Another word for get back to you

DEFINITIONS1. (get back to someone) to phone, write, or speak to someone at a later time because you were busy or could not answer their question earlier.

What means get back to me?

to talk to someone again in order to give them some information or because you were not able to speak to them before: Finance promised to get back to me later with those figures.

What is another word for got back?

What is another word for get back?

recover retrieve
recapture retake
reacquire salvage
recuperate re-collect
win back redeem

Will get back to you later meaning?

It’s means like I talk to you later or see you later Usually this is a response to someone asking a question you don’t want to answer or can’t answer yet.

Will get back to you or at you?

The sentence that the English teacher used was correct. to get back to someone = to get in contact with someone (again). The line in the song, “to get back at” is also correct and means: to get revenge on (someone); to get even with someone.

Will get back to you synonym?

What is another word for get back to?

answer reply to
respond retort
rejoin return
reply riposte
react acknowledge

When I get back meaning?

1 : to come or go again to a person, place, or condition : return, revert getting back to the main topic of the lecture. 2 : to gain revenge : retaliate —usually used with at. transitive verb. : to regain possession of : recover. Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About get back.

What to say instead of get back to you?

What is another word for get back to?

answer reply to
come back to give a response to
respond retort
rejoin return
reply riposte

Will get back to you reply?

The person responds by saying, “I’ll get back to you.” It literally means “I will return your message or respond to your communication.” Sometimes it really means this. But many times, it means “I probably won’t return your message or respond to you at all.

Will get you back meaning?

informal (also get back at sb) to do something unpleasant to someone because they have done something unpleasant to you: I’ll get you back for this, just you wait!

Will get back soon meaning?

Come back is more proper but get back is fine. I’ll come back soon means exactly what it says, literally. However, if the person says, ‘I’ll get back TO YOU soon’ it means I will give you an answer to your question soon.

Will get back to u?

It literally means “I will return your message or respond to your communication.” Sometimes it really means this. But many times, it means “I probably won’t return your message or respond to you at all.

What is the meaning of get back?

Definition of get back. intransitive verb. 1 : to come or go again to a person, place, or condition : return, revert getting back to the main topic of the lecture. 2 : to gain revenge : retaliate —usually used with at.

What does get back to mean?

Definition of get back to. 1 : to return to (a place) after going away We got back to the office in the early afternoon. 2 : to return to (an activity, condition, etc.) Things are finally getting back to normal. Let’s get back to the topic we were discussing yesterday. That’s an interesting discussion but we need to get back to work.

What is the definition of get back?

Definition of get back. intransitive verb. 1. : to come or go again to a person, place, or condition : return, revert. getting back to the main topic of the lecture.

What is another word for get back?

Synonyms for Get back: n. • convert, vary, reverse, alter, transform, turn back, reappear, revisit, turn into, revise, modify, make into, change. v. •competition (verb) get back, get even, settle.

“I will get back to you” is a good way to show that you don’t have all the answers just yet. However, some people think it’s a bit rushed and lazy. It might help to know of some better alternatives that would work in formal emails instead.

What Can I Say Instead Of “I Will Get Back To You” In Formal Emails?

While “I’ll get back to you” works well, some of these options are definitely better suited to most emails:

  • I will be sure to update you
  • I will have an answer for you shortly
  • I’m looking into the issue right now
  • I will keep you informed if anything develops
  • I’ll keep you posted
  • I’ll provide you with an answer by (time)
  • I’ll have an answer for you as soon as possible
  • I’ll have a more detailed response by (time)
  • I have prioritized your request
  • I will have a solution by (time)

Better Ways To Say I Will Get Back To You (Formal Email)

The preferred version is “I will be sure to update you.” It works well formally because it shows that you’re keeping the recipient on your mind when you get updates. It makes it sound like they’ll be the first person you think of when you receive more information.

I Will Be Sure To Update You

“I will be sure to update you” is a great way to stay formal in emails. It shows that you “will be sure,” which is an assertive and confident way to make sure someone feels like you’re going to help them out.

We can use this phrase to show that the client or recipient of the email is our number one priority.

  • Dear sir,
  • I will be sure to update you when I have more information about the matter.
  • Thank you for your time,
  • Paul
  • Dear Mrs. Smithers,
  • Thank you for your query. I’ll be sure to update you when I have all the relevant information.
  • All the best,
  • Martin

I Will Have An Answer For You Shortly

“I will have an answer for you shortly” shows that you’re treating the issue with urgency. It works well because it makes the recipient feel like you care about their query, and you will do anything to solve it.

  • Dear Mr. Applegarth,
  • I will have an answer for you shortly, so sit tight while I figure out our next steps.
  • Kind regards,
  • John Walter
  • Dear Sarah Wolf,
  • Thank you for your email. I’ll have an answer for you shortly. I’ll just need to check on the information beforehand.
  • All the best,
  • Suzanna

I’m Looking Into The Issue Right Now

“I’m looking into the issue right now” is great because it shows that you’re attentive. You’re trying to find a way to solve a problem that someone might have raised, and “looking into it” is a good way to get it done quickly.

  • Dear Joey,
  • I’m looking into the issue right now, so I should have an answer ready for you in a matter of minutes.
  • Sit tight,
  • Jessica
  • Dear Phoebe,
  • It’s interesting that you’ve asked this, as I’m looking into the issue right now. I should have an update soon.
  • Stay tuned,
  • Paul Robinson

I Will Keep You Informed If Anything Develops

“I will keep you informed” shows that you are thinking about the recipient in your email. “If anything develops” is great because it shows that you’ll only message them if you have important updates that might be relevant for the situation.

  • Hey Michael,
  • I will keep you informed if anything develops. Until then, you can keep yourself busy with your projects.
  • I look forward to hearing what you have to say,
  • Georgia
  • Dear Chris,
  • Thank you for your query. I will keep you informed if anything new develops.
  • All the best,
  • Nicola Saunders

I’ll Keep You Posted

“I’ll keep you posted” is a simple way to stay formal without being direct about the solution. “Posted” shows that we’ll keep informing them if anything changes, but there’s much less pressure on us to make sure we reply to them.

  • Dear Joseph,
  • I’m glad you asked about this issue. I’ll keep you posted should anything new develop on the matter.
  • All the best to you,
  • Mr. Craigs
  • Hey Julietta,
  • Thank you for this email. I’ll keep you posted once I’ve had a chance to ask around and see what’s happening.
  • Kind regards,
  • John

I’ll Provide You With An Answer By (Time)

“I’ll provide you with an answer” shows that you’re going away to look for a solution. We can also use “by (time)” to be specific about when they can expect it. You’ll only want to be this specific if you know you can solve it by that point.

  • Dear Marissa,
  • I’ll be sure to provide you with an answer by five o’clock tonight. I hope it will be what you want to hear.
  • Until then,
  • Christina Pavrotti
  • Dear sir,
  • I’ll provide you with an answer by three. I’ll have all the information I need about it by then.
  • Kindest regards,
  • Jeff Saints

I’ll Have An Answer For You As Soon As Possible

“I’ll have an answer for you” works well when you want to solve someone’s problem. It’s best if they have asked a specific question that you know you’ll be able to answer. If they have a more abstract question, it might not be so easy to “answer.”

  • Hey team,
  • I’ll have an answer for you as soon as possible about the new changes. Just bear with me while I talk some things through with corporate.
  • Best wishes,
  • Mrs. Blakely
  • Dear Paul and Daniel,
  • Thanks for the inquiry. I’ll have an answer for you as soon as possible.
  • All the best,
  • Mrs. Storm

I’ll Have A More Detailed Response By (Time)

“I’ll have a more detailed response” works well if someone is looking for more information. The more “detail” you can provide, the more satisfied that person is going to be.

Again, including a specific time is also a great way to show that you have a good work ethic. This is always effective in formal emails.

  • Dear George,
  • I’ll have a more detailed response ready by six. If you’d like to wait around until then, you’ll have your answer.
  • Kind regards,
  • Mr. Redford
  • Dear Mr. Ankle,
  • Thank you for your kind words. I’ll have a more detailed response by three, so you should have all the information you need by then.
  • All the best,
  • Mrs. Arm

I Have Prioritized Your Request

“I have prioritized your request” shows that you’re making sure someone gets their answer as soon as they can. “Prioritizing” something formally means that you’re getting every available person to look into the request and try to solve the situation.

  • Dear Horace,
  • I have prioritized your request, and I will make sure to get someone to look into it as soon as physically possible.
  • Best regards,
  • Jonathan Woodley
  • Dear sir,
  • I have made sure to prioritize your request. You’ll receive another email from me shortly with an update.
  • Kind regards,
  • Mr. Wood

I Will Have A Solution By (Time)

“I will have a solution” works well when you know you’ll be able to solve a problem. This means that you need to come up with a suitable way to fix someone’s issue. If you can’t come up with a solution, it’s best to avoid this phrase.

  • Dear Craig,
  • I will have a solution to your problem by six. Just sit tight until I’ve sorted something out for you.
  • See you soon,
  • Terry
  • Dear Mrs. Hamm,
  • Thank you for asking about this. I will have a solution ready by three. I’ll make sure to sort it all out for you.
  • Best wishes,
  • The IT Guy

What Does “I Will Get Back To You” Mean?

Finally, let’s go over what “I will get back to you” means. It’s still acceptable in emails, so it would help to know more about it.

“I will get back to you” means that you don’t have an answer to a question you’ve been asked. You might spend some time looking for the answer before returning with misinformation. It’s good practice to make sure you only have the correct answer to a question in business.

Perhaps some of these examples will show you how we can use “I will get back to you:”

  • I will get back to you as soon as possible with more information about this.
  • I will get back to you shortly, as I don’t have all the answers just yet.
  • I’m still waiting to hear more, so I will get back to you soon.
  • I’ll get back to you once I’ve heard what’s happening. You’ll be the first to know what’s next.
  • Of course. We will get back to you soon. We just have to find out what’s going on first.

“I will get back to you” is a formal phrase. It works well in formal emails because it shows that you’re attentive and want to ensure you have all the correct information to answer a query. It works because it shows that you’ll reply as soon as you know more.

You may also like: “I Will Look Into It”: Here’s What It Actually Means (+12 Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

вернуться к вам

связаться с вами

вернуться к тебе

свяжемся с вами

перезвоню вам

ответим вам

перезвоним вам

перезвоню тебе

сообщу вам

свяжусь с тобой

к вам вернусь


We promise to get back to you all shortly.

What you do on Skype can actually get back to you.

То, что вы делаете в скайпе, действительно может вернуться к вам.

Your study, I’ll get back to you.

Dirk and his team will get back to you very soon.

Don, I’ll get back to you.

I promise to get back to you soon.

I’ll get back to you on that.

We’ll get back to you when that happens.

Simply fill out the form below and one of our friendly client representatives will get back to you within 1 business day.

Просто заполните форму ниже, и один из наших дружелюбных представителей свяжется с вами в течение 1 рабочего дня.

I’ll look over the video, and get back to you.

I’ll get back to you as soon as I have something.

Who shoot first? I’ll get back to you on that one.

I told you I’d get back to you about the tissue samples.

Я сказал, что вернусь к вам насчет образцов ткани. О, я здесь не поэтому.

I’ll get back to you on that.

Okay, okay, let’s get back to you and your teacher.

Tomato will get back to you for morenew 2015 products.

We’ll get back to you later, ma’am.

Now, let’s get back to you, Elise.

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Suggestions that contain get back to you

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What is another word for Get back to?

  • act in answer to something

  • act in answer to something

  • answer, act in answer to something

  • answer, act in answer to something

  • act in answer to something

  • attempt to communicate by telephone, communicate through telephone system

  • communicate through telephone system, attempt to communicate by telephone

  • attempt to communicate by telephone

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