacial, slow, cutting, inactive, icy, frosty, cold, luckless, ice-cold, passionless, legal, rimed, arctic, nonviolent, rimy, emotionless, stale, crisp, nonradioactive, wintry, nippy, unheated, unlucky, tasteless, far, pleasant, unsexy, refrigerant, nipping, refrigerating, frore, unwanted, bleak, cool, acold, shivery, frigorific, unskilled, unwarmed, algid, gelid, uncharged, parky, frozen, chilly, unpopular, heatless

  8. hotadjective

    wanted by the police

    «a hot suspect»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    nonradioactive, refrigerated, gelid, unwarmed, glacial, frozen, polar, acold, pleasant, rimy, nipping, bad, nonviolent, unsexy, stale, frosty, nippy, snappy, stone-cold, uneager, raw, icy, unskilled, parky, cool, refrigerating, unheated, wintry, inactive, cold, uncharged, shivery, ice-cold, frigid, unwanted, luckless, legal, tasteless, far, algid, unlucky, slow, unpopular, cutting, rimed, chilly, heatless, bleak, arctic, refrigerant, frore, crisp, passionless, frigorific, emotionless, old

  9. hot, spicyadjective

    producing a burning sensation on the taste nerves

    «hot salsa»; «jalapeno peppers are very hot»

    raging, naughty, live, red-hot, spicy, gamy, juicy, blue, racy, risque, savoury, gamey, piquant, blistering, savory, zesty

    parky, tasteless, refrigerating, icy, nipping, unskilled, cold, frigid, nonradioactive, chilly, unsexy, unwanted, pleasant, unheated, stale, passionless, luckless, gelid, slow, frozen, stone-cold, frosty, frigorific, uneager, frore, bad, rimy, polar, uncharged, bleak, glacial, wintry, acold, unpopular, heatless, shivery, raw, crisp, emotionless, nippy, cutting, inactive, cool, legal, ice-cold, arctic, nonviolent, unlucky, refrigerant, rimed, unwarmed, far, snappy, old, refrigerated, algid

  10. hotadjective

    performed or performing with unusually great skill and daring and energy

    «a hot drummer»; «he’s hot tonight»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    cutting, frigorific, rimed, frosty, uncharged, unpopular, cold, unheated, stale, polar, refrigerated, algid, emotionless, bad, rimy, pleasant, unskilled, refrigerating, nippy, frore, slow, gelid, cool, tasteless, legal, passionless, unsexy, stone-cold, old, glacial, raw, icy, chilly, uneager, bleak, unwanted, wintry, far, unlucky, heatless, parky, ice-cold, acold, nonviolent, crisp, inactive, refrigerant, frigid, arctic, nipping, shivery, frozen, nonradioactive, unwarmed, luckless, snappy

  11. hotadjective

    very popular or successful

    «one of the hot young talents»; «cabbage patch dolls were hot last season»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    nipping, emotionless, bleak, snappy, acold, icy, unskilled, chilly, uncharged, cold, tasteless, arctic, inactive, unwarmed, slow, shivery, cool, pleasant, old, passionless, far, unpopular, unsexy, frozen, frore, unwanted, wintry, refrigerated, unheated, stale, glacial, polar, frosty, uneager, stone-cold, nonradioactive, nonviolent, rimed, crisp, gelid, algid, nippy, raw, ice-cold, luckless, bad, refrigerant, unlucky, frigorific, legal, refrigerating, cutting, heatless, frigid, rimy, parky

  12. hotadjective

    very unpleasant or even dangerous

    «make it hot for him»; «in the hot seat»; «in hot water»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    stale, frosty, cutting, gelid, nonviolent, wintry, unwanted, emotionless, frozen, bad, snappy, cold, unheated, cool, frigid, acold, frigorific, refrigerant, icy, unskilled, unsexy, ice-cold, raw, luckless, refrigerated, refrigerating, old, stone-cold, crisp, glacial, bleak, unpopular, rimy, uncharged, inactive, frore, shivery, arctic, nippy, uneager, rimed, algid, far, legal, unlucky, tasteless, passionless, nonradioactive, parky, nipping, unwarmed, pleasant, slow, heatless, chilly, polar

  13. hot, red-hotadjective

    newest or most recent

    «news hot off the press»; «red-hot information»

    spicy, luscious, blistering, raging, red-hot, sizzling, toothsome, live, juicy, voluptuous

    far, cutting, wintry, cold, heatless, algid, refrigerant, unskilled, bleak, shivery, legal, unwanted, frosty, raw, unsexy, icy, chilly, glacial, frozen, unlucky, frigid, stone-cold, old, emotionless, luckless, uncharged, refrigerating, polar, frore, nipping, pleasant, arctic, nippy, unwarmed, refrigerated, gelid, acold, ice-cold, slow, parky, frigorific, passionless, nonradioactive, snappy, crisp, inactive, unheated, uneager, stale, rimy, bad, unpopular, tasteless, cool, nonviolent, rimed

  14. hotadjective

    having or bringing unusually good luck

    «hot at craps»; «the dice are hot tonight»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    snappy, parky, acold, nonradioactive, frore, bleak, bad, glacial, polar, frigorific, heatless, uncharged, wintry, cutting, frozen, icy, frosty, tasteless, cold, slow, unwanted, ice-cold, pleasant, unpopular, emotionless, cool, arctic, inactive, frigid, algid, old, unlucky, rimed, unsexy, passionless, luckless, nonviolent, crisp, refrigerant, refrigerating, chilly, shivery, raw, nippy, stone-cold, unskilled, gelid, far, nipping, rimy, uneager, unheated, refrigerated, legal, stale, unwarmed

  15. hotadjective

    very good; often used in the negative

    «he’s hot at math but not so hot at history»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    gelid, uneager, bleak, frosty, emotionless, bad, ice-cold, icy, pleasant, shivery, far, unpopular, refrigerant, frigid, nipping, passionless, acold, unsexy, crisp, unwanted, arctic, refrigerated, unheated, frozen, algid, legal, old, parky, nonradioactive, polar, glacial, chilly, luckless, stone-cold, tasteless, uncharged, cold, unskilled, stale, unlucky, nippy, raw, slow, unwarmed, rimy, frigorific, rimed, heatless, wintry, inactive, frore, cutting, nonviolent, refrigerating, snappy, cool

  16. hotadjective

    newly made

    «a hot scent»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    ice-cold, snappy, glacial, unpopular, icy, luckless, frigorific, cold, acold, wintry, slow, polar, algid, frigid, frore, frosty, uneager, unwarmed, nippy, unlucky, unheated, pleasant, bleak, nipping, nonviolent, refrigerant, crisp, uncharged, arctic, chilly, rimy, shivery, unsexy, tasteless, passionless, frozen, cool, legal, stone-cold, inactive, old, unwanted, parky, gelid, stale, refrigerated, cutting, heatless, raw, rimed, bad, unskilled, nonradioactive, refrigerating, far, emotionless

  17. hotadjective

    having or showing great eagerness or enthusiasm

    «hot for travel»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    luckless, arctic, icy, bleak, parky, rimed, cutting, stone-cold, glacial, cool, bad, inactive, frore, unwanted, frosty, frigid, slow, gelid, chilly, cold, legal, far, old, shivery, snappy, wintry, nonviolent, nipping, rimy, unlucky, stale, refrigerating, heatless, frigorific, nonradioactive, passionless, tasteless, emotionless, unheated, ice-cold, uncharged, polar, refrigerated, acold, pleasant, algid, unwarmed, crisp, nippy, unsexy, unpopular, frozen, refrigerant, raw, uneager, unskilled

  18. hotadjective

    of a seeker; very near to the object sought

    «you are hot»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    ice-cold, nipping, unwanted, old, stone-cold, cutting, pleasant, stale, icy, crisp, refrigerant, rimed, rimy, tasteless, glacial, unsexy, chilly, shivery, unheated, luckless, uncharged, frosty, far, unlucky, arctic, slow, emotionless, raw, unpopular, algid, wintry, refrigerated, frozen, frigid, parky, snappy, nonradioactive, inactive, acold, unwarmed, heatless, cool, uneager, unskilled, gelid, cold, bad, bleak, frigorific, frore, legal, passionless, polar, nonviolent, nippy, refrigerating

  19. hotadjective

    having or dealing with dangerously high levels of radioactivity

    «hot fuel rods»; «a hot laboratory»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    luckless, icy, frosty, unheated, uneager, rimy, refrigerated, chilly, emotionless, nonviolent, unsexy, crisp, frigid, heatless, glacial, cold, cutting, gelid, acold, ice-cold, polar, snappy, legal, refrigerating, stale, pleasant, unskilled, tasteless, passionless, frozen, nippy, unlucky, wintry, stone-cold, inactive, bad, bleak, old, nipping, cool, parky, unwanted, frore, rimed, slow, nonradioactive, raw, algid, refrigerant, arctic, unpopular, uncharged, unwarmed, far, shivery, frigorific

  20. hot, liveadjective

    charged or energized with electricity

    «a hot wire»; «a live wire»

    alive(p), live(a), bouncy, blistering, raging, springy, red-hot, unrecorded, spicy, live, lively, alive, resilient

    unlucky, heatless, frosty, frigorific, uneager, unskilled, old, unheated, icy, unsexy, tasteless, ice-cold, glacial, refrigerated, cold, nipping, unwanted, legal, gelid, algid, frore, slow, acold, bad, unpopular, pleasant, rimed, unwarmed, far, stale, crisp, chilly, raw, frigid, nippy, arctic, parky, snappy, refrigerant, stone-cold, cool, shivery, nonviolent, inactive, cutting, emotionless, luckless, refrigerating, bleak, nonradioactive, frozen, polar, uncharged, passionless, wintry, rimy

  21. hotadjective

    marked by excited activity

    «a hot week on the stock market»

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

    icy, rimy, unpopular, uncharged, bad, parky, nipping, acold, unheated, arctic, cool, frigid, chilly, uneager, far, stone-cold, frosty, old, pleasant, cutting, cold, legal, luckless, refrigerating, snappy, glacial, frore, unskilled, bleak, nonviolent, nonradioactive, algid, emotionless, frozen, refrigerant, tasteless, wintry, heatless, gelid, frigorific, unsexy, rimed, refrigerated, unwarmed, passionless, shivery, ice-cold, unwanted, raw, polar, nippy, inactive, crisp, unlucky, stale, slow

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. humid

    Submitted by anonymous on April 27, 2021  

  2. scorchy

    scorch, scorching. boiling item.

    he offered willy the boiling mug of tea.

    Submitted by JP03 on October 23, 2014  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hotadjective

    burning, fiery, scalding

  2. hotadjective

    irascible, excitable, impetuous, passionate, hasty, choleric, furious

  3. hotadjective

    ardent, vehement, fervent, eager, glowing, animated, fervid, violent

  4. hotadjective

    pungent, piquant, sharp, acrid, biting, peppery, high-flavored, high-seasoned

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hotadjective

    torrid, sultry, fiery, scalding, scorching, grilling, broiling, tropical, candent, vehement, passionate, irascible, fervid, ardent, piquant, pungent, acrid, spicy

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «hot»:

    warm, sexy, caliente, canon, heat, heated, fever, threats, threat, cannon, horny, warmer, hottie, barrel, hot-spot, craze, hotspot, hot-button, spicy, hot-rolled, warmth, exciting

Suggested Resources

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    Song lyrics by hot — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by hot on the website.

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    What does HOT stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the HOT acronym on the website.

How to pronounce hot?

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How to use hot in a sentence?

  1. Alexandra Pelosi:

    He said: ‘Hot dogs, ice cream and spaghetti,’.

  2. Scott C. Holstad:

    My playing fields were comprised of a black and white universe – cold/hot, light/dark, heaven/hell, right/wrong – this, my guide, my birthright. Something was buried in the back of my soul – the signs were all there but no one knew, no one could tell so when I eventually went over the edge, it was meant to be a lesson learned.

  3. The Australian:

    If you practice Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, you could be pretty tired with how hot it was, it was in the mid to high 90s( 35 Celsius). You can get pretty drained pretty quickly.

  4. American Paula Creamer:

    My putter was hot and I gave myself some really good looks for par, even thought I had to save them, it was a crazy back nine, that’s for sure.

  5. Michael Lombardi:

    To our friends and family I will never recommend going on a hot air balloon ride to anyone. We went this morning for the first time ever and crashed. We are now sitting in the ER and my wife is all banged up. We are ok and will live, but damn talk about our lives flashing before our eyes.

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  • حار, ساخن, حرانArabic
  • istiAzerbaijani
  • эҫеBashkir
  • гарачыBelarusian
  • горещBulgarian
  • গরমBengali
  • ཚ་པོTibetan Standard
  • calentCatalan, Valencian
  • horký, ostrýCzech
  • poethWelsh
  • lækker, varm, hotDanish
  • scharf, heißGerman
  • θερμός, ζεστός, κάνει ζέστη, καυτερός, πικάντικοςGreek
  • varmegaEsperanto
  • caliente, caluroso, sensual, picante, muy caliente, demandado, vivo, termonuclear, con calentura, picoso, bueno, de moda, cargado, radioactivo, febril, tranzado, cálido, cableSpanish
  • kuumEstonian
  • داغ, گرمPersian
  • kuuma, polttava, haluttu, seksikäs, tulinen, käännetty, kuumeinen, nyysitty, jännitteinenFinnish
  • piquant, épicé, chouré, chaud, radioactif, bonne, faire chaud, sexy, fiévreuxFrench
  • teIrish
  • tethScottish Gaelic
  • quenteGalician
  • akuGuaraní
  • חםHebrew
  • गरम, गर्मHindi
  • forróHungarian
  • տաքArmenian
  • calideInterlingua
  • pedas, seksi, panasIndonesian
  • varmegaIdo
  • heiturIcelandic
  • gnocca, caldo, figa, figo, piccante, febbrileItalian
  • 暑い, 熱いJapanese
  • pedhes, panasJavanese
  • ცხელიGeorgian
  • ыстықKazakh
  • ಬಿಸಿKannada
  • 맵다, 덥다, 뜨겁다Korean
  • germ, kel, گەرم, تیژKurdish
  • ысыкKyrgyz
  • calidus, febriculosus, mordax, acer, calidiLatin
  • ຮ້ອນLao
  • ugningas, karštasLithuanian
  • karsts, assLatvian
  • врел, жешко, жежок, врело, лута, топол, лут, лутоMacedonian
  • халуунMongolian
  • गरमMarathi
  • pedas, panas, hangatMalay
  • ပူBurmese
  • heet, pikant, lekker, porno, warm, geil, pittigDutch
  • sexy, varm, het, varmt, sterk, heit, tampen brenner, lekker, hettNorwegian
  • gorący, ostry, pikantnyPolish
  • تود, ګرم, تودوخي, ګرميPashto, Pushto
  • gostoso, quente, radioativo, na moda, febril, vivo, em voga, picante, furtado, roubadoPortuguese
  • ruphaQuechua
  • fierbinte, caldRomanian
  • жаркий, лихорадочный, жарко, горячий, острыйRussian
  • vruć, врућ, љут, ljutSerbo-Croatian
  • රස්නෙSinhala, Sinhalese
  • horúciSlovak
  • vročSlovene
  • nxehtëAlbanian
  • tuff, het, varm, fräck, kryddstark, stulen, febrig, häftigSwedish
  • சூடானTamil
  • వెచ్చగా, మంటగా, వేడైనTelugu
  • доғ, гармTajik
  • ร้อน, ตัวร้อน, มีสเน่ห์, เผ็ดThai
  • yssyTurkmen
  • mainit, nakapapasoTagalog
  • sıcak, acı, acılıTurkish
  • эссеTatar
  • спекотний, гарячийUkrainian
  • گرمUrdu
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