Another word for give meaning to

As the title suggests, I’m looking for a verb whose definition is «to give/assign meaning to», «to define a function of», «to invent a use/meaning for» or something close. This might be a little vague, but I hope I can at least get some guesses or stabs at it.

On a similar note, are there web searches that allow for finding words given their meanings?

Hugo's user avatar


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asked Apr 11, 2011 at 17:00

Phonon's user avatar


From the Urban Dictionary: Semanticate

v. tr. (from the adj. semantic); the intended meaning (implicit or explicit) of an individual’s communication; that which is trying to be communicated by an individual.

When I speak of ‘freedom’ I do not mean the bland and passive ‘freedom from’ commitment or responsibility that is too often semanticated.

The word is also well defined and used in Computer Science.

From the Semantic Web: «… reads the first paragraph(,) takes the first sentence, and semanticate(s) it as the principal attribute …»

SVN Code

namespace semanticator {
public class Semanticator {
    private AssemblyDefinition semanticatedFile;
public void semanticate(string fileName) {
        string ontologyString = sourceCodeSemantics(fileName);
        addOntologyToAssembly(fileName, ontologyString);

Community's user avatar

answered Nov 9, 2011 at 11:23

Kris's user avatar


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I can only think of:




Community's user avatar

answered Apr 11, 2011 at 17:14

tenfour's user avatar


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The parameters are several, but words that fit one or another of them that come to mind: imbue, inscribe, coin, imprint, mark.

No need to over-think it, though: «name» and «define» work perfectly well.

answered Apr 11, 2011 at 17:20

mfe's user avatar


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to signify;
to ascribe meaning

answered Feb 26, 2014 at 8:45

pinguina's user avatar


941 silver badge6 bronze badges

A few options:

  • coin — «He coined a phrase.»
  • define
  • determine
  • specify
  • assign
  • establish
  • ascertain
  • discover

answered Apr 11, 2011 at 17:15

MrHen's user avatar


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«add significance to»
«give import to»

Or just «clarify»

answered Apr 11, 2011 at 17:23

caxtontype's user avatar


6485 silver badges3 bronze badges

Not sure, but does institute work?

answered Dec 29, 2011 at 11:15

Michael Wong's user avatar



[dih-noht] be a mark or sign of; indicate: A fever often denotes an infection.
2. to be a name or designation for; mean.
3. to represent by a symbol; stand as a symbol for.

Kit Z. Fox's user avatar

Kit Z. Fox

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answered Feb 26, 2014 at 7:44

user67097's user avatar


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Here are some tips on how to give meaning to your website traffic or advertising response data.

Вот некоторые рекомендации, как придавать смысл данные веб-трафика, и данным от рекламы.

Making sketches, taking notes, and trying to give meaning to what you observe.

Делайте эскизы, заметки, старайтесь придавать смысл наблюдаемым вами событиям.

By asking yourself these questions, you don’t only give meaning to a negative situation.

Задавая себе эти вопросы, вы не только придает смысл негативной ситуации.

Their smiles give meaning to our work.

These elements are extremely important to have correct as they give meaning to the content on the page.

Эти элементы крайне важно иметь правильно, так как они придают смысл контенту на странице.

They deserve to know they give meaning to my life.

It is the role of religious symbols to give meaning to the life of man.

Предназначение религиозных идей — придавать смысл человеческой жизни.

Goals are what give meaning to life.

Adult learning can shape identity and give meaning to life.

Обучение взрослых может помочь в деле формирования личности и сделать жизнь осмысленной.

We ourselves give meaning to it.

I try to give meaning to my existence through my work.

Я стараюсь придать смысл моему существованию через мою работу.

It cannot save lost souls or give meaning to empty lives.

Он не может спасти потерянные души или придать смысл пустым жизням.

Some scientists even refuse to give meaning to the word love because they say it does not exist.

Некоторые ученые даже отказываются придавать значение слову любовь, потому что говорят, что его не существует.

The project aims to give meaning to mature women who become age-old for men and the environment in which they function.

Проект направлен на то, чтобы придать значение зрелым женщинам, которые становятся взрослыми для мужчин, и для среды, в которой они функционируют.

War is something we try very hard to give meaning to.

Война является тем, чему мы изо всех сил стараемся придать смысл.

Data scientists are needed to give meaning to the sea of data that surrounds us.

Ученые данных необходимы, чтобы придать смысл окружающему нас морю данных.

As a child learns to point and indicate, we give meaning to their actions.

По мере того, как ребенок учится указывать и отмечать, мы придаем смысл его действиям.

It is our responsibility to give meaning to change and to guide trends in accordance with the greater interests of the world community.

Мы обязаны наделить смыслом эти перемены и направлять тенденции в соответствии с главными интересами международного сообщества.

Let the youth give meaning to these words by preparing to lead their communities.

Дайте молодежи возможность наполнить эти слова конкретным содержанием, чтобы подготовить их к руководству общинами.

Let us give meaning to the word «truth».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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How does the verb give contrast with its synonyms?

Some common synonyms of give are afford, bestow, confer, donate, and present. While all these words mean «to convey to another as a possession,» give, the general term, is applicable to any passing over of anything by any means.

gave her a ride on a pony

give my love to your mother

When is it sensible to use afford instead of give?

Although the words afford and give have much in common, afford implies a giving or bestowing usually as a natural or legitimate consequence of the character of the giver.

a development that affords us some hope

When can bestow be used instead of give?

While the synonyms bestow and give are close in meaning, bestow implies the conveying of something as a gift and may suggest condescension on the part of the giver.

When is confer a more appropriate choice than give?

While in some cases nearly identical to give, confer implies a gracious giving (as of a favor or honor).

confer an honorary degree

In what contexts can donate take the place of give?

The synonyms donate and give are sometimes interchangeable, but donate is likely to imply a publicized giving (as to charity).

donate a piano to the orphanage

When might present be a better fit than give?

The meanings of present and give largely overlap; however, present carries a note of formality and ceremony.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. giveverb

    transfer, pass, flex, move, yield, donate, guess, estimate, predict, cede, bend

    take, resist, get, receive, obtain

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. give

    To give is primarily to transfer to another’s possession or ownership without compensation; in its secondary sense in popular use, it is to put into another’s possession by any means and on any terms whatever; a buyer may say «Give me the goods, and I will give you the money;» we speak of giving answers, information, etc., and often of giving what is not agreeable to the recipient, as blows, medicine, reproof; but when there is nothing in the context to indicate the contrary, give is always understood in its primary sense; as, this book was given me. Give thus becomes, like get, a term of such general import as to be a synonym for a wide variety of words. To grant is to put into one’s possession in some formal way, or by authoritative act; as, Congress grants lands to a railroad corporation. To speak of granting a favor carries a claim or concession of superiority on the part of the one by whom the grant may be made; to confer has a similar sense; as, to confer a degree or an honor; we grant a request or petition, but do not confer it. To impart is to give of that which one still, to a greater or less degree, retains; the teacher imparts instruction. To bestow is to give that of which the receiver stands in especial need; we bestow alms.

    bestow, cede, communicate, confer, deliver, furnish, grant, impart, supply

    We give money to a person for a thing, for a purpose, etc. (or without proposition, give a person a sum of money); we give a thing to or into one’s care or keeping; the weary fugitive gave himself up to his pursuers.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. give

    bestow, grant, confer, impart, yield, produce, surrender, concede, present, afford, communicate, furnish

    withhold, withdraw, refuse, retain, grasp, fail, restrain, deny

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. give, spring, springinessverb

    the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length

    natural spring, bound, outpouring, bounce, saltation, spring, springtime, leaping, springiness, fountain, outflow, leap


  2. giveverb

    cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense

    «She gave him a black eye»; «The draft gave me a cold»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  3. yield, give, affordverb

    be the cause or source of

    «He gave me a lot of trouble»; «Our meeting afforded much interesting information»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, succumb, cave in, relent, impart, pass, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, concede, have, give in, fall in, make, collapse, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, cede, grant, knuckle under, founder, devote, hold, buckle under, render, soften, present, sacrifice, yield, open, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, pay, hand, bear


  4. giveverb

    transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody

    «I gave her my money»; «can you give me lessons?»; «She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  5. giveverb

    convey or reveal information

    «Give one’s name»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  6. give, payverb

    convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow

    «Don’t pay him any mind»; «give the orders»; «Give him my best regards»; «pay attention»

    make up, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, compensate, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, ante up, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, pay up, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, pay off, hand, bear


  7. hold, throw, have, make, giveverb

    organize or be responsible for

    «hold a reception»; «have, throw, or make a party»; «give a course»

    render, realize, move over, cast, hold in, restrain, afford, experience, dedicate, get to, devote, cave in, name, confuse, accommodate, defy, shake off, produce, sacrifice, maintain, earn, progress to, entertain, make up, work, take, confine, take a crap, feature, drop, make, create, contain, deliver, shit, possess, pass water, hit, book, cook, arrive at, cause, wee-wee, do, consume, spend a penny, shed, thrust, stool, moderate, give birth, build, construct, induce, birth, founder, present, concur, open, pee, keep, guard, bind, wee, hold back, constitute, yield, bedevil, lay down, reach, establish, check, piddle, generate, draw, return, pull in, pee-pee, hurl, project, pay, throw off, keep back, go for, fuddle, form, ingest, gift, ease up, receive, prepare, attain, own, kick in, crap, support, accept, pretend, harbor, break, impart, realise, apply, bring in, contrive, fall in, obtain, hold, take for, fox, have got, confound, hold up, agree, concord, pass on, cast off, make believe, declare, ca-ca, adjudge, feed, piss, nurse, grant, let, withstand, get, score, hand, bemuse, urinate, oblige, bear, puddle, admit, defend, arrest, harbour, give way, contribute, deem, befuddle, take a shit, chip in, switch, ready, defecate, micturate, make water, fix, throw, take in, view as, flip, clear, retain, reserve, have, halt, turn over, carry, collapse, obligate, discombobulate, suffer, stimulate, sustain, commit, take a leak, seduce, pass, gain, consecrate, relieve oneself, bewilder, prevail, control, nominate, throw away, leave, take hold, curb


  8. give, throwverb

    convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture

    «Throw a glance»; «She gave me a dirty look»

    fuddle, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, thrust, impart, flip, pass on, bedevil, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, cast, project, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, bemuse, devote, confound, hold, befuddle, pass, render, shake off, throw off, confuse, throw away, sacrifice, yield, turn over, fox, leave, shed, give way, bewilder, consecrate, hurl, discombobulate, generate, contribute, switch, cast off, afford, drop, contrive, hand


  9. give, gift, presentverb

    give as a present; make a gift of

    «What will you give her for her birthday?»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, empower, demo, impart, exhibit, endue, pass on, confront, move over, return, establish, acquaint, stage, deliver, show, reach, present, have, lay out, fall in, portray, make, pay, invest, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, introduce, ease up, apply, salute, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, represent, pass, render, endow, indue, sacrifice, yield, turn over, demonstrate, leave, give way, consecrate, award, generate, contribute, pose, face, afford, submit, hand


  10. give, yieldverb

    cause to happen or be responsible for

    «His two singles gave the team the victory»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, succumb, cave in, collapse, impart, concede, pass on, move over, return, establish, knuckle under, reach, present, have, give in, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, relent, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, buckle under, cede, soften, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand, bear


  11. give, pay, devoteverb


    «give thought to»; «give priority to»; «pay attention to»

    make up, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, compensate, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, ante up, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, pay up, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, pay off, hand, bear


  12. render, yield, return, give, generateverb

    give or supply

    «The cow brings in 5 liters of milk»; «This year’s crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn»; «The estate renders some revenue for the family»

    consecrate, knuckle under, give way, interpret, riposte, devote, chip in, cede, have, afford, collapse, hold, recall, buckle under, supply, try, turn over, ease up, sire, concede, founder, engender, open, hand, gift, render, move over, feed, pay, pass on, picture, soften, deliver, return, bring forth, grant, establish, regress, reelect, contribute, come back, yield, fork up, fork over, hand over, retrovert, mother, father, furnish, apply, present, show, make, beget, repay, impart, rejoin, get, devolve, generate, bring back, refund, reach, hark back, relent, retort, submit, depict, fork out, throw, fall in, succumb, dedicate, cave in, give in, bear, turn in, fall, pass, turn back, provide, take back, break, revert, translate, leave, commit, sacrifice, kick in, give back


  13. impart, leave, give, pass onverb

    transmit (knowledge or skills)

    «give a secret to the Russians»; «leave your name and address here»; «impart a new skill to the students»

    consecrate, progress, give way, devote, bequeath, chip in, lead, put across, will, carry, have, lend, afford, collapse, hold, founder, leave alone, go away, add, go forth, turn over, ease up, result, hand, gift, circulate, render, move over, return, pay, get out, relegate, pass on, entrust, channel, open, transmit, grant, establish, contribute, yield, go out, bring, march on, go on, move on, apply, present, make, forget, impart, generate, advance, reach, communicate, submit, convey, allow, bestow, throw, fall in, dedicate, cave in, depart, distribute, pass, pass around, exit, provide, pull up stakes, pass along, feed, break, leave behind, leave, commit, sacrifice, conduct, kick in, allow for


  14. establish, giveverb

    bring about

    «The trompe l’oeil-illusion establishes depth»

    hand, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, lay down, collapse, found, institute, instal, impart, pass on, show, return, establish, base, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, ground, throw, gift, kick in, feed, set up, ease up, apply, plant, grant, open, founder, move over, devote, hold, pass, render, launch, prove, shew, sacrifice, yield, turn over, demonstrate, leave, give way, install, consecrate, break, generate, contribute, constitute, afford, build


  15. giveverb

    leave with; give temporarily

    «Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?»; «Can I give you the children for the weekend?»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  16. giveverb

    emit or utter

    «Give a gulp»; «give a yelp»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  17. sacrifice, giveverb

    endure the loss of

    «He gave his life for his children»; «I gave two sons to the war»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  18. pass, hand, reach, pass on, turn over, giveverb

    place into the hands or custody of

    «hand me the spoon, please»; «Turn the files over to me, please»; «He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers»

    run, progress, perish, hit, give way, elapse, dig, feed, go past, make pass, lead, top, roll, put across, go by, flip over, draw, evanesce, bowl over, moot, afford, collapse, occur, die, dedicate, debate, impart, turn over, go, contact, spend, ease up, slide by, get to, hold, fade, hand, gift, render, consider, legislate, happen, egest, tip over, authorise, exceed, fleet, pass away, slip away, drop dead, overstep, relegate, move over, knock over, delve, transcend, gain, make it, authorize, founder, strive, devote, grant, establish, extend to, move on, devolve, cash in one’s chips, kick the bucket, yield, contribute, get through, accomplish, fall out, attain, hap, slip by, march on, go on, tump over, sink, eliminate, croak, lapse, present, cave in, pass off, make, fall in, give-up the ghost, strain, return, blow over, apply, take place, generate, get hold of, expire, overhaul, pass around, chip in, throw, advance, go through, reach, open, communicate, submit, come about, choke, break, pop off, go across, cut into, overtake, travel by, arrive at, glide by, turn, deliberate, extend, circulate, reach out, distribute, decease, have, fall, pass, pass by, clear, exit, conk, excrete, buy the farm, pass along, achieve, upset, progress to, snuff it, touch, go along, surpass, guide, flip, overturn, leave, pay, consecrate, commit, sacrifice, kick in, pass on


  19. give, dedicate, consecrate, commit, devoteverb

    give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause

    «She committed herself to the work of God»; «give one’s talents to a good cause»; «consecrate your life to the church»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, institutionalize, place, put, impart, pass on, perpetrate, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, vow, fall in, make, pay, charge, throw, sanctify, gift, kick in, feed, ordinate, break, institutionalise, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, ordain, pass, render, intrust, hallow, practice, sacrifice, yield, turn over, send, confide, leave, invest, give way, bless, consecrate, generate, contribute, entrust, trust, pull, afford, order, hand


  20. giveverb

    give (as medicine)

    «I gave him the drug»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  21. give, applyverb

    give or convey physically

    «She gave him First Aid»; «I gave him a punch in the nose»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, enforce, impart, pass on, lend oneself, move over, return, establish, utilize, put on, reach, present, have, employ, fall in, make, pay, go for, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, use, practice, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, utilise, generate, contribute, afford, implement, hand


  22. give, renderverb


    «give homage»; «render thanks»

    supply, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, hand over, fork out, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, depict, turn in, deliver, show, fork over, reach, present, have, fall in, make, furnish, pay, throw, picture, gift, kick in, translate, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, provide, sacrifice, yield, turn over, fork up, leave, interpret, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, try, afford, submit, hand


  23. grant, giveverb

    bestow, especially officially

    «grant a degree»; «give a divorce»; «This bill grants us new rights»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, allow, establish, allot, reach, concede, have, fall in, make, deed over, return, accord, gift, kick in, feed, break, throw, apply, cede, grant, open, founder, devote, ease up, hold, pass, render, present, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, award, generate, contribute, afford, pay, hand


  24. move over, give way, give, ease up, yieldverb

    move in order to make room for someone for something

    «The park gave way to a supermarket»; «`Move over,’ he told the crowd»

    hand, commit, chip in, dedicate, succumb, cave in, collapse, impart, flag, concede, pass on, move over, return, establish, knuckle under, fail, hold, reach, go bad, have, give in, make, throw, gift, kick in, conk out, feed, break, slacken off, break down, apply, relent, give out, grant, go, founder, devote, fall in, pass, render, buckle under, cede, soften, present, die, sacrifice, yield, open, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, ease off, afford, let up, pay, ease up, bear


  25. feed, giveverb

    give food to

    «Feed the starving children in India»; «don’t give the child this tough meat»

    course, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, eat, pass on, move over, return, establish, fertilise, reach, present, have, flow, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, founder, break, feast, ease up, apply, grant, open, feed in, devote, hold, pass, render, fertilize, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, run, generate, contribute, prey, afford, hand


  26. contribute, give, chip in, kick inverb

    contribute to some cause

    «I gave at the office»

    commit, dedicate, cave in, collapse, conduce, bring, impart, pass on, add, move over, return, establish, set in, lead, reach, present, have, generate, fall in, make, pay, consecrate, throw, gift, feed, break, put up, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, bestow, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, kick down, give way, kick in, chip in, contribute, afford, lend, hand


  27. collapse, fall in, cave in, give, give way, break, founderverb

    break down, literally or metaphorically

    «The wall collapsed»; «The business collapsed»; «The dam broke»; «The roof collapsed»; «The wall gave in»; «The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice»

    crack, consecrate, break away, give way, unwrap, devote, contribute, chip in, give out, split up, conk out, part, have, afford, collapse, hold, die, transgress, founder, weaken, crumple, bump, discover, snap off, turn over, go, demote, ease up, break out, separate, split, hand, gift, crack up, damp, smash, render, move over, feed, pay, get out, fracture, relegate, bring out, violate, reveal, divulge, pause, let on, open, get around, interrupt, wear out, grant, establish, break-dance, stop, check, break up, breach, develop, fall flat, return, apply, present, better, cave in, make, offend, go bad, impart, generate, break off, disclose, bust, erupt, give away, reach, recrudesce, tumble, break dance, go against, dampen, throw, fall in, soften, break in, let out, dedicate, ruin, fall apart, kick downstairs, burst, pass, break down, infract, fail, come apart, bankrupt, crumble, fall through, join, expose, break, crock up, discontinue, intermit, flop, leave, yield, get together, commit, sacrifice, wear, kick in, pass on


  28. giveverb

    estimate the duration or outcome of something

    «He gave the patient three months to live»; «I gave him a very good chance at success»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  29. giveverb

    execute and deliver

    «Give bond»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  30. giveverb

    deliver in exchange or recompense

    «I’ll give you three books for four CDs»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  31. afford, open, giveverb

    afford access to

    «the door opens to the patio»; «The French doors give onto a terrace»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, spread, impart, spread out, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, unfold, grant, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, pass on, ease up, apply, open up, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  32. giveverb

    present to view

    «He gave the sign to start»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  33. giveverb

    perform for an audience

    «Pollini is giving another concert in New York»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  34. give, yieldverb

    be flexible under stress of physical force

    «This material doesn’t give»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, succumb, cave in, collapse, impart, concede, pass on, move over, return, establish, knuckle under, reach, present, have, give in, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, relent, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, buckle under, cede, soften, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand, bear


  35. giveverb


    «He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  36. giveverb

    accord by verdict

    «give a decision for the plaintiff»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  37. giveverb

    manifest or show

    «This student gives promise of real creativity»; «The office gave evidence of tampering»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  38. giveverb

    offer in good faith

    «He gave her his word»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  39. giveverb

    submit for consideration, judgment, or use

    «give one’s opinion»; «give an excuse»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  40. giveverb

    guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion

    «You gave me to think that you agreed with me»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  41. giveverb

    allow to have or take

    «I give you two minutes to respond»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  42. giveverb

    inflict as a punishment

    «She gave the boy a good spanking»; «The judge gave me 10 years»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  43. giveverb


    «what gives?»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  44. giveverb

    consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man

    «She gave herself to many men»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


  45. giveverb

    proffer (a body part)

    «She gave her hand to her little sister»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand


Matched Categories

    • Accord
    • Administer
    • Apply
    • Change
    • Communicate
    • Consent
    • Create
    • Direct
    • Emit
    • Estimate
    • Evince
    • Execute
    • Happen
    • Inflict
    • Law
    • Lead
    • Move
    • Perform
    • Performing Arts
    • Permit
    • Pledge
    • Produce
    • Proffer
    • Provide
    • Recompense
    • Relinquish
    • Show
    • State
    • Submit
    • Supply
    • Think
    • Toast
    • Transfer
    • Turn Over

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. giveverb

    bestow (voluntarily and without compensation), accord, CONFER

  2. giveverb

    furnish, supply, afford, spare, accommodate with

  3. giveverb

    impart, communicate

  4. giveverb

    pay, exchange

  5. giveverb

    permit, allow, vouchsafe, deign, GRANT

  6. giveverb

    utter, pronounce, render

  7. giveverb

    produce, yield, show as a product

  8. giveverb

    cause, occasion

  9. giveverb

    devote, apply, addict, give up

  10. giveverb

    yield (to pressure)

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. giveverb

    confer, bestow, accord, grant, vouchsafe, donate, contribute, impart, yield, afford, assign

    withhold, refuse

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «give»:

    provide, ge, grant, offer, gives, giving, donner, make, dar, lend, confer, allow, provides, deliver, donate, pay, bring, let, express, devote, be, put, assign, take, send, accord, attach, yield, enable, leave

Suggested Resources

  1. GIVE

    What does GIVE stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the GIVE acronym on the website.

How to pronounce give?

How to say give in sign language?

How to use give in a sentence?

  1. Wanda Moore:

    Why do we have to fight ? we should give our opinions, but we don’t have to fight.

  2. Isaac Boltansky:

    After an atypically lengthy deliberation phase, The White House ultimately went with the safest choice, the Jerome Powell pick provides leadership continuity that the market always appreciates and should give The White House a victory via a quick and relatively painless confirmation process.

  3. Christian Norgaard:

    I didn’t know he was coming, so we stopped the training session when he arrived, he seemed to be in good spirits, and it gave a good energy to the team. We were allowed to give him a hug, and it was great to see him walk around with his son. It was a good day in many ways. It was what we needed.

  4. President Donald Trump:

    Don’t ask that question please, because they haven’t asked [ for ] that, i don’t want you to give them any ideas.

  5. Rafael Correa:

    There is still a small margin of time to find survivors, but I don’t want to give excessive hope.

Translations for give

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • geeAfrikaans
  • መስጠትAmharic
  • منح, يعطي, وهب, أعطى, يعطىArabic
  • verməkAzerbaijani
  • падарыць, даць, дарыць, давацьBelarusian
  • дам, давамBulgarian
  • দেওয়াBengali
  • reiñBreton
  • donarCatalan, Valencian
  • Corsican
  • darovat, dávat, dátCzech
  • датиOld Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
  • rhoiWelsh
  • give efter, giveDanish
  • geben, nachgeben, abgebenGerman
  • δίνω, υποχωρώGreek
  • doniEsperanto
  • entregar, donar, darSpanish
  • andmaEstonian
  • emanBasque
  • دادنPersian
  • antaa, antaa periksiFinnish
  • donnerFrench
  • jaanWestern Frisian
  • tabhairIrish
  • thoir, tabhairScottish Gaelic
  • darGalician
  • me’ẽGuaraní
  • נתןHebrew
  • देनाHindi
  • bayHaitian Creole
  • adHungarian
  • տալArmenian
  • darInterlingua
  • beriIndonesian
  • donarIdo
  • gefaIcelandic
  • dareItalian
  • 差し上げる, あげる, くれる, 下さるJapanese
  • ჩუქება, მიცემაGeorgian
  • беруKazakh
  • ឲ្យ, អោយKhmer
  • ನೀಡಿKannada
  • 주다, 드리다Korean
  • dan, دانKurdish
  • берүүKyrgyz
  • dare, doLatin
  • ໃຫ້, ມອບLao
  • duotiLithuanian
  • dotLatvian
  • попушта, даваMacedonian
  • өгөхMongolian
  • beriMalay
  • taMaltese
  • ပေးBurmese
  • overhandigen, gevenDutch
  • skjenke, overrekke, gi, gi etter, overlateNorwegian
  • yítłeeh, yíłjooł, yíjááh, yíłteeh, yílé, yíʼááh, yítįįh, yíłtsóós, yínííł, yíkaah, yíyeehNavajo, Navaho
  • donarOccitan
  • dać, przekazać, dawaćPolish
  • darPortuguese
  • quy, churayQuechua
  • darRomansh
  • daRomanian
  • пода́ться, дари́ть, дава́ть, подари́ть, датьRussian
  • ڏِئَڻُSindhi
  • дати, dati, davati, даватиSerbo-Croatian
  • දෙනවාSinhala, Sinhalese
  • dávať, daťSlovak
  • dati, podaritiSlovene
  • jepAlbanian
  • ge, ge efterSwedish
  • kupaSwahili
  • доданTajik
  • ให้Thai
  • bermekTurkmen
  • bigayTagalog
  • vermekTurkish
  • бирергәTatar
  • дарувати, давати, подарувати, датиUkrainian
  • دیناUrdu
  • bermoqUzbek
  • choVietnamese
  • bayî, dinerWalloon
  • געבןYiddish

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  • ייִדיש (Yiddish)
  • հայերեն (Armenian)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good synonym for give?

What is another word for “give”? Following is a list of frequently used synonyms for “give” in English with ESL images and useful example sentences. Learning these words to use instead of “give” will help you enhance your vocabulary words in English.

Table of Contents

Give Synonym

“Give” Definition and Examples

Meaning of “Give”: 

This can mean to freely transfer possession of an object or to allow someone to have possession over something. Similar meanings of this word are used in the different areas of life and different perspectives. It is also used when referring to transferring something from one point to another.


  • Romeo was saying he could give Juliet everything she desired even the world.
  • I would like someone to give me the keys to Johns’ house.
  • If you don’t pass the assigned test before you then madam will have to give you a befitting punishment.

Other Words for “Give”

Common synonyms for “Give”.

  • Bequeath
  • Confer
  • Donate
  • Grant
  • Hand over
  • Lend
  • Make over
  • Proffer
  • Provide with
  • Put up
  • Supply with

A large list of 105+ different words to use instead of “give”.

  • About
  • Accord
  • Address
  • Afford
  • Allocate
  • Allot
  • Allow
  • Apportion
  • Assign
  • Assist
  • Award
  • Back
  • Bequeath
  • Bestow
  • Bring
  • Broadcast
  • Call
  • Care
  • Carry
  • Cause
  • Cede
  • Commit
  • Communicate
  • Concede
  • Confer
  • Consign
  • Contribute
  • Convey
  • Deal
  • Dedicate
  • Deliver
  • Devote
  • Dish out
  • Dispense
  • Distribute
  • Donate
  • Drop
  • Ensure
  • Enter
  • Entrust
  • Express
  • Extend
  • Fail
  • Feed
  • Furnish
  • Gift
  • Give out
  • Give up
  • Grant
  • Hand
  • Hand out
  • Hand over
  • Have
  • Help
  • Impart
  • Indicate
  • Issue
  • Keep
  • Leave
  • Lend
  • Make
  • Make over
  • Move
  • Offer
  • Pass
  • Pass on
  • Pay
  • Place
  • Play
  • Please
  • Present
  • Produce
  • Proffer
  • Provide
  • Provide with
  • Provision
  • Put up
  • Quit
  • Relinquish
  • Render
  • Renounce
  • Report
  • Restore
  • Return
  • Sacrifice
  • Send
  • Show
  • Specify
  • State
  • Stop
  • Submit
  • Supply
  • Supply with
  • Support
  • Surrender
  • Take
  • Talk
  • Tell
  • Throw
  • Transfer
  • Transmit
  • Turn
  • Turn over
  • Work
  • Yield

Synonyms for Give with Examples

Learn “give synonym” examples in English.

  • Bequeath

Most people bequeath their property to their spouses and children.

  • Confer

If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always.

  • Donate

They used to donate large sum of money to the Red Cross every year.

  • Grant

The judge refused to grant an injunction .

  • Hand over

You must hand over your passport before you leave.

  • Lend

Can you lend me some money to tide me over till the weekend?

  • Make over

Shirley had to make over her dress because it was too big.

  • Proffer

May we proffer you our congratulations?

  • Provide

The government will provide temporary accommodation for up to three thousand people.

  • Put up

Can anyone put up bail for you?

  • Supply

We can supply the best service for you.

More give synonym examples in English:

  • Give credit where credit is due.
  • Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.
  • The worst men often give the best advice.
  • Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day…
  • Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail.
  • A fool may give a wise man counsel.
  • Give a thief rope enough and he will hang himself.
  • Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can.

Another Word for Give | Infographic

Another Word for Give | 105+ Synonyms for "Give" with Useful ExamplesPin

Last Updated on January 11, 2021

context icon

context icon

policymakers should increase their understanding of the relationship between macroeconomic policies, external shocks and impacts on inequality, exclusion and vulnerability.


context icon

разработчики политики должны научиться лучше понимать взаимосвязь между макроэкономической политикой, внешними потрясениями и последствиями для неравенства, отчуждения и уязвимости.


Humankind’s immense ability to give meaning


its actions and thoughts is what has enabled its many achievements.

context icon

Огромная способность человечества придать смысл своим действиям и мыслям- вот что позволило его многочисленным достижениям.

It is important that you assist these groups


find their direction,


find their purpose, to give meaning


their communities and to their groups.


context icon

Важно помочь этим группам найти свое направление, найти свое предназначение, чтобы дать смысл их сообществам и их группам.


and to make the countries in the Council feel involved with the rest of the membership in carrying out their functions.


context icon

Цель этого— наполнить смыслом региональное представительство и добиться,

чтобы страны, работающие в Совете, могли вместе со всеми другими членами выполнять свои функции.


Subparagraph(b) was considered by some members


be a creative and

useful attempt to give meaning


the concept of reasonable utilization in the context of a non-recharging aquifer.


context icon

Другие участники сочли,

что подпункт b является творческой и полезной попыткой придать смысл понятию разумного использования в связи с неподпитываемым водоносным горизонтом.


It is the crowd of the sixties, the ebb and tide of our century, who still need religion,

context icon

Это толпа шестидесятых, отлив и прилив нашего века, которые все еще нуждаются в религии,

and to guide trends in accordance with the greater interests of the world community.


context icon

направлять тенденции в соответствии с главными интересами международного сообщества.


The international community has


strengthen its commitment


ensure that the

millennium goals are achieved in time to give meaning


the lives of millions of our brothers and sisters,

especially those in the least developed countries, who today look to the future without any hope.


context icon

Международное сообщество должно укрепить свою приверженность

обеспечению своевременного достижения целей тысячелетия, чтобы придать смысл жизни миллионам наших братьев и сестер, живущих, в частности, в

наименее развитых странах, которые сегодня смотрят в будущее без каких-либо признаков надежды.


And most importantly, let me express my sincere appreciation


the delegations that have worked hard throughout the

first part of the session and in good spirits to give meaning and substance


our agenda.


context icon

И самое важное- позвольте мне выразить искреннюю признательность делегациям, которые на всем протяжении первой части сессии,

усердно и в добром духе работали над тем, чтобы придать смысл и содержание нашей повестке дня.


Technological developments have threatened the continued ability of humans to give meaning


their lives; Harari suggests the possilibity of the replacement

of humankind with the super-man, or»homo deus»(human god) endowed with abilities such as eternal life.

context icon

Технологические разработки угрожают продолжению способности людей придавать смысл своей жизни; Харари пророчествует о замене человечества сверхчеловеком или« homo deus»( человек божественный), наделенным сверхъестественными способностями,

такими как вечная жизнь После публикации« Homo Deus» получила значительное внимание со стороны средств массовой информации.

Collective action must

be taken


uphold international law and to give meaning


the many relevant United Nations resolutions that remain unimplemented,

including the adoption of practical measures to compel Israel, the occupying Power, to cease its violations and crimes and abide by its legal obligations, without exception.


context icon

Необходимо предпринять коллективные действия, чтобы защитить международное право и наполнить смыслом многочисленные соответствующие резолюции Совета Безопасности, которые до сих пор не выполнены, в

том числе принять практические меры, чтобы заставить Израиль, оккупирующую державу, положить конец совершаемым им нарушениям и преступлениям и соблюдать, без всякого исключения, все свои правовые обязательства.


Certainly, we have succeeded, through maximum mobilization of our national forces, in coping with the political crisis that dominated the country in the 1980s, and Suriname has been able


join the countries of Latin America and

the Caribbean that have managed to give meaning


the process of democratization.


context icon

Разумеется, нам удалось добиться определенных успехов за счет широчайшей мобилизации национальных сил в преодолении политического кризиса, в котором оказалась страна в 80- е годы, и Суринам смог присоединиться к другим странам Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна,




take three times a day for 1 tbsp.


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Дать средству настояться в течение недели в темном месте

и принимать трижды в день по 1 ст.


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Wholesale plaid shirts are placed in our shelves to give meaning


your way when they are used with waistcoat models

and double breasted suits.


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Оптом Клетчатые рубашки на пуговицах придадут вам элегантный вид ечли их сочитать с двубортным костюмом.


The organization works



human rights at the forefront of international affairs and to give meaning and effect


the human rights values enshrined

in international human rights treaties and conventions.


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Организация прилагает усилия к тому, чтобы

права человека оставались в центре внимания в международных отношениях, а также к тому, чтобы придать смысл и значение ценностям в области прав человека,

заложенным в международных соглашениях и конвенциях о правах человека.


The Ministry of Social Transformation has developed several programmes aimed at eradicating poverty and

reforming the social sector to give meaning


the right of every citizen to a decent quality of life.


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Министерство общественного развития разработало ряд программ,

направленных на искоренение нищеты и реформирование социального сектора, с тем чтобы право каждого гражданина на достойный жизненный уровень

обрело свой реальный смысл.


We therefore encourage all Member States,

during the forty-ninth session of the General Assembly, to give meaning


the concept of sustainable development by supporting the overall outcome of Barbados,

including all enabling legislation.


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Поэтому мы призываем все государства- члены

во время работы сорок девятой сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи вложить смысл в концепцию устойчивого развития, поддержав в целом результаты Конференции в Барбадосе, включая все законодательные инициативы,

дающие возможность ее осуществления.


These anniversaries offer opportune moments


consider how

international actors can do more to give meaning


human dignity for Palestine refugees

and bring closer to realization the elusive goal of justice for Palestinians and a viable State of their own.


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Эти памятные даты дают благоприятную возможность задуматься над


что еще может быть сделано международными субъектами с тем, чтобы на деле обеспечить соблюдение

человеческого достоинства палестинских беженцев и приблизить дату реализации труднодостижимой цели торжества справедливости для палестинцев и построения их собственного жизнеспособного государства.


We therefore call on the United Nations membership to give

meaning to

the words of our Charter

and to re-establish our body as a forum for meaningful solutions and cooperation on economic matters.


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Поэтому мы призываем членов Организации Объединенных Наций наполнить реальным содержанием формулировки нашего Устава и возродить наш

орган в качестве форума, предназначенного для принятия целенаправленных решений и сотрудничества по экономическим вопросам.


We believe that the adoption of the political

declaration urging Member States


adopt comprehensive plans and measures to give

meaning to

youth development is commendable,

especially since this is the International Year of Youth.


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Мы одобряем принятие Политической декларации, призывающей государства-

члены принимать комплексные планы и меры, которые наполнили бы реальным содержанием лозунги о развитии молодежи,

тем более что сейчас Международный год молодежи.




our call for reform of the United Nations,

we today call on Member States to give


and expression


gender equality.


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В рамках нашего призыва к реформе Организации Объединенных Наций мы сегодня обращаемся к

государствам- членам с призывом уделять большее внимание достижению равенства между мужчинами

и женщинами и принимать для этого соответствующие меры.


it is essential that States enact implementing legislation.


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Однако для того, чтобы Конвенция начала работать,

необходимо, чтобы государства приняли законы о проведении ее в жизнь.


We will both have


find a way

to give 



all of it.

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Мы оба должны как-то понять это.

Further efforts are therefore required in order

to give 



the concept of mainstreaming and its realization in practice.


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Поэтому необходимы дальнейшие усилия для придания конкретного смысла концепции учета и ее реализации на практике.


Resources are needed

to give 



the spirit of true partnership, which will be of mutual benefit in this world of interdependence.


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Для того, чтобы дух подлинного партнерства наполнился реальным смыслом, что в нашем взаимозависимом мире отвечало бы всеобщим интересам,



give, spring, springiness — the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length


give, impart, leave, pass on — transmit (knowledge or skills)

Example:- give a secret to the Russians

give — transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody

Example:- I gave her my money

give — submit for consideration, judgment, or use

Example:- give one’s opinion

give — propose

Example:- He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party

give — proffer (a body part)

Example:- She gave her hand to her little sister

give — present to view

Example:- He gave the sign to start

give, hand, pass, pass on, reach, turn over — place into the hands or custody of

Example:- hand me the spoon, please

give — perform for an audience

Example:- Pollini is giving another concert in New York

give, have, hold, make, throw — organize or be responsible for

Example:- hold a reception

give — offer in good faith

Example:- He gave her his word

give — occur

Example:- what gives?

ease up, give, give way, move over, yield — move in order to make room for someone for something

Example:- The park gave way to a supermarket

give — manifest or show

Example:- This student gives promise of real creativity

give — leave with; give temporarily

Example:- Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?

give — inflict as a punishment

Example:- She gave the boy a good spanking

give — guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion

Example:- You gave me to think that you agreed with me

generate, give, render, return, yield — give or supply

Example:- The cow brings in 5 liters of milk

apply, give — give or convey physically

Example:- She gave him First Aid

feed, give — give food to

Example:- Feed the starving children in India

commit, consecrate, dedicate, devote, give — give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause

Example:- She committed herself to the work of God

gift, give, present — give as a present; make a gift of

Example:- What will you give her for her birthday?

give — give (as medicine)

Example:- I gave him the drug

give — execute and deliver

Example:- Give bond

give — estimate the duration or outcome of something

Example:- He gave the patient three months to live

give, sacrifice — endure the loss of

Example:- He gave his life for his children

give — emit or utter

Example:- Give a gulp

give — deliver in exchange or recompense

Example:- I’ll give you three books for four CDs

devote, give, pay — dedicate

Example:- give thought to

give, pay — convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow

Example:- Don’t pay him any mind

give — convey or reveal information

Example:- Give one’s name

give, throw — convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture

Example:- Throw a glance

chip in, contribute, give, kick in — contribute to some cause

Example:- I gave at the office

give — consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man

Example:- She gave herself to many men

give — cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense

Example:- She gave him a black eye

give, yield — cause to happen or be responsible for

Example:- His two singles gave the team the victory

establish, give — bring about

Example:- The trompe l’oeil-illusion establishes depth

break, cave in, collapse, fall in, founder, give, give way — break down, literally or metaphorically

Example:- The wall collapsed

give, grant — bestow, especially officially

Example:- grant a degree

give, render — bestow

Example:- give homage

afford, give, yield — be the cause or source of

Example:- He gave me a lot of trouble

give, yield — be flexible under stress of physical force

Example:- This material doesn’t give

give — allow to have or take

Example:- I give you two minutes to respond

afford, give, open — afford access to

Example:- the door opens to the patio

give — accord by verdict

Example:- give a decision for the plaintiff

Tweets containing the word give

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