Another word for choose between

  • 1


    Русский глагол возражать используется в ситуациях с разными условиями и причинами для возражения. В отличие от него английские эквиваленты конкретизированы и предполагают разные причины и разный характер возражений.

    1. to object — возражать, выступать с возражениями ( обыкновенно приводя свои доводы и аргументы): to object to smth — возражать против чего-либо Your plan is fairly reasonable, I don’t think any one will object. — У Вас вполне разумный план, я думаю, никто возражать не станет/не будет. Mother objects to my going to the cinema alone, she says I’m too young. — Мама возражает против того, чтобы я одна пошла в кино, она говорит, что я еще слишком мала.

    2. to mind — возражать, быть против (глагол mind употребляется, как правило, в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях и предполагает отказ в просьбе, разрешении, несогласие): Do you mind my opening the window? — Вы не возражаете, если я открою окно? Why did you take my hat without asking? — Oh, sorry, I didn’t think you would mind. — Почему ты взял без спросу мою шляпу? — Извини, я думал, ты не будешь возражать.

    3. to be against — возражать, быть против: Your plan passed almost unanimously, there was only one vote against it. — Твой план был принят почти единогласно, был только один голос против. A walking tour is a good idea, but I’m against it in this awful weather. — Идея похода неплоха, но я против него в такую ужасную погоду.

    4. to retort — выбирать, предпочитать, предпочесть: to choose smth. smb — выбирать что-либо, кого-либо She chose that house because she liked the garden. — Она выбрала тот дом, потому что ей понравился сад. Why did you choose such a bright colour? — Почему вы выбрали такой яркий цвет? This story had been chosen from a collection of stories from the Middle East. — Этот рассказ был выбран из сборника рассказов Среднего Востока. You can choose whether to be paid by cheque or in cash. — Вы можете выбрать, как вам заплатить: чеком или наличными. We had to choose between leaving early or paying for a taxi. — Нам пришлось выбирать: выезжать рано или платить за такси. I can’t decide which of these vases to buy — I’ll let you choose. — Я не могу решить, какую из этих ваз купить, предоставлю выбор тебе. The board of directors was criticized for choosing someone who had no experience in legal matters. — Совет директоров критиковали за то, что они выбрали на эту должность человека без опыта в юридических вопросах. Choosing a suitable actress to play this part will be difficult. — Трудно будет подобрать подходящую актрису на эту роль. You may act as you choose. — Можете поступать так как захотите./Делайте по собственному выбору.

    2. to select — выбирать (выбирать, долго не раздумывая, или выбрать то, что больше по вкусу): Не held out a pack of cards: «Pick out a card, go on, any card». — Он протянул колоду карт: «Выбери любую карту». You have picked out a bad time for a pay rise — the boss has just crashed his car on the way to work. — Ты выбрал неудачный момент, чтобы попросить о повышении жалования — босс только что разбил свою машину по дороге на работу. The names had been picked out at random from a telephone book. — Были выбраны случайные фамилии из телефонной книги. The editor looked through the file, picking the best models out. — Редактор просмотрел весь файл и выбрал лучшие модели. There’s a whole rack of clothes, why don’t you pick something out. — Там на вешалке полно одежды, выбери себе что-нибудь. Не looked through the guide and picked out a few exhibitions to sec while he was in town. — Он просмотрел путеводитель и выбрал несколько выставок, которые хотел бы посетить, пока он в городе.

    4. to make/to have one’s choice — выбирать, сделать выбор, остановить свой выбор (на чем-либо): You are going to have/to make a choice, which dress you prefer. — Вы должны выбрать, которое платье вам больше идет./Вы должны остановить свой выбор на каком-либо платье. То leave her family or to stay in an unhappy marriage was a difficult decision, but she had made her choice. — Оставить свою семью или продолжать жить в несчастливом браке — трудно решить, но она сделала свой выбор. Before you can make the right choice which course to follow you need a lot more information. — Прежде чем правильно выбрать, каким курсом следовать, вам надо получить более полную информацию. You have a choice, you can go to University now or wait till next September. — У вас есть выбор: вы можете начать учиться в университете сейчас или подождать до следующего сентября. If I had a choice, I would work part time, but 1 just can’t afford to. — Если бы у меня был выбор, « бы работала неполную неделю, но сейчас я не могу себе этого позволить. On Wednesday afternoon the children have a choice between sports and art. — В среду вечером у детей есть выбор: они могут заниматься спортом или рисованием.

    5. to single out — выбирать, выделять, отбирать ( кого-либо из группы людей при внимательном обсуждении): Kate was often singled out for punishment. — Из всей группы наказывали чаще всего Катю. Whom would you single out as a most promising student of the year? — Кого вы выберете самым успешным студентом года?/Кого вы выдвинете, как самого успешного студента года? The reporter singled out Mr. Clark for special criticism. — Докладчик выбрал мистера Кларка в качестве объекта особой критики. Не was singled out to represent the school. — Его выбрали представлять школу. They singled him out as an example. — Его поставили в пример.

    6. to sort out — выбирать, разбирать, раскладывать (отделять одно от другого; выбрать нужное среди возможных вариантов; распределять что-либо или кого-либо по группам): Sort things out according to size. — Сортировать предметы по размеру. Can you sort out the unsigned letters? — Ты можешь отобрать письма, на которых нет подписи?/Ты можешь отобрать письма без подписи? Things will sort themselves out. — Все как-нибудь само собой образуется. The child was busy sorting out stamps. — Ребенок разбирал марки./Ребенок сортировал марки. I need to sort out the mess on my desk. — Мне надо разобраться у себя на письменном столе./Мне надо навести порядок у себя на письменном столе. I’ve managed to sort the newspapers out. — Мне, наконец, удалось разобрать газеты. Investigators are still trying to sort out why the accident happened. — Следователи все еще разбираются в причинах катастрофы/аварии. This matter could be sorted out if they sat down and talked. — Этот вопрос мог бы быть решен, если бы они начали переговоры./Выход из этого мог бы быть найден, если бы они сели за переговоры.

    7. to elect — выбирать, избирать (выбирать путем голосования кого-либо в качестве представителя какой-либо группы людей или организации): Every nation should have a right to elect their own government. — У каждой нации должно быть право избирать свое собственное правительство. The Council is elected by popular vote. — Совет избирается всенарод

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > возражать

  • 2
    один другого стоит

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > один другого стоит

  • 3

    НА ВЫБОР (чей) давать, предлагать и т. п.


    or nonagreeing


    ) allowing


    to select from two or more things: (give (offer)


    ) a choice
    (have (give


    , offer


    ) several things) to choose from (between)
    (have) one’s choice
    (take) whatever one would like

    бери любой


    В-355 — take any (whichever)


    you please (you’d like





    — = any (whichever)


    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-355

  • 4
    на выбор







    or nonagreeing






    to select from two or more things:

    (give (offer) s.o.) a choice;

    (have <give s.o., offer s.o.> several things) to choose from (between);

    ♦ [Альда:] Если б вы дали мне на выбор две одинаковых конфеты — я б не выбрала (Солженицын 11). [A.:] If you’d given me two identical pieces of candy to choose between-I wouldn’t have been able to choose (11a).

    ♦ «Ты человек проверенный… Член партии со стажем… И вообще мы тебя знаем… Будешь сопровождать… архив… Бери любой классный вагон на выбор» (Максимов 3). «You’ve proved yourself reliable…and you’re an old party member…And, well, we know you…you will go with the records…Take any passenger carriage you please» (3a).

    ♦ Сижу вот, пишу, на эти берёзы поглядываю. А надоест, куплю билет и поеду, куда захочу. Хоть в Америку, хоть в Италию… Любая страна на выбор (Войнович 1). I sit here and write, gazing out at those birches. If I get bored, I can buy a ticket and travel wherever I please. To the United States, to Italy…to any country I choose (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на выбор

  • 5



    sing only


    an extremely indecisive person who is unable to choose between two equally desirable options: Buridaris ass.

    The idiom derives from the name of Jean Buridan, a French philosopher of the 14th cent., who wrote not about an ass but about a dog who, although dying of hunger, could not choose between two equidistant piles of food.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > О-108

  • 6
    буриданов осел





    only; fixed




    an extremely indecisive person who is unable to choose between two equally desirable options:

    Buridanfe ass.


    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > буриданов осел

  • 7
    сделать выбор

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сделать выбор

  • 8
    делать выбор

    to make a choice; to decide between; to choose between

    The problem arises when you have to decide between several machines all designed to do the same type of job.

    I have already made my choice of the future profession.

    Дополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > делать выбор

  • 9
    сделать выбор

    to make a choice; to decide between; to choose between

    The problem arises when you have to decide between several machines all designed to do the same type of job.

    I have already made my choice of the future profession.

    Дополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > сделать выбор

  • 10
    мажоритарное голосование

    Предположим, что решение о выборе из трех альтернатив {x, y, z} вначале принимается посредством выбора из x и y мажоритарным голосованием, а затем вновь голосованием с целью выбора из победившей и третьей альтернативы. — Suppose that the decision among three alternatives {x, y, z} is made by first choosing between x and y by majority voting, and then voting again to choose between the winner and the third alternative.

    Например, в ситуации трех игроков любые два игрока из трех могут составить большинство и выбрать из набора общественных альтернатив. — For example, in a three-player situation, any two out of the three players can form a majority and select among a set of social alternatives.

    Требует, чтобы победитель получил более 50% голосов. — Simple majority voting requires that the winner receive more than 50 percent of the vote.

    Russian-English Dictionary «Microeconomics» > мажоритарное голосование

  • 11
    сделать выбор

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > сделать выбор

  • 12
    выберите что-нибудь одно

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > выберите что-нибудь одно

  • 13
    выбирать тут нечего

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > выбирать тут нечего

  • 14
    два сапога пара

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > два сапога пара

  • 15
    из одного теста сделаны

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > из одного теста сделаны

  • 16
    их друг от друга не отличишь

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > их друг от друга не отличишь

  • 17
    одного поля ягода

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > одного поля ягода

  • 18
    они похожи как две капли воды

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > они похожи как две капли воды

  • 19
    они похожи, как две капли воды

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > они похожи, как две капли воды

  • 20
    сделать выбор между смертью и бесчестьем

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сделать выбор между смертью и бесчестьем

  • choose between — перевод на русский

    Well, it looks like I’ll have to choose between being nice… and being able to read my correspondence.

    Что ж, похоже, мне придётся выбирать между шансом произвести впечатление и возможностью читать корреспонденцию.

    You pretend to love her and you force her to chose between her son and her daughter!

    Ты ее любишь и заставляешь выбирать между сыном и дочерью? !

    Then you force me to choose between my father and my king.

    Вы заставляете меня выбирать между отцом и королем.

    There is little to choose between Black John and Richard, yea and nay, if you are a Jew.

    Если выбирать между черным Джоном и Ричардом, тогда конечно.

    When she was a child… she had to choose between the streets and the river.

    В детстве ей пришлось выбирать между улицами и рекой.

    Показать ещё примеры для «выбирать между»…

    If I were a girl and had to choose between a young, good-for-nothing with plenty of hair, and a solid, mature citizen I’d pick Mathias Popkin every time.

    Будь я девушкой, которой надо выбрать между молодым никчемным парнем и солидным взрослым гражданином, я бы выбрал Матиаса Попкина.

    Well, there were little enough to choose between them.

    Ну, выбрать между ними было нелегко.

    He doesn’t have to choose between you and me but between the house and us.

    Он должен выбрать между домом и нами.

    Richard, if you had an extra ticket to the Knicks and you had to choose between a friend who smells and one who bruises you, who would you pick?

    Ричард, если бы у тебя был лишний билет на игру Никс и тебе надо было бы выбрать между другом, который пахнет и тем, кто дырявит тебя, кого бы ты выбрал?

    If you’re starting a law firm and could choose between a man and a woman….

    Если ты начинаешь свою юридическую фирму и можешь выбрать между мужчиной и женщиной… Давай же..

    Показать ещё примеры для «выбрать между»…

    A man has gotta choose between the bottle and the badge.

    У меня появился выбор между бутылкой и звездой.

    First, you will see how the learned Faust kept choosing between good and evil until he signed himself over to Mephistopheles in exchange for fame and power.

    Сперва вы увидите, как учёный Фауст делает выбор между добром и злом, после чего продаёт душу Мефистофелю в обмен на могущество и славу.

    And if you were able to choose between solitude and the past…

    Если бы… ты мог сделать выбор между прошлым и настоящим…

    You don’t want to choose between the leopard and the jackal.

    Не хотите сделать выбор между леопардом и шакалом.

    Homer, please don’t make me choose between my man and my god… because you just can’t win.

    Гомер, не заставляй меня делать выбор между мужем и Богом. Ты все равно проиграешь.

    Показать ещё примеры для «выбор между»…

    Zenta. Did you choose between middle school or career school?

    — Дзэнта, ты должен сделать выбор между средней школой и профессиональной.

    In the end, the jury must choose between the words of these 18-year-old girls and that of Sam Lombardo.

    Присяжные должны сделать выбор между их историями и Ломбардо.

    If they have to choose between love and a nice juicy sardine, they will choose the fish every time.

    Когда им надо сделать выбор между любовью и сочной сардиной, они всегда выбирают рыбу.

    I think you should just go and see Dan at work and get him to choose between you.

    Я думаю, вам надо заскочить к Дану на работу, и пусть он сделает выбор между вами.

    She has to choose between them.

    И ей нужно сделать этот выбор.

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    choose between (two people or things)

    To select one person or thing from two options. We will choose between the two best candidates for the job. I’m exhausted because I had to choose between sleep or finishing this paper last night.

    See also: between, choose, people

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    choose between two people or things

    to choose one from a selection of two persons or things in any combination. For dessert, you can choose between chocolate and vanilla ice cream. I am unable to choose between promoting John and hiring one of the others.

    See also: between, choose, people, thing, two

    McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

    See also:

    • choose between two people or things
    • choose from
    • choose from (people or things)
    • choose among
    • choose among (people or things)
    • choose sides
    • decide
    • decide against
    • decide against (someone or something)
    • decided

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


    In 1740 they could choose between military or civil service.

    В 1740 году дворянам было позволено выбирать между военной и гражданской службой.

    You basically have to choose between speed and grip.

    По существу, вам придется выбирать между скоростью скольжения и стабильным следом.

    Chris apologised for asking me to choose between him and dancing.

    Крис извинялся за то, что просишь меня выбрать между ним и танцует.

    Localities often must choose between function and cost.

    К тому же покупателям нередко приходится выбрать между функционалом и ценой.

    I’ve just had to choose between 2 jobs.

    Говоря попросту, я должен был выбирать между двумя видами обязанностей.

    Here, we can choose between two different perspectives.

    При этом мы имеем возможность выбирать между двумя различными точками зрения.

    You have to choose between speed and efficiency.

    Тот случай, когда надо выбирать между быстротой и эффективностью.

    They have to choose between buying medication or food.

    Им приходится выбирать между покупкой основных продуктов питания или лекарственных препаратов.

    Students can choose between short-term and long-term programs.

    Иностранные студенты могут выбирать между краткосрочными и долгосрочными программами обучения.

    I couldn’t choose between books and music.

    They choose between this two suiting their design.

    Они выбирают между этими двумя, подходящими для их дизайна.

    Choice applies whenever we choose between alternatives, with or without selfawareness.

    Выбор относится к любому случаю, когда мы выбираем между альтернативами с самоосознанием или без него.

    Consumers no longer have to choose between clean and cool.

    Теперь у пользователей не будет необходимости выбирать между прохладным или свежим воздухом.

    Thus, no ability to choose between different possibilities.

    Ясно, что без способности выбирать между различными возможностями творить нельзя.

    I find it unnecessary to choose between these theories.

    Со своей стороны, я не вижу необходимости выбирать между этими двумя теоретическими стратегиями.

    Guests can choose between several service packages.

    Важно, чтобы клиенты могли выбирать между несколькими пакетами услуг.

    You can choose between brush and brushless motors.

    Вы можете выбирать между проводными и беспроводными электрическими строгальными машинами.

    You can choose between electric and water-powered options.

    Например, вам могут посоветовать выбрать между водяным и электрическим.

    Advertisers can choose between pay-for-performance and display marketing.

    Рекламодатели могут выбирать между оплатой за результат и отобразить маркетинга.

    Children may choose between religious instruction and ethics.

    Родители обучающихся детей вправе выбирать между уроками этики и религии.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат choose between

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    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


    • #1

    If there are two options, we would say «choose between A and B». But what would you say if there are more than two? For example: «you have to choose between/among three books». Which preposition do you prefer? Or would you say it differently?

  • Tegs

    • #2

    You must

    choose between

    the three books.
    Well, it is not a difficult choice —


    them, there is only one that I like.



    • #4

    Or: If I have to choose one of those three books, I’ll chose that one ~ it’s the only one of them I like.


    • #5

    Hi Cecillio,

    This topic has been hotly and well debated in this thread:

    I, personally, share the opinion of river (post #18 in the thread); however, I don’t think a consensus was (or has been) reached.

    Thank you for the link. It is not exactly about the verb «choose» but it is closely related to the topic discussed here.

    From what I’ve read here I assume that saying «choose between three books» would be the better option.

    • #6

    If there are two options, we would say «choose between A and B». But what would you say if there are more than two? For example: «you have to choose between/among three books». Which preposition do you prefer? Or would you say it differently?

    I would indeed say it differently: «You have to choose one of these two/three/four/twenty books», which side-steps the problem.


    • #7

    Hello, Elwin:D


    • #8

    I would indeed say it differently: «You have to choose one of these two/three/four/twenty books», which side-steps the problem.

    That’s right, it sounds more natural in English.

    • #9

    The suggestion from some people here and in a lot of textbooks is that we use between when only two things are concerned and among when we are dealing with more than two things. I agree that this is quite a helpful rule for starters.

    However, I think the situation is more complicated than that, particularly when we are talking of choices.

    For instance, I wouldn’t say How did you choose among these ten fonts?, where the suggestion is that you are choosing one among the ten, I’d say How did you choose between these ten fonts? The first would sound strange to me, and I wouldn’t expect to be immediately understood.

    I get the impression that the second question (using between) seems to highlight the difference between the one I chose and the nine I rejected — between two things, acceptance and rejection. Can it really be that?

    Perhaps I’ve just become used to making a mistake.

    I know that people get round the problem by saying ‘How did you choose this one of the ten?’ but I regard that as avoiding the issue.


    • #10

    The suggestion from some people here and in a lot of textbooks is that we use between when only two things are concerned and among when we are dealing with more than two things. I agree that this is quite a helpful rule for starters.

    However, I think the situation is more complicated than that, particularly when we are talking of choices.

    For instance, I wouldn’t say How did you choose among these ten fonts?, where the suggestion is that you are choosing one among the ten, I’d say How did you choose between these ten fonts? The first would sound strange to me, and I wouldn’t expect to be immediately understood.

    I get the impression that the second question (using between) seems to highlight the difference between the one I chose and the nine I rejected — between two things, acceptance and rejection. Can it really be that?

    Perhaps I’ve just become used to making a mistake.

    I know that people get round the problem by saying ‘How did you choose this one of the ten?’ but I regard that as avoiding the issue.

    No, you have not been making a mistake :) «Choose between these ten fonts» is correct, and this is the reason why:

    Among: used for more than 2 (people etc)
    Between: used for two (people etc)

    However, between is also used when you are discussing the relationship between two or more people/things, or when you are talking about the


    of something.

    eg. Between = The money shall be divided between the two cousins.
    Among = The money shall be divided among his children.

    Between (relationship): The agreement between the NATO nations provides that an attack upon one nation will be viewed as an attack upon all of them.
    He chose between Harvard, Yale and Brown. (If referring to these as a group, you can also say «He chose among the Ivy League colleges»)

    Between (position): The bank is located between the motorway, the railway station and the river.

    Does this make things clearer? There are several articles on the web about this issue (that is where I got my information) — just type in «among or between» on google to get more detail.

    • #11

    eg. Between = The money shall be divided between the two cousins.

    Among = The money shall be divided among his children. Before a series of singular nouns we use ‘between’: The money will be divided between his mother, his sister and his brother.Before a plural noun both ‘between’ and ‘among’ can be used: The money is divided between/among all his children

    • #12

    I’m not sure one can’t say

    The money will be divided between his four children,

    which suggests a more even division than

    The money will be divided among his four children.


    • #13

    I’m sure that no-one imagines this is the first time among/between has been discussed in this forum, but just in case:

    … very common even <among, between> natives.
    … caged <among, between> four walls?
    Difference <among, between> A, B and C
    The money was shared <among, between, with> the four boys.
    Luxembourg lies <among, between> Belgium, Germany and France.
    … the invention of an untrue dispute <among, between> Joy and activists
    What is the difference <among, between> these three sentences?
    among us / between ourselves
    among you — between you
    Please help me understand this bartleby explanation for «between/among».
    among or between
    choose between/among three books
    Improved areas/Start — up firms/ among and between
    cooperation among / between
    «between» or «among»?
    among or between
    Inequality among/between
    choose between/among
    draw a distinction between / among something
    divide between or among
    between & among
    Between? (Among doesn’t work)
    choose ‘between’ English, French and Russian [among? of?]

    • #14

    Many of those threads are very slight, Panj. And one of them is this thread itself.

    Many don’t go beyond saying that if there are two things, you say between, and if there are more than two, you say among.


    • #15

    The experts do not agree. The usage note in the Random House Unabridged Dictionary repeats the old instruction mentioned by T.T. in post #14. The usage note from the AHD, copied in part below, states that this is bunk:

    Usage Note: According to a widely repeated but unjustified tradition, «between is used for two, and among for more than two.» It is true that between is the only choice when exactly two entities are specified: the choice between (not among) good and evil, the rivalry between (not among) Great Britain and France. When more than two entities are involved, however, or when the number of entities is unspecified, the choice of one or the other word depends on the intended sense.

    The entire usage note gives good examples in which either word may be used, with different meanings intended. Have a look:

    • #16

    Thank you for spotting that, Cuchu; it is very helpful, and seems to me mostly accurate.

    So among is wrong when there are only two entities.

    But between can be used in certain circumstances when there are more than two.

    I wasn’t entirely happy that the description of those circumstances was clear:

    Between also continues to be used, as it has been throughout its entire history, to express a relationship of persons or things considered individually, no matter how many: Tossing up coins between three people always takes a little working out. Between holding public office, teaching, and writing, she has little free time.

    Taking the example about coins, I think we could use both prepositions:

    1. Tossing up coins between three people always takes a little working out.
    2. Tossing up coins among three people always takes a little working out.

    What’s the difference between them?

    I’d say that in 1. the coins are being tossed by all three people, and each time one person tosses a coin it is against one of the others, in confrontation with him or her (perhaps this is what is meant by a relationship of persons considered individually).

    In 2. the three people are considered collectively, and the person tossing the coin is maybe walking amongst them as he does so — odd way of passing the time!

    Clearly the circumstances in which one might say 2. are extremely rare.


    • #17

    If I am a few light years from the thread topic, I’m sure a friendly mod will delete this and that is right and proper.

    Thomas, I read those sample sentences differently. I took them to mean that, for example, Thomas Tompion is the coin tosser/thrower, and the three people are Loob, ewie, and panj. Use between to highlight that there are three individuals reaching for the coins as they fall. Use among if TT tosses a coin up, watching it fall into the (singular, collective) mass of avaricious hands.

    This may be similar to your understanding. I’m not certain.

    • #18

    If I am a few light years from the thread topic, I’m sure a friendly mod will delete this and that is right and proper.

    Thomas, I read those sample sentences differently. I took them to mean that, for example, Thomas Tompion is the coin tosser/thrower, and the three people are Loob, ewie, and panj. Use between to highlight that there are three individuals reaching for the coins as they fall. Use among if TT tosses a coin up, watching it fall into the (singular, collective) mass of avaricious hands.

    This may be similar to your understanding. I’m not certain.

    I took it in a much more adversarial sense.

    Tossing coins between two people is easy, because one wins and the other loses.

    Between three people, you need a series of eliminating rounds: A v B, B v C, & A v C. Each person confronts each other person once, so they have two confrontations each: who wins if each of them wins one and loses one? I saw this as being the source of difficulty.

    If you toss the coins


    the people, I don’t see that this sort of confrontation is implied at all.

    • #19

    It has occurred to me overnight that Cuchu’s post has given us a much more plausible meaning than mine for tossing coins among the people — something the liberal rulers of history did, we are led to believe, from time to time.

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