Another word for combined

Resulting from the addition of several sources, parts, elements, aspects, etc.

“The masterpiece before you is the result of a combined effort from several talented local artists.”

Contained as part of a whole being considered

Comprising the whole number or amount

In a single unit, not having been cut or split

Occurring or taking place over several steps

Having unwanted substances mixed in

Having been accumulated or amassed

Together, acting as one

Past tense for to join or merge to form a single unit or substance

Combine the flour, club soda, and eggs by whisking them together.”

Past tense for to unite for a common purpose

“Like-minded individuals like us should combine for the greater good.”

Related Words and Phrases

See Also

Nearby Words

8-letter Words Starting With

What is another word for combined?

2018 synonyms found


[ kəmbˈa͡ɪnd], [ kəmbˈa‍ɪnd], [ k_ə_m_b_ˈaɪ_n_d]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    added (adjective)

    • over-and-above,
    • over and above.

    aggregate (adjective)

    • more amassed,
    • most piled,
    • most accumulated,
    • more accumulated,
    • most amassed,
    • more piled.

    all (adjective)

    • combined.

    allied (adjective)

    • more associated,
    • more incident,
    • most wed,
    • joint,
    • re lated,
    • more amalgamated,
    • more wed,
    • re-lated,
    • most associated,
    • most incident,
    • most amalgamated.

    collective (adjective)

    • more grouped,
    • most collated,
    • more hoarded,
    • more consolidated,
    • grouped,
    • most massed,
    • massed,
    • most hoarded,
    • most consolidated,
    • most compiled,
    • most grouped,
    • more massed,
    • more compiled,
    • more collated.

    combined (adjective)

    • blended,
    • composite,
    • Infused,
    • assembled,
    • Conglomerated,
    • amalgamated,
    • incorporated,
    • Concocted,
    • alloyed,
    • Brewed,
    • mixed,
    • miscellaneous,
    • conjoint.

    composed (adjective)

    • embodied,
    • formed,
    • included,
    • fabricated,
    • Constructed,
    • invented,
    • constituted,
    • Compiled,
    • Embraced.

    concerted (adjective)

    • prearranged,
    • agreed upon.

    concurrent (adjective)

    • coincident,
    • concert,
    • synchronous,
    • concurrent.

    confederate (adjective)

    • in alliance,
    • federal,
    • syndicated,
    • unionized.

    connected (adjective)

    • more bracketed,
    • in with,
    • most bracketed,
    • pertinent,
    • most coupled,
    • more coupled.

    cooperative (adjective)

    • co-efficient,
    • more participating,
    • most participating,
    • inter dependent,
    • most collaborating,
    • more coactive,
    • more collaborating,
    • more uniting,
    • most coactive,
    • co acting,
    • more symbiotic,
    • co-adjuvant,
    • most concurring,
    • more collegial,
    • co active,
    • most uniting,
    • most coadjuvant,
    • more coordinated,
    • most coacting,
    • co operative,
    • more interdependent,
    • teamest,
    • inter-dependent,
    • most symbiotic,
    • more concurring,
    • most collegial,
    • more coadjuvant,
    • most joining,
    • most coordinated,
    • more coefficient,
    • most coefficient,
    • hand glove,
    • more joining,
    • most interdependent,
    • teamer,
    • co efficient,
    • co adjuvant,
    • more coacting.

    corporate (adjective)

    • most pooled,
    • more pooled.

    gathered (adjective)

    • most aggregated,
    • more swarmed,
    • most picked,
    • most swarmed,
    • Rallied,
    • more convened,
    • more thronged,
    • re united,
    • more forgathered,
    • more huddled,
    • most congregated,
    • more gleaned,
    • thronged,
    • most reunited,
    • Summoned,
    • re-united,
    • more rallied,
    • more mobilized,
    • more congregated,
    • most forgathered,
    • most harvested,
    • most gleaned,
    • most met,
    • most convened,
    • more collocated,
    • more culled,
    • most convoked,
    • more marshaled,
    • most marshaled,
    • more harvested,
    • most huddled,
    • more picked,
    • most collocated,
    • more met,
    • most rallied,
    • more reunited,
    • more aggregated,
    • most garnered,
    • most culled,
    • most mobilized,
    • more garnered,
    • more convoked,
    • most thronged.

    included (adjective)

    • Inserted,
    • subsumed,
    • enclosed,
    • Numbered,
    • part of.

    integrated (adjective)

    • more mingled,
    • most mingled,
    • most interspersed,
    • more interspersed.

    joined (adjective)

    • wedded,
    • joined,
    • stuck together,
    • interallied,
    • interclasped,
    • inter-twined,
    • Confederated,
    • interfused.

    linked (adjective)

    • Mingled.

    mixed (adjective)

    • hybrid,
    • emulsion,
    • stewed,
    • merged,
    • Melded,
    • bastard,
    • mongrel,
    • Mashed.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • in league,
    • aggregate,
    • forgathered,
    • linked,
    • Coadjuvant,
    • undivided,
    • corporate,
    • synergetic,
    • undistracted,
    • lumped together,
    • coefficient,
    • symbiotic,
    • in on with,
    • co-active,
    • synergistic,
    • concerted,
    • cooperative,
    • co-acting,
    • gathered,
    • connected,
    • interdependent,
    • banded together,
    • confederate,
    • Bracketed,
    • brought together,
    • coacting,
    • synergic,
    • lock stock and barrel,
    • Coactive,
    • allied,
    • collective,
    • collegial,
    • co-operative,
    • crowded together,
    • unanimous.

    unanimous (adjective)

    • consentient,
    • unquestioned,
    • consensual,
    • of one mind,
    • in complete accord.

    undivided (adjective)

    • in tense,
    • un-swerving,
    • un-flagging,
    • in tenser,
    • in-tensest,
    • more undistracted,
    • more unbroken,
    • more continued,
    • most unbroken,
    • de liberate,
    • un-cut,
    • un distracted,
    • in-tenser,
    • un cut,
    • in tent,
    • un divided,
    • in-tense,
    • most continued,
    • un swerving,
    • most undistracted,
    • un broken,
    • de-tailed,
    • lock stock barrel,
    • de-liberate,
    • un-divided,
    • un-distracted,
    • un-broken,
    • de tailed.

    unified (adjective)

    • tied in,
    • joined up.
  • adv

    Other relevant words: (adverb)

    • in partnership,
    • all at once,
    • synchronically,
    • collectively,
    • harmoniously,
    • in company with,
    • together,
    • inseparably,
    • in concert,
    • in group,
    • Concomitantly,
    • with one another,
    • in conjunction,
    • reciprocally,
    • cooperatively,
    • in a group,
    • companionably,
    • Connectedly,
    • arm in arm,
    • unitedly,
    • co-operatively,
    • coincidentally,
    • in common,
    • conjointly.

    together (adverb)

    • all together,
    • in a body,
    • with one voice,
    • in cooperation,
    • contemporaneously,
    • with voice,
    • on the beat,
    • in sync,
    • in one breath,
    • at one fell swoop.
  • adv.

    jointly (adverb)

    • similarly,
    • arm arm,
    • in separably,
    • en masse,
    • in-separably,
    • intimately,
    • co incidentally,
    • with another,
    • co-incidentally,
    • hand hand,
    • co operatively.

    synchronously (adverb)

    • all once,
    • synchronously.

    together (adverb)

    • with one accord,
    • with the beat.
  • n.

    • balanced,
    • graded,
    • jumbled,
    • integrated.

    • group,
    • in association with,
    • in unison.

    combined (noun)

    • conglomerate,
    • conjunctive,
    • hyphenated,
    • conjunct,
    • sorbed,
    • occluded,
    • condensed,
    • rolled into one,
    • one.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • compound.
  • v.

    co-acted (verb)

    • united,
    • co-acted,
    • Concurred,
    • synchronized,
    • Cooperated,
    • Coincided.

    combined (verb)

    • composed,
    • fused,
    • compounded.

    mixed (verb)

    • intermixed,
    • Decocted.
  • Other synonyms:

    • eclectic,
    • multifarious,
    • heterogeneous,
    • complex,
    • bilateral,
    • face to face,
    • coherent,
    • unified,
    • plural,
    • multilateral,
    • promiscuous,
    • motley,
    • complementary,
    • cohesive.

    • undiluted,
    • rounded.

    • unlikely.

    • organic,
    • odd.

    • tight.


    • cumulative.


    • jointly.

    Other relevant words:

    • collectivized,
    • match,
    • convoluted,
    • conformable,
    • effected,
    • sundry,
    • accumulate,
    • unfastened,
    • impound,
    • blurry,
    • extravert,
    • eager,
    • utter,
    • conglomeration,
    • bore-hole,
    • adulterate,
    • publically,
    • tie up,
    • toilsome,
    • conjugate solution,
    • mutually beneficial,
    • burgess,
    • glaring,
    • average,
    • report,
    • homogenous,
    • unmanageable,
    • rippled,
    • complemental,
    • incentive,
    • wasted,
    • bond paper,
    • appurtenant,
    • dry,
    • fade,
    • truelove,
    • bail bond,
    • mazed,
    • similar,
    • constituent,
    • garbled,
    • upset,
    • severe,
    • organic fertilizer,
    • fill in,
    • stallion,
    • interred,
    • doubly,
    • most,
    • vernacular,
    • hook up with,
    • pied,
    • coloured,
    • apposite,
    • commune,
    • be,
    • encompassing,
    • mountain,
    • photographic emulsion,
    • run into,
    • henchman,
    • miscellanea,
    • confirmatory,
    • wish,
    • paper,
    • peer,
    • corporal,
    • conspirative,
    • chap,
    • run,
    • mint,
    • equanimous,
    • confederative,
    • marital,
    • fill,
    • vary,
    • extraverted,
    • articulation,
    • band together,
    • warm up,
    • bedim,
    • well disposed,
    • ironical,
    • bail,
    • wholly,
    • spear carrier,
    • latitude,
    • electrical fuse,
    • interactive,
    • constitutional,
    • pose,
    • cadaver,
    • bilaterally symmetrical,
    • substantiative,
    • exact,
    • matrimonial,
    • veil,
    • shrewd,
    • extrovertive,
    • frozen,
    • vivid,
    • transnational,
    • unbending,
    • almost,
    • green,
    • unnoticeable,
    • exhaustive,
    • quite a little,
    • mo,
    • loaded,
    • intermingle,
    • canasta,
    • fulfil,
    • clan,
    • voluptuous,
    • touch,
    • fulfill,
    • squiffy,
    • melt down,
    • mathematical group,
    • concur,
    • porcine,
    • unrivalled,
    • mixing,
    • opinion,
    • merging,
    • more than,
    • across-the-board,
    • one-sided,
    • partner in crime,
    • rank,
    • heavy,
    • mother fucker,
    • colligate,
    • eclecticist,
    • poised,
    • mating,
    • border,
    • pass on,
    • confrere,
    • scrimy,
    • linkup,
    • left field,
    • encourage,
    • leap,
    • makeup,
    • flow,
    • improbable,
    • blend in,
    • bleary,
    • harmonical,
    • kinship group,
    • brumous,
    • protracted,
    • baffled,
    • cut,
    • accessary,
    • various,
    • draw near,
    • affecting,
    • rummy,
    • knowing,
    • adhesiveness,
    • evenly,
    • tie-in,
    • agnatic,
    • subsidiary,
    • as a group,
    • substantial,
    • attachment,
    • confuse,
    • correlated,
    • pile up,
    • buxom,
    • topsy-turvy,
    • impression,
    • discharge,
    • tolerant,
    • cloaked,
    • layperson,
    • batch,
    • cooccurring,
    • likewise,
    • complicated,
    • organisation,
    • blind drunk,
    • full-of-the-moon,
    • primer,
    • roseate,
    • crying,
    • bodied,
    • arcminute,
    • stark,
    • matching,
    • soused,
    • painstaking,
    • spacious,
    • profligate,
    • compartmentalization,
    • knockout,
    • turn over,
    • dickhead,
    • fluxion,
    • accoutrement,
    • double up,
    • debauched,
    • sum up,
    • easy,
    • final exam,
    • head,
    • hatful,
    • stripe,
    • intercommunicate,
    • hale,
    • musical composition,
    • people,
    • collaborate,
    • mixed bag,
    • contact,
    • musical arrangement,
    • collaborator,
    • full phase of the moon,
    • vanish,
    • sequester,
    • slew,
    • dental amalgam,
    • doomed,
    • gibe,
    • consistent,
    • intact,
    • come across,
    • bond certificate,
    • pop,
    • categorisation,
    • labelled,
    • boilers suit,
    • cope,
    • uneven,
    • spring,
    • bingle,
    • swain,
    • colligation,
    • dispatch,
    • agreeable,
    • stipulatory,
    • unfaltering,
    • isobilateral,
    • attenuate,
    • mantled,
    • advance,
    • dark,
    • seize,
    • doubling,
    • fancied,
    • caliber,
    • left-winger,
    • collectivised,
    • cured,
    • crocked,
    • notion,
    • excess,
    • bipartizan,
    • unhurt,
    • drug-addicted,
    • leftover,
    • pasted,
    • nonionic,
    • every bit,
    • fictional,
    • stabilise,
    • draw together,
    • eat up,
    • intensify,
    • physical composition,
    • boyfriend,
    • tone,
    • decently,
    • byzantine,
    • earthy,
    • organise,
    • accouterment,
    • frilly,
    • set-aside,
    • set up,
    • adherence,
    • pixilated,
    • moderate,
    • good deal,
    • muzzy,
    • blur,
    • state-controlled,
    • captive,
    • secular,
    • firmly,
    • highly-developed,
    • interconnected,
    • doubled,
    • hour,
    • poached,
    • next,
    • unity,
    • blush wine,
    • obligate,
    • undeviating,
    • unfreeze,
    • shackle,
    • prick,
    • good-hearted,
    • arranging,
    • intuitive feeling,
    • smell,
    • symmetrical,
    • connectedness,
    • trammel,
    • dear,
    • shadowy,
    • rebound,
    • stunt man,
    • rock-bottom,
    • min,
    • boiled,
    • overtone,
    • salmagundi,
    • stabilize,
    • loose,
    • deal,
    • aim,
    • plotted,
    • individual,
    • unvoiced,
    • get hitched with,
    • to the full,
    • focussed,
    • even,
    • to a greater extent,
    • fall in,
    • take on,
    • universal proposition,
    • degraded,
    • ended,
    • lengthy,
    • tack,
    • universal joint,
    • typography,
    • all of a sudden,
    • unpaired,
    • convey,
    • poignant,
    • commons,
    • blot out,
    • couple,
    • maintained,
    • spare,
    • accurate,
    • whole kit,
    • add-on,
    • patrilineal sib,
    • federate,
    • fit,
    • fussy,
    • son of a bitch,
    • priming,
    • compounding,
    • recoil,
    • restrict,
    • dissolute,
    • right,
    • naturalized,
    • accommodating,
    • state of flux,
    • ordinary bicycle,
    • nasty,
    • backbreaking,
    • rough-cut,
    • all-embracing,
    • disoriented,
    • starchy,
    • rule,
    • smorgasbord,
    • missed,
    • adhere,
    • immanent,
    • constitution of the united states,
    • inter-group communication,
    • touch sensation,
    • associate degree,
    • grouping,
    • laborious,
    • undecipherable,
    • mired,
    • take a hop,
    • lad,
    • curvy,
    • gummy,
    • foregather,
    • internalisation,
    • articulate,
    • kin group,
    • early,
    • organic law,
    • acceptable,
    • jointure,
    • distinctive,
    • egregious,
    • scoop,
    • whole-souled,
    • whole kit and caboodle,
    • proportionate,
    • confluence,
    • drawn-out,
    • forked,
    • pile,
    • nearly,
    • authorship,
    • whole kit and boodle,
    • clay,
    • synchronal,
    • cosmopolitan,
    • immingle,
    • limit,
    • gnarly,
    • hold,
    • oecumenical,
    • magnetic flux,
    • mellow out,
    • coupling,
    • fey,
    • saltation,
    • unexpended,
    • variety,
    • cut down,
    • elaborate,
    • all-encompassing,
    • often,
    • draped,
    • haze over,
    • jumble,
    • accomplice,
    • set,
    • rough,
    • stirred,
    • self-contained,
    • intercrossed,
    • moved,
    • mellow,
    • phoney,
    • left hand,
    • gruelling,
    • openhearted,
    • gnarled,
    • final examination,
    • funny,
    • mess,
    • peck,
    • all,
    • sonsie,
    • satisfy,
    • unfailing,
    • federal official,
    • hoi polloi,
    • intention,
    • look,
    • busty,
    • divided up,
    • liquify,
    • hypertrophied,
    • fresh,
    • careful,
    • nonpareil,
    • skinny,
    • sorted,
    • harmonic,
    • intermixture,
    • stiffly,
    • matchless,
    • terminated,
    • surplus,
    • chemical bond,
    • accompaniment,
    • prolonged,
    • assort,
    • becloud,
    • plural form,
    • two-fold,
    • co-occurrent,
    • adjoin,
    • firm,
    • two-part,
    • yoke,
    • mundane,
    • bewildered,
    • liberal,
    • relate,
    • ricochet,
    • dullard,
    • knobbed,
    • modern,
    • ofttimes,
    • disorderly,
    • reduplicate,
    • leftfield,
    • self-collected,
    • fella,
    • go up,
    • unbelievable,
    • benevolent,
    • two-baser,
    • close,
    • syncretistical,
    • spirit,
    • attendee,
    • bipartite,
    • wad,
    • unrivaled,
    • full-bosomed,
    • about,
    • organize,
    • blown,
    • self-coloured,
    • bemused,
    • strong,
    • pickaback,
    • remaining,
    • absorb,
    • wholesale,
    • severely,
    • two-bagger,
    • affected,
    • fill out,
    • co-op,
    • strung-out,
    • get in touch,
    • unwearying,
    • vicious,
    • hide,
    • unnoted,
    • fuzee,
    • line of latitude,
    • attendance,
    • unordered,
    • insignificant,
    • populace,
    • summate,
    • flavour,
    • engross,
    • oftentimes,
    • confiscate,
    • bit,
    • tireless,
    • satisfactory,
    • blockaded,
    • ill-defined,
    • charitable,
    • boundary,
    • adjuvant,
    • heading,
    • boost,
    • portmanteau word,
    • pursy,
    • logical,
    • unmatched,
    • in general,
    • gather,
    • curious,
    • multi-colored,
    • fixture,
    • tough,
    • unplowed,
    • multicoloured,
    • align,
    • large-minded,
    • feller,
    • apt,
    • potent,
    • metal,
    • leaping,
    • liquefy,
    • recovered,
    • reverberate,
    • undifferentiated,
    • duple,
    • hurt,
    • guarded,
    • sob,
    • constitutive,
    • one and only,
    • attender,
    • obliterate,
    • desegregate,
    • over,
    • quiet,
    • standard,
    • liquid,
    • combinational,
    • accord,
    • democratic,
    • emancipated,
    • misty,
    • go,
    • agglomerative,
    • link up,
    • laced,
    • instant,
    • two-sided,
    • uncouth,
    • in return,
    • whoreson,
    • fog,
    • make out,
    • roast,
    • indecipherable,
    • finish,
    • unvarying,
    • commixture,
    • miscellany,
    • internalization,
    • cloud,
    • drill hole,
    • plenty,
    • habitue,
    • hearty,
    • mate,
    • sodding,
    • opus,
    • patrisib,
    • equate,
    • similitude,
    • thoroughgoing,
    • intermix,
    • helpless,
    • elongated,
    • hamper,
    • calibre,
    • meeter,
    • comprehensive examination,
    • intemperate,
    • extrovert,
    • pastiche,
    • flagrant,
    • mantle,
    • corresponding,
    • heart-whole,
    • broadly speaking,
    • divided,
    • nonionized,
    • unbendable,
    • meddling,
    • atrophied,
    • varicoloured,
    • coarse,
    • at the same time,
    • tie in,
    • inhumed,
    • band,
    • last,
    • partial derivative,
    • twinned,
    • add,
    • unchallenged,
    • circumscribed,
    • plugged,
    • ane,
    • brace,
    • attention,
    • union soldier,
    • make-up,
    • mixed-up,
    • left wing,
    • piece of music,
    • twin falls,
    • position,
    • inherent,
    • lesson,
    • supernumerary,
    • gent,
    • oblige,
    • fundamental law,
    • beau,
    • look-alike,
    • bad,
    • blighter,
    • plastered,
    • novel,
    • steadfast,
    • splice,
    • nigh,
    • midweek,
    • bivalent,
    • well-disposed,
    • apprenticed,
    • lucid,
    • routine,
    • equalize,
    • quick,
    • perfect,
    • self-colored,
    • reconciling,
    • bourgeois,
    • open-eyed,
    • unharmed,
    • reasonable,
    • heap,
    • comparable,
    • grueling,
    • aquiline,
    • plug in,
    • tire,
    • syncretical,
    • thawing,
    • everyday,
    • consentaneous,
    • purport,
    • combinatorial,
    • calico,
    • localised,
    • mutt,
    • bandage,
    • sweetheart,
    • calculating,
    • loan-blend,
    • infinitesimal,
    • purpose,
    • perverted,
    • sum,
    • planted,
    • mingy,
    • panoptic,
    • stick to,
    • categorization,
    • kin,
    • parasitical,
    • savage,
    • multicolored,
    • junction,
    • piebald,
    • broadly,
    • leechlike,
    • dependent,
    • implanted,
    • bury,
    • indefatigable,
    • faint,
    • confused,
    • counterpart,
    • undistinguished,
    • solidness,
    • old ironsides,
    • analogue,
    • park,
    • hugger-mugger,
    • more often than not,
    • corporate trust,
    • illegitimate child,
    • classification,
    • megascopic,
    • reticent,
    • elaborated,
    • throwaway,
    • adjacent,
    • sympathetic,
    • extensive,
    • meddlesome,
    • consonant,
    • plunge,
    • bounds,
    • melted,
    • singular,
    • supplement,
    • nexus,
    • correspond,
    • open,
    • rosaceous,
    • contaminated,
    • mutualist,
    • muckle,
    • confine,
    • treble,
    • congealed,
    • replete,
    • disjointed,
    • fictitious,
    • buster,
    • bosomy,
    • exaggerated,
    • substantiating,
    • calm,
    • admixture,
    • bipartisan,
    • destined,
    • organization,
    • parallel of latitude,
    • distorted,
    • mixture,
    • place,
    • tactile sensation,
    • unlaced,
    • fasting,
    • liaison,
    • heavily,
    • forgotten,
    • particolored,
    • connector,
    • radical,
    • nonionised,
    • curvaceous,
    • chemical group,
    • argus-eyed,
    • brutal,
    • in the main,
    • mound,
    • accumulative,
    • frilled,
    • composing,
    • fully,
    • colonial,
    • touch base,
    • thrown-away,
    • u.s. constitution,
    • 144,
    • remains,
    • whole works,
    • flux density,
    • confirming,
    • sports meeting,
    • persevering,
    • mine run,
    • raft,
    • unmarked,
    • plebeian,
    • smashed,
    • unadulterated,
    • incidental,
    • clothed,
    • by-blow,
    • aforethought,
    • validating,
    • tot,
    • illegitimate,
    • full general,
    • small,
    • edge,
    • run-of-the-mine,
    • measured,
    • moment,
    • unmatchable,
    • gemini,
    • untrimmed,
    • satisfying,
    • bloodsucking,
    • unknown,
    • closely,
    • fly,
    • oecumenic,
    • connexion,
    • hardly,
    • superfluous,
    • grain,
    • at sea,
    • self-contradictory,
    • ilk,
    • elevated,
    • tack together,
    • mist,
    • cooperate,
    • magnetic field,
    • unconstipated,
    • raw,
    • resile,
    • pair,
    • completely,
    • crossbreed,
    • tally,
    • intentional,
    • ensuant,
    • tidal bore,
    • amphibian,
    • debate,
    • amass,
    • us constitution,
    • agglomerated,
    • belief,
    • presently,
    • minute of arc,
    • coincidental,
    • gauge,
    • on a regular basis,
    • slanted,
    • flavor,
    • labeled,
    • double-dyed,
    • fusee,
    • unmated,
    • short-winded,
    • accrued,
    • punishing,
    • unreadable,
    • booked,
    • radio link,
    • dude,
    • colleague,
    • barbarous,
    • unscathed,
    • drill,
    • strike down,
    • level,
    • befog,
    • particoloured,
    • chemical compound,
    • lintel,
    • soak up,
    • swallow up,
    • passel,
    • care,
    • implemental,
    • leftist,
    • divers,
    • preoccupied,
    • discriminatory,
    • barricaded,
    • contain,
    • arrant,
    • cognate,
    • ranked,
    • plug into,
    • unchained,
    • in public,
    • tactual sensation,
    • cocksucker,
    • pig-a-back,
    • whole caboodle,
    • corroborative,
    • solid state,
    • kit and boodle,
    • hand and glove,
    • convention,
    • tot up,
    • loyal,
    • pairing,
    • articled,
    • adhesion,
    • stria,
    • revenue,
    • scheming,
    • collegiate,
    • terminal,
    • promote,
    • melting,
    • tribe,
    • former,
    • twofold,
    • utilized,
    • wet,
    • entirely,
    • cover,
    • queer,
    • ballad,
    • trussed,
    • rigorous,
    • unthaw,
    • co-occurrence,
    • stack,
    • young,
    • aegir,
    • heterogenous,
    • ordinate,
    • varicolored,
    • committed,
    • formula,
    • bulk,
    • rum,
    • multitude,
    • adjunct,
    • drop,
    • tenacious,
    • well-endowed,
    • by and large,
    • unintentional,
    • safety fuse,
    • pass along,
    • chartered,
    • staring,
    • rival,
    • meshed,
    • scattered,
    • kit and caboodle,
    • qualified,
    • unheeded,
    • unwavering,
    • wide,
    • flock,
    • get married,
    • 1,
    • same,
    • redundant,
    • structured,
    • foggy,
    • wax,
    • mated,
    • roughshod,
    • vulgar,
    • jump,
    • libertine,
    • aggregative,
    • piece,
    • wide-cut,
    • love child,
    • stunt woman,
    • federal soldier,
    • reinforced,
    • feel,
    • cruel,
    • steadily,
    • coincidently,
    • concluding,
    • double over,
    • as,
    • altogether,
    • draw close,
    • spate,
    • compartmentalisation,
    • supererogatory,
    • embossed,
    • nail,
    • penny-pinching,
    • oft,
    • companion,
    • higgledy-piggledy,
    • corrupt,
    • becalm,
    • alignment,
    • arduous,
    • blood-related,
    • throttle,
    • harmonised,
    • submissive,
    • suffer,
    • mottled,
    • forgather,
    • unwashed,
    • unit,
    • blotto,
    • cockeyed,
    • eagre,
    • sexual union,
    • consanguineous,
    • wry,
    • swallow,
    • strict,
    • phony,
    • inflexible,
    • paternal,
    • connection,
    • indirect,
    • complementary color,
    • knotty,
    • data link,
    • dissolve,
    • world,
    • sonsy,
    • totality,
    • cross,
    • masses,
    • debased,
    • appurtenance,
    • unfettered,
    • inbuilt,
    • commix,
    • completing,
    • workaday,
    • truehearted,
    • put across,
    • incarnate,
    • mostly,
    • active,
    • trust,
    • volume,
    • coordination compound,
    • fillip,
    • comprise,
    • bounce,
    • belittled,
    • debase,
    • unmown,
    • machine-accessible,
    • vitiated,
    • unmarried,
    • second,
    • connecter,
    • tender,
    • pot,
    • united states constitution,
    • deep-rooted,
    • concurrence,
    • sight,
    • colored,
    • well,
    • ignored,
    • narrow,
    • pass,
    • express,
    • loosely,
    • combinable,
    • tie down,
    • multicolour,
    • surd,
    • forthcoming,
    • consummate,
    • illogical,
    • slavish,
    • fitted out,
    • reefer,
    • motherfucker,
    • approximate,
    • engulf,
    • linguistic universal,
    • threefold,
    • dissipated,
    • deepen,
    • synchronised,
    • enwrapped,
    • see,
    • riotous,
    • agreement,
    • replicate,
    • patrilineal kin,
    • scripted,
    • unemotional,
    • commie,
    • unsung,
    • common man,
    • consider,
    • magnified,
    • disconnected,
    • concluded,
    • full-length,
    • fake,
    • fuze,
    • unattended,
    • unfluctuating,
    • fuzzed,
    • collimate,
    • striation,
    • shuffle,
    • gang,
    • congress,
    • tenanted,
    • union,
    • degenerate,
    • misrepresented,
    • pricey,
    • virtually,
    • appropriation,
    • multicolor,
    • concord,
    • cur,
    • pissed,
    • pattern,
    • penning,
    • heighten,
    • cheeseparing,
    • hold fast,
    • fitting,
    • dethaw,
    • play,
    • shared out,
    • receive,
    • alliance,
    • interfering,
    • embroiled,
    • multi-coloured,
    • good,
    • unploughed,
    • congeries,
    • approach,
    • related to,
    • sluttish,
    • unshackled,
    • unshakable,
    • steep,
    • light,
    • correlate,
    • overcloud,
    • corpse,
    • sequent,
    • well-nigh,
    • repose,
    • isolated,
    • the like,
    • instrumental,
    • unification,
    • nice,
    • verifying,
    • broken,
    • sloshed,
    • ruffle,
    • unremarkably,
    • co-ordinated,
    • put down,
    • tortuous,
    • freshly,
    • acute,
    • generic wine,
    • deep-seated,
    • constipate,
    • mickle,
    • harmonize,
    • rose wine,
    • disappear,
    • number,
    • the likes of,
    • moot,
    • befuddled,
    • utilised,
    • equalise,
    • blending,
    • multiplicative inverse,
    • thaw,
    • potpourri,
    • blown-up,
    • coping,
    • cumulus,
    • formation,
    • jellied,
    • pricy,
    • coming together,
    • run-of-the-mill,
    • reciprocal cross,
    • voiceless,
    • blurred,
    • alike,
    • wednesday,
    • unexampled,
    • articulatio,
    • stick,
    • proficiency,
    • special,
    • co-ordinate,
    • variegate,
    • common person,
    • consequent,
    • fond,
    • molten,
    • wanton,
    • corroboratory,
    • cuss,
    • totally,
    • duplicate,
    • peerless,
    • come near,
    • inversely,
    • verificatory,
    • come on,
    • pie-eyed,
    • left-hand,
    • slopped,
    • mean,
    • miserly,
    • validatory,
    • peculiar,
    • bound up,
    • confirmative,
    • lot,
    • dim,
    • twice,
    • conform to,
    • apart,
    • make sense,
    • squad,
    • consociate,
    • writing,
    • premix,
    • composite plant,
    • works,
    • hooklike,
    • check,
    • amount,
    • theme,
    • bloke,
    • consort,
    • quotidian,
    • dependant,
    • portmanteau,
    • conscientious,
    • jibe,
    • pink wine,
    • rosiness,
    • flying,
    • self-possessed,
    • merger,
    • repeat,
    • laic,
    • intemperately,
    • besotted,
    • bilaterally symmetric,
    • immobile,
    • indentured,
    • coincidence,
    • unconnected,
    • bandaged,
    • wakeful,
    • veritable,
    • soaked,
    • felled seam,
    • aggroup,
    • multi-colour,
    • superior general,
    • encounter,
    • confounded,
    • asshole,
    • saturated,
    • tidy sum,
    • tote up,
    • fed,
    • put,
    • harmonise,
    • sole,
    • basket rummy,
    • unclean,
    • ardent,
    • resultant,
    • full treatment,
    • painted,
    • square,
    • opposite,
    • extravertive,
    • spliff,
    • modified,
    • ancillary,
    • newly,
    • leased,
    • crude,
    • comrade,
    • conventional,
    • coinciding,
    • ace,
    • costly,
    • unspecific,
    • worldwide,
    • everlasting,
    • compressed,
    • image,
    • consanguine,
    • sozzled,
    • officious,
    • en bloc,
    • busybodied,
    • partial tone,
    • marijuana cigarette,
    • full moon,
    • sure,
    • additional,
    • parti-color,
    • hidden,
    • cordially,
    • design,
    • together with,
    • two-party,
    • placement,
    • grudging,
    • soldering,
    • espouse,
    • calculated,
    • juncture,
    • interracial,
    • auxiliary,
    • boilersuit,
    • pure,
    • attenuated,
    • multi-color,
    • brocaded,
    • accomplished,
    • loanblend,
    • three-fold,
    • arranged,
    • analog,
    • buckram,
    • compeer,
    • intermeshed,
    • system,
    • building complex,
    • faded,
    • disorganised,
    • receipts,
    • bird’s-eye,
    • cartel,
    • bogus,
    • transmit,
    • upstanding,
    • establishment,
    • extrospective,
    • truss,
    • unconvincing,
    • evaporate,
    • adequate,
    • pudding stone,
    • cast-off,
    • occupy,
    • net,
    • left over,
    • transcription,
    • run across,
    • calculative,
    • stratified,
    • empire,
    • fuddled,
    • two-base hit,
    • all over,
    • patrikin,
    • staunch,
    • properly,
    • wispy,
    • fit in,
    • unsubtle,
    • foster,
    • add together,
    • synchronic,
    • the great unwashed,
    • come,
    • i,
    • stringent,
    • great deal,
    • mix in,
    • tie,
    • in use,
    • sweetie,
    • shit.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • bring together,
    • integrate,
    • multiple,
    • banded,
    • Heightened,
    • ecumenical,
    • communicate,
    • parallel,
    • synthesized,
    • harmonious,
    • unanimously,
    • regularly,
    • agree,
    • Pooled,
    • blanket,
    • mingle,
    • commonly,
    • all-inclusive,
    • syncretistic,
    • conjugate,
    • banding,
    • scrambled,
    • clumped,
    • interact,
    • combinative,
    • coalesce,
    • conjoin,
    • combine,
    • collectivist,
    • comprehensive,
    • wrapped up,
    • heaped,
    • agreeing,
    • accessory,
    • communistic,
    • Lumped,
    • Fascicled,
    • in collaboration,
    • assortment,
    • amassed,
    • multifaceted,
    • unite,
    • Shuffled,
    • connect,
    • public,
    • combination,
    • agreed,
    • collected,
    • intricate,
    • congregate,
    • amalgamate,
    • publicly,
    • annexation,
    • accordant,
    • add to,
    • associate,
    • Cooperant,
    • in agreement,
    • ingrained,
    • put together,
    • combining,
    • general,
    • fifty-fifty,
    • Flowed,
    • normally,
    • communally,
    • conspiratorial,
    • extended,
    • parasitic,
    • added,
    • bond,
    • ruffled,
    • constitution,
    • bonding,
    • simultaneous,
    • bonded,
    • coupled,
    • conjunction,
    • syncretic,
    • overall,
    • patchy,
    • ambiguous,
    • Conspired,
    • attached,
    • uncompetitive,
    • Cooperating,
    • face-to-face,
    • medley,
    • jointed,
    • concomitant,
    • Bundled,
    • harmonized,
    • citizen,
    • conniving,
    • assemble,
    • immerse,
    • shared,
    • knotted,
    • half-and-half,
    • generally,
    • meet,
    • equivocal,
    • interlocked,
    • uniting,
    • attending,
    • habitually,
    • assorted,
    • combinatory,
    • Commingled,
    • coordinate,
    • link,
    • joined together,
    • coalesced,
    • noncompetitive,
    • twin,
    • piled,
    • mutual,
    • conjugation,
    • go together,
    • communal,
    • mixed in,
    • mutually,
    • add up,
    • Communalistic,
    • multiracial,
    • intermingled,
    • arrangement,
    • in session,
    • customarily,
    • unify,
    • varied,
    • collusive,
    • popularly,
    • amalgamation,
    • merge,
    • at one with,
    • incorporation,
    • cumulate,
    • catholic,
    • Fasciculated,
    • admixed,
    • concentrated,
    • affiliated,
    • dappled,
    • Pieced,
    • texture,
    • get together,
    • communist,
    • panoramic,
    • attendant,
    • multinational,
    • ordinarily,
    • Leagued,
    • Coadunate,
    • saprophytic,
    • intensified,
    • Assimilated,
    • inclusive,
    • encyclopaedic,
    • Coadjutant,
    • consolidated,
    • clustered,
    • common,
    • diversified,
    • meld,
    • join together,
    • Conflated,
    • melt,
    • as one,
    • concertedly,
    • stacked,
    • connective,
    • correlative,
    • conjugated,
    • attach,
    • Adjoined,
    • collectivistic,
    • broad,
    • commensal,
    • Totalled,
    • sweeping,
    • pluralistic,
    • alloy,
    • pleb,
    • ironic,
    • usually,
    • paired,
    • consilient,
    • packaged,
    • amphibious,
    • affiliate,
    • syncretized,
    • deepened,
    • meeting,
    • accompanying,
    • commoner,
    • liquefied,
    • converge,
    • Bander,
    • encyclopedic,
    • concordant,
    • amalgam,
    • Communalist,
    • concurring,
    • frequently,
    • collateral,
    • currently,
    • communitarian,
    • indiscriminate,
    • Compacted,
    • technique,
    • conjoined,
    • ecumenic,
    • Bonder,
    • agglomerate,
    • burgher,
    • bunched,
    • incorporate,
    • accumulated,
    • liquified,
    • associated,
    • non-exclusive,
    • Cemented,
    • Aggregated,
    • composition,
    • Congregated,
    • trusted,
    • ambivalent,
    • reciprocal,
    • Glomerate,
    • coarsely,
    • democrat,
    • accommodative,
    • many-sided,
    • collaborative,
    • desegregated,
    • fellow,
    • header,
    • coworking,
    • layman,
    • married,
    • join.

How to use «Combined» in context?

Combined is a word that is often used in a sentence. It means that two things are combined. It is often used in a sentence to mean that two people are working together.

Paraphrases for Combined:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
      combine, merged.
    • Proper noun, singular
      combine, merged, combines.
    • Verb, past tense
      amalgamated, merged.
    • Verb, past participle
      amalgamated, merged.
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Verb, past tense
      blended, blends.
    • Verb, past participle
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      accumulated, amalgamated, blended, co-ed, combining, concerted, conjugate, conjugated, coordinated, double, fused, grouped, locked, mixed, report, joint, regrouped, intermodal, co-educational, co-located.
    • Proper noun, singular
      blended, combining, combo, consolidated, locked, mixed, Juntos, Les, divisions, joint.
    • Noun, plural
      Summaries, LINEs, meetings, amalgamations, sources, handsets, packages.
    • Verb, past tense
      accompanied, account, attached, attended, bind, built, collapsed, conjugated, considered, consolidated, contained, count, enclosed, endorsed, facilitated, framework, held, included, joined, la, led, licence, linked, locked, manufactured, organized, permit, permitted, played, produced, rolled, uncovered, used, Accounted, Allowed, Amounted, Annexed, Attracted, Brought, Enabled, Existed, Helped, Les, Met, Participated, Rallied, Reached, Resulted, Resumed, Served, Took, Teamed, Transferred, Worked, Totalled, Collated, Competed, Consisted, Conspired, Contributed, Convened, associates, contacted, intermixed, reproduced, reunited, joint, regrouped.
    • Verb, past participle
      accepted, accompanied, accumulated, accumulation, acquired, adapted, add, addendum, aggravated, aligned, allotted, area, arranged, assigned, assisted, assumed, attached, attended, augmented, backed, background, baffled, balanced, based, become, bound, built, burdened, categorized, centred, charged, classified, clustered, coalesced, collapsed, come, completed, composed, compounded, concerted, concluded, conducted, configured, confounded, confused, conjugated, connected, considered, consolidated, contained, continued, converted, cooperation, coordinated, correlated, cost, coupled, covered, cut, deducted, described, designed, determined, developed, divided, documented, done, double, drawn, embedded, employed, enclosed, endorsed, engaged, enhanced, enrolled, established, exaggerated, expanded, expenditure, facilitated, filled, formed, found, founded, fulfilled, furnished, fused, given, granted, grouped, have, held, homogenized, identified, implicated, included, incorporated, increased, induced, inscribed, insert, interconnected, intermingled, intertwined, isolated, joined, kept, kingdom, known, laced, led, liaison, lined, linked, listed, located, locked, made, magnified, mainstreamed, matched, mirrored, mistaken, modified, moved, nomenclature, noted, obliged, observed, organised, organized, outlined, packaged, packed, paid, paired, perceived, permitted, placed, played, population, prepared, presented, produced, provoked, published, put, read, realized, reconciled, recorded, recourse, reflected, registered, reinforced, relocated, report, reported, represented, response, revised, ripened, rolled, said, scheduled, seated, secured, sent, separated, significance, specified, spending, stacked, stated, steps, structured, subscribed, supported, sustained, synchronized, taken, thanks, tied, transmitted, treated, tried, twinned, unparalleled, used, valued, weighted, withdrawn, worsened, zone, Accorded, Achieved, Adduced, Administered, Allowed, Amounted, Amplified, Annexed, Appended, Arrived, Ascribed, Asked, Attributed, Awarded, Been, Borne, Brought, Cantoned, Captured, Caused, Channelled, Detained, Discussed, Displayed, Dubbed, Duplicated, Embraced, Emerged, Enabled, Enshrined, Entered, Equated, Escorted, Filed, Followed, Generated, Had, Helped, Housed, Incurred, Indexed, Indicated, Inserted, Introduced, Intruded, Laminated, Lumped, Managed, Met, Mingled, Mobilized, Obtained, Participated, Pegged, Performed, Quoted, Reached, Referred, Rejoined, Resulted, Revoked, Served, Shown, Tabulated, Undertaken, Whilst, Worked, Totalled, Collated, Commingled, Compared, Compiled, Complied, Comprised, Computed, Conflated, Constructed, Contributed, Convened, Created, Cumulated, Provided, Subjected, Submitted, Supplemented, Supplied, contacted, states, responses, circulated, ensured, exacerbated, allocated, replaced, sampled, interlinked, pyramided, reunified, complemented, unbundled, realigned, reunited, partnered, laid, doubled, co-ordinated, subsumed, interfaced, regrouped, disaggregated, crewed, synthesised, e, summarised, composited.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      combo, consolidated, Cumulated.
    • Proper noun, singular
      combination, combinations.
    • Noun, plural
    • Noun, singular or mass
    • Verb, past tense
    • Verb, past participle

Word of the Day




  • COMBINED synonyms at
  • COMBINED synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    — COMBINED synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of COMBINED
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for COMBINED


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combination, combine, combining, combo, combiner

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Photo search results for Combined

Aerial Shot of Green Milling Tractor Billiard ball with number on bright orange surface for complex intellectual board game Selective Focus Photography of Assorted-color Puzzle Pieces Crop people playing cards at table Smart concentrated little girl with long ginger hair playing with pyramid shaped 3D combination puzzle sitting on sofa at home Old shabby cabin with combination lock and round windows

Image search results for Combined

puzzle, businessman, tablet key, heart, feather key, heart, feather music, guitar, two color combination key, heart, feather love locks, castle, padlock

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Synonyms for Combined. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

Synonyms for Combined. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Combined. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «combined»:

    combination, combo, merged, coupled, combiné, conjugate, conjugated, joint, kombinované, locked, mixed, merger, blended, grouped, merge, consolidated, pooled, combines, handsets, lockup, lockups, total, periodic, cumulative, paired, together, cumulated, aggregated, common

How to pronounce combined?

How to say combined in sign language?

How to use combined in a sentence?

  1. Raymond James ‘ Siegfried:

    Solid global demand growth combined with declining production both domestically( in the U.S.) and globally, should lead to a meaningfully undersupplied global oil market by mid-2016.

  2. John Schilling:

    The failed launch, combined with testing from a barge shows that North Korea still has a long way to go to develop this system, an initial operational capability of a North Korean ballistic-missile submarine is not expected before 2020.

  3. Gregg Easterbrook:

    No other country is even contemplating building something like the Ford-class carrier, we could cut the Navy in half in terms of ship numbers and still be far stronger than the rest of the world combined.

  4. Blessing Irish:

    Lust of power burns more fiercely than all the passions combined.

  5. John Jay Chapman:

    Is there something in trade that desiccates and flattens out, that turns men into dried leaves at the age of forty? Certainly there is. It is not due to trade but to intensity of self-seeking, combined with narrowness of occupation. Business has destroyed the very knowledge in us of all other natural forces except business.


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Synonyms of combined

  • adjective

  • as in collective

  • verb

  • as in fused

  • as in mixed

  • as in collective
  • as in fused
  • as in mixed

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1 of 2


Definition of combinednext

as in collective

used or done by a number of people as a group

a combined effort on the part of all of the members

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • collective

  • collaborative

  • joint

  • shared

  • united

  • mutual

  • pooled

  • multiple

  • communal

  • concerted

  • cooperative

  • public

  • synergistic

  • conjoint

  • reciprocal

  • common

  • conjunct

  • mass

  • bilateral

  • symbiotic

  • general

  • synergic

  • generic

  • twoway

  • consensual

  • popular

  • universal

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • individual

  • single

  • exclusive

  • personal

  • several

  • unilateral

  • separate

  • private

  • solitary

  • sole

  • independent

  • specialized

  • special

  • onesided

  • oneman

  • oneway

  • particular

  • esoteric

See More

  • individual

  • single

  • exclusive

  • personal

  • several

  • unilateral

  • separate

  • private

  • solitary

  • sole

  • independent

  • specialized

  • special

  • onesided

  • oneman

  • oneway

  • particular

  • esoteric

See More


2 of 2


past tense of combine


as in fused

to come together to form a single unit

the room’s highly varied design elements combine to form a harmonious whole

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • fused

  • united

  • connected

  • joined

  • coupled

  • unified

  • coalesced

  • conjoined

  • associated

  • married

  • conjugated

  • interfused

  • compounded

  • reunited

  • assembled

  • allied

  • mated

  • gathered

  • spliced

  • met

  • confederated

  • recombined

  • yoked

  • linked (up)

  • rejoined

  • reconnected

  • clustered

  • convened

  • leagued

  • hooked

  • chained

  • reunified

  • congregated

  • hitched

  • constellated

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • split

  • separated

  • divided

  • severed

  • isolated

  • sundered

  • broke up

  • sectioned

  • parted

  • resolved

  • dissevered

  • detached

  • divorced

  • disconnected

  • dissociated

  • fractionated

  • uncoupled

  • disjoined

  • dispersed

  • unlinked

  • disjointed

  • scattered

  • disbanded

  • disunited

  • disaffiliated

  • unyoked

See More

  • split

  • separated

  • divided

  • severed

  • isolated

  • sundered

  • broke up

  • sectioned

  • parted

  • resolved

  • dissevered

  • detached

  • divorced

  • disconnected

  • dissociated

  • fractionated

  • uncoupled

  • disjoined

  • dispersed

  • unlinked

  • disjointed

  • scattered

  • disbanded

  • disunited

  • disaffiliated

  • unyoked

See More


as in mixed

to turn into a single mass or entity that is more or less the same throughout

combine the sugar and flour in a bowl

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • mixed

  • merged

  • integrated

  • amalgamated

  • blended

  • incorporated

  • added

  • fused

  • melded

  • intermingled

  • intermixed

  • commingled

  • comingled

  • mingled

  • united

  • composited

  • homogenized

  • stirred

  • commixed

  • interfused

  • conflated

  • immixed

  • immingled

  • blent

  • weaved

  • folded

  • concreted

  • coalesced

  • compounded

  • linked

  • cut in

  • emulsified

  • tossed

  • admixed

  • joined

  • conjoined

  • intertwined

  • knit

  • knitted

  • beat (in)

  • interweaved

  • wove

  • interwove

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • separated

  • divided

  • broke down

  • divorced

  • broke up

  • dissolved

  • dispersed

  • cleaved

  • severed

  • scattered

  • split

  • ruptured

  • parted

  • disjoined

  • cleft

  • detached

  • unmixed

  • sundered

  • disunited

  • disengaged

See More

  • separated

  • divided

  • broke down

  • divorced

  • broke up

  • dissolved

  • dispersed

  • cleaved

  • severed

  • scattered

  • split

  • ruptured

  • parted

  • disjoined

  • cleft

  • detached

  • unmixed

  • sundered

  • disunited

  • disengaged

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“Combined.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.

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Nglish: Translation of combined for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of combined for Arabic Speakers

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