Another word for country living

What is another word for Country?

  • describing persons, describing land

  • rural, describing persons

  • describing persons, describing land

  • secluded, describing persons

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Need another word that means the same as “country”? Find 37 synonyms and 30 related words for “country” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Country as a Noun
  • Definitions of «Country» as a noun
  • Synonyms of «Country» as a noun (37 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Country» as a noun
  • Associations of «Country» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Country” are: land, state, body politic, commonwealth, nation, res publica, area, sovereign state, kingdom, realm, territory, province, principality, palatinate, duchy, empire, homeland, native land, native soil, fatherland, motherland, mother country, country of origin, birthplace, people, public, general public, population, populace, community, citizenry, collective, countryside, green belt, great outdoors, terrain, parts

Country as a Noun

Definitions of «Country» as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “country” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The people who live in a nation or country.
  • The people of a nation.
  • A particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography.
  • A region associated with a particular person, work, or television programme.
  • Districts and small settlements outside large urban areas or the capital.
  • An area outside of cities and towns.
  • A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
  • The territory occupied by a nation.
  • A politically organized body of people under a single government.
  • An area or region with regard to its physical features.

Synonyms of «Country» as a noun (37 Words)

area A particular environment or walk of life.
The spacious cooking area provided plenty of room for servants.
birthplace Where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence.
The birthplace of civilization.
body politic The property of holding together and retaining its shape.
citizenry The citizens of a place regarded collectively.
The legal obligations of the citizenry.
collective A collective farm.
The anarchist collective and bookshop.
commonwealth A self-governing unit voluntarily grouped with the US, such as Puerto Rico.
The Christian commonwealth.
community A group of people living together and practising common ownership.
The community of goods.
country of origin An area outside of cities and towns.
countryside The inhabitants of countryside areas.
They explored the surrounding countryside.
duchy The royal dukedom of Cornwall or Lancaster.
empire A large commercial organization owned or controlled by one person or group.
The British created a great empire.
fatherland A person’s native country, especially when referred to in patriotic terms.
Those whom many considered traitors to the fatherland.
general public A general officer of the highest rank.
great outdoors A person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field.
green belt A piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area.
homeland An autonomous or semi-autonomous state occupied by a particular people.
He left his homeland to settle in London.
kingdom The spiritual reign or authority of God.
The kingdom of dreams.
land Living or travelling on land rather than in water or the air.
Many people are leaving the land and going to work in the city.
mother country A term of address for a mother superior.
motherland The country where you were born.
nation The people who live in a nation or country.
The world s leading industrialized nations.
native land Indigenous plants and animals.
native soil A person born in a particular place or country.
palatinate A territory in southwestern Germany formerly ruled by the counts palatine.
parts The local environment.
He hasn t been seen around these parts in years.
people The common people generally.
My people live in Warwickshire.
populace People in general considered as a whole.
The party misjudged the mood of the populace.
population The number of inhabitants (either the total number or the number of a particular race or class) in a given place (country or city etc.
The population seemed to be well fed and clothed.
principality (in traditional Christian angelology) the fifth-highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy.
province A district under an archbishop or a metropolitan.
It was his province to take care of himself.
public The people who watch or are interested in an artist, writer, or performer.
Some famous last words to give my public.
realm A knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about.
This zoogeographical realm includes Africa south of the Atlas Mountains.
res publica A politically organized body of people under a single government.
sovereign state A nation’s ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right.
state The three traditional states of matter are solids fixed shape and volume and liquids fixed volume and shaped by the container and gases filling the container.
Don t get into a state.
terrain A piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential.
A terrain of low green hills.
territory A region marked off for administrative or other purposes.
Sorties into enemy territory.

Usage Examples of «Country» as a noun

  • The whole country took to the streets.
  • His poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country.
  • A country lane.
  • The country’s increasingly precarious economic position.
  • The country’s largest manufacturer.
  • The airfield is right out in the country.
  • Bible country.
  • A tract of wild country.
  • The whole country worshipped him.
  • An old mansion in Stevenson’s ‘Kidnapped’ country.
  • Spain, Italy, and other European countries.

Associations of «Country» (30 Words)

african Of or relating to the nations of Africa or their peoples.
american The English language as used in the United States.
area A subject of study.
The room is twelve square feet in area.
autonomous (in Kantian moral philosophy) acting in accordance with one’s moral duty rather than one’s desires.
An autonomous judiciary.
borough An English town that forms the constituency of a member of parliament.
capitol The government building in Washington where the United States Senate and the House of Representatives meet.
city A town created a city by charter and usually containing a cathedral.
Ancient Troy was a great city.
community A group of people having a religion, ethnic, profession, or other particular characteristic in common.
They hoped to join the NATO community.
constituency The body of voters who elect a representative for their area.
Most politicians are more interested in the voice of their constituency.
continent One of the large landmasses of the earth.
Pioneers had to cross the continent on foot.
diplomat A person who deals tactfully with others.
district An area of a country or city, especially one characterized by a particular feature or activity.
The committee districted the city into blocks.
dutch The people of the Netherlands.
ethnographic Of or relating to ethnography.
Ethnographic research in European border communities.
immigrant A person who comes to a country where they were not born in order to settle there.
Immigrant workers.
indian Any of the languages spoken by Amerindians.
ireland An island comprising the republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
localization The process of making something local in character or restricting it to a particular place.
Differences in localization of growth control molecules in carcinoma.
municipal Relating or belonging to or characteristic of a municipality.
International law only authorizes a belligerent to punish a spy under its municipal law.
municipality The governing body of a municipality.
Voters in each municipality choose between four candidates.
nation The people who live in a nation or country.
The news was announced to the nation.
national Of or relating to nationality.
National interests.
nationality Distinctive national or ethnic character.
Men of Spanish nationality.
prefecture The official residence or headquarters of a prefect.
Enraged fans besieged the Prefecture of Police.
province The whole of a country outside the capital, especially when regarded as lacking in sophistication or culture.
It was his province to take care of himself.
region The approximate amount of something usually used prepositionally as in in the region of.
A major wine producing region.
scotland One of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; located on the northern part of the island of Great Britain; famous for bagpipes and plaids and kilts.
town The chief city or town of a region.
He has moved to town.
welsh Of or relating to or characteristic of Wales or its people or their language.
Banks began welshing on their agreement not to convert dollar reserves into gold.
world A stage of human life, either mortal or after death.
He sailed around the world.

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Living in the country side

For many people, living in the country can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. You can easily find a quiet a peaceful place to live and enjoy nature and fresh air all the time without the stress, noise and pollution that the city has. Tge country side is also a great place to raise a healthy family because of the food, the fresh air and the people. Country people are friendlier than city people, and that makes it a better and safer place to live, especially for children.

However, it is important for you to know that in the country you will not have the same level of services that the city provides.

In many countries during extreme weather conditions, school buses generally travel on paved roads only. At times, you may need to drive your children to the nearest paved road so they can get to school or you have to buy a car. Weather may also affect mail delivery.

Another important point is that in the country side there are not big shopping centers, movie theaters, etc, that makes life a little bit boring especially for young people or teenagers.

Finally I think, no matter how many advantages or disadvantages the country side has. Some day I would like to live in contact with the nature, enjoy the fresh air and a quiet place with my husband and my children. I am absolutely sure that the city life is not for me!

Let’s learn some collocations: words that commonly go together! You can also learn more of these in my e-book 1000 Collocations in 10 Minutes a Day.

You can describe a country based on its climate/temperature:

  • a tropical country (hot and humid, near the equator)
  • a temperate country (mild weather and/or four seasons)
  • a cold country

When talking about a person’s country, you can say:

  • someone’s native/home country (where they were born and raised)
  • someone’s adopted country (where they have chosen to live long-term)

The expression “a foreign country” simply means a different country from the one the speaker lives in, or the conversation is based in.

You can also talk about a neighboring country (a country that is right next to another one – ex. Canada and the U.S.) or a distant/faraway country (ex. the U.S. and Australia).

When talking about how advanced a country is, you might hear these terms:

  • a developed/first-world country (stronger economically, higher quality of life)
  • a developing/third-world country (weaker economically, lower quality of life)

Note: the best terms to use are developed/developing country, since the terms first-world/third-world are considered rather out of date. However, some people still use them.

Here are more collocations specifying a country’s economic or political system:

  • a capitalist country
  • a socialist country
  • a communist country
  • a democratic country (leaders are elected by the people)

If a country is ruled by a king/queen or a royal family, it is a monarchy. If a country is ruled by a dictator (a single person with absolute power), it is a dictatorship. Both these words are nouns used alone – we don’t include the word “country” after them.

You can also describe the official or main religion of a country:

  • a Catholic country
  • a Muslim country
  • a Buddhist country

An occupied country is one in which another country’s military forces are controlling the area, in contrast to an independent country, which controls itself.

The leaders of the country govern / rule / run the country – the word “run” is the most informal.

To serve one’s country means to be in the military or work in a government job; these are considered to be doing good things for your country.

Finally, you can love your country if you feel good about it!

Country vs. countryside

There can be some confusion between the words country and countryside.

The word country has multiple meanings:

  1. A nation, such as Japan, France, Ecuador
  2. An area/region defined by a characteristic
    Ex) This is hunting country. = an area where people hunt
    My relatives live in Bible country. = an area where people are Christians / believe strongly in the Bible
  3. A rural area
    Ex) We own a house out in the country.

The word countryside refers only to the third definition – a rural area. So you could also say “We own a house out in the countryside” – it is also correct.

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