Another word for derived

What is another word for derived?

235 synonyms found


[ dɪɹˈa͡ɪvd], [ dɪɹˈa‍ɪvd], [ d_ɪ_ɹ_ˈaɪ_v_d]

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    Table of Contents

    Synonyms for Derived:

    • adj.

      all (adjective)

      • derived.

      derivational (adjective)

      • un-original,
      • un original,
      • imitative.

      derivative (adjective)

      • Borrowed,
      • unoriginal.

      different (adjective)

      • variant.

      foreign (adjective)

      • more immigrant,
      • un accustomed,
      • un known,
      • de rived,
      • more transoceanic,
      • ex patriate,
      • faraway,
      • most transoceanic,
      • most expatriate,
      • most exiled,
      • un-familiar,
      • far fetched,
      • more nonnative,
      • non native,
      • un-explored,
      • faroff,
      • in-accessible,
      • un-known,
      • more estranged,
      • unfamiliar,
      • ex-patriate,
      • more adopted,
      • over seas,
      • out side,
      • more exiled,
      • most adopted,
      • un explored,
      • trans-oceanic,
      • extra local,
      • most nonresident,
      • non resident,
      • extra-local,
      • un familiar,
      • de-rived,
      • more extralocal,
      • most nonnative,
      • nonresident,
      • most extralocal,
      • more expatriate,
      • extrinsic,
      • over-seas,
      • trans oceanic,
      • un-accustomed,
      • most immigrant,
      • most estranged,
      • in accessible,
      • re-mote,
      • more nonresident.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • nonnative,
      • extralocal,
      • Derivate,
      • Non-resident,
      • second hand,
      • far off,
      • foreign,
      • non-native,
      • from abroad,
      • second-hand,
      • transoceanic,
      • not domestic,
      • not native.

      secondary (adjective)

      • de-pendent,
      • sub-sequent,
      • more second-hand,
      • more resultant,
      • more derivate,
      • in-direct,
      • most second hand,
      • sub sequent,
      • most resultant,
      • sub-ordinate,
      • more second hand,
      • most derivate,
      • most second-hand,
      • most resulting,
      • de pendent,
      • more resulting,
      • sub ordinate,
      • in direct.

      variant (adjective)

      • most differing,
      • more differing.
    • n.

      • kin.

      calculable (noun)

      • calculable.

      copied (noun)

      • copied.

      derivable (noun)

      • derivable.

      derivative (noun)

      • derivative.

      derived (noun)

      • plagiarised,
      • plagiarized,
      • traced,
      • plagiaristic.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • secondary,
      • calculated.
    • Other synonyms:

      • derivational.

      • acquired.

      Other relevant words:

      • sourced.


      • secondhand.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • condescend,
      • received,
      • instinctive,
      • reasoned,
      • earned,
      • infer,
      • owing to,
      • Ascititious,
      • extraneous,
      • Inferred,
      • Guessed,
      • Evolved,
      • recouped,
      • inbred,
      • derive,
      • indigenous,
      • deducted,
      • extrapolated,
      • Followed,
      • concluded,
      • deduce,
      • Extrinsical,
      • evoked,
      • Congenite,
      • realised,
      • originate,
      • normal,
      • Deduced,
      • objective,
      • Imitated,
      • ingrained,
      • radical,
      • modal,
      • adscititious,
      • contingent,
      • genetous,
      • worn,
      • inwrought,
      • generalised,
      • innate,
      • conclude,
      • gain,
      • implanted,
      • in the grain,
      • Emanated,
      • attained,
      • fortuitous,
      • generalized,
      • incidental,
      • totaled,
      • Ingenerate,
      • nonessential,
      • arrive,
      • Descended,
      • Emerged,
      • elicited,
      • Procured,
      • connate,
      • deduct,
      • derivable from,
      • inward,
      • get,
      • resulting from,
      • Deigned,
      • Numbered,
      • Ingenite,
      • Reaped,
      • settled,
      • indirect,
      • reap,
      • congenital,
      • Condescended,
      • collected,
      • Totalled,
      • hereditary,
      • implicit,
      • Proceeded,
      • cleared,
      • inherent,
      • Arrived,
      • constructive,
      • adventitious,
      • fundamental,
      • take,
      • Ensued,
      • syngenic,
      • internal,
      • essential,
      • thoroughbred,
      • acquire,
      • evolve,
      • Captured,
      • not original,
      • inborn,
      • eclectic,
      • elicit,
      • deliberate,
      • advanced,
      • due to,
      • natural,
      • DO,
      • Resulted,
      • different,
      • attain,
      • inferential,
      • Originated,
      • Educed,
      • subjective,
      • come,
      • pulled,
      • educe,
      • descend,
      • accidental,
      • virtual,
      • accrued,
      • immanent,
      • incarnate,
      • Obtained,
      • stemmed,
      • Gained,
      • inherited,
      • intrinsical,
      • Created,
      • subtracted,
      • secured,
      • consequent,
      • draw,
      • Extracted,
      • intrinsic,
      • weened,
      • old,
      • Benefited.

    How to use «Derived» in context?

    derive is a verb meaning «to get or obtain by analysis or reduction from a source or basis»; it is derived from the Latin verb derivare, «to draw out, extract.» Derivation can be literal or figurative. The literal meaning is that something derives its existence from something else, typically a fundamental or original source. For example, a rock derives its shape and composition from the minerals it was formed from. The rock was not created out of nothing; it was derived from other rocks. The figurative meaning of «derived» is that something is drawn out or expressed in a particular way because of something else.

    Paraphrases for Derived:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Noun, plural
    • Independent

      • Adjective
        associated, calculated, processed, related, Computed, spin-off.
      • Proper noun, singular
        Obtained, products.
      • Noun, plural
        derivations, spin-offs.
      • Verb, past tense
        abandoned, acquired, arranged, articulated, ascertained, attained, built, calculated, characterized, charged, cleared, collected, come, completed, concluded, conducted, conferred, confiscated, cut, deducted, defined, demonstrated, departed, deprived, described, designed, dipped, drew, elaborated, enjoyment, enlisted, escaped, finished, fire, fired, forged, formed, formulated, found, founded, fulfilled, gathered, go, gone, graduated, identified, implemented, imposed, informed, initiated, inspired, interpreted, just, leave, leaving, led, left, let, made, maintained, manufactured, measured, observed, originate, outlined, output, paid, perceived, presented, processed, product, proved, pull, pulled, pumped, pursued, put, quit, realised, recovered, reduced, reflected, related, retired, retracted, revealed, saved, secured, sensed, settled, shot, sounded, specified, stemmed, struck, suspended, taught, tested, turned, used, who, won, wound, Arose, Arrived, Attributed, Averaged, Awarded, Bagged, Belonged, Benefited, Came, Captured, Carried, Caught, Caused, Claimed, Deduced, Delivered, Depended, Deposited, Devised, Displayed, Drafted, Dragged, Drifted, Emanated, Emerged, Enjoyed, Exhibited, Extracted, Filed, Flowed, Followed, Froze, Gained, Garnered, Generated, Hauled, Heeded, Inferred, Instituted, Launched, Levied, Managed, Obtained, Occurred, Performed, Picked, Rated, Reached, Reaped, Referred, Regarded, Relied, Resulted, Retrieved, Returned, Scored, Tabulated, Took, Than, Which, Whom, Withdrew, Yanked, Yielded, Commencing, Computed, Created, Proceeded, Procured, Pushed, Stipulated, Succeeded, exits, accessed, finalized, sparked, showed, ensured, reproduced, HIT, QUI, QU, crafted, laid, nigga, produit, -who.
      • Verb, past participle
        abandoned, accomplished, accordance, accrued, accumulated, acknowledged, acquired, adapted, added, admitted, advised, affiliated, aid, aligned, allotted, anticipated, applied, aroused, arranged, articulated, ascertained, assembled, asserted, assigned, assistance, assisted, associated, assumed, assured, attached, attained, awakened, backed, bestowed, blown, bonded, booked, born, bound, branched, broken, build, built, calculated, cancelled, cast, categorized, certified, characterised, characterized, charged, chosen, clarified, cleared, collected, come, committed, completed, compliant, composed, compounded, conceded, conceived, concluded, conducted, conferred, connected, constituted, contained, continued, contrived, correlated, covered, credited, dedicated, deducted, defined, demonstrated, deprived, described, designed, desired, detected, dictated, discharged, disclosed, discontinued, discovered, disposed, distracted, diverted, documented, done, driven, dropped, effected, elaborated, elicited, embodied, emerging, employed, empowered, endorsed, endowed, enforced, entrenched, evacuated, evidenced, executed, expanded, expected, experienced, exploited, expressed, extrapolated, fabricated, faced, fed, felt, filled, financed, finished, fire, fired, firing, fixed, forecast, foreseen, forfeited, forged, formalized, formed, formulated, found, founded, framed, freed, fueled, fulfilled, funded, furnished, gathered, given, gone, governed, graduated, grown, guaranteed, guided, handled, help, hired, identified, illustrated, implemented, implied, imported, imposed, included, incorporated, induced, informed, inherited, initiated, inspire, inspired, insured, intended, interpreted, involved, isolated, justified, kept, landed, led, left, lent, let, licensed, lifted, linked, listed, loaded, located, made, maintained, manufactured, marked, measured, method, methodology, mid, mined, modeled, modified, motivated, moved, netted, noticed, nourished, observed, offset, opened, originate, outlined, owed, owned, paid, party, perceived, permitted, pinned, placed, planned, pointed, populated, posed, possessed, powered, practicable, predicted, prescribed, priced, printed, proceed, processed, projected, proposed, proved, proven, pull, pulled, pursued, put, quit, raised, ranked, realised, reassured, recognised, recognized, recorded, recovered, reduced, referenced, reflected, registered, regulated, related, released, relieved, renewed, repeated, reported, requested, reserved, resolved, restored, result, retired, revealed, revived, rooted, ruled, satisfied, saved, scheduled, search, secured, seen, seized, selected, sent, separated, serviced, settled, shaped, shot, situated, solicited, solved, specified, stated, stolen, stranded, stripped, struck, structured, studied, substantiated, subtracted, suggested, supported, surrounded, sustained, tailored, taken, taught, terminated, tested, thanks, tied, tiered, timed, title, touched, tracked, transmitted, trapped, treated, turned, understood, uplifted, used, utilized, valued, verified, vested, voiced, wanted, warranted, washed, won, Accounted, Adduced, Afforded, Allowed, Anchored, Annexed, Answered, Appraised, Arisen, Arrived, Ascribed, Attracted, Attributed, Averaged, Awarded, Been, Borne, Begun, Believed, Benefited, Borrowed, Bought, Bred, Brought, Captured, Carried, Caught, Caused, Chalked, Cited, Claimed, Dealt, Debited, Deduced, Deemed, Delegated, Deleted, Delivered, Devised, Devolved, Disappeared, Disbursed, Discounted, Disengaged, Distilled, Domiciled, Drafted, Dragged, Duplicated, Earmarked, Echoed, Ejected, Elucidated, Emanated, Embarked, Emerged, Emitted, Enabled, Enacted, Encountered, Energized, Engendered, Enjoyed, Enshrined, Entailed, Enunciated, Evolved, Excavated, Excluded, Exercised, Explained, Extracted, Fared, Fathered, Filed, Fished, Followed, Forwarded, Gained, Garnered, Generated, Gotten, Gleaned, Grounded, Had, Happened, Harvested, Helped, Imparted, Incurred, Inferred, Inflicted, Influenced, Installed, Instituted, Insulated, Introduced, Launched, Learnt, Levelled, Levied, Lodged, Logged, Looked, Managed, Mapped, Materialized, Migrated, Mobilized, Modelled, Navigated, Necessitated, Obtained, Occasioned, Occurred, Offered, Omitted, Operated, Originated, Passed, Performed, Perpetrated, Phrased, Picked, Polled, Quoted, Rated, Reached, Reaped, Reckoned, Referred, Regarded, Relied, Rendered, Replicated, Resulted, Resumed, Retrieved, Returned, Revoked, Scored, Served, Short-circuited, Shown, Tabulated, Taxed, Towed, Transferred, Translated, Underpinned, Undertaken, Viewed, Worded, Worked, Yielded, Collated, Communicated, Compiled, Comprised, Computed, Constructed, Construed, Consulted, Contributed, Counted, Created, Culled, Preceded, Predicated, Premised, Procured, Prompted, Propelled, Prorated, Purchased, Pushed, Spawned, Spurred, Stationed, Subjected, started, Succeeded, Supplied, Incomes, exits, assists, accessed, finalized, evaluated, quantified, entrusted, answers, responses, sparked, circulated, ensured, outcomes, disassembled, allocated, restated, reproduced, unleashed, recommenced, mandated, triggered, recalled, withheld, sampled, HIT, GOTTA, COSTED, fuelled, indicators, levered, shorted, crafted, parameters, leveraged, interlinked, restarted, staffed, spearheaded, regained, reprinted, recaptured, highlighted, prioritized, downloaded, sourced, stoked, headquartered, sponsored, monitored, laid, follow-up, disaggregated, finalised, decommitted.
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
      • Proper noun, singular
        derivative, derivatives.

    Homophones for Derived:

    • drop out, drive out, drip pot, drift away, driftwood, dropped, draped, drop dead, dropout, drip feed, draftee, derby hat, drift, draft, drafty.

    Word of the Day



    Nearby words

    • derivatize
    • derive
    • derive from
    • derive pleasure
    • derive pleasure from
    • Derived
    • (dead) set against something
    • (do you) understand?
    • -day wonder
    • D
    • d and c


    • DERIVED synonyms at
    • DERIVED synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
      — DERIVED synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of DERIVED
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for DERIVED

    1 definition

    derived (Adjective) —   Formed or developed from something else; not original 1 example
    1. ex. «the belief that classes and organizations are secondary and derived»

    5 definitions

    derived (Verb) —   (logic) reason by deduction; establish by deduction
    derived (Verb) —   Have the benefit of; obtain something desirable 1 example
    1. ex. «derive pleasure from one’s garden»
    derived (Verb) —   Come from 1 example
    1. ex. «The present name derives from an older form»
    derived (Verb) —   Develop or evolve from a latent or potential state
    derived (Verb) —   Be connected by a relationship of blood, for example 1 example
    1. ex. «he derives from humble origins»

    7 misspelling


    All synonyms in one line

    consequent, dependent, old, proximate, resultant,, second-hand, secondary, subsequent, worn, came, deduced, deducted, descended, educed,, gained, inferred.

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    Synonyms of derived

    • as in understood

    • as in understood

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    Definition of derivednext

    past tense of derive

    as in understood

    to form an opinion or reach a conclusion through reasoning and information

    from the summit, he was able to derive his location from the position of several prominent landmarks

    Synonyms & Similar Words


    • understood

    • inferred

    • deduced

    • extrapolated

    • decided

    • concluded

    • assumed

    • ascertained

    • judged

    • thought

    • guessed

    • reasoned

    • speculated

    • gathered

    • supposed

    • interpreted

    • made out

    • surmised

    • conjectured

    • read

    • construed

    • drew a conclusion

    • contemplated

    • rationalized

    • found out

    • philosophized

    • doped (out)

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    “Derived.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.

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    Britannica English: Translation of derived for Arabic Speakers

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    Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:3.0 / 5 votes

    1. derivedadjective

      formed or developed from something else; not original

      «the belief that classes and organizations are secondary and derived»- John Dewey

      original, underived, primary

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. List of paraphrases for «derived»:

      derivatives, derivative, spin-off, calculated, obtained, computed, deducted, drifted, learned, achieved

    How to pronounce derived?

    How to say derived in sign language?

    How to use derived in a sentence?

    1. Kevin Skunes:

      Offering RIN credits, which are supposed to be derived from a domestic renewable fuel use, for ethanol exports would threaten trade markets and impact corn farmers’ economic livelihoods.

    2. Drexel Hamilton analyst Richard Whittington:

      I can’t see how they can possibly segregate the two. Whatever short term gain is derived, would be more than made up with permanent loss of market share in … two to three years.

    3. Rick Perry:

      I was always intrigued with economic development and an economic climate that frees people, it was innate, something I derived from watching people I admired like my father, and it wasn’t something I read or studied in school.

    4. Helmuth von Moltke the Elder:

      Strategy is a system of makeshifts. Is is more than a science. It is bringing knowledge to bear on practical life, the further elaboration of an original guiding idea under constantly changing circumstances. It is the art of acting under the pressure of the most demanding conditions…That is why general principles, rules derived from them, and systems based on these rules cannot possibly have any value for strategy.

    5. Joseph Addison:

      From social intercourse are derived some of the highest enjoyments of life; where there is a free interchange of sentiments the mind acquires new ideas, and by frequent exercise of its powers, the understanding gains fresh vigor.


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    Table of Contents

    • 1. derived

    • Rhymes with Derived

    • How do you spell derived? Is it dirived ?

    • Derived in a sentence

    • Quotes about Derived



    1. derived

    adjective. [‘dɝˈaɪvd’] formed or developed from something else; not original.


    • derivative
    • plagiarized
    • derivable
    • plagiaristic


    • original
    • primary

    Rhymes with Derived

    • shortlived
    • contrived
    • deprived
    • survived
    • revived
    • thrived
    • lived
    • dived
    • arrived

    How do you spell derived? Is it dirived ?

    A common misspelling of derived is dirived

    Sentences with derived

    1. Verb, past participle
    This price is referred to as the consideration, and the transfer tax amount is derived from it.

    2. Verb, past tense
    The Nationalists derived their strength from the Spanish military, under the command of Francisco Franco.

    Quotes about derived

    1. Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.
    Christopher Hitchens, God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

    2. Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.
    Mahatma Gandhi

    3. The word ‘sin’ is derived from the Indo-European root ‘es-,’ meaning ‘to be.’ When I discovered this etymology, I intuitively understood that for a [person] trapped in patriarchy, which is the religion of the entire planet, ‘to be’ in the fullest sense is ‘to sin’.
    Mary Daly

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