Another word for but remember

but remember — перевод на русский

You may feel out of control, but remember, we are stronger than our damage.

Может казаться, что вы теряете над собой контроль, но помните, мы сильнее своей боли.

But remember, I warned you.

Но помните, я вас предупредила.

But remember that with strength goes responsibility, to others and yourselves.

Но помните, вместе с силой приходит ответственность за других и себя.

But remember… if a fortune-teller wants to stay in business… she must only tell her client what he really wants to hear.

Но помните, гадалке, чтобы сохранить клиентуру,.. …надо говорить лишь то, что хотят слышать.

But remember, you are not only one with temper. This king has temper too.

но помните, что у короля тоже свой нрав, не только у вас.

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Fine, but remember that I don’t take anybody back, not even with apologies.

Олтично, но запомни, назад я никого не беру, даже с извинениями.

But remember one thing: when I fall in love, it’s for life.

Но запомни: если я влюбился, то на всю жизнь.

But remember You have only one mother!

но запомни т тебя только одна мать!

But remember this.

Но запомни.

But remember me as the one who wrestled her fate at the end.

Но запомни меня как ту, что стояла до конца перед лицом судьбы.

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Yes, they’re a gift, but remember that nothing we say that you took the carts, only the stones.

Да, это подарок, но вспомни, что мы ни разу не обмолвились о телегах только о камнях.

But remember Catherine.

Но вспомни Катрин.

But remember the 5th commandment:

Но вспомни пятую заповедь:

Listen, I know you’re upset now, but remember why you left Maris in the first place.

Слушай, я понимаю, что ты расстроен, но вспомни почему ты ушёл от Марис.

But remember how you felt when you started school?

Но вспомни, как ты боялась идти в школу?

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But remember, you placed that ad in order to read.

Но не забывай, что ты дала это объявление,.. …чтобы заниматься чтением.

You can go to sleep at my place, but remember to clean it up.

Ты можешь жить у меня дома, но не забывай убираться.

But remember, the replicators do not care about time as we do.

Но не забывай, что репликаторов не волнует время, как нас.

But remember who the star is.

Но не забывай, кто из нас звезда.

Yeah, but remember what we’re gonna be drinking.

Ага, но не забывай что нам прийдется пить.

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Do what you want. But remember: being too extravagant isn’t good.

Как хочешь, но учти, что не стоит казаться излишне экстравагантной.

But remember this, Harry.

Но учти, Гарри.

All right, Giselle, but remember, you asked.

Ладно, Жизель, но учти, ты сама просила.

But remember, they’ll say anything to make you doubt yourself.

Но учти: они будут стараться посеять в тебе сомнения.

But remember, the scarlet flower has never made anyone happy.

Но учтите, аленький цветочек еще никому не приносил счастья.

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We love e-commerce but remember to be safe then have some fun.

Мы любим электронной коммерции, но помните, чтобы быть безопасным, а затем повеселиться.

Take advice but remember what you need and want.

Выслушивайте советы, но помните, что именно вам требуется, и чего хотите вы сами.

Be strong, but remember that the strength is in truth.

Будь сильным, но помни, что сила в правде.

The saint said, I can come back, but remember, you will become sad again.

Святой сказал: «Я могу вернуться, но помни, ты снова станешь печальным.

Think big, but remember everything starts out small.

Стремитесь к этому, но не забывайте, что все начинается с малого.

Try to use related keyword, term, and phrase variations throughout the page, but remember to keep it natural.

Попробуйте использовать связанные варианты ключевых слов, терминов и фраз по всей странице, но не забывайте, чтобы это было естественно.

You can use sarcasm, but remember that this may embarrass the borrower and damage your relationship.

Вы можете использовать сарказм, но помните, что это может смутить заемщика и повредить ваши отношения.

Vehicles are important for many, but remember that they can quickly turn into a discretionary purchase.

Транспортные средства важны для многих, но помните, что они могут быстро превратиться в дискреционную покупку.

Use online loans, but remember that you need to return them just like usual ones, otherwise there will be serious problems.

Пользуйтесь онлайн кредитами, но помните, что возвращать их нужно так же как и обычные, иначе появятся серьезные проблемы.

It may seem as if nothing is changing, but remember that consciousness is the substance of form.

Может казаться, будто ничто не меняется, но помните, что сознание — сущность формы.

Initiatives will be rewarded, but remember that the dynamic will decline somewhat towards the end of the month.

Инициативы вознаградятся, но помните о том, что динамика будет несколько снижаться к концу месяца.

Industrial electronics is a large family indeed, but remember it is different than entertainment and consumer electronics.

Промышленная электроника действительно большая семья, но помните, что она отличается от развлекательной и бытовой электроники.

There are several ways to have more friends, but remember that it does take time.

Есть несколько способов иметь больше друзей, но помните, что это требует времени.

It may seem hypothetical but remember it is not just about you as a driver.

Это может показаться гипотетическим, но помните, что это не просто о вас, как водителя.

One of you made my transplant possible, but remember, your attitude may save many others in need.

Один из вас сделал мою пересадку возможной, но помните, что ваше отношение может спасти многих других нуждающихся.

It may be your wallet but remember it’s her ring.

Это может быть ваш кошелек, но помните, что это ее кольцо.

This is your choice, but remember that humanity is switching to pure energy.

Это ваш выбор, но помните, что человечество переходит на чистую энергию.

You might disagree and fight over an array of issues but remember that it is normal to do so.

Вы можете не соглашаться и бороться за массу вопросов, но помните, что это нормально.

The more skills you develop the easier it will be to generate an income, but remember that this also requires time.

Чем больше навыков вы развиваете, тем легче вам будет получать доход, но помните, что это также требует времени.

The drip system does not work on lawn; but remember, there is no lawn in green construction.

Капельная система не работает на газоне; но помните, что в зеленом строительстве нет газона.

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Но запомни, тебе можно есть лишь часть конфет в день.

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Neither will I. But remember how you fell when you started school?

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the more expensive it will be to increase!


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To write, but remember that Record goes according to the accord.


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Писать- то пиши, но помни, что Запись идет по созвучию.


Nope, but remember«she» only got a slight profile view of the man.

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Неа, но вспомни, она едва рассмотрела профиль того мужчины.

But remember, human, that everything you promise in your petition before God, do fulfil!


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Но помни, человек, что обещаешь перед Богом в прошении своем,- исполняй!


But remember that excessive alcohol consumption can damage your health.


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Но не забывайте, что чрезмерное употребление алкоголя может нанести вред Вашему здоровью.


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Strive to fulfill all tasks, but remember, that in practice it is unrealistic.


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Стремись выполнить все задания, но помни, что на практике это нереально.


But remember the people ofHighbury are quite… unsophisticated.

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But remember that article I told you about? Naming kids after famous people?

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Но помнишь ту статью, где говорилось об именах в честь известных людей?

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But remember, if you answer wrong you lose everything, just like this.

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Но запомни, если ты отвечаешь неправильно ты проиграешь все, вот так.

But remember how hard it was for mom while dad was deployed?

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Но вспомни, как было тяжело маме, когда отца передислоцировали?

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But remember to pick up the Gripz packets on your way to share with your friends!


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Но не забывайте по дороге собирать бонусы Gripz, чтобы потом поделиться с друзьями!


Fine, but remember that I don’t take anybody back, not even with apologies.

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Олтично, но запомни, назад я никого не беру, даже с извинениями.

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Но запомни, брат мой, есть в этом предначертанье свыше.

My lord, but remember your promise. The Ursulines convent and all Chaillot revenues.

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Герцог, но не забудьте, Вы обещали мне монастырь Урсулинок и бенефиций в Шайо.

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remembrance, remembered, rememberer

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Photo search results for Remember

Person Holding A Book White Rose From below crop anonymous female photographer holding vintage photo camera with blooms against sky Shelf with nature picture put in black frame and lush potted houseplant in light room Ethnic woman in traditional outfit praying on cemetery Inscription about head games on wall

Image search results for Remember

books, pages, story notebook, diary, leave post it notes, desk, clutter analogue, archive, art notebook, paper, writing board, school, teaching

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Synonyms for Remember. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from

Synonyms for Remember. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Remember. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023.

Another word for Remember, What is another word Remember

Word; Remember

Meaning; recall, recollect, call to mind, call up

Another Words For Remember

  • recall
  • recollect
  • call to mind
  • call up
  • recapture
  • mention
  • think
  • memorialize
  • celebrate
  • make mention of
  • think of
  • consider
  • imagine
  • contemplate
  • keep in mind
  • bear in mind
  • store up

Here are 800 Another Words List;

Another Words List – A
abandon – desert
abbreviate – shorten
ability – aptitude
able – qualified
above – overhead
abundant – ample
accurate – correct
achieve – accomplish
adjourn – recess
advocate – support
after – following
afraid – scared
aggressive – militant
aid – assist
always – forever
amateur – novice
ambitious – driven
antagonize – embitter
apparent – obvious,evident
approve – ratify,endorse
arrive – come
arrogant – stuck-up
awful – atrocious
awkward – clumsy

Another Words List – B
ban – prohibit
barren – unproductive
bashful – shy
beautiful – pretty,
before – prior
beginning – start
blend – mix
bottom – base
brave – heroic
break – burst
brief – short
broad – wide,expansive
busy – active
buy – purchase

Another Words List – C
calm – quiet
capture – arrest
care – concern
careful – watchful
cease – stop,
certain – positive
charming – enchanting
chilly – cool
chubby – plump
comical – amusing
complex – complicated
competent – capable
comprehend – grasp
complete – conclude
complex – intricate
compress – crush
concrete – real
concur – agree
condemn – ,denounce
condense – compress
confess – admit
confine – contain
conflict – oppose
conflict – fight
conform – comply
confuse – muddle
congested – overcrowded
connect – join
conscientious – scrupulous
conscious – aware
consecutive – successive
conservative – cautious
considerate – thoughtful
constantly – always
contaminate – pollute
contented – satisfied
continue – persevere
convalesce – heal
convenient – handy
cozy – comfortable
cranky – irritable
crazy – daft
cruel – mean
cry – sob

Another Words List – D
dally – linger
damage – hurt
dangerous – perilous
daring – bold
dark – dismal
dawn – daybreak
dead – lifeless
decay – rot
deduct – subtract
defend – protect
defy – resist
delicate – fragile
demolish – destroy
denounce – blame
dense – thick
depart – leave,exit
detach – separate
deter – hinder,prevent
determined – sure
die – expire,perish
different – distinct
difficult – hard
dilute – weaken
drab – dull
drastic – severe
dreadful – terrible
dry – arid,parched
dubious – doubtful
dull – blunt
dumb – dense

Another Words List – E
early – beforetime
easy – simple
eccentric – unusual
ecstasy – elation
empty – unload
encourage – urge
enemy – opponent
enjoy – like
enlarge – expand
evident – apparent
evil – bad
exceptional – outstanding
excite – arouse,
exhilarated – elated
explicit – exact
exquisite – delightful
exterior – outside
extravagant – luxurious

Another Words List – F
fabulous – marvelous
face – confront
fair – honest
fake – artificial
false – incorrect
fancy – ornate
fantastic – outrageous
fast – rapid
fat – chubby
fatal – deadly
fatigue – tire
feasible – possible
feeble – weak
ferocious – fierce
fertile – fruitful
fiction – fantasy
fill – load
fix – mend
follow – succeed
forbid – prohibit
forgive – pardon
former – previous
fraction – part
frank – candid
frenzy – fury
fresh – unused
friend – comrade
frigid – freezing
frivolous – trivial
front – fore
full – packed
furious – enraged
future – coming

Another Words List – G
gain – acquire
gallant – chivalrous
gather – accumulate
gaudy – showy
gaunt – scrawny
generous – giving
gentle – mild
genuine – authentic
gigantic – immense
give – donate,present
glad – happy
gloomy – dark
glorious – splendid,
good – nice
gratitude – thankfulness
great – outstanding

Another Words List – H
handy – useful
hard – firm
hate – loathe
help – aid
high – lofty
hold – grip
honest – sincere
hospitable – welcoming
hostile – antagonistic
huge – vast
humble – modest
humiliate – embarrass

Another Words List – I
identical – alike
idle – inactive
ignorant – uninformed
immaculate – pure
immature – inexperienced
immune – resistant
impartial – neutral
impatient – eager
imperative – mandatory
imperfect – marred
impetuous – impulsive
important – significant
independent – self-reliant
inferior – lesser
infuriate – enrage
intermittent – sporadic
internal – inner

Another Words List – J,K,L
jolly – merry
jubilant – overjoyed
keep – save
kind – considerate
lament – mourn
large – big
last – final
least – fewest
legible – readable
lenient – lax
listless – lethargic
logical – sensible
long – lengthy
loose – slack,limp
lure – attract
luxurious – extravagant

Another Words List – M
magnify – expand
mandatory – required
maneuver – manipulate
maximum – greatest
meager – scanty
mean – unkind
mediocre – fair
mend – repair
migrant – drifting
militant – combative
minor – lesser
mirth – merriment
mischievous – naughty
misfortune – hardship
mobile – moveable
moderate – temperate
momentous – important
monotonous – boring
moral – righteous
morbid – ghastly
morose – moody
mourn – lament
mysterious – occult

Another Words List – N
naughty – wrong
neat – clean
negligent – derelict
nervous – flustered
neutral – impartial
new – unused
nice – pleasing
nonchalant – indifferent
normal – ordinary
numerous – abundant

Another Words List – O
obey – mind
oblivious – dazed
obnoxious – abominable
observe – examine
obsolete – dated
obstinate – stubborn
odd – peculiar
offend – displease
ominous – menacing
opaque – obscure
open – begin
opponent – rival
optimistic – confident
optional – elective
ordinary – average
outrageous – shocking
outstanding – distinguished

Another Words List – P
painstaking – precise
passive – compliant
past – former
patience – tolerance
peculiar – weird
perfect – flawless
permanent – enduring
perpetual – eternal
persuade – convince
plausible – believable
plentiful – ample
pliable – supple
polite – gracious
poor – destitute
portion – part
possible – conceivable
precarious – dangerous
precious – cherished
prejudiced – opinionated
premature – early,hasty
premeditated – intended
preserve – uphold
pretty – lovely
prevalent – widespread
prevent – prohibit
probable – liable
proficient – adept
profit – gain
prohibit – forbid
prominent – eminent
prompt – punctual
prosperous – successful
proud – elated
push – shove,propel

Another Words List – Q,R
qualified – competent
question – interrogate
quiet – silent
quit – cease
racket – noise
radiant – luminous
raise – hoist
ratify – approve
rational – logical
ravage – devastate
raze – destroy
recreation – amusement
reduce – decrease
refute – contradict
regular – routine
regulate – oversee
relevant – pertinent
reluctant – unwilling
remote – secluded
repulsive – hideous
resist – oppose
retaliate – avenge
reveal – disclose
risky – hazardous
rowdy – boisterous
rude – impolite

Another Words List – S
sad – unhappy
same – alike
savage – uncivilized
save – preserve
scarce – scanty
scrawny – skinny
seize – apprehend
separate – divide
serene – peaceful
serious – grave
shrewd – cunning
shy – timid
sick – ailing
slim – thin
sluggish – listless
small – little
smooth – slick
sociable – friendly
sorrow – woe
special – exceptional
spontaneous – instinctive
stable – steady
stationary – fixed
stimulate – motivate
stop – quit
strenuous – vigorous
strict – stringent
strong – powerful
stupid – unintelligent
subsequent – following
successful – thriving
sufficient – ample
superb – magnificent
suppress – restrain
surplus – excess
swift – fast,speedy,hasty
synthetic – artificial

Another Words List – T
tall – high
tangible – concrete
taut – tense,tight,stiff
tender – delicate
terrible – dreadful
thaw – melt,defrost
thrifty – economical
thrive – prosper
total – whole,entire
trivial – insignificant
turbulent – tumultuous
turmoil – commotion

Another Words List – U,V
unbiased – impartial
upset – perturb,ruffle
urgent – crucial
vacant – unoccupied
vague – unclear
valiant – courageous
vibrate – quiver,tremble
vicious – malicious
victory – triumph,win
virtuous – righteous
vulgar – offensive,uncouth

Another Words List – W
wealth – riches,prosperity
weary – tired,fatigued
wholehearted – earnest
wild – uncivilized
win – triumph,prevail
wise – knowing,smart
wonderful – marvelous
worn – used
wrong – mistaken

Another Words List – Y,Z
yield – produce
zenith – peak,pinnacle

Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

Use of

In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the synonyms for remember. These synonyms for the word remember are provided for your information only.

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How is the word remember distinct from other similar verbs?

Some common synonyms of remember are recall, recollect, remind, and reminisce. While all these words mean «to bring an image or idea from the past into the mind,» remember implies a keeping in memory that may be effortless or unwilled.

remembers that day as though it were yesterday

When would recall be a good substitute for remember?

The synonyms recall and remember are sometimes interchangeable, but recall suggests an effort to bring back to mind and often to re-create in speech.

can’t recall the words of the song

When can recollect be used instead of remember?

The words recollect and remember can be used in similar contexts, but recollect implies a bringing back to mind what is lost or scattered.

as near as I can recollect

When could remind be used to replace remember?

Although the words remind and remember have much in common, remind suggests a jogging of one’s memory by an association or similarity.

that reminds me of a story

In what contexts can reminisce take the place of remember?

While in some cases nearly identical to remember, reminisce implies a casual often nostalgic recalling of experiences long past and gone.

old college friends like to reminisce

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