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Synonyms for Good one. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from
Synonyms for Good one. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <>.
Synonyms for Good one. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.
What is another word for good one?
21 synonyms found
[ ɡˈʊd wˌɒn], [ ɡˈʊd wˌɒn], [ ɡ_ˈʊ_d w_ˌɒ_n]
Table of Contents
• belly laugh (noun)
- hoot,
- rib tickler,
- scream,
- roar,
- riot,
- wow,
- howlers,
- guffaw,
- thigh-slapper,
- howler,
- sidesplitter.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- belly laugh.
Other synonyms:
• Other relevant words:
- good.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- gag,
- jape,
- wheeze,
- yarn,
- jest,
- joke,
- fun,
- laugh.
How to use «Good one» in context?
There’s something about a good one that feels good. It’s a classic phrase, used by everyone from fishermen to gamblers and sometimes, it can be hard to put into words. But, we all know what it means, don’t we? When we hit the jackpot, or when everything goes our way, that’s the feeling we’re after. It’s the sense of satisfaction that comes with achieving something we worked hard for. And, when we find something that hits that good feeling spot, we tend to keep it around. We savor it, and we tell others about it. That’s why a good one is so special.
1. [gʋd]
1) добро, благо
to do smb. good — делать добро кому-л., помогать кому-л.; помогать кому-л. исправиться
to be after /up to/ no good — задумать недоброе
there’s some [a lot of] good in him — в нём есть немало [много] хорошего
2) польза
to extract all the good out of smth. — максимально использовать что-л.
to do good — быть полезным, приносить пользу
that will do more harm than good — это принесёт больше вреда, чем пользы
it will do you good to spend a week in the country — неделя в деревне пойдёт вам на пользу, вам будет полезно провести неделю в деревне
for (the) good of smb., for smb.’s good — на пользу /на благо/ кому-л., ради кого-л.
I’m doing it for your good — я делаю это для вашей пользы /ради вас/
an influence /a power/ for good — благотворное /хорошее/ влияние
for the public /common/ good — на общее благо
what good will it do? — что пользы в этом?
what is the good of it? — какой в этом смысл?; что в этом толку?
what good will that do you?, what good will it be to you? — зачем вам это?, какой вам смысл делать это?
a (fat) lot of good that will do you! — напрасно вы это затеваете; от этого (никакого) толку не будет
much good may it do you! — а) пусть это пойдёт вам на пользу!; б) какая вам польза от этого?
he will come to no good — для него это добром не кончится; он плохо кончит
it is no good — бесполезно, ни к чему не ведёт
it’s no good being insistent [talking about it] — бесполезно настаивать [говорить об этом]
he is no good — от него толку мало, он пустое место, он ни на что не годен
3) (the good) добрые люди
to the good — а) к лучшему; that’s all to the good — это всё к лучшему; that’s so much to the good — пока всё хорошо; пока наша берёт, пока преимущество за нами; б) к выгоде
for good (and all) — навсегда, окончательно
2. [gʋd]
(better; best)
1. 1) хороший
good house [knife, road] — хороший дом [нож, -ая дорога]
good play [music, picture, dictionary] — хорошая пьеса [музыка, картина, -ий словарь]
good soil — хорошая /плодородная/ земля /почва/
of good family — из хорошей /благородной/ семьи
good breeding — хорошее воспитание, хорошие манеры
good behaviour — а) хорошее поведение; б) добросовестное выполнение своих обязанностей (); безупречное прохождение службы
in good English — на хорошем английском языке, безупречным английским языком
very good! — прекрасно!, отлично!, замечательно!
good luck! — желаю удачи!
I don’t feel too good — я неважно себя чувствую; я чувствую себя не в своей тарелке
I don’t feel too good about it — мне это не нравится, мне это не по душе
to have a good time — хорошо /приятно, весело/ провести время, здорово повеселиться [ тж. ]
to bring good news — приносить хорошие /приятные/ новости
drink water, it’s just as good — пей воду, она ничуть /ничем/ не хуже
it would be a good idea to spend a day on the farm — неплохая мысль /будет неплохо/ провести день на ферме
it’s a good thing that you can do it — здорово /я рад/, что ты можешь это сделать
2) приятный, хороший
it’s good to be here [to see you, to hear of it] — приятно быть здесь [видеть вас, слышать об этом]
3) выгодный; удобный
4) имеющий хорошую репутацию; хороший ()
the firm has a good name — у этой фирмы хорошее имя /-ая репутация/
5) высокий, важный
people of /in/ a good position — люди, занимающие высокое положение
2. 1) полезный
medicine good for a headache /toothache/ — лекарство, хорошо помогающее от головной [зубной] боли
he drinks more than is good for him — он чересчур много пьёт; он пьёт во вред здоровью
it’s good for him to spend plenty of time out of doors — ему полезно побольше быть на свежем воздухе
it seemed [I thought] good to do so — казалось [я думал], что так нужно сделать
2) годный
are acorns good to eat? — жёлуди употребляют в пищу?
this is good enough for me — мне это подходит, меня это устраивает [ тж. 5]
this isn’t good enough — а) (мне) это не подходит, (меня) это не устраивает; б) это /так/ не годится; в) это чересчур, это слишком
3. 1) умелый, искусный, хороший
good swimmer [runner] — хороший пловец [бегун]
to be a good dancer — быть хорошим танцором, хорошо танцевать
he is good with his hands — он всё умеет делать, у него золотые руки
2) подходящий; отвечающий цели, назначению; соответствующий
good mother [wife, father] — хорошая мать [жена, -ий отец]
a good man for the work — человек, подходящий для данной работы
a good light for reading — свет, удобный для чтения
to come in good time — прийти вовремя /заранее/
3) (at) способный
to be good at mathematics [at languages] — быть способным к математике [к языкам]
4. 1) добрый, доброжелательный
good works [intentions] — добрые дела [намерения]
good neighbourship /neighbourhood/ — добрососедские отношения
to say a good word for smb. — замолвить словечко за кого-л.
to do smb. a good turn — оказывать услугу кому-л.
to be good to smb. — проявлять доброту к кому-л.
2) благоприятный, положительный ()
to give a good report of smb., of smth. — хорошо отозваться о ком-л., о чём-л.
3) добродетельный; чистый
to be good amid the temptations of the world — оставаться добродетельным среди мирских соблазнов
4) воспитанный, послушный
be good! — веди(те) себя прилично!
5. милый, любезный, добрый
be good enough to… — будьте так любезны… [ тж. 2, 2)]
6. 1) свежий, неиспорченный; доброкачественный
good food — доброкачественная /свежая/ пища
meat keeps good in a refrigerator — мясо остаётся свежим /хорошо сохраняется/ в холодильнике
is the meat still good? — мясо не испортилось?
2) настоящий, неподдельный
good money — настоящие деньги [ тж. 9]
good stone — хороший /драгоценный/ камень
3) надёжный; кредитоспособный
good debt — долг, который обязательно будет выплачен
7. 1) здоровый, хороший
2) (for) способный, в состоянии
all you’re good for is to spend money — ты только и умеешь, что тратить деньги
he is good for some years more — он проживёт /протянет/ ещё несколько лет
he is good for £20 — он может дать /внести/ 20 фунтов стерлингов
he /his credit/ is good for £25 000 — он располагает суммой в 25 000 фунтов стерлингов, у него в банке 25 000 фунтов стерлингов
3) действительный; действующий
the ticket is good for two months — билет действителен в течение двух месяцев
this car ought to be good for another five years — эта машина послужит мне ещё добрых пять лет
are you good for a long walk? — хватит ли тебя на длинную прогулку?
8. основательный; оправданный; справедливый; законный
good excuse — основательная /уважительная/ причина
good reasons — а) основательные причины; б) убедительные /веские/ доводы
the rule holds good — правило действительно /справедливо/
9. достаточный; обильный, изрядный
a good deal /many/ — много, значительное количество
I have a good many books /a good deal of books/ — у меня много книг
to have a good laugh [talk] — хорошенько /как следует/ посмеяться [поговорить]
to earn good money — неплохо заработать [ тж. 6, 2)]
10. добрый, милый ()
my good sir — дорогой сэр /господин/
сильный, большой, крепкий; как следует
good hard work — тяжёлая /весьма нелёгкая/ работа
❝How’m I doing?❞ — ❝Not good❞ — Ну, как у меня получается? — Так себе
good morning [day, evening] — доброе утро [-ый день, вечер]
to wish smb. a good night — пожелать кому-л. доброй ночи
the Good Book — библия; священное писание
good God!, good gosh!, good gracious! — господи!, боже мой!, боже правый!
good grief! — чёрт возьми!; ну и ну! ()
good old John [Tom]! — браво, Джон [Том]!
good for you! — а) тем лучше для вас!; б) браво!
good Lord, deliver us! — господи, спаси и помилуй!
good time — а) приятное времяпрепровождение [ тж. 1, 1)]; б) долгое время, достаточный срок; в) сокращение срока заключения /досрочное освобождение/ за хорошее поведение
in good time — а) со временем, с течением времени; б) своевременно; в) заранее, заблаговременно
the good people — эльфы, феи
as good as — почти; всё равно что
it’s as good as done /settled/ — дело в шляпе
he has as good as got the job — это место у него в кармане; считай, что он уже получил эту работу
as good as gold — а) послушный; б) добрый, снисходительный, благожелательный
as good as pie — очень хороший, симпатичный; благонравный, паинька
as good as a play — очень интересно, забавно
his word is as good as his bond — он никогда не нарушает обещаний, он всегда держит своё слово
too good to be true — так хорошо, что не верится; невероятно, не может быть
to have a good mind to… — намереваться, собираться ()
to make good — а) сдержать слово; выполнить обещание; б) восполнять, возмещать, компенсировать (); в) доказать, обосновать; г) преуспевать, делать успехи
that’s a good one /’un/! — какая ложь!, какой вздор!, надо же такое придумать!
to be in good spirits — быть весёлым /в хорошем настроении/
to be in smb.’s good books — пользоваться чьей-л. благосклонностью
to be in smb.’s good graces grace I 3
good and proper — а) основательно, как следует; to tell smb. off good and proper — как следует отругать, распечь кого-л.; сказать кому-л. всё, что о нём думаешь; б) полностью; наголову, в пух и прах; to beat smb. good and proper — разбить кого-л. наголову
Another Word For Good / 200+ Other Words for «Good» — It’s an incredibly boring word, along with ‘nice’, ‘bad’ or ‘fine’.. Recently, in youth slang it has begun to be used in the sense of a person’s looks. So another word for another word, by far a thing determined mostly without words like these that appear as i type them, are just alternatives to the never forget the dictum the best is the enemy of the good which means that people who always need to know the best often overlook very worthy. Use this to praise someone for being nice or generous. Don’t you wish there was another word for utilize? Follows rules or another word for good behavior.
The right time to act; So another word for another word, by far a thing determined mostly without words like these that appear as i type them, are just alternatives to the never forget the dictum the best is the enemy of the good which means that people who always need to know the best often overlook very worthy. Don’t you wish there was another word for utilize? How do you see the good in people when you’ve seen so much bad from them? Consider exploring some of these other pages.
What is the another word for long form?
How do you see the good in people when you’ve seen so much bad from them? To use, simply type a word in the search box and click the search button. In short, having an anagram creator can assist scrabble players to use their tile points to make words with the best possible score quickly so that the game remains exciting. Perhaps you need another word for something that feels too mundane? Glad you stopped by this page containing another word for good. Obedience is a virtue in many religious orders and cultures. Consider exploring some of these other pages. English has so many interesting words, it would be a shame not to use them when you can. Young discus fish should not be kept in very soft water as there aren’t the right minerals present for good growth. List for another words for good presented in this video: 9 for high performers, a good. Are there some other words meaning the same as good here? Something that recommends (or expresses commendation of) a person or thing as worthy or desirable.
Use this to praise someone for being nice or generous. 100 words instead of good poster handout | words, 100. Are you looking for another word for utilize in your resume? Our thesaurus can categorize your search for synonyms (and antonyms) by uniqueness, relevance, parts of speech, and even popularity, so you know you’re not alone in your choice. I have completely drawn a blank and i’m not sure, but i think there is a word that describes someone like that, and a word other than witty, if possible.
Recently, in youth slang it has begun to be used in the sense of a person’s looks.
Glad you stopped by this page containing another word for good. Obedience is a virtue in many religious orders and cultures. Anagrams are words or phrases you spell by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. It’s an incredibly boring word, along with ‘nice’, ‘bad’ or ‘fine’. An onion and a bow (as in a bow and arrows). Use this to praise someone for being nice or generous. Are you looking for another word for utilize in your resume? Otherwise, we sound stuffy and like an annoying future. How do you see the good in people when you’ve seen so much bad from them? You’ve come to the right place! English has so many interesting words, it would be a shame not to use them when you can. To use, simply type a word in the search box and click the search button. Young discus fish should not be kept in very soft water as there aren’t the right minerals present for good growth.
A good time to plant tomatoes; Young discus fish should not be kept in very soft water as there aren’t the right minerals present for good growth. Another word for good that describes a person’s character. Our thesaurus can categorize your search for synonyms (and antonyms) by uniqueness, relevance, parts of speech, and even popularity, so you know you’re not alone in your choice. List for another words for good presented in this video:
When you meet a new word, you need to use a good dictionary to find out how to actually use the word in the correct context.
Our thesaurus can categorize your search for synonyms (and antonyms) by uniqueness, relevance, parts of speech, and even popularity, so you know you’re not alone in your choice. It can easily be used to describe a pet or child in the modern world. Glad you stopped by this page containing another word for good. Obedience is a virtue in many religious orders and cultures. When you meet a new word, you need to use a good dictionary to find out how to actually use the word in the correct context. Find 612 ways to say good, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. Use this to praise someone for being nice or generous. 9 for high performers, a good. You’ve come to the right place! For a graduate in econemics. Otherwise, we sound stuffy and like an annoying future. Don’t you wish there was another word for utilize? There are lots more synonyms listed on this site, for many different words.
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Another Word For Good / 200+ Other Words for «Good» — It’s an incredibly boring word, along with ‘nice’, ‘bad’ or ‘fine’.
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- acceptable
- excellent
- exceptional
- favorable
- great
- marvelous
- positive
- satisfactory
- satisfying
- superb
- valuable
- wonderful
- ace
- bad
- boss
- bully
- capital
- choice
- crack
- nice
- pleasing
- prime
- rad
- sound
- spanking
- sterling
- super
- superior
- welcome
- worthy
- admirable
- agreeable
- commendable
- congenial
- deluxe
- first-class
- first-rate
- gnarly
- gratifying
- honorable
- jake
- neat
- precious
- recherché
- reputable
- select
- shipshape
- splendid
- stupendous
- super-eminent
- super-excellent
- tiptop
- up to snuff
- honest
- respectable
- innocent
- right
- sound
- upright
- worthy
- admirable
- blameless
- charitable
- dutiful
- estimable
- ethical
- exemplary
- guiltless
- honorable
- incorrupt
- inculpable
- irreprehensible
- irreproachable
- lily-white
- obedient
- praiseworthy
- pure
- reputable
- righteous
- tractable
- uncorrupted
- untainted
- well-behaved
- able
- efficient
- proper
- reliable
- satisfactory
- suitable
- talented
- useful
- adept
- expert
- accomplished
- adroit
- au fait
- capable
- clever
- dexterous
- first-rate
- proficient
- qualified
- serviceable
- skillful
- suited
- thorough
- trustworthy
- acceptable
- advantageous
- appropriate
- beneficial
- convenient
- decent
- desirable
- favorable
- fruitful
- healthy
- helpful
- profitable
- proper
- respectable
- satisfying
- suitable
- approving
- brave
- common
- fit
- fitting
- meet
- right
- all right
- ample
- apt
- auspicious
- becoming
- benefic
- benignant
- commendatory
- commending
- conformable
- congruous
- favoring
- healthful
- hygienic
- needed
- opportune
- propitious
- salubrious
- salutary
- seemly
- serviceable
- tolerable
- toward
- unobjectionable
- wholesome
- flawless
- normal
- perfect
- safe
- solid
- stable
- eatable
- sound
- whole
- dependable
- fit to eat
- fresh
- intact
- loyal
- trustworthy
- unblemished
- uncontaminated
- uncorrupted
- undamaged
- undecayed
- unhurt
- unimpaired
- unspoiled
- vigorous
- friendly
- approving
- humanitarian
- altruistic
- beneficent
- benevolent
- charitable
- considerate
- gracious
- humane
- kindhearted
- merciful
- obliging
- philanthropic
- tolerant
- well-disposed
- honest
- legitimate
- proper
- reliable
- true
- valid
- kosher
- regular
- sound
- bona fide
- conforming
- dependable
- genuine
- justified
- loyal
- orthodox
- strict
- trustworthy
- well-founded
- proper
- orderly
- considerate
- decorous
- dutiful
- kindly
- mannerly
- obedient
- polite
- respectful
- seemly
- thoughtful
- tolerant
- tractable
- well-mannered
- adequate
- advantageous
- big
- great
- large
- long
- profitable
- respectable
- solid
- sufficient
- worthwhile
- entire
- full
- much
- whole
- ample
- complete
- extensive
- immeasurable
- lucrative
- paying
- sizable
- substantial
- prosperity
- welfare
- well-being
- asset
- avail
- behalf
- benediction
- blessing
- boon
- commonwealth
- favor
- gain
- godsend
- interest
- nugget
- plum
- prize
- profit
- service
- treasure
- use
- usefulness
- windfall
- good fortune
- class
- dignity
- excellence
- ideal
- merit
- prerogative
- probity
- quality
- rectitude
- right
- righteousness
- straight
- uprightness
- value
- virtue
- worth
On this page you’ll find 596 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to good, such as: acceptable, excellent, exceptional, favorable, great, and marvelous.
- bad
- detestable
- disagreeable
- mean
- noxious
- unpleasant
- unrespected
- unsuitable
- bad
- incompetent
- unskilled
- ineffective
- unable
- unreliable
- bad
- detrimental
- disadvantageous
- poor
- unhelpful
- unsuitable
- unsuited
- inadequate
- imperfect
- unhealthy
- bad
- noxious
- rotten
- tainted
- unpleasant
- unreliable
- unsuitable
- bad
- detestable
- disagreeable
- mean
- selfish
- stingy
- unpleasant
- deceptive
- dishonest
- false
- fraudulent
- invalid
- unreal
- bad
- fake
- forged
- bad
- disagreeable
- misbehaving
- naughty
- unpleasant
- inadequate
- insufficient
- little
- miniature
- small
- tiny
- unimportant
- incomplete
- inconsequential
- inconsiderable
- bad fortune
- bad luck
- disadvantage
- loss
- dishonesty
- immorality
- imperfection
- unfairness
- wrong
- evil
- sin
- wickedness
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
How to use good in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- absolutely
- affirmative
- agreed
- all right
- amen
- assuredly
- aye
- beyond a doubt
- by all means
- certainly
- definitely
- even so
- exactly
- fine
- gladly
- good
- good enough
- granted
- indubitably
- just so
- most assuredly
- naturally
- of course
- okay
- positively
- precisely
- roger
- sure thing
- surely
- true
- undoubtedly
- unquestionably
- very well
- willingly
- without fail
- yea
- yep
- adept
- adequate
- adroit
- agile
- alert
- apt
- bright
- capable
- competent
- cunning
- deft
- dexterous
- easy
- effortless
- endowed
- equipped
- facile
- fitted
- good
- intelligent
- knowing
- powerful
- ready
- smart
- strong
- worthy
- adept
- adequate
- adroit
- agile
- alert
- apt
- bright
- capable
- competent
- cunning
- deft
- dexterous
- easy
- effortless
- endowed
- equipped
- facile
- fitted
- good
- intelligent
- knowing
- powerful
- ready
- smart
- strong
- worthy
- A-1
- A-OK
- ace
- attractive
- best ever
- cat’s pajamas
- choice
- commendable
- cool
- copacetic
- crackerjack
- deserving
- dream
- estimable
- excellent
- exquisite
- fine
- good
- great
- greatest
- hunky-dory
- keen
- laudable
- meritable
- meritorious
- neat
- out of sight
- out of this world
- peachy
- praiseworthy
- rare
- solid
- super
- super-duper
- superior
- unreal
- valuable
- wicked
- wonderful
- worthy
- zero cool
- adept
- apt
- artful
- clean
- clever
- crack
- crackerjack
- cunning
- cute
- deft
- dexterous
- expert
- foxy
- good
- handy
- hot tamale
- ingenious
- masterful
- neat
- nifty
- nimble
- on the ball
- on the beam
- proficient
- quick on the trigger
- quick on the uptake
- quick-witted
- savvy
- sharp
- skillful
- slick
- smart
- up
- up to speed
- whiz
- wizard
- aid
- ascendancy
- asset
- assistance
- authority
- avail
- blessing
- boon
- break
- choice
- comfort
- convenience
- dominance
- edge
- eminence
- expediency
- favor
- gain
- good
- gratification
- help
- hold
- improvement
- influence
- interest
- lead
- leeway
- leg up
- leverage
- luck
- mastery
- odds
- position
- power
- pre-eminence
- precedence
- preference
- prestige
- prevalence
- profit
- protection
- recognition
- resources
- return
- sanction
- starting
- superiority
- support
- supremacy
- upper hand
- utility
- wealth
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
GOOD Synonym! In this lesson, you will learn a list of 38 useful synonyms for GOOD in English to bolster your own synonyms dictionary.
Learn a list of 38 synonyms for GOOD in English.
- Wonderful
- First-rate
- Fabulous
- Superior
- Superb awesome
- Excellent
- Tremendous
- Inspirational
- Lovely
- Terrific
- Exciting
- Delightful
- Dazzling
- Astounding
- Outstanding
- Magnificent
- Beyond belief
- Stupendous
- Amazing (amazing synonyms)
- Inconceivable
- Marvelous
- Fantastic
- Unbelievable
- Breathtaking
- Majestic
- Grand
- Special
- Super
- Extraordinary
- Glorious
- Incredible
- Astonishing
- Impressive
- Splendid
- Brilliant
- Remarkable
- Exceptional
- Inspiring
Another Word for Good with Examples
Learn GOOD synonym list with example sentences in English.
- Wonderful
I love the spring – it’s a wonderful time of the year.
- First-rate
The questions he raised are of first-rate importance.
- Fabulous
This is a fabulous album. It’s fresh, varied, fun.
- Superior
This is clearly the work of a superior artist.
- Superb
The brochure promised the local food would be superb.
- Awesome
An awesome challenge/task lies ahead of them.
- Excellent
I must congratulate you on your excellent exam results
- Tremendous
We went to a tremendous party.
- Inspirational
Our special supplement is packed with inspirational ideas for healthy and glamorous hair.
- Lovely
Don’t lie there moping on a lovely morning like this!
- Terrific
He had a terrific sense of humour and could be very amusing.
- Exciting
The film had an exciting plot.
- Delightful
These apartments all have a delightful dockside frontage.
- Dazzling
I can think of nothing else but your dazzling smile.
- Astounding
The figures revealed by the report are astounding.
- Outstanding
These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability.
- Magnificent
The Capitol is a magnificent building.
- Beyond belief
It is beyond belief that anyone could commit such a crime.
- Stupendous
This stupendous novel keeps you gripped to the end.
- Amazing
He’s an amazing player to watch.
- Inconceivable
She found the idea quite inconceivable.
- Marvelous
It was a marvelous performance.
- Fantastic
I have a fantastic social life.
- Unbelievable
His guitar solos are just unbelievable.
- Breathtaking
The profundity of this book is achieved with breathtaking lightness.
- Glorious
We have in our grasp a truly glorious future.
- Incredible
I felt I’d made an incredible discovery.
- Astonishing
The new houses have been built with astonishing speed.
- Impressive
Cyril’s most impressive quality was his innate goodness.
- Splendid
We’ve all had a splendid time.
- Majestic
The Rockies are majestic in size.
- Grand
He lives in a grand house.
- Special
We have created a special category for part-time workers.
- Super
She was super when I was having problems.
- Extraordinary
He told the extraordinary story of his escape.
- Brilliant
Her mother was a brilliant scientist.
- Remarkable
It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player.
- Exceptional
Christopher is a man of exceptional talent.
- Inspiring
The sound of martial music is always inspiring.
Another Word for GOOD | Infographic
Good Synonyms
A sarcastic way to critisise one’s actions.
Variations: Shkood One, Shkood Woan, Abedy Shkood One, Abedy, Abedraf, Bruncus, Anthony Mather, Buradraft, Cruncus, Mucus etc…
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The physical, mental, and emotional condition one achieves through prolonged periods (generally multiple consecutive days) of sleep deprivation, malnutrition, & dehydration while under the influence of methamphetamines. Symptoms vary among individual users. However, common effects are delirium, schizophrenia, irritability, anxiety, mood swings, irrational & compulsive dis-assembly of household appliances & devices, chronic back & neck misalignment, and ill-advised barter of personal possessions (not necessarily belonging to the one affected by the condition).
The scatter-brained tweaker was obviously on a good one as he carpet surfed his car & sifted through the vacuum bag for meth on day five.
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1. Term used to congratulate someone for a funny joke. Comlemented with a fist pump. Can be repeated.
2. Used to make someone feel stupid. You say it, offer them a fist pump and when they go for it, give them a thumbs down. Stick your toungue out at them if you like.
1. Your friend just told you a funny joke, so you say «Good one, good one,» and offer a fist pump.
2. A really annoying person says something he thinks is funny, so you say «Good one, good one,» and offer a pump. When he goes for it, you give a thumbs down and say «Thbbbbttttt!!!» Now he feels like a dumbass. Nice…
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This is an extremely sarcastic response to someones lame joke or foolish comment.
It is over emphasized greatly to stress the point that the comment or humor they made was in fact «NOT, A GOOD ONE.»
Often will annoy or hurt the person it is directed at, but that was the point in the first place! Sometimes it is followed by the persons name to further cut them down as in » good one hank!»
Harold: She was asking me to go out sometime, I wasn’t sure what to say?
Gary: you should have said, » I can’t go out because I am a reverse vampire and the night kills me»…
( pause with no laughter)
Harold: Good One!
Gary: Shut up, your jokes are lameburgers too..
Harold: wow, another good one!
Gary: you’re a jerk
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