Need synonyms for come before? Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.
To take precedence over
Have the advantage
To occur before an event or time
To take precedence over
be more important than
prevail over
take priority over
be considered more important than
take precedence over
be considered more urgent than
be greater than
turn the scales against
tip the balance against
more than make up for
turn the balance against
tip the scales against
have the edge on
have the edge over
tip the scales
be superior to
set off
take precedence
Have the advantage
have priority
come first
have the advantage
take precedence
To occur before an event or time
go before
come first
pave the way
ring in
in space
head up
take precedence
be earlier than
occur before
pave the way for
date from before
date back
run ahead
exist before
be ahead of
light the way
be a precursor of
open the way for
be a forerunner
come prior to
lead to
lead up to
go ahead of
go in advance of
usher in
prepare the way for
set the scene for
go in front of
have a head start
go first
go in advance
lead the way
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come behind
come between
come by
come carrying
come clattering down
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What is another word for come before?
520 synonyms found
[ kˈʌm bɪfˈɔː], [ kˈʌm bɪfˈɔː], [ k_ˈʌ_m b_ɪ_f_ˈɔː]
Related words: come the before, come before the next, come before the end, come before time, come before the next, come before the event
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Table of Contents
Synonyms for Come before:
- bring before,
- allow,
- appear,
- cite,
- call,
- bring,
- arraign,
- appeal,
- claim,
- affirm.
- matter,
- figure,
- lie at the heart of something,
- loom large,
- count,
- signify.
• come before (noun)
- precede.
• social (verb)
- come before.
Other synonyms:
- overbalance,
- outweigh,
- boil down to,
- virtual community,
- necessitate,
- stand out.
- override,
- predominate,
- emphasize,
- colonize,
- dominate,
- underpin,
- prioritize.
- prevail,
- weigh,
- call for,
- reign.
- weight.
- community,
- major,
- cap,
- indicate.
- top.
• Other relevant words:
- holler,
- throw overboard,
- go,
- bespeak,
- fetch,
- exceed,
- bid,
- spark advance,
- forepart,
- straw man,
- grant,
- innovate,
- require,
- form,
- sovereignty,
- picture,
- underscore,
- give up,
- presence,
- reserve,
- let,
- mind,
- enclose,
- forfeit,
- weighting,
- tip,
- hulk,
- grade,
- avow,
- track,
- promontory,
- abduce,
- circus tent,
- overthrow,
- conduce,
- weight down,
- pencil lead,
- birdsong,
- bestow,
- involve,
- fancy,
- quest,
- gross,
- excel,
- free weight,
- promise,
- verify,
- residential area,
- title,
- channelize,
- hollo,
- foreswear,
- prognosticate,
- leash,
- foreknow,
- question,
- straits,
- endure,
- social status,
- clear,
- be known as,
- confidential information,
- triumph,
- leap out,
- promulgate,
- telephone,
- consider,
- work,
- ingathering,
- maneuver,
- librate,
- begin,
- top side,
- relinquish,
- postulate,
- paramount,
- foreword,
- refer,
- outcry,
- charm,
- pass,
- auspicate,
- capitulum,
- overriding,
- rule,
- accent,
- soma,
- downright,
- heading,
- image,
- predicate,
- numeration,
- call up,
- headspring,
- intend,
- topic,
- teetotum,
- caput,
- seem,
- convey,
- anatomy,
- drumhead,
- go past,
- figurehead,
- shout,
- yell,
- commence,
- chief,
- forerunner,
- face,
- count on,
- squall,
- forestall,
- aver,
- lead-in,
- master,
- reference,
- cipher,
- call off,
- bring out,
- look to,
- take,
- previse,
- school principal,
- movement,
- invite,
- wind,
- weight unit,
- preponderating,
- height,
- set aside,
- loom,
- front end,
- manoeuvre,
- premiss,
- laud,
- appropriate,
- insert,
- need,
- ceiling,
- header,
- provide,
- present,
- support,
- chapiter,
- hold,
- precursor,
- hint,
- annunciate,
- fountainhead,
- human body,
- conduct,
- pace,
- colonise,
- corroborate,
- emphasise,
- see,
- declare,
- prolusion,
- request,
- foreland,
- jumper cable,
- argue,
- design,
- predominant,
- order,
- exercising weight,
- extol,
- transcend,
- front man,
- place,
- overlook,
- overstep,
- project,
- collection,
- superlative,
- credit,
- show,
- assert,
- physique,
- rely,
- detonator,
- bank,
- community of interests,
- angle,
- designate,
- come out,
- stick out,
- head teacher,
- attract,
- allow for,
- big top,
- charge per unit,
- predecessor,
- name,
- take into account,
- depend,
- sustain,
- institute,
- pb,
- tolerate,
- add,
- send for,
- bet,
- strawman,
- acknowledgment,
- social station,
- predict,
- press,
- outbalance,
- enumeration,
- leave,
- numerate,
- out-and-out,
- lead astray,
- arrogate,
- issue,
- trumpeter,
- swear,
- obtain,
- slant,
- peak,
- bode,
- play,
- acme,
- leading,
- nominal head,
- foresee,
- chair,
- call in,
- nous,
- address,
- egregious,
- swan,
- frame,
- meridian,
- hood,
- breast,
- persist,
- lend,
- brain,
- overtop,
- pinnacle,
- preponderant,
- pattern,
- pick up,
- ask for,
- tether,
- overturn,
- absolute,
- prey,
- thing,
- ask,
- song,
- harbinger,
- rank and file,
- residential district,
- permit,
- adduce,
- material body,
- physical body,
- principal,
- mention,
- denote,
- subject,
- signal,
- enumerate,
- shape,
- look for,
- run,
- stress,
- reckoning,
- battlefront,
- calculate,
- prioritise,
- admit,
- call option,
- underline,
- contribute,
- forecast,
- direct,
- headland,
- build,
- infix,
- compute,
- betoken,
- waive,
- portend,
- burthen,
- wreak,
- star,
- expect,
- presage,
- phone,
- glorify,
- capital,
- demand,
- summon,
- jumper lead,
- top dog,
- flagrant,
- tally,
- substantiate,
- ring,
- reverse,
- stand for,
- earmark,
- burden,
- get,
- pileus,
- start,
- forefront,
- punctuate,
- jacket crown,
- lead story,
- make for,
- upper side,
- vociferation,
- fig,
- upside,
- oral sex,
- affair,
- raven,
- elevation,
- reckon,
- read/write head,
- bod,
- sheer,
- bring up,
- look,
- visualise,
- headway,
- guide,
- weightiness,
- result,
- digit,
- membership,
- nullification,
- visit,
- margin call,
- exalt,
- scream,
- whirligig,
- channelise,
- head word,
- hail,
- assumption,
- social movement,
- foredate,
- front line,
- mean,
- collect,
- summons,
- point,
- accentuate,
- atomic number 82,
- pinch,
- estimate,
- crying,
- work out,
- detonating device,
- solicitation,
- jump,
- foretell,
- eclipse,
- come along,
- glaring,
- gather up,
- number,
- surpass,
- visualize,
- command,
- overshadow,
- cover,
- cry,
- quote,
- enter,
- steer,
- system of weights,
- top off,
- lay claim,
- exclaim,
- tiptop,
- bear out,
- cypher,
- prefigure,
- crownwork,
- put in,
- appealingness,
- counting,
- overrule,
- phone call,
- acquaint,
- biotic community,
- flesh,
- augur,
- crown,
- bring in,
- advert,
- die hard,
- round top,
- inclose,
- quotation,
- birdcall,
- tower,
- moderate,
- preponderate,
- range,
- prayer,
- land,
- countenance,
- forebode,
- confirm,
- public figure,
- impart,
- booster cable,
- citation,
- trope,
- psyche,
- envision,
- acclaim,
- dispense with,
- crest,
- exact,
- counter,
- know as,
- invoke,
- jump out,
- manoeuver,
- value,
- roof,
- right-down,
- inaugurate,
- chassis,
- top of the inning,
- figure of speech,
- social rank,
- trail,
- stick in,
- summit,
- entreaty,
- omen,
- spinning top,
- jacket,
- extend,
- plow ahead,
- telephone call,
- shout out.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- lead off,
- anticipate,
- foreshadow,
- antedate,
- herald,
- go ahead of,
- come first,
- head up,
- forego,
- antecede,
- go before,
- head,
- predate,
- take precedence,
- rank,
- rate,
- front,
- announce,
- usher in,
- go in advance,
- take the lead,
- lead,
- Precurse,
- Forerun,
- go first,
- pave the way,
- outrank,
- introduce,
- kick off,
- go ahead,
- proclaim.
How to use «Come before» in context?
«come before» is a preposition meaning «to precede.» It is often used in phrases such as «come before God,» «come before dinner,» and «come before your problems.
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- Synonyms:
- COME BEFORE synonyms at
- COME BEFORE synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— COME BEFORE synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of COME BEFORE
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Synonyms for Come before. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from
Synonyms for Come before. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <>.
Synonyms for Come before. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
precede, come beforeverb
be the predecessor of
«Bill preceded John in the long line of Susan’s husbands»
introduce, lead, forego, antedate, antecede, forgo, preface, precede, premise, predate
How to pronounce come before?
How to say come before in sign language?
How to use come before in a sentence?
James Gunn:
There are a lot of heartless, soulless, spectacle films out there that don’t reflect what should be happening, i can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve talked to film directors before they went and made a big movie, and said, ‘Hey, we’re in this together, let’s do something different with these big movies. Let’s make them something different than everything that has come before them.’ And then see them cater to every single studio whim and be grossed out, frankly.
Carrol Landrum:
He said the director had told him to ask me to surrender my license right then and there or I would come before the board, and he said basically, ‘If you surrender it here, nobody would know about it. But if it goes to the board, it’ll be public knowledge and it might affect your reputation.’.
The President:
I’d love to see Mr. Kelly come before House Oversight Committee.
John Rhys-Davies:
This is a unique age. We don’t want to be judgmental, every other age that has come before us has believed exactly the opposite. I mean, T.S. Eliot referred to ‘the common pursuit of true judgment.’ Yes. That’s what it’s about. Getting our judgments right.
Adam Schiff:
I hope it meant what it sounded like it meant. We have been in discussion with the vice president’s counsel for some time. So he knows of our interest in having him come before House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, and I am confident that if he is truly willing, that there was a way to work out any executive privilege or separation of powers issues. There is, of course, nothing precluding the vice president should he decide to come before Congress, and I would hope given the severity of the issues we’re addressing here and attack on our capital, and attack on our very democracy, that he would be willing to come in.
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Автоматический перевод
прийти раньше
Перевод по словам
come — приходить, приехать, приезжать, прибывать, наступить, происходить, подходить
before — перед, до, выше, впереди, до, прежде чем, прежде чем, раньше, выше
The case will come before the courts next month.
Дело предстанет перед судом в следующем месяце.
The witness of the accident did not come before the court.
Свидетель этого происшествия не предстал перед судом.
When you come before the judge, you must speak the exact truth.
Когда ты говоришь в суде, ты должен говорить чистую правду.
In the air transport business, safety must always come before profit.
В авиаперевозках безопасность всегда должна быть важнее прибыли.
Did the invention of the telephone come before the end of the 19th century?
Телефон изобрели еще до конца девятнадцатого века?
I come before you today to express my solidarity with the people of New York.
Я сегодня выступаю перед вами, чтобы выразить свою солидарность с народом Нью-Йорка.
I had to come away before the end of the party.
Мне пришлось уйти до конца вечеринки.
My knees trembled; a swimming came before my eyes.
Колени у меня задрожали, перед глазами все поплыло.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
When you come before the judge, it’s best to tell the truth.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.