Another word for covering or cover

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. cover

    Hide is the general term, including all the rest, signifying to put out of sight or beyond ready observation or approach; a thing may be hidden by intention, by accident, or by the imperfection of the faculties of the one from whom it is hidden; in their games, children hide the slipper, or hide themselves from each other; a man unconsciously hides a picture from another by standing before it, or hides a thing from himself by laying something else over it. Even an unconscious object may hide another; as, a cloud hides the sun, or a building hides some part of the prospect by intervening between it and the observer’s position. As an act of persons, to conceal is always intentional; one may hide his face in anger, grief, or abstraction; he conceals his face when he fears recognition. A house is hidden by foliage; the bird’s nest is artfully concealed. Secrete is a stronger word than conceal, and is used chiefly of such material objects as may be separated from the person, or from their ordinary surroundings, and put in unlooked-for places; a man conceals a scar on his face, but does not secrete it; a thief secretes stolen goods; an officer may also be said to secrete himself to watch the thief. A thing is covered by putting something over or around it, whether by accident or design; it is screened by putting something before it, always with some purpose of protection from observation, inconvenience, attack, censure, etc. In the figurative use, a person may hide honorable feelings; he conceals an evil or hostile intent. Anything which is effectually covered and hidden under any mass or accumulation is buried. Money is buried in the ground; a body is buried in the sea; a paper is buried under other documents. Whatever is buried is hidden or concealed; but there are many ways of hiding or concealing a thing without burying it. So a person may be covered with wraps, and not buried under them. Bury may be used of any object, entomb and inter only of a dead body. Figuratively, one may be said to be buried in business, in study, etc. Compare IMMERSE; PALLIATE.

    bury, cloak, conceal, disguise, dissemble, entomb, hide, inter, mask, overwhelm, screen, secrete, suppress, veil

    admit, advertise, avow, betray, confess, disclose, discover, disinter, divulge, exhibit, exhume, expose, lay bare, lay open, make known, reveal, manifest, promulgate, publish, raise, show, tell, uncover, unmask, unveil

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. coververb

    hide, conceal, cloak, screen, secrete, protect, meet, secure, overspread, clothe, shield, shelter

    expose, reveal, betray, exhibit, produce, mis-suffice

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. screen, cover, covert, concealmentnoun

    a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something

    «a screen of trees afforded privacy»; «under cover of darkness»; «the brush provided a covert for game»; «the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background»

    masking, blanket, screen, covering, silver screen, blind, projection screen, covert, back, screen door, covering fire, hiding, screenland, natural covering, cover song, privateness, sieve, concealing, concealment, cover version, top, privacy, filmdom, binding, cover charge, secrecy, screening, book binding

    expose, uncover

  2. blanket, covernoun

    bedding that keeps a person warm in bed

    «he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep»

    cover charge, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, covering fire, binding, covert, natural covering, cover song, concealment, top, masking, back, mantle, screening, book binding

    expose, uncover

  3. cover, covering, screening, maskingnoun

    the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it

    «the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft»

    cover charge, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, coating, covering fire, binding, covert, natural covering, cover song, viewing, concealment, masking piece, top, masking, showing, back, application, screening, book binding

    expose, uncover

  4. binding, book binding, cover, backnoun

    the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book

    «the book had a leather binding»

    dressing, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, spinal column, back, rear, binding, rachis, covert, covering fire, spine, natural covering, cover song, screening, bandaging, concealment, top, masking, cover charge, backbone, backrest, dorsum, ski binding, book binding, vertebral column

    expose, uncover

  5. covering, natural covering, covernoun

    a natural object that covers or envelops

    «under a covering of dust»; «the fox was flushed from its cover»

    masking, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, coating, covering fire, application, covert, natural covering, cover song, concealment, top, back, binding, cover charge, screening, book binding

    expose, uncover

  6. top, covernoun

    covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)

    «he removed the top of the carton»; «he couldn’t get the top off of the bottle»; «put the cover back on the kettle»

    top side, cover song, binding, height, covert, crest, covering, teetotum, crown, upper side, upside, round top, circus tent, peak, elevation, masking, blanket, cover charge, covering fire, top of the inning, big top, back, natural covering, cover version, whirligig, book binding, meridian, screen, acme, pinnacle, spinning top, top, superlative, concealment, tiptop, screening, summit, tip

    uncover, expose

  7. cover, covering firenoun

    fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations

    «artillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal»

    cover charge, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, covering fire, binding, covert, natural covering, cover song, concealment, top, masking, back, screening, book binding

    expose, uncover

  8. cover charge, covernoun

    a fixed charge by a restaurant or nightclub over and above the charge for food and drink

    masking, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, covering fire, binding, covert, natural covering, cover song, concealment, top, cover charge, back, screening, book binding

    uncover, expose

  9. cover, cover version, cover songnoun

    a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else

    «they made a cover of a Beatles’ song»

    cover charge, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, covering fire, binding, covert, natural covering, cover song, concealment, top, masking, back, screening, book binding

    expose, uncover

  10. coververb

    a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent)

    «her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment»

    back, binding, top, covering fire, covert, book binding, covering, cover song, cover version, masking, screening, concealment, cover charge, natural covering, blanket, screen

    uncover, expose

  11. coververb

    provide with a covering or cause to be covered

    «cover her face with a handkerchief»; «cover the child with a blanket»; «cover the grave with flowers»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  12. cover, spread oververb

    form a cover over

    «The grass covered the grave»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  13. cover, continue, extendverb

    span an interval of distance, space or time

    «The war extended over five years»; «The period covered the turn of the century»; «My land extends over the hills on the horizon»; «This farm covers some 200 acres»; «The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles»

    brood, get over, stay on, embrace, retain, unfold, stretch out, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, widen, encompass, run, overlay, protract, remain, continue, poke out, draw out, persist in, treat, hatch, incubate, go along, report, track, extend, lead, cut across, hold out, keep, cut through, deal, offer, uphold, shroud, proceed, go forward, carry, underwrite, overcompensate, go, address, go on, spread over, hide, gallop, stretch, stretch forth, pass, traverse, pass over, reach out, bear on, comprehend, exsert, stay, handle, expand, keep on, preserve, cross, prolong, strain, get across, carry on, put out, cover up, insure, broaden

    expose, uncover

  14. coververb

    provide for

    «The grant doesn’t cover my salary»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  15. cover, treat, handle, plow, deal, addressverb

    act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression

    «This book deals with incest»; «The course covered all of Western Civilization»; «The new book treats the history of China»

    speak, overcompensate, extend, handle, cut through, deal, continue, comprehend, embrace, divvy up, spread over, grapple, cut across, apportion, encompass, consider, get over, process, lot, portion out, dole out, make do, plow, shroud, accost, insure, brood, wield, make out, share, do by, plough, hide, take, administer, sell, parcel out, compensate, cross, come up to, turn, report, traverse, underwrite, breed, dispense, overlay, dish out, pass over, contend, enshroud, direct, allot, care for, track, get by, address, wrap up, distribute, cover up, carry on, cope, turn to, incubate, mete out, regale, get across, look at, treat, shell out, care, hatch, manage, deal out, palm, conduct, call, trade

    expose, uncover

  16. embrace, encompass, comprehend, coververb

    include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory

    «This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds»; «this should cover everyone in the group»

    wrap up, compass, get over, embrace, hug, insure, plow, espouse, enshroud, dig, compensate, breed, encompass, shroud, continue, sweep up, treat, hatch, adopt, report, extend, cut across, brood, squeeze, deal, grasp, incubate, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, get the picture, traverse, apprehend, pass over, bosom, comprehend, handle, perceive, overlay, savvy, cross, cut through, grok, get across, cover up, track

    uncover, expose

  17. traverse, track, cover, cross, pass over, get over, get across, cut through, cut acrossverb

    travel across or pass over

    «The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day»

    pass across, sweep, chase after, overcompensate, handle, cut through, deal, shroud, continue, come home, span, comprehend, embrace, hybridize, interbreed, encompass, cut across, address, give chase, get over, spoil, get well, surmount, go after, crosscut, pass through, plow, skip over, intersect, put over, tail, insure, brood, foil, penetrate, tag, master, trail, get through, click, report, transit, wipe, hide, frustrate, sink in, scotch, bounce back, overcome, compensate, cross, breed, traverse, underwrite, chase, move through, subdue, baffle, pass over, spread over, enshroud, jump, overlay, skip, overfly, track, extend, wrap up, cover up, deny, incubate, crossbreed, dawn, thwart, bilk, get across, treat, hybridise, dog, hatch, fall into place

    expose, uncover

  18. report, coververb

    be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism

    «Snow reported on China in the 1950’s»; «The cub reporter covered New York City»

    cut through, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, brood, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, describe, get across, account, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  19. coververb

    hold within range of an aimed firearm

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  20. coververb

    to take an action to protect against future problems

    «Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  21. cover, cover upverb

    hide from view or knowledge

    «The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  22. coververb

    protect or defend (a position in a game)

    «he covered left field»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  23. coververb

    maintain a check on; especially by patrolling

    «The second officer covered the top floor»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  24. cover, insure, underwriteverb

    protect by insurance

    «The insurance won’t cover this»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, guarantee, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, see, see to it, cut through, deal, assure, shroud, secure, control, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, ensure, handle, ascertain, cross, get across, subvention, cover up, insure, subvent, check

    uncover, expose

  25. cover, compensate, overcompensateverb

    make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities

    «he is compensating for being a bad father»

    brood, get over, embrace, right, plow, wrap up, enshroud, pay, make up, compensate, breed, recompense, encompass, overlay, continue, remunerate, even out, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, repair, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, correct, counterbalance, underwrite, overcompensate, even up, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, even off, comprehend, handle, over-correct, cross, redress, get across, pay off, cover up, insure, indemnify

    expose, uncover

  26. coververb

    invest with a large or excessive amount of something

    «She covered herself with glory»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  27. coververb

    help out by taking someone’s place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities

    «She is covering for our secretary who is ill this week»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  28. coververb

    be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of

    «Is this enough to cover the check?»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  29. coververb

    spread over a surface to conceal or protect

    «This paint covers well»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  30. shroud, enshroud, hide, coververb

    cover as if with a shroud

    «The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery»

    cut through, veil, get over, hide out, embrace, brood, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, shroud, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, blot out, deal, obscure, obliterate, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, conceal, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, overlay, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  31. breed, coververb

    copulate with a female, used especially of horses

    «The horse covers the mare»

    multiply, cut through, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, shroud, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, brood, deal, spawn, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, overlay, cross, get across, engender, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  32. overlay, coververb

    put something on top of something else

    «cover the meat with a lot of gravy»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, overlie, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  33. coververb

    play a higher card than the one previously played

    «Smith covered again»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  34. coververb

    be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  35. brood, hatch, cover, incubateverb

    sit on (eggs)

    «Birds brood»; «The female covers the eggs»

    dwell, brood, get over, embrace, insure, plow, hover, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, shroud, continue, stew, treat, hatch, incubate, report, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, loom, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, concoct, traverse, dream up, pout, pass over, grizzle, comprehend, handle, overlay, think of, think up, cross, sulk, get across, wrap up, hide, bulk large, cover up, track

    expose, uncover

  36. cover, wrap upverb

    clothe, as if for protection from the elements

    «cover your head!»

    brood, get over, embrace, polish off, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, roll up, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, finish up, cut through, deal, mop up, shroud, finish off, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, clear up, cross, wrap, get across, get through, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

Matched Categories

    • Animal Husbandry
    • Be
    • Cards
    • Check
    • Compensate
    • Conceal
    • Concealment
    • Copulate
    • Endow
    • Envelop
    • Guarantee
    • Hide
    • Include
    • Inform
    • Natural Object
    • Pass
    • Play
    • Procreate
    • Protect
    • Recording
    • Satisfy
    • Substitute

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. coververb


  2. coververb

    conceal, hide, secrete, cloak, veil, screen, shroud, mask, disguise

  3. coververb

    shield, shelter, protect, guard, defend

  4. coververb

    clothe, invest, envelop, inwrap, wrap up

  5. coververb

    put a covering on

  6. coververb

    comprehend, embrace, include, comprise, contain, embody

  7. coververb

    counterbalance, countervail, balance, compensate, make up for, be equal to

  8. covernoun

    covering, tegument, integument, capsule, case

  9. covernoun

    screen, veil, disguise, cloak

  10. covernoun

    shelter, protection, guard, defence, shield, safeguard

  11. covernoun

    plate, dish

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. covernoun

    lid, covering, case, canopy, awning, tilt, roof, casing, cope, capsule, envelope, shelter, protection, defense, safeguard, counterpane, quilt, coverlet, spread, covert, underbrush, undergrowth, underwood, jungle, bush, plate

  2. coververb

    overspread, overlay, thatch, hide, conceal, secrete, comprise, embrace, embody, comprehend, copulate with, serve

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «cover»:

    lid, coverage, encompass, covers, defray, covering, bezel, covered, blanket, include, cap, canopy, hedging, meet, shroud, fill, span, guise, couverture, way, tocover, hedge, address, deck, pay, embrace, involve, including

How to pronounce cover?

How to say cover in sign language?

How to use cover in a sentence?

  1. Foreign Affairs:

    Under the cover of journalism, this person was involved in a completely different activity, there are lots of reports that he had accreditation, therefore he’s a journalist. No, No, No … this is what he claims to be.

  2. Richard Leedham:

    Given their apparent internal knowledge, it seems unlikely that VW will be able to claim any insurance for product recall or for product liability cover, so they won’t be able to pass on their losses, iNVESTOR’S NIGHTMARE.

  3. Brett Kavanaugh:

    President Trump’s decision to step in at the last moment and hide 100,000 pages of Judge Kavanaugh records from the American public is not only unprecedented in the history of Supreme Court nominations, it has all the makings of a cover up.

  4. Hassan Haj Ali:

    The Russian cover continues night and day, there were more than 250 air strikes on this area in one day, the regime is now trying to expand the area it has taken control of.

  5. Carolyn Maloney:

    It is becoming increasingly clear that not only did the team fail to protect employees, but the NFL went to great lengths to prevent the truth about this toxic work environment from coming to light, the NFL’s decision to cover up these abuses raises serious questions about its commitment to setting workplace standards that keep employees safe. I commend these victims for their bravery in coming forward to share their stories.


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Table of Contents

  1. How do you use covered in a sentence?
  2. What is a good sentence for cover?
  3. What is a sentence for coverings?
  4. What is covering in sociology?
  5. What is a cove ring?
  6. What’s the difference between cover and covering?
  7. What does tarpaulin mean?
  8. What is tarpaulin used for?
  9. What can you be obsessed with?
  10. How do you accept someone who doesn’t want you?

What is another word for covering?

How do you use covered in a sentence?

Use “covered” in a sentence | “covered” sentence examples

  1. The shelves were covered with ornaments and useless knick-knacks.
  2. His clothes were covered with dirt.
  3. His clothes were covered in dirt.
  4. Most of the earth’s surface is covered by sea.
  5. Humanity in bathing suits covered the sand.

What is a good sentence for cover?

She covered her face and began to cry. My wife always steals all the covers in bed, so I always wake up in the middle of the night feeling cold. We’d better cover up the food until we start eating; otherwise, the flies will get into it.

What is a sentence for coverings?

Coverings sentence example. Remove the coverings from all tender plants in the open air. Furious, Sofia pushed off the bed coverings and stood, teetering dangerously before deciding to sit again. Remove part of the coverings of all tender shrubs and plants in the first week, and the remainder at the end of the month.

veil cloak
shroud blanket
cover coverture
cope curtain
mask pall

What is covering in sociology?

Introduced by sociologist Erving Goffman, covering is the concept of consciously changing the impression one is making to hide an outsider identity. An individual may have a visible or invisible stigma. For example, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was careful to conceal his use of a wheelchair from the public eye.

What is a cove ring?

countable noun. A covering is a layer of something that protects or hides something else. Leave a thin covering of fat. Synonyms: cover, protection, coating, overlay More Synonyms of covering.

What’s the difference between cover and covering?

As nouns the difference between cover and covering is that cover is a lid while covering is (countable) that which covers something.

What does tarpaulin mean?

1 : a piece of material used especially for protecting exposed objects or areas : tarp The hatchways of some armed vessels are but poorly secured in bad weather. …

What is tarpaulin used for?

Tarpaulins are used in many ways to protect persons and things from wind, rain, and sunlight. They are used during construction or after disasters to protect partially built or damaged structures, to prevent mess during painting and similar activities, and to contain and collect debris.

What can you be obsessed with?

6 Recommended Obsessions for a Better Life

  • Be Obsessed with your Family. Those who obsess over their families are those who uncontrollably and unconditionally love them.
  • Be Obsessed with your Values.
  • Be Obsessed with your Health.
  • Be Obsessed with Learning.
  • Be Obsessed with Making a Difference.
  • Be Obsessed with Balance.

How do you accept someone who doesn’t want you?

5 Life Saving Ways of Letting Go of Someone Who Doesn’t Love You So You Can Be Happy

  1. #1 – Ask yourself how determined you are to do this.
  2. #2 – Make three lists and refer to them often.
  3. #3 – Cut him off.
  4. #4 – Believe that you will find another love.
  5. #5 – Get back out there!

What is another word for Cover?

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  • (v. t.) To overspread the surface of (one thing) with another; as, to cover wood with paint or lacquer; to cover a table with a cloth.
  • (v. t.) To envelop; to clothe, as with a mantle or cloak.
  • (v. t.) To invest (one’s self with something); to bring upon (one’s self); as, he covered himself with glory.
  • (v. t.) To hide sight; to conceal; to cloak; as, the enemy were covered from our sight by the woods.
  • (v. t.) To brood or sit on; to incubate.
  • (v. t.) To shelter, as from evil or danger; to protect; to defend; as, the cavalry covered the retreat.
  • (v. t.) To remove from remembrance; to put away; to remit.
  • (v. t.) To extend over; to be sufficient for; to comprehend, include, or embrace; to account for or solve; to counterbalance; as, a mortgage which fully covers a sum loaned on it; a law which covers all possible cases of a crime; receipts than do not cover expenses.
  • (v. t.) To put the usual covering or headdress on.
  • (v. t.) To copulate with (a female); to serve; as, a horse covers a mare; — said of the male.
  • (n.) Anything which is laid, set, or spread, upon, about, or over, another thing; an envelope; a lid; as, the cover of a book.
  • (n.) Anything which veils or conceals; a screen; disguise; a cloak.
  • (n.) Shelter; protection; as, the troops fought under cover of the batteries; the woods afforded a good cover.
  • (n.) The woods, underbrush, etc., which shelter and conceal game; covert; as, to beat a cover; to ride to cover.
  • (n.) The lap of a slide valve.
  • (n.) A tablecloth, and the other table furniture; esp., the table furniture for the use of one person at a meal; as, covers were laid for fifty guests.
  • (v. i.) To spread a table for a meal; to prepare a banquet.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In a debate in the House of Commons, I will ask Britain, the US and other allies to convert generalised offers of help into more practical support with greater air cover, military surveillance and helicopter back-up, to hunt down the terrorists who abducted the girls.
  • (2) Photograph: Guardian The research also compiled data covered by a wider definition of tax haven, including onshore jurisdictions such as the US state of Delaware – accused by the Cayman islands of playing «faster and looser» even than offshore jurisdictions – and the Republic of Ireland, which has come under sustained pressure from other EU states to reform its own low-tax, light-tough, regulatory environment.
  • (3) The surface of all cells was covered by a fuzzy coat consisting of fine hairs or bristles.
  • (4) Five patients have been examined by defecography before and four after closure of a loop ileostomy performed to cover healing of the pouch and ileoanal anastomoses.
  • (5) A failure to reach a solution would potentially leave 200,000 homes without affordable cover, leaving owners unable to sell their properties and potentially exposing them to financial hardship.
  • (6) It was an artwork that fired the imaginations of 2 million visitors who played with, were provoked by and plunged themselves into the curious atmosphere of The Weather Project , with its swirling mist and gigantic mirrors that covered the hall’s ceiling.
  • (7) But because current donor contributions are not sufficient to cover the thousands of schools in need of security, I will ask in the commons debate that the UK government allocates more.
  • (8) The degree of infection and incidence of different genera covering the same period were identical in both series.
  • (9) At first it looked as though the winger might have shown too much of the ball to the defence, yet he managed to gain a crucial last touch to nudge it past Phil Jones and into the path of Jerome, who slipped Chris Smalling’s attempt at a covering tackle and held off Michael Carrick’s challenge to place a shot past an exposed De Gea.
  • (10) The Sports Network broadcasts live NHL, Nascar, golf and horse racing – having also recently purchased the rights for Formula One – and will show 154 of the 196 games that NBC will cover.
  • (11) As to complications they recorded in one case mucosal bleeding after gastrofiberoptic polypectomy and in one case a covered perforation of the sigmoid at the site of colonoscopic polypectomy.
  • (12) The pressure is ramping up on Asda boss Andy Clarke, who next week will reveal the chain’s sales performance for the quarter covering Christmas.
  • (13) This week MediaGuardian 25, our survey of Britain’s most important media companies, covering TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, music and digital, looks at BSkyB.
  • (14) When allegations of systemic doping and cover-ups first emerged in the runup to the 2013 Russian world athletics championships, an IOC spokesman insisted: “Anti-doping measures in Russia have improved significantly over the last five years with an effective, efficient and new laboratory and equipment in Moscow.” London Olympics were sabotaged by Russia’s doping, report says Read more We now know that the head of that lauded Moscow lab, Grigory Rodchenko, admitted to intentionally destroying 1,417 samples in December last year shortly before Wada officials visited.
  • (15) Chapman and the other «illegals» – sleeper agents without diplomatic cover – seem to have done little to harm American national security.
  • (16) This hydrostatic pressure may well be the driving force for creating channels for acid and pepsin to cross the mucus layer covering the mucosal surface.
  • (17) A retrospective study of autopsy-verified fatal pulmonary embolism at a department of infectious diseases was carried out, covering a four-year period (1980-83).
  • (18) Over the same period, breeding in drums dropped from 14%-25% to 4.7%, even though the drums were not treated or covered.
  • (19) The study covered 500 children from Warsaw’s primary schools—250 children aged 6-8 years and 250 aged 13-15 years.
  • (20) The smaller interfaces cover about 700 A2 of the subunit surface.



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Cover
  • (n.) Anything which covers or conceals, as a roof, a screen, a wrapper, clothing, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In a debate in the House of Commons, I will ask Britain, the US and other allies to convert generalised offers of help into more practical support with greater air cover, military surveillance and helicopter back-up, to hunt down the terrorists who abducted the girls.
  • (2) Photograph: Guardian The research also compiled data covered by a wider definition of tax haven, including onshore jurisdictions such as the US state of Delaware – accused by the Cayman islands of playing «faster and looser» even than offshore jurisdictions – and the Republic of Ireland, which has come under sustained pressure from other EU states to reform its own low-tax, light-tough, regulatory environment.
  • (3) The surface of all cells was covered by a fuzzy coat consisting of fine hairs or bristles.
  • (4) Five patients have been examined by defecography before and four after closure of a loop ileostomy performed to cover healing of the pouch and ileoanal anastomoses.
  • (5) A failure to reach a solution would potentially leave 200,000 homes without affordable cover, leaving owners unable to sell their properties and potentially exposing them to financial hardship.
  • (6) It was an artwork that fired the imaginations of 2 million visitors who played with, were provoked by and plunged themselves into the curious atmosphere of The Weather Project , with its swirling mist and gigantic mirrors that covered the hall’s ceiling.
  • (7) But because current donor contributions are not sufficient to cover the thousands of schools in need of security, I will ask in the commons debate that the UK government allocates more.
  • (8) The degree of infection and incidence of different genera covering the same period were identical in both series.
  • (9) At first it looked as though the winger might have shown too much of the ball to the defence, yet he managed to gain a crucial last touch to nudge it past Phil Jones and into the path of Jerome, who slipped Chris Smalling’s attempt at a covering tackle and held off Michael Carrick’s challenge to place a shot past an exposed De Gea.
  • (10) The Sports Network broadcasts live NHL, Nascar, golf and horse racing – having also recently purchased the rights for Formula One – and will show 154 of the 196 games that NBC will cover.
  • (11) As to complications they recorded in one case mucosal bleeding after gastrofiberoptic polypectomy and in one case a covered perforation of the sigmoid at the site of colonoscopic polypectomy.
  • (12) The pressure is ramping up on Asda boss Andy Clarke, who next week will reveal the chain’s sales performance for the quarter covering Christmas.
  • (13) This week MediaGuardian 25, our survey of Britain’s most important media companies, covering TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, music and digital, looks at BSkyB.
  • (14) When allegations of systemic doping and cover-ups first emerged in the runup to the 2013 Russian world athletics championships, an IOC spokesman insisted: “Anti-doping measures in Russia have improved significantly over the last five years with an effective, efficient and new laboratory and equipment in Moscow.” London Olympics were sabotaged by Russia’s doping, report says Read more We now know that the head of that lauded Moscow lab, Grigory Rodchenko, admitted to intentionally destroying 1,417 samples in December last year shortly before Wada officials visited.
  • (15) Chapman and the other «illegals» – sleeper agents without diplomatic cover – seem to have done little to harm American national security.
  • (16) This hydrostatic pressure may well be the driving force for creating channels for acid and pepsin to cross the mucus layer covering the mucosal surface.
  • (17) A retrospective study of autopsy-verified fatal pulmonary embolism at a department of infectious diseases was carried out, covering a four-year period (1980-83).
  • (18) Over the same period, breeding in drums dropped from 14%-25% to 4.7%, even though the drums were not treated or covered.
  • (19) The study covered 500 children from Warsaw’s primary schools—250 children aged 6-8 years and 250 aged 13-15 years.
  • (20) The smaller interfaces cover about 700 A2 of the subunit surface.

Words possibly related to «cover«

Words possibly related to «covering«

Phrases with Cover

Things Cover often describes

  • cover artwork

  • cover issue

  • cover blurbs

  • cover space

  • cover personality

  • cover book

  • cover isn’t

  • cover end

  • cover country

  • cover persona

How Cover often is described

  • back cover

  • front cover

  • original cover

  • deep cover

  • cloud cover

  • good cover

  • inside cover

  • alternate cover

  • new cover

  • perfect cover

Cover is the first word in phrase

  • cover art

  • cover version

  • cover album

  • cover identity

  • cover agent

  • cover versions

  • cover band

  • cover image

  • cover stories

  • cover page

Cover is the last word in phrase

  • album cover

  • contemptible cover

  • equals cover

  • concealment cover

  • manhole cover

  • book cover

  • spoiler cover

  • variant cover

  • magazine cover

  • box cover

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