Another word for filled

What is another word for filled?

603 synonyms found


[ fˈɪld], [ fˈɪld], [ f_ˈɪ_l_d]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    abounding (adjective)

    • profuse,
    • copious,
    • flush,
    • plenteous,
    • bountiful,
    • prodigal,
    • prolific,
    • filled.

    abundant (adjective)

    • sufficient,
    • liberal,
    • ample,
    • heavy,
    • bounteous,
    • overflowing,
    • luxuriant,
    • mucho,
    • lavish,
    • rich,
    • exuberant,
    • generous,
    • eco-rich,
    • plenty.

    brimming/brimful (adjective)

    • loaded,
    • chock-full,
    • awash,
    • Crammed,
    • crowded.

    charged (adjective)

    • most permeated,
    • most imbued,
    • most suffused,
    • more imbued,
    • in tense,
    • more suffused,
    • in-tense,
    • in-tenser,
    • more permeated,
    • in-tensest,
    • in tenser,
    • most pervaded,
    • more pervaded.

    congested (adjective)

    • Mobbed,
    • obstructed,
    • occluded,
    • glutted,
    • gorged,
    • overcrowded,
    • massed,
    • choked,
    • plugged,
    • jam-packed,
    • stopped.

    content (adjective)

    • satisfied.

    filled (adjective)

    • permeated,
    • replete.

    fraught (adjective)

    • attended,
    • laden,
    • Bristling,
    • charged.

    inflated (adjective)

    • diffuse,
    • magnified,
    • windy,
    • extended,
    • ostentatious,
    • pompous,
    • wordy,
    • fustian,
    • tumescent,
    • augmented,
    • dilated,
    • overblown,
    • flatulent,
    • Distended,
    • tumid,
    • flowery,
    • Aggrandized,
    • prolix,
    • bombastic,
    • puffed,
    • rhetorical,
    • verbose,
    • bloated,
    • turgid,
    • Amplified,
    • magniloquent,
    • grandiloquent,
    • showy,
    • grown,
    • swollen,
    • enlarged,
    • aureate,
    • ranting,
    • stretched,
    • spread,
    • pretentious.

    jammed (adjective)

    • more deluged,
    • de luged,
    • most flooded,
    • de-luged,
    • most deluged,
    • more flooded.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • dropsical,
    • Surcharged,
    • Euphuistic,
    • jammed,
    • jam-full,
    • overfull,
    • up to the rafters,
    • rolling in,
    • jampacked,
    • overestimated,
    • stuffed-up,
    • full up,
    • Rhapsodical,
    • topfull,
    • overfed,
    • gridlocked,
    • lousy with,
    • stuffed,
    • wall-to-wall,
    • chocker,
    • running over,
    • level with,
    • full to the top,
    • teeming,
    • plate is full of,
    • packed like sardines,
    • congested,
    • full to the gills,
    • overfilled,
    • stuffed up,
    • stoppered,
    • no end of,
    • stinking with,
    • padded,
    • chock,
    • bursting,
    • packed,
    • brimming,
    • abounding,
    • up to the hilt,
    • pumped up,
    • plump,
    • to the roof,
    • cup runs over with,
    • quilted,
    • abundant,
    • well-provided,
    • crawling with,
    • fraught,
    • zaftig.

    packed (adjective)

    • serried,
    • arranged,
    • Consigned,
    • seething,
    • Bundled,
    • wrapped.

    padded (adjective)

    • more cushioned,
    • most cushioned,
    • most quilted,
    • more quilted.

    plump (adjective)

    • rotund.

    plumpish (adjective)

    • more zaftig,
    • roly poly,
    • rolypoly,
    • most zaftig.

    replete (adjective)

    • satiated,
    • well provided,
    • more wellprovided,
    • most well-provided,
    • wellprovided,
    • most wellprovided,
    • most overfed,
    • most sated,
    • more sated,
    • most satiated,
    • most thronged,
    • more well-provided,
    • more well provided,
    • more overfed,
    • more satiated,
    • more thronged,
    • sated,
    • most well provided.

    satisfied (adjective)

    • most quenched,
    • more compensated,
    • more requited,
    • most appeased,
    • more appeased,
    • most compensated,
    • most requited,
    • more quenched.
  • n.

    filled (noun)

    • occupied.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • full.
  • v.

    completed (verb)

    • Arrived,
    • graduated,
    • integrated,
    • consummated,
    • closed,
    • finished,
    • terminated,
    • completed,
    • ended,
    • unified,
    • Achieved,
    • executed,
    • finalized,
    • concluded,
    • accomplished,
    • Culminated,
    • fulfilled.

    congest (verb)

    • over crowds,
    • clogs up,
    • filledded,
    • over burdened,
    • filledding,
    • over-crowds,
    • over-burdening,
    • over-crowd,
    • over crowding,
    • over-burdened,
    • over burdens,
    • over burdening,
    • filleds,
    • over crowd,
    • over burden.

    fill (verb)

    • supply,
    • crowd,
    • elect,
    • stock,
    • close,
    • officiate,
    • replenish,
    • meet,
    • distend,
    • perform,
    • blow up,
    • overspread,
    • occupy,
    • pack,
    • stuff,
    • stopper,
    • pervade,
    • answer,
    • pump up,
    • bulge out,
    • jam-pack,
    • gorge,
    • engage,
    • fulfill,
    • plug,
    • cram,
    • inflate,
    • take up,
    • furnish,
    • assign,
    • load,
    • distribute,
    • impregnate,
    • lade,
    • choke,
    • swell,
    • permeate,
    • glut,
    • charge,
    • carry out,
    • shoal,
    • satisfy,
    • puff up,
    • discharge,
    • stretch,
    • top,
    • store,
    • dispatch,
    • saturate,
    • heap,
    • block,
    • name,
    • satiate,
    • ram in,
    • hold,
    • pack like sardines,
    • top off,
    • sate,
    • overflow,
    • clog,
    • brim over,
    • fix,
    • ram.

    infused (verb)

    • Pervaded,
    • impregnated,
    • Infused,
    • suffused,
    • Penetrated,
    • imbued,
    • Instilled,
    • soaked,
    • seethed,
    • Infiltrated.

    satisfied (verb)

    • gratified,
    • Allayed,
    • appeased,
    • quenched,
    • engorged,
    • saturated,
    • slaked.
  • Other synonyms:


    • inflated.

    Other relevant words:

    • clogged up,
    • over-burden,
    • overcrowd,
    • overcrowds,
    • clogging up,
    • overcrowding,
    • over-crowding,
    • clog up,
    • congest.


    • sized.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • Consummately,
    • inundated,
    • simply,
    • solid,
    • absorbed,
    • maturely,
    • get,
    • Assuaged,
    • richly,
    • dynasty,
    • Fulled,
    • Carried,
    • chock-a-block,
    • at all,
    • really,
    • directly,
    • alter,
    • suited,
    • compact,
    • certainly,
    • aptitude,
    • Waded,
    • gravely,
    • engorge,
    • blocked,
    • thick with,
    • chartered,
    • Converged,
    • concerned,
    • surfeit,
    • plenary,
    • stocked,
    • roundly,
    • circularly,
    • dexterously,
    • leased,
    • very,
    • conveyed,
    • diametrically,
    • deep,
    • cram full,
    • mend,
    • consume,
    • renew,
    • Asked,
    • quite,
    • engrossed,
    • binged,
    • fenced in,
    • adopted,
    • acquired,
    • extremely,
    • big,
    • amply,
    • purely,
    • concentrated,
    • chockablock,
    • provide,
    • overwhelmed,
    • worried,
    • comprehensively,
    • unconditionally,
    • restore,
    • highly,
    • seriously,
    • exactly,
    • clearly,
    • truly,
    • in full,
    • removed,
    • fenced off,
    • abundantly,
    • overabundance,
    • solely,
    • sincerely,
    • condensed,
    • Plumped,
    • overindulge,
    • Cloyed,
    • Adjoined,
    • goodly,
    • ingested,
    • admitted,
    • needed,
    • heartily,
    • fullness,
    • definitely,
    • overeat,
    • filler,
    • Resided,
    • weighted,
    • exclusively,
    • inclusive,
    • utterly,
    • correctly,
    • offer,
    • swarming,
    • contracted,
    • satiety,
    • apparently,
    • Sheerly,
    • repletion,
    • brimful,
    • Cemented,
    • positively,
    • accepted,
    • regularly,
    • thronged,
    • sealed,
    • crushed,
    • Tamped,
    • thick,
    • groaning,
    • finely,
    • boned,
    • altogether,
    • brim-full,
    • Undividedly,
    • properly,
    • inhabited,
    • merely,
    • radically,
    • strictly,
    • interested,
    • crawling,
    • refilled,
    • rotundly,
    • manifestly,
    • unqualifiedly,
    • intuition,
    • Inclusively,
    • widely,
    • overloaded,
    • faithfully,
    • perfectly,
    • Supplied,
    • filled up,
    • Replenished,
    • consumed,
    • choke-full,
    • refresh,
    • contribute,
    • Picked,
    • replace,
    • totally,
    • filled to the brim,
    • greatly,
    • urge,
    • compressed,
    • absolutely,
    • plenteously,
    • directed,
    • Demanded,
    • contacted,
    • profusely,
    • evidently,
    • become full,
    • most,
    • Invaded,
    • spend,
    • wefted,
    • sufficiently,
    • satiation,
    • soundly,
    • Claimed,
    • largely,
    • entirely,
    • flooded,
    • plumpish,
    • all the way,
    • impulse,
    • rightly,
    • foregathered,
    • chuck-full,
    • ally,
    • filled out,
    • matched,
    • assumed,
    • generally,
    • filled to overflowing,
    • renovate,
    • capacity,
    • equip,
    • touched,
    • implicitly,
    • work,
    • Aimed,
    • engross,
    • engaged,
    • hired,
    • Rented,
    • right,
    • complete,
    • makeweight,
    • ready to burst,
    • standing room only,
    • give,
    • Drummed,
    • required,
    • cater,
    • round,
    • copiously,
    • completely,
    • distinctly,
    • grossly,
    • selected,
    • forgathered,
    • finally,
    • plethoric,
    • cap-a-pie,
    • Lugged,
    • fully,
    • satisfactorily,
    • heaped,
    • uniformly,
    • one hundred percent,
    • broadly,
    • all,
    • well,
    • Poured,
    • guided,
    • good,
    • reinstate,
    • conclude,
    • assembled,
    • wholly,
    • trained,
    • filmed,
    • received,
    • adapt,
    • eventually,
    • pregnant,
    • fill,
    • Answered,
    • peopled,
    • covered,
    • burdened,
    • fill out,
    • die,
    • adequately,
    • fill up,
    • studied,
    • lined,
    • surfeited,
    • Topful,
    • employ,
    • fairly,
    • absorb,
    • subscribed,
    • Busied,
    • plainly,
    • delicately,
    • impeded,
    • instinct,
    • bulging,
    • Necessitated,
    • effected,
    • Throughly,
    • Suffered,
    • clogged,
    • expire,
    • conducted,
    • obese,
    • abound,
    • alive,
    • unreservedly,
    • considered,
    • bodily,
    • riddled,
    • spherically,
    • overstuffed,
    • thoroughly,
    • Exacted,
    • satisfaction,
    • dense,
    • Submitted,
    • close-packed,
    • in its entirety,
    • clotted,
    • Brimmed,
    • dissipate,
    • gathered,
    • Encountered,
    • unbrokenly,
    • Acted,
    • integrally,
    • filled in.

How to use «Filled» in context?

Filled to the brim with excitement, anticipation and more than a bit of nerves, the big day had finally arrived. After months of planning and hundreds of miles of driving, my partner and I were getting married.

Our families and friends had all converged on the small town we had chosen for our ceremony and reception; and the only thing left to do was to get married. We had both decided on a outdoor ceremony, something that embodied our love for nature.

The day started out cloudy and a little chilly, but that just added to the excitement of it all.

Paraphrases for Filled:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Proper noun, singular
      fill, fills.
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Verb, past participle
  • Independent

    • Adjective
    • Verb, past tense
      acquired, addressed, adopted, assumed, blocked, built, busy, checked, closing, completing, conducted, covered, developed, donated, empowered, endowed, equipped, established, executed, figured, flooded, form, handled, held, honoured, implemented, kept, loaded, made, manned, note, occupied, occupy, packed, particular, planted, plastered, played, plugged, pointed, posed, prepared, processed, promulgated, put, raised, ranked, selected, smashed, stole, stuffed, supported, turned, Accounted, Achieved, Acted, Addressing, Answered, Appealed, Asked, Caught, Chose, Dealt, Delivered, Deposited, Descended, Did, Exercised, Filed, Fitted, Gave, Got, Installed, Introduced, Invaded, Lived, Occupying, Operated, Overcame, Picked, Ran, Reached, Recruited, Remedies, Rendered, Replied, Responded, Returned, Served, Slammed, Took, Undertook, Worked, Wrote, Yielded, Complied, Corresponded, Created, Prevailed, Provided, Submitted, Supplemented, discharges, tabled, GOTTA, opted, sowed, laid, beefed, ‘d.
    • Verb, past participle
      absorbed, accompanied, accomplished, acquired, activated, added, addressed, admitted, adopted, advised, affected, afflicted, aged, allotted, amended, applied, appointed, apportioned, appropriated, arranged, ascertained, assembled, assigned, assisted, assumed, assured, attached, attained, augmented, available, backed, balanced, beaten, become, beset, bestowed, blamed, blessed, blocked, bound, breached, broken, built, burdened, characterised, characterized, charged, checked, chosen, classified, cleared, collected, colonized, combined, commissioned, committed, compensated, composed, concerned, concluded, conducted, conferred, confined, confiscated, considered, consumed, contained, contracted, corrected, coupled, covered, credited, crossed, crowded, cured, dedicated, delete, depleted, derived, described, designated, designed, determined, developed, devoted, directed, discharged, disclosed, dismissed, disposed, dissatisfied, distracted, distributed, dominated, donated, done, drawn, drenched, driven, earned, effected, elaborated, elected, elicited, empowered, emptied, enclosed, encumbered, ended, endowed, enforced, engaged, enhanced, enrolled, entitled, equipped, established, executed, exhausted, expanded, expended, expired, exploited, extended, faced, failed, featured, fed, figured, financed, finished, flooded, forfeited, formed, found, fueled, funded, furnished, given, gone, granted, gratified, guaranteed, handed, handled, harnessed, haunted, have, headed, held, hired, honoured, identified, implemented, impressed, improved, included, incorporated, indisposed, infected, infested, informed, inhabited, initiated, inscribed, insert, instructed, insured, invested, involved, kept, knackered, labeled, labelled, let, lifted, lined, listed, littered, loaded, located, made, mainstreamed, maintained, manned, marked, matched, mined, missed, mounted, moved, named, narrowed, nominated, noted, obligated, obliged, occupied, offset, outlined, overcome, overgrown, overrun, packaged, packed, paid, perceived, placed, plagued, planted, played, pleased, plugged, pointed, poised, populated, possessed, posted, powered, preoccupied, prepared, presented, prey, printed, processed, pronounced, protected, pursued, put, realised, realized, reclaimed, reconciled, record, recorded, recovered, rectified, reduced, referenced, registered, reinforced, released, removed, renewed, replace, replacement, reported, required, resolved, respected, retained, reversed, risen, rounded, ruled, run, saved, secured, seized, selected, sent, serviced, set, settled, shaped, shed, shouldered, shut, situated, solved, specified, spent, spotted, stamped, stated, stocked, stolen, stored, stricken, stripped, struck, subdued, suited, supported, surmounted, swallowed, swamped, tagged, taken, taped, tapped, terminated, tied, tired, touched, traced, trapped, treated, turned, twisted, utilized, very, vested, wasted, weighted, wired, won, Accommodated, Accorded, Accounted, Achieved, Acted, Administered, Afforded, Amplified, Answered, Appealed, Apprised, Approached, Ascribed, Asked, Attributed, Avoided, Awarded, Been, Borne, Befallen, Believed, Benefited, Captured, Cared, Carried, Caught, Catered, Chaired, Challenged, Channelled, Cited, Dealt, Deemed, Delegated, Deleted, Delivered, Deployed, Deposited, Detained, Devolved, Disbursed, Discussed, Displayed, Drafted, Earmarked, Eliminated, Enabled, Enacted, Enjoyed, Enriched, Enshrined, Entered, Evolved, Exceeded, Exercised, Exerted, Fared, Filed, Fitted, Flown, Followed, Generated, Got, Hammered, Harvested, Housed, Incurred, Indicated, Infiltrated, Influenced, Injected, Inserted, Installed, Instituted, Intercepted, Introduced, Invaded, Invoked, Issued, Knocked, Lacked, Lasted, Liquidated, Lived, Lodged, Looked, Managed, Mapped, Mentioned, Mobilized, Notified, Obtained, Omitted, Operated, Overtaken, Passed, Penetrated, Reached, Recruited, Referred, Remanded, Remedied, Remitted, Rendered, Replenished, Replied, Responded, Returned, Scored, Served, Shipped, Shown, Tackled, Tasked, Taxed, Told, Tendered, Transferred, Trashed, Undertaken, Vacated, Worked, Yielded, Compiled, Complied, Conformed, Confronted, Contributed, Counted, Created, Poured, Provided, Provisioned, Punched, Spared, Spilled, Submitted, Substituted, Succeeded, Superseded, Supplemented, Supplied, Swarmed, complimented, finalized, tabled, entrusted, reacted, posts, redressed, briefed, ensured, allocated, replaced, complements, positioned, mandated, triggered, VOL, HIT, fuelled, outsourced, kicked, reoccupied, overtired, phoned, reallocated, uploaded, staffed, backfilled, complemented, stoked, resourced, laid, maximised, pissed, actioned, filled-in, finalised, infilled.
  • Other Related

    • Proper noun, singular

What is another word for Filled?

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.3 / 3 votes

  1. filled

    brimful, brimmed, brimming, busy, crammed, crowded, full, gorged, inhabited, jammed, occupied, overflowing, packed, replete

    blank, empty, leisure, unemployed, unfilled, unoccupied, untenanted, vacant, vacuous, void, waste

Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. filledadjective

    (usually followed by `with’ or used as a combining form) generously supplied with

    «theirs was a house filled with laughter»; «a large hall filled with rows of desks»; «fog-filled air»

    unfilled, unoccupied, empty

  2. filledadjective

    of purchase orders that have been filled

    unoccupied, empty, unfilled

  3. filledadjective

    (of time) taken up

    «well-filled hours»

    unfilled, unoccupied, empty

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:4.6 / 9 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «filled»:

    completed, fulfilled, occupied, met, bridged, staffed, covered, backfilled, loaded, satisfied, encumbered, populated, filled-in

How to pronounce filled?

How to say filled in sign language?

How to use filled in a sentence?

  1. Donald Ellison:

    This indictment is filled with allegations of innocuous events that somehow the government has cobbled into a theory of bribery, it’s not a crime to be friends with people you work with.

  2. Nikhil Pahwa:

    When you are consciously choosing to not act on repeated violations, which are leading to harm, then it’s a choice you’re making, and somewhere law is going to catch up with you, the gap between responsibility and liability is going to get filled with regulation. And that’s what’s happening right now.

  3. Charles Thorson:

    The Islamic State’s attack likely had multiple objectives, including disrupting Charles Thorson at the airport and embarrassing The Taliban as The Taliban tries to distance The Taliban from terrorist groups and portray The Taliban as being capable of providing security throughout the country, the Islamic State attack also probably serves longer-term objectives of driving recruitment and reinvigorating the Islamic State’s image within the global jihadist community amid the group’s downfall in Iraq and Syria, Thorson added. ISIS-K isestimated to have between 2,000 and 3,000 fighters operating in Afghanistan and its ranks swelled with more fighters after prisoners were released when the Afghan government collapsed. Charles Thorson MILITARY ESCAPE FROM AFGHANISTAN : AIR FORCE CREWS DESCRIBE ‘ APOCALYPTIC ’ FINAL SCENES A main gripe of ISIS-K with The Taliban is the deal the group negotiated with United States in Doha. ISIS-K considers the The Taliban traitors for entering into talks with the United States and announced The Taliban intentions to undermine the deal by launching a war against the The Taliban and the U.S.-backed Afghan government. While The Taliban simultaneously waged an insurgency campaign against Afghan forces and negotiated with the U.S., ISIS-K conducted deadly terror attacks on Afghan civilians, an attempt to discredit the The Taliban and drive-up recruitment. The attack from ISIS-K also highlights the internal fissures within The Taliban that will likely grow more profound as The Taliban enter the governing phase of their takeover. The Taliban have, at least rhetorically, struck a more moderate and pragmatic tone from their previous iteration in power 20 years ago. While leadership and spokespersons have remained mild in tone, the The Taliban rank and file are filled with more extremist factions that will be more attracted to the radicalism that ISIS-K espouses. According to Thorson, such a structure is vulnerable to infiltration by more extreme organizations like The Islamic State. Although the The Taliban and Islamic State are enemies, defections from one group to another suggest there may be pockets of sympathy within each group for the other. After all, this is how ISIS-Kformed in 2015, when disaffected remnants of the Pakistani The Taliban and other Jihadist groups split and pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The rupture led to a declaration of war on both sides.

  4. Gilad Itach:

    It is difficult not to be impressed by the sight of the immense underground reservoir quarried out so many years ago, in antiquity, rainwater collection and storage was a fundamental necessity. With an annual rainfall of 500 millimeters( 20 inches), the region’s winter rains would easily have filled the huge reservoir.

  5. Raymond Zar:

    A room without a purpose becomes filled with things that serve no purpose.

    It is the same with our minds.


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Table of Contents

  1. What is the mean of filled?
  2. Is it filed or filled?
  3. Is fill a word?
  4. What does fell mean?
  5. What type of verb is filled?
  6. Is filled a adjective?
  7. Is filled a participle?
  8. Is fill a regular verb?
  9. Is filled past tense?
  10. Is filled a verb?
  11. What are the three forms of feel?
  12. Is feeling a participle?
  13. What is the third form of fell?
  14. Is fell past or present?
  15. What is the past perfect of fell?
  16. Is felled correct?
  17. Did fell or did fall?
  18. Was felled in a sentence?
  19. Had fell or had fallen?
  20. Is it fell in love or fall in love?
  21. What is difference between fall and fell?
  22. What is the meaning of fell down?
  23. What do you do when you fall down?
  24. What is another word for fell down?
  25. How long do you have to go to the doctor after a slip and fall?
  26. Why do doctors ask you if you have fallen?
  27. Why do I fall over a lot?

What is another word for filled?

What is the mean of filled?

to make full; put as much as can be held into: to fill a jar with water. to occupy to the full capacity: Water filled the basin. The crowd filled the hall. to supply to an extreme degree or plentifully: to fill a house with furniture; to fill the heart with joy.

full packed
loaded overflowing
stuffed brimming
bursting congested
crammed crowded

Is it filed or filled?

As verbs the difference between filled and filed is that filled is (fill) while filed is (file).

Is fill a word?

Yes, fills is in the scrabble dictionary.

What does fell mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to cut, knock, or bring down fell a tree. b : kill Her father was felled by a heart attack. 2 : to sew (a seam) by folding one raw edge under the other and sewing flat on the wrong side.

What type of verb is filled?

fill. [transitive, intransitive] to make something full of something; to become full of something fill something Please fill this glass for me. to fill a vacuum/void The school is filled to capacity.

Is filled a adjective?

This adjective is sometimes used interchangeably with “full,” but it’s more likely to describe a food item that’s stuffed full of some kind of filling, from filled pasta shells to filled pastries, or to substitute for “fulfilled,” like your filled online order for cat food.

Is filled a participle?

The past tense of fill is filled. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of fill is fills. The present participle of fill is filling. The past participle of fill is filled.

Is fill a regular verb?

Regular Verb: To Fill.

Is filled past tense?

Fill Past Tense. past tense of fill is filled.

Is filled a verb?

Fill is a verb, and means ‘make or become full’. The -ed form is filled: Can you fill this bottle with water for me? She has filled my life with happiness.

What are the three forms of feel?

Conjugation of ‘Feel’

Base Form (Infinitive): Feel
Past Simple: Felt
Past Participle: Felt
3rd Person Singular: Feels
Present Participle/Gerund: Feeling

Is feeling a participle?

The present participle of feel is feeling. The past participle of feel is felt.

What is the third form of fell?

Conjugation of ‘Fall’

Base Form (Infinitive): Fall
Past Simple: Fell
Past Participle: Fallen
3rd Person Singular: Falls
Present Participle/Gerund: Falling

Is fell past or present?

make verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
fell felling felled

What is the past perfect of fell?


past perfectⓘ pluperfect subjunctive
you had fallen
he, she, it had fallen
we had fallen
you had fallen

Is felled correct?

A tree falls in the woods, but a logger falls trees as well. but in the past tense, A tree fell in the woods, but the logger felled a tree. However, if it’s not a tree, or if it’s not a person’s normal course of work to fall trees, then fell is used to mean “cause [some structure, regime, etc.] to fall.”

Did fell or did fall?

Because “did” is a past of do the tense is past participle when you use with another verb, but if you use the simple past of “fall” the you use “fell” instead.

Was felled in a sentence?

Felled sentence example. Firewood and timber felled during the period of the German occupation fall to the State. Here cedars were felled for him by the Syrian princes, and the Phoenicians paid homage before he returned home in triumph.

Had fell or had fallen?

Fell is past. Fallen is the past participle. “had fallen” is the past perfect tense, in English grammar you use this tense to show which action occurred first out of two actions.

Is it fell in love or fall in love?

(intransitive, of a person, animate object following “with”) To come to have feelings of love directed at another person or a thing. I fell in love with him the moment I first saw him. (intransitive, reciprocal) To come to have feelings of love towards each other.

What is difference between fall and fell?

The difference between Fall and Fell. When used as nouns, fall means the act of moving to a lower position under the effect of gravity, whereas fell means a cutting-down of timber. When used as verbs, fall means to move to a lower position under the effect of gravity, whereas fell means to make something fall.

What is the meaning of fell down?

1. To drop or come down freely under the influence of gravity: Leaves fell from the tree. 2. a. To drop oneself to a lower or less erect position: I fell back in my chair.

What do you do when you fall down?

The first thing you need to do after a fall is work out if you’re hurt. Take a few minutes to check your body for any pain or injuries, then: if you’re not hurt, try to get up from the floor. if you’re hurt or unable to get off the floor, call for help and keep warm and moving as best you can while you wait.

What is another word for fell down?

What is another word for fell down?

keeled over staggered
tumbled down collapsed
dropped fell
felled took a spill
tripped tumbled

How long do you have to go to the doctor after a slip and fall?

within 72 hours

Why do doctors ask you if you have fallen?

Doctors can help older adults reduce their risk of falling, so be sure you let your doctor know if you’ve fallen, or if you have a fear of falling.” Many patients who’ve fallen worry they’ll be fast-tracked to losing their independence.

Why do I fall over a lot?

This can be caused by dehydration, ageing circulation, medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and heart conditions and some medications used to treat high blood pressure. inner ear problems – such as labyrinthitis or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) problems with your heart rate or rhythm.

1. filled

adjective. [‘ˈfɪld’] (usually followed by `with’ or used as a combining form) generously supplied with.


  • emptiness

Rhymes with Filled

  • unskilled
  • instilled
  • distilled
  • rebuild
  • mathilde
  • thrilled
  • stilled
  • spilled
  • spilde
  • skilled
  • grilled
  • drilled
  • willed
  • milled
  • killed
  • hilde
  • hild
  • guild
  • gild
  • chilled
  • childe
  • build
  • billed
  • bild

Sentences with filled

1. Verb, past participle
They are not filled right to the cap.

Quotes about filled

1. Life is just so much fun and so filled with humor.
Foster Friess

2. I know that I will never find my father in any other man who comes into my life, because it is a void in my life that can only be filled by him.
Halle Berry

3. Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don’t always like.
Lemony Snicket

2. sperm-filled

adjective. filled with sperm.


  • emptiness

3. smoke-filled

adjective. containing smoke.


  • tasteless

4. egg-filled

adjective. full of eggs.


  • emptiness

5. gas-filled

adjective. full of a gas.


  • emptiness

6. air-filled

adjective. full of air.


  • emptiness

7. blood-filled

adjective. containing blood.


  • merciful

8. filled

adjective. [‘ˈfɪld’] (of time) taken up.


  • thin

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