Another word for felt like


Synonyms of felt like

  • as in liked

  • as in liked

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felt like


Definition of felt likenext

past tense of feel like

as in liked

to wish to have

This song makes me feel like dancing!

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • liked

  • wanted

  • enjoyed

  • loved

  • fancied

  • cared (for)

  • relished

  • welcomed

  • wished (for)

  • reveled (in)

  • revelled (in)

  • yearned (for)

  • hankered (for or after)

  • desired

  • grooved (on)

  • craved

  • delighted (in)

  • died (for)

  • coveted

  • adored

  • dug

Thesaurus Entries Near felt like

felt (for)

felt like

felt (out)

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“Felt like.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.

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Photo search results for Feel like

Persons Left Hand Doing Thumbs Up Free stock photo of adult, affection, anniversary Like Printed on Brown Wooden Scrabble Positive senior man in eyeglasses showing thumbs up and looking at camera Persons Hand Doing Thumbs Up A Coffee Drink With Steamed Milk

Image search results for Feel like

husband and wife, at home, merry christmas heart, icon, vector heart, potato, love heart, potato, love food, heart shape, frisch heart, potato, love

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Synonyms for Feel like. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

Synonyms for Feel like. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Feel like. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

What is another word for felt like?

14 synonyms found


[ fˈɛlt lˈa͡ɪk], [ fˈɛlt lˈa‍ɪk], [ f_ˈɛ_l_t l_ˈaɪ_k]

Table of Contents

  • v.

    like (verb)

    • feel like,
    • will,
    • please,
    • select,
    • prefer,
    • incline toward,
    • fancy,
    • elect,
    • wish,
    • care to,
    • have a preference for,
    • feel disposed,
    • want,
    • desire.

How to use «Felt like» in context?

There is no one answer as to why we might feel «felt like.» It could be that we are feeling down about ourselves or our circumstances and our feelings reflect that. It could also be that we are feeling energetic, happy, excited, or excited about something. It could also be that we are feeling nervous, restless, or sick. We might not have a specific reason, but we just feel «felt like» in that particular moment.

Table of Contents

Rhymes with Feel Like

  • vanslyke
  • vanskike
  • vanschaick
  • vandyke
  • mcpike
  • gruneich
  • dislike
  • unlike
  • strike
  • streich
  • spike
  • speich
  • schweich
  • schleich
  • gleich
  • bleich
  • alike
  • zike
  • wyke
  • wike
  • weich
  • vike
  • tyke
  • tike
  • teich
  • rike
  • reiche
  • reich
  • pyke
  • psych

3. like

verb. [‘ˈlaɪk’] find enjoyable or agreeable.


  • liken (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • lician (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

5. like

verb. [‘ˈlaɪk’] prefer or wish to do something.


  • liken (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • lician (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

10. feel

verb. [‘ˈfiːl’] be felt or perceived in a certain way.


  • feele (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • felen (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • fela (Old Norse)

Sentences with feel-like

What can I say instead of felt?

What is another word for felt like?

wanted chose
yearned for thirsted for
set one’s heart on itched for
felt cared
desiderated enjoyed

What is another word for deeply felt?

expressive moving
zealous profound
delineated figurative
heartfelt mournful
vigorous well-expressed

What can I use instead of I feel like?

Simply replace it with “I know” or remove it altogether. And look it’s okay if you’re afraid of communicating more directly—that often comes with speaking up. But it’s also what you were hired to do: Confidently share your ideas. Even if people disagree you’ll get to the final decision faster.

What is a word for Feel Like?

“I feel like an ice cream.”

What is another word for feel like?

would like hanker after
desire dislike
fancy want
wish yen for
be bent on be desperate for

See also how to become a buddha

What does become widely felt mean?

1 having a great extent from side to side. 2 of vast size or scope spacious or extensive. a postpositive having a specified extent esp. from side to side.

What is the synonym of heartfelt?

Some common synonyms of heartfelt are hearty sincere unfeigned and wholehearted. While all these words mean “genuine in feeling ” heartfelt suggests depth of genuine feeling outwardly expressed. expresses our heartfelt gratitude.

Which means almost the same as thoughts?

Some common synonyms of thought are conception concept idea impression and notion.

What is a better phrase than I think?

You can use different phrases as you start speaking. There is a detailed list below.

Ways to Say I THINK.

In my opinion… I believe…
To my mind… It is my view…
As far as I’m concerned… It’s my belief that…
The way I see things is that… I honestly believe that…
As I see it… To my way of thinking…

How do you say I think in a formal way?

‘I Think’ Synonyms List

  1. In my opinion.
  2. As far as I’m concerned – This phrase is often used in a more authoritative sense.
  3. I believe that…
  4. I am of the opinion that…
  5. It is my belief…
  6. It seems to me/It appears to me.
  7. To my way of thinking/In my way of thinking.
  8. I honestly think that/ I honestly believe that…

What’s another word for I think?

What is another word for I think?

personally I believe
I expect I surmise
I estimate I gather
I presume I suppose
I anticipate I fancy

What is a synonym for having a sense?

Some common synonyms of sense are common sense judgment and wisdom. While all these words mean “ability to reach intelligent conclusions ” sense implies a reliable ability to judge and decide with soundness prudence and intelligence.

What’s another word for widely used?

What is another word for widely used?

established traditional
conventional historic
proven stable
acceptable deep-rooted
ingrained mainstream

What’s another word for widely?

In this page you can discover 21 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for widely like: generally broadly extensively in a small circle publicly comprehensively popularly wide narrowly far and nationally.

What is a word for widely available?

fair-to-middling. fair. anonymous. unmemorable. common variety.

What does deeply felt mean?

: deeply felt : very sincere.

See also what is the difference between fault block and upwarped mountains

What does hard felt mean?

: feelings of dislike or anger toward someone that you think has mistreated you She felt/had no hard feelings towards him.

What is a better word than wonderful?

admirable amazing astonishing awesome brilliant cool enjoyable excellent fabulous fantastic fine incredible magnificent marvelous outstanding phenomenal pleasant pleasing remarkable sensational.

What is a synonym for under the impression?

assuming holding a view maintaining presuming under the impression putting faith in.

What is another word for thought about?

Thought-about Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus.

What is another word for thought-about?

thought contemplated
stopped to consider thought about
thought out thought over
took under consideration gave thought to
took into consideration turned over

What word beginning with I means to examine your own thoughts ideas and feelings?

introspection Add to list Share. Introspection means “to look inside ” and describes the act of thinking about your own actions or inner thoughts. When you examine what you do say think or feel and how it affects your life and the lives of others that’s introspection.

What can I say instead of I think in an essay?

If it is a speech or a more informal paper “in my opinion” or “from my point of view” could be used. Besides “in my opinion” “In my experience” or “to my mind” you could say “I see the situation as…” or “My viewpoint is…”.

What’s another word for thinking hard?

What is another word for think hard?

rack brains deliberate
think hard about deliberate on
evaluate puzzle over
examine review
ruminate about deliberate about

What is the word for thinking about thinking?

The term metacognition literally means ‘above cognition’ and is used to indicate cognition about cognition or more informally thinking about thinking.

What is a synonym for make sense?

In this page you can discover 24 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for make-sense like: be reasonable be understandable be coherent be logical be clear be plausible be lucid be intelligible add-up induct and hold-water.

What is the prefix of sense?

-sens- comes from Latin where it has the meaning “sense feel. ” This meaning is found in such words as: consensus dissension extrasensory insensible insensitive nonsense sensation sensational sense senseless sensitive sensor sensory sensual sensuous.

What is another word for the 5 senses?


  • feeling.
  • impression.
  • perception.
  • awareness.
  • consciousness.
  • atmosphere.
  • aura.
  • intuition.

See also What Is A Yurt Made Of?

What is a better word for popular?

well liked liked favoured in favour well received approved admired accepted welcome sought-after in demand desired wanted. commercial marketable saleable fashionable in fashion in vogue voguish all the rage hot.

What is a better word for Which?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for which like: that and which and-that what whichever who whatever thus for-which therefore and so-that. Words That Rhyme With Orange.

Which word is more popular?

‘The’ tops the league tables of most frequently used words in English accounting for 5% of every 100 words used. “’The’ really is miles above everything else ” says Jonathan Culpeper professor of linguistics at Lancaster University. But why is this?

What is the synonyms of wide?

In this page you can discover 98 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for wide like: full deep broad wide allopatric tighten all-embracing spaciousness wide-of-the-mark large-scale and off-the-mark.

What is the meaning wildly?

English Language Learners Definition of wildly

: in an uncontrolled or excited way : in a wild way. : very or extremely.

Can be used synonym?

What is another word for can be used?

can be brought into play can be brought to bear
can be drawn on can be exploited
can be put to use can be utilized
may be used

What means within reach?

1 : close enough to be touched or picked up : nearby He kept a dictionary within reach. 2 : close enough to be achieved Victory was within reach.

What is another word for availability?

What is another word for availability?

accessibility attainability
handiness obtainability
availableness convenience
disposal readiness
ease of access reachability

14 OVERUSED ENGLISH WORDS – Stop Using Them! Use these alternatives

Describe Your Feelings in English [23 Alternatives to Happy Sad Angry Tired and More]

Alec Benjamin – The Way You Felt: The Words

12 Emotions You Might Feel But Can’t Explain

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